d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 3: Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon is a ruthless financier used to buying and selling stocks, shares and priceless artifacts. But now Namjoon has his eye on a very different acquisition - Park Han Byeol. Left destitute by her father’s recent death, Han Byeol walks into Namjoon’s bank looking to extend her overdraft. As Han Byeol needs money and Namjoon needs a wife, he proposes the perfect deal: he’ll rescue her financially if she agrees to marry him. But in this marriage of convenience can Han Byeol ever be anything more than just a bartered bride?  
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Since Yoongi's wedding, Han Byeol had a lot of sleepless nights, prowling around in the small hours, tortured by thoughts of Yoongi making babies with Choon Hee...babies which should've been hers. All she ever wanted was to be Yoongi's wife and the mother of his children. Not the kind of ambition applauded by the teachers at the expensive boarding school where as she and her sister had been sent to learn to be "ladies". That had been Gran's idea. Though Gran's own origins were humble, she was a tremendous snob and hadn't approved of her eighteen-year-old Niaowie marrying a rough diamond like Park Jimin, even if he had gone on to make pots of money.
Gran wanted to see her granddaughters marrying men who were not only well off but also what she called well-spoken. To that end she had chivied her son-in-law into sending the girls to one of the most expensive and exclusive schools in England. To Gran's disappointment, her eldest grand daughter, Hyeonji, had fallen in love with a young man who had once spent a summer working in her mother's garden. He now had his own plant nursery and was a contented man., but he didn't make a lot of money. Jungkook and Hyeonji couldn't afford to support her mother. With two small children and another on the way, they didn't have a spare bedroom to offer her.
Had Gran known of Han Byeol's secret passion for the chauffeur's son, she would have disapproved, at least until his achievements at university had signaled an impressive future. The irony was that Gran would probably regard Kim Namjoon as a wonderful catch. She didn't think much of love as a basis for wedlock. She wouldn't admit it under torture, but her granddaughters suspected there had been a metaphorical shotgun in the background of her wedding, and the marriage hadn't been happy.
In the morning Han Byeol woke with a headache, result of too little sleep and too much wine the night before. Staying up late, she had finished the bottle. She spent the morning sorting out things in her bedroom and waiting for Kim Namjoon's call. When her cellphone remained silent, she should have been relieved. Instead she felt oddly uneasy.
What if he changed his mind? What if her animosity had made him have second thoughts? During his solitary dinner he might have decided he couldn't be bothered to wear down her opposition when there were plenty of women he could have for the asking. The longer she considered this scenario, the more it seemed to Han Byeol that she might have rejected in haste an opportunity she would live to regret turning down. As things stood, all the future offered was relative penury for her mother and a dull job for herself. It wasn't an attractive prospect.
The trade off Namjoon had suggested, suddenly she found herself thinking of him by the first name instead of his surname. Would mean they were miserable in comfort. But what about her side of the trade off; being the wife of a man she didn't love and who didn't love her?
Well, love, for long the first item on her private and personal wish list, had been crossed off the day Yoongi married Choon Hee. So that brought it down to the question of whether she could have sex with someone other than Yoongi in order to have some babies. They wouldn't have the father she dreamed of, but any father had to be better than none.
Thinking of sex with Namjoon, Han Byeol felt a strange sensation in the pit of her stomach. He had all the physical makings of a good lover; his aura of animal magnetism deriving from a great body, a sensual mouth, hands that looked strong enough to crush, but also capable of performing the most delicate and subtle caresses. Just thinking about the components of his disturbing personality sent strange little quivers through her.
Even though still a virgin, her innocence saved as a gift for her first and only love, Han Byeol knew all the theory, knew what those frissons meant. She had recognized the passionate depths of her nature a long time ago. From the beginning of adolescence she had been excited and moved by amorous scenes in books and movies, recognizing her capacity to feel the same fiery emotions as the women in the stories and on the screen. But she also had a streak of idealism. After falling in love with Yoongi, keeping herself inviolate for him had seemed more important than indulging her natural curiosity about what it felt like to do things many of the other girls in her class had experienced as soon as they were sixteen.
A lot of them were the over-indulged, under disciplined children broken marriages. During the holidays they had too much pin money and not too much supervision. Several girls knew by sight hadn't completed their time at school. They had been expelled for serious misdemeanors raging from night time truancy to drugs. Fortunately although described as "lazy", "inattentive" and "irresponsible" in her school reports, Han Byeol had never been taken up by the group known to the serious minded girls at The Decadents. The fact that she was reserving herself for Yoongi would have debarred her from that clique. Although far from being a teacher's pet, from The Decadents' point of view Han Byeol was one of the girls they called The Nuns.
She was thinking about her lack of sexual experience and wondering what conclusions the detective had drawn about her in that respect, when the phone started to ring. She forced herself not to grab it, letting it ring six times before she said coolly, "Hello?"
"Good morning..."
If the distinctive voice at the other end of the line had mocked her about not leaving the phone off the hook, she would have cut the connection and dashed round the flat disconnecting all the extensions and turning her mobile off. But Namjoon didn't refer to her parting shot. He said, "I'd like to show you my library. Will you have lunch with me?"
She drew in her breath, knowing she was on the brink of one of the defining moments of her life. "If you're worried about being alone with me, you don't need to be," Namjoon went on. "My household is run by a staff who are far too respectable to stay with any employer who doesn't live up to their standards. But even if that were not so, I've already made it clear my intentions are honorable."
She could guess from the tone of his voice that there would be a sardonic quirk at the corner of his chiseled mouth. "All right," she said. "What time and where?"
When he had rung off, she looked at the exclusive address she had jotted down on the notepad and wondered why she had relented. Less than twenty four hours ago she had stormed out of his office, convinced she was out of his mind. Now she was going to have lunch with him. Had she gone out of hers? Before setting out of their lunch date, Han Byeol reread the file Namjoon sent her.
He was thirty four, six years older than herself. A bit age gap. It seemed likely that wasn't the only gulf between them. Kim, a merchant bank dealing long term loans for governments and institutions and advising one takeover bids, had been founded by his great grandfather. The controlling influence had been retained Kim Seokjin's descendants.
Unlike her father, Namjoon hadn't had to claw his way up from nothing. The facts in the file indicated that from birth he had been groomed for the position he occupied. But family influence couldn't have made him head boy at his public school if he hadn't lack the qualities needed for that position, nor it have gained him impressive degree at one of Korea's most prestigious universities. He had to have a brilliant brain.
So why pick someone as un brainy as me? Han Byeol wondered uneasily. She knew she had other equally important qualities and had never wanted to exchange them for a superior intellect. But for a man like Namjoon deliberately to select a female who operated by instinct rather than logic seemed strange, not to say suspect.
He lived in a large house in one of the most select squares in the ultra fashionable Gangnam. The butler opened the door to her and took her coat. A man in his fifties, dressed in ordinary dark suit with a discreet tie., he led her up sweeping staircase past the line of family portraits, ti a large first floor landing. As they reached it Namjoon was descending the stairs from the floor above. She noticed his dark hair was damped and wondered why. It seemed an odd time to take a shower.
"You're admirably punctual," he said, holding out his hand to her. As they hadn't shaken hands the day before, it was her first experience of the firm clasp of his fingers. Then he took her gently by the elbow to steer her across a rose and gold Aubusson carpet and through open double doors in an elegant drawing room with three tall windows over looking the city. Normally Han Byeol would have swept an appreciative glance around the beautiful room, taking in some of the details. Instead she was overwhelmed by the strength of her reaction on their first physical contact.
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d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 1: Acquisition
Kim Namjoon is a ruthless financier used to buying and selling stocks, shares and priceless artifacts. But now Namjoon has his eye on a very different acquisition - Park Han Byeol. Left destitute by her father's recent death, Han Byeol walks into Namjoon's bank looking to extend her overdraft. As Han Byeol needs money and Namjoon needs a wife, he proposes the perfect deal: he'll rescue her financially if she agrees to marry him. But in this marriage of convenience can Han Byeol ever be anything more than just a bartered bride?
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Expecting him to be a middle-aged toad, Han Byeol was surprised when the man who rose from behind the large orderly desk was a tall, dark, middle twenties, very handsome, with dimples on top. Man was he handsome.
“Miss Park, please sit down.” He gestured to the chair on the outer side of the desk and waited until she was settle before resuming his own sit. She knew nothing about him, except that his name was Kim Namjoon and he occupied a large office on the highest floor of a prestigious office block in the City. This area of Seoul was one of the world’s great markets. Judging by his discreetly luxurious surroundings, this man was one of the market’s moguls. To Han Byeol, until very recently, money has been something she spent with careless extravagance on clothes for herself, presents for others and anything else she wanted. Now the supply she had dried up. That was why she was here in the formidable presence of this well-built, 5’11 tall, whose physique didn’t match her mental image of a top-level financier. All she knew about him was that Mr. Lee, her late father’s lawyer, had said that Kim Namjoon wished to see her and might be able to help her and her mother out of their predicament.
Predicament being the understatement of the year, Han Byeol thought wryly, leaning back in the comfortable leather chair and automatically crossing her legs, remembering a moment too late that this was a no-no in the books of advice on how to impress interviewers. The movement caused Mr. Kim to shift the focus of his cold brown gaze from her face to her shapely knees and then to her ankles. Han Byeol accustomed to men admiring her legs furtively or openly according to temperament. Kim Namjoon belonged to the latter group, but whether his frank appraisal was appreciative, critical of indifferent it was impossible to tell. He had the most deadpan expression she had ever come across. It made her nervous.
And Han Byeol wasn’t used to being nervous. She didn’t like it. The appraisal didn’t last long, perhaps not more than three seconds. Leaning forward, his forearms resting on the edge of his desk and his long-fingered hands loosely clasped, he returned his gaze to her face. “You’re in trouble I hear.”
Lacking any regional of social accent, his voice gave no clue to his background. Self-assured and brisk, it was a voice she could imagine giving decisive orders people would jump to obey. Had she met him in surroundings not indicative of his occupation, and had been asked to guess it, she would have assumed that he held a senior rank in one of the special units of crack fighting men called to the world’s trouble spots when drastic action was the only solution. He had an air of contained physical power. A man of action rather than a desk-bound number-cruncher. “Yes,” she agreed, “We are. Since my father’s death, my mother and I have discovered that instead of being comfortably off were extremely hard up – virtually penniless.”
“Not penniless,” he said dryly. “The watch you’re wearing would pay the grocery bills of an average family for several months.” She looked down at her Cartier watch her parents had given her for her eighteenth birthday “I won’t be wearing this much longer, but I don’t mind that. I can cope with the change in our circumstances. It’s my mother I’m worried about. She’s not young. She’s never worked. She –“ He interrupted her. “Nor have you, I understand. The press described you as a playgirl”
“The press put labels on everyone…not always accurate. It’s true I’ve never had a job. There was no point. My father was rich…so we thought. I wasn’t brainy enough to train for one of the professions. I don’t have any special bent. The most useful thing I could do was to help keep other people employed, not take a routine job someone else needed” as Han Byeol attempts to explain her situation. “You do not have to explain your butterfly existence to me Miss Park, but without any work-experience, you’re not going to find it easy to start supporting yourself, particularly not at the level you’re accustomed to.”
“Presumably you didn’t ask me here to tell what I already know,” she replied, with a flash of irritation. There was something about his manner that put her back up. He hadn’t smiled when he greeted her. Beyond standing up when she was shown in by his secretary, he hadn’t done anything to put her at ease. “Why did you send for me?” she asked quirking at eyebrow at the man.
Rising, he picked up a file lying on top of his desk. He walked round to hand it to her.  “Have a look through that.” He strolled away to a window looking out on a vista of rooftops. He stood with his hands behind him, the right hand clasping the left wrist. The file held plastic pockets containing illustrations taken from magazines and the glossier kind of catalog. Mostly they showed pieces of sculpture, paintings and other objects d’art. There were also several photographs of horses, an aerial view of an island off Scotland and a picture of a small French Chateau. Half turning from the window, he said “They're all things that caught my eye over the last few years. Some of them are mine now I’m in the fortunate position of being able to indulge my acquisitive impulses…as I expected you did before your father died.”
Shaking her head “Not on this scale,” said Han Byeol. She couldn’t see where the conversation was heading, as she glanced at him, Kim Namjoon returned to his desk, resting one long hard thigh along the edge of its polished surface and folding his arms across his chest. “There’s one picture in there that you’ll recognize. Carry on looking.”
Intrigued, she obeyed, turning the pages more rapidly than before. Suddenly, with in drawn breath of surprise and puzzlement, she stopped. She hadn’t expected to see a photograph of herself. It had been taken at a party of socialites. She was wearing a figure hugging dress of black crushed velvet and showing a lot of sun-tanned cleavage, having recently returned from a winter holiday in the Caribbean. “What am I doing here?” she demanded, baffled. “You, I hope, are going to be my next major acquisition, Ms. Park.” For the first time a hint of amusement showed in the hard steely-brown eyes and flickered at the corners of his wide, chiseled mouth.
Inconsequentially, it struck her that his mouth was at variance with the rest of his features. It was the mouth of a sensualist in the face of a man who otherwise gave the impression of being self-disciplined. But it was the meaning of his extraordinary statement, rather than the contradiction between his mouth and his eyes that preoccupied her at the moment. “What do you mean?” she said warily.
“I need a wife. You need financial support. Do you understand the word fortuitous?” says Namjoon. “Of course I do,” she retorted, her long lashed – brown eyes sparkling with annoyance at the implied aspersion of her intelligence. It was true she had been considered a dunce by most of her teachers and had never done well in examinations, but that was because she hadn’t been interested in the things they wanted her to learn…grammar, math, physics and incredibly tedious bits of history, all of them taught in a way guaranteed to send the normal teenagers – particularly the sort of restless, hyperactive teenager she had been…into well…boredom. She said, “It means happening by chance…especially by a lucky chance. But I can’t see anything lucky about my father dying of massive coronary in his middle fifties, with his business on the rocks and his wife destitute,” she added coolly. Matching her coldness, he said “In my experience, most people make their own luck. Your father’s lifestyle wasn’t conductive to a long healthy life. As a business man, he took too many risks for a man with responsibilities.”
“Did you have dealings with him?” she asked. She knew nothing about her father’s business life. Since her late teens he had spent little time with his family. It was years since he and her mother had shared a bedroom. Han Byeol knew there had been other women. “Not directly. But after seeing that picture, I made a point of finding out more about you. I was on the point of making a contract when your father died and I put the matter on hold. In the light of subsequent events, I’ve adapted my original plan to deal with things more expeditiously. If my information is correct, you have no relationships with men in train at the present time?”
“How did you find that out?” she said baffled. He said coolly, “I had you investigated…a reasonable precaution in the circumstances. Marriage is a very important contract. When people are buying a house, they have searches made by surveyors and lawyers. I had you checked out, very discreetly, by a private detective. You may want to run a similar check on me. For the time being my secretary has prepared a file which will give you most information you need.”
