#big jerm
tonymillions · 1 year
All the Smoke - Tony Millions (Official Music Video) Prod. Big Jerm
Tony Millions is back in the building with a brand new music video for my day one fans! New album drops 420!
Tony Millions is in the building providing you visuals to the 1st single off his upcoming album “420 Erryday”. Directed and shot by Lord of the Outsiders. Audio mixed by QuickTunes.Produced by Big Jerm.Pre-Save the album below:https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/tonymillions/420-erryday
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angelfoodscake · 1 year
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panko and mini ghosts ! ive had this concept in my head for a LOOONG time but eventually ive finally managed to draw it
panko likes to play with the mini ghosts . over time they start to gain their trust and before they know it they have thousands of baby ghosts following them around everywhere. big sibling
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cannib1stic-cr0w · 9 days
theres ppl out there who dont even know rebornica fnaf or any 2016 fnaf content... ur telling me u dont know who vincent is ?? how about fritz ?? hmm ?? you uncultured swines... did you even roleplay as fnaf characters on animal jam ?? i bet you didnt LOSER.. i bet you dont even know the plot of those shittily made sfm animations do you.. man YOU DONT EVEN KNOW.. the fnaf minecraft roleplays too augh...
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stbugs · 1 month
I got adobe and I hated it and then I discovered I have a version of photoshop and illustrator on my 2008 era Mac with no creative cloud or internet so I was like COOL shweet fuck this and I got out of adobe for many money and I wasted many money and it was dumb so pls this is a warning from the great beyond that is my reality do not buy adobe anything do not subscribe it is dumb
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diorods · 5 months
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I wanted to make something big with a gradient... I think it looks nice, the gradient is a bit grim but still 😂
It is a complete house with the interior fully furnished, with exterior gardens and pool! I also made a flower thingy in front of the mansion, which looks so niceeee, imo hahah🙌 Download here!
✨ Shaders: Complementary Shaders 🕹 Game version: 1.20.1 🌹 Resource Packs: Jerm's Better Leaves
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Does Unpleasant have any interesting lore or is bro just there🙏ALSO OR HOW DID THEY MEET
Aight this gonna be a LONG RANT I actually spent the past days working on this just to answer this ask Lol
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Unplez facts -
Uhm I genuinely have NOTHING for bro at this moment so i’d say bro just appeared out of nowhere and just genuinely bugs Infected because bro thinks it’s hella funny. (NO I DON’T SHIP THEM DON’T ASK ME.)
BUT I have some Headcanons for my Unpleasant☝️🗿 NOTE: PLEASE CREDIT ME IF YOU USE THESE
Uno- Unpleasant is legit. Just a goofy guy, that’s it, bro. He just exists to channel his inner goofy.
Dos- The cat headphones are actually attached to bro, like bro's ears, twitch, and stuff, and bro's just cat-like (I can’t remember what post, but I did state that bro only has cat features due to the consumption of Poptart).
Tres- Unplez can shapeshift into objects but doesn’t do it that often due to how much energy and time it takes, and he's too busy gaming to have the energy.
Cuatro- (Idk how to describe this one 😭🙏.) They can make themselves 2D and move across the floors and walls THINK PRISMO FROM ADVENTURE TIME (Bro usually does this to tease Infected.)
Cinco- Bro’s body is like a big building block; he can just pop his arm off with no problem; it doesn’t hurt; however, Infected teases him back with this and rearranges his body. Basically, Mangle from Fnaf minus all the robotic stuff (Unpleasant hates this a lot).
How they met-
I’d say for Jeremy and Unpleasant meeting it was quite distasteful (I wrote this at like 3 am mind you.)
So basically, what happened is that Unpleasant got kicked out of Infected’s apartment, so with no place to really go, he just stayed on the elevator for quite some time until Jeremy’s floor came up. (Btw, this is after Jeremy’s got that vampirism.) and of course, bro would get picked, and no NPC saved him because they all hated him. This meant that Jeremy was going to snack on Unplez’s blood. However, Unpleasant, rather than accept their fate and respawn, begs Jeremy into letting them live, and Jeremy thinks this is genuinely funny; she has a very sick and twisted personality (a genuine sweetheart when you get to know her.), so she tells Unpleasant that she will let them go at the cost of bringing her NPC's, and with that, Unpleasant is basically putting themselves through even more torture but doesn't really care how the others feel because no one really likes them until eventually Jerm and Unplez eventually get along really well, and later on, Mozelle joins the trio because she’s awesome sauce.
