#bonus it was spa day at the brewery
nice-bright-colors · 8 months
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Day trip to Loveland and a sculpture park. BYOL at Verboten Brewing. Russian Imperial Stout named “Others in Darkness”. Then the same stout aged for 1 year in French Cognac barrels. 14.6% and 15.5% respectively. Go heavy and hard, or don’t bother going.
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mhalachai · 11 months
more thoughts on vacation planning
thanks to everyone for your vacation suggestions! I have some plans now… lots to do :D
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I thought I'd share the suggestions here compiled for your reading pleasure - might be some ideas in here if you're looking for a bit of a break this summer (amid the heat, forest fires, and other climate disasters):
First, some ideas if you're local to the Vancouver area (or planning on a visit)
Day trip! If you want a quick ferry ride, try Bowen Island or Salt Spring Island, or if you want to stay on the mainland, try Sasamat Lake
Maple Ridge tree walk or zip line (or axe-throwing!)
White Rock beach and pier (bonus - taking a double-decker bus from Vancouver down)
Lonsdale Quay (featuring the ever-popular ride on the seabus)
Honey's Donuts in Deep Cove
Granville Island before 12pm on a weekday
Fireworks! But make friends with someone who lives in the West End who will put you up
Lynn Valley suspension bridge (and the local trails – very nice, very free) (and honestly, you can skip the Capilano Suspension Bridge theme park - it's super expensive and not really worth it)
Try the new Michelin star restaurants in Vancouver and then go to the other restaurants you know that are better and enjoy those too
Lastly, if you want some more organized nature, try the Van Dusen Botanical Garden
Now, onto general suggestions!
Sleep for a day or three
Do all the hard stuff that a 9-5 gets in the way of - go to the bank, book that eye exam, etc.
go get that warning light in your car looked at, i mean it mhal
Do as much gentle housecleaning as interests you
Spa experience - massage, mani-pedi, other spa things
Bubble bath/hair mask/other home spa pieces
Do a thing
local zoo or aquarium
Art galleries, science centres, and museums
Botanical gardens
Events hosted your local library
Local events/fairs
Trip around to the vintage/antique/flea shops
Check out local second-hand record stores and/or bookstores
Do a thing (+ Effort)
Touch grass/sand/water/trees/flowers. Bring a book and read in nature
local walking tours
Kite flying
Activities(tm) - such as paddle board, horseback riding class, go-carting and so on
Maker space - pottery or print making or woodwork
Every restaurant you haven't tried but want to
Local breweries/wineries
Hit up the local city page on reddit and see if there are any restaurant rec places - they can be hit or miss but sometimes there are some gems.
And this one from @krchov is so cool I'll paste it here in its entirely:
Dedicate time to making a map of the food carts/cheese shops/etc in a specific area of your city. Compare the quality of similar wares in each one. Collect data. In the end you will have a cool map/dataset, new favorite food place and on your wandering you will probably happen upon some before unknown interesting places.
happy vacationing!
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How to Make Dad Feel Extra Special with a Father’s Day Hamper 
Father's Day is just around the corner, and what better way to show Dad how much he means to you than with a thoughtfully curated DIY hamper? 
Not only does it add a personal touch that store-bought gifts often lack, but it also allows you to tailor one of the perfect Melbourne hampers to suit your dad’s interests and tastes. 
This year, get creative and put together a special treat that is as unique as he is. From hobby-themed baskets to gourmet delights, the possibilities are endless. 
Let's dive into some creative Father's Day hamper ideas to spoil your dad with something special.
Personalised DIY Hamper Ideas for Dad
Creating a personalised DIY hamper is a lovely way to show Dad how well you know him and how much you care. Tailoring a gift to his specific interests can turn an ordinary present into something extraordinary. 
Here are a few ideas to get you started on creating one of the bespoke Melbourne hampers that will surely make his day extra special.
Customised Coffee Lover's Hamper
Is your dad a coffee fanatic? Then, assembling a hamper filled with gourmet coffee beans, a personalised mug (perhaps with a witty quote or a photo of the two of you), and unique coffee accessories like a stainless steel coffee scoop or a handheld milk frother can make his morning ritual even more enjoyable. 
Include a small coffee shop gift card or a book about the history of coffee to make this hamper complete.
Homemade Spa Hamper for Dad's Relaxation
Who says dads don't need a bit of pampering too? Create a relaxation hamper with homemade bath goodies. Think about adding homemade beard oil, a bar of natural soap scented with his favourite essential oils, and perhaps a DIY sugar scrub. 
To elevate the pampering experience, include a plush bath towel and a soothing playlist you've created just for him.
DIY Barbecue Master Hamper
For the dad who loves to grill, put together a hamper that'll make his next barbecue session a hit. Start with a set of personalised barbecue tools, add in an assortment of rubs and sauces (bonus points if you make them yourself), and don't forget a durable apron. You could also include a recipe book specifically for grilling, or better yet—compile a booklet of family recipes that feature his grilling favourites.
Culinary Delights Hamper Ideas for Foodie Dads
Dads with a penchant for culinary adventures will appreciate a hamper filled with ingredients, treats, and tools to fuel their passion. Whether he loves to cook, snack, or enjoy a good brew, here's how to cater to his foodie inclinations with a hamper that'll tickle his taste buds.
Gourmet Cooking Ingredients Hamper
Surprise your gourmet dad with a selection of high-quality cooking ingredients. This could include exotic spices, infused oils, aged balsamic vinegar, or specialty pasta. Consider items not typically found in the local supermarket to make this gift truly special. 
If he loves a particular cuisine, theme the hamper around that—think an array of Japanese cooking essentials or a collection of authentic Italian ingredients.
Sweet Treats & Snacks Hamper
For the dad with a sweet tooth or a predilection for snacks, create a hamper that's a treasure trove of goodies. Fill it with an assortment of his favourite sweets and savouries—from artisan chocolate bars and homemade cookies to craft popcorn and gourmet nuts. 
Personalise it further by adding snacks you've made together or by including a few family favourite recipes.
Craft Beer Connoisseur's Hamper
If your dad enjoys exploring the world of craft beer, assemble a hamper that indulges this hobby. Select a variety of craft beers from local breweries or international favourites, ideally including some he hasn't tried yet. 
Pair these with beer-friendly snacks like gourmet pretzels, artisan cheese, or spicy nuts. To add a personal touch, write a note describing why you chose each beer or include a beer-tasting journal where he can record his tasting notes.
Creating a Father’s Day hampers Melbourne filled with personalised touches is not just about giving a gift—it's about showing Dad you truly know and appreciate him. Whether he's into coffee, cooking, or simply unwinding at the end of the day, these hampers will surely bring a smile to his face and warmth to his heart.
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Activity-Based Hamper Ideas for Adventurous Dads
Finding the perfect Father’s Day gift can be quite a challenge, especially if your dad is the adventurous type who seems to have everything. But fear not! By focusing on your dad’s hobbies and passions, you can create a customised hamper filled with items that will surely put a smile on his face. Here are a couple of unique hamper ideas tailored for those dads who love a bit of adventure in their lives.
Outdoor Adventure Essentials Hamper
If your dad loves to spend his weekends hiking, camping, or exploring the great outdoors, an Outdoor Adventure Essentials Melbourne hampers will make his day even more special. Think about including items that are practical yet fun. Here are some ideas to get you started:
- A high-quality, durable water bottle to keep him hydrated - A multifunctional tool or a high-grade pocket knife, perfect for any surprises nature may have - A lightweight, waterproof, portable camping hammock - An eco-friendly insect repellent to keep those pesky bugs at bay - Topographical maps of his favourite hiking spots or new areas to explore
By packing a Father’s Day hampers Melbourne with these thoughtful items, you're not only appreciating his adventurous spirit but also encouraging his next great adventure.
Gardening Enthusiast's Hamper
For the dad with a green thumb, a hamper filled with gardening goodies will surely brighten his day. It’s a wonderful way to show you care about his hobbies. Consider including:
- A set of ergonomic gardening tools that are easy on the hands - Rare or unique seeds for flowers, vegetables, or herbs that can add a new flavour to his garden - A stylish yet functional gardening hat to protect him from the sun - An informative gardening book, perhaps focusing on organic practices or exotic plants
You could even add personalised plant markers or a subscription to a gardening magazine to keep his inspiration growing.
Thoughtful Gestures in the Hamper
Sometimes, it’s the little, personalised touches that make a gift truly memorable. Here are a couple of ideas to add a layer of thoughtfulness to your Father’s Day hamper.
Handwritten Letter or Poem
In a world dominated by digital communication, a handwritten letter or poem can have a profound impact. Take some time to write down your thoughts, memories, and appreciation for your dad. This can be as simple or as elaborate as you like. The key is to speak from the heart. Whether it’s a fond memory you share, acknowledging his influence on your life, or just saying a heartfelt thank you for all he does, this personal touch will make your hamper one-of-a-kind.
Customised Photos or Mementos
Photos have a magical way of capturing moments in time, and when it comes to Father’s Day, a picture really is worth a thousand words. Consider including in the hamper:
- A framed photo of a memorable day spent together - A custom-made photo album chronicling your adventures as a family - A keychain or mug personalised with a family picture
You could also opt for something more symbolic, like a small keepsake related to an inside joke or a shared interest. Such mementos serve as daily reminders of your bond and can be cherished for years to come.
Incorporating these thoughtful gestures not only provides a deeper emotional connection but also transforms your Father’s Day hamper into a treasure trove of memories and sentiments. 
It’s about acknowledging your dad’s unique personality, showing him that you really know and appreciate who he is, and ultimately, making him feel loved and cherished on his special day.
Conclusion and Final Tips for the Perfect Father's Day Hamper
Creating a DIY Father's Day hamper is not just about putting together gifts—it's a way of showing Dad how much you care. By adding a personal touch, whether it's through a handwritten note or a handmade item, you make the Melbourne hampers truly special. Here are some final tips to ensure your hamper is perfect:
- Personalise it: Tailor the hamper to reflect your dad's interests and tastes. - Presentation matters: Take time to arrange the items neatly and choose attractive wrapping. - Include a note: A heartfelt message can sometimes be the most cherished part of the gift.
Remember, it's the thought and effort that counts the most. Happy Father's Day crafting!
Source URL: https://father-day-hampers.blogspot.com/2024/02/how-to-make-dad-feel-extra-special-with.html
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easyrider64 · 5 years
Day 1
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Greetings friends and welcome to my third Cycling adventure blog. Some preamble and history:  my brother in law Steve - owner of “Off the Rail” brewing invited me to celebrate his 60th birthday with a “bucket list” ride through Bavaria during Oktoberfest. Full disclosure - he had me at “beer and biking” the concept of cycling through the beer capital of the world (at its peak there were over 3,000 breweries in Bavaria) wasn’t a hard sell and as an added bonus my son Alessandro decided to join us.  Ok - so why the “Psyclepath” reference in the title. Well for those of you not familiar with Off the Rail Brewing, one of their signature brews(and personal favourite) is their ‘Psyclepath Lager" (Off the Rail is located on the Adanac bicycle path in Vancouver)  Leaving Vancouver on Friday the 13th, we flew to London and make a quick visit to my parents in Cambridge where we were surprised by my brother Lawrence visiting from Brussels and my sister Louise who flew in from San Francisco. My other sister Anne came to visit from Leamington Spa. What a great and unexpected reunion! It took us a while to figure out that the last time we had been together was for Lawrence’s wedding in 2003! After and all too short reunion we got up very early Monday to catch a Lufthansa flight to Frankfurt and then a 3 hour train ride to Bamberg - a stunning historic town that would serve as the for our adventure.  So - if you have read my previous blogs you will know that my work colleague and multi day adventure “mentor-guru” Rob has a mantra: Rule # 1: “no   epic journey truly starts until something goes wrong”. we arrived in Bamberg late and immediately headed into the old Town for a meal and a sample of the local community “ rauchbier” (Smokey flavoured dark beer) To northamericans used to strict public drinking laws we were a bit shocked (and not unimpressed) when we saw well behaved but equally well lubricated patrons walking through the old city with pint glasses in hand having a very good time.  Apparently there are no restrictions on public drinking in Germany as long as you bring your empty pint glasses back for the deposit refund (!).   We didn’t have long to prove that yet again Rob was right. Sitting at an outside table sampling some of the local schnitzel specially we struck up a conversation with our table neighbours. One was a former professional cyclist who was interested in our trip and proceeded to let us know that we were being way too ambitious with our daily cycling objectives.   Problem: accommodations had already been booked in the destination cities.   Feeling a sense of unease we headed back to the hotel.  The next day (Tuesday) was dedicated to getting the bikes and equipment ready for the ride. We went to the “business” through which we had rented the bikes and equipment only to discover that it was just a car garage which was locked and no signs of the owner.  Feeling an increasing sense of unease we decided to visit the local tourist information center  Rule # 2 for epic journeys: “when things look bleakest, a solution always presents itself”.  We started talking to one of the information center employees - and told him our story and asked if there were other bicycle rental companies he informed us that the owner of the company we had been to actually worked at the information center and rented bikes in his spare time after work.  He then proceeded to go in the back of the office and bring out “ Uri” the bike guy.  We spent then next half our (re) planning our daily rides and in no time we had it figured out. Later that day we met up with Uri and he provided us with excellent bikes and all the equipment we required as well as additional advice on our trip. 