Retrieving the file she was holding, he placed another slimmer folder on the edge of the desk in front of her. “I can’t believe I’m even hearing this, I thought this was a merchant bank…not marriage bureau.” Han Byeol’s eyes were both perplexed and angry. He didn’t look like a crazy person. In his expensive suit and diagonally striped tie, perhaps the emblem of one of those old boys’ networks which still wielded so much influence, he looked eminently sane and sensible. But he must be out of his head to believe he could buy a wife as casually and easily as everything else in the file he was putting away in a drawer. “It’s a bank and I am its chairman,” he said calmly. Han Byeol cocked her head to the side “You wouldn’t be much longer if your shareholders heard what you’re suggesting. They’d think you were out of your mind. You can’t buy a wife.”
“It isn’t the usual method of acquiring one,” he agreed, going back to his chair. “But these are unusual circumstances. I have neither the time nor inclination to follow traditional course. You are in urgent need of someone to straighten out the financial shambles you find yourself in. if you agree to marry me, your mother won’t have to move and you won’t have to worry about her future. I’ll take care of that. Think it over, Han Byeol, when you’ve had time to assess it. I think you’ll agree it’s an eminently sensible plan.” For some reason his use of her first name detonated the anger which had been building inside her. It was rare for Han Byeol to lose control of her temper. But she did now. Jumping up, she said fiercely “I don’t need to think it over. Nor would any sane person. I’m furious you’ve made me come here, thinking I’d hear something useful! This trip to Seoul has been a complete waste of time. I’ve damned good mind to write to you board of directors and tell them they’ve got a nutcase in control.” Without waiting for his reaction, she marched to the big double doors of solid mahogany and yanked one of them open. Glowering at the startled secretary at his desk in the outer sanctum, she slammed in resoundingly behind her and returned to the private lift which brought her up to this rarefied level of the building
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d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 16: New Year’s Eve | FINAL
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Reader as Kang Hyeonji
SUMMARY: When Kang Hyeonji transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Hyeonji to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
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The party was in full swing, a large motley collection of people having gathered in the Jung's house to celebrate New Year's Eve, plus the engagement of Hoseok to his long-time girlfriend slash next door neighbor, Kang Hyeonji.
As the glamorous guest of honor, the happy couple were dressed for the part. The proud groom-to-be was resplendent in stylish Balenciaga navy trousers, an open neck Gucci blue shirt and a suave cream silk sports jacket by Supreme. is bride-to-be was stunning in a strapless party dress of emerald satin by Chanel, with an even more stunning emerald and gold choker gracing her elegant neck. It had been a Christmas present from her adorning fiance, one of many he'd lavished on her during the past year.
Hoseok had, in fact spoiled Hyeonji rotten with gifts of expensive clothes and jewelry, not to mention his myriad smaller purchases of chocolates, flowers and perfume. He'd taught her to drive in his precious car, and would've bought him a new car if she'd let him. Then there were the fantasy getaways he'd taken her on, weekends here and there at romantic places designed to seduce and soften even the hardest of hearts. Not that Hyeonji was a hard girl. Hoseok knew she wasn't.
But she'd been surprisingly difficult to win, he'd found to his consternation. He'd never been quite sure of her feelings. She'd keep him dangling, had often been late for dates, and had sometimes even dared to cancel them. He'd never quite known where he stood with her, which had been both irritating and intriguing. Only in the love making department had he been sure of his domination over her. There, she was a putty in his hands, melting at his touch, quick to be aroused and always willing, no matter how often he wanted her, or where.
She'd never said no, even when there;d been some danger of being discovered. His choosing precarious places, such as behind rocks at the beach or in a sparsely filled movie theater - had sometimes soothed the sense of emotional insecurity she instilled in him, he'd almost felt loved. There'd been no doubt she craved him sexually; could not deny him. But was that love?
Till Christmas Day, when he'd produced an engagement ring for her which would have done Elizabeth Taylor proud. It was huge brilliant-cut yellow Argyle diamond, set in white gold. But it had been his words as he'd given it to her that had seemed to do the trick. "This cost me a fortune, Hyeonji," he said. "But a fortune means nothing to me without you. Marry me, my darling. I love you so much and I think you love me. You don't have to say you do if you don't want to but it would be nice, just once, to hear it from your lips."
Hyeonji had stared at him and then burst into tears. He gathered her to him and heard the words he'd been dying to hear all year. "Of course I love you. Don't you know that yet? I love you, Hoseok. With all of my heart, I love you. I love you..."
He looked over at her now across the crowded living room and caught her eye. She smiled at him, brown eyes sparkling. It wasn't so much different from the smiles she'd given him before, but tonight he saw the love in them. Why hadn't he seen it before? Hoseok was about to walk across the room to join her when someone tapped him on the elbow.
"Hello, you gorgeous hunk, you. If I wasn't married, you know, I'd given Hyeonji a run for her money." It was Choon Hee, from the library. One of Hyeonji's best friends.
Hoseok smiled "You would have to be good."
Choon Hee nodded up and down. "You're right. Hyeonji's a grand girl and I'm very happy for her. You don't know how lucky you are."
"Oh, I think I do..."
"She's loved you for so long, you know." says Choon Hee
Hoseok was about to say he didn't know at all when he stopped himself. It was then he realized Choon Hee was off in another world, smiling at something in her head.
"I can still remember the day she came into the library and told me about Mr X. You must remember Mr X, Hoseok," she added, glancing up at him.
"Only too well," Hoseok said dryly, and he lifted the glass he was holding to his lips.
Choon Hee chuckled. "I nearly cracked up when she told me about him, especially when she said you hadn't twigged. I mean...you have to admit it's very funny, but rather typical of men, not seeing beyond their nose. But I dare say you've laughed together about it since."
"Laughed about what?"
"About you being Mr X, of course."
Hoseok's drink froze midway to his mouth. He stared at Choon Hee over the glass. She grimaced, then groaned. "Oh, dear heaven, you didn't know. I always assumed she'd told you. Oh Lord!"
Hoseok could hardly think. He was Mr X. His head spun with the news, and all it implied. Hyeonji had loved him all along. But she'd also lied to him, laughed at him, manipulated him. She'd been a schemer, as Tinashe had warned she was. He recoiled at his thought, and his feelings showed on his face.
"Don't you dare take that attitude," Choon Hee warned.
"Dont you DARE! That girl loves you. No, she adores and worships you. Always has done. But did you ever see it? Not on your nelly! You sailed on through your glamorous privileged life, tossing her a few crumbs from your table when it suited you. You didn't give a fig for her feelings. You took her for granted and you broke her heart."
"But that's not..."
"Oh, shut up and listen!" Choon Hee snapped. "So what if she protected her self-esteem by inventing Mr X? So what if she had some fun with it? She'd had little enough fun in her life at that point in time. Give credit where credit is due, Hoseok. When she saw her chance she went after what she wanted. She changed for you, lied for you, fought for you. And she won you, by God - won your love and your respect. Look at her, Hoseok. She's beautiful and very brave woman; a woman in a million. Don't you dare tell her I told you about Mr X. Don't take her pride. Go on letting her think you believe she once had a Mr X in her life, because maybe she needs that Maybe she...Oh my God, she's coming over. Promise me, Hoseok. Promise me, you won't tell her I told you."
"I promise Choon," he said faithfully. "And thank you...for making me finally see the light."
Hoseok watched the girl he loved walk towards them, a lovely smile on her lovely face. He felt humbled and incredibly moved as the full import of Choon Hee's words sank in. Hyeonji had always loved him. Oh, how cruel life could be sometimes. And how wonderful. He saw now why he loved her so much. Because she loved him so much. He must have sensed in it at some subconscious level, had known that to let her go would be the worst, most stupid thing he could ever do. He vowed now he'd never let her go. Never.
"What are you two sneaky devils talking about over here?" she asked, glancing from one to another. "You two were looking rather very serious, Choon Hee. You too love."
Hoseok's heart kicked over. Never had the word "love" on her lips sounded so sweet, or so touching. He wound his arm around her slender waist and pulled her against him. "We were having a very serious discussion on having children in this day and age, weren't we Choon?"
Choon Hee laughed. He could see the flicker of surprised pleasure in her eyes "I've been wanting to discuss children with you. I would like to have a baby quite soon, but I wasn't sure about you..."
No, he thought, understanding dawning. She still wasn't sure of him. It was a cruel legacy of all those years when he hadn't noticed her, hadn't wanted her. That's why she kept him unsure. She'd been protecting herself, had made him keep proving his love over and over. There was still a lot of work to be done, he realized, before she would feel totally secure in his love. But having children together would be a good start. He gave her a reassuring smile, and a loving squeeze.
Hyeonji gave a self-conscious laugh. "How about nine months after the wedding day?"
"How about six?" he returned, squeezing her again. The wedding date has been set in March.
"I think this conversation is getting too private for me," Choon Hee exited.
"Hoseok laughed "I like your Choon Hee. I think we'll ask her to be Godmother to our first child."
"Our...first child?"
"You don't honestly think we're going to have only one child, do you? Only children are notoriously spoiled."
"Yes, well..."
He kissed her. Then kissed her again. "Wanna get out of here?" he murmured
"Your room" Hoseok smirked.
Hyeonji sucked in a startled breath. "Mine? But it...it only has a single bed in it."
Hoseok took her hand and began drawing her from her room. "Single beds were just made for lovers." Hoseok loved her, Hyeonji, the simple, solid girl who'd always loved him. He would make sure she would never doubt it again, and he would never cause her to.
Midnight came with cheers and shouts, whistles and car horns. People spilled out of houses into the streets below. Everyone was kissing.
No one missed the guests of honor.
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d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 7: Fairy God Mommy
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Reader as Kang Hyeonji
SUMMARY: When Kang Hyeonji transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Hyeonji to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
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After that nothing could have made Hyeonji happy, not even when Mrs. Jung returned with her still apologetic mother in tow. Amazingly, Zil was thrilled by the idea of becoming Mrs Jung's cleaner, then estatic when Hoseok explained his refinancing offer.
"Isn't that wonderful news Hyeonji?" Her mother exclaimed. "Now we wont have to have a stranger in the house. And you'll have money for yourself for a change."
Hyeonji smiled and said yes, it was wonderful. She smiled all through lunch and laughed when the four of them moved Mrs Jung's living room furniture to new spots, then have to move everything back again to their original places when the end result did not please Mrs Jung's creative eye.
No one would have guessed how wretched Hyeonji felt. She was a past master at hiding her feelings, especially around Hoseok. But her heart grew heavier as the hours passed. By afternoon tea, she was exhausted with the emotional strain of pretending to be bright and breezy when inside she was shattered. Hoseok's getting back with Tinashe the following Sunday was the final straw.
His eagerness for their reconciliation had been palpable, his body language reeking of sexual frustration as he'd spoken of his time away from Tinashe. He could not wait to jump back into bed with her. Hyeonji could no longer fool herself. Any attention he'd been giving her had been the result of his boredom, not because of any suddenly selfless maturity.
"You won't forget about the refinancing," she reminded him stiffly when it came time for them to leave.
"Not at all. In fact, your mom is going to provide me the relevant papers this very afternoon. I'll collect them shortly, Zil, and have Sejin get onto it first thing this week, then I'll bring up whatever needs to be signed next Saturday." As Hoseok elaborates what he plans to have his secretary do.
"You coming home next Saturday, are you?" Hyeonji asked with a weary resignation. Normally, the thought of Hobi being around thrilled her to pieces. Now there was no pleasure in the news, only the cynical thought that of course he was coming home. Had nothing better to do till Sunday, did he?
"Yes, I've been invited to speak at a local business awards dinner on Saturday night. I'm also presenting the prizes" he says.
"How nice." Hyeonji answers blandly.
"Why don't you take Hyeonji, Hoseok?" His mother suggested. "The invitation says "and partner"."
Hoseok's instant frown was enough to turn Hyeonji off the idea, despite her stupid heart giving one last feeble leap. His eyes turned her way then travelled slowly over her. She could actually see his brain ticking away. Dear old Hyeonji doesn't look half bad now. She wouldn't be an embarrassment to take, not like she would have been a week ago.
"Would you like to go?" He asked her. "It's a black tie, so you'll need a dinner dress."
Hyeonji steeled herself to do the one thing she'd thought she would never do. Reject the man she loved. "Thank you Hobi," she said with superb indifference, "but I have other plans for next Saturday night."
His brown eyes instantly clouded a small stab of triumph lifted her spirits momentarily., quickly followed by a much stab of despair. Tears threatened and she just had to get out of there. Panic had her glancing around for her mother. "Ready to go home Mum?" She asked, determined to keep up the false gaiety to the bitter end. "I have quite a bit to do before the working week starts tomorrow."
"My working week starts tomorrow too, doesn't it Mrs Jung?" Zil returned happily.
"Indeed it does."
"Thank you so much," Zil went on, clasping her neighbor's hands with her own with rather touching gratitude. "For lunch. And...and everything."
Mrs Jung smiled and patted Zil's hands. "It's I who's grateful. I've found myself a wonderful cleaner and a new friend as well. See you in the morning Mrs Kang."
"And I'll be seeing you later Mrs Kang!" Hoseok called out as Hyeonji shepherded her mother out of the house. "To get those papers."
"What nice people they are," Zil said on the short way home. "And wasn't it kind of Hoseok to help us out with that money business?"
"Yes, it was." Hyeonji admitted, but tight-lipped.
A silence descended between the two women as they made their way inside, but Hyeonji could feel her mother watching her.
"Why didn't you say yes when Hoseok asked you to go out with him?" Zil asked once they were safely alone in the kitchen. "It...it wasn't because of what I said earlier, was it? About not being...well...pretty enough for him? Because that's not true, Hyeonji. You're plenty pretty enough. And he really likes you. I can see that now. He could hardly take his eyes off you all over lunch, and then later he..."
"Oh Mum, please," Hyeonji begged. "You don't have to lie. You were right the first time."
"No, darling. I wasn't. I was wrong. Very wrong. And I'm thoroughly ashamed of myself. I was feeling sorry for myself, and I was afraid. Yes, afraid." She repeated when Hyeonji's eyes widened. "Afraid some man would snap you up, looking as you do now, and I'd be left all alone in this world."
"But today opened my eyes there's Mrs Jung, a widow like myself, but she doesn't sit around feeling sorry for herself. Besides her writing, she plays golf and bingo and bridge. And she doesn't tie that boy of hers to her apron-strings, either. I can see its up to me to make something of my life for myself. I know becoming a cleaner isnt much but at least I'm good at it, and it's a start. I might even go to that hair dresser of yours with some of my cleaning money and become a blonde!"
"Oh Mum!" Hyeonji exclaimed, a burst of very real joy dragging her heart back out of the doldrums. "You've no idea how happy you made me, hearing you say that."
"Do you forgive me for saying those awful things to you, my dear? I didn't mean them, you know."
Hyeonji couldnt help but relent. "Of course, I forgive you," she said gently. "I love you Mom."
"Oh Hyeonji," her mother crude, and threw her arms around her daughter.
Unfortunately , it was not the best of time for Hyeonji to be hugged. Her mother's display of affection tipped her over the edge on which she'd been balancing for several hours., splintering the brittle control which she'd been holding in her misery. Her shoulders began to shake as sobs racked her whole body. "Oh my daughter," her mother groaned, and hugged her even more tightly. "Dont cry, darling. Please dont cry. Oh, you make me feel terrible. If only I hadn't said those awful things, you would have probably gone out with Hoseok when he asked you. It's my fault!"
