#buonasera signorina
in-publico-analog · 2 years
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So quintessentially Italian summer vibes - not the colours, the scene. But perhaps the colours of this weird lomo film too.
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silviettastreghetta · 2 months
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"Buonasera signorina..."😏❤️
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honeyynymphh · 1 year
I had a thought for a fic and bc I love ur writing…
copia x mile high club
first of all, thank you so much!! mile high club certainly is not something I would have ever thought of but it did give me an idea so here it is! Inflight Meal Papa IV x FemReader rating: E words: 2600 tags: dom copia, cunnilingus, sex, fucking on the job, drinking on the job, dirty talk, cheesy af, there is no resemblence to canon like anywhere in this story lmao AO3
summary: as an air hostess you are used to strange people, especially when they have their own private jet. but this was definitely the strangest one.
also Copia still has his moustache because I said so! I know nothing about flying, this is pretty silly and it is not checked so sorry for any mistakes!
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Straightening your skirt you stand waiting for the passengers to board the plane. Last minute you’d been called in to help on an overnight flight to Italy by Jack—the usual pilot you flew with. Apparently, some priest was travelling back to his hometown for an important ceremony and his crew were short a few staff members. You would have refused at such a late request, especially as you had to wear a completely different uniform. It wasn’t the airlines—apparently the priest had insisted all the crew fit in with the rest of his staff.
What an arrogant prick. 
But the money had been way above the norm and you rarely were asked to do private flights. And the uniform was not much different than your usual skirt and jacket. Except it was cerulean blue with little embroidered golden details—and a strange inverted crucifix emblazoned on the chest. You were just grateful it wasn’t a nun's habit.
You heard the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs to board and straightened your back, plastering on the practised smile. Many a jerk you’ve had to deal with and today would be no different—no matter how fancy an aircraft it was. You’d had a little snoop before. The whole aircraft was dark wood and detailed with the same shade of blue and gold. The jet was fitted with a main bedroom, kitchen, office and then the main seating area. God must be real generous, you think with a roll of your eyes.
The first person aboard is an older woman, her blonde hair styled to perfection and wearing a severe yet fitting suit jacket and skirt—all in black but detailed with the same hints of blue and gold as your uniform. She smiles at you and you gesture for her to enter, giving her a welcoming smile as you bid good evening. Next is a man…at least you think it’s a man. The smile on your face falters a moment before you right it again on your perfectly painted lips.
His dress is fine. He’s dressed all in black—though his jacket has the same little crucifix on it as yours—it’s the mask he wears that throws you. It’s silver, demonic and completely obscures his face.
Weird. But you were here to serve drinks and food, not care about the passengers and their odd choice of attire. The…man walks past you without a glance and settles into a chair before pulling out a rolled-up magazine from his trouser pocket.
You’re too busy still looking at him when a voice says, “Buonasera, Signorina.”
When you turn towards it, you’re met with a pair of mismatched eyes set in a face painted like a skull. But despite it, it’s still an attractive one and the man’s voice is pleasant—the Italian lilt to his words makes your smile genuine, if not a little bemused. He’s dressed in a dark blue suit, way too tightly fitting that it’s almost indecent.
He takes your hand, the soft leather that encases his hand is buttery soft and warm. He kisses your hand, moustache tickling your skin. He introduces himself as Papa Emeritus the Fourth before he gives you a smile and heads into the plane. You watch, bemused, as he greets the other two—the woman talking quickly and hovering around him like a mother hen. He waves her off with some words in Italian and disappears down to the back of the plane.
That cannot be a priest, you think. Maybe Jack got the information wrong. He looks too…you don’t even know. You rub at your hand. At least he didn’t seem like a complete asshole, nor had he started preaching—and really, that was all you cared about. You kept staring off down towards the back of the plane, mind still fixated on the mysterious man.
“You ready?” says Jack, ducking out of the cockpit.
“Huh?” you say distractedly, head snapping to look at the pilot. 
