#bigby wolf > open starters
empathiie · 4 months
plotting/starter call for the hwminievent6! under the cut are my characters, their dates, and their vibes for the night. 💗 capping the starters at four per character for now!
abby anderson -- blind date with josie saltzman. (1/4) urumi akamaki.
abby will be on a blind date with josie. abby is still getting used to a world that's normal and not post-apocalyptic, so they may be a bit uncomfortable at first only to open up later in the night.
alicia clark -- blind date with adam torres. (1/4) ramona flowers.
alicia will be on a blind date with adam. she is more outgoing and willing to enjoy herself at an event like this, so she'll probably have a fun time; making the most of the night.
bella swan -- blind date with brinna javik. (1/4) alice cullen.
bella will be on a blind date with brinna. even though she's a generally awkward person, she's eager to spend the evening with someone new and go outside of her comfort zone.
beth washington -- open to a date. (2/4) emily davis, max lightwood.
beth is actually excited for this event. i'd love to see her go with someone or find someone to spend the majority of the event with! she will be enjoying the party and wishing that she at least had her brother or sister there with her.
bigby wolf -- attending with snow white. (1/4) danika fendyr.
bigby is attending with snow. he won't exactly be in Big Bad Wolf Mode, but he'll be protective of her, of course, and will be on the lookout for any trouble or chaos that might happen during the event.
dora tonks -- blind date with bb-8. (2/4) eloise bridgerton, hagrid.
dora will be on a blind date with bb-8. she's actually looking forward to this blind date and getting to meet new people, even if the vibe of the event is ~romantic~. she'll also want to be seeing her friends and family and may even introduce them to her date.
draco malfoy -- going solo. (4/4) rabastan lestrange, hermione granger, harry potter, scorpius malfoy.
draco is going solo. but he has big feelings for lee jordan, and will probably spend most of the night bickering with him about complete and utter nonsense. also, he'll probably be drinking. a lot.
garrett -- attending with kate. (1/4) irina.
garrett is attending with kate. he loves a good party and will be making the most of it, socializing and getting to know other vampires. he won't be paying as much attention to the humans, given his current circumstances.
jyn erso -- attending with cassian andor. (3/4) ellie williams, ansel of briarcliff, sha hualing.
jyn is attending with cassian. she's still a bit wary of washington itself, having heard of the craziness that occasionally takes place here. cassian is her safe place, so she'll want to stay by his side.
louis weasley -- attending with wednesday addams. (2/4) fleur delacour, bill weasley.
louis is attending with wednesday. and in all honesty, he probably dragged her to the event kicking and screaming. he's looking forward to spending the evening with her, and showing her off to all of his friends and family. he knows how to have a good time, and will make sure that he does, as long as he has wednesday by his side.
luna lovegood -- attending with neville longbottom. (2/4) cho chang, lee hongjo.
luna is attending with neville. she's incredibly excited to go, having a deep love for most holidays. she will be all dolled up and is excited to see everyone!
maggie greene rhee -- going solo. (1/4) rosita espinosa.
maggie is going solo. however, she'll probably stay close to glenn, since he IS her husband, after all. she'll also want to make sure that no trouble arises. she does love valentine's day and will be enjoying herself at the same time, though she won't get crazy with it. she just wants to have fun on her mom's night out!
mike schmidt -- open to a date. (2/4) charlotte dilaurentis, jester lavorre.
mike isn't super eager to be attending the valentine's day event, honestly. he hasn't had a lot of romance in his life, which is part of why he plans on going alone. i'd love to have a date for him, though, to enjoy the night with! he's a big softy on the inside, and would be sweet to spend time with once he gets past his shyness.
rey palpatine -- attending with fred weasley ii. (3/4) samara palpatine, leia organa, han solo.
rey is attending with fred. she is super excited to get to know them better and to spend more time with them, especially at an event like this. she'll also be checking in with her friends and family to make sure that they're having a good time, too.
rhaenyra targaryen -- attending with harwin strong. (2/4) lidia cervos, penelope garcia.
rhaenyra is attending with harwin. they're ready for a night out away from the kids, though they love their children, a date night with their husband is very much needed.
theon greyjoy -- attending with sansa stark. (2/4) ridoc, filippa kosta.
theon is attending with sansa. and will be spending the majority of the event by her side. he's a little bit on the reserved side and will want to stay within his comfort zone, which is with sansa or other people that he knows.
will graham -- going solo. (1/4) yennefer.
will is going solo. despite this, he may gravitate towards someone that he feels a connection with. however, he will likely spend most of the night alone, or at least ~trying~ to socialize.