"No, it isn't," Hyeonji sniffled when she at last pulled out of her mother's arms. "Hoseok only asked me out because Tinashe's trying to prove some point or other and she's refused to have anything to do with him for a month. But come next Sunday they'll be back together again, as thick as thieves. Who knows? If she plays her cards right he might even ask her to marry him."
"What rubbish!" Her mother pronounced firmly, startling Hyeonji. "Hoseok is not in love with that flashy bit of goods. No man in love with one girl looks at another girl as he looked at you today."
Hyeonji was dumbfounded. "But I...I didn't notice him looking at me in a special way..."
"Then you're as blind as he is, my girl. You made a big mistake refusing to go out with him next Saturday night. Now listen here; when he comes over to pick up those papers, you tell him you've changed your mind and you'd like to go after all."
"But...but..." Hyeonji stammered.
"NO buts. You said he's not getting back with that Tinashe till Sunday. Make the most of what time you have!" Zil pushed Hyeonji with both her arms on her waist.
"I was just going to say I don't have anything to wear," Hyeonji smiled weakly.
"Well, that's easily fixed."
"How? Hoseok's accountant can't get us anymore money immediately. And I'm not taking the cleaning money you earn, Mom. No way. One hundred dollars wouldnt be nearly enough anyway," she added with a sad sigh. "A dinner dress, complete with shoes and bag doesn't come cheap these days."
"Would five hundred dollars do?"
"Five hundred! But where?... I mean..." Hyeonji surprised at her mother.
Zil smiled her pleasure at her daughter's surprise. "You're not the only one who has rainy-day money stashed away, my girl. Come this way."
Hyeonji followed, fascinated, while her mother led her upstairs and into the master bedroom where she proceeded to lift up the mattress and draw out a battered brown paper envelope. She opened the flap and tipped the contents out onto the patchwork quilt. Notes of all sizes fluttered down, mostly fives, tens and twenties.
"I used to hide this is an empty washing powder box in the laundry when your father was alive. But now its safe enough out here. I know there's at least five hundred dollars, maybe more." She gathered the money up and pressed them into Hyeonji's hands. "I want you to buy yourself a dress which will knock Hoseok's eyes out!"
Hyeonji hated the wild rush of elation ehich flooded her heart, for she feared she was setting herself up for a disaster of monumental proportions. No matter what her mother said and no matter what dress she brought, how could she seriously compete with Tinashe? It was like comparing a nice little house wine with a top brand french champagne. Tinashe's extravagant self fizzed sparkled. She was special-occassion lady whereas she, was the common, everyday, value for money variety.
When Hoseok looked at her he only ever saw a familiar face. And everyone knew what familiarity bred. Contempt. Never chemistry.
Or was that how he'd seen her in the past? Dared she hoped that her new look had evoked a new appreciation? Hyeonji had told the truth when she'd said she hadn't notice Hoseok looking at her differently today. But after his news about Tinashe she'd been too upset to notice anything, and had avoided Hoseok's eyes as much as possible.
Could her mother's observations possibly be correct, or was she just trying to make her daughter feel better? She'd been guilty over her earlier less than generous remarks. Hyeonji didn't want to keep her hopes up. And yet, something was stirring within her soul. Something she'd never felt before. Something rather wicked.
Tinashe had called her a sly piece. Maybe she was right, Hyeonji thought with a steeling of her spirit. Because I am not going to go quietly, Tinashe, darling. Neither am I going to let you have Hoseok back without a fight. Come Saturday night, I'm going to use every female trick in the book.
The trouble was...she hadn't read that particular book yet. She would have to depend on her feminine instinct. The front doorbell ringing startled both of them. "That'll be Hoseok," Zil said urgently. "Now drop that money and go down and talk to him while I get those papers he wants. Tell him you've changed your mind about Saturday night, and ask him what time he wants you ready by. Be cool, though. Not overly eager."
Hyeonji shocked at her mother "Mum, you sneaky thing!"
"Well there is no point in being easy. Any girl who looks as good as you do can pkay a little hard to get. Besides, men never want what they think they can have, gratis. They like a bit of a challenge."
Hyeonji went down stairs shaking her head. Who would have believed that within her own shy reserved mother lurked the makings of a femme fatale? Heaven knew what would happen if the Kang widow became a blonde!
Hyeonji summoned up a pleasant smile to answer the door, resolving to watch this time for any sign that Hoseok looked at her differently in any way.
"Hello there again," she said. "Mum wont be a minute with those papers. Look, about next Saturday night Hobi, that was rude of me to dismiss your very nice invitation out of hand. I know what its like to go to these things alone..."
She didn't actually, because she's never been to an awards dinner. But Hyeonji had never lacked imagination. Just think of all those times Hosoek had made lover to her in her mind. Unfortunately, she began thinking of one those times right at this moment. It was her favorite scenario where Hoseok was concerned. He would bring her home to this door after a serious date and there would be much kissing and panting on the front porch. When she finally unlocked the door, he would push her inside, then scoop her up into his arms and carry her upstairs to her room where a three-foot bed was no barrier to true love.
Her mouth dried as she thought of their naked bodies blended tightly, writhing together. Her brown eyes glittered as they began unconsciously to rove over the object of her desire. Before they reach his waist, Hyeonji swallowed then cleared her throat. "Er...could I possibly change my mind and say yes?"
He stiffened. He actually stiffened. Why?
"Is there a problem with that?" She asked airily, even while her heart was thudding. He stood there frowning at her. The atmosphere on that doorstep was suddenly charged with a quite alien tension. Hyeonji didnt know what to make of it except that she found herself holding her breath.
"Hobi?" She choked out.
He seemed to have to shake himself to answer her. "No." He muttered. "No problem. I'll look forward to it."
Hyeonji had to be careful not to let all her breath out of her lungs in a rush. "Fine," she said with a small smile. "Well, where is this dinner and what time should I be ready?"
"Its being held down at the League's Club, in the Admiral's Quarters. The dinner starts at eight. Pre-drinks at seven thirty. I'll pick you up at...say...seven?"
Hyeonji nodded "I'll be ready. And thanks again for helping us with the finance business."
"My pleasure." He answered.
But it didn't look as if it was his pleasure. Not at all. He hadn't smiled once since she'd opened the door. Hyeonji could not make head or tail of his mood, except that it was obvious he had mixed feelings about taking her to that dinner.
She prayed his reluctance was because he'd begun to feel things for her which he found confusing, and not because Tinashe might get jealous if she ever found out. Her mother's arrival at that point steered the conversation to a less stressful grounds. Hoseok left a couple of minutes later and as Zil closed the front door she threw Hyeonji a questioning glance. "Well? What happened? You both seemed tense when I came down."
Hyeonji shrugged. "I don't really know. I told him I changed my mind about the dinner, and he agreed to take me, but not with great enthusiasm. To be honest, I think it worried the heck out of him."
"Well that's better than indifference, Hyeonji."
Nodding her head Hyeonji agreed "That's what I was thinking."
Zil patted her daughter's back "Only time will tell."
Chapter 08
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d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 2: A Little Push
Kim Namjoon is a ruthless financier used to buying and selling stocks, shares and priceless artifacts. But now Namjoon has his eye on a very different acquisition - Park Han Byeol. Left destitute by her father’s recent death, Han Byeol walks into Namjoon’s bank looking to extend her overdraft. As Han Byeol needs money and Namjoon needs a wife, he proposes the perfect deal: he’ll rescue her financially if she agrees to marry him. But in this marriage of convenience can Han Byeol ever be anything more than just a bartered bride?  
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She was on her way to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee when someone pressed the front-door buzzer. Answering it, Han Byeol found a bike messenger outside.
“Miss Park?”
“Yes?” she answered. “Big Hit X-Press, Package for you. Would you please sign for it?” Han Byeol wrote her name on the form and took the padded bag. There was nothing to indicate where it came from, only a plain white label with her name and address printed on it. Perhaps it was something she had ordered and forgotten about.
She thanked the pretty bike messenger, reading her name on her tag "Zil" to make sure she's appreciated, closed the door and walked back to the living room pulled the tab that opened the bag and peered at the contents, immediately recognizing the file Kim Namjoon had said was a resume of his life. Now there was a sheet of headed paper clipped to the cover. Aiming at the sofa, Han Byeol flung the package from her. As soon as she had her coffee, she’d find some sticky tape and a label, send the file back, un-stamped, with UNSOLICITED UNWANTED BUMPH written above the address.
She went to the kitchen, half-filled the electric kettle and perched on a stool at the breakfast bar. Usually she drank herb tea, being on a more or less permanent health kick. But sometimes, on days like this, she allowed herself a shot of caffeine. Postponing dealing with the package, she spent the next hour going through her father’s wardrobe, making sure nothing in the pockets of his suits before she folded them. Rather than giving them to a charity shop, she hoped to sell them. The chaos he had left behind him made it essential to raise money in every way.
With the hanging cupboards empty, the next job was the drawer, but after another cup of coffee or maybe a glass of white wine. She opened a bottle of Muscadet and filled a glass. Instead of taking it back upstairs she couldn’t resist her curiosity about the letter that man Kim Namjoon sent with the file. Later she debated going to a movie to make her mind off her problems for a couple of hours. But there she was still a lot to be done and she had already wasted half an hour reading the contents of the file.
She decided to phone for pizza and concentrate on the job in hand. During the evening she would call her mother, her mother didn’t know about the interview she had with Namjoon. Han Byeol felt it best not to mention it. She’d been trying to play down the financial side of her situation. Her supper arrived sooner than she expected. But when she opened the door, it wasn’t the pizza delivery man who stood outside. It was Kim Namjoon.
Han Byeol’s friendly expression froze into a mask of dislike. “What do you want?” she said curtly. “I thought you might have calmed down a little by now.” Says Namjoon. “I haven’t. I’m busy” she started to shut the door but he put a foot across the threshold and the flat of his hand on the door to hold it open. She had never expected to herself saying ‘How dare you” to anyone but it was what sprung from her lips, followed by a “Get out!”
“I’m not inside yet,” he said blandly. “We have things to talk about. May I come in?”
“We have nothing to say to each other. You have no right to pester me like this. If you don’t go away, I’ll call the security man and have you thrown off the premises” the further time passing Han Byeol’s annoyance started increasing. “On what grounds?” he dared say. “Making a nuisance of yourself!”
Kim Namjoon smiled, showing his dimples. However his smile wasn’t a kind or amused smile. It was the sort of expression she associated with sadists about to do something which would give them pleasure but cause excruciating pain to their victim. “I think you’re bluffing.”
He stepped into the hallway. To her chagrin, Han Byeol let him, she had not much of an option. He was far too large and muscular for her to use physical means to deny him access, she had muscles of her own, but not in the same class as his. He had looked a strong man in his office, but that might have been partly good tailoring. Now that he had changed out of his city suit into chinos and a dark blue cashmere sweater over a cotton shirt, it was clear that the breadth of his shoulders over nothing to clever padding.
“This is outrageous,” she snapped, while instinctively backing away to avoid coming into contact with that tall and powerful male body as he closed the door. “Don’t pretend to be in a panic. You know perfectly well I’m not going to harm you.”
“How do I know that? You’ve already shown signs of derangement.” She says nonchalantly “Not really. I’ll admit to being unconventional. You’ll get used to it.” He glanced around the hall and then with a gesture at the open door of the living room, said “After you.” Having no choice but to act on her threat or let him speak his piece, Han Byeol walked ahead of him. If he expected to be invited to sit down, he could think again. Grinding her teeth, she saw that she had left the file on the low glass-topped table in front of the sofa. Even worse, it was open, proving she had looked through it. But the first thing that caught his eye wasn’t the file but the half-full glass wine, her second, she had left by the telephone.
“A bad habit, drinking alone,” he remarked, with sardonic glance at her hostile face. “I don’t as a rule. It’s been a tiring day. I’m not used to dealing with people who think they can trample roughshod over the rest of the world.” She folded her arms and glared at him. “You have to be the most objectionable person I have ever met.”
“Because I want to marry you? Even if they don’t wish to say yes, most women regard a proposal as a compliment” he says. Han Byeol quirked her brows up “Not when it comes from a stranger who regards women as chattels.”
“There are cultures where it’s the custom for girls not to even see the face of their husband’s face until after marriage ceremony. Marriage is a practical institution. It’s because our culture ignores that we have so many divorces. Wouldn’t you rather stay married?” Han Byeol scoffs at this. “I am not interested in marriage, certainly not you.”
At this point the buzzer sounded again. She saw him looking displeased by the interruption as she went to answer the door. This time it was the takeout delivery man. She took the box to the kitchen before paying him the money she had ready in her pocket. Rejoining Namjoon, she said pointedly, “My supper’s arrived, I’d like to eat it while it’s still hot.”
Ignoring the hint, he said, “You ought to keep your door chained until you see who your caller is.”
“Normally I do. It’s only because I thought you were the man with the pizza that you were able to barge in” Han Byeol replied. “That was lucky…for me.” He began to look round the room, taking in the color scheme, the books and paintings, and the mirrors. Han Byeol loved mirrors, especially antique ones. As a child, her favorite book had been a copy, inherited from her grandmother, of Through The Looking Glass. Somehow the wrong way around view seen through a mirror always looked than what was really happening around her. She had often wished she could step through the frame of a mirror into a world where things we the same but different. Her parents’ marriage a happy one and herself a model pupil like her elder sister. “Nice room. Who designed it?” asked Namjoon.
No one had ever remarked on the way the room looked. She couldn’t help feeling a slight sense of gratification that someone had finally noticed the effect she had spent a lot of time and thought achieving. “Nobody well known,” she said. “Please, I want to get on with my supper and I have everything packed by tomorrow afternoon. I really don’t have time to talk. Even if we had anything sensible to talk about.”
“A pizza’s a poor sort of supper, especially if you’re eating alone. Let me buy you a decent dinner and try to convince you that my plan makes a lot of sense, then, if you like, I’ll give you a hand packing.” While Namjoon continues to survey the room without looking at her. “ABSOLUTELY NOT. No way!” Han Byeol said emphatically, but not with much hope he would accept her refusal. He didn’t, “No to dinner, or no to help with the packing?”
“No to both and no to everything. Have another look through some magazines and pick some other woman. I am not for sale, Mr. Kim” she says indignantly.
“Do you like music?” he asked.
Disconcerted by the seemingly irrelevant question, she said “Some music, yes.”
“Have you heard of Min Suga?” he continues.
"Never heard of him.” It was an exaggeration. She had heard the name but that was the limit of her knowledge. “He was a Korean composer who lived in the last century. His most important work was done in Prague, helping to form a national opera. He had a nasty end. Went deaf and died insane.”
“If I wanted to know about the lives of obscure composers I’d borrow a book from the library.” Han Byeol is starting to get pissed. “Is reading one of your pleasures?” replied by the man. “Yes, as it happens, it is. But –“
“That’s good. It’s one of mine and I have a large private library.” Feeling her temper starting to simmer, Han Byeol said patiently, “I shouldn’t think it includes the kind of book I enjoy and if Min Suga is one of your favorite composers your cd collection would send me to sleep. I had enough of that stuff in musical appreciation sessions at school. I only like pop music.”
It wasn’t true. She had thought that if she was to share her love for classical music this might put the man to further push his determination on marrying her. Not visibly deterred, he said “The reason I mentioned Min Suga is because his most famous opera was called THE BARTERED BRIDE. BARTER, The exchange of goods, was how people traded before money was invented, I am not trying to buy you Han Byeol. I am however proposing a trade-off. Things I need, for the things you need. Are you sure you won’t change your mind and come out to dinner?”
