oneofthecrowd · 2 years
and bought home some takeout and spiked snapples. fuck canada day, my baby is crawling up the ladder ♥♥♥
he works so hard and doesn’t fuck around or let anyone walk all over him. he doesn’t see it, but he’s a leader and sooo fucking amazing. i love him so much. congrats bb!!
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demon-blood-youths · 2 years
◇─◇──◇─── ;  Shinsou reached to tie the other's fingers with a strong. It must look strange... "Hang on... it's gonna be a tea cup, I swear---" He pulls more strings and finally it grins. "What I tell you? A tea cup."
Hellmare's fingers were tied. She is curious as she waits. When the other said it's going to be tea cup. She is intrigued and eager to see this trick. Then when the other pulls more of the strings. It reveals itself.
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"Oh!" Hellmare smiles. "Indeed it is."
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"Do you do this with every person you meet?" She chuckles.
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pluviacuratio-a · 2 years
@bobbilonglegs || ♥
{ ♪ } -- “Shinso?”
   She blinked in quiet surprise as the purple-haired student walked in. He wasn’t one she usually saw in her nurse’s office. Recovery Girl was out again, needing to offer her assistance elsewhere, leaving the young woman alone to tend to the students.
     “What seems to be the matter? Something to do with your quirk? Or a training accident maybe?”
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Which slutty Halloween costume are you?
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Sexy Angel
You like to be nice to people! That's so cute! You're also very hot which can make people very flustered. People probably gush about you to their friends. You're probably someone's "omg the cute one from the coffeeshop." You have a big heart and you make people feel good about themselves.
Stole it
Tagging: @queenharumiura @daiiyokai  @tnshukku  @fangsofdestruction @bobbilonglegs​ @xheartpages @pcrdiseseekers @ilestlesoleil @theunknownmasks @crownlcsking​ @chxmpionofjustice​ @incandescentreinvention @corvusdei​ & whoever else
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
「Oh〜! Would you like me to wear an outfit then, Sensei〜?」 Mukuro would happily play along with this, this sort of thing could be really hot and honestly, was one of Mukuro’s kinks。
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「I’m looking forward to this lesson, I can hardly wait。」
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【 @bobbilonglegs​ 】 cont. from 【 here 】
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petalsbloomed-a · 2 years
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@bobbilonglegs​ whispered: “Don’t move, I just got comfy.” (Negan @ riiiick ♡_♡)
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fluffy reaction meme.
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✮*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✧*˚     ... TOO BAD, NEGAN.  This old man was not in any way, shape, or form comfortable on this itty bitty couch with the other squishing his arm under his torso and wrapping his legs around his hips.  It made his skin burn and he squirmed, almost hissing from between his lips as he felt his shoulder twitching, right on the edge of popping.  He’d hate for that to happen ... last time it did he was lying around, groaning in pain as his muscles slowly relaxed back into their normal position.  ❝ Yer squishin’ like halfa m’body right now ... ❞  he hisses through gritted teeth.
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lorddiiavolo · 2 years
@bobbilonglegs​ / here
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   He’d already fallen into step with Y/N, hands behind his back as he follows.  “ Splendid, thank you for having me.  ”  He didn’t think anything of Y/N’s stuttering until he made a comment on his own intelligence - or ... lack thereof?  The prince raises a brow, mildly taken aback by the statement but he finds it in himself to laugh.  “  I didn’t think you were.  ”  How amusing.
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        “  I must admit, this is pretty exciting.  I realize ... you know your way around here pretty well.  ”  Better than him, that’s for certain.  “  It would be a shame if you were up to no good.  ”  He’s only teasing.
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historias-multorum · 2 years
◇─◇──◇─── ;  Taking a fork full of the cake and holding it out for Haruhi. "Go on. I seen you looking at the cake. I made it this morning."
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"Oh are you sure?" Haruhi blushed a little bit. How embarrassing.
She did eye the cake, not having eaten breakfast yet. It was alluring in both appearance and aroma.
"Well, if you say it's okay. Thank you." She said while accepting the fork and taking a bite.
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oneofthecrowd · 2 years
@bobbilonglegs​  // oh shizu-chan~
“Hey! Ugly, blond guy!”
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A young woman almost half his size demands his attention. She’s petite, can be considered cute- if it weren’t for the glare on her face and hand on her hip.
“Don’t ignore me. I’m confronting you!”
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deadveiled · 2 years
( @bobbilonglegs to the best of my memory i THINK you liked one of my posts a while back about getting a handwritten note from me??? if not idc here pls have smth cuz ily. note under the cut!! )
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quietwildcard · 2 years
"You don't mind of me showing you a secret right...? I mean... no one else knows much of me aside from being human but that's about it, plus I'm fine with you knowing some secret of mine... hold on..." reaching about in his bag before pulling out a gun like object and taking a breath then putting it to his head, "Remain calm... I'll be fine, just watch..." pulling the trigger while what one may think of blood be had but it wouldn't be the case for it was blue like glass coming from his own head.