Another crew member has appeared, she’s wearing the same uniform as you and she’s standing there patiently waiting for you. You had only briefly spoken to her earlier, she had said her name was Sister Hayley you think. A nun. Not that the woman looked anything like a nun.
“Arm and crosscheck?” he says.
“Oh, yes, right.”
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When miles above ground and flying somewhere over the Atlantic ocean you’re giving out drinks. The man in the silver mask declines anything, choosing instead to lounge on the plush seating like an overgrown cat while the woman—who had politely introduced herself as Sister Imperator—sat in one of the comfortable chairs at a small desk. You’d given her a drink—a gin and tonic—and then headed down to go find the enigmatic Papa Emeritus.
The office is empty and so you head to the bedroom, the door is closed and you knock politely before sliding it open. You find the man propped up on the bed, book in hand and a pair of glasses perched low on his long nose. He glances up at you and the darkly painted lips quirk into a pleased smile. It makes your stomach flip.
“Sir, would you like a drink?” you ask, standing there with your hands clasped in front of you. “Or something to eat?”
The man gives you a smile, easy and smug. Again you wonder why he was wearing such tight trousers. What the hell kind of church was he from?
“Si, wine, per favore. Anything from the stock in the kitchens. Pick something.” He gives you a long look. “Two glasses.”
“No problem, sir, anything to eat?” you ask. Fuck you wish he’d stop looking at you like that.
His painted lips quirk but he shakes his head. “Just bring the wine, signorina.”
You head to the little kitchen and randomly grab a bottle, simply picking one based on the label. You grab two glasses and then walk back towards the suite. You smile politely as you enter and place the glasses on the little table next to him.
“Is this to your liking, sir?” you ask, holding out the bottle for him to inspect. 
“Papa,” he says, leaning over to peer at the label before he nods. “Not ‘sir’.”
You pour him a glass and place the bottle beside it. “Is there anything else?”
He closes the book he is reading a throws it on the bed, you catch the cover—it’s in a different language but it has a picture of a goat and a pentagram on it. He waves a hand at the other glass.
“Pour yourself one as well, signorina.”
You frown at him. “That is kind of you, but I am working.”
The man winks at you, grabbing the bottle himself and pouring out a measured amount. You watch the liquid slosh in the glass.
“I promise I won’t tell,” he says, extending it out to you.
You take it and hold it awkwardly, the smile on your face fixed. You did not want to get in trouble with Jack and lose your job. But a glass couldn’t help and you’d attended to everyone. You sip it and Papa smiles.
Somehow you end up two glasses deep. It’s not enough to make you drunk but damn it’s enough to make you feel far too relaxed. And you’ve somehow found yourself sitting next to him on the bed. You really should go back though. But it’s been lovely chatting to him, he talks of his flock with affection and mentions Sister Imperator fondly.
“This might be a stupid question,” you ask, the wine having loosened your tongue, “but what exactly are you a priest of?”
He laughs and it’s such a pleasant sound that you can’t help but smile. You’ve grown used to his strange face and it’s somewhat endearing to watch the lines on his face move as he chuckles.
“Not a priest, dolce,” he says. “Once upon a time, si, but now I am Papa.”
“You say that like I should know what you mean,” you reply.
“Like the Pope.” He grins. “Less preaching about the good of man and much more sinning.”
You cannot help but laugh, it sounds ridiculous. “I thought god said sinning was bad.”
“We do not worship a false god of fabricated mercy,” he utters, voice low. You stop laughing at the serious expression on his face, but it melts away when he adds. “We worship the lord below who relishes in sin. We are human, si? So we should take comfort in the pleasures it provides.”
“You’re telling me you worship the devil?” you ask, breath hitching when he leans in a little closer.
“Si,” he says, eyes fixed on you. “And I fear I have not worshipped in his name today at all. Perhaps you can help me, dolce?”
