pansy-picnics · 1 year
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omfg YALL!!! i have been working on this project for months and it has been SO hard to keep quiet about it but its FINALLY TIME !!!!
this time around it was the reverse big bang, and i had the opportunity to work with the amazing @beck-a-leck (who has already written some of my favorite fics ever so you KNOW we’re in for a treat)
since i was the one organizing the plot here, it was almost a bit daunting at first- but i eventually settled on an old sos1 idea i had come up with about….maybe 2 years ago? during a brainstorming session with @sosstash which was just a silly, sitcom-holiday special esque plot full of goofy christmasy shenanigans. i was honestly very attached to the idea but deep down i knew i would never write it, which is why i was willing to pull it out again…..even if its not exactly “in season” anymore LMFAO
and guys,,,,,,working with beck on this has been SUCH an amazing experience!! the end result is all i could’ve imagined for the story and SO much more. i literally could not ask for a better partner. this silly little story brings me so much unfathomable joy and i’m so excited to finally share it with all of you!!!!
overall i had an absolute field day getting to plan out these pieces and capture the energy i envisioned for this story, the colors are probably my favorite part!! if you’re anything like me and just love seeing your favs be absolute fucking losers while all being best friends then THIS is the fic for you 🫶🫶 absolutely nobody in this story has a functioning braincell and i love it so much
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