sin-aesthetic-music · 2 months
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Selfies n shit, and a clip from a wip :p
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specialshoesclub · 2 years
Well one thing I will miss about twitter is lyric and quote bots. Nobody’s doing exactly that here.
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sistervirtue · 1 year
getting absolutely botsched on the earthly delights in this discussion board
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gutundgesund · 4 months
Engel Nummer 666: Bedeutung im Spirituellen Leben
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Die Engelszahl 666, auch als Engel Zahl 666 bekannt, ist eine einzigartige Zahl im spirituellen Leben. Diese Zahl entsteht durch die verdreifachte Form der Engelszahl 6. Lassen Sie uns die Bedeutung von Engel Nummer 666 genauer erkunden und wie sie unser spirituelles Wachstum beeinflusst. Engelszahlen sind Sequenzen von sich wiederholenden Zahlen, die uns überall im Leben begegnen. Wenn die Engelszahl 666 in Ihrem Leben auftaucht, deutet dies darauf hin, dass sich positive Veränderungen ankündigen. Es ermutigt uns, negative Gedanken und Überzeugungen zu überdenken und loszulassen. Obwohl die Engelszahl 666 oft negativ assoziiert wird, hat sie auch positive Bedeutungen. Sie steht für Selbstliebe und das Streben nach Gleichgewicht in allen Lebensbereichen. Es ist wichtig, diese Zahl nicht nur aufgrund ihrer negativen Konnotation zu beurteilen, sondern auch die positiven Aspekte zu erkennen. Schlüsselerkenntnisse: - Die Engelszahl 666 steht für Veränderung und Ankündigung von etwas Neuem im Leben. - Sie erinnert uns daran, negative Gedanken loszulassen und uns auf Selbstliebe zu konzentrieren. - Die Engelszahl 666 hat nichts mit ihrer negativen biblischen Konnotation zu tun. - Sie fordert uns auf, ein Gleichgewicht in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen anzustreben. - Die Zahl 666 symbolisiert spirituelles Wachstum und die Suche nach dem höheren Sinn im Leben. Die Bedeutung der Engelszahl 666 Die Engelszahl 666 erinnert daran, sich auf die innere Stimme zu konzentrieren und negative Gedanken loszulassen. Sie steht für Selbstliebe und das Streben nach Balance in allen Lebensbereichen. In der Bibel hat die Zahl 666 eine negative Konnotation, aber spirituell gesehen kann sie auf positive Ergebnisse und spirituelles Wachstum hinweisen. Glauben Sie an die Macht der Zahlen? Dann könnte die Engelszahl 666 Ihre Aufmerksamkeit erregen. Die Zahl 666 wird oft mit dem Bösen in Verbindung gebracht und als "Zahl des Tieres" bezeichnet. Doch spirituell betrachtet kann sie eine andere Bedeutung haben und positive Aspekte in Ihr Leben bringen. Die Engelszahl 666 sendet die Botschaft, dass es Zeit ist, sich auf Ihre innere Stimme und Intuition zu konzentrieren. Negative Gedanken und Selbstzweifel sollten losgelassen werden, um Platz für Selbstliebe und Harmonie zu schaffen. Dies kann in verschiedenen Aspekten des Lebens relevant sein, sei es in Beziehungen, Karriere oder persönlichem Wachstum. Die Symbolik der Zahl 666 kann erschreckend sein, aber sie kann auch als Erinnerung dienen, die Dinge ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen und ein glücklicheres, erfüllteres Leben zu führen. Die Engelszahl 666 fordert uns heraus, unsere Ängste zu überwinden und auf positive Ergebnisse zu vertrauen. Sie symbolisiert eine spirituelle Reinigung und das Streben nach einer höheren Bewusstseinsebene. "Die Engelszahl 666 ermutigt uns, negative Gedanken loszulassen und unser inneres Gleichgewicht wiederzufinden." Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass die spirituelle Bedeutung der Engelszahl 666 sich von der negativen Konnotation in der Bibel unterscheidet. In der Bibel wird die Zahl 666 mit dem Tier assoziiert, während sie spirituell betrachtet eine Einladung zur Selbstreflexion und persönlichen Entwicklung ist. Es geht darum, unser wahres Selbst zu erkennen und in Einklang mit unserem spirituellen Weg zu kommen. Die Engelszahl 666 und ihre Bedeutung in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen: - In der Liebe ermutigt uns die Engelszahl 666 dazu, uns auf eine ausgewogene Partnerschaft zu konzentrieren und negative Muster loszulassen. - In der Familie erinnert sie uns daran, vergangene Konflikte zu lösen und inneren Frieden zu finden. - In finanziellen Angelegenheiten weist sie auf Sicherheit hin und warnt gleichzeitig davor, zu sehr auf materiellen Besitz fixiert zu sein. - In der Karriere ermutigt sie uns, beharrlich auf unsere Ziele hinzuarbeiten und Vertrauen in unsere eigenen Fähigkeiten zu haben. Die