Suddenly his mouth is on yours. You freeze a movement but when you respond, his hands hold your face and pull him flush against him. His mouth is urgent and hot against yours, tongue delving into your mouth while your legs tangle together. Your lipstick is smudged red over his face and you’re certain he’s covered yours in black—you can taste it on your own lips but it doesn’t matter. He kisses like he is worshipping, hungry and possessive. It makes your head spin and you completely forget that this is certainly a breach of conduct. Especially when he’s flipping you onto your back, dragging your legs to the edge of the bed as he pushes your skirt up to bunch around your waist/
“Sorry, dolce, but now I’m feeling rather hungry.”
You hear the snap of your garter belt and feel the tension ease around your stockings so he can pull your knickers down your legs. Before you can draw another breath his face is between your legs, his breath skating over your wet folds before his tongue is flicking against you. You moan, hands instantly grabbing tufts of his peppered hair between your fingers as he works some sort of ungodly magic on your aching cunt.
Fucking hell.
Your back arches as he draws the tension out, leaving you panting on the edge of delirium. His arms move under your thighs and pull you closer to him as he devours you. You pull at his hair and grind against his face, unable to stop yourself from seeking more glorious threads of pleasure to wind tighter around your core.
His mouth breaks away as he can come up for air. You stare at him with a heavy-lidded expression, taking in that wicked mouth all glistening and smeared with paint by your own slick. He looked like the fucking devil and you were more than willing to sell your soul if it meant he wouldn’t stop.
“Cazzo, your pussy is delicious, dolce,” he breathes, nipping at the inside of your thigh.
His face returns to press against your cunt. And that nose! It’s pressed against your clit, mouth wet and tongue searching while his moustache tickles your skin. You arch back and your hands grip the sheets as the plane suddenly rocks—turbulence. Fuck.
Jack’s voice floats through the plane’s intercom system, certainly a mood killer, but Papa doesn’t stop. 
“Please return to your seat, we are experiencing some mild turbulence.”
The craft rocks again but your eyes are too busy rolling into the back of your head as he eats you out like he’s on death row and you're his last meal.
You moan when you feel fingers, leather-clad ones, pressing into your pussy and stretching you. You bounce on his hand when you hit another pocket of turbulence, and his grip on your thigh tightens while the other hand is busy pumping into your wetness. Another pocket and another moan have you on the edge and trembling.
It doesn’t take much to have you rocking along with the aircraft as you come. You try not to moan too loudly and shove your fist in your mouth but Papa leans up and pulls your arm away from your face, that devilish visage hovering over you.
“Don’t silence such pretty sounds, dolce.”
You sigh, luxuriating in the waves that still ripple through you while the plane rocks again. Fuck. You feel his body move away from yours and you sigh. Your eyes had fallen closed as you relaxed but they snap open when you feel him crawl on top of you. He’s rid himself of some of his clothes—well, most of them. A heavily unbuttoned shirt was the only thing on him. You can see the hairs on his firm chest and when you feel his cock pressing between your legs you immediately spread them for him.
When he sinks into your welcoming pussy you moan. The stretch feels incredible and you desperately tilt your hips so he can sink in further. When he bottoms out, you both sigh. Papa has removed his gloves, and his large hands hold your hips, creasing the fabric of your uniform even further as he starts to pump into you.
You’re already so worked up and sensitive that you are already ready to come again quickly. Your walls are squeezing him and the sounds it draws from his lips are downright demonic. Your hands reach up to grip his shoulders so you can thrust up to meet him, both of your movements becoming hurried in your desperation for release.
“Do you want my cock so badly, signorina?” he growls, leaning over you and thrusting into you roughly. Your pant out a yes, or something that was meant to be a yes and only comes out as a string of incoherent nonsense as you nod your head fervently. “You have to come for me first, dolce.”
A hand moves between your bodies and he's rubbing at your swollen and sensitive clit. You cry out, not giving a single fuck that the entire plane can probably hear you. The plane rocks one last time and you hear the seatbelt sign turn off. But you are barely paying any attention to anything else except his cock buried inside you.
The tension in your core tightens again and with another deep thrust he has you coming apart for him. Your eyes shut as it crashes through you but he doesn’t stop. Your hands are gripping feebly at his shoulders, then the nape of his neck, his hair and then fistfuls of the front of his shirt to bring his mouth against yours.
