#big finish audio dramas
Next up on my audio listening is the Classic Doctors, New Monsters range from Big Finish. You can listen to them on BBC Sounds. First up is "Fallen Angels" where the Fifth Doctor confronts Weeping Angels.
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anotheruserwithnoname · 9 months
Becky Wright plays Clara echo in upcoming Big Finish audio drama
An upcoming Big Finish audio drama set featuring the Eleventh Doctor due out near the end of the year will feature the BF audio drama debut of Clara Oswald (or, at least, a Clara echo). Here's the write-up for the story "Spirit of the Season":
"It’s a Christmas miracle! The Doctor and Valarie have finally found another Clara. Shame she wants to kill them both."
As Jenna Coleman is not involved in this, the role of the Clara echo has been given to veteran Big Finish voice actress Becky Wright. Becky has done a number of voices for the range and is primarily known as a voice actress, with her voiceover/ADR work featured in productions such as The Witcher TV series, Edge of Tomorrow, Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation and Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows.
With Matt Smith likewise unavailable (likely due to commitments to Game of Thrones prequel and other films; unlike Jenna, he has expressed interest in doing them at some point), Jacob Dudman has been playing that role for a while now (he also plays the Twelfth Doctor in some audios). The current series of stories, presumably set between The Snowman and Bells of Saint John, feature Eleven travelling with a companion named Valarie Lockwood, voiced by Safiyya Ingar.
I believe this is the first time an audio drama featuring Clara has been produced by a Doctor Who licensee. Previously the character has been featured in audio book readings for BBC Audio or narrated original stories, and Big Finish featured her in a recording of the 2018 short story False Coronets, read by Dudman. Dudman also read "War Wounds", a Twelfth Doctor story featuring Danny Pink that mentions Clara but in which she did not appear. A full out Eleven/Clara or Twelve/Clara (or other Doctor/Clara) story has yet to be produced. One wonders if they might be holding out for a cast reunion such as the ones that saw David Tennant record new Tenth Doctor stories with Billie Piper and Catherine Tate.
To date the only Big FInish involvement by Jenna Coleman was when she read the original audio story "Destiny of the Doctor: The Time Machine" that Big Finish and the now-defunct AudioGo put out for the 50th anniversary; in that piece she performed the Eleventh Doctor but Clara did not appear.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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Let the revenge games begin.
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johnsmithforeman · 6 months
I have a question for the big finish/audiodrama enjoyers .. how do you guys do it? like genuinely asking. do you do something while listening or listen like with eyes closed full concentration??
I genuinely need tips for how to pay more attention . pls
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thefiresofpompeii · 3 months
death and the queen is the one of best series 4 episodes that never was. well, it does exist in audio form, but it’s so well made that i could practically see david tennant’s sad wet eyes in my mind’s eye. peak doctordonna comedy, peak doctor loneliness and vulnerability moments, peak strange aliens and cool pseudo-historical pseudo-mythical setting… although i believe it may have worked even better with eleven and amy (s5 roryless, obviously — she wouldn’t marry a random prince if rory was around) considering the sacrificial bride theme, the emphasis on marriage equaling death, and the fairytale atmosphere in the kingdom-that-shouldn’t-be which is a major theme during amy’s arc… eh, we can’t have everything we want. on the plus side, it definitely wouldn’t have been as funny.
and the drama!! that goodbye donna was heart(s)shattering. ten making the same mistake that he did in the sontaran stratagem; believing that no matter how close he gets to his companions, he will always be their second choice and they’ll abandon him whenever they happen to inevitably fall in love with another human. he doesn’t even let her finish talking, just assumes it’s a goodbye. grumbling in a jokey tone about the universe never giving him a break, “a chance to lick his wounds, maybe a spa day but no, giant cloud of alien death… just one more thing, so many more things”. god.
also, despite being an audio (so-called inessential material) it slots really nicely into fourteen’s character development and later conclusion — the chance to wind down finally came, after all those years, in the form of a home with donna noble. married to a man she truly loves, no ulterior motives or murderous plots. living with her best friend and beautiful, talented daughter. she got to be 1700s royalty for a few months, crown and all, but the only real kingdom worth reigning over consists of people who care about you.
