#blah blah blah there's no ethical consumption under capitalism
socialmediasocrates · 8 months
anyone else increasingly thinking they're just kind of done w bioware games at this point
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adinafay · 1 month
It should not be 5X cheaper to buy a replacement for an entire item than just a replacement part for an item.
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Other people: *Debating in the tags about pirating Hazbin because they don't want to support amazon but they're a little pussy 28 year old STARKID fan who tags any mention of Hazbin Hotel with a trigger and content warning while they're whining about their fear of being caught by big bezos*
Me, already had an audible account for convenient, accessible reading, begrudgingly signed up for a Prime account of my own after using a family members, clocking the sheer amount of A24 films they already had in their catalogue and connecting the dots in the pit of my stomach before they even made the big announcement because I Knew, reasoning to myself that this was a beneficial thing even before the big conformation happened, because even if it didn't, now I could get access to all those Exclusive Monster High Dolls anyway, and will keep my account even after Hazbin is over, because now I have a reason to keep reading and buying my dolls without feeling guilty, and could even watch other Adult Shows too (like the new Rachel Weisz/David Cronenberg 'Dead Ringers' mini series): How insightful Schaffrillas please get another hobby soon.
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pro-prin-prinny · 1 year
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rickfucker · 6 months
i see a lot of negativity about the latest rick & morty episode. i get it, soylent green, blah blah blah.
my interpretation of suicide being factored into the episode (which some people seem offput by, saying it was crude or unwarranted) is that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. i feel like they make this message pretty clear, given the way the government jumps at the opportunity to incentivize suicide for profit. it's also pretty topical given the state of canada pushing it's 'ethical' euthanasia recently. (i do personally support doctor assisted euthanasia but i've read a lot of really bad personal experiences from people with mental health issues specifically dealing with canada's healthcare system. it's a nuanced issue!)
they use suicide as the tool here because it can be viewed as the only way to somehow warrant a corpse being desecrated (woof). they chose to give up their life, so is their body still theirs? the obvious answer here is yes. even if a body creates the most delicious spaghetti you'll ever eat, you don't have the right to eat that spaghetti, man. it is kind of crude by nature but i think they deal with it in a sensitive and smart enough way with that montage sequence.
the point is, the responsibility doesn't fall on the individual, but on the system. as long as capitalism has its hold on a governing body, profits over people, there will always be suffering on its food chain. slave labor to make your clothes, cruelty to farm animals that you eat, CEO's and government officials making billions while the wealth gap only increases, CO2 emissions to deliver your packages, etc. etc. you get the idea.
i liked the episode a lot. plus the oasis cover during the life montage was really nice and touching. i'm a sucker for a good song!
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just gonna say it bc I'm seeing "oh ew Misha Collins is a genocide denier we cant be funny about him on Tumblr . Com " takes around alot rn: you're not WRONG. however, are you also applying that logic to Taika Waititi, or to David Tennant bc his wife has BEEN SEEN AT PRO-ZIONISM RALLIES? Or Neil Gaiman's repeated "neutrality" on the issue? What about Rick Riordan?
Or does this only apply to an actor that you already dislike for other reasons?
Either be honest about this issue with yourself and with your own faves, or take a "no ethical consumption under capitalism" approach, or tag ur memes abt these actors to make your views clear, dont financially support them
my best advice? take that anger you feel at these rich men who will never ever be affected by you, and that anger at strangers who post about them online
and use it in your community. march, rally, organize, raise funds, occupy campuses, FUCK do we need more ppl out here.
and if being in fandoms and memeing on fandoms and blah blah blah fandoms is what gives you the energy to show up and march and scream and speak out, come home and do it again the next day...
make real change, take real action, pirate content if the creators suck, dont give $ to shitheads, and dont worry about if posting Funny Destiel Meme Trend can make you evil.