You feel his cock swell within you as he growls against your mouth, teeth nipping at your bottom lips as his hips jerk. You feel him come, painting the inside of your cunt as he continues to thrust into you while his tongue does the same to your mouth. It’s desperate and you’re sweating in your uniform but you don’t care. It feels far too fucking good.
When the high finally eases and he rolls off you to lie beside you, you sigh in relief. Fuck that was something, you think.
“You call that worship?” you pant, turning your head lazily to look at him Your makeup and hair must be absolutely ruined because his is completely ruined. He looks deranged with his hair falling in his face and his paint all smeared.
He hums. “Si. My lord believes in the power of the female orgasm. Is there anything more divine than pleasure?”
You shake your head, mind still foggy with bliss. You utter the only words you can think of. 
“Did you still want your inflight meal?”
He grins at you. “Maybe in an hour or so, signorina. I just ate.”
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ndostairlyrium · 10 months
points torchlight under her chin and laughs
Buonasera uwu
Cullen+Ankh in C2, Fenris+Barbara in E1, Alistair+Ela in F2
And give me some Salopette Club (Aisling and Barbara) in whatever pose you'd like (if you'd like of course) Bye! <3
Buonasera signorina buonaseeera 🎶
Non ti dico che ho adorato questa lista, ma ho adorato questa lista ;; aaaa grasie <3
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fereldans mad at food
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you can tell she's tilted lmao
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fancyfen is back ;; now with the accessory of indignation
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*squeaky toy sound* I modified A2 to fit the vibe I get from them :' they're two peluches in disguise, in my head
The Meme
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smiletat · 4 months
buonasera signorina annalisa 😍😍🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘❤️🌹💌💌💌❤️❤️❤️❣️❣️🌹❤️
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poesiablog60 · 3 months
Forse alla fine
come da bambino

quando ero solo
saluterò di nuovo gentilmente:
“Buongiorno, signorina Margherita”
“Buonasera, signor Albero”
e m’inchinerò
e li toccherò con la mano
e li ringrazierò
di avermi concesso il loro tempo.
Solo che mi rispondano
e anche loro dicano
“Buongiorno”e “Buonasera”
non crederò più
O forse sì?
Di ciò ho paura
Erich Fried
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bicheco · 1 year
Un'interprete di napoletano - Ufficio oggetti smarriti
Ufficio oggetti smarriti. Un ometto piccolo piccolo è dietro il bancone, praticamente si vede solo la testa. Ha un'espressione annoiata. Entra una signora dal volto gentile, ma dal corpo provocante, piccola e formosa, sguardo da santarellina ma una di quelle santarelline che in Paradiso non la farebbero entrare. Ci siamo capiti. "Buonasera signorina, come posso esserle d'aiuto?". "Sto cercando qualcosa. Qualcosa che ho smarrito.". "È venuta nel posto giusto, mi dica: cosa ha smarrito?". "Ho perso il napoletano!". "Azzo! In che senso, mi spieghi.". "Vede io faccio l'interprete di napoletano, dall'italiano, dal francese, persino dal giapponese, andava tutto bene poi una mattina mi sono scordata tutto! Ora parlo solo italiano e del napoletano mi ricordo solo due o tre paroline: agg, ncopp, guagliò. Anche soreta. E accipicchia". "Accipicchia non è napoletano. Comunque non importa: dove crede di averlo smarrito ". "Alla stazione. Stavo per .......
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thededdo · 9 months
Buonasera signorina mi fa male il pisnelo k facciamo ci facciamo due coccole
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abr · 2 years
First riacscion: sciock
A un certo punto qualche sera fa mi sono spinto in uno dei miei zapping stavolta particolarmente annoiati verso i canali tv "bassi" in tutti i sensi: due, tre, quattro, cinque, sette.
