poeguesquadron2 · 10 years
bringinglexiback replied to your post: river song meme | one relationship: am...
i wish i could help tbh i HATED cs6, even just for photo editing, i could never get stuff to look the way i wanted it to/it looked worse when i uploaded it for some reason
i'm so fed up i might just try to find a cs5 download but ughhhh it's so much work lol
besides i need to work on fic anyway so
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tylerposing · 10 years
bringinglexiback replied to your post:also don’t even get me started on gender because...
i’m sure we went through different things, but i grew up struggling with being a girl because i felt like i didn’t conform to what girls were supposed to look like or w/e, bc femininity is so restrictive, so i think i know what you mean
I think that's exactly it tbh like especially growing up non-white in a predominantly white area it's so hard to fit in with the standard of what girls are supposed to look like and yeah I think you've got it spot on, femininity is really restrictive and it's so hard to achieve that kind of perfect ideal of girlhood
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lemonyandbeatrice · 10 years
bringinglexiback replied to your post:bringinglexiback replied to your post:wow that’s...
this is why i felt iffy about sharing the info bc like…yes people need to know but then people are going to yell at our government to get involved and our government doesnt know how to help without involving the military apparently
and no Nigerian has wanted the US to be involved but lol fucking Goodluck Jonathan agreed to involvement :)))))
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briarene · 10 years
bringinglexiback replied to your post: bringinglexiback replied to your post:...
oh man i dont remember but i feel like if he doesnt this ep, it was pretty soon after. but its been a while lol
yeah it was a couple seasons ago apparently. i'm watching it on the lifetime website so they dont have all of them up n i'm behind
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apolloadama · 10 years
bringinglexiback replied to your post:dang is it just me or is like the last hour of the...
medication never works for as long as it says it will in my experience lol
oh my god ok yes i agreee with this but i just have to share i just googled "what will happen if i take more dayquil than i should" which is admittedly a terrible google search phrase but look at this quack article that showed up
wow yes so smart medicine is useless our bodies definitely will always heal themselves no matter the injury also it's not like im taking dayquil to treat the symptoms while i wait for the cold to get better on its own or anything
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lesbiandeancas · 10 years
saltfree replied to your post “whatever, like, say what you want but equating lesbians with straight...”
I'm so thankful you're making these posts. The concept of 'monosexual privilege' is offensive and absurd since lesbians do not materially exploit bi/pan/non-monosexual people as a class - we are all exploited by heteropatriarchy
being complicit in bi/pan erasure is not the same thing as being in a position of privileged oppression. like binary trans people can erase non-binary trans ppl but does that mean I think they all have binary trans privilege? no.  I think they're having some binarism/internalized cissexism issues.  which is what we as a community should be addressing in the lesbian community -- internalized heterosexism that is leading us to erase our bi/pan sisters
bringinglexiback replied to your post “whatever, like, say what you want but equating lesbians with straight...”
i agree, all this stuff is giving me heart palpitations
I'm sorry *offers hugs* I'm gonna shut my mouth about it u_u
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lemonyandbeatrice · 10 years
bringinglexiback replied to your post:wow that’s so great the US going into the...
hopefully this all goes well but!!!! I have low hopes at this point
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tylerposing · 10 years
bringinglexiback replied to your post:honestly if you’re thinking of starting teen wolf...
it used to be my ‘fun’ show idk what the hell happened im not even watching it anymore lol
YEAH SAME WHAT THE HECK I mean I would prob recommend starting it up again if ur bored just because allison and lydia are like super gay a lot and the plot is actually Not Bad viewing imo and also posey is looking good as always
but seriously I watched it to cheer myself up and now it's 90% of the reason I feel sad at any given time no joke
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briarene · 10 years
bringinglexiback replied to your post: iwasknownonce- replied to your post:th...
oh my god i remember him I HATEDDDDDDDDD HIMMMMMMMMMM
does he get cut because i don't think i can watch the rest of this episode omg
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poeguesquadron2 · 10 years
bringinglexiback answered your post: i feel like giffing some shit from sec...
your wish is my command
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lesbiandeancas · 10 years
bringinglexiback replied to your post “school”
i am the same rn
lmao I literally woke up at 4:30 in a panic I'd missed my alarm and then went back to sleep and dreamed that I had already taken a shower but my watch had stopped
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lemonyandbeatrice · 10 years
bringinglexiback replied to your post:Hi, I know I'm like 4 years late but can you please give me Heather Morris real facebook? I would be very grateful :)
wtf omg
they're right in saying they're four years late it's been four years since I liked HeMo as a person
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tylerposing · 10 years
bringinglexiback replied to your photoset:[‘gold’ by spandau ballet plays in the distance]
ur so adorable i cant believe
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iamreadyfantine · 10 years
bringinglexiback replied to your post:i’ve been awake for thirty five and a half hours...
i don’t know but wow pls go to sleep
okaaaaaay that does sound like the reasonable thing to do
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briarene · 10 years
bringinglexiback said: what an idiot omg why would u do that idk especially since we talked about how gender is socialized and he neeever said anything like that in that unit we did talk about eurocentric beauty standards and a study about how white felons are more likely to be hired than normal black men but just that comment wtf white dudes
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apolloadama · 10 years
i didnt even know yahoo had a tumblr lmao (i mean, i’ve never seen it anyway)
i assumed they did i guess in the back of my head since they own the place and also since most major social-related companies have some sort of tumblr presence, but they definitely do a piss-poor job interacting with the community and maintaining visibility. i've read their post twice on what they're doing to advertising and am still not 100% sure what is actually happening. they also reblogged a post that better explains it from someone else, and even that one only has 106 notes. what's funny is that you know it will take someone making an all caps inflammatory exaggerated post about the advertising changes before it gets any traction in reblogs.
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