Engelszahl 666 ist eine himmlische Botschaft, die uns daran erinnert, dass wir die Fähigkeit haben, unser Leben in die Hand zu nehmen und positive Veränderungen herbeizuführen. Die Engelszahl 666 hat eine vielschichtige Bedeutung und kann uns auf verschiedenen Ebenen unterstützen. Indem wir uns auf unsere innere Stimme konzentrieren und negative Gedanken loslassen, können wir zu einem ausgeglichenen und erfüllten Leben finden. Es ist wichtig, diese spirituelle Botschaft zu erkennen und positive Veränderungen anzunehmen, um unser volles Potenzial zu entfalten. Die Engelszahl 666 und ihre biblische Bedeutung Die Engelszahl 666 hat aufgrund ihrer biblischen Konnotation oft eine negative Bedeutung. In der biblischen Offenbarung des Johannes wird sie mit der Zahl des Tieres, dem Antichrist, gleichgesetzt. Diese Assoziation hat jedoch nichts mit der spirituellen Bedeutung der Engelszahl zu tun. Es ist wichtig zu verstehen, dass die biblische Bedeutung der Zahl 666 im popkulturellen Kontext weit verbreitet ist. #gesundheit #fitness #lifestyle #beziehungen #achtsamkeit Original Content von: https://www.gutundgesund.org/ Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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remixinc · 4 months
studio 1140 – fobe – brandfilm 22 from STUDIO 11:40 on Vimeo.
Production by STUDIO 11:40
starring Stefanie Giesinger Management: Leni Vester
Fobe Founder: Marlena Dietz Fobe: Nathalie Bähr Fobe: Charlotte Burkhardt
Director: Jay Walker Executive Producer: Ronja Prinz DoP: Anna Smoronova
Production Coordinator: Johanna Fink On Set Producer: Pia Domkowski Production Assistants: Ivy Edmonds, Marielle Begic, Vera Horstmann Production Support: Sidney Lubwa 1.AD: Mojaš Perović Steadicam Operator: Osman 'Ozzy' Öksüz 1.AC: Belek Wunderlich 2.AC: Thanh Long Gaffer: Alan Waddingham Spark: Kwame Boama Spark: Laura Zepplin Light Department Trainee: Shlomo Posner Grip: Vincent Botsch
Art Director: Annika Burmester Stylist: Peninah Amanda Stylist Assistant: Sophia Bogner Hair & Make Up: Michael Mayer
Photographer: Stephanie Braun Sound Operator: Azadeh Zandieh
Edit: Jakub Jelínek Colors: Marina Starke, rep by MAP Berlin Sound Design: RIP Swirl
Locations: Lobe Block Beyond Becycle Plush74
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thetoxicgamer · 7 months
Reigning Americas MVP aspas officially joins VALORANT rivals
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The central question of the VALORANT 2023-24 off-season revolved around the destination of aspas, the VCT Americas 2023 MVP. Now, we have the answer. Initially, it seemed likely that he might continue with LOUD, but that notion vanished swiftly after the VALORANT superstar declared his free agency on DATE. While there were numerous potential landing spots worldwide, he has opted for a South American team that he competed against in 2023. This star duelist and champion has officially inked a deal with Leviatán, marking his first move since joining LOUD in early 2022. Although this was initially reported by blix.gg in late September, the verbal agreement has now transitioned into an official signing. This move is of immense significance for Leviatán, not only as the most prominent signing since its establishment but also as the first Brazilian player for the Argentinian and Chilean-run organization. https://twitter.com/LeviatanGG/status/1712243348952502521 From the moment aspas joined LOUD, he was always associated with hype and high expectations. The 20-year-old emerged as one of Brazil's most promising talents, and this immediately translated into success for LOUD. Aspas excelled regionally, participating in some of the most challenging and entertaining VALORANT matches ever, culminating in his championship victory at VALORANT Champions 2022. He earned the Grand Finals MVP title for his exceptional Jett performance and continues to be regarded as one of the most skilled Jett players, despite her subsequent nerfs. The previous season proved to be more challenging, but LOUD maintained their regional dominance as they transitioned from competing in Brazil to the unified Americas competition. While they secured first place in the regular season, they struggled to reach any finals, except for a remarkable debut tournament at LOCK//IN. Fans were aware that changes were imminent in the off-season, as aspas' contract was expiring. Despite speculations about his potential move to major teams like NRG or BLEED, he opted for free agency and joined Leviatán. As for Leviatán, they are seeking to rebound from a tumultuous season. Aspas not only brings stability but also a high level