“Definitely not….”
“In that case I’ll leave you to your pizza and take myself off for some Arbroath smokies at Scotts, or maybe their Loch Fyne smoked salmon.” As he mentioned that two specialties of one of Korea’s best restaurants, the hard eyes warmed with malicious amusement. Could his private detective have found out that she adored fish and seafood. On his way to the door, Namjoon added, “I’ll call you in the morning. After you’ve slept on the idea, you may find it more appealing.”
“Thanks for the warning. I’ll take the phone off the hook.” She snapped and let himself out.
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d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 15: Personal Devil
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Reader as Kang Hyeonji
SUMMARY: When Kang Hyeonji transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Hyeonji to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
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Hyeonji was lying cross ways on the bed with her head cradled in the small of Hoseok's back. Hoseok stretched out on his stomach, face buried in the pillows. Till a moment ago, she'd thought he was asleep. And well he might have been. He had to be utterly exhausted. She herself was bone-weary.
But what an afternoon it has been!
She would never have believed she could come so many times in a few short hours. Or that a man and woman could make love in so many different ways and positions. Hoseok had seemed to delight in witnessing her shock at each successive and seemingly outrageous suggestion, before seducing her to his will with an ease that made mockery of her initial inhibited reaction. How quickly he's routed those inhibitions, showing her pleasures she could have only dreamed of, once she'd put aside or at least learnt to ignore that squirming embarrassment which came whenever he looked upon her body in some new and increasingly intimate fashion.
He'd become her own personal devil all right, tempting her in ways she might have read and dreamed about, but which she would never have believed she would dare to do. Her stomach fluttered at what he might be going to suggest now, just when she'd thought everything had to come to a satisfying conclusion. Was there anything else? She doubted it.
"Yes?" she murmured warily, her own eyes staying shut.
"Lift your head for a second will you?"
She did, and he rolled over onto his back. "Right. You can put your head back down again."
Her head now nestled into his stomach, Hyeonji's own stomach contracted. The nearness of his slumbering cock brought back hot memories of the last time she'd encountered his flagging desire, less than thirty minutes before. Hoseok had carried her into the shower after one of their torrid mating's and, after washing her all over, had given her the shower gel and the sponge and set her to returning the favor. She'd been shy at first, as she always was when confronted by one of Hoseok's new suggestions. Her hands had initially been hesitant on him, but not for long.
How exciting it had been to bring him to life again in such a stunningly intimate way. There'd been a dizzying sense of power at the sight of him growing harder and larger by the second, his moans letting her now how much he was enjoying her ministrations. The decision to sink to her knees and do to him what he's already done to her more than once had come without conscious thought.It had seemed perfectly natural, yet at the same time the most wildly exciting thing she'd ever done.
Hoseok, however had not been as comfortable with her bold lovemaking. His thighs had alternately trembled and tensed as he'd struggled to control himself.
"stop," he'd rasped at last, stiffening and bracing himself back against the cool, wet tiles. "You must stop."
But she had not stopped. If he'd been her own personal devil before, she was his at that moment, her lips tempting him with the dark excitement of total surrender to her will this time. And while the hot water beat down on them both and the bathroom filled with steam Hoseok had finally lost his battle of the flesh, and she'd her wicked way with him.
"Hyeonji?" he said again, snapping her out of her erotic reverie.
She shivered then glanced up at him. "What?"
He was staring down at her with heavy-lidded eyes.
"Why is it, do you think, that everyone seems to believe you're in love with me?"
Hyeonji froze, then forced a light laugh. "I didn't know everyone did. Surely you're not talking about Tinashe? She was so green-eyed she couldn't see straight!"
"I realize that, but Jungkook seemed to think so too. Then this morning even Mom hinted the same."
Hyeonji gulped. "Really?"
"Yes, she said how much you cared for me and if I hurt one hair on your head I'd have her to answer to."
Hyeonji was touched, but also flustered. Was this the moment to confess, to tell Hoseok the truth? How would he react, she wondered, to finding out he was the enigmatic Mr X? Even if he was initially flattered. he might also be annoyed. He might think she'd made some kind of a fool of him by playing with his own identity. Hoseok would not like thinking that she'd been mocking him, or amusing herself at his expense. Which she had been, in a way. Though never maliciously. Then there was his possible reaction to finding out she'd been in love with him all these years like a love sick puppy dog. Even Tinashe had realized that if she declared a life long love and undying devotion Hoseok would have run a mile.
His mother's advise had been similar.
Hoseok was captivated by spirited women who went after what they wanted, not little mice who languished for years from an unrequited passion.
No, she could not tell him the truth. She could not risk losing Hoseok's respect, and possibly losing Hoseok in the process. She might have only won his lust so far, but it was a start.
"Well, of course I do care for you, Hobi," she confessed rather nonchalantly. "I always have."
"Yes, but it's this Mr X you're in love with," he muttered, none too happily. His disgruntlement gave Hyeonji hope. He lifted his head to glare down at her. "You are still in love with him, aren't you?"
She didn't know what to say. She really had to get rid of that infernal Mr X once and for all. He'd become a nuisance and an embarrassment, but how?
"Well?" Hoseok glowered at her.
Incredibly, she blushed.
Hoseok took that for admission, and scowled. "What in God's name has he got that I haven't got?"
Now Hyeonji ratlled "Err...nothing. I guess."
"Then there's no reason why you can't fall out of love with him and in love with me, is there?"
Hyeonji's mouth dropped open. "What..what are you saying?"
"What a I saying?" he bent down and scooped her up on top of him. "I'm saying I'm mad about you, Hyeonji. And I won't rest until you're just as mad about ,e." He rolled her under him and kissed her with a breathtaking hunger, hands cupping her face and keeping it solidly captive beneath his. "But that's not enough. I want to drive all thoughts of Mr X from your mind. I want you to love me as you've loved no other man."
"But I already have, Hobi. Loved you as I've loved no other man."
His head jerked back. "What?"
"Do you think I've done any of the things I've done with you today with any other man?"
He frowned. "But I thought...I mean... Look, lots of girls out there are technically virgins these days, but that doesn't mean they haven't done plenty. I thought...in the shower...I mean...My God, baby," he said, awe in his voice, "You're damned good at that for a beginner."
"Perhaps I just have a damned good tutor," she murmured, smiling. "And perhaps you were right about Mr X. What I felt for him was probably only infatuation, a fantasy. To be honest, I haven't given him a thought all the time I've been with you."
"So you're not in love with him anymore?"
"I can't see how I can be."
His triumph ant smile sent shivers down her spine.
"In that case that's going to be my next project - making you fall in love with me."
Hyeonji tried not to stare too hard, or cry. But it was too good to be true. She swallowed and tried not to let her feelings overwhelm her. Common sense dictated she be careful and not let her hopes get too high. Hoseok might me mad about her at the moment but that didn't mean he genuinely loved her. It might all be one of his passing passions, a temporary obsession. He's probably been mad about Tinashe at one point, plus all those other girls.
"And how do you aim to do that?" she asked him with a saucy smile.
He pursed his lips and made a thoughtful sound. "I'm not quite sure yet. You're so much more of a mystery than I ever imagined. A highly complex girl, not the simple creature I thought I knew so well. And you're far naughtier than I'd imagined too," he added, his eyes gleaming.
"Really?" she laughed. "Well, you're exactly as I always imagined."
"Is that good or bad?"
"Oh, definitely good. AND bad. You are as selfish as you said you were, but not in bed, thankfully."
'I'm not going to be selfish anymore," he vowed. "I'm going to change."
She smiled. "And the sun's going to rise in the west."
"You just wait and see. Besides, who are you to talk? Moved-on-made-over Hyeonji isn't exactly Miss Sweetness and Light. You could have knocked me over with a feather the way you stood up to Tinashe out there."
"Where as the Hyeonji I used to be would have stood there and not made a sound, not even a little squeak." she smirked.
Hoseok laughed. "Hey! Don't run her down. I really liked that girl. She was very sweet."
Hyeonji's eyebrows lifted. Yes, but you didn't fall in love with her, came her rueful thought. "She was a bore!"
"She was VERY nice," he defended hotly.
"She's dead and gone. Banished!"
"No. She's not," he said, his voice dropping to a soft and sentimental timbre. "She's still there, hiding underneath your new hair and your newly found assertiveness. I think that's why my feelings for you are different to what they were with any of those other girls. Different, and deeper. Because YOU'RE different. I've always liked you Hyeonji. You're not a vain little puss, and you're honest as the day is long. You'd never lie to me. You're the sort of girl a man is proud to take home to his mother. The sort a man wants to ma-"
She pushed her fingers against his mouth, panic flowering all through her. "Hush! Don't say that Hobi. Don't!"
He groaned, then picked up her fingers and kissed the trembling fingertips. "I'm rushing you, I know. I can be like that once I set my sights on something. I can see it's the wrong timing for me to do. Only yesterday you were a virgin, and in love with another man. I can understand you might be a little confused. But I can also be patient too," he vowed passionately. "And very single-minded. You're going to be mine Hyeonji. Fight me. I enjoy a good fight. But come the year you will become my fiance, with my ring on your finger and true love for me in your heart."
She stared at him with wide blinking eyes. She almost told him then, but didn't for she knew she had to make sure of him, had to let him fight his good fight for her, and for her love. It was fitting, after all the years of heartache and longing she'd been through, that should not win her easily. Men did not value what they gained easily. And Hoseok was going to value her. She deserved it.
"The new year?" she said, her mind racing. That was ten months away, ten months of him chasing her, courting her, pursuing her and seducing her. It was an irresistibly exciting thought. "Well I suppose by then I should know if it's true love I feel for you and not just infatuation. After my fiasco with Mr X, I would want to be sure."
"You'll be sure, my love. Don't worry. I will make sure of that" as he smirked.
Chapter 16 Final
0 notes
d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 14: Tinashe
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Reader as Kang Hyeonji
SUMMARY: When Kang Hyeonji transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Hyeonji to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
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Another talk less drive to Hoseok's home. More nerve racking tension.
And doubts. Terrible doubts.
What am I doing? Hyeonji agonized. This isn't me, I'm not a sex-monster. I know I'm not. So what am I doing letting Hoseok reduce me to nothing but a sexual challenge?
A member of Bangtan Sonyeondan was belting out a song, singing about love in their distinctive style.
Love! God, but she was beginning to hate that word. And the state. Being in love was totally self-destructive. Look what it had done to her mother. She'd loved her father who'd been a womanizer and wastrel. He'd brought her nothing but heartache and misery.
Now here she was, her mother's daughter, wasting her love on the wrong man. Maybe Hoseok wasn't a rotter or a wastrel but he had one major flaw. He didn't love her back. If he did, he wouldn't be doing this, would he? He'd be....
Hyeonji sucked in a startled breath as a possible defect in her reasoning broke through her mental ramblings. The question she'd just asked herself could have been the wrong question. What if she'd asked how Hoseok would be acting if he definitely didn't love her? If he disliked and disapproved of her new self as much as he said he did. For one thing he would not have come over today. He would have been only too happy to see the back of her. He certainly would have not raged at her then vowed to turn her into some kind of sex slave!
Hyeonji took a deep breath and tried not to get too carried away with this new theory to explain Hoseok's some what alien actions. It was always possible that she'd somehow captured his sexual interest in a way previously unknown to him, and he just could not handle his new feelings towards her. Clearly he was jealous of the idea of her with any other man.
Their arrival at Hoseok's place brought a swift end to this new and rather exciting train of thought. Still, Hyeonji vowed to stop being so obsessed with her own feelings and more observant about Hobi's. She appreciated, however, that cool reasoning was difficult when your nerve-endings were dancing and all you could think about suddenly was what Hoseok would do when they were alone in his loft.
He seemed tense himself, dropping his keys at the door then fumbling with the lock. He finally flung the door open and stalked inside. Hyeonji let out her long held breath then followed his wake. She was about to say something when a voice interrupted her, a low, husky female voice.
"Glad to see you finally came home, babe. I don't know about you, but this last month has been the longest in my life. So I didn't want to waste my time..."
Hyeonji could not see who had spoken. Hoseok stood in her line of sight. But she recognized the voice. Tinashe had a very distinctive delivery.
"For pity's sake Tinashe!" Hoseok exclaimed. "I have someone with me."
Hyeonji stepped out from behind Hoseok's suddenly frozen stance to see what had shocked him. Tinashe was draped in the bedroom doorway, stark naked. If ever Hyeonji had cause to feel inadequate, it was at that moment. She could not fault Tinashe's tall voluptuous body. Anywhere. The only remote flaw she could find was that Tinashe's nakedness confirmed what a jealous Hyeonji had always suspected - that Tinashe was not a natural blonde.
Still such small imperfection was little comfort in the face of such amazing figure. Tinashe slightly thrown by the unexpected presence of another woman. Her artfully raised arms dropped languidly to her sides and she rolled her eyes at Hoseok in mild exasperation. "Really, babe. This is the day we agreed to get together again. Had you forgotten? Maybe I left you alone for too long..."
She actually sashayed into the room, utterly unabashed of her nakedness. Her long blonde hair shifted in sensual disarray across her shoulders, her melon-like boobs undulating sensuously, bringing attention their lush size, plus their very pink, very pointed nipples. Hyeonji would not have put it past her to have painted the damned things, then iced them to their present stunning erect state.
"Why don't you tell this little sweetie to run along?" Tinashe said, waving a dismissive hand in Hyeonji's direction. "You really don't want to stay, do you, sweetie? Hoseok clearly has been a naughty boy in not telling you he already has a girlfriend." Hoseok glared his fury at her while Hyeonji gathered all her courage. "My name is Hyeonji, not sweetie," she said coolly. "And I'm afraid it's you who's going to be leaving, Tinashe, dear. Hoseok has indeed been naughty, but only in not calling you today and telling you it's over between you two. Right? Darling." And she linked arms with Hoseok, fluttering her eyelashes up at him as she gazed adoringly to his stunned face.
Tinashe at last looked annoyed. Her hands found her hips and she ppered at Hyeonji with narrowed eyes. "Hyeonji did you say?"
She took an aggressive step forward and looked Hyeonji up and down. "My God, it is!" She sneered. "It's the mouse from next door. I just didn't recognize her. I always knew you were a sly piece of shit. Did you think you had me fooled with your goody librarian routine? I saw the way you drooled over Hoseok when he wasn't watching. I knew you were jealous and you were just waiting on your chance to get your hooks in. Just good friends my ass."
Tinashe looked over at Hoseok "So tell me, what did she do babe? Confessed her long time love? Kissed your fucking feet? Promised undying devotion? No. I dont think that would've worked. You would run a mile away! You like your women assertive and independent, not simpering and clinging!" Tinashe gave Hyeonji another savage glance, then laughed. "Aaah. I get it. She played the make over game. Changed her hair and clothes. Worked on her fat ass."
"That's enough!" Hoseok ground out.
"Oh no, no, no...it's not," Tinashe returned, scornful and defiant. "It's not nearly enough. I'm going to have my say. I am not going to crawl out here with my tail between my legs! I am going to make you see that that bitch there is even more manipulative than I am!" She then turned to face Hyeonji, "tell me, what did you dangle him, hmmm princess? Your priceless virginity?"
