444names · 1 year
roman places, deities and emperor forenames + bosmer names from tes
Abeng Adwor Aedil Aegidir Aenetras Agorna Agoth Algor Alonalin Alonone Amalis Amare Amitutus Amler Amritara Anathrill Ancomasfil Andan Andennir Andorn Andras Anethra Angland Anionir Annethil Annius Anvalon Anwedraks Aragnia Arastum Arefind Areth Arion Armitus Aroban Artor Arwil Athil Athor Augin Baeth Balinsa Barin Barwina Bauloth Bedra Bedragas Beneguell Berielaks Blestvanel Blued Bluevalor Bluiliong Bluin Bluingir Bluniros Boraglolor Boredall Bormen Brelail Brethor Bridintia Brindoth Bronasta Brongin Bronimra Caeridran Calake Calow Canrus Carthadis Castrennia Cathir Celonagill Cineldir Cineth Cinir Cochallor Comaras Comparod Culch Cygal Cygwigill Cylfin Cylgomin Cylis Cyllidonna Cylse Daenth Dalariaeng Dalaulung Dandir Danegovan Dares Dayenling Debran Dellus Derva Dessrian Desss Deste Destius Didragaeth Didrium Diras Disdrin Ditsharlel Dolluciir Dolrostas Dorandel Dorithar Dorod Dowenus Dralburin Driovir Drius Ebresna Ebreth Edeboron Edria Edthor Eghtwilin Egitus Eguin Einorn Elbor Elgus Elindren Elorn Elowponis Elronora Empel Enaras Endrolion Enendion Eniel Erandre Erdor Eregiderel Erimannia Erlibel Erodrater Erredhel Ertum Estelow Estornas Ethal Ethan Ethen Excepool Faedaepood Faelso Faeresorim Farale Faranienie Faravenike Farelion Farenrion Farethel Fartern Fathin Faulanilin Fayale Fellawn Feroninia Feros Filian Filin Finatthir Findra Finion Finlonir Finrin Fintel Finus Firis Firossa Firra Fixenarmas Fixesonor Foledorn Folminn Folorme Folus Foodorborn Foolwas Foragol Fordhend Fornim Foruin Frion Furilthor Gaedbeler Gaelow Gaendon Gaendor Gaerdinil Gaern Gaerund Gaervale Gaianruin Galathon Galeio Galeth Galir Galorth Gangandril Gangolmil Gania Ganidel Ganigor Gannethaie Ganoniel Garalion Garthether Gazalas Gelles Ghtsalow Gilgor Gilmales Gilrin Gilthol Githilber Glalin Glana Glandil Glareb Glingorhin Glion Glolossia Glorth Glowen Gluewihion Golethun Gorathel Gorchora Gordegoras Gorinarva Goroothra Gothel Grillow Grong Gwaeareth Gwaereng Gwalegeta Gwall Gwilas Gwilgo Gwingil Gwintia Haequinor Haganiond Halatara Halin Halionsa Halir Halis Hamnaeinor Hanghaldan Hanwoodia Haudandel Heler Hellin Heodir Heras Heril Herval Heryon Huldal Hylth Iacrith Indin Inethia Iniath Innegor Inthisteng Ivere Joakvandil Junmariel Kilmor Kunienor Ladir Laerin Landanator Larhie Launus Legna Lerwo Lethilas Libel Licirre Lindil Linirn Liongstia Lionvalil Liscradst Lithorna Lonlineth Loras Lorbornath Lugil Lunor Lurondir Mailivegel Malbonos Manaresky Mandirsla Mandra Mannis Mannor Mannordorn Marith Marst Martharin Maxiona Medrater Mefilvia Mellus Melosel Mendern Menel Menia Menortar Meralenus Merrannana Mesum Methras Mieldormin Miliuleth Minas Minrius Miria Molidellon Mones Monildor Morbror Mosenor Mosme Mossarfir Mossva Mucir Mulon Naell Nalicky Nalionel Narthrung Nasth Nathaenor Nelow Newihion Nillin Nillius Nilrogon Nilrus Nilthengal Nirrinor Nirwens Nitanus Nithras Noakpool Nonor Nothil Oacun Oaklum Oandil Oberon Ofirodoton Olaslegir Olorither Orodritas Oterra Ouniel Outth Palandraen Palvird Parth Pedwinel Pegorn Pegothos Percir Phruta Picta Pinrood Pisel Pisnas Poothras Posslarae Prith Privir Putth Quinorn Riana Rilip Rilviscarn Rolgod Ronght Roras Sandor Sarnorel Sarwen Sathel Selick Sevethor Shoniel Sianrithor Sidolos Sillortus Sindrinath Siresladir Situnelia Slenril Spriel Sprielwara Sprilis Sproth Surey Swoollow Sylandaen Teran Teria Thadaers Thadel Thilan Thirilin Tholmer Thoripleth Thrabel Thriel Throth Tiblucin Trilionn Trinragas Ulbina Ulete Ulthrimril Ultus Ulverel Valilth Vegal Venor Verriel Vislanras Wercate Wiirranius
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livesunique · 5 years
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Kasteel Marnix van Sint-Aldegonde, Bornem, Province of Antwerp, Belgium,
James Arthur Gekiere Photography
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ej-artyarts · 4 years
Chibi Time!