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^ listen to this ^
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pers-books · 3 months
The Ninth Doctor meets River Song! 
Christopher Eccleston is joined by Alex Kingston in Star-Crossed, a brand-new box set of full-cast audio dramas from Big Finish Productions, due for release in May 2024. 
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For the final release in the current series of The Ninth Doctor Adventures, the Time Lord with a war-torn past meets a very important woman from his future. 
Alex Kingston first played Professor River Song in Steven Moffat’s 2008 Doctor Who TV episode Silence in the Library, and since then the assassin-turned-archaeologist has met many incarnations of the Doctor – though not in the right order. 
It’s finally time for her to say “Hello, sweetie” to her husband’s ninth incarnation, as the two of them embark on three adventures together. They visit a planet in thrall to a dating app, an intergalactic bank with a catastrophic glitch, and a raging maelstrom. Fantastic! 
Doctor Who – The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Star-Crossed is now available to pre-order for just £29.99 (collector’s edition CD box set + download) or £22.99 (download only), exclusively here. 
The three thrilling stories are: 
Swipe Right by John Dorney  Face of the Apocalypse by Lizzie Hopley  Archipelago by Tim Foley 
Christopher Eccleston said: "Returning to the world of the Doctor has been a great experience precisely because it has allowed me to re-explore my interpretation of the character and how he interacts with the many extraordinary beings he encounters along the way. Alex’s River was one such character and this was an interesting, challenging and enjoyable encounter for the Doctor too.” 
Alex Kingston said: “This is the first time that I’ve had an opportunity to work with Chris's Doctor. It’s a challenge for River to step into his interpretation and navigate it. He’s got a different energy to any of the other Doctors – she has to work harder to engage him, to get through to him, which is great fun.” 
Big Finish listeners can purchase Doctor Who – The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Star-Crossed as part of a as part of a complete four-volume series bundle for just £108 (on collector’s edition CD box set + download) or £88 (download only). 
All the above prices include the special pre-order discount and are subject to change after general release. 
Series 1-2 of The Ninth Doctor Adventures are still available to purchase as triple LP vinyl bundles – limited to a pressing of 1,000 per volume – for £140 per series. Collector's edition (CD box set + download) bundles are also available at £110 per series, as are digital download bundles, for just £96 per series.  
Please note: the vinyl editions do not include any behind-the-scenes extras. However, listeners purchasing vinyl LP editions will receive a download of the story automatically and be given access to the CD edits as a bonus download. Episodes will be edited specifically for the vinyl format, presented as 2 episodes, one on each side, each with opening and closing music. In addition, all pre-orders of the vinyls will also receive the behind the extras as a bonus download.
Please note that Big Finish is currently operating a digital-first release schedule. The mail-out of collector’s edition CDs may be delayed due to factors beyond our control, but all purchases of this release unlock a digital copy that can be immediately downloaded or played on the Big Finish app from the release date.
-- What an announcement - and on Alex's birthday, too!!! 💙😍💙
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corvid-ae · 1 month
So you want to listen to Main Range?
Great! I know how intimidating it can be to try and start listening, so I’ve tried to compile a guide to the main story arcs. More under the cut (minor spoiler warning)!
Also known as the Monthly Adventures, it’s a great way to get into the DWEU and definitely one I would recommend. It is also accessible, with the first 50 stories available on Spotify, or available to buy from Big Finish or second-hand fairly easily (or, you know, via less-legitimate means).
Main Range involves stories from the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Doctors, and various TV and original companions. If you are a fan of eighties and nineties Who, then Main Range might be for you! My general recommendations for people are to pick a specific doctor AND companion(s) to listen to and go from there. Although, if you’re looking for a first story to try, why not start at the very beginning (a very good place to start) with the Sirens of Time.