When Hyeonji's face flamed, Tinashe triggered. "Oh, that IS priceless. And you fell for it Hoseok? I'm surprised. I thought you were more sophisticated than that. But I guess deep down all men are suckers for untouched vagina? The poor misera-"
Tinashe never got to finish her tirade of insults. She was too busy squawking when Hoseok threw her over his shoulder and marched her to the door. But she soon found her voice again, screaming a string of obscenities at Hoseok when he dumped her, in a none too flattering heap, in the hallway. Her clothes followed, then her purse-minus a key, an open-mouthed Hyeonji noticed.
"Goodbye Tinashe," he said coldly. "I would have liked to have done this decently. But decency would be wasted on you. I'm sure you won't have a hard time finding some sucker with low standards as yourself." And he slammed the door shut on her, shooting the lock across with a savage flick on his wrist. When he turned, he actuallt shuddered. "I cant believe I ever considered going back to that...creature!"
Hyeonji's estimation of Hoseok went up a thousand fold. Which meant it was now off the planet. "Well that was interesting. I must say she is...was...very beautiful.," she said. "And I dare say good in bed."
Hoseok grimaced. "I doubt anything about her is good except her acting. I would rather have five minutes in bed with you, Hyeonji, than a lifetime with her. You leave her for dead in every department. And you're just as beautiful."
Hyeonji's heart caught. "Not really Hobi," she murmured. "But it's nice of you to say so."
"No I mean it. You have a beauty which will last, because it comes from within. Not that I dont think youre very attractive," he said as he drew her into his arms. "You are. And very sexy too. In fact you're more sexy with your clothes on than Tinashe is stark naked. I see now that true sexiness comes from what a woman subtly offers a man. A willingness to give as well as receive. And trust. It wasn't so much of your virginity I found enchanting last night, but your trust. You trusted me with your body, and even your life. That blew me away. You blew me away. I couldn't sleep all night thinking of you., and wanting you again. What I said to you earlier, Hyeonji...I didn't really mean that. I would never do anything to hurt you. I was just going mad with wanting you. And I was in flat panic that you were going off and find someone else."
She cupped his handsome face and tried to still her racing heart. "You mean you're bot going to bow me to your will through fair means or foul? You're not going to try to turn me into some sex slave?"
Hoseok laughed "God, no. I don't know what got into me."
"Well, that's a shame," she said, smiling saucily into his very serious face. "I was kinda looking forward to it."
His brown eyes jerked wide, then narrowed. "I have an awful feeling you mean that."
"I do in a fashion..." Hyeonji replied, Hoseok quirked his head to the side "What kind of fashion?"
"I don't want you to hurt me, but I was looking forward to all those experiences you promised." She kissed him lightly on the lips "and be my master...." she kissed him again, not quite so lightly. "And my own personal devil..." her third kiss left him breathing heavily. "But most of all," she whispered huskily, "I was counting on you taking me to that mysterious level of surrender."
His expression had darkened during her provocative confession. She wasn't sure if she had shocked him to the core this time or not. He was certainly pretty still, but then a slow smile pulled at his nicely shaped mouth, and a wicked grin brightened his beautiful brown eyes.
"You do know what happens to little girls who play with fire, don't you? Hmmm...Baby girl?"
She gulped. Had she gone too far? She thought...
"Too late," he snapped, and scooped her up into his arms. "You cant throw down a challenge like that to a man like me, then try to back out." He began to stride towards the bedroom.
"But I...I..."
He halted in the doorway. "You what? Use your words baby girl, or forever hold your peace."
Hyeonji bit her bottom lip and Hoseok swept into the room, suddenly throwing her on his bed laughing devilishly. The boy meets evil.
Chapter 15
0 notes
d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 13: The Project
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Reader as Kang Hyeonji
SUMMARY: When Kang Hyeonji transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Hyeonji to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
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"So how did last night go?" Her mother asked when Hyeonji struggled out of bed shortly before midday. "You must have got home pretty late. I was still up reading at one-thirty."
Hyeonji knew she could not bear a full confession at that moment. She will still coming in terms with the end of her relationship with Hoseok. In the cold light of morning, it was a bitter pill to swallow that she'd exchanged a lifetime of friendship for one night of fantasy. Hoseok had delivered her home around three-thirty, neither of them having said a word to each other on the trip. When he'd try to say something in the driveway she'd stopped him with a look and quickly left. In her room, she'd felt too shattered to cry. She'd undressed and climbed into bed and just lain there, staring up at the ceiling, trying to make sense of the whole man/woman thing. No clear answers had come to comfort her. She'd finally dropped off around dawn, and had one of those awful dreams where she was travelling on a train and had lost her luggage, which passed by a no vacancy Inn called Omelas. It was a frustrating dream which she had from time to time. Inevitably, she woke feeling dreadful. Not that she needed an extra reason that morning. Hoseok didn't like her anymore. She'd become a sex-mad monster in his opinion; a complication. Hyeonji knew that he would not come around anymore and pride would stop her from seeking him out. Their friendship was over, ruined by her love for him.
"Sweetie?" Her mother probed gently.
She shook her head, unable to say anything. Zil sighed. "I presume it didn't work out like you hoped."
"No," Hyeonjie managed.
"I see. I'm so sorry my love. I know how much Hoseok means to you." As her mother caressed her hair gently. "Meant." Hyeonji said with sudden and unexpected determination. She stood up from where she'd been drooping over the kitchen table, her shoulders slumped in defeat. Now they straightened, her chin lifting in defiance of her depression. "Hoseok is the past, Mum. Today is the first day of the rest of my life, and I don't aim to waste it moping around. I'm going out."
"Out? Where, out?" Her mother replied in confusion.
"I really have no idea. Yet, i'll think about it while I have a bubble bath." With Hyeonji's declaration of sudden independence her mother stuttered. "A b..bubble bath? In midday?"
"Why not? Do you realize I haven't use bottle of bubble bath Han Byeol gave me for Christmas? I also have one of those bath bombs from Choon Hee. I think it's way overdue." As Hyeonji slams her palm on their kitchen table.
"What about the papers? The financial form Hoseok was going to leave with me last night. Did he forget?" Her mother asks. "No. He didn't. I'm sure he hasn't forgotten, Mum. Hobi isn't like that." Hyeonji responds only to realize she was still quick to defend his ex best friend. "Do you think I should go over and ask him about them? He must be there, his car is in the driveway."
Hyeonji flinched. The thought that Hoseok was physically so close rattled her momentary resolve to get on with her life. How could she go on, having won him in a fashion for one short night, only to lose him forever? "Yeah, I think that would be a good idea," she said briskly. "He's probably still asleep but I'm sure Mrs Jung will be up." Hyeonji turned and fled the room quickly before she weakend in front of her mother.
"Stay strong" she kept mumbling to herself. "You must stay strong!"
One hour later she was bathed and dressed in a white one piece sundress that went seven inches above her knee. It was pure and dainty, with the fabric swinging nicely on her legs. Allowing her freshly dried hair to fall on her shoulders with her perfectly made-up face. She'd also hunted out some pearl earrings which she'd only worn once, which now suited her look and her new hair color. She'd thought about putting on the new necklace Hoseok had given to her, but didn't want the constant reminder of him, so it stayed at the back of her top drawer. She did however, spray a whiff of Seductress behind her ears.
No one would've guessed just looking at her that inside she was having the mental and emotional battle of her life. It would be so easy to give in and give up, to sink back into the miserably mousy little nothing she'd once been. But to do that would be to waste all the changes she'd made. If nothing else she would remain grateful to Hoseok for being impetus behind her making those changes. Neither would she regret losing her virginity to him. How could she? She loved him. It angered her, however, that Hoseok had never recognized her love for him, when everyone else had, even dear old Jeon Jungkook. It had been easier for him to believe she'd suddenly turned into a sex-mad monster bitch than to face the fact that there could be something else behind her choosing him to become her first lover.
"Hyeonji?" Her mother called out from downstairs, and Hyeonji immediately tensed. She recognized that slightly sheepish tone in her mothers voice.
"Yes?" She called back curtly.
"Um...Hoseok's here. He wants to talk to you."
Hyeonji squeezed her eyes shut. "Oh God," she mumbled. Her thoughts racing as to why he wouldn't leave this shit alone. It was finished. They were finished. She'd risked the substance for the shadow and she'd lost. She understood that. Why didn't he? It looked as if she would have to spell it out for him again, because there is no way she was going to let him play with her emotions anymore, no matter how innocent his intentions. The way to hell was paved with good intentions. Maybe she should remind him of that. "I'll be right down," she said stiffly.
Gathering her strength, she slipped her bare feet into her beige sandals and forced herself to go down and face Hoseok. Her mother passed her on the stairs, obviously deciding to make herself scarce.
Hoseok was in the kitchen, standing with his back to the sink, his arms crossed. "You look awful," she said knowing that he didn't, actually. He looked fantastic, even with dark rings under his eyes and his clothing not up his usual satorial splendor. He was wearing his usual tattered jeans. Grey. Stonewashed, but his white T-shirt was crumpled.
"You don't," he returned, brown eyes washing over her. "You look beautiful."
Hyeonji declined to make a comment. "What is it that you want Hobi?" She asked coolly. "Your mother says youre going out." He arched his eyebrow at her.
"Yep" she responded. "Where?" Hoseok responds just as quick. "That is none of your business." She quipped.
"I am making it my business. Where are you going?" As he pushed himself off the sink, slowly approaching Hyeonji. She shrugged with his sudden question. "I'm not sure yet. Anywhere."
"In that case you're coming with me."
"No. Not good enough. Why should I?" Hyeonji starts to feel her blood boil. Hoseok can be persistent but she didn't think he'd be this damned controlling.
"It was...once. You used to be happy to go along with anything I suggested."
Her smile was not very nice. "Times have changed Hoseok. Haven't they?"
"Yes, and so have you," he bit out.
Hyeonji raised her eyebrows. "Do I detect a note of disapproval here? I must admit I'm at loss. Because I actually did do everything you suggested. This is your creation Jung Hoseok," she said, uncrossing her arms and sweeping them over her body. "You made me what I am today. You even gave me a splendid initiation into the pleasures of being fucked. I'm eternally grateful. They say a lot of girls' first experiences aren't anything to write about. I dunno about you, mine was pretty fucking awesome."
"I don't want your gratitude Hyeonji."
She placed both hands on her waist daring him even more. "Oh? What is it you want then? Tell me."
"You!" There was no denying the dark intent in his smouldering brown eyes. They raked over her, showing her with more than words what he wanted. Not love, God, no. There was nothing of love in the way he was looking at her. Lust, hot and strong, burned across the distance between them, branding her with its stunning heat. Hyeonji's coolness vanished momentarily, swamped by a white-hot deluge of answering desire.
"Don't fucking tell me its not mutual," he ground out. "I can see the truth in your face. You want me as much as I want you, Hyeonji as complicated as this might get, once was simply not enough."
She wasn't going to deny it. Impossible. Her heart was off running, and so was her conscience. If I can't have this love, she reasoned recklessly, then I'll settle for his lust. I'll settle for damned well anything at this moment. Even if it is fake love. The realization made a mockery of her earlier vow to get on with her life without Hobi. She was condemned to always being weak where he was concerned. Love made a woman weak, she accepted it with a sobering thought.
"What about Tinashe?" She asked, proud of herself that she didn't sound shaken as she was.
"You let me worry about Tinashe." He held out his hand and waited. She knew that to place her hand in his was to surrender to his wishes without reserve. From what she could see, he wasn't offering her anything but sex. He hadn't even promised to get rid of his old girlfriend. Hyeonji knew she could not cope with that. "I won't share you, Hobi."
"I won't share you either Hyeonji."
"You won't go back to her?" She spoke softly. "Not if you come with me right now." He replies. These unspoken words haunted Hyeonji, for she found them both dismaying and wildly exciting. It wasn't exactly what she wanted. Still becoming Hoseok's fuck buddy was a temptation beyond bearing. She hadn't yet had her fill of him in a sexual sense, either, had she? Difficult to knock back such a chance. Impossible, really. His face held a blackly triumphant satisfaction when she placed her trembling hand in his. His fingers closed tightly around its slender width and he yanked her towards him. Her lips parted on a breathless gasp as their bodies collided.
"So you're my creation, are you?" He murmured in a low, dangerously menacing voice. "In that case I've created a monster. A manipulative, demanding, conscienceless monster." He began stroking her neck, making her quiver with arousal and expectation. His eyes dropped to her mouth and she could feel the heat of her desire in their blistering brown eyes. Any moment he was going to kiss her. She wanted him to kiss her, ached for him to kiss her.
"No, I'm not going to kiss you," he growled, his fingers stilling on her throat. "Even though you want me to. You're going to learn to wait. You're going to learn a lot of things before I'm finished with you. You think you can play with people? You think you can use me then just move on to other men, other lovers," his fingertips pressed into the soft skin of her throat. "Think again, baby," he snapped, brown eyes gleaming. "Last night was only the first of many nights. And all of them will be with me. No one else. Not Jungkook or even your pathetic Mr X. Soon, your body will only respond to me. You're Daddy's little girl. You're Daddy's little project." He laughed. It was definitely a Mr Hyde laugh. It sent shivers down Hyeonji's spine.
"You, better than anyone know, how obsessive I can get about my projects," he went on in a fearsome fashion. "Nothing sways me from my goal. I promise you I will devote every minute of every day to the task, all my intellect, all my strength and every ounce of energy. I will become your tutor. Your master, your own personal devil!"
Hyeonji gaped at him, her eyes round, her heart pounding. This was a Hoseok she'd never met before. A madly impassioned, out-of-control Hoseok whose dark side had him firmly in its grip. But the insidious attraction of that dark side. His words were already sending her on the path to that particular hell. And hell it would eventually be. For she knew Hoseok well enough to know that his obsessions always burn out. Once a project was mastered, he quickly lost interest and abandoned it, moving on to the next project. And the next.
Hyeonji decided enough is enough. She might be dying to volunteer as his next project, but she would not be bullied or abused. She brushed past his temporarily stunned self and dashed upstairs. "Mum! Hoseok and I are going out for the day. Don't wait up." She heads back down to a stunned Hoseok. "Come on Daddy. Let's go."
Chapter 14
0 notes
d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 11: In love?
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Reader as Kang Hyeonji
SUMMARY: When Kang Hyeonji transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Hyeonji to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
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Hoseok's apartment was on the thirty second floor. It was expensive, spacious, modern. And practically empty. "I have ordered furniture but it has not arrived yet" he said as he ushered Hyeonji across a huge expanse of pale blue carpet. "But don't worry. I did manage to buy a bed before I moved in. I had them send one of the floor stock, complete with bed linen."
Hyeonji's heart leapt. A brand new bed, with virgin sheets, waiting for her and Hoseok. No bad vibes. No memories. No comparisons.
He led her into a huge master bedroom dominated by an equally huge bed with dark blue and maroon bedding. The large double-glazed window which stretched across behind it was covered with cream vertical blinds but no curtains. A door to the left led off to what she presumed was an en-suit bathroom. "So what do you think?" He said as he shrugged out of his dinner jacket and reefed off his black bow-tie.