The end 🫶
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leprosycock · 12 days
do u care at all abt jerm*s last stream?
i care about the fact that he called himself jacked despite looking like a wet soggy linguini noodle but other than that i don't think so. sea watched it and she told me all the important stuff. honestly i'm really just looking to the future and his off brand projects because my focus on him is truly just jIud-related atp. idk i might skim through it soon to see if there's anything that sticks out in particular to me but i think if there was anything that was Big sea would've told me
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super epic and cool regretevator oc
their name is idi. she uses any pronouns. yes they use neopronouns
uhhh yea they have a rare chance of being saved from jeremy's domain and they are addicted to jerm pop
i was supposed to write this down on the sheet but note that they speak like they're in a shakespere play and uses very big words (unless its for comedic effects)
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leadendeath · 4 months
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it was only after i learned that 1. i am not alone in experiencing this feeling and 2. this can be an adhd thing, that i felt so validated in the feeling of “juggling hyperfixations”. it feels like this meme image ^ like that’s such a perfect visual to go along with what i’m about to say.
in the past i felt sooo bad when a new interest barged its way in to my brain’s Interest Room (i see my brain as a room ok, different people who are my selves and different interests come in and out!). i felt bad for classic rock of 60s-70s when homestuck decided to sit right in front of me like a pet who’s being annoying circa 2013. i feel a special hard-to-describe almost kind of STRESS? (but a very minor stress mind you) when i find myself present day, with not just two but THREE things i’m so freakin into. very strong interests. hyperfixations. i love having words now that my past self couldn’t use because we didn’t know the words existed. we didn’t know there was something “wrong”(i prefer to say there was something “different” instead 2 b less negative !)
so yeah the things i’m trying to juggle are:
doom the game and various genres of metal music (they go hand in hand, and sometimes they even collide! i have a whole youtube playlist of metal midis that would fit right in in doom wads, u can ask me for it if you like the same niche as i do!) (i listened to so much metal today it’s so great and diverse i love it so much great background music but also great Anything music <333 listen to it in a good mood or in a bad mood it’s there for you any time)
spenge bab. to relate this back to the previous point i just made above this one; i already said i’m one of those people who listens to horrible abrasive music but then is also simultaneously like “yayyy happy sea creature cartoon :D :3” like it’s so funny. u already know to the extent which i like this thing. it’s helped me get back into art (…which i don’t post to this blog; i have other spaces for this niche tbh) and when i first got into it it was there for me during a terrible time (i was having the extra big depression last year around july/august)
jerm. dear rat boy. like the point before this one, i started watching him a lot during the same extremely bad july/august 2023 time. i knew him a little before but he was another thing which i’ve (about to make up a new phrase here) special interest-bonded with, during a difficult time. sometimes when i’m actively in the bad episode, i think to myself “gee when i’m better i sure hope i can enjoy this media and not automatically associate it with a bad time D:” and YEAH! THAT DIDNT HAPPEN I CAN STILL ENJOY WATCHING HIM EVEN THO IM OUTTA THE DEPRESSION PIT FOR NOW!!! i worried this same thing about death grips when i was coping with them when i was in the pit and they happened to be my #1 fav band years ago . i still love them and can enjoy them without thinking of all the times i was in the pit !!!
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ratjerma · 11 months
Oh no
✨ *this is a sideblog- my main which i have no choice but to interact from is more furry and Doom centric </3* call me whatever. i’m way over 18 (minors please don’t follow!) and from outside the US. i usually am not so quick to bring this up, but it’s true so i’ll say it: mental illness plays a big part in my jerm-liking status. will elaborate if asked. i’m one a these 🏳️‍🌈 and pronouns are unimportant to me. (use any and all!)