 So we set off today _ officially day 1 of our trip.  Heading out west from Bamberg along the south bank of the Main river we were immiately struck by the fact that almost the entire route was on dedicated bicycle only trails (see pictures)  we made our way through stunning countryside, winding our way through numerous villages that all seemed to have one or more breweries. Being able to ride side by side is a rare luxury on long rides and I was. Blessed by being able to engage in a long conversation with Alessandro as we passed through increasingly breathtaking countryside (this stretch of bike trail is known as “the romantic way” in Germany and for obvious reasons) Stopping for a quick lunch break in a gorgeous medieval town called Hassfurt, we continued on hugging the bank of the Main river.  At one point we stumbled across the 200 year old Lamm brewery and we felt the urge to stop in.  Rule # 3 for epic journeys - be open and “ in the moment” and amazing things will happen.  The brewery is no longer in operation but it operates as a hotel and distribution center for a larger brewery.  We pulled up on our bikes and a gentlemen was in the office and opened his window.   Not one to be shy when it comes to beer steve blurted out “do you have any beer?”. The man muttered some inaudible words in german then closed the window.   Steve and I looked at each other quizzically ….but shortly thereafter the gentlemen came out with three beer bottles and proceeded to open them.  I have to presume he had been sampling some of his ownproduct because for the next 30 mins we proceeded to have a conversation using my very rusty German and yet he seemed to understand everything I said.  He - Theo- the owner lamented the fact that none of his children wanted to take over the brewery and it eventually ceased producing beer.  He then showed us around the old factory and them promptly left to make a delivery and told us to help ourselves to any beer while he was gone (which we did not - instead leaving a few euros for the beer he gave us).  It’s one of those surreal moments that always seems to happen on these trips.  Leaving the brewery we continued west eventually arriving in schweinfurt (which suffered terrible bombings during the war).  Already 70 kms completed on heavy bikes and with almost 60 more to go to our final destination of Wurzberg we opted to take a train eventually arriving in wurzberg around 4pm where we cycles a short distance to our accomodation.   All in all an amazing first day. 
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Table neighbours!
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Uri the bike guy!
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2traveldads-blog · 6 years
With so many ways to do a road trip you can take almost any approach. We just did it with two kids so we are ready to share exactly how to get the most from the Oregon Coast. Doing an Oregon Coast road trip is really fun and very easy. There are zero chances to get lost and 1000 opportunities to fall in love with the nature and nautical sights along the way.
Have you done the Oregon Coast with kids? Want to see what we did to keep them entertained as well as give us parents things to look forward to with each stop? Here’s how you do an Oregon Coast road trip with kids that’s good for the whole family no matter the season.
Packing for an Oregon Coast road trip
The Oregon Coast is gorgeous… even in the foggy rain which you might experience any time of year. When you’re packing for an Oregon Coast road trip be sure to plan for hot sun as well as chilling wet.  As a rule when we’re touring around Western Washington or Oregon we always pack equally for rain or sun, erroring on the side of the time of year. This includes activities we bring with us. Here’s what our Oregon Coast road trip packing list looks like (clothing is per person):
Warm hat
T-shirts and tanks (3:1 ratio)
Swim shorts and hiking shorts
Sandals AND shoes
Beach gear (including boogie board in summer)
Cribbage, dominoes and Yahtzee
Camera gear
Portable vacuum (the Oregon Coast is sandy and you’ll thank us later)
You know your own travel style and crew, but having done the Oregon Coast road trip thing seven times now, I can confidently say that this list is what will keep you happy and sane all along the coast.
Complete Oregon Coast Road Trip Itinerary
Like with any itinerary, take this one with a grain of salt and update it for your own family. We like to visit beaches, breweries and lighthouses, so this Oregon Coast road trip itinerary has a healthy mixture of nature and culture. And like any jaunt through small town America, you’ll be tempted to stop in places we don’t mention and to find your own foodie spots. Go for it! Road tripping is all about fun and new experiences and the Oregon Coast is no exception!
The rugged coastline of an Oregon Coast road trip is the perfect American vacation plan. From Portland and hiking in the city to the relaxed southern coast, driving the Oregon Coast is an ideal travel plan. 2traveldads.com
Portland, Oregon to start the road trip
In the last few years Portland, Oregon has really grown in popularity. Is it the food or the beer or the wine or the hipsters?  I don’t know, but we love it for lots of reasons. Portland is an ideal place to start your Oregon Coast road trip. Before you head out to the beaches, spend a day or two exploring the city and enjoying Portland’s food scene. FYI, there’s more to Portland than Voodoo Doughnuts.
If you’re all about the city, Portland’s downtown has a nice shopping core and lots of great dining (loved Bamboo Sushi), but the neighborhoods is where it’s at! Check out northeast Portland for more great food, neighborhoods you can stroll through and even book a spa day at the local Finnish spa (without kids though).
Family friendly Portland activities include the Oregon Zoo and Portland Children’s Museum (right next to each other), exploring the Pearl District and markets in Old Town, and hiking in MacLeahey Park.  
Hiking idea:  The Witch’s Castle hike is really fun and beautiful and it’s just outside of downtown.  Easy 1.5 miles round trip and full of moss, streams and the ruins of what looks like a forgotten fortress.  Trail-head is in Macleay Park from the UPPER trail area.
Note: you don’t see us recommend a lot of zoos because many are not up to date and have exhibits that don’t give the animals much space. The Oregon Zoo has made many improvements over the years, including a lot of construction right now, and boasts some of the best habitats we’ve seen in any zoo.  Also, the Oregon Zoo is a part of several conservation programs, including the California Condor breeding program and the Pond Turtle release program, both of which are a huge part of re-establishing species back into their native territory.
There’s more to Portland, but these ideas will get your Oregon Coast road trip off to a great start!
Bonus plan:  for some extra time and beauty in the Portland area, do the Columbia Gorge Waterfall Area. This mini-road trip takes you along historic Route 30 and and is full of waterfalls, including Multnomah Falls, and lots of great hikes.
Exploring Oregon’s North Coast
We’re diving into where we hit the coast on our most recent trip, but you can also alter our route and head to the very northern tip of the Oregon Coast to visit Astoria, Lewis and Clark National Historic Park and Seaside, Oregon. There are some great spots to stop for getting your Goonies fix and enjoying the sleepy side of the coast.
Cannon Beach, Oregon: views and brews
We always think of Cannon Beach as the place where One Eyed Willy’s boat set sail at the end of the Goonies, so naturally that’s where we started.  Ecola State Park is just north of downtown Cannon Beach. It’s a must-visit.  
In addition to the beautiful view of the sea stacks off Cannon Beach and beyond (epic sea mist for photos), there are some awesome hikes and beautiful beaches. While the weather erosion on the point at Ecola State Park has damaged many of the trails to the end, there are still hiking opportunities out of the Indian Beach area. And Indian Beach is actually our first beach stop on our Oregon Coast road trip.
Beach stop:  Indian Beach at Ecola State Park in Cannon Beach is at the end of a two mile winding road through the coastal forest. You can hike the trails to other beaches or just head down the boardwalk trail to the beach. It’s full of driftwood, shells and a few streams, so it’s beautiful and perfect Oregon Coast. The sand is gorgeous and the cove makes for a great kid-friendly beach.
Note:  if you see what looks like thousands of plastic pieces on the beaches of Oregon and Washington, know that they are actually dead jellyfish, not trash. They will sometimes swarm and get washed ashore, drying up and dying. It’s gross and cool at the same time.
Views not to miss:  from the main viewpoint area at Ecola State Park watch the sunset facing south to see the shadows the sea stacks cast. Also from the same area, veer to the north a few hundred yards and sneak a view of the Tillamook Head Lighthouse 1.2 miles off shore (sorry, you can’t visit it)
Public Coast Brewing in Cannon Beach
Every town in Oregon has a brewery, I swear, and some have ten.  Our pick for great micro brews in Cannon Beach is Public Coast Brewing. It’s just outside of the main touristy area of Cannon Beach, but not too far. Walk the block and a half to enjoy their IPAs and burgers.
FYI, dining in Cannon Beach is more expensive than you expect because it’s the closest beach town to Portland, but most places will make sure the value matches the cost. At Public Coast Brewing we had $13 hamburgers that came with nothing but the burger on its own was worth every penny.
Recommendation:  the Sitka Burger and an Imperial IPA. Delicious combo and a perfect example of Oregon Coast brew houses.
Cape Meares Lighthouse
Heading out from Cannon Beach on our Oregon Coast road trip, our next stop is the Cape Meares Lighthouse.  If you’re looking at lighthouse stats and features comparing them all around the USA, you’ll not think twice about visiting Cape Meares Lighthouse.  Here’s why you need to make the stop: you can get right up close to the beautiful, intricate first order Fresnel lens. It’s awesome, especially with kids that like to see how things work.
Also to check out: the tiny town of Garibaldi has some great little seafood shops and places for nautical knickknacks.
Local activity:  whale watching out of Garibaldi is ideal in the spring and fall when the grey whales are going past. If you’re lucky, you might get to see minke whales, transient orcas or even the random blue whale (with crazy good luck!).
Tillamook and all the cheese
Find me somebody that grew up on the West Coast and you can bet they’ve been to the Tillamook Cheese Factory. Tillamook Cheese and ice cream and butter and everything else are staples in West Coast homes. They are delicious and pretty darn wholesome.  And you can visit the factory for bottomless samples! #cheesedork
Our favorite thing to try and buy (every time) are the cheddar cheese curds.  When we went to Wisconsin the cheese curds were always fried and served with dipping sauces. On the Oregon Coast (and up in Washington too) we like our curds fresh, squeaky and cold. Delicious.  On our most recent trip we got to try a new cheese, the first new cheese offering from Tillamook in many years: Cape Meares Cheddar. It was like a tangy Gruyere and for a cheese lover, it was to die for.
Note: as of Spring 2018 the new visitors center at the Tillamook Cheese Factory was still not open. It’s slated to open Fall of 2018, but you know, construction timelines…
Pacific City: the gem of the Oregon Coast road trip
Once upon a time in my teens I thought it would be cool to take a little detour on my own crazy Oregon Coast road trip and drive on the beach when I got to Pacific City. It was perfect! Designated areas for driving, very flat beach area, gorgeous view to enjoy… and then the tide came in and I sank and had to wait, full of anxiety, as the winch truck drove from an hour away to rescue me… as the waves lapped at my Blazer’s tires. Everything turned out okay, but I ended up staying in Pacific City.
Fast forward twenty years and Pacific City, Oregon is the perfect Oregon Coast destination with kids! We like to break up our road trips with downtime and having a home base, so Pacific City served for that on our most recent Oregon Coast road trip. We rented a VRBO right downtown and enjoyed beach time, tide pools, kite flying, and sunsets.
Cape Kiwanda and picturesque Oregon Coast views
Pacific City is located just to the south of Cape Kiwanda, a breathtaking cape jutting out into the Pacific Ocean. It is a protected area, but you can climb its dunes, hike its trails and explore the tide pools all around the base.  The best time to sit and appreciate this perfect site is at sunrise. With the sun coming up behind you, Cape Kiwanda glows orange unlike any other piece of coast we’ve seen. It’s beautiful and romantic (if you’re into that).
  Brews at the Beach in Pacific City
Of course we enjoyed the local brewery in Pacific City! Our VRBO was less than a block from the Pelican Brewery so we took full advantage of it for our weekend of relaxation. With more than 15 beers under their label, Pelican Brewing Co has some great standards and seasonal options at all times.  The Umbrella IPA was our favorite.
Tip:  if you stop at a brewery you love, get a growler of your favorite beer on tap to enjoy at your place or the beach (confirm open container laws before drinking in public).  You can reuse your growler as you continue on your Oregon Coast road trip! NEVER DRINK AND DRIVE.
Yaquina Head Lighthouse
As you leave Pacific City you start to head down into the more rugged parts of the Oregon Coast.  The Yaquina Head Lighthouse is a state protected area inclusive of hiking trails, cliffs, tide pools, an interpretive center and, of course, the tallest lighthouse in Oregon. A stop into the visitors center is required to get the lowdown on Oregon’s lighthouse history as well as to learn about the wildlife of the area, including the migrating whales.
Tip:  you MUST stop into the visitors center if you want to get onto one of the lighthouse tours. The Yaquina Head Lighthouse is only open to the public via tour. They do have a height restriction of 42” to participate (small kids can’t go up). This is common with tall lighthouses (check out our visit to the St Augustine Lighthouse).
Even without going up into the lighthouse, stopping at Yaquina Head is really cool. Watching for whales, visiting the tide pools and observing the harbor seal colony below all make it a great stop with kids. Make sure you bring your binoculars to spy whales both up close and on the horizon.
Newport, Oregon
Newport, Oregon is a pretty large town and has a cute bayfront area to explore. It’s another great option for a homebase on your Oregon Coast road trip (but we’ll share a different one) as it’s close to beaches, shopping, lots of dining, the Oregon Coast Aquarium, the Undersea Gardens, a few tourist traps (Hello, Ripley’s…), and it’s own lighthouse.
If you’re into festivals, Seafood Fest takes place in February each year and is the place to experience Oregon Coastal Cuisine, Oregon wine, and more.  Newport also tends to have a bit better weather than some of its northern neighbors, so plan on hitting the beach and festivals with your classiest Oregon summer fashion (aka socks and sandals) and sunblock.
Yaquina Bay Lighthouse
It’s easy to miss the Yaquina Bay Lighthouse if you’re just driving right through Newport on your Oregon Coast road trip, but stopping is actually a great use of time. Built in 1871, the Yaquina Bay Lighthouse is cute, wheelchair accessible (around the grounds) and not far off your course.  It is open to the public most days, but you’ll want to confirm online or locally before making it a part of your primary road trip plan.
Cape Perpetua, Thor’s Well and Devil’s Churn
Rock formations and crashing waves are a big part of what an Oregon Coast road trip is all about. Driving south on Highway 101 from Newport you’ll notice that the road starts to swerve and wind.  That’s because the coastline went from jagged mixed with sandy beaches, to rocky and untamed. If you’re easily distracted have somebody else drive so you can enjoy the views.
THE stop you have to make in this stretch of the drive is at Cape Perpetua. Part of Oregon State Parks, you have a few ways to enjoy the area. If you head up the hill you have several hiking options to get breathtaking views up and down the coast. Pulling into the Devil’s Churn area, you can see some intense coastal water features including the churn, more tide pools, Thor’s Well (a hike around two points) and even a spout/blowhole.
Tip:  to see the spout you don’t have to do the big hike to Thor’s Well, but can simply head down the trail to the tide pool area and watch across the cove. A big wave will make a burst of water across the way just like a whale spout.