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bigboywolf · 9 months
              and there’s BLOOD embedded in the crevices along my finger nails. try as I might, I can NEVER get my hands completely CLEAN. 
ᵈᵃ ˢᵉˡᵛᵃ ᵃ ᵒʳᵈᵉᵐ.
Bigby Wolf é o nome adotado pelo Lobo Mau quando este se mudou para o mundo humano no reino de Tão Tão Distante. Bigby era filho de uma loba chamada Inverno e uma deidade conhecida somente como Vento Norte. Após um breve romance, Vento Norte abandonou Inverno, que logo adoeceu e pariu sete filhotes. Ela tentou cuidar deles o máximo que pôde, mas acabou morrendo. Não tardou para os irmãos saírem dali… Exceto por Bigby, que ficou lá, junto com o cadáver de Inverno. Abandonado pelos irmãos, jovem e fraco, ele não conseguiu evitar que Inverno fosse achada e roubada dele. Desde então, Bigby jurou ser maior e mais forte, e passou a caçar monstros e bestas. Sempre que matava um, ele começava a buscar um monstro maior e mais forte ainda, e por sua vez, ficando cada vez mais forte com sua experiência. Ele aprendeu seus poderes de evocar o vento durante sua caça aos Três Porquinhos. Depois de uma tentativa falha de devorar Chapeuzinho Vermelho, ele começou a caçar humanos, os favorecendo como presa ideal. Durante suas viagens, ele encontrou Vento Norte, seu pai. Ele o atacou, buscando se vingar de ter abandonado Inverno, Bigby e seus irmãos. Porém, ele não foi capaz de encarar o pai divino, que o derrotou facilmente. Depois disso, ele fez um segundo juramento: De enterrar tudo que tivera a ver com sua mãe e seu pai, e esquecer de tudo. Ele começou a causar terror e massacres por todo o mundo, construindo uma terrível reputação para si, até que houve a chegada do Rei. Durante o terrível genocídio que ocorreu, ele reencontrou uma jovem mulher chamada Red, que forçosamente o transformou em um ser humano novamente. Relutantemente concordando em ajudar a ele foi se tornando cada vez mais humano. Hoje, enquanto vive no mundo "real", ele tem o cargo de polícial, tendo de manter a ordem, e ele se resignou a uma vida humana, e de manter a justiça e paz, em vez de matar e causar destruição.
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐩'𝐬 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠. / VISAGE.
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐫𝐭. / INSPO.
𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫? [...] 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐭. / INTERACTION.
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭. / FAIRY TALE.
𝐢 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐥. / OPEN INTERACTION.
𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮. / MUSING.
𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐩𝐞𝐭. / STARTER CALL. 
𝐢 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐟 𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝. / DYNAMICS.
𝐬𝐢𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐬 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. / INTERACTION W:
𝐡𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐧' 𝐩𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐬. / ASK MEME. 
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
a bigby wolf (the wolf among us) OPEN STARTER appears!
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      The bourbon used to burn going down his throat, he supposed, once upon a time. But that had been a long, long while ago; before they had left the Homelands. Before he had acquired this reputation that only struck fear into other Fables now - the people of this world knew nothing of the reality of fairy tales, knew nothing of how the Big Bad Wolf was real, and how feared he was even now as he tried to make amends for his past.
      The bourbon didn’t burn his throat anymore, and a good part of him wishes he could remember a time when it didn’t.
      “I do my job as best I can. If people get hurt, I can’t be takin’ the full fuckin’ blame for it. I’m one man in charge of keeping a town of hundreds safe; I don’t have a single lick of help, and I can’t just let the human cops take care of it, they wouldn’t know what they’re dealing with.” He finished off the bourbon. “So yeah, you’re right, people got hurt and I was supposed to stop it, and I didn’t. Sorry I can’t be in twenty different fucking places at once.”