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Having that glazed over look to his eyes while a figure was forming from the fragments and accompanied by a low hum, lost in a daze while his arm lowering while holding onto his Evoker still before looking over at the other with a smile. Most likely having freaked the other out from his stunt but this be something he used to do back at home once. Looking at who was near his other self and owner while giving that slight bow of his head before a deep voice sounded from him, "Thou art I... And I am thou... From the sea of thy soul I cometh... I am Orpheus, master of strings..." hiding an amused smile behind his red scarf while hovering near Makoto and introducing himself to the other, "Do take care of my owner and other self now, for you have a world savior in front of you... one who fought Death and sacrificed himself to save the world. Also glad to see he come to make friends in another being of the dark too, haha... given Death be friends with this sleepy Wildcard and Fool." holding his hands up when Makoto made that quiet noise while flustered and giving another low hum when amused since his owner was not too great with words at times.
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Holding up a card that be considered what his Arcana be and holding it up before it eventually vanished into thin air when he let go of it, “Mnn... in my world where I came from I be what one calls a Wildcard user or a Fool, plus I have more than just Orpheus with me... there are others I have from my journey too. Though I can show you them another time... since I’m tired from having summoned Orpheus after so long but I’m used to it.” putting his Evoker away when the process was a bit draining but figuring that some secret would be revealed to the one he come to be friends with, “Nor is Orpheus lying of my dying either for that was a choice I made when fought to save the world and keep my friends safe, for I also could put it that I signed a contract of which I’d eventually would pass away when a year was done too. Mnn... I spent a good couple years or so on the boundaries of time and space, not touched or reachable by normal means... mmm... pretty much having my very soul bound to a door till saved from my sad fate. By my trusted attendants that once served me on my journey too... of which I’m thankful towards too...” surprisingly talkitive for once compared to how quiet he usually was and sharing such info with the other of his past a little when revealing one of his secrets after all.
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demon-blood-youths · 2 years
◇─◇──◇─── ;   "Can you come help me with this?" He snarls over his shoulder; looking at the other with an expression of fury as he messes around with a rubik's cube. "I need to know it can be complete. Hurry up!!"
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Navarro just stared at this Rubik's cube the blond held in his hand. The hell?! Before he tells the other to piss off as he already doesn't like him. Ink smiles and takes the rubik's cube with a nod.
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"Sure thing!" Ink smiled. "Buuuuut.....I won't get by today or tomorrow so it is going to take time." She said as she starts to solve this rubik cube. She appears to be quiet as her grey eyes are focusing on the task. Navarro crosses his arms before he glares at Bakugo.
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"A Rubik's cube can't be finished in an hour, it takes some damn time, dumbass!" Navarro retorted.
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blackfeathercrown · 2 years
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“I’m sure you could tell and sense I not be human, no? I mean my scent probably seems off too if you paid attention to that detail about me, so... why not I let you see one of many secrets I have. Fufu~” letting that darkness gather about him while giving that inhuman purr of the other when having their attention, “Don’t be too surprised now... or mistake me for an angel now either, for I’m quite certain that is not what I am. Heh, plus this face I have is not what I truly look like either but that’s something for another time.” allowing his dark wings to unfurl outward behind him in such dark beauty while lifting off the ground a bit there.
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Chuckling to himself when revealing a secret to the other and flying in a slow circle about the other while maintaining eye contact, “How does it feel... to look upon Death themself, who reveals a secret to you? Do tell... for I am curious of such beings like yourself really, that I find endearing much like Shadows I have under my control and command...” slowing to a stop in front of the other while that soft churr sounded from him and giving that light flutter of his six wings.
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redemptioninterlude · 2 years
happy birthday, dear!
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birthday love in the inbox ( 1 day only! ) + @bobbilonglegs
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why thank you, thank you fam! seriously big love for this, i appreciate you sparing me a little thought in what i hope is a great and awesome day for you!
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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“You belong to me” - Mammon bc it's on brand lmaoooo
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「Oho〜 do I now〜?」 A devious smirk began to pull on Mukuro’s lips。
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「Well〜 looks like you better mark me as yours then, hm〜? Or how else are people suppose to know, right〜?」
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【 ‘ you belong to me ‘ meme 】                     ♡                        【 accepting 】
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petalsbloomed-a · 2 years
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@bobbilonglegs​ whispered: ❝ i kinda liked waking up next to you. ❞ (NEGAN @ RIIIIICK)
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there’s only one bed!
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✮*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✧*˚     HIS BODY WAS  still groggy from all the activities last night ... he remembered drinking to his heart’s content, his depression weighing heavily on his head, until Negan appeared seemingly out of nowhere, completely serving him and making sure he was comfortable before putting him to bed.  It was weird ... the other seemed like he had changed, at least to some extent — likely mellowed out quite a bit during Rick’s time away from Alexandria ... he didn’t really trust him yet, per se, but he did appreciate the change of attitude.  Even if his god-complex was still part of his mask, his mouth seeming to still have a mind of its own.
     What he didn’t expect, however, to find the other man curled up in bed next to him, sheets tucked comfortably over his bare torso.  He flinched, nearly falling over and off the mattress when he heard the other’s voice.  He blinked a few times, wondering if this was real ... but all he could do was stare, shaking his head.  ❝ ... Th’hell y’doin’ in my bed ... ? ❞  he mumbles out, utterly baffled.
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