Haceta Head and the best view on the Oregon Coast
We’re suckers for beautiful views. I mean, who isn’t? Just past Cape Perpetua there are several pull out areas to admire the picturesque Haceta Head Lighthouse and beach below. Really, it’s the most beautiful view on the whole Oregon Coast.  Be sure to stop and enjoy the crashing waves and sea lions below.
Haceta Head Lighthouse
There are two ways to enjoy a stop at the Haceta Head Lighthouse: 1.) relax in the beautiful cove area and have a beach/tide pool day OR 2.) do the ~0.5 mile hike up the hill to the actual Haceta Head Lighthouse and check it out up close. You can even stay in the keepers quarters at the lighthouse.
Tip: if you do want to stay in the keepers quarters, be sure to make the inquiry and reserve it the second you know you’re interested. Such cool and unusual accommodations book far in advance.
Florence, Oregon: a perfect Central Oregon Coast home base
Upon first approach or even driving through, Florence doesn’t seem like the dream Oregon Coast road trip stop or homebase. Rethink that right now! The town of Florence is set directly between the most jagged and beautiful parts of the Oregon Coast, it’s directly adjacent to the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area and it has an adorable Old Town area that has lots of cute shops and some great dining options.
We stayed at the Old Town Inn just off Highway 101 and it was great for our family of four. It was clean and quiet and located right next to the Old Town area and riverfront. Really, staying someplace small and unique made for a different travel experience and it felt good to support a small business.
Tip: the Oregon Coast, including Florence, doesn’t have many well known or top rated hotel brands. That said, “Inns” and seaside motels are actually quite nice sometimes and most are family run. READ REVIEWS of lodging before booking, but feel confident going off-brand for your road trip.
Easy road trip stop: going between Florence and the southern destinations, make a stop in Reedsport and check out the Umpqua River Lighthouse. It’s your stereotypical lighthouse, set nicely at the mouth of the Umpqua River and looks both charming and extra historic when it’s the afternoon golden hour (perfect for photo ops).
Activities near Florence, Oregon
We really had a great time all around Florence, Oregon. We took advantage of the town’s close proximity to beaches for fun relaxation in the sun paired with beachcombing. We also had a great time kayaking the freshwater lakes and hiking the dunes at Honeyman State Park… and then the dune buggies! There are several tour operators around Florence to take guests out on the epic sand dunes (we had a great time with Sand Dunes Frontier).
And if dune buggies aren’t your thing, there is also the option to ride horses through the dunes and to the beach. Due to weather and our littlest’s age, we just stuck around C&M Stables for a fun cow poke ride but there was another crew totally excited to head out for a full ride, no matter the weather.
One last spot that’s pretty cool and worth checking out if you’re interested is Sea Lion Caves. The largest sea cave in North America, it’s the go-to spot to observe hundreds of sea lions and beautiful sea birds. There is an admission fee per person, so families will have to fork out around $50 or so (depending on group size) and it really is pretty neat, but if you are doing your Oregon Coast road trip on a budget, you can observe sea lions lots of other places along the coast.
Coos Bay for epic coastlines and Lighthouse views
If you’re driving Highway 101 down the Oregon Coast you’ll have to go through Coos Bay. Upon first look, it might seem like a quiet logging town without much going on, but it’s actually a bustling place. Between some of the cool art deco buildings and the coastal themed street art, Coos Bay is a great stop for lunch or dinner as you continue on your road trip.
Coos Bay is also the gateway to some of the most aggressive waves and breathtaking strips of coast. To get to Sunset Bay and Shore Acres State Park, follow the signs to the Cape Arago Highway and head to the beach… or the cliffs. Sunset Bay is a great cove/beach area for picnicking and playing in the water. There’s a stream the kids can play in too, and even some tide pools at low tide.
Shore Acres State Park is perhaps the most fascinating place on the coast. The erosion of the coastline over time has formed some interesting features, not to mention that the luxury estate that was once there can still be seen falling into the sea. Also, you can visit the botanic gardens within the park, which do some really cool light displays during the holidays (or so we’re told).
Tip: due to its remote location, the State Park entrance fee machines in the area only take cash, so be prepared with some fives or ones, cuz that’s cheaper than a citation.
How to see the Cape Arago Lighthouse
The Cape Arago Lighthouse is out in the middle of the water, about three hundred yards off the shore. You cannot access it unless you’re doing something coast guard-ish, but you can see it and dream about being an old-timey lighthouse keeper (because that’s one of my three wishes in the event I meet a genie). So, how do you see the Cape Arago Lighthouse?
At Sunset Bay, skirt along the base of the cliffs at low tide until you get to the mouth of the bay and can see the lighthouse (slippery tide pool warning)
Pull over when driving between Sunset Beach and Shore Acres and walk down the clearly marked trail to the viewpoint
It really is a beautiful lighthouse and is my favorite to spy on the Oregon Coast road trip route, so take a few minutes to enjoy it.
Chillin’ out in Bandon, Oregon
Not Brandon; Bandon. Bandon, Oregon is another town that makes for a good homebase while you’re doing an Oregon Coast road trip. There are many small inns and even a couple resorts (with world class golf, if that’s your thing) that serve for an overnight or two.
Located on a small bay, Bandon has a cute little old town area similar to Florence. Restaurants, galleries and maritime shops dot the area so it’s perfect for an afternoon or evening stroll.  There are also plenty of beaches on either side of the town, so if the plan is just to relax for a few days, this is the spot.
Tip:  there are several options for whale watching out of Bandon, Oregon along the marina if you’d like to plan or go for an impromptu jaunt (depending on the season). Whale season tends to be April through September.
Coquille River Lighthouse
A highlight for us in Bandon was the Coquille River Lighthouse. This lighthouse is particularly interesting because it’s located ON the Coquille River instead of on a head or rock.  No longer in operation, but still open for tours, the Coquille River Lighthouse is colorful and unique, surrounded by dunes and beaches. It is located within Bullards Beach State Park, so there are plenty of day use sites for picnicking or beach access.
Tip: plan a visit to Coquille River Lighthouse in the late morning so you can grab a picnic table or good beach spot for lunch.
Also, if your Oregon Coast road trip is going to be a camping trip, Bullards Beach State Park has a fair number of campsites.  This is a great way to be close to Bandon without staying directly in the town.
Gold Beach for relaxing to the max
Gold Beach, Oregon is almost to the California border, but not quite. It’s a quiet town, very similar to Rockaway Beach, OR or Ocean Shores, WA, so its population and popularity changes with the good weather. While there isn’t a ton to do in Gold Beach specifically (except relax and fly kites), there are some cool sites to make for fun day trips.
Cape Blanco Lighthouse is just to the north of Gold Beach. It’s a pretty tall lighthouse and there are fun beach activities nearby if you’d like to make a day of it.  Also a short drive (about 1.5 hours) from Gold Beach is Oregon Caves National Monument. It’s a really cool cave system to go through with an awesome National Park lodge, the Oregon Caves Chateau, where you can have a nice lunch or dinner in the hills.
Tip: if you want to continue your Oregon Coast road trip all the way into California, check out our itinerary for a full NorCal coast trip covering everything from the southern Oregon coast to San Francisco.
Are you totally ready to plan and enjoy your full Oregon Coast road trip?!? We could do this route any time of year and have a blast, but late spring or September are the best times to go. If you have any questions or recommendations, don’t hesitate to ask or tell us.  Leave a comment below or email us!
Want to pin this for planning your own Oregon Coast road trip? Go for it!!!
The Complete Oregon Coast Road Trip Itinerary, from tip to tip With so many ways to do a road trip you can take almost any approach. We just did it with two kids so we are ready to share exactly how to get the most from the Oregon Coast.
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aureliasaid · 5 years
Billings, Beartooth Pass, Yellowstone River, Big Sky
Montana - August 12-18, 2019
 Monday, August 12
Flights were perfect coming into Billings, the largest city in Montana. Unfortunately that was not the case on the ground when a massive hail storm the night before left no cars at any car rental place. Hm. Let’s think about our options over lunch at local brewery called Uberbrew as recommended from our local transplants sending advice from France. We rented a car from a local rental/used car dealer in town and headed to Red Lodge and our same local family’s vacation cottage on Hauser St. Got the last car at AA&A Car rental in town and set off to Red Lodge. TIp: if in a pinch, look at the app Turo, an Air BNB for cars type thing.
 Red Lodge - Cute little town with everything to do such as skiing in the winter, mtn biking, hiking, etc. Fav hike is the Glacier Lake hike. Our pals home is a super cute old clapboard historical home complete with pot belly stove with Broadway, the main drag of Red Lodge, an easy walk. Because of our travel woes, our time to do anything active was consumed, so it left little time for anything except to actually consume at shops, bars and restaurants. Darn. Here is the scoop from our fav local:
 Hey Aurelia!
Bear spray is a must if you go hiking. The Beartooth Market is down the street towards town if you need anything. There is also a nice little gourmet food and wine shop, Babcock and Miles, 105 12th Street West, that also makes good coffee, but not open until 9. That is also a fun place to pick up picnic items if you need lunch for a drive up the Pass. For breakfast, we like Regis Cafe at 501 South Word, open at 7 am. It’s nice to sit outside in the back if it’s good weather. The Cattail Bakery, 203 Broadway, is good for picking up baked goods. They are open early and close when they run out of croissants.
Mas Taco is a short walk from the house, on the other side of the main street, Broadway. It is great for a quick lunch or dinner, closes at 7 pm. Our other favorite is Prerogative Kitchen at 104 Broadway, fun atmosphere and serves small plates that you order at the counter. (Our choice and it was excellent!) There is a pop-up Sicilian restaurant at Ox Pasture (7 Broadway). The atmosphere is wonderful, and the staff is mostly Italian (they come for just the summer)...It’s good, but not fabulous. It is a fun experience, though. We think the Sicilian specials at the top of the menu are the best choices. You might need a reservation. Carbon County steakhouse on Broadway is good if you want a steak. They also own Natali’s Front Bar next door, good for a drink on the patio. (Yep, we did.) The Pollard Hotel is a historical landmark, Calamity Jane and such hung out there back in the day. I do not recommend the restaurant, but their pub is pretty decent and sometimes has live music. Best ice cream is Jubilee, close to Prerogative Kitchen and the Roman movie theater on Broadway.
If you want an interesting something to take back to your daughter, Paris Montana on Broadway has unique, funky “western” clothes and accessories. The owner designs and makes a lot of the items herself.
 Tuesday, August 13
The Beartooth Pass Drive is incredible. It takes about an hour to drive up to the Pass at 10,497 ft. You can make a loop out of it by coming back to Red Lodge (or Billings) as was the case for our hail storm dictated journey) through Wyoming on the Chief Joseph drive through the Sunlight Basin. All together this was about a 5 hr jaunt with minimal stops. Probably 4 if you go back to Red Lodge. We got picnic supplies at the Beartooth Market and left at 8am after breakfast at the Honey Cafe.
The Beartooth is fantastic with incredible 360 degree views of the jagged Beartooth Mtns, and the other ranges in the distance. Alpine lakes are everywhere at the top and you level out onto grassy plateaus. There are hikes along the way, lots of scenic pull offs, Beartooth Lake rec area and the Top of the World stop for snacks, gas and outhouse. Really gorgeous.
The terrain on the Chief Joseph scenic drive is not as dramatic as the Beartooth Highway, but full of vast valleys, grassy plains, igneous dikes and rocky plateaus. The highlight is the Clark Fork Yellowstone river and canyon that runs through most of the Basin.
Would have liked to have gone on to Cooke City, but we had return to Billings to return our local yocal car rental. Luckily, Enterprise had a car for us so off we went to Pray, Montana and the Sage Lodge in the Paradise Valley below the Paradise Range.
The Sage Lodge, which clearly is geared around fishing as it is a partnership of Sage fishing gear along with other fishing brands, sits high on a grassy plain and is quite nice with spa, gourmet restaurant, casual restaurant, hot tub area, mtn biking trails, and lots of fishing stuff. We hopped on two bikes and took a 5 mile ride around the property before having dinner in the grill.
 Wednesday, August 14
Fly fishing on the Yellowstone. A beautiful day starting in the 50’s and up to the low 80’s quickly. Craig Boyd was a spectacular guide with lots of fish tales while being a good instructor and oarsman. It was an A+ day as we snagged probably 30 fish. Mend, strip out and strip in, set that hook were all terms of the day on a 12 mile float from to Side ?? to Livingston. The Yellowstone River is a gorgeous, wide river, which interestingly flows north to the Missouri River, with some nice small rapids, but generally a swift current, but gentle feeling river going through the Paradise Valley.
After our float, we explored the area visiting the famed Chico Hot Springs Lodge, which is quaint and historic National Park feeling with the hot springs contained within a swimming pool setting. The bar has lots of character and the food is supposed to be James Beard material. We were glad to see it and glad to be staying at the Sage. Also drove over to the Yellowstone Valley Lodge which could be a good option for staying with cabins overlooking the river and a well known gourmet restaurant. (Book way in advance.) Ended our touring with a cold Rainer beer at The Saloon in Emmigrant, a “suburb” of Pray....Soaked in the scenery in the hot tub and a lovely dinner at the Fireside Room.
Thursday, August 15
It’s a car tour day as we cruised to Ennis, Montana which is a beautiful drive through the Madison Valley and beside a gorgeous Madison River, which is very similar to the Yellowstone. Ennis is a cute little town with typical Main Street full of fly fishing shops and s smattering of restaurants. With some time to kill, we decided to drop in on some friends and their Ruby RIver Ranch near Alder, Mt. A lovely compound of log cabins and main lodge right on the Ruby River which is a large creek known for its fishing and tubing. A bonus is going through Virginia City and Nevada City, which are historic gold mining towns that are still so authentic western looking that I thought I might be on a movie set.
We headed back to Moonlight via the private shortcut on Jack Creek Road and landed just in time for dinner at the Moonlight Golf Club.