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rovermcfly · 1 year
no ethical consumption under capitalism blah blah yes but that doesn't mean you should feel encouraged to buy fast fashion and buy everything new just because. it is inevitable that as a consumer under capitalism you will buy things that were produced in a way that is not ethical and that doesn't make the consumer amoral. but if you just buy clothes or decorations or makeup whenever and from wherever bc it's a trend rn, bc it's fashion, bc it's a new thing and you absolve yourself of responsibility by saying "well there is no ethical consumption under capitalism anyway" you are maybe not a very big, but still a part of the problem. you need to stop seeing yourself as nothing but a consumer. you don't need to follow trends, you don't need a 20 step skincare and 30 step makeup routine and a monthly fashion haul to express yourself. you don't need to buy a different curling iron every 3 months bc they came out with a slightly different technology. you don't need that pair of shoes from h&m to complete your "punk" look. you need to learn to live with what you have and need, need to realise why you want certain things, why you feel this urge to always buy new things. especially if you claim to be punk or follow other alt subcultures. you can't buy yourself into having a personality, you gotta figure out who you are without just emulating what others look like and hoping the reproducibility and therefore recognisability of the look will sufficiently communicate an idea of an identity. we all need to learn how to be individuals who don't need our favourite internet personality to tell us where they bought their shirt so we can buy it and feel like that says something about who we are. who you are is not gonna be on a rack at primark. you won't find your identity and personality in an online store. and that goes beyond fashion, it goes for everything you buy, everything you see an ad for and think owning it will fill the hole in your life where your comfort with yourself should be. and I'm not saying buy nothing ever again, you can make some stupid useless purchases if it brings you joy, but really think about when you buy things why you do it and if maybe there are alternatives (like buying sth used bc you do need it but it absolutely doesn't have to be new, just moving furniture around instead of buying new stuff, not actually buying sth bc it is useless and you won't use it so it just creates waste, borrowing sth bc you only need it once). you can start fighting capitalism by starting with yourself, even if you aren't the biggest issue out there, you can still make an effort to make good choices, change your mindset and maybe help move a general mindset away from consumerism, bc the anti-capitalist revolution or whatever you wanna call it cannot happen if every individual cannot stop thinking of themselves as a consumer. that change can absolutely start with just you.
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cyberthot666 · 2 years
like yes we live in a society and there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism blah blah blah but porn is one of the few things that is so easy NOT to consume. which is why the excuses to continue are so pathetic every time.
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sereniv · 10 months
it fucking sucks actually taking the time to research and learn new terms and push your brain to the limit just so you can be informed on actual important stuff that has a literal impact on people and the planet
all for people to disregard it and go off of something they heard from someone who benifits off these industries
like fuck you! stop acting like you care! stop being a little bitch and suck up the fact that you might be part of a problem
literally we are all part of some problem! im part of problems! and i accept it and move on to doing my best to not support those things
Its like you have to coddle and hold peoples hand and tell them "no its ok im not mad, we arent mad at you, you arent a bad person, baby steps its ok take it slow blah blah "
like these people act like fucking children FR
grow up! you arent evil! you live in a society
like we all do
no ethical consumption under capitalism
but that doesnt mean try
and dont try and twist "try" into anything but what it is and that is: What you can do that is not detrimental to your wellbeing
im so grumpy rn im tired i try and hold peoples hand and write novels and its like
you put in 100% and they put in 0.
anyway, doing your best is even accepting that youre already doing it. doing your best is little steps, and backing out when it gets too hard doing your best is revisiting your best and see if can do more. all at your own pace
oh but thats still too much to ask! i wonder why 🤔 pretty convenient
It gets more depressing every time i see people mindlessly say shit without a literal second thought
leftists end up sounding like right wingers. literally. you turn into climate deniers. you turn into people who suddenly dont know what supply and demand is or boycotting
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catt-crossing · 1 year
Rant, tw just going off about hp because some people ik are so stupid about it :/
throwing myself into a volcano rn like in a discord server im in, people were discussing the goddamn hp game and how "yeah jkr is gross and bad :( but so are other game companies who treat their employees like shit such as blizzard and there's no ethical consumption under capitalism" and blah blah blah. and im like lmao throwing myself in front of a bus rn because people do not understand shit and im not great at arguing :/ but like this one person, same person, was like "i boycott nestle and even though it doesn't help much in the grand scheme of things i feel a little bit better so if people feel better by boycotting a game then that's fine :) " like shut the fuck up. 🙄 idk. She tried to argue that it doesn't help when people support other bad companies and therefore no one is better than anyone else for not buying a video game. like 🙄 part of me wants to bee like shut the fuck up and find a new goddamn interest.
Idk it just comes across to me more as justifying why they can have the game and "it's fine because there's other things made by bad people out there and no one else receives the same hatred for buying/pirating their products :( "(not something anyone said but just quoting it so u know i don't beelieve it)
im just really frustrated rn because i feel like she's still in the wrong and so are the others talking about it (except for two who were like nah fuck that) but i just don't know how to word what id want to say so I'm just, here like
Going to explode!!!!!!!!!
