#bro you’re a horrible person and you should not be dating until you’re actively attending therapy
tohokuu · 1 year
my girl advice is so nicki minaj coded and these bitches don’t like it 😒
BASICALLY- i said this
tw : suicide mention
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“money isn’t everything” yes it is 😟 i know that bc look at the way i run to these gojo/toji sugar daddy fics 💀💀💀
idc if he’s toxic as fuck as long as i get the key to the benz and a birkin. why? bc i’m toxic too 💀
“baby i’ll kill myself if you leave.” “okay then do it” WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO NOW ???
boohoo, baby. gimme the keys.
and the whole argument about “if he has a good character and no money, i’d stay with him rather than a rich asshole.” i want the rich asshole. how the fuck are you gonna survive ????
“i don’t need expensive trips and expensive restaurants.” huh- well i do 🤣
OH AND- if he’s giving you that BLUE BOX THAT SAY TIFFANY but he’s toxic as fuck, i know id be running back 😭😭 i am willing to get stuck in that cycle of this shitty man who spoils me so good. like yeah baby, i’ll leave unless you buy me that purse.
i’ve had my experience with a broke nice guy and lemme tell you- it’s NOT it. i tried to go for personality and kept telling myself that him being broke wasn’t that bad BUT IT IS 😃 i wasted 5 months of my life like that.
smd if you disagree bro 😭 mmm i’m probably much less compassionate but i know i don’t deserve any less 😹 and if you come in my inbox abt this suck my fat brown balls bitch
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all of them
Here is an apology in advance for any potential incoherentness found in my answers. In my defense it is relatively late, I have not slept for two days, I have not eaten for one, and I may not be in the right state of mind because of aforementioned factors.
☝ - How tall are you?
About 5′8″.
🚬 - Do you Smoke?
I’ve answered this and the answer is no.
🍷 - Do you Drink?
♒ - Do you Take Drugs?
It isn’t really my thing, so no.
😳 - Age you get mistaken for?
For some odd reason I am usually mistaken to be somewhere around the teenage years. I suppose it has to do with how soft my face looks but it makes going to the bar more annoying than it should be.
💉 - Have Tattoos?
My skin as about as clear as a crystal after it’s been polished and refined multiple times. So, no.
✏️ - Want any tattoos?
I’ve considered it but I’m not quite sure what it is I would get.
✂️ - Got any Piercings?
Actually, yes. I have four. Two on my right ear, one on my left, and one on my tongue. I don’t quite wear the tongue one as much as I used to, though.
✌ - Want any piercings?
I think the ones I have are quite enough.
👌 - Best friend?
You say that like I even have friends.
♥ - Do you like anyone?
Romantically, no. Platonically, yes. There are a few I do like in a platonic sense.
🎤 - Top 5 favorite bands?
The most of the songs I listen to are sung by individual people so I suppose this doesn’t really count.
🎶 - Top 5 favorite songs?
I don’t particularly have any favorites but I suppose I could just list the first five songs that come up on shuffle to substitute.1. Claude’s Girl by Marika Hackman2. Afraid by Neighborhood3. Tag You’re It by Melanie Martinez4. Gasoline by Halsey5.  Bad Things by Machine Gun Kelly
😒 - Biggest pet peeve?
When people get out of their seat but do not push their chair back into the table upon standing.
📝 - Story from your childhood.
Once when I was younger Dirk convinced me that the computer mouses turned into actual mice during the night and would nibble and bite me if I got too close. He even went as far enough to pretend that he, himself, had been bitten before and described it as the worst possible thing that could be experienced. I, being still young and naive, was too terrified to go on the computer for months until Bro finally got Dirk to knock it off.
💬 - I wish…
I wish I could make people happy. 
‼️ - Something you’ll change?
The dorm policy on having no pets whatsoever. I’ve had to turn away many cats because my landlord refuses to allow animals in his premises.
💦 - What makes you horny?
When I make a cone out of paper and attach it to my forehead I am horny.
🌟 - A wish you’ll wish for?
I’d wish for a raise, maybe. That would be nice. 
🔥 - Something spicy you like?
Spicy chips are always a favorite of mine. Except for “Spicy” Doritos. Those are satanic creations that deserve to be burned because of how terrible they taste.
👃 You hate the smell of ….
Garlic. It is such a pungent scent I absolutely despise it.
👊 - Something you hate?
Do I count?
🚶 - Are you single?
The last I checked, yes I am.
💬 - Can we text?
Sure. Though, I’d imagine it would be a lot easier to text if you were off anon. 