Beh t'ho trovato l'inspiegabile, una diretta a reti unificate con un ex bibitaro terrone - laureato eh! - che biascicava qualcosa col mezzo sorrisetto come se fosse antani.
Ho pensato per un attimo che, da signorina buonasera aka ministro degli esteri di un governo di pagliacci, fosse intento ad annunciare l'entrata in guerra o la discesa degli extraterrestri. Invece no, stava tentando di spiegare con parole sue la storia del topo che scappa dalla nave che affonda - M5s, non governo purtroppo. Vabbé.
Dopo essermi chiesto per un microsecondo, ma non si vergognano a dar spazi a un pisquano come costui, mi sono auto-risposto che questa è l'era dei social, bellezza: tutti han diritto ai loro cinque minuti di gloria autocelebrata nell'indifferenza dei più, solo a qualcuno spetta il privilegio di dirsi, mentre cambia canale, ma senti che razza di stronzate spara questo cretino, ma non si vergogna.
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jellyluchi · 2 years
Buongiorno Signore Prosciutto!
A penny for your thoughts about... La signorina Focaccia. *Wink wink*
Buonasera. She... Is a valuable team mate and an asset to have on our side. Believe it or not but I thought she was useless and could not understand Risottos decision to pursue her as a mole. Over time I've come to care for her....much deeper than I thought I would have initially. Of course, I have my bias towards her as my wi-... As someone who is in a close personal relationship with me.
- P.
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aven90 · 6 days
Due uomini e una pianola
15 Pensieri e Parole – MonologoJohn e Jack erano ormai svegli anche di notte, prendevano appunti e davano stelline ai programmi televisivi. A un certo punto, trovarono la solita signorina buonasera dire: «va ora in onda, il Monologo, di e con Piatto Fondo. Buona visione. O forse dovrei dire buon ascolto.»Il sipario si aprì. Si poteva vedere una prima fila di teste incuriosite. Vi era un palco e…
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valium-a · 16 days
Buonasera signorina
Signorina ciao ciao
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marfisa · 4 months
oggi il quarantenne di teatro 2 mi ha detto ''buonasera signorina che fa un sacco di storie su instragram'' we che è sta confidenza
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smiletat · 4 months
buonasera signorina annalisa😍😍🥰🥰❣️💌🌹😍🥰❣️💌🌹💌❣️🥰😍
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wdonnait · 8 months
Virginia Sanjust colta a rubare dentro una Smart a Roma: «Cercavo denaro perché vivo in strada»
Nuovo post pubblicato su https://wdonna.it/virginia-sanjust-colta-a-rubare-dentro-una-smart-a-roma-cercavo-denaro-perche-vivo-in-strada/116383?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr&utm_campaign=116383
Virginia Sanjust colta a rubare dentro una Smart a Roma: «Cercavo denaro perché vivo in strada»
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Virginia Sanjust catturata in flagrante furto all’interno di un veicolo Smart a Roma: «Stavo cercando denaro poiché la mia residenza è nelle strade». Sottoposta a giudizio immediato.
La 46enne residente a Teulada e parente di Antonella Lualdi, l’ex celebre “signorina buonasera,” si trova nuovamente nei guai. È stata sorpresa dai carabinieri mentre esaminava il contenuto di un veicolo, una Smart, a cui era riuscita ad accedere forzando la serratura. Ai militari ha dichiarato: “Stavo cercando denaro poiché la mia situazione attuale mi ha costretto a vivere per le strade.”
Virginia Sanjust già indagata per estorsione
Per la donna c’erano già stati dei problemi con la legge. Infatti, la Sanjust era stata incolpata di aver tentato un atto di estorsione, rivolgendolo contro la sua stessa nonna, che è purtroppo deceduta il 10 agosto scorso all’età di 92 anni. Tuttavia, i magistrati l’hanno dichiarata non colpevole, anche alla luce dell’inesistenza di responsabilità penali in reati di questa natura tra parenti, come evidenziato dal suo avvocato.
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thefreshdolls · 8 months
Sondre and Tanya boogie woogie to Buonasera Signorina
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