Hyeonji tried not to stare when he began unbuttoning his shirt. She kept telling herself it wouldn't be the first time she'd seen Hoseok naked to the waist. He alwayd mowed his mother's lawn like that in the summer. But this was different.
"I think we have all the essentials, under the circunstances," she said, her crisp tone belying the thickening in her throat. "A bed. A bathroom. And us." Hoseok laughed while he yanked the shirt tails out from the waist band of his trousers. "I don't know if I entirely approve of Moving-On-Hyeonji, but I won't deny you have me totally intrigued."
"I would prefer turned on to intrigued," she quipped, determined not to revert to the mouse she'd once been. Where had that got her? Certainly not into Hoseok's bedroom with Hoseok undressing in front of her!
"That goes without saying," he said, and stripped off the shirt. Hyeonji swallowed. "Does it? I've never turned you on before..." she locked eyes with his and by sheer force of will kept hers steady. She would not have been human if her earlier nerved hadn't returned. This was unknown territory, after all - but she was damned if she was going to show them.
"Shall I undress as well?" She asked, her hands going behind her back in search of the bow which anchored the laces. She could not find the ends and screwed her head around over her shoulder in vain attempt to locate the wretched things. Hoseok materialized behind her. "Let me," he said softly, and removed her shaking hands. "I've been wanting to do this all night..."
Hyeonji gasped when he bent to press tender lips to the nape of her neck, at the same time obviously pulling the right thread, for the restricting laces suddenly gave way. A tremor raced through her as he eased the narrow silk straps towards the edge of her shoulders, kissing her neck all the while. Another inch or two and the whole dress would fall from her body, slithering down to the floor to leave her near naked to his eyes, and to his touch.
Her heart turned over at the thought, then quickened. To have Hoseok touch her bare breasts...His hands moved outwards and the dress slithered downwards. Hyeonji gasped, then held her breath. It felt an eternity before his hands moved again. And when they did she moaned her frustration at his lack of speed. They slid slowly up and down her goose-bumped arms before finally taking her arms and winding them around behind him.
"Yes," he said thickly when she clasped together at the back of his waist, effectively imprisoning herself against him. Her mouth dried at the feel of his bare chest pressing up againsts her own bare back. Her heart thudded heavily behind her ribs, her naked breasts jutting out impatiently for his touch. They seemed to swell with each pressing moment, their eager tips stretching out and upward in silent yearning. Something else was swelling as well, making its presence felt against the cushioning curves her bottom. Heyonji had never seen, let alone felt, an erect male before. She knew the theory, but somehow the reality felt different from her virginal imaginings.
Bigger. Harder. And with a mind of itsown. Her own mind reeled at the inevitability of its final resting place tonight.
Dear God... she thought.
Hoseok's hands grazing down over her breasts brought her back to the present, thrusting any thought of pain to the back of her mind. Pleasure took its place, blissful, blinding pleasure. She gasped when his palms rolled over her nippled a second time, then groaned when he took each tender peak between his thumb and forefinger, playing with them till they burned and throbbed with the sweetest ache she had ever known. But it wasn't only her breast which burned and ached. Her whole body was swiftly becoming a furnace of frantic fire.
"Hoseok," she whispered in pleading tones.
"Please don't stop..."
"I won't," he rasped, his mouth moving restlessly over her neck, kissing and sucking at her heated skin. Hyeonji shivered violently. "I mean later. Don't stop for anything."
His hands froze on her breasts. His mouth lifted. "Are you sure?" He asks as Hyeonji nods her head.
"What about pregnancy?"
Hyeonji was taken aback. She'd actually been thinking of her pain stopping him. Now she realized what he was referring to, and shrank from the concept of him putting anything between them. She might only have this night with him and she wanted everything to be perfect. "There's no danger of that," she reassured him hurriedly, desperate to have his hands and mouth back on her flesh once more. "My period is due this week and I'm never late."
"You haven't asked me if I'm any danger to you..." says Hoseok. Again that thought had not occured to her. "Are you?" She asked, shaken.
She shivered her relief. "Then everythings all right then."
He spun her abruptly in his arms and cupped her face. "Promise me you won't trust any other man like that." He demanded. "You have no idea the lies some creeps will tell you not to use a condom."
The realization that he was already anticipating her sleeping with other men after him dismayed Hyeonji. Silly she thought. What had she expected. That he would discover how much he secretly loved her tonight? What a romantic fool she was.
"Don't worry about what I do with other men, Hoseok." She said sharply.
"But I do. You're my friend and I care about you."
"Really? You yourself said tonight this had nothing to do with friendship." She stepped back and hastily stripped her pantyhose and shoes, scooping the bundle of clothes to one side and straightening to stabd naked in front of him. Her chin lifted defiantly her hazel brown eyes glittering as she pulled the swinging earrings from her lobes one by one and tossed them on top of her green silk dress. "You were right. This has nothing to do with friendship, Hobi. Nothing at all!"
Too much passion in her voice she realized. But too late.
Hoseok frowned. Then frowned some more, "And what has it to do with, Hyeonji?" He asked slowly, his eyes searching hers all the while. "I sure hell hope Jungkook wasn't right."
"Jungkook? What has Jungkook got to do with this?" Slowly getting irritated by Hoseok.
"Nothing, obviously. But he seemed to think your feelings for me encompassed more than friendship. He said he was watching you while I made my speech tonight and he reckoned you were in love with me. He warned me not to fuck you since virgins in love were notoriously vulnerable. I didn't believe him that time. I thought Jungkook was just making trouble. But now I'm beginning to wonder."
Hyeonji knew she had to act quickly or all would be lost. She hoped her laughter had just the right mixture of disbelief and dry amusement. "In love with you, as well as my Mr X? I'm not that much of a masochist. But you have grown into a very attractive man Hobi," she said, undulating towards him with a sexy smile curving her mouth. "And your experience with women is impressive. Why do you think i chose you for this exercise? No, Hobi, I don't want your love tonight. I just want your body." She pressed her palms against his naked chest and kissed the base of his throat, then slowly lifted her eyes back to his.
Was he angry with her? Or angry with himself? Whatever, his brown eyes were blazing with something. He gripped her elbows and lifted her bodily off the carpet, carrying her over and tossing her back onto the bed. She lay sprawled there in breathless silence, watching dry-mouthed as he proceeded to strip himself with rough, angry movements. The sight of the unknown was worrisome as she feared. No doubt about it. This was going to hurt. She only hoped he remembered his promise not to stop. For anything.
Chapter 12
0 notes
d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 10: Changing Crime Scenes
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Reader as Kang Hyeonji
SUMMARY: When Kang Hyeonji transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Hyeonji to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
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Hyeonji would be eternally grateful that other people pounced on Hoseok as soon as they entered the club, because she was in a state of shock. Good manners had her smiling and saying the right things on automatic pilot, but it was a real relief that she couldn't have a private conversation with Hoseok at that point. She needed to assimilate what had just happened, what he'd agreed to. She needed time to calm the panic within.
But time brought little calm, only the most debilitating cluster of nerves. Her mind whirled with a possibly inaccurate memory of saying which was perversely apt for the occasion, and went something like this: Careful of what you might want, because one day you might just get it.
Naturally, she could not eat any of the dinner placed in front of her. Not a bite. Hoseok, however, was not similarly stricken. He ate his food while chatting casually with the others seated at the official table, acting as if nothing untoward on his mind. Clearly, his agreeing to deflower his best friend after the dinner was over did not rate sufficient reason to go off his food. He might have lost his head but he hadn't lost his appetite.
Men, Hyeonji decided with growing cynicism, were a different breed altogether. Their egos, never their feelings, dictated all their actions. Hoseok was only taking her to bed because he could not bear for Jungkook to. It had nothing to do with desire for her and everything to do with male competitiveness.
She moved her food around the various plates, trying to make it look as if she'd eaten something. She found comfort in continuously sipping her wine, an easy task since her glass was never empty. The very attentive waiter kept topping it up, perhaps because from his elevated position he could peer down her cleavage.
When he went to top it up again during dessert, Hoseok's hand suddenly appeared over the glass barring the way. Not a word was spoken but the waiter got the message. After he'd moved on to attend to others at the table. Hoseok leant towards her.
"Under the circumstances, a reasonable alcoholic consumption would be beneficial," he said quietly. "Too much, however, would definitely be counter-productive. Unless of course, you wish to be close to unconscious when I take you to bed," he added on a dry note. "I do realize I'm not your first choice for this honor, but I would like you to at least remember who was responsible next morning."
Hyeonji felt totally miffed. So she'd been right. Hoseok's decision to be her first lover was just a matter of ego. She vowed to find something cutting to say in return, nut floundered abysmally.
The Master of Ceremonies' introduction of the night's guest speaker put Hyeonji out of her misery. Hoseok rose up from his chair to walk up onto the stage which had been set up at one end of the long rectangular room, standing to one side of the podium while the MC ran through praise-filled resume of Hoseok's achievement in business. She was too busy staring at Hoseok, at this absolutely gorgeous man whom she adored for many many years, and who in a couple of hours' time, would hopefully do what she'd always wanted him to do.
And she'd been stupidly sitting there, finding fault with him and indulging in all sorts of insecure female rubbish. Good God what was wrong with her? This was the stuff romantic dreams were made of. She'd accuse Hobi once of never stopping and smelling the flowers yet here she was, letting panic and pride spoil what should be the happiest night of her life.
Well, from this moment in tonight, she was going to stop and smell the flowers. She would not question Hoseok's motivations for making love to her. She would not worry about tomorrow. She would simply enjoy each moment for what it was and let the rest of the world go by.
Her eyes softened as they watch Hoseok step up to the podium, looking so sophisticated and impressive. With her silly anger gone, she listened to every word he said, quickly rapt in power and sincerity of his speech. He spoke of achievement in terms of faith in one's own ability and that unswerving tunnel vision which refused to accept defeat and called every seeming failure an experience. He did not gloss over the necessity of hard work, nor the difficulties of the present economic climate. He was passionate and inspiring. You could hear a pin drop in the room. Hyeonji felt so proud.
That's the man I love, she wanted to call out to everyone. But of course she did not. She sat there silently, vowing that tonight she would show Hoseok that love, in every touch, every caress. She might not have Tinashe's expertise in bed, but she would give him something the other woman could not. True love. And true passion. Nothing feigned nor faked.
When Hoseok finished his speech, the room erupted with applause, Hyeonji clapping as enthusiastically as everyone else.
After that, it was time to get on with the award-giving, Jungkook coming lucky at last. When he strode up on stage to accept the award, Hyeonji tensed a little. But no one would have guessed the two men were anything but best of friends, both of them smiling broadly while the photographer snapped them together.
But Jungkook whispered something after the photographer had finished, something which had Hoseok frowning momentarily over at Hyeonji. He said something back to Jungkook, who made another remark then laughed and slapped Hoseok on the shoulder. By the time Hoseok sat back down next to Hyeonji, she could not contain her curiosity.
"What did Jungkook say to you just then?" She asked tautly.
"When? Jungkook never says anything of importance." Hoseok replies. "But you did frown at me afterwards." Hyeonji pushed.
"It was nothing. Just Jungkook being Jungkook. He's always a bad loser. Come on. Let's go." When he stood up abruptly, Hyeonji gaped at him. "Now? You want to go now?"
"Yes. Why not? Surely you dont want to stay here and make meaningless chit chat? It's already ten thirty. It'll be nearing midnight by the time we make it to my place. If I'm to deliver you back home before the dawn. I think we should shake a leg, don't you?" Hoseok smirked at Hyeonji.
"Well, I...I..." to tell him that her mother would not worry if she didn't make it home before dawn would have met with much skepticism. "Fine," she finally said, her voice not much more than a squeak.
Swallowing, she stood up and let Hoseok propel her shaky legs from the room and the club. "Where exactly is your place?" Hyeonji queried on their way to the car. "Just bought a new apartment in one of those new inner-city high rises a couple of months back. I only moved in this last week though."
"A new car, and now a new place," Hyeonji remarked casually, though her heart was singing with the thought that if he'd only moved in this last week he'd never spent time alone with Tinashe there, never slept with her in that particular bedroom. Who knew maybe even the bed was a new one?
Thinking about bedrooms and beds brought resurgence of nerves which reminded her forcibly of her empty stomach. Maybe she should have tried to eat something. The last thing she wanted was her hunger pains making embarrassing noises while Hoseok was making love to her.
They reach the car and Hoseok opened the passenger door for her. Their eyes met and Hoseok's were irritatingly unreadable. If he was nervous about the rest of the evening, he certainly wasn't showing it. "You're not the only one who's decided to make changes in their life," he said matter-of-factly. "Turning twenty five made me realize time was moving on."
Oh my God, she though. He is thinking about marrying Tinashe. "Twenty five is not that old Hobi," she said hastily. "I mean, not for a man. Now it might be for a woman because she has to have babies, but in a man's case there's no need for him to rush into marriage."
"Marriage? I wasn't talking about marriage! I was talking about enjoying some of the money I've worked so hard to make. Oh, do just get in. And don't gabble me all the way to the apartment. I like to listen to music when I drive. And I like to concentrate."
Hoseok slotted a Bangtan Sonyeondan CD into the built-in player before easing out of the parking space. Maybe he founf their music relaxing and upbeat, but Hyeonji discovered that these Idols were one of a kind. Singularity playing on the background, Hyeonji found the music disturbingly erotic in several ways.
The next hour seemed eternal. Hyeonji stared through the passenger window, first into the blackness of the countryside, then later the city lights. She tried every method known to mankind to still her churning stomach. Deep, even breathing. Meditation. More common-sense reasoning of the type she'd soothed herself with at dinner.
This is what you've always wanted. Stop being a silly ninny. Hoseok knows what he's doing. He's and experienced lover. It won't hurt. It's going to be wonderful. These last thoughts had small measure of success till they drew close to Han River, after which butterflies in Hyeonji's stomach reached plagued proportions.
"You know, you don't have to do this is you don't want to," she blurted out. His side ways glance carried total exasperation. "If you think for a moment I'm going to let you back out now, then you have another thing coming!"
"Yes, but if you don't really want to..."
"Don't want to?" He grated out. "Are you mad? I'm sitting here in fucking agony, I want you so much. Hell, I've thought of nothing else all night!"
"Oh" Hyeonji was stunned, then thrilled by the dark frustration in his voice. She would certainly never have guessed by his manner. Maybe he wasn't doing this just because of ego after all. Maybe he really wanted her, Kang Hyeonji.
Or maybe any attractive female would have done as we, came the added dampening thought. Clearly he'd been celibate since his separation from Tinashe started over four weeks ago. Maybe he was just dying for some sex, and she tipped him over the edge tonight with her provocative dress and flirty manner. Hadn't he said he'd agreed to sleep with her that he'd lost his head?
"Look just in case you're languishing under misapprehension here," Hoseok went on quite irritably, "I am not sacrificing myself on the altar of friendship tonight. It's passion that sends men to bed with women, not compassion. I wanted you the moment I saw you tonight."
Hyeonji took little comfort from his confession. It sounded like a case of uncontrollable male frustration to her. "So you can stop sitting there worrying I might stop this time," Hoseok informed her with a savage sideways glance. "My conscience is well and truly routed. And you can stop acting like a nervous bride on her wedding night. You kew exactly what you were doing tonight, you wicked little minx. I finally realize that. No one comes out on a date dressed like THAT without a preconceived game plan. You were determined to seduce some poor, unsuspecting male tonight no matter, weren't you?"
