#but Gonta ain’t doing too hot for this au
spittyfishy · 11 months
Can we give Gonta hug?
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flydotnet · 6 years
Surprise Meeting with Fate (and Your Eyes) - Chapter 2: Building Trust
Previous chapter/Original post
Fandom: Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (Non-Despair AU) Pairs: Kaede/Shuichi, Maki/Kaito, Gonta/Kirumi, Tenko/Himiko
Chapter summary: Shuichi's more tired than he thought, his roommate doesn't want him to work even more and Kaede is still in the picture, because as Kaito says: he can't hear him over the sound of his blooming romance. Bromance and a friend outing to the doctor's are part of Shuichi's second day as a soulmate who found his match.
Chapter notes: HELLO YES I DIDNT PLAN ON MAKING THIS A FULL-ON FIC BUT HERE WE GO ANYWAY Seriously, I just couldn't let such an idea go to waste! People seem to have appreciated this one a lot, and I liked it a lot too, so I jumped the shark and went for it. I hope you'll bear with me as I attempt to introduce more characters and pairings than I did in SymCac.
AO3 version available here. (which I strongly advise for since Tumblr’s formatting is garbage)
To be honest, when he woke up that morning, Shuichi had forgotten about two things: the name of his soulmate written on his wrist, and that he had made a fool of himself in front of his roommate.
The weirdest for Shuichi was to think he didn’t need to be weary of who his soulmate was anymore. There was no more avoiding other people’s gaze to avoid getting a name written in golden letters on his wrist. All there was anymore, was to find how to deal with it in the company of his soulmate herself, the ever-so-pretty Kaede Akamatsu.
And what a soulmate she was. They were different in every single aspect he could have thought of: she was an extravert, beautiful, charming, popular and brave; he was an introvert, shy, plain-looking, lonely and cowardly. She was shining, he was buried in his own shadows. There was no way they were any compatible, yet there they were, somehow soulmates.
Of course, Kaito had gotten hold of the information easily. It started with how Shuichi had replied to a text message from the astronaut trainee: “I’m with a client, but it looks more like a date than anything else”. It had picked Kaito’s curiosity: Shuichi Saihara, speaking about a date? It meant he was both outside and with someone else his best friend didn’t know about. It was interesting, fascinating, exciting to uncover.
One thing was for sure: Kaito hadn’t missed the most embarrassing part of the day. Kaede had accompanied Shuichi to his place on the way back from the “date”, mostly because his fever had risen again from the surprise overexertion he had wanted to avoid. At first, he had refused, but she had kept insisting and he had eventually given in to her pleas and to how bad he felt after a while of walking around and make small talk with a girl way out of his league.
It would had been humiliating enough, would had Kaito not stepped on Kaede taking care of his roommate in bed. Sure, Kaito had seen Shuichi in many embarrassing situations, from delirious and calling for his uncle to ugly tears of frustration at grades, but there had never been such a thing between the two of them.
And that was more than enough for Shuichi to barely be able to look at his own roommate as they were eating breakfast.
“Hey, bro…” Kaito broke the ice starting to freeze the table as he dipped his slice of bread in his hot chocolate.
“What…? You’re going to tease me again…?”
“No, I know yesterday bothered you and all, so… I wanted to ask you if you were okay.”
Shuichi rose his eyes, puzzled.
“Just that? Then… I guess I’m fine, I’m just… weirded out by everything, lately…”
Kaito put a hand under his friend’s bangs, inspecting his temperature closely by then putting his on his own forehead.
“That girl was right, you’re still warm, Shuichi. You overworked yourself again on a case? I thought we had made a point, yesterday.”
“Nah, I think it’s just a leftover of me being sick yesterday… You don’t need to skip classes for me over it, Kaito…”
“It’s like you can read minds, bro! Seriously, you should take the day off, you look like crap man.”
“Thank you for the compliment…”
Shuichi’s nose dived right into his coffee before he knew it. He heard his roommate sigh.
“C’mon, let’s bring you back to bed, this ain’t gonna work…”
And once again, before he was even conscious of it, he was getting dragged to his room and to his bed. By chance, he had forgotten to get dressed, so he was still in his pyjamas anyway.
“You’re stubborn as hell, man…” Kaito said in another sigh. “If only you knew how to stay in bed as well as you knew your English literature, everything’d be better for everyone involved.”
