#brainless spineless heartless yet so much to love
montereybayaquarium · 9 months
People who get excited about sunrises,
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the moon...
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a sky full of stars...
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and deep connections...
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are our kind of people. ✨ 💙 🌊
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gnomeniche · 1 year
OCs: The House at the Hellmouth
sorry i haven’t posted in a hot second i was thinking too hard abt oc-ifying my deemis humanization designs bc i love drawing their faces and shapes and i wanna keep them. so here’s The House At The Hellmouth, or hellmouth for short. it’s a low-stakes urban fantasy about these guys and their sometimes-magical issues.
for various reasons, three dudes who barely know each other have ended up living together in an extremely haunted house whose basement contains The Hellmouth™, a portal to a dangerous part of the magical world that must be watched over lest shit leak into the mundane world. most of the story is about them learning to live with each other and themselves as they slowly get more embroiled in the mysteries of the house and each other’s backstories.
it’s still very obviously inspired by deemis but hopefully it will grow into its own thing as i develop it. i put it in a more grounded genre even tho i love the weirdness and abstraction of deemis for that reason. it does use several ideas from my normal au but not as many as you’d expect? it’s way way more fantasy.
also i unbritished them. first of all to distance it more and second because it’s easier to write urban fantasy in a place you’re familiar with. the hellmouth is in Kansas because why wouldn’t it be.
so given that + the magic portal world in this universe + the focus on Home, they’ve got an Oz Motif going on. which is appropriate given that deemis is very Alice-like. kids’ isekais from diff countries.
anyway here’s the guys. average monster of the week party.
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orange: Clove Spindlebinder. the not-so-brainless “scarecrow”. scatterbrained but talented and creative. an embarrassment to his powerful wizard parents. sent to the hellmouth house from the magic world to toughen him up. would really prefer to do sewing magic but his enchanted thread has many useful applications in dealing with creatures. his parents are Rosemary Spindlebinder and Thyme Wyrdrender, two powerful members of the wizard council who are extremely divorced. the only thing they agree on is that they are disappointed in him. rosemary has custody, so he only counts as part of her family.
dark blue: Lucas Taylor. the not-so-spineless “lion”. quiet and awkward but resourceful and stubborn in the face of weird shit. literally just some guy aggressively concealing his ability to see magical stuff because he doesn’t want to be called a freak. answered clove’s Help Wanted ad intended only for magical people. stays even after he sees the hellmouth bc he doesn’t have to pay rent as long as he helps with the horrors. has a bad relationship with his family and especially his twin brother, Linden, who tried to distance himself from him as much as possible when they were kids.
teal: Ambrose Sherman. the not-so-heartless “tin man”. persnickety and mischievous but extremely lonely and motivated above all by care for his loved ones. an unaging undead who took the fall for his resurrector’s crimes to protect him. condemned by the wizard council to guard the hellmouth as punishment and has been here for a few decades. cannot go far from the house. his resurrector is Peregrine, who is maybe some kind of lich who dabbles in forbidden magic? idk but he’s bad news. unfortunately ambrose is very in love with him.
also the house itself is a character. it has something of a personality (not necessarily malevolent, sometimes friendly, often capricious) and its internal dimensions shift. sometimes it simply grows new rooms. the mystery behind the house and why the hellmouth even exists is Part Of This Story but damn if i know how i’m gonna have that shake out yet. i do have ideas for arcs but i don’t wanna write it all out here so that’s all for now.
here’s some bonus scribbles. i’m still figuring them and their designs out so this is all subject to change.
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A King and His Queen (Daewi Han x Xiaochen/GOH fanfic) Part 1
Note: This is part of a ten chapter story. If you want easy access to the full chapter list then please follow the link below. 
Chapter zero 
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Choice is a rather fickle mistress. We effectively trudge along its pathway for every living thing with only our judgment as the guide. All while never knowing if each step would lead us closer to victory or despair. Without even realizing far too late that one's life is just one branch in a tree's worth of plausible pathways now set in stone.
But what if we could look back at the words unsaid or the actions not taken? Would the changes be so minuscule it doesn't matter, or would destiny as we thought we'd know it change? Find out as fate tilts to see a story of love, loss, hate, gain, and broken promises—Bear witness to the story of a king and his queen.
Xioachen Pov
I honestly don't know what's more surprising, how much things have changed or how they've stayed the same sixteen years after the Great War that nearly ended the world. Yet, during it, our glorious King rose again from near-death, looking more strapping than ever, saving our glorious Nox in our darkest hour.
Yet our grace's glorious kindness was wholly reciprocated as those heartless, spineless, brainless cowards stabbed our King in the back. Neo Nox's Mandeok Sang, World President  Mubong Park, and worst of all, that damn Witch of the West Mira Yu stole his power, good name, and allies. I swear one of these days that if I find any one of them, I'll pluck their limbs one by one like a frog on the dissection table until there's nothing left.
Still, it wasn't all bad despite all the gnats still buzzing around all these years later. I'm still happily and wholeheartedly serving by the King's side. Heck, I'm still as beautiful as the day I've met him. Sometimes I've even been mistaken for a high school student (my Ji Seokjin identity notwithstanding).
And despite how badly I want to rip my enemies apart and choke them by their entrails, I still don't dare to betray his majesty like that, for there was already a time where I wasn't strong enough to remain by his side or follow his commands. A time that I will use everything in my power to make sure it doesn't happen again. So I'll continue to follow his orders to the bitter end. For what would a King be without his mighty, sexy, young, and attractive Bishop?’
With all that weighing heavily on my mind, I took my daily duties as seriously as ever. I wake up before the crack of dawn, sing my prayers, bless my majesty, apply my makeup (not that I need it), and practice my King's Full Contact Karate before 8 am. Then I spend the rest of it like the filthy, fat, and ugly Ji Seokijn, local low-level bully of Apricot Flower High.
To say that the disguise was grueling would be the understatement of the year. I've protested many times that my proper form would be far more effective and appealing for the grand mission of finding Jecheondaeseong the Monkey King, but he said it would be too "distracting."
Nevertheless, I take the mission with the utmost seriousness, knowing that each passing day can bring us to our eventual victory over all our enemies.
When the dust settles, I just know my King will take his rightful place as the King of Humans. That reassuring thought made time flash by at record speeds until I found it was already starting to get late, meaning it was time to head back to Nox. Little did I know who would be waiting for me when I got home.
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