#bnha aiwaza fluff
Any chance of getting a fluff headcanon for Aizawa, Fatgum, and Bakugos first date with Reader?
If you like it, please be kind and reblog it 🥰
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The first date would be at your place. Perfect for his wish of privacy and not in his rooms because he tends to be overly careful at first.
You two will cook together but without a plan on what to do. You would look into the fridge and just make something up along the way.
Drinking some wine along the evening, Aizawa always looking that your and his cup is filled with enough red wine.
After eating, you two would end up on the couch. In the background a movie would run, set on nearly no sound so you could talk in a low voice. Aizawa and you would be talking for no hours.
Somewhere in that talking, the atmosphere would shift, growing more comfortable around each other and slowly getting more physical.
It will at least end with you cuddling against his side and will at max end with a lot of heated kissed and looks.
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The first date would be in a really cozy restaurant where Toyomitsu knows the owner. Because of that, you two get the best place in that restaurant: Right on the rooftop. Decorated with beautiful flowers and lights, making it really romantic.
You two would talk for hours while enjoying your meal.
Afterwards you would stargaze on the couch. Ironically it is the only couch there, big enough to lay down but not big enough to avoid skin contact.
And such, you two begin quickly to touch each other, holding hands, stroking the hair of each other and cuddling.
It does not take a lot to finally get kissed under the stars. And boy, you do not wish that it ends.
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It would start with training. Of course it does. Bakugo and you would be training after he shouted at you for a match against each other.
After really powering yourself out, you two would lay beside each other on the ground, watching the clouds fly by.
After some minutes, finally some talking began between the two of you. A low murmur, getting right to the deep questions because Bakugo does not do smalltalk.
It takes some time but after a while, you can feel how a hand sneaks up towards yours, carefully playing with the fingers until he finally pulled your hands towards his and intertwined his fingers with yours, content to finally been able to do what he wanted to do.
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jubilee40 · 3 years
Hey, love! I hope you’re having a lovely day! Can I request a BNHA ( FANTASY AU)! Imagine feat. Prince! Shoto Todoroki was deluged w/ poison, and his S/O embarks on a minacious journey to scout for an antidote? How would the Prince react to his S/O posing themselves in peril after he is cured? Thank you! 💞💞💞
Frozen Fire
Warnings: Tiny bit of angst, fluff, happy ending, fantasy AU, and drugged/cursed
“What do you mean, mind my business? This is my fiancé, the future king, and your son that you poisoned!!” I all but yelled at King Enji Todoroki, better known as Endeavor by other kingdoms.
“This does not concern you, Y/N. If Shoto can’t even overcome this type of poison, then he doesn’t deserve the throne. Now I suggest you leave before I get serious.” King Enji responded, not even trying to hide his disappointment of his son, the crown prince Shoto laying unconscious in his bedroom.
“Fine, If you won’t help him I will. Some father and king you are.” I grumbled leaving an unconscious Shoto with his ‘father’. There’s got to be a cure for the frozen fire poison. This type of poison makes the person insides feel like their on fire, while the skin starts to freeze over. The longest someone has lived with the poison before going crazy and killing themselves is 3 days. Luckily I found out Shoto took the poison this morning. Let’s think this through since hasn’t been that long he’s taken it, I just need to find the cure. Asking anyone in the royal court is out of the question, Endeavor most likely is the only one who knows it and won’t use it. There’s got to be someone else with the cure. Aiwaza, isn’t that the name of a warlock within the kingdom? I just need to go to him.
After packing a small bad with the necessaries, I draw transportation magic circle. Now I just need to say the destination…but where is the destination? “Take me to Warlock Aizawa’s Workshop. Take me to Warlock Aizawa.” As soon as I finished my last chant, I was longer in the castle and now in a dark forest. Taking a step forward and checking my surroundings, I can barely makeup are the trees. Even though the sun was still high in the sky at the castle, it now is almost pitched black here.
“Hello, who is there? Don’t be a coward and step forward.” Slowing getting my dagger out, I looked around trying to find any movement.
My heart started beating fast as I heard the noise again, closer this time. Before I could react I feel something sharp pressing against my throat. “I don’t mean any harm. I am Y/N, Prince Shoto’s fiancé and I am looking for a warlock named Aizawa.” The person removed the object from my neck but soon my body felt weak and start to loose consciousness.
“Wake up. What did you use to get here?” A man asked, looking at me carefully. Now full conscious I realized both my hands and feet are tied and my bag was nowhere in sight. Looking around my surroundings it seems like I am in a dirty old room. “Hey! I’m talking to you! Who showed you that type of magic circle?” The man growled and pushed me back.
“Are you Aizawa The Warlock? Please, I need your help! Do you know how to cure Frozen Fire? All do anything.” Pleading and hoping this man is whom I am looking for and will agree to my request. Without warning the ropes around my arms and feet disappeared.
“Let me guess your so called King Enji Todoroki is the one who gave the poison. Leave. I don’t have time for this. And yes, I am Aizawa.”
“I’ll do anything you ask. I’ll be your slave, I’ll give repay with money.”
“You love him? Yet you have no faith that he will survive. Pathetic. Don’t come looking for me again.” Before I could respond, he managed to transport me back to the castle and in front of Shoto’s bedroom door. Tears and ran down my faces as it finally settles in that I will be loosing the man I love.
“Y/N, what’s wrong? Please don’t cry.” That voice..it can’t be.
“SHOTO!” Here he stands looking completely fine and completely different from this morning. “I don’t understand. What happened? I thought you were dying.” I cried.
“I’m fine now, my love. Fuyumi stole cure and gave it to me.” He said, pulling me into his arms. “I’ve been looking for you.”
“I went to Aizawa The Warlock, but he wouldn’t help me Sho.”
“You shouldn’t have went to him alone. That was too dangerous.” Shoto says pulling back to look me in the eyes.
“I know, but I don’t know what I would without you.” I said looking back at him, wiping my tears away.
“You won’t have to, because I am yours.” Shoto said then giving me a gentle kiss.
“And I am yours.” I said after kissing him back.
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