#bioshock infinite vigors
lesser-mook · 7 months
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shock jockey concept art (bioshock infinite)
Love the organic crystallization mutation.
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drawnbyphilip · 8 months
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“With Possession, the free will of your enemies matters no more. Make your foes blindly fight and die for you!’ -Vigor ad from Bioshock Infinite
Drawing each of the vigor bottles was an absolute blast. I hope there’s still Bioshock fans out there!
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konakoro · 5 months
It's been long enough, are we good with saying Bioshock Infinite has decent gameplay and an absolutely terrible story
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div-divington · 2 years
I like how most Plasmids and Vigors were intended to serve utilitarian, common purposes before Rapture and Columbia respectively went to shit. Electro-Bolt and Shock Jockey were for electrical work, Incinerate! and Devil's Kiss were for cooking and lighting cigarettes I guess, Winter Blast and Old Man Winter were for cooking drinks and stuff. And in Rapture, after the Civil War started, combat Plasmids were frequently invented.
But. Insect Swarm and Murder of Crows serve zero practical purpose in polite society. Both were created before their respective cities went down the drain. They existed just to royally screw over your neighbours I guess. Like somebody at Ryan Industries/Fink Manufacturing chose violence without any hesitation and that shit made it past R&D. Iconic.
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maxwaspace · 4 months
Splicer's Delight (4/2)
Unused content
Removed Plasmids
Aggressor Irritant
Parasitic Healing
Speed Booster
Removed Gene Tonics
Shutdown Expert
Organic Pockets
EVE Auto Hack
Piercing Damage Over Time
Staggering Blow
Gatherer Harvest Bonus
Removed Vigors
Electric Touch
Fungal Healing
Ghost Touch
Kinetic Overflow
Spider Trap
Weapon Slave
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heav3nb9by · 10 months
haizzz I missed Bioshock again…
but anyways, these vigor bottles designs ATE and I have always wanted the Murder of Crows ability 😫.
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pabsterthelobster · 2 years
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In late August 2016, in the leadup to the release of BioShock: The Collection, developer 2K Games asked BioShock fans online through their blog to design a new type of Vigor, with the design of the bottle being recreated in real life and sent out to the winner of the contest.
The winning entry of the contest was Ernesto Moreno with his Vigor idea "Parasite". As its name implies, its abilities involve sapping an enemy's health to heal yourself up, with the bottle representing this by using a spider motif. The IRL bottle was made by 2K asset designer Jason Babler, and was showcased in late September in a step-by-step showcase. The blog post containing said showcasing has seemingly been deleted, but the step-by-step photos can be found on articles reporting on the contest, such as one by IGN.
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redeyeflyguy · 1 year
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Wonderful Things That May Or May Not Be Wonderful A big part of the Bioshock trilogy is the powers that you can wield in your hand that's not pressed up against a trigger. If I had to name my favorite Plasmid/Vigor/actually just Plasmid, it would have to be Bioshock Infinite's Undertow. Tap the trigger and send out a splash of water that pushes enemies away. Not too impressive but then you remember that Infinite takes place on a floating island in the sky and all the terminal velocity causing possibilities that entails. Even better, if you charge it up, you can lock on to multiple enemies and reel them all in for maximum punishment via firearm or a one way trip to the ground. It's like having the force if it was themed around the ocean and tentacles...and that's #wonderful!
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chargeaznable · 2 years
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strangesmallbard · 1 day
btw i started bioshock infinite and it’s at least 30% worse than i remember it being when i initially played in 2014, especially compared to the first two games. story-wise, i think a lot actually comes down to game design; for example, plasmids having narrative significance while vigors don’t really have the same. and considering that the first two games ignore racism & white supremacy almost entirely, its framing in bioshock infinite has a really shaky foundation. as a result, the in-game racism of columbia has more shock value than narrative significance overall. this aspect, as many have already said, only serves to alienate fans who are black, chinese, and/or indigenous american.
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 10 months
Just finished BioShock Infinite, and oh my god, did it feel like a chore.
I see why most people tell you to play it like it isn't a bioshock game.
Spoilers below by the way
The fact that rapture, the little sisters, big daddies, and pretty much anything that has to do with BioShock 1 and 2 is only really given a throw away scene for maybe 3 minutes in the base game and given two dlc stories instead of a spotlight is insane to me.
Also, the fact that they jumped from two games with a very heavy "choices matter" and have an impact on the games ending." To "well nothing really matters so fuck it." Hurts.
It was also very convoluted, and it tried to go for this deep message without giving us a reason to care.
Also quick fire-
• I don't understand the racism aspect in the game, like maybe I'm just missing something or its period typical, but it made me uncomfortable.
•The religious aspect is tiring after about five minutes. It was just. So. Boring.