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helreigns · 5 years
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BIGBY.* — ❛ mm. . . S’good. You could make a good coffee boy / girl. ❜ they’ve got a future alright.
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thewxnderer-arch · 6 years
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     “ Kiss my ass  Woody.” Bigby slammed the cell door closed on the inherited woodsman, stepping back with his nostrils flaring & his eyes briefly showing the hint of yellow as he fought his wolf instincts.
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imbigandimbad · 3 years
@librarianoffabletown​ requested a starter on a different blog! :D
The lycan stands outside of the daunting entrance to the business office of the Woodlands, cigarette curled around index finger. Past that door lies a world of magic and myth; physical proof of the stories told at night by doting mother to cooing babe. Of course, the mundies are famous for getting their details incorrect, though the big bad wolf supposes he should be thankful they’re even attempting to pass on their tales at all. 
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Even if they frequently vilified Fabletown’s sheriff. 
He supposes it’s for the best; neglecting to spread along the story of his birth, his ill-fated mother, and the rage-induced war he’d waged against his very own father, the North Wind... and, of course, his seven subsequent losses. In the mundies’ eyes, Bigby was the bad guy of his own story and the deeply flawed, and horribly troubled Woodsman was the hero. He supposes Woody deserves that honor--as insignificant as it truly is. 
Cigarette, yes, his shitty brand, is lifted to his lips. Impressive lungs take a deep drag in hopes to calm his nerves, and of course, dull his heightened senses. The smells of the city of Manhattan are intense and overwhelming for the lupine, overstimulating and disorienting are the smells of far-off hotdog stands, and spent cheap gasoline -- Bigby will do anything to make it stop. The powerful scent of the occupants of the Woodland building always taunts him: Snow White was still in the building, he can smell her perfume. 
How creepy of him.
Such a thought encourages Bigby to take another heavy drag of his cigarette, hoping to shield himself from the scent that he refuses to admit is a comfort to him. Smothering his olfactory senses by exposing himself to burned tobacco and nicotine toxins that are most certainly packed within these Huff ‘n Puffs, he burns through the cigarette quickly. Inhaling and exhaling repeatedly, effectively wasting the weed and practically scalding his lungs. Stirring up a strong scent of tar and the unpleasant stench of something burning, Fabletown’s sheriff finally throws the butt of his cigarette down on the ground. Stomping the embers out with his shoe, now that he feels sufficiently numb to her perfume. 
Slinging the door open with one arm, Bigby internally sighs with relief and simultaneously laments the absence of Snow White. As he steps through the threshold, eyes scan the room while he adjusts his loose tie. He walks towards Ichabod Crane’s abandoned desk, peering at it as it remains thoroughly searched at the insistence and demand of Bluebeard; drawers left pulled open, the surface littered with miscellaneous papers and further proof of the embezzlement of Fabletown’s funds.
Shaking his head, he once again reminds himself to contact one of Fabletown’s tourists. Having seen Crane’s escape to Paris through the Magic Mirror, he knows he’ll have to give chase to the coward -- but not now. The sheriff walks further into the archive, teeth gritting together as healing bullet wounds begin to ache. He’d promised Swineheart he’d take things easy, now that the Crooked Man had been dealt with... But Bigby isn’t quite sure he knows what that means. 
An audible grunt, he takes a moment to regain himself before finally giving in to his physical limits. A deep breath, he attempts to stand up straight, before calling out to a creature which should most certainly be present, hidden among the many different packed bookshelves and impressive artifacts of Fabletown’s citizens. 
“Bufkin!” Voice loud, reaching the ends of the chamber and back. “Bufkin, are you here?”
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ofglyphs-blog · 5 years
“ i’m trying my best and it’s not good enough. it’s never good enough. ”
misc sentence starter  //  @wolveswrath​  // accepting.