 Friday, August 16
Enjoyed a few days at Moonlight & Moonlight Music Fest! 
 Other good areas:
Boulder River Valley and Big Timber area are great for fly fishing. (Red Lodge to Timber is 1.5 hrs) Paradise Valley near Livingston is good as well. (Red Lodge to Livingston is 2 hrs and another hour from Livingston to Pray.)
0 notes
alishbakhanus · 3 years
What wedding flower trends are to be adopted in 2021?
What is the first thing a bride thinks? Well, of course that’s her look. But are you sure you thought of everything and on time? Because, besides the pretty dress, the guests are smiling and consenting in exchange, the wedding is (also) organized around other key preparations. It makes sense, the arrival of the New Year is marked by new trends related not only to the choice of the most beautiful dress, but also to the right selection of wedding flowers. If you are immersed in your wedding preparations, do not miss the opportunity to have an overview of the 6 new trends in wedding flowers that will mark the year 2021. In this article specifically dedicated to the floral decoration in all its seams, we ask for the opinion florist Pippa Middleton.
1. In 2021, the trends are in locally grown wedding flowers
When it comes to choosing your wedding flowers, according to Maddie Dawkins, a wedding planner, nothing can match locally grown flowers. It may not always be the cheapest solution, but it is an increasingly popular option for people who are aware of their carbon footprint and want to support local development. Pink, white and cream powder will have a huge impact. These tones will be reduced in grades, emphasizing the essential foliage.
2. Narrow colored foliage
This year, we will be talking about a new trend. Bouquets, as well as table arrangements that are only combined in foliage, will be very fashionable during the next wedding season. As a bonus, this option is much more affordable than the one mentioned above. For ceremonies in winter, Dawkins advises wives to bet on foliage in subtle colors such as eucalyptus and marine cineraria. For spring weddings, brides can cook fresh bouquets and compositions in mint or lemon thyme.
3. Butterflies are the new peonies
A great classic among wedding flowers, in 2021, peonies will give way to another flower, just as beautiful and attractive. Dawkins is predicting that Clone butterflies will set the tone for wedding decorations next season. Extremely delicate and romantic, these pretty flowers combine wonderfully with species like sweet peas or sage green foliage.
In summer, peonies will no doubt continue to make their way as future bridal master batches. Still, florists recommend experimenting with different species of this romantic flower. For example, Mother’s Choice Peony looks incredibly elegant on its own or in combination with other delicate flowers.
In autumn 2021, future brides will favor dahlias rather than hydrangeas. As an added decoration, red berries will give an alternative as ornamental fruits or vegetables.
Winter is the season when we need more heat. So, to achieve a sense of warmth and joy, classic roses are the master choice. The classic rose, the Avalanche and the Quicksand: here are some top suggestions for vintage wedding décor. They are associated with pine cones and red berries.
4. Deep tones are softened in fashion, pink and ivory are receding
In 2021, wedding flowers in shades of pink and ivory are withdrawing from the promising new trend. Green sage, plum and lilac should be the choice for future fashionable trousers. It’s natural and romantic, a palette like this is perfect for girls looking for something a little different.
Brides who are not afraid of bright apps can refresh the basic color palette with coral pops, vivid pink, lime green and lilac.
5. The trend is for small bridal bouquets
Why go with the effort to choose the wedding dress of your dreams, if you will be wearing it with large floral arrangements? The small bridal bouquet has many assets that make the dress stand out. Lighter to wear, quieter in front of the camera, and stylish in style, it’s clear proof that less is more.
Bouquets made from several tightly arranged flowers are now less and less a choice. On the other hand, we prefer loose compositions, not as structured and natural as possible.
6. The button holes are simple and chic
Finally, say a few words about the accessories intended for the bride and groom. This is obviously the button hole! And since no groom-to-be is willing to wear a small garden on his lapel, this year the boutonniere is a cry trend far from intricate designs. On the other hand, a simple and chic model is quite perfect. For example, a wonderfully fragrant garden flower will remain in its place and last the entire wedding day.
Destination weddings are all about providing memorable experiences for couples and their guests, and the best resorts have a distinctive and exotic relationship delivering everything from great dining settings and unique events to exciting activities. Helps seal the bond between the bride and groom and their guests, says Marianne Weidman-Nelson of Special Occasions, Inc.
There are more British resorts in the British Isles than they can do it all with style, including a pampering honeymoon wanting to get married in the island-surrounded islands – or tying the knot back home and then escape to the Caribbean alone. “These properties are able to offer a wide range of activities without guests ever leaving,” Weidman-Nelson says.
Necker Island
Necker Island, the home of the British Isles of Sir Richard Branson, features Asian-inspired hides that can accommodate destination weddings of up to 28 guests in five Bali-style houses. “The jewel for small destination weddings is: There is complete privacy,” Weidman-Nelson says. “Couples like the island because you can use different parts for different things.”
The Big House, for example, has a huge Grand Room, with a sky-blessed roof and open sides ideal for a welcoming reception, and the Island’s private Main Beach or Turtle Beach are your favorite spots for wedding ceremonies. The house’s private staff is “just for you,” Weidman-Nelson says. “They will cook a private gourmet meal for two, or for a group of 20 on the beach. They cater for all your needs.”
Peter’s Island
Peter Island Honeymoon Beach is aptly named: this pint-sized sand strip is perfect for two, with a personal cabin and on-demand food and beverage service, all yours when booked in advance. And the romance doesn’t stop there: in spacious villas on Deadman’s Bay you’ll have cuddling on the porch, swaying in the hammock, or canoodling in the two-person jet tub during the days, and tasting an intimate dinner for two in the evening. .
In the meantime, be sure to combine the daily tour with a prime view at the quiet west end of the island to see the spectacular sunset of the BVI, toasting the end of the day with champagne and nibbles. Also high in the hills are three extraordinary villas that would really hide in a honeymoon. Weddings can be held on the beach, in a private villa, or in a resort restaurant.
Island Scrub
Scrub Island Resort and Spa is the best of both worlds for BVI’s private island resorts: all of the honeymooners crave privacy, but it’s so easy to reach – a short boat trip from Trellis Bay, which is inside just minutes from Beef Island international airport. As part of the Marriott Autograph Collection, Scrub Island has luxury rooms overlooking a marina full of yachts (making it a perfect base from which to explore the beaches, harbors, secret diving spots and beach bars of the British Isles). Scrub Island has a small collection of luxury villas on the island, and there is plenty of departure space and easy access to destination weddings at Scrub Island.
Guano Island
There are hilltop rooms on the Island of Guano that take full advantage of the magnificent views of islands, sea and sand that are the hallmarks of the British Isles. Honeymooners love an easy stay on Guano Island – it is an all-inclusive luxury private island with three daily meals and wine included. Tennis, water sports and many more are covered under the cost of your room. An on-site wedding planner will help you plan a timeless beach ceremony for your destination wedding.
Cooper Island
Looking for a honeymoon with a classic Caribbean beach vibe, complemented by a rum bar and locally brewed beer? Check out Cooper Island, which has spacious (if not particularly fancy) villas, an excellent casual restaurant, one of the best rum collections in the BVI, and its own brewery. Spend your days together lying on the beach or mingling with the yachts that periodically pull into the harbor to wet their whistle.
Courtesy: best wedding venues in Lahore
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Support Your Local Businesses in Alexandria - They Need You Now More Than Ever
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At The Scout Guide, it’s our mission to support small, locally owned business. We dedicate ourselves daily to discovering, sharing and supporting the talented individuals who make up our community. Now more than ever, we need to ban together to support these business owners, even if we are doing it from home. 
Small businesses are the heart of this community and even though we may not be able to visit them physically, there are many ways that we can do our part to help while safely social distancing. If you love your community and would like to help, here are some ideas listed below. Any support you can give is much appreciated and will not go unnoticed. 
Ways You Can Help:
-Buy A Giftcard From A Local Shop For A Gift Or For Future Use
-Purchase Something On Instagram or by Calling Their Stores
-Order Takeout From Your Favorite Restaurants 
-Take A Virtual Fitness Class
-Share Your Favorite Small Business On Social Media
-Reach Out And Tell Them You Are Thinking About Them 
Restaurants - You can still enjoy most of your favorite restaurants by ordering takeout! Find some great options below. 
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Cedar Knoll: Call For Takeout 703-780-3665 Menu 
Stomping Ground: Order Carry Out Online 
Grateful Kitchen: Buy a Giftcard  
Eco Caters: Order Meals For Delivery Take 10% off with code: "SOCIAL10"  and will donate a meal (#mealmatch) for those in need Aslin Brewery: Order beer or a family style dinner online
Lost Boy Cider:  Order Cider Online and Pick Up
Toastique: Order Carry Out Online 
Chop Shop:  Order Online or Purchase a Gift Card
Urbano 116: Order Carry Out Online
People's Drug: Order Carry Out Online 
Hummingbird: Order Carry Out Online or Buy A Gift Card
St. Elmo's Cafe: Buy A Gift Card
Dairy God Mother: Open for Carry Out-noon to 8pm; order at front door
Holy Cow: Order Online - Curbside Pickup Available 
Los Tios: Call for Carry Out 703-299-9290, 10% off pick up and free delivery and a free dessert
Del Ray Cafe: Purchase over the phone 703-717-9151
Lena's Pizza: Buy A Gift Card
Cafe Pizziolo: Buy A Gift Card  
Chadwicks: Order A Gift Card or Dinner To Go 
Bagel Uprising: Order Online Pickup In Store 
Evening Star: Buy A Gift Card or Order On Doordash
The Rub Chicken & Beer: Order Online Pickup in Store - Free TP with Order!
Junction: Order Delivery Via UberEats Purchase over the phone (703) 436-0025
Del Ray Beer Garden: Buy A Gift Card 
Hops N Shine: Buy A Gift Card
Cheestique: Purchase an $100 Gift Card, receive $10 bonus Gift Card
Taquiera Poblano: Online Order for Curbside pickup 11am-8pm or call 703-548-8226 to order - margaritas to-go! 
Live Oak Restaurant: Buy A Gift Card
Del Ray Pizza: Order Online or Call (703) 549-2999  for Carry Out from 4:30-9:00pm  Landini Brothers: Buy Gift Cards 
Mia's: Buy Gift Card
Virtue: Buy Gift Card  
Momo Sushi: Call For Carry Out 703. 299. 9092
Firehook Bakery: Order and Have Bread Delivered 
Sweet Fire Donna’s: Email For GC order  [email protected] 
Tequila & Tacos: Email For GC order  [email protected] 
Pork Barrel: Email For GC order  [email protected] 
Sushi Bar Del Ray: Email For GC order  [email protected] 
Retail - Update your spring wardrobe from the comfort of your couch. Most of these stores are offering curbside pick-up and delivery! You can also purchase a gift card for future shopping use! 
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Bishop Boutique: Buy Online, Phone or on IG, Delivery or Pick Up Curbside, Buy A Gift Card  
Kiskadee:  Purchase on the Phone or on IG, Delivery or Pick Up Curbside
Tsalt: Buy Online, Phone or on IG, Delivery or Pick Up Curbside
The Hive/Shoe Hive:  Buy Online, Phone or on IG, Delivery or Pick Up Curbside
Boxwood: Buy Online, Phone or on IG, Delivery or Pick Up Curbside, Gift Card 
AR Workshop: Buy Online, Phone or on IG, Delivery or Pick Up Curbside, Gift Card  
Patina Polished Living: Buy Online, Phone or on IG, Pick Up Curbside  
Periwinkle: Buy Online, over Phone or on IG and Pick Up Curbside, Gift Card    
Tulusa: Shop Online 
Seyyah: Shop Online 
Mystique: Buy Online, Phone or on IG, 
LH Calligraphy: Shop Online 
ALX & Co: Shop Online and support COVID 19 response fund
Nourish & Refine: Shop Online or Buy A  Gift Card 
Shes Unique:  Buy Online, Phone or on IG, Delivery or Pick Up Curbside, Gift Card   
Tsalt: Buy Online, Phone or on IG, Delivery or Pick Up Curbside
Mint Condition: Call To Order or Shop on IG
529 Kids Consign: Call To Order or Shop on IG
Monday's Child:  Buy Online, over Phone or on IG, Delivery or Pick Up Curbside, Gift Card    
Twist Boutique: Buy A Gift Card  
Comfort One Shoes: Shop Online 
BellaCara: Call To Order And Pick Up Curbside 703.299.9652
Penny Post: Call To Make An Appointment To Shop 703 888 1515
Red Barn: Call To Make An Appointment To Shop 703 888 1515
The Hour Shop: Buy A Gift Card  
Home On Cameron: Email Todd@homeoncameron to order GC
Goldfinch: Buy A Gift Card 
Secretly Gifting: Buy A  Gift Card 
Alma Moda: Shop Online
Wylie Grey: Shop Online 
Fitness - Take a virtual class led by one of your favorite local instructors. You can also sign up for virtual memberships to keep sweating with them during quarantine.
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Mind the Mat: Buy A Weekly Membership To Stream Live Classes 
Xtend Barre: Buy a Class Pack and Stream Live Workouts  
Zweet Sport: Buy A  Giftcard
Ascend Cycle: Buy A Class Pack and Stream Live Workouts
Scupld: Buy a Class Pack and Stream Virtual Workouts  
Orange Theory: Buy A Class Pack and Stream Workouts 
Barre 3: Buy A Class Pack and Stream Live Videos  
Row House: Buy A Gift Card 
Beauty/Wellness - Stay connected with your healthcare professionals because staying healthy is more important than ever. 
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Sarah Akram Skincare: Book A Virtual Facial or Buy A Gift Card 
Salon Dezen: Buy A Gift Card or Order Products
Back To Health: Book An Appointment 
Meraki: Book A Future Appointment 
Izalias Laser Spa: Book A Future Appointment 
Skin DC: Book An Appointment 
Dental Bar: Book A Future Appointment 
Hazel O Salon:  Book An Appointment 
Wink Lashes:  Book An Appointment 
Eleven 11 Studios: Book A Lash Appointment
Cynthia Santana Hair Studio: Book An Appointment 
Goodbrows: Book A Service 
Sugar House Day Spa: Book A Future Service 
Mindful Junkie: Tune In For Virtual Meditation 
Cera Wax Studio: Book A Future Appointment Or Shop Retail 
Brighten Someone’s Day - We all need a pick me up at this point. Why not send a friend, family member or work colleague a bouquet of flowers. It’s sure to brighten their day. 
