iamghostwriter · 5 years
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‘THE DYNAMIC DUO ARE REUNITED!’ “I was a fiend before I became a teen/I melted microphones instead of cones of ice cream,” Rakim declared, comparing his passion for joining words together to an addiction, on the single “Microphone Fiend,” from 1988 album Follow the Leader. “Music-orientated so when hip-hop was originated/Fitted like pieces of puzzles, complicated.” The rapper's savvy, assured wordplay has always fitted in seamlessly with the samples and beats crafted by DJ Eric B., so it was a big deal when the influential duo from New York finally reunited in 2016 after breaking up in 1993. Stand back and marvel when Eric B. sets the pace as Rakim unravels a density of words into coolly jazzy declamations. “I hold the microphone like a grudge,” Rakim announced on “I Ain't No Joke,” from the duo's 1987 debut, Paid in Full. This is where you can find me this Saturday, I’m throwing down & catching the eighteenth letter, R-A-K-I-M! With Eric B no less! First Wu got together, starting making an album & went on tour....but.... RAKIM & ERIC B ...(and on the 24th, I’ll give you a hint, N-A-S are the letters that spell!) I’m so stoked! First exploding onto the scene way back in the 1980s Eric B and Rakim have become one of the most influential and pioneering groups in the genre the world over. This DJ and MC duo broke new ground with their iconic single, 'Eric B. is President', changing how rhymes and beats work together, Eric B and Rakim began to revolutionise Hip-Hop. After six years and four albums together, the dynamic duo decided to part ways so they could focus on solo projects. But, after 25 years since their last national tour and 30 years since their ground-breaking first album, the god-fathers of hip-hop return to show the world what they've been missing out on! A must see for any hip-hop fan, don't miss Eric B and Rakim when they light up your town. #hiphopgods #ericbandrakim2019 #thefillmorecharlotte #blowtheroofoffthismthafkr #realhiphop #panelscientifix #djhabitual #iknowyougotsoul https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz9Z2S4hlfJ/?igshid=51o3zb1yaxkm
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