artaelyn · 3 years
BEHEGDJDHD I left my bedroom to go get water n I came back n from the darkness heard this deep, lonely sigh n it scared me so bad but it was just my dog. Help I love her but she is a pain sometimes BEURGDJSBDM scared me. SO BAD.
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This is a rlly bad picture of her from earlier btw :] she is the baby. She is very dorky n so frickin cute!! Her social skills w/ other dogs are like. .5/5 stars but with peopel she is a littol angel <333 Everytime we leave for more than 5 minutes she goes crazy when we get back. She jumps a lot n it’s so cute!!! When she’s let into the backyard as I unlock the door she kind of lowers herself into a pounce position n then as soon as it’s opened she is SPEEED. she races down the steps then runs until she gets to this giant pile of soil n barkchips then she LEAPS into the air, her paws outstretched. :]]
She has this “muffin mouth” as I call it (I also call her a muffinhead becuz of BadBoyHalo) basically her jowls get stuck on her teeth n get a lil poofy because of it, sometimes it’s on,y one side n she looks confused becuz usually when that happens she tilts her head to the side. Also when she does the muffin mouth her bottom teeth stick out a bit which is rlly funny, n sometimes her tongue will be in a littol blep it’s so cute
I miss my old dog though. I don’t really remember her very well but her name was Corabell n she was an Aussie Shepherd!!! My bestie always called her a sausage n she was!! So wiggly! Becuz yknow they like. Chop off their tails or somthing but since she didn’t have much of a tail to wag she’d just shake her whole butt. She had this SUUUPER loud bark n we always got her a hedgehog squeaky toy for Christmas. She didn’t get along too well with other dogs either but!! My grandparents dog Russ (who sadly passed as well) n her were besties. Everytime we went to their farm they woudl play the whole time!!
Now my grandparents have a puppy named Dutch n he is!! Such a sweetheart! The sweetest lil guy. He’s got this biigggg swooshy tail n he’s super friendly and cuddly. He somehow always gets Rosie sopping wet (he splashes her with water from his bowl n his kiddie pool. Also slobbers over her ears becuz that’s his (play) fighting technique, he'll just latch onto her ears)
My cousins just visited for Thanksgiving n they brought their dogs, Poppy & Hamish. Poppy is a Shiba Inu n she pretends to not notice you but she loves attention. She also looks for gifts for u when u first arrive it’s rlly cute! She also destroys ping pong balls.
Hamish, idk what breed he is but he’s HUUUGE n floofy!!!! He attacked me w/ a sock once hehe he is very slobbery but also a snugglebug. I adore big dogs they r so sweet <33 he tries to swipe food off the table with his tail (or so I’ve been told) I love himb so much!! I only get to see him and Poppy like once a year :((
My Nana and Pa also have a cat!!! Her name is Button she is black with yellow eyes :D I named her becuz she was “cute as a button” which is true! Whenever we visit I’m her favourite I think :]] she is very independent but ever since my dad installed a greenhouse she has been seen more often (it is warm in there!) she always sits up when I enter and leans into my arm when I give her scritches n pets. She also drools and purrs <333 my brother wanted to name her Shadow and I remember being so defiant like “no no! Her name is Button ://“
My Grandma and Grandpa used to have a cat idk how to spell her name but she was Siamese and literally didn’t like anyone besides Grandpa n my brother. Probably becuz all us kids were super young n always tried to look for her, I remember shining a flashlight under my grandparents bed to try to find her. I also remember when we visited them in California that I’d make my brother go out the room in the morning first because I was scared of her. I miss California :(( I was too young to fully enjoy Disneyland but I do remember the Winnie The Pooh ride being a favourite! And Eeyore gave me a flower once :]]] I love Eeyore
I should probably stop ranting or I’ll just keep going :/
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