•Elizabeth gets super unlikable after the main story. I have a hard time feeling bad for her.
EDIT- ALSO the replacement from plasmids, EVEs, and ADAM to salts, vigor, and the drinks was also jaring an upsetting.
I know people love this game, and I don't exclusively hate it. I was just underwhelmed and disappointed.
I did like Booker and his character design/ voice actor. All the designs in infinite are very unique and visually appealing. I love the idea of Columbia being the opposite of rapture. There's probably more but I'm very tired lol.
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drawnbyphilip · 7 months
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My drawings of all the Vigors from Bioshock Infinite! (Plus the 3 “Drinkable Plasmids” from Burial at Sea)
I’m so excited with how these came out, they’re definitely my favorite set so far. I was really excited to list these in my shop - Hope there’s still Bioshock fans out there :D
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wjbs-aus · 7 months
If we ever get a ground-up remake of Bioshock, I really hope they add in the Plasmid/Gun dual-wielding from 2 and Infinite. Having to swap between Doing A Shoot and Doing A Bees is one of the many things I dislike about the first game.
Especially since they could handle Jack's inability to one-hand larger guns* in a similar way to Infinite, where Booker only takes the supporting hand off two-handed guns (e.g the Shotgun/Heater or Sniper Rifle/Bird's Eye) when firing/charging a Vigor or during idle-animations.
*since, unlike Delta, Jack is just a regular guy.
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yourpalbubs · 3 months
I don't think that I've seen this talked about much anywhere so I would like to share it as it popped right into my brain since I've been playing through the bioshock games again after a while, also if I'm saying anything obvious or just plain wrong please feel free to just yell at me later but please read the rest my brain vomit first please?
I believe that in ingesting vigors throughout bioshock infinite and the two Burial At Sea DLCs that there are more effects than just the character's hands changing. Like we should've seen more effects on their bodies than just Elizabeth turning invisible with Peeping Tom in BAS part 2
I mean, both of the Bookers and Elizabeth down the vigors like the aunt on your mother's side would down a bottle of wine at every family reunion to be honest and since they are ingesting it compared to injecting it there should be more side effects of the powers showing up on them. I mean look at the splicers, they just inject the crud into them and look how they mutate from whatever plasmids they use, and viggors supposedly use more ADAM to make and thus more EVE/SALTS to use them so there should be more physical changes than whatever happens to their hands when they use the powers as it literally stops ranging from only a little past the wrist to only 1/3 of the way down the forearm when you see them in use in game.
Since they are drinking the vigors I think that it would also make the effects of the vigors power show up on their faces/throughout the rest of their bodies while having them equipped/in use. I do have some ideas on how they would look in effecting both Bookers and Elizabeth so I'll put them down in a list so you can imagine what I'm thinking about when I mean 'vigors should have more noticeable effects on the body'.
Possession makes the users skin become slightly translucent, skin losing bright liveliness to it and becoming pale as if drained of blood. a green shine glimmers over the eyes aswell as turning the lips and inner mouth a lighter green from injesting it in the first place, a faint green mist around them as if they were under Possessions effects themselves but to a less noticeable extent compared to seeing it in use in game.
Devils Kiss burns the skin and flesh away from the users mouth, cheeks, and down the throat, leaving charred bone and a maw of volatile heat as embers flicker off from the areas of burning but not completely charred parts of skin and flesh much like you see happen to both Bookers hands.
Murder Of Crows causes feathers to bloom not just up the arms like in game but also to sprout down the back and sides of the neck aswell as both sides of the face where sideburns would grow on the user, random loose feathers becoming tangled in hair/sprouting alongside hair of the user. Eyes becoming darker and beadier like a Crows would as skin around the eyes and down the sides of the face/down the neck aswell as the lips darken like you can see when Murder Of Crows is in use.
Bucking Bronco causes chunks of the users skin aswell as flesh to ripple and quake, floating and disconnected yet still sticking close together as the effect traces up the neck, rippling around the cheeks and up to the forehead in various sections as it tends to spare some chunks of skin and lift others like the effect does in game with the gravity displacing effect/glow included, lips mostly unaffected with the occasional ripple of some chunks floating time to time.
Shock Jockey causes crystals to sprout sporadically all around the skin of the user, electricity tracing under the skin as it lights it up like the body of the user itself is being electrocuted but with none of bad effects of being electrocuted at all, skin growing the purple and blue tint it does in game all around the body in various splotches aswell as changing the lip color alongside it to that purple blue splotchy color. Bonus, static electricity hair
Charge engulfs the entire body of the user with wind, it twirling and spinning non-stop around the entire body, the spinning air being faintly noticeable around the legs and chest but extremely apparent around the hands like in game but aswell as a pair of twirling, raging cyclones coalescing around the temples like ram horns much like the short advertisement showed in game after drinking it in game.
