#body part names
adhdokie · 6 years
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when u a weeb and u need ur husband’s beautiful body (uh..)
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daily-hyosatsu · 8 months
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Very interesting name today! 竹腰 is usually read Takekoshi, sometimes Takegoshi.
竹 is read たけor チク, and it means bamboo.
腰, as you might have guessed from 月 meat moon, is a body part: hip, waist, or loins. (Anecdotally, I've also frequently heard it used when I'd say lower back or butt, but I don't know if that's a English-Japanese thing or a me thing.) It's read こし or ヨウ, the latter of which it gets from its right-hand radical 要, meaning necessary.
So....... this name means bamboo hip. Maybe that's like having a hollow leg that you can keep booze in? Actually they do serve sake in bamboo sometimes.
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daily-hyosatsu · 8 months
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The name 宮脇 is read Miyawaki. And it's a body part name!
宮 means Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, or princess. It can be read みや, キュウ, グウ, ク, or クウ. It's made up of a roof 宀 and two mouths 口 connected by katakana no ノ.
脇 means armpit/flank, supporting role, or the other way/another place. It can be read わき (which means armpit), わけ, or キョウ. It's made up of meat moon 月 (which often indicates a body part) and three powers 力.
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daily-hyosatsu · 1 year
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Yummy font today! It really caught my eye. The names are 中脇 Nakawaki and 釜下 Kamashita.
中 (naka, uchi, ata.ru, or chū) means in, inside, middle, mean, or center.
脇 (waki, wake, or kyō) means armpit, flank, supporting role, to the side/edge, or the other way/side/place.
釜 (kama or fu) means kettle, cauldron, or iron pot. This kanji always makes my mouth water because I love old-fashioned kettle-cooked rice (kamameshi) and hot eggy kamatama udon.
下 means down, low, inferior, to descend, or to give. You might also recognize it from 下さい kudasai, meaning please. It has so many readings it deserves its own post but here we go: shita, shimo, moto, sa.geru/sa.garu, kuda.ru/kuda.su/kuda.saru, o.rosu/o.riru, ka, or ge.
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daily-hyosatsu · 1 year
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Two names today and one cracks me up! They are 滝尻 Takejiri or Takeshiri, and 鈴木 usually Suzuki but also potentially Susuki, Susugi, Susuki, or Suzugi.
滝 (taki, rō, or sō), which we also covered yesterday, means waterfall, rapids, or cascade. And 尻 (shiri or kō) means buttocks, hips, butt, or rear. Waterfall Ass! Cascade of Ass! I love it. I am given to understand that, in names, 尻 refers to a topological feature, to which I say, your butt is a topological feature. Yeah, I’m an adult.
Now for the more common bottom name, which we've covered before! 鈴 (suzu, rei, or rin) means a (small) bell (whereas a big bell or hanging bell is a 鐘 kane), and 木 (ki, ko, boku, or moku) is a tree.
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daily-hyosatsu · 1 year
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Body part name today! 川頭 can be read Kawagashira, Kawakashira, Kawazu, Kawatō, or Sendō.
Breaking it down, 川 (kawa or sen) means river or stream. And 頭 means head, and it's also used as a counter for large animals. It's read atama, kashira, gashira, kaburi, tō, to, or zu. It's made up of two parts: 豆 bean and 頁 leaf... if that helps you remember? Like if you picture a bean sprout, the leaf is its head?
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daily-hyosatsu · 2 years
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Apologies for the bad lighting but I could not resist sharing this name! 奥脇 is read Okuwaki.
奥 (oku, oku.maru, kuma, or ō) means something along the line of interior, depths, back region, or hidden part. 脇 (waki, wake, or kyō) means armpit/flank, supporting role, or the other way/side/place.
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