#boycotting calling for ceasefires and spreading awareness is literally the bare minimum.
treesbian · 7 months
i keep thinking about my mom's claim that palestine was somehow responsible for 9/11. like her evidence she showed me was a video of a group of palestinians celebrating after 9/11 happened but i don't remember anyone talking to them to confirm they were celebrating 9/11. obviously the deaths of civilians shouldn't be celebrated but i don't remember anyone confirming they were celebrating the attack. but i'm certain there were groups of americans celebrating things like the hiroshima bombing. america has a lot of enemies i'm not surprised that palestinians don't like the usa. but also that's a strange conclusion to come to...? bc in 2001 palestine was still occupied by isreal and i don't even think hamas was formed yet. so they had no military at all and therefore no means of doing 9/11? if i think about the claim for 15 seconds all the logic falls apart.
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