Undertow causes many holes to ripple open all around the body of the user much like it does in game, holes appearing even along the sholders, chest, aswell as opening holes right into the mouth from the cheeks (or even from under the jaw and the neck itself for the body horror factor) as tendrils of water can arc from one of the many openings and connect to another much like a hose conecting from an oxygen tank to a diving suit, water also able to be seen rippling around the body wherever it wishes to, skin becomes rather slick and paler looking, as if the user had drowned but didn't die, eyes becoming bloodshot due to the drowned like state.
Return to Sender causes the skin of the user to fade away in splotches, revealing metallic like bones much like it does in game, the spirals much like the trap itself being charged spinning around their head much like electrons would around an atom, the spirals itself illuminating their head as if it was the trap itself, bullets and other used ammo spinning and hovering around their head like the trash in space would do around our planet. lips becoming the black silvery color of the skin fading away on the users hands when using the vigor.
Old Man Winter causes the users body to become frozen, skin becoming bloodless pale as a blue icy tint replaces the life in the users skin, eyes becoming dead-like much like a body in a mourge would as chunks of ice sprout and spike up on various parts of the body.
Peeping Tom naturally turns the user invisible so there's no changes there exept for the user being naturally semi-transparent, being able to see through them but more like looking at yourself through a reflection of yours on a window, seeing through them but not to the point of not being able to see the user at all unless they are actively using the vigor itself.
Ironsides, much like Return to Sender, causes the skin of the user to fade away in splotches, revealing metallic like bones much like it does in game, the spirals much like the trap itself being charged spinning around their head but instead of the golden and black tint of Return to Sender it would be the blue white and black tint of Ironsides itself, lips also becoming the black silvery color of the skin fading away when using the vigor.
If I had the ability to draw then I would love to draw them out and show it off, it just sucks that I don't have the confidence to do it, atleast I could share my ideas to my best abilities.
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maxwaspace · 1 year
Splicer's Delight (3/2)
Bucking Bronco
Devil's Kiss
Murder of Crows
Return to Sender
Shock Jockey
Plant Peeper
Dead Ringer
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dumbass-duo-showdown · 10 months
No dammit
Why bioshock peak game
1: what even is bioshock
Bioshock is a narrative driven FPS horror adjacent shooter franchise with 3 games (1,2 and bioshock infinite) All exploring themes of different ideologies. The first two games, the dlc of the 3rd game, and the tie in prequel novel takes place in the same underwater city, Rapture, meanwhile the 3rd game takes place in the sky city of Columbia (no, not the capital of the USA), it explores mainly ideas of free choice, basically roasts Atlas Shrugged for the first game, 2 focuses more on collectivism, and infinite more on religious extremism.
2; setting
Not talking about bioshock’s settings is like talking about fire emblem and ignoring how it’s basically chess but with anime character. The first two games are in a dystopia. An art deco dystopia where the world has been turned upside. Meanwhile Columbia, unlike its previous counterpart is all bright and sunny, you can sense that something is wrong. Each part of Rapture showcases the minds of the great (medicine, botany, entertainment) but twisted, you’re shown the remains of what’s left. It’s even shown more in 2 because it’s 10 years after the original game.
3: gameplay
Now bioshock uses both “magic” called plasmids (and vigors in infinite) and regular weapons like a wrench, a machine gun, a chemical blower, and crossbow. It also got a hacking system in one you will either love or hate. Now one way you learn about the lore about bioshock is via audio tapes, which makes you want to explore the parts of the game more.
Also the themes of choice, this will go down into the next part
4. Enemies
This is mainly about the big daddies! Basically, they’re the icon of bioshock, even more than Ryan, Elizabeth, and Atlas. They’re 7ft tall men in a diving suit. In the second game you even play as one! Then there’s also other enemies like the splicers (aka the people who remain after rapture who isn’t a main character you can’t kill), the handymen (from infinite, are men “cured” of their illness only for them to be extremely sensitive to everything and stuck in a metal suit), and of course. The little sisters, present in bioshock 1&2, they’re What the big daddies protect.
That’s all I can say before I go so far.
Part 5: voice acting
Now for a game where most of the dialogue is via audio logs, bioshock sure has amazing voice acting. Everything from the speech at the start of the game to the speech at the end. Every characters voice is memorable. But I warn you, if you’re a persona fan, playing infinite is just “kanji is morally not as good and has a gun”
Part 6: characters
It has some really great characters, not like you will like them, rather that they’re just well written. Everyone from the main antagonist to the character with 3 audio logs. Even background characters in infinite. You get a sense that they were people.
Part 7: conclusion
It’s great! Just, have a strong graphics card if you’re playing on pc
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