"Something like that," as Hyeonji answers.
Less than twenty seconds later he was easing his Mazda into the allotted parking space for unit 3234.
Hyeonji swallowed hard.
The curtain was about to go up on the biggest show of her life. For once, she was center stage, the heroine of the play, with Hoseok her hero. Ten days ago this would have been unbelievable, unthinkable. Yet here she was.
This is your one last chance Hyeonji, a voice whispered in her head. Don't waste it.
Suddenly, the knots in her stomach began to unravel and a strange calm overtook her. Without waiting for Hoseok, she reached for the door handle and let herself out of the car. She felt oddly ethereal as she watched him climb out of the car and walked around to join her. Almost as though she was having an out-of-body experience. She was here, yet she was also watching from afar.
"Are you alright Hyeonji?" Hoseok asked, frowning. Her smile was dreamy. "Yes, I'm fine." His frown deepened. "You're not drunk, are you?" Hyeonji simply answered him by shaking her head.
"You knocked back a lot of that wine over dinner and you didn't really eat much."
"I didn't have much appetite," she admitted. "I was thinking of you, Hobi. And this." Again without waiting for him she slid her arms around his neck, reached up on tiptoe and Pressed herself against him.
He just stood there, deliciously acquiescent, while her lips found his in a series of light kisses which fluttered over his mouth like angels' wings. Hyeonji was in seventh heaven, making soft satisfied little noises in her throat. Her fingers stroked the back of his neck, her thumbs caressing the soft skin behind his ears.
Finally, Hoseok's lips parted as he sucked in a long., quivering breath. Hyeonji's tongue immediately darted forward, connecting with his own tongue tip before it could retreat. She felt his hesitation, ruthlessly ignored it, snaking her tongue deep into his mouth then winding it around the full length of his.
She was the original Eve, tempting Adam with the pleasures of flesh, but combining her seduction with an even more subtle force. Her love for him. It gave her power she could never have guessed at. And the will to exercise that power. She undulated her tongue and her body against his, and urged him on as females had been urging their menfolk since time immemorial.
His tortured groan startled her as his hands came up to grip her shoulders. His fingertips dug into her flesh and for a few moments his tongue took over and gave her a glimpse on how Hoseok would make love.l, once he really lost his head.
Just savagely he yanked her away from him, holding her at arms length while he glared down at her with a blistering reproach in his blazing brown eyes.
"No, damn it," he ground out. "No!"
"But you said you wouldn't stop." She cried in dismay.
"I'm not stopping, you little fool. I'm changing the scene of the crime." And taking her hand, he began dragging across the car park. "The crime?" She echoed.
"Yeah. What you were doing to me just then was criminal. But don't worry, Miss Moving On. I'll let you do whatever you fancy once we're in the privacy of my bedroom. In fact, I'll insist upon it."
Chapter 11
0 notes
d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 9: Proposal
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Reader as Kang Hyeonji
SUMMARY: When Kang Hyeonji transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Hyeonji to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
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The League Club had been the main social club of the Cantral Gwangju-Busan Coast area for some years. Membership was cheap, and not even necessary to gain entrance. Visitors and tourists were welcome to enjoy the many facilities and entertainment the club had to offer.
There were poker machines galore, bingo nights, dance clubs, variety shows, bars, lounges, snooker tables and even a TAB betting branch. The large bistro section provided inexpensive meals, with three other restaurants catering for patrons who wanted more extensive menu and silver service.
It was understandable, then, that the club car park was almost full by seven fifteen on thag saturday night. Hoseok finally found a spot on the top level, his face showing irritation by the time he and Hyeonji made their way ober by the lifts. When a black Jag sped around the corner from the level below and almost collected them, Hoseok could no longer contain his temper.
He swore, shaking his fist at the unseen driver. The Jag screeched to a halt. The tinted window purred down and Jeon Jungkook's distinctive dark brown hair and face leant out.
"Hoseok!" He exclaimed. "I thought it was you I nearly killed. Pretty stupid of me since I gather you're presenting me with my award tonight. I was voted Young Businessman of the Year, would you believe?"
Jungkook's deeply set doe eyes suddenly shifted over to Hyeonji, his black brows shooting upwards. "Good God, is that our little Hyeonji you've got with you? Wow, girl, you're looking even better than you did the other night. Hold the lift for me, you two, will you? It won't take me a second to park this old chariot."
Hoseok's grip on her arm tightened as he steered her over the lift. "Our little Hyeonji?" He grated out. "What did he mean by that? And where in God's name did he see you the other night?"
Hyeonji thought all her Christmases had come out at once. She could not have orchestrated things better for herself. Fate had, for once, been on her side.
"Jungkook drove by as I was walking home from the hair dresser Friday week ago," she said truthfully. "He stopped and gave me a lift home." Hoseok reached out with his free hand and jabbed the 'down' button before glowering down at her "And?" Hyeonji had no trouble adopting an innocent expression, she was innocent "And what?"
"And he told you, you looked fantastic, didn't he?"
Hyeonji stiffened. Suddenly, she could see which way Hoseok's mind was working and it wasn't what she wanted at all. Damn that infernal Mr X!
"He did say something complimentary," she hedged. "I can't really remember his exact words "
"Don't play games with me Hyeonji. You're not like to have forgotten the exact words your precious Mr X said to you. Jeon Jungkook IS your Mr X, isn't he? You lied to me about that. And you lied to me knowing that he'd be here tonight." As Hoseok's hold tightens on Hyeonji's arm.
"Don't be silly, Hobi." She shrugged out of his bruising hold. "Jungkook is not my Mr X and I had no idea he would be here tonight. But now that he is I can't say I'm sorry. I've always liked Jungkook. He's good fun."
The lift doors slid open and they walked in, Hyeonji and not Hoseok reaching for the 'hold' button.
"You do realize he'll try to hit on you," Hoseok pointed out scathingly. "Will he? Well, why should that worry you?" Hoseok snapped "Your even saying that shows naivety, I wouldn't trust him with an eighty-year-old grandmother!"
"I don't think Jungkook is that bad as everyone makes him out to be," she defended hotly, her face burning over Hoseok's calling her naive and silly. "I wouldn't advise your putting that notion to the test." He ground out.
An awkward silence fell between then, broken only when Jungkook strode into the lift. He was wearing a dinner suit similar ilk to Hoseok's, but somehow Hyeonji though Hoseok's looked more elegant. In Hyeonji's opinion people would say the clothes maketh the man. In Hoseok's case it was the other way around.
"Thanks babe," Jungkook said, pressing the ground floor button while ipenly ogling Hyeonji. "So how come you two are out together tonight? Last time I saw you Hoseok you had a blonde bombshell on your arm."
"Hobi and I are just good friends," Hyeonji piped up before Hoseok could say a word. "His girlfriend couldn't make it so I'm here in her place."
Jungkook looked pleased at this news. "So you're not on a real date?"
Hyeonji laughed. "Good heavens, no!"
"So what are you doing after dinner?" He persisted. Hyeonji had to give Jungkook his due. He didn't believe in wasting time.
"I'm taking her home," Hoseok pronounced firmly.
"Come now, don't be a spoilsport," Jungkook said jokingly. "If you're not interested in this little lady, then I surely am."
"Then I suggest you ask her out some other time," Hoseok said politely, even though his eyes would have set low-calorie jelly in ten seconds flat. "Contrary to Hyeonji's opinion, I DO consider this a real date. When I take a girl out for the night, I see her safely home."
The subtle emphasis on the word 'safely' did not escape Hyeonji. Or Jungkook, who rolled his eyes and snorted.
"I didn't realize you were so old fashioned." Jungkook retorted. "I don't consider myself old fashioned. But I do have certain standards."
Jungkook guffawed. "Yeah, I've seen some of them. And I must congratulate you on your standards. When you've finished with Blondie, you can give me her phone number."
The lift doors opened, and Hoseok took Hyeonji's arm. "Find your own girlfriends," he advised brusquely. "And leave Hyeonji alone."
Jungkook grinned. "Damn, fighting words Hoseok."
Hyeonji was astonished by the look Hoseok sent Jungkook. She'd always thought of Hoseok as a pacifist. Violence would never be his way. But there was violence in his eyes when he glared at his former classmate.
"Anytime Jungkook," he said in a voice reminiscent of Clint Eastwood at his tough-guy best. "Anywhere."
Doubt filled Jungkook's face. He glanced from Hoseok to Hyeonji to Hoseok again. In the end he shrugged and stalked off. Hyeonji couldn't make up her mind if she liked Hoseok's proprietorial manner or resented it. Whatever, her blood was up and was her temper.
"I don't understand your dog-in-the-manger attitude," she hissed on their walk from the lift to the club entrance. "You don't want me, but you don't want other man to want me."
"Who says I don't want you?" He hissed back.
Hyeonji ground to a halt, her crystal earrings in pendulum mode as she gaped up at the man she loved. But his returning glance was rueful and not full of the out-of-control, smoldering passion she was hoping for.
"Any red-blooded man would have to be dead not to want you, the way you're looking tonight," he ground out. "You must have got some inkling of the effect you had on me when I kissed you earlier. I had to exercise considerable self-control to stop when I did."
"No kidding," Hyeonji muttered. Ans she knew how he'd found that self-control. He'd only had to think of Tinashe tomorrow, she thought with savage despair. Why waste all that pent-up male sexuality on silly, naive, innocent Hyeonji when you have a blonde sex-bomb just waiting in the wings?
Her hazel brown eyes flashed as they raked over his handsome face. "Congratulations on your self-control," she said caustically. "But what good is that to me? I told you I wanted to move on Hobi."
"Meaning what?"
Hyeonji's laugh was dry. "And you called me silly and naive. Do I have to spell it out for you? I'm sick and tired of waiting for the man I love to love me back. And I'm sick and tired of being a virgin. Everyone keeps telling me to move on, even you! Well, I've decided to just that tonight in a way where there's no turning back! Since you won't oblige me, Hoseok, then I'll find someone who will."
"You don't mean that Hyeonji," he said in truly shocked tones. "I do mean it."
"Not Jungkook for pity's sake!"
"Why not Jungkook? I'm not expecting him to love me. Just to make love to me! I hear he's pretty good at that." Says Hyeonji. Hoseok groaned at the idea. "I can't bare to think of it."
"Well, you know what to do in that case," she threw at him in one desperate, last ditch attempt. "Do the honors yourself. If you were really my best friend you would."
He stared at her as though she were mad. She whirled and began to stride on ahead her skirt swishing angrily around her legs. She was mad all right, mad with herself. If she had any real guts she'd take Jungkook up on hid offer. Who knew? May she would before the night was up.
Hoseok caught up with her just as she approached the floor-to-ceiling glass doors which led into the club's brightly lit foyer. His arm linked forcibly with hers slowing her step before turning her to face him.
His brown eyes burned down at her with a darkly angry frustration "All right," he bit out. "I'll do it. But be it on your head, Hyeonji. God knows I suddenly lost mine!" And, with that, he swing her around and swept her into the club.
Chapter 10
0 notes
d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 8: Saturday Night
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Reader as Kang Hyeonji
SUMMARY: When Kang Hyeonji transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Hyeonji to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
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Hyeonji could not concentrate on her work. How could she, with Choon Hee besieging her with suggestions from the moment she arrived at work on Monday morning and spied the newly made-over Hyeonji.
Choon Hee's main advice was directed at Hyeonji's choice of clothing for the big night. The trouble was, she changed her mind every day. On Monday she insisted Hyeonji buy black. Lace, preferably. Black lace was so-o-o sexy!
Hyeonji didn't think she could carry off black lace and told Choon Hee as much. So on Tuesday Han Byeol came to the office and butted heads with Choon Hee, they now moved into getting Hyeonji a red satin...before they realised red would clash horribly with Hyeonji's new hair color.
From Wednesday to Friday the girls went through every possible color in the rainbow, plus every possible style from strapless and sexy to tight and slinky, then finally to white and virginal.
This last, desperate idea was an attempt at reverse psychology, since Tinashe would never dress in such fashion. Hyeonji was glad to leave work on Friday afternoon, having informed her avid friends thay she would simply buy something that suited and flattered her. Choon Hee had pulled a face before pressing the solemn promise from Hyeonji that she would finally wear the perfume she and Han Byeol got for her on her birthday.
"And buy yourself some drop earrings," had been Han Byeol's last hurrah. "I was watching this body language expert on television the other day and he said dangling earrings projected highly sexual messages on some subtly primitive basis. Apparently there's this tribe in Africa where women stretch their earlobes with heavy rings and weights. The ones with the longest earlobes are considered the sexiest, so the longer the earrings the better."
Choon Hee laughed out loud yet nodded to have Hyeonji wear some drop earrings for more appeal. Hyeonji had sighed and agreed to wear long, dangling earrings as well as the perfume.
Saturday dawned slightly overcast but the sun came out during Hyeonji's short train trip up to the shopping center. The forecast that morning had predicted twenty-eight degrees, average for their small little town in March. Fortunately, the humidity was low so Hyeonji would mot have to worry about perspiration ruining whatever dress she bought.
She arrived just as the shops opened, her mother's gift of five hundred and forty-five dollars tucked safely in her purse. Four hours later her mission was finally accomplished, and her purse was pretty empty. Hyeonji could hardly contain her excitement on the train ride home, hugging the parcels on her lap.
She would never have thought she could look so good, or sexy. Of course, it was to be seen what Hoseok would think of her, but she could never reproach herself for not pulling out all the stops. She hurried home from the station, puffing a little as she struggled up hill with her bags. It was one thirty and Hoseok's car was nowhere in sight. His mother was, though, Mrs Jung waving from where she was attending to her pot-plants on the front porch.
"Been shopping for tonight dear?" She called out, her smile bright just like her son. Hyeonji was grateful to stop for a minute. "Yes, Mrs Jung. I've been very extravagant," she confessed rather breathlessly. "New dress. New shoes. New everything, actually."
"Oh you must come in and show me. I'd love to see them," says Mrs Jung. Hyeonji hesitated, then glanced back down the hill. She didn't want to be caught by Hoseok coming home. She didn't want him to see her today until she was ready.
"Don't worry," Mrs Jung said "Hobi's not due. He has to work all day today. He just rang to say he'd get ready down and arrive straight to your place. Come in. You can have a cool drink while you're at it. You look hot."
Hyeonji was hot, but it wan't from the shopping. Suddenly, tonight was all too real. It was also her last chance. If nothing came tonight with Hoseok then she would give up all hope. Total failure was less than a few hours away.
"What lovely dress!" Mrs Jung exclaimed when Hyeonji drew the silk bit of nothing out of the bag. Mrs Jung held up the clothing "Oh yes, that's just the thing." She chuckled delightedly.
"You're certainly going to make that boy of mine sit up and take notice in that dress, aren't you my dear?" Hyeonji's eyes rounded at Hoseok's mother, who gave her a softly knowing smile in return. "You think I haven't guessed all these years that you're in love with my son?"
"You don't have to say a thing. Just listen. Hoseok does not love Tinashe. She is, however, a beautiful and clever girl who panders to his not inconsiderable ego and knows exactly how to handle him." Hyeonji was all ears as Hoseok's mother went on. She'd been riveted from the moment Mrs Jung had said Hoseok didn't love Tinashe.
