#bsd meurault
amethystroselily · 2 years
I feel like Sigma has learned more about Dazai in the fifteen agonizing minutes he’s known him than the entire ADA has in the two years he’s worked there.
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amethystroselily · 2 years
What… what about the other prisoners in Meurault…? Do you think Nikolai made it so that they would also break out? (Because that does kind of sound like his M.O with all his freedom from the restraints of society or whatever). Or are they all just being left alone in that prison until authorities can get it up and running again? Do you think they’re all going to get transferred to other prisons? Because all of the guards are dead (and that was a LOT of guards) and it’s a very high security prison so I assume it requires some level of training to become a guard there, and it would be risky to run it so understaffed (because I’m sure there were a bunch who were off of work at that time but that’s probably not enough) at such a volatile time, because I’m sure the other prisoners witnessed bits and pieces of Nikolai’s little death game, so they know what’s going on, and I’m sure it’s giving some of them the confidence to attempt to break out.
Like, this might have some major international consequences actually.
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