“You have class soon, Kaito, you should be going instead of staying here…”
“Yeah, I know that,” he got his phone out, “that’s why I’m calling you someone!”
His face was probably already pale from the natural tint of barely going outside, but Shuichi felt himself get even paler.
“W-what someone…? Maki?”
Which implied he was going to get a very bad time for being crap at taking care of himself.
Which implied he was going to be bombarded with questions about his self-care or be met with an awkward silence.
Which implied he was going to get smothered in strong hugs and weird natural remedies nobody else but Himiko, Kirumi or him would trust in.
“My uncle?”
Which implied he was going to be forced to take an actual day off and get a paternal scolding with it.
Kaito scoffed in amusement.
“Naaah,” he replied as he picked a pink sticky note from the bedside table, “I’m calling that girl from yesterday. She seemed adamant to know you more!”
Oh no. That implied even worse things for him.
“Don’t do that!! Kaede has so much more stuff to worry about than me…!”
He coughed, to which Kaito handed him a bunch of pills and a glass of water.
“Take your medicine before you talk about your well-being, bro. I hate reversing the roles, y’know.”
Shuichi took the medicine and glass with a slight smile, a soft “thank you” and took the pills. He had, also, forgotten about his asthma. Moments later, he saw his best friend type down the number on the sticky note Kaede had left there the day before “so he wouldn’t forget to call her back and give her his number” right before he had fallen asleep.
“Hello? It’s Shuichi’s best friend, Kaito Momota! We’ve seen each other yesterday after you brought my bro home.”
He nodded before smiling wildly.
“Yeah, I’m doing great! But I have to leave for my training soon, could you take care of Shuichi for me today? He’s still tired and sick, and I’m scared he’s going to go to work-and-or-class anyway if I leave him alone. I can repay you the favour another day!”
He showed an even wider grin after a minute or so.
“You really can?! Thank you so much!! I’ll slip the flat’s door key under the rug, okay? If you really can’t, ring the bell, Shuichi’ll come to open to you. Thanks again, Kaede! You’re saving us big trouble there!”
Kaito hung up and looked at his flatmate.
“Heard that? Your girlfriend’s gonna come here to take care of you for the day!”
“Kaito… Kaede isn’t my girlfriend, and I’ve already told you, she’s a busy pianist who has other stuff to do than taking care of than me…”
“Sorry, bro, can’t hear you over the sound of your blooming romance! I’ll be going now, don’t wanna be late to my training y’know! Plus my cab’s already here, and I can’t let my Maki Roll wait for me! See ya tonight, take care!”
With that, Shuichi heard the entrance door to the flat slam behind his best friend, and that was it. How was he supposed to go to work if Kaede was to come here? He hadn’t even warned his uncle’s office about taking a day off, same for his professors! It wasn’t too late, he figured, as he just laid back in bed again.
He took his own phone, turned it on and dialled the necessary numbers. What a chore, especially since he hated phoning people, but also lacked the motivation to write them emails they wouldn’t read in time anyway.
“Hello? Ah, Uncle Shinichi, it’s… It’s Shuichi…” He gulped. “How do you know I’m sick…? I haven’t gone to the doctor yet…! Huh, my voice? I guess it’s weak today… I’m sorry, I don’t think I can come to work with my roommate keeping an eye on me… It’s fine with you? Thanks, Uncle… I’ll do… Have a nice day…”
“Hello, sir? It’s Shuichi Saihara, in second year in the Literature and Human Sciences course… It’s to inform you I won’t be here today… I know, I have a presentation due on tomorrow, I’ll be there… Oh, don’t worry sir, I’m just sick, I should be fine by tomorrow… No, I’ve not gone to a doctor yet… I’ll do, sir… Have a good day, sir…”
A sigh of relief exited his lips. It seemed like it was okay for him to be missing for a day, even if it bothered him to no end. What was he supposed to do on a Tuesday when he had nothing to do but look at the ceiling? Maybe he should get dressed and go to a doctor, that could be useful…
As he got dressed and made his way to the living room-kitchen hybrid he shared with Kaito to recover some stuff to go, he came right by a now familiar face and her bright, charming, spell-casting smile. Goddammit. His legs felt like jelly, probably from his lingering fever.