✨ i do traditional art and fibre crafts, which is what i’d like to share most here. i live for making things for others, and i like all kinds of requests :) i’ve done this for a very long time but i’m no Michelangelo, Leonardo, or Da Vinci. due to mental problems i haven’t been having a good time with art but yknow what? jermy is actually helping with that :)).
✨ aside from jerm i am most autistic about Doom (1993/4), and i like furry adjacent things, and horrible music (mostly different metals and assorted electronic noises).
✨ just because it’s funny, here’s a quick look at how my own personal jerm liker timeline goes:
sometime in i think 2021: “omg this guy is everywhere 🙄 his hair looks permanently in the ‘awkward growing it out’ stage he looks stupid” -> “oh he was a substitute teacher? well that’s cool and he’s good at making weird noises just like me? cheers bro I can drink to that” -> “you did not need to make such intense eye contact with me while eating that burger… oh no… 😳” -> “i keep watching compilations of him on youtube and he’s exactly my stupid sense of humour it’s weirdly comforting to take my mind off things and put them on before bed… WAIT WHAT WHAT’S HAPPENING I DIDN’T MEAN TO HAVE DREAMS WITH YOU IN THEM I-” -> *makes this sideblog after drawing my first fanart of him* -> the next stage? who knows! i’ll probably learn how to use twitch and join him and his perfectly crazed chat people there. i’m joining you guys here for now. :)
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angelfoodscake · 1 year
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ig-muscle4hire · 9 months
Come and see what is all about. No weird dances, mostly lol
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elliottsmithlover199 · 11 months
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big jerm
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s0uth-of-the-moon · 2 years
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am3ricanj3sus · 1 month
k so like characters: coco (my crush), gru (his bsf), mr h (teacher in the class part), mr k (teacher outside selling food), jerm (random guy associated with coco and gru somehow) and my bffs i will call pearl, luna and bell.
so like the earliest part i remember is like i was besties with gru for some reason. like we would text, send photos back and forth and shit. so like i dont think gru knew i liked coco in the dream. becuase gru like sent a photo of him, coco and this guy that i dont like. so i was like "get that mf off my screen and show me cocos ass" and he said like "what you lik ehim or sum?" and i was like maybe js dont tell him.
THEN coco texts! but its like hes texting me from grus contact and is like "hey its been me the whole time not gru" and i get a message from cocos contact and its like "hey its gru sorry i switch the contacts" and im like WHATTTTTTTT. then cocos like, "i like you, do you like me?" so then yk dream time skip and im all of a sudden at school.
so now im in mr hs class with pearl, luna and bell. we're sitting at like the lab table. then coco, gru and like two friends walk in and its like "oooo" cause I DIDNT RESPOND TO HIS "do you like me too text?" EVEN THOUGH I DO. i just never responded for some reason. so my friends there looking at me like oooo there cocos and im like guys i gotta tell you something... so we start whispering and im telling them and they are like OMG NO FUCKING WAY and im like YES IDK WHAT TO DO.
cause like im lowkey panicking cause i told gru like personal stuff and turns out it was COCO THE WHOLE TIME!!! so like i look away from my group and coco and gru keep glancing over and im like FUCKKKK?!!!!! then the bell rings and i like zoom out of the class. and before i left i can see coco tryna get my attention out of the corner of my eye and im like NAHHH! so i walk down the hall and like my pre calc teacher, mr k is like selling food with the culinary teacher.
so like me and pearl get in line to buy something, yk big back territory. and im telling her like omg what if he finds me and trys to talk to me AHHH. then out of NOWHERE i get a text from jerm, who like ever in real life doest talk to coco, and it says "so you dont fw my boy coco?" and IM LIKE WHATTTTTT
so me and pearl leave the line to meet bell and luna and theyre like "omg you should hear what coco and gru and jerm r saying about you" so im like WHAT THE FUCK GUYS. YOU JS CONFESSED UR LOVE FOR ME LAST NIGHT WHAT IS THIS??? and i go around to like where they hang out then im bout talk to coco and MY FUCKING ALARM CLOCK GOES OFF??? WHAT THE FUCK
so yeah guys. i woke up confused and angry and I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED.
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g43stack · 1 month
dynamite come out my blick u can’t duck it, get on dat drank i get big like lucki 🫃🏻
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