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floridensis · 2 years
yes, the massive popularity of pleather is totally because of vegans and not because its like leather but cheaper. youre so smart and insightful. i guess ill go buy some chrome tanned leather now so i can be environmentally conscious
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greengay · 3 years
still have my billie joe x antivaxx neo-nazi eyeliner too
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but i DO love both of these together tbh
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moonlightduelist · 3 years
ppl online are like ”death to jeff bezos!” while ordering their toilet paper from amazon.
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also re: this post, I think this current model of “being a fan of X” as described in that post might be a good explanatory model for why it’s so common to see people put “dni if you like X Y Z media” in their bios/carrds. It’s not that the act of consuming disturbing, violent, hateful, or more nebulously “problematic” content is in itself morally reprehensible (setting aside the financial element for a moment - assume you are pirating the thing you’re consuming and therefore not supporting it monetarily) but rather that the way people choose to express that consumption online encourages people to attach their worth, identity, and online relevance to said thing. like how dare YOU choose to market yourself and your blog via Harry Potter. you’re seriously attaching your “brand” to that garbage? You are on some level endorsing it, no matter how critical you position yourself within the HP fandom space, much the same way that B99 is copaganda no matter how “critical” it is of the police. In fact that criticality serves as a moral pass to the audience, lampshading the shame of consuming art with a reprehensible message by calling attention to its own moral rot.
which also isn’t to say “go out and consume whatever, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, blah blah blah.” I am also distrustful of people who have HP blogs. but my distrust isn’t based in their decision to consume; it’s the fact that people are choosing to be unpaid online brand ambassadors to a thing that is morally reprehensible and made by a culturally powerful person, going so far as to attach their identity to said thing in an effort to market it (and therefore market themselves online). you don’t get paid to write fanfiction or fawning essays of HP, but you do get engagement returns in terms of followers, likes, reblogs, kudos/comments, etc, which enlarges your presence in the “market” of fandom online.
like I’ve had a difficult time expressing what the difference is between, say, consuming Harry Potter (bad) and consuming MCU content (good, or at least not immediately objectionable). I don’t think there’s actually a clear line. In fact I’m even sympathetic to the argument that Marvel is equally harmful because of its central role in US military propaganda. Because like yeah, if you pirate all of it and never pay a single cent towards the thing you’re consuming, that is a private matter with no material moral consequences. but the act of publicly performing your fan-ness online contributes to its enduring cultural presence, something that is incentivised by the profit-driven algorithms of social media.
I’m not above this either! I would have a legitimately hard time distancing myself completely from The Mandalorian online should Jon Favreau come out as a terf or whatever. that’s my “brand” on here so to speak. Without it I’m just another guy online in an endless sea of guys, searching for the next acceptable piece of media to consume and use to market myself to other people.
If this post sounds indecisive it’s because it is. I don’t have a settled opinion on the matter and I don’t think a one size fits all approach will work regardless of where you fall on this topic. But I think people get bogged down in determining the moral worth of their own consumption (as if it’s a point system that you can quantify or measure) instead of on, like, how deeply unhealthy and fucked up this way of engaging with media often is, not just individually but on a collective level. I have contradictory opinions on it that are probably obvious in this post, and I don’t know how to square them with one another, or if that’s even possible.
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tellywoodtrash · 3 years
balh2 31.08.21 lb
priya stops the auto to let ram in, but he's whisked away in the now-fixed car by his posse, and she's like yeahhhhhhh seems about right for rich ppl, and goes her way.
very subtle playing of song show title is based on. ram hums along happily while priya tells auto bhaiyya to pls turn it off. lol she really does hate any type of sentimentality, and i'm here for this peak grumpy girl representation.
blah blah time waste establishing ram's family. aaaaaaaaaand they have shubhaavi choksey playing his mom when she's the same age as him irl. wonderful. best. very nice. i'm not angry about this at all.
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snobby rich ppl greeting exchange. air kisses missing.
priya comes home to discover maitreyi and her husband are visiting. she just ignores them and walks into her room.
meanwhile ram walks into heartache after heartache. ek toh sagaai went on without him, and shivi's toast is only for her other brother shubham and her mom and her besties. (one of whom looks very familiar, where do i know her from???????) anyway someone give ram a (non-vegan) cupcake to feel better from having a shitty fam.
vedu notices ram and points him out to shivi, who's suddenly all RAM BHAIIIIIIIIIIIII, MY BIGGEST SUPPORTERRRRRRRR. pssssh.
oh btw, that fucker who wanted to use that totally non happening video for blackmail seems to be vedu's husband/???
ponky from naagin 5 is a friend of ram's. but he's a literal fetus???? i'd have thought he was a younger brother ala rudra.
priya's brother has his fucking shoes on her bed and mereko jo gussa aa raha hai na by goddddddd. YOU JUST CAME IN FROM THE FUCKING RAIN YOU DIRTYASS............
anyway priya's like idgaf that maitreyi married my ex bf.