He couldn’t help but look at what she was wearing. A dusky pink coat, wool leggings and heeled boots with laces tied in a knot at their top. She looked, as always when it came to her it seemed, lovely. Her hair was tied in a ponytail, hidden behind her back, buried under a beanie with a pompom on top of it. Why was he even studying her outfit when he couldn’t have cared less about Kaito’s extravagant shirts, stellar jackets and galaxy-printed boxers?
Kaede let out a small “oh” of surprise when she turned back from locking the door, before beaming him another magical smile.
“Hello, Shuichi! How are you?”
“Ah, huh, hello Kaede… I’m… fine, I guess…”
“Your roommate called me, telling me you were still sick… You were planning to go somewhere?”
“To the doctor, actually. I’ll need a medical certificate if I want to justify skipping class today…”
She took off her gloves, walked up to him and put her own palm on his forehead, just as he put on his coat.
“He was right, you’re still warm. Let’s get you to a doctor, okay? My car’s parked in front of the building. It won’t take us more than a few minutes to get to one.”
He just nodded, because he was getting a bit dizzy. Once he had made sure to get all the stuff he needed, he went downstairs with her, waving a tiny hello to Rantaro who was making his way to college.
Once in her car, Shuichi noticed a few things, and that despite his daze. The outside wasn’t pink: in fact, it was white, so it was discreet, fortunately so. The interior was black, slim, decorated with clef-shaped and note-alike items.
“Welcome to my little car!” Kaede greeted him to the passenger seat. “Do you mind if I put on some music? I like to have some background noise while I drive, and I won’t force you to chat with me if you’re sick.”
“I don’t mind…”
She turned on the car and started driving off.
They were, barely moments after that, at the nearest doctor’s office. The waiting room wasn’t too busy, but there were still a few people before them, including a grandmother who accompanied her ill, crying grandson and an expecting couple, probably there for a small check-up or, rather, for the ill-looking husband who still had something in the corner of his mouth.
There was something weird with doctor offices, and it was how you felt sicker when you waited for them. At first, Shuichi thought it would be a good occasion to finish reading the novel he had started and which he had forgotten in his overcoat’s pocket. However, he quickly realized he felt drowsy and had trouble focusing on anything, so he slipped the book in his pocket again and made a mental note to read it later.
Kaede softly called for him, looking at him with soft eyes, when he noticed he was lulling on her shoulder. He jumped back into a proper position, embarrassed.
“S-sorry for that…! I didn’t realize I was starting to fall sleep…”
“It’s fine. You look tired, so I don’t mind you sleeping on my shoulder if it’s more comfortable than the seat. It’s our turn soon, that’s why I was calling for you.”
“Oh, okay… Thanks for telling me, I’ll try staying awake until we’re called…”
Minutes later, they were both called into the doctor’s actual office. That was when his senses started to get a bit foggy from the fatigue. He didn’t even wonder about what use what he was getting asked to do could possibly serve towards a diagnosis of his condition.
The doctor excused himself for separating Shuichi from Kaede, bringing him in the nearby examination room. It did a perfect job at looking as such: white walls, tools, smell of disinfectant products, examination table. He sat down on the latter upon being prompted to do so.
“Mr Saihara, please open take off your shirt so I can start examining you.”
It’s with a bit of shyness and a will not to unveil too much that he started unbuttoning his shirt, eventually taking it off. He hoped Kaede wasn’t peeking: he was slender at best and scrawny at worst. Wait, why would he think she was even attracted to him to begin with? He was nothing but a stick. She couldn’t be a pervert either, so there was no point in being afraid of that. Huh. That sure was weird.
Tongue checking, ear checking, heartbeats, breathing cycles, coughing, eye checking, temperature… It got weirder when the doctor requested to take his measurements after allowing him to put on his shirt again: weight, height, basic information from his medical files. He still shrugged it off: maybe it was needed for medicine doses.
Once all of this was done, the doctor invited him to go back to the main room, where Kaede had patiently waited for him. He wanted to tell her she shouldn’t have waited for him, that it wasn’t much, but he was still happy to see she was still there, for some reason. Moreover, she still had a slight, soft smile to give him that never failed to warm him up, even if they had known each other for two days.
He’d have to investigate why she had such a strong impact on him. The last time it had happened, he had just met Kaito, in high school, when the latter invited himself to his table at lunch because “you shouldn’t be eating alone, man, even if I don’t know you”.
Was that what it meant to have a soulmate?