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Helen Olivia: Order Fresh Flowers For Yourself or A Friend
Enchanted Florist: Order Fresh Flowers For Yourself or A Friend
Fabulous Flourish: Order Fresh Flowers 
Blueprint Chocolate: Send A Loved One A Gift Box 
The Birchmere: Buy tickets in advance for shows in the future
Kilwin's: Order A Gift Card  For A Friend Or Send A Giftbox 
Meg Biram Art: Buy A Painting For Yourself Or Your Friend
Nicole Seifert Art: Buy A Painting For Yourself Or Your Friend
Home - Don’t Neglect Your Home During This Time. Plan Your Next Remodel, Get Your Landscaping Done or Start Your New Home Search!
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Green Blades: Book An Appointment For Landscaping
St. Clair Kitchens: Book An Consultation For A Future Date
Braemar Kitchen & Bath: Book An Consultation For A Future Date
Mark Woods Construction: Book A VIRTUAL Consultation For A Future Date
Patterson Group Real Estate: Start A Conversation Over Email 
McEnearney Associates: Start A Conversation Over Email 
Kristen Jones - McEnearney: Start A Conversation Over Email 
Babs Beckwith:  Start A Conversation Over Email 
Bernuy Contracting: Fix Things Up Around The House 
Cline Rose Interiors: Redesign a Room
Casey Sanford Interior Design: Redesign a Room
Ivy Lane Living: Redesign a Room
Pets - Can’t Forget Our Four Legged Friends! 
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Head To Tail Dog Spa: Book An Appointment For Grooming 
Wholistic Hound Dog Academy: Sign Your Dog Up For Training
Old Town School For Dogs: Call to Order or Sign Your Dog Up For Training 
Paw Inclusive: Book A Dog Walking Service 
Other Ways To Fill Your Time And Support Local
Passport Auto: Book a Test Drive - They Will Come To You
Franklin Capital Strategy: Get Your Finances In Order
Narratio Vitae: Trace Your Family History
Holden Insurance: Get Your Insurance In Order 
Hosted Events: Start Planning A Future Party 
Sarah Marcella Creative: Book A Photoshoot 
Confetti Teepees: Book a future slumber party or buy a gift card! Now offering bachelorette parties too! 
If you have a business you would like to add to the list, please email [email protected] . Stay healthy and safe, friends!
-Your TSG Alexandria Team 
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discovercreate · 7 years
5 Under the Radar Summer Bachelorette Party Destinations
Planning a wedding can feel like a full-time job at times, so the bachelorette weekend should be a stress-free, epic getaway to get you hyped for the big day. Summer is the perfect time to pack your bags and hit the road with your best girls! We’ve lined up five amazing destinations for squads across the country, unique in what they offer and at their best in the summer heat!
Nantucket A beyond easy ferry ride from Cape Cod, this is where the rich and famous ‘summer’ (it’s a verb), but you and your best girls can too! The compact, cobblestone and sand covered island is at its peak in the summer months, always feeling quaint and forever picturesque. Grab a delicious seafood brunch at CRU, right on the water. Then you can spend the day either shopping on Main Street or at Dionis, one of the many white, sandy beaches. No girl’s weekend is complete without a night of dancing, and for that, we recommend Chicken Box: a completely unpretentious roadhouse complete with live music that is contractually danceable! Pack your most glamorous, floppy sun hat and shades and let Nantucket do the rest!
  Savannah, Georgia This city is stunning, low-key and full of historical Southern charm. Added bonus: you can drink openly in public. Choose a place to stay that is centrally located in the historic downtown, such as The Gastonian, as it will make getting around a breeze. If you’re trying to avoid the touristy pub scene, grab a password from the hotel or a local and visit Mata Hari’s Speakeasy pub for some great ambiance, live music and absinthe cocktails! Of course, your squad will probably be in need of some comfort food at some point, and Savannah is not in short supply. After visiting Mrs. Wilkie’s Dining Room for fried chicken, grits, and mac and cheese, don’t feel pressure to plan the day! Savannah is a very walkable city, just make yourselves some cocktails to-go and admire the beautiful architecture and sights and sounds!
  Galena, Illinois Definitely a bit off the beaten path, but only a 2.5 hour drive from Chicago, Galena is a scenic small-town overlooking the Galena River, perfect if you and your bridal party are hoping for some R & R. The weather is ideal from May-June, with the humidity picking up in late July. Take a tour of a winery, go horseback riding, or relax at the Eagle Ridge Resort & Spa, where they offer exclusive bachelorette packages with massages, facials, lunch and of course, champagne. Just getting out of the bustle of real life and wedding planning and experiencing the quiet stillness of this tiny town makes a trip so worth it. The views from the rolling hills of forest while you’re pampered will help each of you feel refreshed and ready to dive back to wedding planning!
  Banff, Alberta If each of you have passports, can fit in a car, and love adventure, then pack your hiking shoes and head to Banff! Only a four-hour drive from Seattle, this town is located in the middle of the Canadian Rockies and can only be described as jaw-dropping. You can have your pick of hikes: Grassi Lakes in Canmore, Emerald Lake, Tunnel Mountain Trail or go canoeing in Lake Louise or Bow Valley River. This entire trip will be packed with perfect Instagram photo-ops, and really, what more can you ask for of a bachelorette party? Finish off the trip with a session at the Banff Upper Hot Springs and some beers at one of the many local breweries.
  Palm Springs This desert town is hip and perfect for the ultra-chic bride and her crew to escape to. Palm Springs is forever sunny, and iconic, which makes for the perfect summer trip. Grab a villa for the gang at the Avalon Palm Springs, and for drinks, make your way to “Bar,” a relaxed spot with a backyard vibe and tasty hipster cocktails. One of the draws of Palm Springs is the vast array of vintage, consignment and estate sale shopping there is to be done. The prices and amazing pieces (ranging from YSL to Barney’s) are not to be missed, you may even find some great wedding accessories you didn’t know you needed!
Style Me Pretty Contributor – Goli Parvinian is a bridal enthusiast and masters student living in Melbourne, Australia. Over the past few years, she has worked for bridal brands in her hometown of Chicago, New Zealand and New York City. You can typically find her in a cafe, face-timing her nieces or out on a long run.
© Style Me Pretty, 2017. | Permalink | Comments | Add to del.icio.us Post tags: Bachelorette Party, Bachelorette Weekend, Destination Weddings, Destination Weddings and Honeymoons, Honeymoons, Travel Post categories: The Blog, Travel
from Style Me Pretty http://ift.tt/2rneUCi
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williegomez35 · 4 years
5 Reasons To Visit Greenville
5 Reasons to Visit Greenville, South Carolina this Summer,
…and maybe move there yourself!
Greenville, South Carolina is a little slice of alpine paradise, situated at a major travel nexus connecting New York, Atlanta, Charlotte, and Florida. If you thought no town is perfect, guess again!
With a plethora of things to do, an economy on the rise, and some of the best landscape in North America, Greenville may just become your new hometown. And we certainly wouldn’t be surprised if you hopped on the boat and called residential movers to move you to this wonderful city!
1. Majestic Views of the Blue Ridge Mountains
Totally Gasp-worthy
Greenville is nestled snugly at the feet of the Blue Ridge Mountains, which beckon to those seeking adventure and a return to nature. Stunning vistas can be found on the many hiking trails in the area, just waiting for you to witness them. With so much natural beauty surrounding Greenville, it becomes clear where it got its name.
There are so many different parks and nature trails in the area, I couldn’t possibly list them all. Whether you’re interested in day hikes, camping, fishing, hunting, or maybe just viewing them from the comfort of your car, the Blue Ride Mountains have a bit of something for everyone.
2. Big-City Amenities, Small-Town Charm
All of the Benefits, None of the Headache
Big cities tend to be crowded, noisy, dirty, and cursed with continuous traffic. Small towns tend to lack certain modern amenities that residents of larger places have become accustomed to. Greenville eliminates both of these problems, while achieving the best of both worlds.
With a steadily rising population of 65 thousand residents, Greenville is large enough to attract common-place and beloved national business while still feeling and operating with a small-town vibe. The residents are friendly, and welcome visitors and new neighbors alike.
Gas is cheap, amenities prices are low, and cost of living is actually affordable! And as an added bonus to any who are tempted to migrate, there are 10 Universities and colleges within driving-distance of Greenville, as well as the best public schooling in the region.
Whether you come from a cultured, modern big city, or a sleepy, humble small town, you’ll feel right at home in Greenville, no matter where you’re from!
3. Takin’ a Trip Downtown
Culture, History, Beauty… and Trolleys!
A trip into historic downtown Greenville is well worth your time. With a smorgasbord of shops, galleries, and restaurants, the opportunities for fun are endless. Perhaps you want to visit a high-class art museum as well as spend the afternoon being wined and dined by some of the best chefs in the region?
Simple! Just tear your mesmerized eyes away from the paintings and sculptures at the Museum and Gallery at Bob Jones University and hitch a ride with one of the newly upgraded trolley-cars to your very own Greenville culinary tour! Gorgeous architecture blends stunningly into the picturesque landscape, lending downtown a sense of beauty and charm that is hard to replicate.
Countless venue options to choose from means there’s a constant list of new events and shows passing through. A typical weekend in Greenville, South Carolina may host as many as five different unique events. The excitement never ends in Greenville, come and see for yourself.
4. Water, Water Everywhere!
Get Ready to Make a Splash
Greenville is within short driving distance of not one, but two waterparks, each technically classifying as aquatic heaven. Spend your time floating peacefully down a lazy river, or go all out and brave the mega slides, whatever floats your boat! Not a fan of waiting in line?
Try a kayaking trip down the scenic Green River Gorge; or plan a whitewater adventure with Wildwater to go rafting down the Chatooga River, a beautiful stretch of freshwater rafting amidst some of the most prime landscape in South Carolina.
Looking for something a little more… calm? Well, paddle on over to Drift Float & Spa, a state-of-the-art meditative spa fully equipped with mind-bending sensory deprivation tanks that will have you floating on cloud nine. Greenville is absolutely fantastic for those of us who are pretty certain we spent a past life or two as a fish.
5. Local Suds Ain’t No Duds
See-It-to-Believe-It Local Beer Scene
Greenville boasts some of the best locally-made beer in the country, and has enough breweries to make a pub-crawl turn into a pub-trek. Try out some farmhouse-style beer crafted in the old-school way out at the Birds Fly South Ale Project, then walk next door to the taco shop for some seriously good food.
Looking for something with more of a local specialty kind of vibe? Thomas Creek Brewery has got your back, with its hand-crafted ales, stouts, and IPA’s made with fresh, pure water from the Blue Ridge Mountains just outside of town. If you’re interested in more of an eat-and-drink combo, why not take a peek at the Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant? Their Upstate Kölsch was made specifically for the region, matching a blonde ale with sunny Greenville.
For those who enjoy live music and hanging out with the buds, Quest Brewing Co. has it all. A backyard stage hosts musicians most nights, and food trucks frequent the cozy bar for hungry customers. Last, but definitely not least, is a brewery that has a major claim to fame. Yee-Haw Brewing Company in downtown showcases the World Beer Cup award-winning Dunkel, as well as pretty much everything else you could dream of.
After you’re nice and toasty, you can show your friends how awesome you are by whooping them at any of the yard games available outside.
Greenville has captured the heart and soul of many a person over the years, and it’s easy to see why. The population has been growing recently as more and more folks realize just how amazing Greenville really is. Many people call upon their movers to get on the bandwagon and move to this wonderful city.
With so many things to do, explore, and experience, a person could spend a lifetime in Greenville and still want more. Come and see for yourself, but as you’re packing your house and family to move there, don’t say I didn’t warn you!
The post 5 Reasons To Visit Greenville appeared first on Busy Beez Movers.
from https://busybeezmovers.com/reasons-to-visit-greenville-sc/
from Busy Beez Movers - Blog https://busybeezmovers.weebly.com/blog/5-reasons-to-visit-greenville
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wiliamhagerman1 · 4 years
5 Reasons To Visit Greenville
5 Reasons to Visit Greenville, South Carolina this Summer,
…and maybe move there yourself!
Greenville, South Carolina is a little slice of alpine paradise, situated at a major travel nexus connecting New York, Atlanta, Charlotte, and Florida. If you thought no town is perfect, guess again!
With a plethora of things to do, an economy on the rise, and some of the best landscape in North America, Greenville may just become your new hometown. And we certainly wouldn’t be surprised if you hopped on the boat and called residential movers to move you to this wonderful city!
1. Majestic Views of the Blue Ridge Mountains
Totally Gasp-worthy
Greenville is nestled snugly at the feet of the Blue Ridge Mountains, which beckon to those seeking adventure and a return to nature. Stunning vistas can be found on the many hiking trails in the area, just waiting for you to witness them. With so much natural beauty surrounding Greenville, it becomes clear where it got its name.
There are so many different parks and nature trails in the area, I couldn’t possibly list them all. Whether you’re interested in day hikes, camping, fishing, hunting, or maybe just viewing them from the comfort of your car, the Blue Ride Mountains have a bit of something for everyone.
2. Big-City Amenities, Small-Town Charm
All of the Benefits, None of the Headache
Big cities tend to be crowded, noisy, dirty, and cursed with continuous traffic. Small towns tend to lack certain modern amenities that residents of larger places have become accustomed to. Greenville eliminates both of these problems, while achieving the best of both worlds.
With a steadily rising population of 65 thousand residents, Greenville is large enough to attract common-place and beloved national business while still feeling and operating with a small-town vibe. The residents are friendly, and welcome visitors and new neighbors alike.