"humein khush rehne ke liye kisi ki zaroorat nahi hoti." she's saying words i agree with, but show immediately cops out by showing her tearing up and blubbering "i don't need anyone, i'm fiiiiiiiiiine" unconvincingly. guh. idk if i'm gonna be able to watch this show if it keeps diluting its messages like this.
ram toh udhar giving lecture on baarish. BRO ENOUGH. I AM SO DONE WITH THIS TOPIC OF CONVERSATION. itna toh baarish se lagaan ke champaaner waalon ko pyaar nahi tha jitna iss show mein log karte hain.
priya doing a very convincing mimickry of kinda pretentious maitreyi to entertain one new younger sibling. how many fucking siblings does priya have??????? (too fuckin many, is the answer.)
i do not appreciate the characterization of ram's chamcha friend's wife as a nagging ball and chain type.
new mangatar and bitchy shubham are snidely remarking about ram and his bechaara broken dil thanks to vedika.
ok if shivaay was obnoxiously self assured, ram is just......... almost annoyingly roll over and show your belly type of soft and diplomatic and people pleasing. only extremes for nakuul sir i guess.
adi's wife (brinda?) catches him looking out into baarish and shedding a few silent tears, and she's here to nag HIM now about getting a wife. yes brinda, because you make marriage look like SUCHHHHH AN APPEALING PROSPECT.
ram's like no i don't need anyone and then wistfully stares at vedu saying i'll never find someone who loves like she does her husband.
brinda's like it's all fake, dude. real couples fight and argue and cuss at each other and wow.... i think brinda and adi might need couples' counseling coz..... you're not SUPPOSED to be so complacent about your marriage being so dysfunctional.
oh breakup was 6-7 saal pehle. ok yeah sir you should have gotten over it by now. therapy for you too.
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priya refuses to have ice cream because of her principles against capitalism. which............... ok??? there's no ethical consumption under capitalism, sis. just eat the overpriced ice cream.
just realised that the eldest sister is played by the actress who was jai's elder sister in just mohabbat.
anyway eldest sister (sara) and youngest sister (sandy) are team!priya over maitreyi.
priya is as anti-shaadi as me and asks sara if she's happy (priya clearly doesn't think much of sara's husband who leaves all the child-rearing to her, in addition to running the bakery) and sara's like "maate, mujhpe mat shuru ho jaate, pls" snort. yeah, no one likes their bad choices rubbed in their faces.
oh, their dad ran away after allll the betiyaan and married someone else. zindagi gulzar hai sitch hai.
more of priya asserting that she's happy single and show undermining her with the music cues and character reactions. fuck this messaging. why can't it be that she's genuinely happy single and ram is just a good complementary partner she finds and decides to change her mind about marriage coz that's what they want for themselves. i hate this black and white nonsense.
sisters are forcing priya to go on a date (with whom?????) and the scene just cuts off awkwardly.
ram has PINK shoes on today. man this is so a nakuul thing, this one (1) atrangi styling element of an otherwise formally dressed man.
ram also being set up on date by adi/brinda. should be with someone else, i guess. i don't think brinda and priya run in the same circles.
ram is right in that the least these ppl could do is ask consent before setting it all up.
priya is grumpily refusing to do any thaam jhaam dress up for date. good for her.
lol @ sara trying to sneak away priya's beloved raincoat.
anyway psych 101 shit ki priya has confidence issues and is so down on herself that she rejects everyone before they can reject her.
lmao priya is me at hearing the date is in some hoity toity place where they give small portions for exorbitant amounts of money.
sara di gets call ki some "unhone" didn't pay their share of bakery emi? the nikkamma husband? or some other business partner??
priya is out on warpath to go confront that person.
she's psyching herself up outside their door. i think it's her dad?
ok dad's a rudeass fuck. he's all she's not my daughter, but all ready to dole out thappads when she says it like it is. sperm donors like these should be kneed in the nads.
idgi tho? there's ONE beta there tho???? is akshay not his biological son?????
anyway, priya is right in thinking men suck. #yesAllMen
precap: her date niiiiiiicely validates the misandry by being a fucking jerk. looks like ram is cheering her up in a sweet moment? priya catches akshay getting cosy with.... shivi i guess??? idk all these girls look the same to me. #faceblindness
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crocgirl420 · 3 years
There is no ethical consumption under capitalism blah blah blah but like you guys could try a LITTLE bit
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