💌 - Fan mail me?
Does fan mail even exist anymore? Or has it been lost to the void of perpetual Tumblr updates?
💍 - Marry me?
Whoa, there. Take me out on a date first.
💘 - Be my tumblr crush?
What, exactly, constitutes as a “tumblr crush”?
💭 - Favorite foods?
I am particularly fond of cinnamon buns, actually. The scones at work are also rather nice with a cup of coffee.
☀ - Story about your day.
My day consisted of me waking up, checking my phone, writing my reports, forgetting to eat, loitering on social media, and going to work. A fairly inactive day. 
💘 - Top 5 celebrity crushes?
I can’t say I really have any.
🎥 - Top 5 favorite movies?
In no particular order:1. 2001: A Space Odyssey2. 2010: Odyssey 23. I, Robot4. The entire Star Wars series5. Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
📺 - Top 5 favorite TV shows?
I think you will find that I do not watch many TV shows.
✏ - Random fact about yourself.
My left pinky is 3 millimeters shorter than my right pinky.
✈️ - Where are you from?
The planet Earth, I presume.
🚀 - Where do you wanna visit?
Outer space is and always will be the end goal for visiting locations.
😍 - Do you have a crush?
I actually do have an Orange Crush with me right now, excellent guess.
😷 - Something you hate eating?
Cold coffee is the food of sinners and heathens. To drink cold coffee is to commit sacrilege. 
🙈 - What makes you shy?
I’m not quite sure I am the most qualified to answer this question as my answer will be nothing because I hardly ever feel shy.
💃 - Can you dance?
Being in the Drama Club, dancing is practically a requirement in all of our musicals, so yes I can. 
💏 - Do you love anyone?
Perhaps. I haven’t decided yet, I’ll get back to you on that.
👟 - Favorite shoe(s) to wear?
I am rather fond of wearing my heels but it seems they are an unreasonable choice to choose when one intends to be rushing around all day. 
🌴 - A island you would visit?
Japan is an island the last I checked so perhaps there so I can satisfy my weeabo needs.
🌎 - A country you would visit?
I’m not quite sure, they are all the same amount of boring to me.
🌀 - Favorite type of weather?
Clear skies and bright stars are the best type of weather to have.
🔮 - Do you believe in luck?
Not entirely. Everything that happens is for a reason. One thing causes the other. There is no such thing as luck.
📱 - What kinda phone do you have?
I own a smartphone, obviously.
📅 - Favorite time of the year?
Early spring is rather nice because the weather is still cool but not too much.
📚 - Career goal you want?
I would love to end up working for a major astronomy based organization. 
🍴 - Favorite food(s) to eat?
As I stated before, cinnamon buns are a rather nice food I like to eat.
🍭 - Favorite Candy?
I favor just about any type of chocolate. It is the food of the gods. 
🍇 - Favorite fruits?
Cherries are nice but I don’t get to eat them all too often. 
🚘 - Dream car(s)?
I’m not particularly interested in specific car brands. I prefer to travel by the bus or subway. It suits my purposes better than owning an actual car.
🚔 - Have you ever been arrested?
Once I have. I attended a college party for the first time in my freshman year. Little did I know, the party hostess were notorious for causing trouble and before I knew it there were sirens and I was throw behind bars. Dirk wasn’t too pleased to have to come retrieve me from a prison cell three hours away from his home.
🚑 - Have you ever driven in an ambulance before?
Three times. Once it was because I forgot to feed myself for an extended period of time and literally collapsed from malnutrition. Another was because I had picked a fight with the wrong person and ended up severely messed up. The last was because someone had gotten injured and I rode the ambulance to accompany them to the hospital.
🎫 - Do you have a license?
I’m almost ashamed to admit that I do not. I never bothered to take the time and pass the test. 
🚼 - Do you have or want kids?
Absolutely not. Children are horrible monsters filled with screaming rage and idiocy. 
🔞 - Are you under 18?
No, I am actually over 18. Would you look at that. Who would have known.
🐶 - Do you own a pet?
Unfortunately I do not.
😔 - Something that makes you sad?
The lack of cats in my apartment is always saddening to see when I come home from work.
😡 - What pisses you off?
Many things, really. For the most part, deliberate ignorance is particularly grinding on my nerves.
😏 - What turns you on?
Wouldn’t you like to know? ;)
😈 - Are you a freak?
What does being a “freak” mean, really?
💪 - Do you work out?
Absolutely not. I despise anything involving physical activity. 
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