Something cracked in her calm mind at those words and Weiss gave the wolf a sharp look as she put her coffee cup down with a crisp ‘clink’. She wondered who it was that had said something to him recently to make him voice these thoughts in front of her. It was no secret that most Fables would give the Sheriff a hard time, a fact that Weiss disliked immensely. While the two bickered often, there was never bite behind their words, they both weren’t exactly open with each other about things like this.
But in this case, she was glad that Bigby had said something to her because it gave her the opportunity to tell him exactly what she thought.
          “I want you to listen to me and to listen to me well, Bigby Wolf, because I’m only going to tell you this once and I expect you to remember it,” Weiss said with deceptive calmness, there was cold fury inside her that wasn’t directed at the Sheriff but at every single Fable who’d brought the wolf down with cutting words. “You might not be able to change the past, it’s something that haunts all of us in some way or another but at least you’re doing something to make up for yours.”
          “Those who keep holding your past over your head are petty when they’ve most likely done their fair share of bad, especially since coming to the Mundane World. For them to have the audacity to say you’re not good enough or to imply it when they’re not doing anything with their lives can go back to the Homeland if they don’t fucking like it.” She took a deep breath, reeling herself in some before she ended up breaking something on the table. “My point is. Your best is good enough to me, Bigby. It’s definitely good enough to Snow as well. You’re the best Sheriff and you do your job exceedingly well and I’m proud to call you by your title. Don’t let what others say bring or cut you down, that just means they’ve won.”
Picking her cup up again, Weiss took a few more calming breaths before giving Bigby a soft smile over the rim. “Got all that memorized, Sheriff Wolf?”
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thefloorisbalaclava · 6 years
Hi! Are you able to share the upcoming requests you have?
I sure can! I love sharing with y'all 💖:
1. Gabe pretends to be your boyfriend while you're visiting family (I'm excited about this)
2. Stay at home fluff with Hanzo
3. Angst and fluff with Reaper who has been hurt in the past but meets reader and everything changes
4. McCree with touch-starved SO
5. Charles Vane angst and fluff
6. Snowed in with McCree, Gabe, or 76 (I get to choose)
7. Hanzo telling reader 'I love you' for the first time
8. McCree getting into dad mode when SO gets pregnant and starts telling horrible dad jokes
9. Smut starter with 76 (not saying what it is yet)
10. McCree cheers up SO in his own special way
11. 76 having inappropriate thoughts about subordinate reader
12. McCree in a Downton Abbey AU (!!!!)
13. Sub!Gabe (and I don't mean substitute teacher lol)
14. McCree cheering up chubby gf (I already have a few of these but we'll see)
15. Sub!Charles Vane
16. Charles Vane mafia AU (not sure if I can do this justice)
17. Overwatch guys discovering their SO can play guitar (I am not going to be doing HCs for EVERY guy because that's too much)
18. Hanzo angst and fluff
19. Bigby Wolf smut
20. "You're one hell of a guy" with McCree
21. "If you're bored; wanna have sex?" with 76
22. "Are you flirting with me?" with Hanzo or Gabe
23. "I'm pregnant" and "You'd make a great dad" with McCree 
24. "Bend over" and "mine" with McCree
That's it! Please remember that requests are closed but commissions are open!
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helreigns · 5 years
dash games .
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         the fuck is that above me. .  ?
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
Okay! I finished adding some muses to the muse list; I’m gonna go through it tomorrow and see if I want to take anyone I’ve lost muse for off but for now that’s enough blog maintenance.
I’m going to write a few open starters for the muses that I’m feeling the most right now; feel free to reply! Also, while you can look at my muse list to find them, I’ll list my newest ones here so you know who’s just showing up to the party! I hope to hear from y’all!
Dr. Alan J. Hill (Until Dawn) Aragorn (Lord Of The Rings Bigby Wolf (The Wolf Among Us) (still trying to settle on a FC) Bobby Singer (Supernatural) Crowley (Supernatural) Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones) Josh Washington (Until Dawn) Killian Jones/Captain Hook (Once Upon A Time) Lincoln Burrows (Prison Break) LJ Burrows (Prison Break) Michael Scofield (Prison Break) Nathan Wallace/The Repo Man (Repo! The Genetic Opera) Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold (Once Upon A Time)
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