Gas is cheap, amenities prices are low, and cost of living is actually affordable! And as an added bonus to any who are tempted to migrate, there are 10 Universities and colleges within driving-distance of Greenville, as well as the best public schooling in the region.
Whether you come from a cultured, modern big city, or a sleepy, humble small town, you’ll feel right at home in Greenville, no matter where you’re from!
3. Takin’ a Trip Downtown
Culture, History, Beauty… and Trolleys!
A trip into historic downtown Greenville is well worth your time. With a smorgasbord of shops, galleries, and restaurants, the opportunities for fun are endless. Perhaps you want to visit a high-class art museum as well as spend the afternoon being wined and dined by some of the best chefs in the region?
Simple! Just tear your mesmerized eyes away from the paintings and sculptures at the Museum and Gallery at Bob Jones University and hitch a ride with one of the newly upgraded trolley-cars to your very own Greenville culinary tour! Gorgeous architecture blends stunningly into the picturesque landscape, lending downtown a sense of beauty and charm that is hard to replicate.
Countless venue options to choose from means there’s a constant list of new events and shows passing through. A typical weekend in Greenville, South Carolina may host as many as five different unique events. The excitement never ends in Greenville, come and see for yourself.
4. Water, Water Everywhere!
Get Ready to Make a Splash
Greenville is within short driving distance of not one, but two waterparks, each technically classifying as aquatic heaven. Spend your time floating peacefully down a lazy river, or go all out and brave the mega slides, whatever floats your boat! Not a fan of waiting in line?
Try a kayaking trip down the scenic Green River Gorge; or plan a whitewater adventure with Wildwater to go rafting down the Chatooga River, a beautiful stretch of freshwater rafting amidst some of the most prime landscape in South Carolina.
Looking for something a little more… calm? Well, paddle on over to Drift Float & Spa, a state-of-the-art meditative spa fully equipped with mind-bending sensory deprivation tanks that will have you floating on cloud nine. Greenville is absolutely fantastic for those of us who are pretty certain we spent a past life or two as a fish.
5. Local Suds Ain’t No Duds
See-It-to-Believe-It Local Beer Scene
Greenville boasts some of the best locally-made beer in the country, and has enough breweries to make a pub-crawl turn into a pub-trek. Try out some farmhouse-style beer crafted in the old-school way out at the Birds Fly South Ale Project, then walk next door to the taco shop for some seriously good food.
Looking for something with more of a local specialty kind of vibe? Thomas Creek Brewery has got your back, with its hand-crafted ales, stouts, and IPA’s made with fresh, pure water from the Blue Ridge Mountains just outside of town. If you’re interested in more of an eat-and-drink combo, why not take a peek at the Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant? Their Upstate Kölsch was made specifically for the region, matching a blonde ale with sunny Greenville.
For those who enjoy live music and hanging out with the buds, Quest Brewing Co. has it all. A backyard stage hosts musicians most nights, and food trucks frequent the cozy bar for hungry customers. Last, but definitely not least, is a brewery that has a major claim to fame. Yee-Haw Brewing Company in downtown showcases the World Beer Cup award-winning Dunkel, as well as pretty much everything else you could dream of.
After you’re nice and toasty, you can show your friends how awesome you are by whooping them at any of the yard games available outside.
Greenville has captured the heart and soul of many a person over the years, and it’s easy to see why. The population has been growing recently as more and more folks realize just how amazing Greenville really is. Many people call upon their movers to get on the bandwagon and move to this wonderful city.
With so many things to do, explore, and experience, a person could spend a lifetime in Greenville and still want more. Come and see for yourself, but as you’re packing your house and family to move there, don’t say I didn’t warn you!
The post 5 Reasons To Visit Greenville appeared first on Busy Beez Movers.
from Busy Beez Movers https://busybeezmovers.com/reasons-to-visit-greenville-sc/ from Busy Beez Movers https://busybeezmovers1.tumblr.com/post/620583655569604608
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patsycook30 · 4 years
5 Reasons To Visit Greenville
5 Reasons to Visit Greenville, South Carolina this Summer,
…and maybe move there yourself!
Greenville, South Carolina is a little slice of alpine paradise, situated at a major travel nexus connecting New York, Atlanta, Charlotte, and Florida. If you thought no town is perfect, guess again!
With a plethora of things to do, an economy on the rise, and some of the best landscape in North America, Greenville may just become your new hometown. And we certainly wouldn’t be surprised if you hopped on the boat and called residential movers to move you to this wonderful city!
1. Majestic Views of the Blue Ridge Mountains
Totally Gasp-worthy
Greenville is nestled snugly at the feet of the Blue Ridge Mountains, which beckon to those seeking adventure and a return to nature. Stunning vistas can be found on the many hiking trails in the area, just waiting for you to witness them. With so much natural beauty surrounding Greenville, it becomes clear where it got its name.
There are so many different parks and nature trails in the area, I couldn’t possibly list them all. Whether you’re interested in day hikes, camping, fishing, hunting, or maybe just viewing them from the comfort of your car, the Blue Ride Mountains have a bit of something for everyone.
2. Big-City Amenities, Small-Town Charm
All of the Benefits, None of the Headache
Big cities tend to be crowded, noisy, dirty, and cursed with continuous traffic. Small towns tend to lack certain modern amenities that residents of larger places have become accustomed to. Greenville eliminates both of these problems, while achieving the best of both worlds.
With a steadily rising population of 65 thousand residents, Greenville is large enough to attract common-place and beloved national business while still feeling and operating with a small-town vibe. The residents are friendly, and welcome visitors and new neighbors alike.
Gas is cheap, amenities prices are low, and cost of living is actually affordable! And as an added bonus to any who are tempted to migrate, there are 10 Universities and colleges within driving-distance of Greenville, as well as the best public schooling in the region.
Whether you come from a cultured, modern big city, or a sleepy, humble small town, you’ll feel right at home in Greenville, no matter where you’re from!
3. Takin’ a Trip Downtown
Culture, History, Beauty… and Trolleys!
A trip into historic downtown Greenville is well worth your time. With a smorgasbord of shops, galleries, and restaurants, the opportunities for fun are endless. Perhaps you want to visit a high-class art museum as well as spend the afternoon being wined and dined by some of the best chefs in the region?
Simple! Just tear your mesmerized eyes away from the paintings and sculptures at the Museum and Gallery at Bob Jones University and hitch a ride with one of the newly upgraded trolley-cars to your very own Greenville culinary tour! Gorgeous architecture blends stunningly into the picturesque landscape, lending downtown a sense of beauty and charm that is hard to replicate.
Countless venue options to choose from means there’s a constant list of new events and shows passing through. A typical weekend in Greenville, South Carolina may host as many as five different unique events. The excitement never ends in Greenville, come and see for yourself.
4. Water, Water Everywhere!
Get Ready to Make a Splash
Greenville is within short driving distance of not one, but two waterparks, each technically classifying as aquatic heaven. Spend your time floating peacefully down a lazy river, or go all out and brave the mega slides, whatever floats your boat! Not a fan of waiting in line?
Try a kayaking trip down the scenic Green River Gorge; or plan a whitewater adventure with Wildwater to go rafting down the Chatooga River, a beautiful stretch of freshwater rafting amidst some of the most prime landscape in South Carolina.
Looking for something a little more… calm? Well, paddle on over to Drift Float & Spa, a state-of-the-art meditative spa fully equipped with mind-bending sensory deprivation tanks that will have you floating on cloud nine. Greenville is absolutely fantastic for those of us who are pretty certain we spent a past life or two as a fish.
5. Local Suds Ain’t No Duds
See-It-to-Believe-It Local Beer Scene
Greenville boasts some of the best locally-made beer in the country, and has enough breweries to make a pub-crawl turn into a pub-trek. Try out some farmhouse-style beer crafted in the old-school way out at the Birds Fly South Ale Project, then walk next door to the taco shop for some seriously good food.
Looking for something with more of a local specialty kind of vibe? Thomas Creek Brewery has got your back, with its hand-crafted ales, stouts, and IPA’s made with fresh, pure water from the Blue Ridge Mountains just outside of town. If you’re interested in more of an eat-and-drink combo, why not take a peek at the Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant? Their Upstate Kölsch was made specifically for the region, matching a blonde ale with sunny Greenville.
For those who enjoy live music and hanging out with the buds, Quest Brewing Co. has it all. A backyard stage hosts musicians most nights, and food trucks frequent the cozy bar for hungry customers. Last, but definitely not least, is a brewery that has a major claim to fame. Yee-Haw Brewing Company in downtown showcases the World Beer Cup award-winning Dunkel, as well as pretty much everything else you could dream of.
After you’re nice and toasty, you can show your friends how awesome you are by whooping them at any of the yard games available outside.
Greenville has captured the heart and soul of many a person over the years, and it’s easy to see why. The population has been growing recently as more and more folks realize just how amazing Greenville really is. Many people call upon their movers to get on the bandwagon and move to this wonderful city.
With so many things to do, explore, and experience, a person could spend a lifetime in Greenville and still want more. Come and see for yourself, but as you’re packing your house and family to move there, don’t say I didn’t warn you!
The post 5 Reasons To Visit Greenville appeared first on Busy Beez Movers.
source https://busybeezmovers.com/reasons-to-visit-greenville-sc/ from Busy Beez Movers https://busybeezmovers1.blogspot.com/2020/06/5-reasons-to-visit-greenville.html
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busybeezmovers1 · 4 years
5 Reasons To Visit Greenville
5 Reasons to Visit Greenville, South Carolina this Summer,
…and maybe move there yourself!
Greenville, South Carolina is a little slice of alpine paradise, situated at a major travel nexus connecting New York, Atlanta, Charlotte, and Florida. If you thought no town is perfect, guess again!
With a plethora of things to do, an economy on the rise, and some of the best landscape in North America, Greenville may just become your new hometown. And we certainly wouldn’t be surprised if you hopped on the boat and called residential movers to move you to this wonderful city!
1. Majestic Views of the Blue Ridge Mountains
Totally Gasp-worthy
Greenville is nestled snugly at the feet of the Blue Ridge Mountains, which beckon to those seeking adventure and a return to nature. Stunning vistas can be found on the many hiking trails in the area, just waiting for you to witness them. With so much natural beauty surrounding Greenville, it becomes clear where it got its name.
There are so many different parks and nature trails in the area, I couldn’t possibly list them all. Whether you’re interested in day hikes, camping, fishing, hunting, or maybe just viewing them from the comfort of your car, the Blue Ride Mountains have a bit of something for everyone.
2. Big-City Amenities, Small-Town Charm
All of the Benefits, None of the Headache
Big cities tend to be crowded, noisy, dirty, and cursed with continuous traffic. Small towns tend to lack certain modern amenities that residents of larger places have become accustomed to. Greenville eliminates both of these problems, while achieving the best of both worlds.
With a steadily rising population of 65 thousand residents, Greenville is large enough to attract common-place and beloved national business while still feeling and operating with a small-town vibe. The residents are friendly, and welcome visitors and new neighbors alike.
Gas is cheap, amenities prices are low, and cost of living is actually affordable! And as an added bonus to any who are tempted to migrate, there are 10 Universities and colleges within driving-distance of Greenville, as well as the best public schooling in the region.
Whether you come from a cultured, modern big city, or a sleepy, humble small town, you’ll feel right at home in Greenville, no matter where you’re from!
3. Takin’ a Trip Downtown
Culture, History, Beauty… and Trolleys!
A trip into historic downtown Greenville is well worth your time. With a smorgasbord of shops, galleries, and restaurants, the opportunities for fun are endless. Perhaps you want to visit a high-class art museum as well as spend the afternoon being wined and dined by some of the best chefs in the region?
Simple! Just tear your mesmerized eyes away from the paintings and sculptures at the Museum and Gallery at Bob Jones University and hitch a ride with one of the newly upgraded trolley-cars to your very own Greenville culinary tour! Gorgeous architecture blends stunningly into the picturesque landscape, lending downtown a sense of beauty and charm that is hard to replicate.
Countless venue options to choose from means there’s a constant list of new events and shows passing through. A typical weekend in Greenville, South Carolina may host as many as five different unique events. The excitement never ends in Greenville, come and see for yourself.
4. Water, Water Everywhere!
Get Ready to Make a Splash
Greenville is within short driving distance of not one, but two waterparks, each technically classifying as aquatic heaven. Spend your time floating peacefully down a lazy river, or go all out and brave the mega slides, whatever floats your boat! Not a fan of waiting in line?
Try a kayaking trip down the scenic Green River Gorge; or plan a whitewater adventure with Wildwater to go rafting down the Chatooga River, a beautiful stretch of freshwater rafting amidst some of the most prime landscape in South Carolina.
Looking for something a little more… calm? Well, paddle on over to Drift Float & Spa, a state-of-the-art meditative spa fully equipped with mind-bending sensory deprivation tanks that will have you floating on cloud nine. Greenville is absolutely fantastic for those of us who are pretty certain we spent a past life or two as a fish.
5. Local Suds Ain’t No Duds
See-It-to-Believe-It Local Beer Scene
Greenville boasts some of the best locally-made beer in the country, and has enough breweries to make a pub-crawl turn into a pub-trek. Try out some farmhouse-style beer crafted in the old-school way out at the Birds Fly South Ale Project, then walk next door to the taco shop for some seriously good food.
Looking for something with more of a local specialty kind of vibe? Thomas Creek Brewery has got your back, with its hand-crafted ales, stouts, and IPA’s made with fresh, pure water from the Blue Ridge Mountains just outside of town. If you’re interested in more of an eat-and-drink combo, why not take a peek at the Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant? Their Upstate Kölsch was made specifically for the region, matching a blonde ale with sunny Greenville.
For those who enjoy live music and hanging out with the buds, Quest Brewing Co. has it all. A backyard stage hosts musicians most nights, and food trucks frequent the cozy bar for hungry customers. Last, but definitely not least, is a brewery that has a major claim to fame. Yee-Haw Brewing Company in downtown showcases the World Beer Cup award-winning Dunkel, as well as pretty much everything else you could dream of.