of play to their roster. Notably, the team already includes players from 2023, with IGL kiNgg being a prominent figure. Rumored signings like Ian "tex" Botsch indicate that the team is bolstering its firepower significantly, with aspas being the pinnacle. Like many other teams making significant moves this off-season, Leviatán faces the challenge of ensuring that these new additions can synergize effectively—an outcome that remains to be witnessed. One advantage for aspas, staying in his original VALORANT region and continent, is that he won't have to overcome a significant language barrier. Instead, his primary challenges will involve adapting to the Jett nerfs and integrating with his new teammates, as he aims to maintain his status as the MVP heading into the 2024 season and beyond. Read the full article
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world-of-news · 11 months
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isa0507 · 1 year
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gazetteoesterreich · 1 year
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drhwenk · 1 year
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mnaasilveira · 1 year
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sin-aesthetic-music · 4 months
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winedad16 · 2 years
Story and Character Playlists
Last updated: 03/28/22
Our Time Together
Klaus Klenzendorf
Friedrich Finkel
Hans Lenz
Alexander Meyer
Harri Becker
Paul Betzler
Marie (Botsch) Weber
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thefoxholecourtrp · 7 years
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Name: Aiden Botsch Age: Twenty Class Year: Junior Position: Vixen Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
The Botsch family was well known for being a family of lawyers, doctors, directors of companies, and many more high paying, high status positions. They were a family associated with wealth and charitable organizations, a family committed to ensuring Chicago worked to become a city unlike any other. For generations, the Botsch family built buildings, funded disaster relief campaigns, opened shelters, spent holidays giving back, and did everything a good respectable family should do. 
And then you had the other Botsch family: Lawrence Botsch married Catherine Dwell, a woman from lower status who was studying art history rather than business. They met in a general education class and became smitten within a matter of months. It wasn’t much longer they began dating and the Botsch family happily welcomed Catherine into the family with the hope that she would follow in the steps that they had set out—except, that wouldn’t be the case.
Catherine became pregnant out of wedlock, much to Lawrence’s joy and the Botsch family’s dismay. Shortly after, she got a job at a local high school and Lawrence moved with her into a neighborhood nearby—far from the standard high-rise that he’d grown up in and without his family’s support. Within their first year, Aiden came into the world a bouncing baby boy with bright rosy cheeks and the happiest laugh in the world. Despite a house always in need of repair, Catherine receiving very little in her paychecks, and Lawrence attempting to pay the bills with his low-income accountant job. 
Aiden grew up with his parents attempting to give him as much as they could without the help of the rest of the Botsch family. However, he grew up with a sharp awareness of the two different lifestyles. It was easy to pick up the differences between himself and his cousins—the ones who always had the best clothes, the best technology, and the best parties. Aiden, on the other hand,grew up making his clothes last as long as possible, wearing worn tennis shoes, getting the phone his parents previously had, and getting free school lunches. He never acted out, rebelled against his parents, or resented them. He could always see his parents trying their best to give him the best life they could on their own and, if anything, he respected them for that.
When it came to school, Aiden wasn’t the best student. His attention always drifted off to everything else but school. And it didn’t help that he was the student who became friends with everyone around him, never sitting at the same table during lunch, never sitting in the same seat in class if he could help it—tending to disrupt class, even if it was unintentionally. When confronted by the school counselor about his behavior, Aiden avoided giving an answer in favor of cracking jokes. In reality, it was the only time he could really have fun and be a teenager.
