#blame my sibling for sending me the vid that caused the senerio that caused this.
gae-bug · 6 months
This is a little bit of a rant about zelda (mainly botw/totk) and is kinda sad but I was thinking if senerios and if I must suffer with the knowledge then so do you- (also pls ignore any typos my phone hates me)
In botw link traveled on his own, fixing a world that had been broken so much. He he knew their were 5 champions and zedla and he was the last if them standing, at that the towns/kingdoms of these people were being terrorized and that he needed to stop it, to destroy Ganon, bring back the peace they once had, peace he had never known, not fully anyway. In in botw he doenst show much emotion, he's simply doing the tasks he knows he must do, occasionally angry or hurt or shocked or deep in thought trying to remember what once was but remembering no more than what was in the pictures. However, in totk he shows a little more emotion. He knows the sword and the duties that come with it, he know he must save hyrule once again and save zelda, but that's just it, he knows, he knows what peace is like, he knows what it's like to live in a world no longer at war and slowly being rebuilt. He has friends, Sidon, Tulin, Riju, Younobo, Zelda. And he failed, Their city's are being terrorized, Zelda is trapped and had to be stuck for thousands if years, and he failed. He couldn't do the one thing he was supposed to, prptect zedla. He failed and he could even land a blow on Gannon, the sword, his only hope was destroyed and he couldn't even grab her hand. It's all gone.
He's traveling alone again, he's used to that feeling. But now it has a much more bitter taste to it. It's no longer a beautiful melody that could be added to, it's a broken and somber song, filled with regret and shame.
When the sages come to help him when he goes to the castle and is about to get hit he's shocked, he raised his arms to block his face but that's all he did. He ha dnithing left to do but defend himself what little he could against the gloom. He knew no one was coming to save him and yet, they did.
He knows the sting if failure, something he knows all to well but not at all. A crushing weight that never leaves, it scars.
Edit: Update! Actually started making a fic thingy bc of this and I don't have jucb if it currently but I would kinda jsut like to share this one Lil bit of it.
"I wasn't built for happiness. I was built to fight, not rest. And yes, they told us rest was important, but not for me… I was never told when to stop. Never told when to take a break. Not until her…"
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