After you’re nice and toasty, you can show your friends how awesome you are by whooping them at any of the yard games available outside.
Greenville has captured the heart and soul of many a person over the years, and it’s easy to see why. The population has been growing recently as more and more folks realize just how amazing Greenville really is. Many people call upon their movers to get on the bandwagon and move to this wonderful city.
With so many things to do, explore, and experience, a person could spend a lifetime in Greenville and still want more. Come and see for yourself, but as you’re packing your house and family to move there, don’t say I didn’t warn you!
The post 5 Reasons To Visit Greenville appeared first on Busy Beez Movers.
from Busy Beez Movers https://busybeezmovers.com/reasons-to-visit-greenville-sc/
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tripsterguru · 4 years
Best 15 St. Petersburg Hotels with Panoramic View
New Post has been published on https://tripsterguru.com/best-15-st-petersburg-hotels-with-panoramic-view/
Best 15 St. Petersburg Hotels with Panoramic View
To fully experience the romantic and dreamy atmosphere of St. Petersburg, it is worth staying in a hotel with a beautiful overview. Particularly spectacular views of the St. Petersburg roofs, the central part and the river. Hotels in St. Petersburg with panoramic views of the Neva are often located in the main part of the city – for example, near Pirogovskaya embankment. Some of them are located on Vasilievsky Island. Sometimes the mesmerizing beauty of the Northern capital can be admired from the restaurant in the hotel complex. This option is well suited for a romantic weekend.
The Hermitage – the official hotel of the State Museum 5 *
The atmosphere of the Winter Palace is recreated here. Furniture, decor, dishes, dishes on the menu, uniforms of porters – all connected with the life of Russian tsars. In every detail of the interior – a reference to the imperial palace. Even exact copies of objects are used. Located in an old mansion of the XIX century. This building is on a quiet street, but in a historic area. But the bustling Nevsky Prospect is very close. Guests can stop by the Vladimir Cathedral and visit the Dostoevsky House Museum. A little further – the Summer Garden and the Summer Palace of Peter I.
The Hermitage is 3 km away, but guests are offered a free shuttle service. The building has 126 luxurious rooms in a classic style. Furniture according to the sketches of Italian masters, and a bathroom with Greek marble, and an abundance of pillows on the bed – all together create an elegant atmosphere. Lighting is also thought out – many independent fixtures that can be easily turned off with the click of a button. You can also make coffee thanks to the coffee maker and spend time on your own terrace.
The sophisticated atmosphere is also felt during breakfast. When developing the menu, we used recipes from the Winter Palace. Even food is served in dishes created by the imperial porcelain factory – it was this enterprise that in old times produced porcelain for the Romanovs. Breakfast is accompanied by calm music – visitors are treated to pancakes with red caviar and sour cream, a variety of fish, champagne.
In the evening you can enjoy the sounds of the harp. There is also a Michelangelo restaurant with an emphasis on Italian cuisine, and they are ready to introduce you to the traditions of Russian tea drinking in the lobby bar. Among other services for vacationers are a wellness center, spa, organization of boat trips along the river channel. Gala events can be held in the Trossi Hall, with impressive chic interiors. The room overlooks the Throne Room of the Winter Palace: elegant stucco on the ceiling, columns, patterns with gilding.
Emerald 5 *
Located in the aristocratic center – once this area was called the Christmas part. The building is decorated in a late Art Nouveau style and decorated with marble columns. The mansion has its own story, which stretches from the XVIII century. This is one of the first buildings on Suvorovsky Prospekt – once there were organized balls and receptions for the nobility. The building has seven floors, so the central part of the city is clearly visible from the windows. Near the Tauride Garden and Nevsky Prospect.
Subscribe to our channel in Telegram, where we daily post the most last-minute tours and flights. You can choose from various rooms, from standard to suites. An autonomous climate control system is used. Guests are available SPA, gym, sauna, bath. You can have breakfast in the spacious Versailles Cafe. The Gzhel establishment is also available, where they are treated to dishes of Russian cuisine. In the lobby bar “Suvorovsky” it is pleasant to enjoy a cup of coffee and dessert. Business meetings and official events can be arranged in the equipped conference room. The convenient location of the complex is a great advantage. Near the metro and Nevsky Prospekt, but there is no noise and fuss.
W St. Petersburg 5 *
The complex opened in 2011, part of the W Hotels Worldwide chain (founded in New York in 1997). The main feature is a recognizable facade, different from the historical style. A nice bonus is a fabulous view of the roofs of the old city, the inner Petersburg courtyard, the golden domes of the cathedral. Network complexes W correspond to the current trends in art, because the leadership collaborates with eminent photographers and designers. The rooms are designed so that guests can feel at home, but the emphasis is on exclusive surroundings.
Every detail was carefully selected: king-size beds, orthopedic mattresses, cotton linen, round lamps. Thanks to the color scheme in the rooms, a feeling of airiness and lightness is created. Guests have the opportunity to try dishes prepared under the guidance of the famous French chef Alain Ducasse.
Celebrities specially come to his miX restaurant in Saint Petersburg – even from abroad. The establishment has a cozy rooftop terrace with magnificent views. From here you can enjoy the sunsets or enjoy the beauty of the white nights. Includes spa access. Since the building is in the center, the main tourist sites are nearby. Including St. Isaac’s Cathedral.
Kempinski Moika 22 5 *
Located on the waterfront. From the windows of an aristocratic mansion XIX century. one can see Palace Square and the Hermitage. The room decor is inspiring: classic marine style, rare furniture, snow-white and gold accents. Feature of the service is an individual approach. Everyone is asked about the preferences and expectations of accommodation, as well as travel.
It will help to celebrate a birthday or any other event, organize a gala dinner, and think out an individual entertainment program. If the trip is related to business matters, we are ready to print an important document or send a fax. The business center provides round-the-clock scanning and printing, broadband internet, equipment rental, and translation services. Food can be delivered to your room at any time of the day or night.
The menu includes several types of breakfasts, diet food, sandwiches and desserts, baby food, hot drinks and fresh juices, an extensive wine list. For example, you can have breakfast in the early morning or dine quickly in between meals. There is a spa center in the building where various types of massage are available. For guests, a program of art excursions has been developed that will allow you to get to know Petersburg better and see the treasures of the Hermitage. Hiking combined with interesting lectures will help you to feel the beauty of the city.
Park Inn by Radisson Nevsky 4 *
From the windows you can see historical old houses, occupies a new building. Noise does not hurt, because the rooms have excellent sound insulation. This option is suitable for families and business travelers. A pleasant mood is created thanks to the design of interiors in bright colors. For convenience, an electric kettle and tea and coffee making facilities are provided. The price includes breakfast. Strawberry smoothie, carrot juice, porridge in milk, a variety of fruits – an assortment for every taste.
The bar serves famous German dishes. At the Paulaner beer brewery, you can enjoy a foamy drink combined with Bavarian specialties. Reception is round-the-clock. Any business issues are easily resolved, because several conference rooms are available at. The necessary equipment is provided. The location is also considered ideal – near Moscow Station, metro, center. Metro station is 100 meters away. You can use the underground
Akyan Saint Petersburg 4 *
Living here is an opportunity to experience the atmosphere of pre-revolutionary St. Petersburg. After all, once there was a tenement house here. Although the layout has changed, but some places – for example, stairs or halls – recall the past. Good location is another plus of this property. Nevsky Prospect, the main street of St. Petersburg – a 5-minute walk. Nearby are several shopping centers. The building itself is a mansion of the 20th century. in the modern style.
Details can be considered for a long time: bas-reliefs, stucco molding, majolica. Despite the central location, it is quiet here – the house is located on a quiet street. Rebellion. The rooms are furnished in a classic style, give a feeling of comfort thanks to the warm colors. Service is also consistent – guests note the courtesy and friendliness of the staff. All requests are completed quickly, within a minute. A restaurant of the same name with several rooms is available around the clock. In the mornings, guests are spoiled for a wonderful breakfast. A choice of cereals, slices and salads, sour cream and cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits, hot dishes.
In another, you can make an a la carte order – Russian and European cuisine is presented. This option is suitable for a romantic getaway. Akyan Saint Petersburg received recognition in this category – for example, from the TripAdvisor portal (one of the top ten romantic hotels in Russia). However, the place is suitable for shopping lovers. Nearby are shopping centers, one of the largest in Europe.
AZIMUT St. Petersburg 4 *
The main advantage is gorgeous views, because it is located in the highest building in the historical part of the city. From each room, the city is visible at a glance. Two metro stops – center. All rooms are bright and comfortable. In the morning, gulls arrive and walk important along the windowsill, because nearby is the Fontanka embankment. When arranging the space, emphasis was placed on the SMART concept.
Inside, there is everything that guests need for a comfortable stay, cozy sleep and productive work. Among the amenities are a wide bed, a water cooler on the floor, a tooth and shaving kit, and a refrigerator. Breakfast is served in the main restaurant, Avenue. Three meals a day and a la carte dishes are possible. Residents can take advantage of other opportunities – there is a fitness center, concierge, beauty salon.
Radisson Sonya 4 *
It is part of the Radisson Blu chain, which unites premium hotels around the world. Decorated based on the works of Dostoevsky. Even the building looks interesting – at the heart of the classic style. An addition to the thematic atmosphere – stunning views. In each of the numbers, Russian motives and details related to the “Crime and Punishment” are traced. For example, in one of the rooms you can find the “Sistine Madonna” – a source of inspiration for the writer.
Opposite the reception is a table with an image of St. Petersburg of the XIX century. There are other original furniture created to order. But the basic style of the rooms is classic. Guests can work out at the gym or relax in the sauna or hammam. For business purposes, we are ready to provide any of the four conference rooms. You can also hold a festive event – for example, a wedding banquet. The restaurant also traces the motives of the novel.
Breakfast is served daily – guests are offered European and Russian cuisine. The lobby bar serves a variety of snacks. Among other services – an early breakfast (from 5 in the morning), round-the-clock service, a tea and coffee station. In the summer, employees will help with organizing boat excursions (600 m – Neva). In 10 minutes – Chernishevskaya metro station, which allows quick access to the center.
Lakhta Plaza 4 *
Located in a new area overlooking the Gulf of Finland and the 300th anniversary park. Especially beautiful panoramas open from the south and west. The cozy apartments have a simple interior, impeccable cleanliness, freshly renovated and new furniture. Well thought out not only the layout, but also the zoning of space. There is everything for the convenience of vacationers: ironing facilities, a set for tea and coffee, a hairdryer, a radio alarm clock and even a makeup mirror with lighting. It is convenient to stay with the whole family. Some rooms have a full kitchen: with a dishwasher, refrigerator, stove.
They will install a baby cot for free and bring a feeding chair. Among other services – 24-hour reception, food delivery, fitness, sauna. A continental breakfast is served in the morning. The menu includes juices, cottage cheese and cereals, fresh fruits. On order are always ready to cook scrambled eggs. A metro station nearby allows quick access to the center. Nearby are several shopping centers. However, you can have a good time in the sauna or on the outdoor terrace.
Saint Petersburg 4 *
From the windows you can see the center, Neva and Aurora. Nearby is Pirogovskaya embankment. The rooms have everything you need – from wet wipes to threads of all colors. Even in the bathroom, basic hygiene products are at hand: paste, gels, shampoos, lotions, toothbrushes and a disposable razor. Room service is daily. You can contact the staff at any time – the reception is open even at night. Do not forget here about the compliments.
For example, a wedding package involves champagne, fruits and rose petals. The Bering restaurant serves Russian, Asian and European dishes. La Vue offers an overview of the Neva – you can eat in one of the five rooms and order a wine tasting. There are several famous Asian restaurants in the surrounding area. The nearest metro is a 10-minute walk. Relatively close are the main tourist sites – for example, the Hermitage Museum is 3 km away.
Courtyard by Marriott 4 *
This option in Vasileostrovsky district will appeal to those who like walks by the river and a pleasant atmosphere. The building looks magnificent – the historical appearance is recreated. Across the road is the promenade, where it is especially beautiful in the evenings. A pleasant impression remains from the view from the window – on the Neva River. Celebrities stop at the complex – for example, you can meet famous athletes, sports legends.
At a meeting, guests are treated to non-alcoholic mulled wine. A choice of 214 spacious rooms, including suites. The space is thought out to the smallest detail: a seating area, a working area with a chair and a table, a comfortable bed with feather pillows, a large dressing room. At hand the necessary hygiene products. Pierrot’s restaurant offers dishes of Eastern France and Northern Europe. From the restaurant-bar on the ground floor you can see the river with bridges. In the lobby bar you can drink wine to the lounge music or watch a football broadcast in the evening. There is a mini market, a souvenir shop and a gym on site. 500 m – metro station “Vasilievskaya”. One stop separates guests from Nevsky Prospekt.
Park Inn by Radisson Baltic 4 *
The windows offer beautiful views of the bay and high-rise buildings. Here you can spend a romantic weekend. They are even ready to deliver food directly to the room. It combines 1184 rooms – they are suitable for both business trips and family vacations. The apartments are recently renovated, good sound insulation is installed. The increased category includes bathrobes, slippers and a variety of cosmetic accessories. The place is also suitable for large business events – a choice of almost 30 rooms with different capacities (from 10 people to 1,500).
An exhibition room is also available (2 thousand sq. M.). In each room – wireless Internet, air conditioning, office supplies. Space decor, audiovisual equipment, catering – specialists are ready to help with this. Breakfast is served daily and the lounge bar offers snacks and drinks. Other services include concierge, luggage storage, treadmills, World Class fitness.
Baltic 3 *
Even a deep meaning was invested in the name – this is a semi-mythical island, generalizing the image of the Baltic countries. It is especially convenient for business trips – from here it is easy to get to Nevsky Prospekt or to the train stations. The conference area was also thought out: a transformer hall with different seating options, modern equipment, and opportunities for coffee breaks and receptions. From the windows you can see the houses of the Vyborg district. Convenient location is also a plus for family walks. On foot you can reach the Peter and Paul Fortress, the house of Peter I, the botanical garden.