High school graduation barely came. It might not have, had Aiden’s parents not both talked to him about taking school more seriously, making him devote more time to doing his school work until he managed to graduate on time. College applications were sent out and Aiden kept his fingers crossed, hoping to turn things around and make his parents proud. He was accepted into a community college, where he applied his newfound determination to doing well, achieving high marks in his classes with the help of tutoring, though he was still trying to figure out what he wanted to study. When he finally figured it out, Aiden put in applications for a transfer—and soon he became a new student at Palmetto State.
His sophomore year at Palmetto took some adjusting: finding new friends, setting up the right school schedule, and finding out the best way to go about his new life. Though it didn’t help that he went through a bad roommate right at the start before requesting a new one—preferably one who didn’t pee in the trashcan. In a new environment and with a whole new set of people, Aiden tried to find a place for himself. Having always been athletic, he checked out a few of the sports teams to find one that he might be interested in, but it wasn’t until he met some of the Vixens and tried his hand that he thought he might have found somewhere he might fit, and so he tried out the spring semester of his sophomore year. It took some training and a lot of time working with others to get to the standard of everyone else, but he did it—or, well, he’s almost there.
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thetoxicgamer · 8 months
VALORANT 2023 roster changes: All VCT 2024 roster moves and rumors
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The first season of VALORANT collaboration under the new ecosystem, VCT 2023, is now officially over. According to this year's plot, Evil Geniuses went from being the worst team in the VCT Americas to the ultimate underdogs, villains, and global winners. With the season all wrapped up, the offseason is officially on, but many teams have already started making moves in hopes of reaching Champions themselves next year. In this comprehensive tracker, we will detail and list all of the significant confirmed, reported, or rumored roster moves taking place during the 2023 VALORANT offseason, all the way until the start of the 2024 season. All VCT Americas 2024 roster moves, rumors, and reports Here are all the official, reported, and rumored moves of the VCT Americas offseason prior to the 2024 season. The VCT Americas transfer window is officially open. 100 Thieves - July 31: 100T parts ways with long-time general manager Daniel “ddk” Kapadia. - Sept. 10: 100T is reportedly signing former Evil Geniuses assistant coach Tony “Zikz” Gray, following Zikz’s successful run with EG that resulted in a world championship. Zikz will reportedly take over the head coaching role, with Michael “Mikes” Hockom’s status currently undetermined. Cloud9 - Aug. 23: Assistant coach/sixth man Mateja “qpert” Mijović moves to the inactive roster, and has been permitted to explore new opportunities as an IGL in any region. - Sept. 5: Jordan “Zellsis” Montemurro leaves, becomes unrestricted free agent. - Sept. 10: Dylan “runi” Cade leaves, becomes unrestricted free agent. - Sept. 10: Coach Matthew “mCe” Elmore leaves, becomes unrestricted free agent. - Sept. 11: C9 will reportedly bring back Anthony “vanity” Malaspina and sign Francis “OXY” Hoang, while keeping jakee and Xeppaa. Leaf’s status is undetermined, but given OXY’s identical agent pool, Leaf is likely leaving. Evil Geniuses - Sept. 6: The EG reserve roster leaves the organization. Jeffrey “Reformed” Lu, Vincent “Apotheon” Le, Jacob “icy” Lange, and Brendan “BcJ” Jensen, and coach Addison “zecK” Gorzec become unrestricted free agents. Kyle “ScrewFace” Jensen remains on the roster. - Sept. 6: Assistant coach Tony “Zikz” Gray leaves. FURIA - Aug. 23: Coach Carlos “Carlão” Mohn leaves. - Aug. 28: Douglas “dgzin” Silva leaves. - Aug. 29: Gabriel “qck” Lima leaves. - Aug. 30: Matheus “mazin” Araújo leaves. “The Guard” - Aug. 29: The Guard releases their player roster. - Sept. 1: With the players now listed as