"I know my son very well, Hyeonji. I know his strengths and weaknesses. Basically, he is a good, kind, loving boy, but he has an obsessive workaholic personality with a one-track mind. I'm sure you've seen evidence of this yourself. I used to have to set an alarm clock next to his computer to get him to school reasonably on time. When he becomes absorbed in a project nothing can distract him, not even his male needs, which I might add are as strong as any other normal red-blooded man's."
This wasn't any news to Hyeonji. She'd seen the trail of girlfriends, all of them not exactly the types you just talked to on a date.
"You think Hoseok has only ever been attracted to the most beautiful girls," his mother went on. "That he's like a moth drawn only to the brightest of flames."
"Well, his girlfriends have all been stunners, Mrs Jung." Hyeonji pointed out.
"True. So I suppose if I said it was their personalities which won him you would be sceptical?" Mrs Jung chuckled.
Hyeonji laughed.
"I understand your cynicism. Nevertheless, what I am saying is true. The only girls who've attracted Hobi have been the ones who had enough confidence in themselves to break through his absent-minded nature and force him to notice them. I have no doubt most of them approached him first, made none too subtle passes and flirted with him outrageously in order to win him away from his other, all-consuming passion."
"Naturally, the only girls who have such a degree of confidence are usually very beautiful ones which gives them that added edge. Once they have Hoseok's attention, they have the equipment to ensnare his sexual desire as well. Even so, he usually tires of them rather quickly. Either that or they themselves become frustrated with his tendency to forget dates, and they leave the relationship of their own accord."
Hyeonji intensely listening and nodding to every word Mrs Jung had to tell her, felt like having a fairy god mother by her side.
"Tinashe, however, has hung in there. I think she must be very good in bed. I also think she knows Hoseok's net worth and wants to hitch her wagon to a star. I suspect this so-called trial separation is suppose to frustrate Hoseok enough for him to agree to marry her. I don't know if it will work. I sincerely hope not, because she does not love my son and it will make him miserable in the end. He doesn't believe in divorce, you see. Hoseok needs someone who truly loves and understands him. In short , Hyeonji, he needs you."
Hyeonji was speechless.
"You have the perfect opportunity to put a spanner in Tinashe's work tonight, my dear," Mrs Jung continued in a conspiratorial voice. "But you must be bold. And daring. Make him notice you, in more ways than one. Flirt with him. Let him know you want him. You do want him don't you?"
All Hyeonji could do was nod.
"Then go after him, with as much cunning and ruthless as Tinashe did. In short SEDUCE him."
Seduce him?
Hyeonji went home with those daunting words ringing in her ears. How did an inexperienced virgin seduce a man like Jung Hoseok? According to his own mother, he'd had coubtless sexy, beautiful women do just that and do it superbly! What chance did she, Kang Hyeonji, have?
Made-over she might be, but that was only a skin-deep transformation. Inside, she was still a quiet, reserved kind of girl. Basically, she was not bold. Or daring.
Okay, so she'd spoken up for herself a few times recently, but only in private and with people she knew well. The thought of openly flirting with Hobi in a very public place at a well-attended formal dinner sent frenetic butterflies fluttering around in her stomach.
At six-thirty she still found those butterflies still in full flight. Yet her reflection in the dressing-table mirror went some way boosting that confidence Hoseok's mother had insisted she find. Outrageously long, the green crystal drops hung nearly to her shoulders, swaying seductively whenever she moved. They've been worth every cent of the fifty dollars they'd cost.
"Oh Hyeonji, you look gorgeous."
Hyeonji swung around at her mother's voice, the A-line skirt of her dark green silk dress flaring out before settling into more discreet folds against her thighs. Not that a skirt that short could ever be discreet. It ended a good five inches above her knees. When combined with the four-inch heels of her strappy, bronze-colored Jimmy Choo's shoes she looked all leg.
"Do you think so, Mom?" Hyeonji was desperate of reassurance, her own eyes not to be trusted. Zil's admiring gaze traveled from her daughter's shimmering hair, down to her perfectly made-up face, past the flamboyant earrings and finally to the little sexy dress which showed off Hyeonji's recently reshaped curves to perfection.
The low, scooped neckline hinted at a very adequate and perfectly natural cleavage, the tight bodice nipped-in waistline showing that Hyeonji could rival Scarlett Johanssen in the hourglass figure department, and with out the help of a corset.
"Turn around," her mother said. "Let me see the back again."
Hyeonji did so a little tentatively. She knew the lace-up back was daring, exposing a deep section of creamy flesh right down her back to her waist. This was part of the style of course, but it precluded the wearing of bra, even a strapless one. The only underwear Hyeonji had on, in fact, was an expensive set of lace silk panties.
Hyeonji turned back to find her mother frowning slightly. "What's wrong?" She asked, panicking. "Do you think the neckline is too bare? Should I wear a necklace instead of these earrings?"
Zil smiled reassuringly. "Not at all. Those earrings are perfect. No. I was just hoping everything turns out right for you tonight."
Hyeonji scooped in a steadying breath. "I do too..."
Zil came forward to take her daughter's hands in hers. "Whatever happens, you look absolutely beautiful."
"Thank you Mom." Hyeonji smiled at her mother fondly.
"You smell lovely too. What's that perfume you're wearing?" Zil tilts her head in curiosity. "It's the one Choon Hee and Han Byeol have me for my birthday. It's called....SEDUCTRESS."
Zil's eyebrows shot up. Mother and daughter looked at each other, then laughed. "Let's hope it has a secret ingredient," Hyeonji said, shaking her head ruefully, "because I think I'm going to need it."
"You'll do fine my love. Just be your sweet lovely self and Hoseok will be enchanted." Now Hyeonji felt confused. She had Hoseok's mother telling her to be a vamp, her own advising the natural approach she had an awful feeling neither would work. The only time she'd had a real response from Hobi was when he'd been jealous of Mr X.
Maybe that was the way to go. Mr X had been very useful so far...Hyeonji had been speculating on how shw could use Mr X to further advantage tonight when the doorbell rang. Her stomach immediately crampedm oh, dear heaven.
"That will be Hoseok," her mother whispered. "I won't come to the door. Say I'm in the bath or something. If he has those papers for me, just put them on the hall table. Oh and don't worry about how late ypu get home. I won't. In fact i won't worry too much if you don't come home at all."
Hyeonji's hazel brown eyes rounded at this amazingly broad-minded mother she'd suddenly acquired. "Mum," she said. "I'm shocked but I love you for being so understabding. Still, I think you'll find I'll be home soon after midnight like a good little Cinderella."
"I don't know about that," Zil said wryly with another glance at her striking-looking daughter. "Now off you go," she added when the doorbell rang the second time.
Hyeonji picked up the bronze clutch purse which matched her shoes and made her way carefully downstairs, taking her time lest she trip over in her new high heels. Be confident, she kept telling herself as she approached the front door. And bold. And daring.
Schooling her face into a cool smile, she swung open the door, prepare to accept Hoseok's surprised admiration as though it were the most natural thing in the world. Unfortunately, she hadn't prepared herself for being confronted with Hoseok standing there looking blistering handsome in a superbly tailored black dinner suit.
Most men looked good when dressed in a tux.
Hoseok however was breath taking.
She stood there in speechless admiration of his beauty and missed his initial reaction to her own appearance by the time she recovered sufficiently to look into his eyes he was shaking his head at her with a mildly rueful reproach.
"I can see this is going to be a long and difficult night."
Hyeonji was taken aback. Did he like the way she looked or not? "What do you mean?"
"You know very well what I meant you minx, my God, are you wearing any underwear at all under that excuse of a dress?" Hoseok says.
Hyeonji blushed and bristled at the same time "I'm only following your suggestions. You told me you don't like women who wear pants."
His shocked brown eyes zoomed to where the hem of her skirt ended at mid-thigh. Hyeonji rolled her own eyes. "That's not what I meant. I do have pantyhose on with built in panties," she said dryly. "I was talking about my wearing a dress and not pants suit."
"Oh, that's a dress you're almost wearing, is it? I thought it was a left-over from a lingerie party." Hoseok added furiously.
"Very funny. Truly, Hobi, you're acting like some over-protective big brother, though I don't know why. You never have before." Hyeonji getting all frustrated as Hoseok answers back. "Well you've never looked like THIS before."
"Is that a compliment or an insult?" She replied. "It could be a damned problem." Says Hoseok.
"I don't see how," she said airily. But she wasn't as thick as she was making out, and the reality of Hoseok's brooding reactions thrilled her to bits. He was perturbed by how she looked. And really jealous of any other man she might attract tonight.
His own mother's words popped into her mind. "Go after him, with as much cunning and ruthless as Tinashe did..."
"So," Hyeonji went on, twirling around and mercilessly pretending she had no idea of the effect the back of the dress would have on him. "Will I knock 'em dead at dinner?"
"I don't know about the others," he growled, grabbing her wrist to stop her from twirling around again "but I'm in my grave already."
She feigned a flustered frown. "But I'm not talking about you, Hobi. I was thinking of all those successful and possibly available businessmen at this dinner night."
Hoseok glared at her. "So that's why you changed your mind about partnering me tonight? Because you want to parade yourself for other men's eyes, like you're in some kind of meat market?"
"Well...I wouldn't put it quite crudely. And I'm really only interested in ONE man's eyes." Hyeonji only meant she wasn't the sort of girl who played the field, but immediately Hoseok took it the wrong way.
"One man?" He frowned, then scowled. "Oh my God. Don't tell me your infernal Mr X is going to be in this bloody dinner tonight!" He bit out.
Hyeonji tried not to color guiltily, but failed. For the first, the use of Mr X had backfired on her. "Damn it Hyeonji!" Hoseok exploded. "You should have told me."
"Why? Would you have refused to take me if I'd said he was going to be there?" She asked, even while her mind raced Mr X simply had to be disposed of once and for all, she decided he'd been very useful up till now, but suddenly he was beginning to get in the way.
Hoseok opened his mouth to say something, then snapped it shut again. "It's and irrelevant question anyway," Hyeonji went on swiftly. "Because Mr X is NOT going to be there. Mr X has been wiped from the planet from this moment onward. I've decided to take your advice Hobi, and move on. This is me moving on. Now, do you think WE might move on and get going? Or do you want to be late and make a grand entrance?"
"With moving-on-Hyeonji by my side?" He mocked. "Heck, no. I'd prefer to slink in the back door."
"There's no pleasing you tonight, is there?" She snapped as she stepped outside and banged the door shut behind her. "I only did everything you told me to do. I happen to think I look very nice."
Hoseok gripped her nearest elbow and began urging her along the path. It set her crystal earrings swinging, along with her unfettered breasts. She kept her eyes straight ahead but had a feeling Hobi was staring daggers at her highly mobile bust. She hadn't realized till that moment what substantial movement did to bra less breasts. Ones of her size, that was.
"Nice is a very ineffectual word to describe how you look tonight" Hoseok muttered. Hyeonji extracted her arm from his grip once they reached the passenger door of his car. "So how would you describe how I look?" She challenged.
His brown eyes blazed as he yanked open the door and waved her inside. Not a word passed his lips while she lowered herself into the seat, but his eyes spoke volumes when they dropped to take note of the way her skirt rode up dangerously high when she sat down.
"Provocative" he snarled at last, then banged the door shut.
"Good" she snapped back, once he'd settle himself behind the wheel. "That's exactly the look i was looking for tonight."
Hyeonji dropped her purse into her lap, noting with some dismay that the smallish bag covered almost half of the minuscule skirt. Had she gone too far with the dress? She wanted to attract Hoseok, not revolt him. She'd had no idea he could be such a prude. He certainly wasn't around Tinashe. Good God, some of the gear that girl wore was downright disgusting.
Still...at least she did have his attention that was something. Pulling the seat belt out, she was in the process of buckling herself into place when Hoseok's hand shot out and gripped her chin she gasped when he wrenched her face around this way, then gasped again when his mouth was suddenly covering hers.
His lips pressed down hard, insistent in their demand for surrender she yielded more from shock than any immediate passion. Her lips fell apart again his tongue plunged deep into her mouth. Her whimpering moan seemed to snap him back to the reality pf his quite savage kiss, for his head whipped back abruptly, his eyes widening. She just stared at him, the back of her left hand coming up to cover her still stunned mouth.
He groaned and shook his head, clearly appalled at himself. "I'm sorry Hyeonji. I don't know what got into me." Hyeonji didn't believe him. He knew darned well why he'd done what he'd done. By adopting ignorance of his very male actions he was throwing the ball in her court. How she acted now would set the tone for the whole evening.
Her hand trembling slightly, she removed it from her mouth and reached out towards him, letting it come to a shaky rest against his cheek. She twisted and leaned towards him till her mouth was only inches away from his. "I'm not," she whispered, and made the momentous decision to close those inches.
His shock was even greater than hers had been. For a few excruciating moments his mouth froze under kiss. Hyeonji hesitated herself. Good God, if he wrenched his mouth away, what would she do? Impossible to laugh it off. She would utterly be crushed.
Don't be tentative, came the voice of desperation. Be bold! Be daring!
She lifted her mouth from his and smiled. "What's the matter, Hobi? Haven't you been kissed back by a girl before?"
He didn't say a word, just kept staring at her as if she were a stranger. Sighing, she dropped her hand away from his face and settled herself back in the passenger seat. If nothing else, she'd taken the initiative and salvaged her pride.
"It's not that," he growled as he fired the engine. "Let's be honest, Hyeonji. It's not me you really want to be kissing anyway is it? Look I won't say you're not a temptation, looking as you look tonight. But might I also remind you that I'm supposed to be getting back with my girlfriend tomorrow? I don't like complications in my life, and if I don't watch you might become a complication. So let's just keep our old status quo going, if you don't mind. We're good friends. Nothing more. I'm sorry I kissed you just now. I promise you it won't happen again."
Hyeonji bit her bottom lip and turned her face away to stare through the passenger window. Her immediate response to Hoseok's words was to sink back into herself and oblivion. Underneath, she'd expected failure, hadn't she? Game, set and match to Tinashe.
But is seemed her new appearance had imbued her with more confidence in herself that she would ever have believed. Or maybe it was everyone else's confidence in her. Whatever, her mind gradually turned more positive, clinging to the fact that Hoseok hadn't mentioned Tinashe as his first excuse for backing away. His initial withdrawal had been because he thought she didn't really want to be kissing him. He mistakenly thought he was just a substitute for Mr X.
Hyeonji's frustration was acute. She heartily wished she'd never invented Hoseok's mysterious alter ego. She toyed with telling Hoseok the truth during the tensely silent drive down to the event. That he was Mr X, that she was crazy about him and would do anything for him.
But by the time Hoseok turned into the club car park ten short minutes later she'd abandoned that idea. It smacked too much desperation and would send any man running the opposite direction. No, her mission tonight was to seduce Hoseok, not openly declare her undying devotion.
Tomorrow several hours away and she aimed to make the most of them. Now, what worked best for her this past week or so?
Not over Mr X this time, she decided. Over some other man. Hyeonji hoped and prayed there would be a suitable candidate at this dinner tonight, and that he would find her as provocative as Hoseok had...
Chapter 09
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