“Mr Saihara,” the doctor called him back to reality, “I need to ask you a few questions before I can make a sure diagnosis. Would you mind answering them?”
“Not at all…”
He felt a bit dizzy again but prevented his head from falling onto Kaede’s shoulder right next to it.
“Have you slept much, lately?”
“Huh… Not really…? I’ve been busy with work and college, so I probably neglected my sleep…”
“Have you kept an eye on your alimentation?”
“Made sure to eat at least breakfast, lunch and dinner… Classic student stuff, noodles, some junk food here and there, but I try to limit that, so I usually eat rice for dinner anyway…”
Kaede’s eyes were a bit stern on him.
“Shuichi…” she whispered, seemingly upset.
The doctor wrote down some of the answers he gave out, until he went through them all again.
“Mr Saihara,” he told them both, “you have a rather bad case of overwork and general fatigue due to an important workload and a lack of sleep. You mostly need some rest and to take care of your life habits and it should be fine in a few days. I will also give you some antipyretics, since according to your medical information you have fevers easily.”
Kaede’s eyes locked onto his again, this time displaying pity. Oh, joy.
“Here is the list of medicine you will need,” the doctor continued as he gave Kaede a freshly printed out piece of paper. “Any question?”
“Yeah, huh… How long am I off work…? I doubt rest includes working or attending class…”
“You are right, Mr Saihara. I have given you a week off from both work and class, since I have heard from Ms Akamatsu that you were still a student.”
“Oh, great… Just great…” Shuichi whispered under his breath.
Once they were out of the doctor’s office, the bill paid, Kaede offered to go back to the car and go to the pharmacy to get the medicine from the list. Once in her car again, the silence from the way there got broken by anything but her radio playing classical music.
“Shuichi,” she asked him, glancing at him with worry on her face, “is everything all right? You look sad.”
“What makes you think I’m sad…?”
“I wouldn’t know how to describe it, but… You look like you’re really bothered by something. Is it just me?”
“No, you’re right, I’m really bothered by something… I called in for the day, but I promised my History prof I’d be there for my presentation tomorrow, but doctor’s order says I’m off for an entire week… I don’t want to cancel it…”
“Aw, you’re worried for your oral… I’m sure your prof will understand, Shuichi. You’re a good student. At least that’s what Kaito told me yesterday when he told me a bit about you.”
“Oh, so you talked with Kaito about me…”
“Yeah! He told me you were a very good guy, who loved literature and who put others before himself! You know, as scary as this soulmate thing is, I’m really glad and relieved it’s with you I get to share it… I don’t know why, but I just feel better when I’m around you.”
“Same here… It’s just better when you’re around, for some reason…”
She accelerated as soon as she noticed he was curling on himself for warmth. She also insisted on getting his medicine for him, but he still went with her because he really didn’t want her to pay for him when they were nothing more than freshly friends. Quickly after, they were back to his flat, him in the sofa, her by his side, carefully reading the instructions the doctor had given out and inspecting the medicine.
“Sheesh, Shuichi, you need to take care of yourself!” She scolded him as she prepared him a glass of water for the pills. “You have to eat correctly and sleep long enough! I’m sure Kaito tells you that a lot, but that proves you really need to do so instead of just saying you’ll do that later! Your health is very important!”
“I’ll… I’ll try paying it more attention… I’ve been busy lately…”
Yet, even when she was angry at him, Kaede shined him a bright and comforting smile.
“You’re such a hard worker, Shuichi… I’ve seen your room when I went to fetch you a sheet,” sheet she then proceeded to put on his legs, “and it’s a mess of books and case files. I may call a friend over so she can help us fix this, but for now, you’re ordered to rest!”
She patted his shoulder.
“I’ll make you a small something, please wait for me here. If you need anything, just call me!”
When Kaede came back, barely minutes later, she had a small cup of steaming milk in her hands.
“Here you go! It’s still a bit hot, but my mom always made honey milk for my sis and me when we were sick or tired. I thought it could be good to give you a cup too!”
“That’s very kind of you, Kaede… Thank you very much…”
Shuichi folded his legs back to his torso as he blew some of the steam off the cup, before taking a sip of it.
He could get used to this soulmate thing, if it meant feeling good when he’d usually feel miserable.
Fear not, the other ships will arrive later. (especially Makaito, believe me)
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