free agents, Riot rules that the players can find a new organization to represent them in VCT Americas 2024. - Sept. 10: Ian “tex” Botsch parts ways with the ex-Guard roster. KRÜ Esports - Aug. 31: Juan Pablo “NagZ” Lopez Miranda moves to inactive roster and will look for new offers. Leviatán - Aug. 2: Coach Rodrigo “Onur” Dalmagro leaves. LOUD - Sept. 11: Erick “aspas” Santos leaves, enters unrestricted free agency. MIBR - Sept. 4: Olavo “heat” Marcelo leaves. - Sept. 5: Murillo “murizzz” Tuchtenhagen leaves. NRG - Aug. 23: Sam “s0m” Oh and Pujan “FNS” Mehta state they are off the active roster, and will stream during the offseason while pursuing offers. - Sept. 8: Ardis “ardiis” Svarenieks will reportedly leave NRG and reunite with former teammates on NAVI. Sentinels - Sept. 8: Tyson “TenZ” Ngo extends contract with Sentinels, will stay with team for 2024 season. - Sept. 11: Sentinels will reportedly sign Mouhamed “johnqt” Ouarid from M80. All VCT EMEA 2024 roster moves, rumors, and reports Here are all the official, reported, and rumored moves of the VCT EMEA offseason prior to the 2024 season. The VCT EMEA transfer window is officially open. BBL Esports - Sept. 11: The entire roster save for Eren “Brave” Kasırga is removed from the Global Contract Database. Fnatic - Sept. 11: Coach Jacob “mini” Harris steps down from the head coach role. FUT Esports - Sept. 11: Buğra “mojj” Kiraz and Serhat “Muj” Yüksel leave. Giants - Sept. 6: In-game leader Emir “rhyme” Muminovic leaves and steps away from VALORANT to focus on school. Karmine Corp - July 30: Ahmed “ZE1SH” Sheikh moves to the inactive roster. - Sept. 3: Adil “ScreaM” Benrlitom moves to the inactive roster. KOI NAVI - Aug. 25: NAVI is reportedly looking to replace Mehmet “cNed” İpek. - Sept. 8: Ardis “ardiis” Svarenieks will reportedly leave NRG and reunite with former teammates on NAVI. Team Heretics - Sept. 5: Auni “AvovA” Chahade moves to the inactive roster. Team Liquid - Aug. 7: Elias “Jamppi” Olkkonen signs three-year extension. - Sept. 9: Saif “Sayf” Jibraeel will reportedly depart Liquid and join Team Vitality. Team Vitality - July 16: Santeri “BONECOLD” Sassi moves to inactive roster. - Sept. 9: Saif “Sayf” Jibraeel will reportedly depart Liquid and join Team Vitality. - Sept. 11: Michał “MOLSI” Łącki leaves. - Sept. 11: Team Vitality will reportedly sign Kimmie “Kicks” Laasner. All VCT Pacific 2024 roster moves, rumors, and reports Here are all the official, reported, and rumored moves of the VCT Americas offseason prior to the 2024 season. The VCT Pacific transfer window is officially open. DetonatioN FocusMe - Sept. 11: Ryumon “Reita” Oshiro, Park “Seoldam” Sang-min, Seo “Suggest” Jae-young, and coach Hirotaka “Melofovia” Okazaki are no longer listed on the Global Contract Database. DRX Gen.G - Sept. 8: Yeom “eKo” Wang-ryong, Kim “GodDead” Sung-sin, Lee “k1Ng” Seung-won, Yu “TS” Tae-seok, Ko “Sylvan” Young-sub, coach Lee “bail” Sung-jae, and coach Chris “Elmapuddy” Tebbit all leave. Global Esports - Sept. 10: Paper Rex will reportedly sign Cahya “Monyet” Nugraha from GE. - Sept. 10: GE will reportedly sign Gary “blaZek1ng” Dastin to replace Monyet. - Sept. 10: Jordan “AYRIN” He leaves. Paper Rex - Aug. 26: Wang “Jinggg” Jing Jie plays his last match for the foreseeable future due to mandatory military service. - Sept. 10: Paper Rex will reportedly sign Cahya “Monyet” Nugraha from GE. - Sept. 11: Substitute player Patiphan “CigaretteS” Posri leaves. Rex Regum Qeon - Sept. 11: Emmanuel “Emman” Morales leaves. T1 - Joseph “ban” Seungmin Oh, Byeon “Munchkin” Sang-beom, and Kang “iNTRO” Seung-gyun are no longer listed on the Global Contract Database. Talon Esports - Itthirit “foxz” Ngamsaard, Panyawat “sushiboys” Subsiriroj, and coach Yuttanagorn “Zeus” Kaewkongyai leave. Team Secret - Jayvee “DubsteP” Paguirigan and Lionel “lenne” Lim are no longer listed on the Global Contract Database. ZETA DIVISION - Aug. 16: ZETA DIVISION announces it is holding open tryouts for their 2024 roster. Read the full article
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sakurabreeze · 4 years
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Judith in den Botsch
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