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Was messing around and made all my OCs in a new chibi style
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vorskra · 3 years
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Long ago there was a girl and her painted world, a place full of magic and whimsy that, at first, existed just in her mind.
Long ago there was a girl and her painted world, and with each gentle brushstroke, it came to life.
Long ago there was a girl and her painted world, in which darkness cut like a knife.
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GENRE: Fantasy POV: Single, 3rd Person Limited STATUS: 1st Draft THEMES: whimsy | kind of a fun way to face your demons | magic | found family because it’s always there | mental health | fun magical creatures | and not so fun ones | finding one’s inherent value | PAINting 
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There is a magic in the telling of stories and painting of entirely new worlds —
Ama of Tamveil knows this well. An orphan raised among some of the greatest minds of the Bormens Institute of the Arts and Sciences, she had never felt more at home - or at peace - then when holding a paintbrush.
Through the years, by her own hand, she creates a painted world - iridescent in its beauty, perfect in its calmness. A world where a single thought brings fantastic creatures and incredible landscapes to life. A place of warmth she could retreat to if the need arose. But all is not as it seems, and now a darkness is spreading beyond her control and to fight back she must unravel why it is happening and who is behind it. To do so she will need to fight monsters out of her worst nightmares, twisted visions, all so she can return colour to her Painted World and escape.
Ama un Tamveil //  the painter. determined and full of warm smiles but lost in self-doubt
Ethusa an Oeschman de Brün //  the instructor. stern but loving. a master of the visual arts.
The Painted Essences // the aspects. the various inhabitants of the painted world. good or bad. 
“Take this,” in Ethusa’s hands was a beautiful wooden paintbrush, with a silver ferrule and a carefully engraved handle. “Whenever you are afraid, or simply feel alone, take this and think of me. Think of me and create a world as you see fit for only you can do that. Your own beautiful world where everything is whatever you wish it to be, and you are safe and loved. Just as I love you, little Ama. Paint and feel.”
Ama could feel a lump in her throat, so tight it choked her, lip trembling as she picked up the brush. It was light and fit right into her smaller, calloused hand. “Thank you,” she stammered. “I will make you proud, I promise. I will keep learning and one day I’ll even be as good as you.” Ama finished with a teasing smile and tears in her cheeks.
Ethusa laughed her melodic laugh and framed Ama’s face between both of her hands gently. “No, you will be better.”
wip tag   |  wip page 
if anyone would like to be on a taglist for this wips do send in an ask! and thank you very much for reading this post!
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nopejusttesting · 5 years
Im a broken toy im a broken toy im a broken toy im a broken toy im a borken toy im a broken toy im a broken toy im a bormen toy ima broken toy ima a brojen toy im a broken toy ina broken toy im a broken toy im a broken tou im a broken tou ima broken toy ima a broken toy ima boriken you dnsksvtdjdjdhwpz dhdjfbdbdbdhfidhhfjjhjfbd zkdvdvzudgfhfhfhfhfhgffgfhcjfjbjhhdjsbcx
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caglararli · 6 years
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Bormen https://www.instagram.com/p/BqfbvMXl8IP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fs71iknge4me
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ej-artyarts · 6 years
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The werewolf prompt "corvids are friends" was requested by a friend
Not used to drawing birds but I think this came out really nice
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