The number of rooms is small – 90 apartments of various categories. For guests’ convenience, the rooms have a refrigerator and a work desk. Additional comfort is created by the necessary little things: a toothbrush, a nail file, a razor set, and a hairdryer. There are coolers on the floors – you can get water or make yourself tea. For a family vacation, a studio room is perfect. The staff is also ready to take care of the food. Breakfast includes a selection of different types of cheese, deli meats, fruits and vegetables, granola and cereal, pastries and juices. A coupon for a free drink is also issued at the lobby bar upon arrival.
Vertical 3 *
Feature – a combination of home comfort and hotel services. This accommodation is suitable for long-term residence. The view from the windows – on Moskovsky Avenue or elite high-rise buildings. The apartments have a kitchen and are fully furnished. A refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, microwave, set of dishes, kettle – everything to feel at home. You can choose a specific option, independently determine the necessary service and adjust the cost. Guests can count on the following services: security service, IT services for productive work, a sports bar, and laundry.
The kitchen area is equipped to the details – you can cook your own meals. A continental breakfast is provided to save time. The hotel collaborates with Manneken Pub, which offers porridge, toast and hot drinks (tea or coffee) in the mornings. There is a grocery store near the building. The location of the complex is good – on Moskovsky Prospekt. For lovers of nightlife in 15 minutes – a night club. Thanks to the thoughtful transport interchange, you can leave for any of the city’s districts.
Okhtinskaya 3 *
The building is located almost on the waterfront. This allows guests to enjoy the beautiful panorama of the Neva River. The pleasantness of the staff contributes to a pleasant stay – from security guards to employees at the reception. Even in a restaurant, for example, they are here kindly ready to offer assistance in making tea on the go. The interiors of the rooms are decorated in a modern style. The combination of colors is thought out – mint, delicate pastel or deep burgundy shades. To make the dream a pleasant one, Bonnell comfortable spring mattresses are used for the beds, and curtains that do not allow light to pass through the windows.
The rooms on the sunny side are additionally equipped with a separate air conditioning. Guests are pleasantly surprised by the variety of dishes at breakfast. These are various types of cereals, scrambled eggs and omelettes, cheeses and cold cuts, pastries and coffee. But the main thing is the atmosphere: snow-white covers on chairs, white tablecloths, attentive attitude of the staff. It is convenient to stay here if you want to get acquainted with Petersburg. Near the building there are transport stops and shops.
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wikitopx · 5 years
Despite the city’s abundance of talented, James Beard award-recognized chefs, Raleigh’s food scene is only just beginning to receive the national attention it deserves, slowly but surely gaining the kind of prominence usually saved for other Southern cities like Nashville, Atlanta and Charleston.
In the last decade, an influx of transplants and locals alike have embraced the city’s urban-rural duality, imbuing the dining industry with tastes seamlessly merging their own culinary backgrounds and traditional Southern flavors. Much of the work by the local chefs and restaurateurs has also ended up revitalizing and reshaping historic buildings downtown to fit their needs, crafting buzzworthy eateries in captivating, visually intriguing locales. So, when considering what to do in Raleigh, where to eat should top your list. To help you out, we present to you our well-curated list of 10 best restaurants in Raleigh.
1. Crawford & Son
What is it: Chef Scott Crawford honed his chops working at the beloved Herons Restaurant at the Umstead Hotel & Spa and, more recently, Standard Foods. In late 2016, he opened his own eatery in the Person St. neighborhood of Raleigh, just around the corner from Standard Foods.
Why go: Chef Crawford has time and time again proven himself worthy of the praise he’s received, and Crawford & Son is no different: there’s just nothing else like it around. The food is just as good as his previous ventures, but instead of feeling like a stuffy, formal affair, it’s comfortable—cozy, even. It is precisely the “casual neighborhood restaurant” Crawford looked for to create when he struck out on his claim. The yellowtail crudo, now a staple on the seasonal menu, is essential, but don’t sleep on the simple but perfect warm malted wheat rolls with that hickory butter. (And get more than one order, you’ll thank us later.)
Price: Blowout
2. Poole’s
What is it: A contemporary diner with hip, of-the-moment comfort food, Poole’s is helmed by multiple James Beard award-nominee (and winner, for Best Chef: Southeast) Ashley Christensen, the mother of the modern Raleigh restaurant scene.
Why go: If you were to ask us how many types of cheese it would take to reach nirvana, we would tell you resolutely, without hesitation: three. Three decadent, delicious, expertly combined cheeses, plus some pasta, a little cream and a pinch of salt. (Grana Padano, Jarlsberg and sharp cheddar, if you're wondering.) There’s a reason the most requested dish on the menu at Poole’s is also one of the few consistently available. While the dishes at Poole’s are seasonal, showcasing Christensen’s impeccable ability to marry fresh, local ingredients with unique, Southern-inspired classics, the macaroni au gratin is the standard-bearer of side orders. It’s truly worth every creamy, crunchy, cheesy bite—extravagance be damned. Grab a seat at one of the two horseshoe-shaped counters for an intimate diner-esque experience—and the best unobstructed view of the rotating chalkboard menus.
Price: Pricey
3. Brewery Bhavana
What is it: Brewery, dim sum, book and flower shop: Brewery Bhavana is a modern-day urban bazaar in the heart of Raleigh.
Why go: Dim sum—and then some. Brewery Bhavana excels at dim sum—the seafood dumplings, peking duck and Xiao Long Bao soup dumplings are absolutely can’t-miss—but where this unique and highly lauded Raleigh newcomer shines is in its multi-faceted concept. With a bookstore, flower shop, restaurant and brewery all under one beautiful, airy roof, the project is as ambitious as it is exceptional. Marvel at the white granite tap wall, featuring an impressive 40 house and local brews, and relax under the skylight in the garden area with a good book from the in-house library. (Bida Manda, the next door sister Laotian restaurant, is also worth a visit.)
Price: Pricey
4. Garland
What is it: The menu at Garland focuses on the spice-driven flavors of Indian and Asian cuisines, crafting unique dishes that bridge the divide between traditional Asian food and Southern flair.
Why go: Owner and head cook Cheetie Kumar is a rock star. Yes, she’s a James Beard award-nominated, rock star chef—but she’s also an actual rock star, touring and recording with her band, Birds of Avalon. Her menu at Garland shows off both these sensibilities alongside her multinational background, doling out Indian and Asian foods bursting with Southern touches. Everything about Garland is charming, from the exciting mix of foods to the eclectic furnishings and even its location, sandwiched between local favorites Kings, a funky bar and music venue, and Neptune’s Parlour, an old-school underground bar decked out with classic video game consoles.
Price: Pricey
5. Cortez
What is it: Delicious seafood that takes inspiration from Mexican and American cooking.
Why go: With fresh catches delivered directly from the Carolina coast, this is as close to seaside eating as you can get in this landlocked city. The oysters are a good place to start, especially if you're there between 5pm and 6pm, Tuesday to Sunday as they're only a buck each. Try them baked or slurp ’em down as is. Cortez's ceviche varieties are worth a dabble, as are the selection of small plates, which are perfect for sharing when you just can't make up your mind.
Price: Pricey
6. Oakwood Pizza Box
What is it: Local pizzeria with stacks of charm and unbeatable pizzas by the slice.
Why go: The pies are 18 inches wide with crusts robust enough to stretch the distance and carry the toppings without getting soggy. The homemade sauce, which toes the line deliciously between sweet and savory, is the secret to Oakwood's success. That and the variety of toppings you can add to the slices: meatballs, sausage, bacon, olives, cremini mushrooms, peppers…
Price: Average
7. MOFU Shoppe
  What is it: In the last five years, the Triangle’s food truck scene has exploded and few have received as much praise or attention as Pho Nomenal Dumpling Truck, winner of the 2015 Food Network Great Food Truck Race. The truck, slinging dumplings, drool-worthy cheerwine bulgogi sloppy Joes, bubble tea and more, has become a fixture at regional food truck rodeos and the like, and the owners have since expanded their efforts to a brick-and-mortar shop in downtown Raleigh’s City Market. Founded on the Pho Nomenal team’s Food Network winnings, MOFU Shoppe’s menu draws from diverse, creative sources, including the stellar team assembled to get the effort off the ground.
Why go: The Vietnamese coffee mousse dessert is reason enough to check out MOFU Shoppe, but the ambiance is a nice added bonus. The updated car dealership retains its charming garage doors, making it the supreme spot to enjoy a summer dinner. The dumplings are, of course, worthy of an order or two, but don’t skimp on the honey Sriracha Brussels sprouts with pork belly, either.
Price: Pricey
8. Second Empire Restaurant and Tavern
What is it: Second Empire Restaurant and Tavern, housed in a late 19th century home in downtown Raleigh, is the quintessential fine dining establishment. Its menu is largely contemporary American, inspired by French cuisine with a decidedly Southern twist.
Why go: If you’re celebrating an extra-special occasion or trying to impress a more traditional palate, you can’t go wrong with Second Empire. The space, inside the historic and fully restored Victorian Dodd-Hinsdale House, is impeccably polished, as is the menu. The food is elegant and the venue unique, making your meal feel like an intimate, lavish dinner party at one of Raleigh’s nicest classic homes.
Price: Blowout
9. Fiction Kitchen
What is it: A wholly vegetarian menu full of Southern goodness.
Why go: Much of the menu at Fiction Kitchen is vegan – and where it isn't, it's vegetarian – so if you're the kind of person who has meat in every meal, maybe this isn't the place for you. However, if you're either of the veggie persuasion or adventurous, then embark on a culinary journey at this joint. The filling meals, which are all locally sourced, are packed with flavor, and there are even meat equivalents, such as the crispy fried "chicken" and waffles, for a true Southern take on vegging out.
Price: Average
10. St. Roch Fine Oysters + Bar
What is it: Oysters and Southern gems come together at St Roch.
Why go: Considering Raleigh's distance from the ocean, there are a wealth of restaurants in which to get oysters, but St. Roch is one of the best. New Orleans native Sunny Gerhart, who runs the place, sets this deliciously slippery, salty mollusc centre stage, adding simply a few complimentary accompaniments. Get them for a buck each during the midweek happy hours. Alternatively, explore the Southern options on the menu, which include bowls of beignets, hushpuppiesand beets.
Price: Pricey
  From : https://wikitopx.com/food/top-10-best-restaurants-in-raleigh-700043.html
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wineanddinosaur · 5 years
Inside the Arkansas Microbrewery Making Beer in Al Capone’s Former Digs
Walking over the white penny tile floor at Superior Bathhouse, a microbrewery in Hot Springs, Ark., it’s hard to imagine that the former hydro-spa sat vacant and in disrepair from 1983 to 2013. Today, Superior Bathhouse has the distinction of being the first brewery located within a national park, and the only in the world to use thermal spring water to brew its beer.
The western slope of Hot Springs Mountain has 47 natural thermal springs that provide the city with approximately 1 million gallons of 143-degree water daily. The local specialty is so well regarded that residents and visitors line up at hot and cold water fountains throughout the city holding 25-gallon jugs to fill.
Bill Clinton grew up in the area. During his presidency, he had Hot Springs water shipped to Washington and made it the official H2O of the White House.
Turns out the water is also ideal for brewing beer.
“It’s pretty neutral, so I can adjust the characteristics of the water according to the flavor profile of the beer I’m brewing,” Rose Schweikhart, owner, Superior Bathhouse Brewery, says. The thermal springs water is high in bicarbonate and is not very chlorinated or fluoridated. It has a high pH and low acidity, and it contains very few minerals that could potentially affect the taste of beer.
Another major bonus: The water is already hot. “The first step in brewing is to heat the water to 160 degrees,” she says. “Starting out with water that’s already at 143 degrees is a huge boon to saving energy.”
Schweikhart learned how to brew beer while living in Illinois, and was considering opening a brewery there when her husband was offered a job in Hot Springs. She immediately started planning something very different. She wanted to use the city’s signature waters to brew beer.
Schweikhart contacted the National Park Service to find out if anyone had thought of opening a brewery in Hot Springs. Within days she was touring the historic bathhouse that would go on to become her brewery. After a lengthy proposal process, Schweikhart became the first person to open a brewery inside a national park and on federal property.
The Superior Bathhouse Brewery occupies one of seven historic bathhouses that were gutted and renovated with congressional funding in 2013. Each got a new roof, new plumbing, HVAC systems, and lead and asbestos removal.
“Right away, I could see where I’d put my brewing equipment and where the seating would be up front,” Schweikhart says. The window frames lining the brick building are painted mint green. Inside, dark wood tables are flanked by metal farmhouse chairs and stools. A white marble bar (part of the original bathhouse) lines one wall, flanked with beer taps.
The real draw is the beer. Schweikhart has 18 rotating styles on tap.
“Arkansas isn’t really known for having lots of craft beer drinkers,” she says. “We have some beers that are ‘flagship’ beers — the ones anyone can drink, like kolsch and stout.” They also have a hazy IPA, a Belgian style made with raisins, an Oktoberfest, and an Irish red, among others.
Schweikhart’s history-making brewery is one of many noteworthy arrivals in Hot Springs. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the town attracted sybarites eager for hydrotherapy treatments. In the 1920s, Al Capone arrived. Residents in the remote woods that surrounded the town had working stills throughout Prohibition. Capone used the town’s Mountain Valley Spring Water bottles to smuggle moonshine to his Chicago speakeasies.
Today, two of the original bathhouse structures remain in operation: The Buckstaff, which has been in continuous operation since 1912, and the Quapaw, which reopened as a family spa in 2008. Other buildings house a museum, cultural center, and administrative buildings, and two remain vacant.
“Brewing beer is an artistic process,” Schweikhart says. Thankfully, it’s a legal one now, too.
The post Inside the Arkansas Microbrewery Making Beer in Al Capone’s Former Digs appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/arkansas-superior-bathhouse-beer-national-park/
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