While many Main Range stories are stand-alone, there are also some overarching plots, which are actually very companion-focussed. Trying to understand these arcs and listen to them in order can be intimidating for people looking to get into listening, however its probably simpler than you’d think.
To help you out with all of this, I have done my best to write down the stories that are probably best listened to in order, with a bit of an explanation about how it fits into TV continuity if relevant. The order is pretty easy to follow as it is pretty much just in release order. No, Big Finish did not intentionally try to confuse their audience by releasing stories out of order (okay maybe they did just a little). However I have provided the story number in brackets [like so] for clarity.
Also, to be clear, all of the arcs are self-contained, so seperate arcs don't have to be listened to in the order I've written them down in, unless I've specified otherwise (like with the Evelyn and Hex storyline).
Again, it is not super important to listen to things in order. If you are getting bored with a story or with listening in order then feel free to skip things. Maybe you could just skim the Tardis Wiki page for the plot if you like. To help, I’ve also marked any of the super plot-heavy stories with an asterix. Most other stories, especially ones that I don’t mention here are standalone and can be listened to however you like.
Also feel free to let me know if I miss anything! Happy listening :)
Fifth Doctor:
The Erimem Arc
This takes place after Planet of Fire and before Caves of Androzani, and features the Fifth Doctor, Peri and an original character called Erimem - an ancient Egyptian princess. This is a pretty good arc and one I would definitely recommend. Please feel free to skip Nekromanteia though it’s genuinely terrible.
[24] The Eye of the Scorpion*
[38] The Church and the Crown
[41] Nekromanteia
[56] The Axis of Insanity
[59] The Roof of The World
[69] Three’s a Crowd
[71] The Council of Nicaea
[81] The Kingmaker
[99] Son of the Dragon
[102a] The Mind’s Eye
[104] The Bride of Peladon*
The Key 2 Time
A trilogy featuring the Fifth Doctor and an original companion called Amy which acts as a sequel to the Key to Time. It is set between Planet of Fire and Caves of Androzani. The Fifth Doctor meets Amy again in the boxset Wicked Sisters.
[117] The Judgement of Isskar
[118] The Destroyer of Delights
[119] The Chaos Pool
The Stockbridge trilogy
Featuring The Doctor and Nyssa and set in the fictional town of Stockbridge which was first introduced in the Fifth Doctor’s DWM comics. Knowledge of that is not at all essential however. Set between Time Flight and Arc of Infinity.
[127] Castle of Fear
[128] The Eternal Summer
[129] Plague of the Daleks
The Older Nyssa Arc
This is set between Enlightenment and the King’s Demons and features Tegan, Turlough and an older Nyssa - some years after the events of Terminus.
[136] Cobwebs*
[137] The Whispering Forest
[138] The Cradle of the Snake
[146] Heroes of Sontar
[147] Kiss of Death
[148] Rat Trap
[159] The Emerald Tiger
[160] The Jupiter Conjunction
[161] The Butcher of Brisbane
[172] Eldrad Must Die!
[173] The Lady of Mercia
[174] Prisoners of Fate
[195] Mistfall
[196] Equilibrium
[197] The Entropy Plague*
The Hannah Arc
A very short trilogy featuring the Doctor, Nyssa and another original companion - Hannah - an Edwardian woman. Set sometime between Time Flight and Arc of Infinity.
[185] Moonflesh
[186] Tomb Ship
[187] Masquerade
The Season 19 Gang Arc
Set during the events of Season 19, these stories feature the original gang of the Doctor, Adric, Tegan and Nyssa.
[221] The Star Men
[222] The Contingency Club
[223] Zaltys
[234] Kingdom of Lies
[235] Ghost Walk
[236] Serpent in the Silver Mask
The Kamelion Arc
There’s not much to say about this apart from that these three are probably best listened to in this order? Set between the King's Demons and the Five Doctors (i think) and featuring Tegan, Turlough and Kamelion.
[247] Devil in the Mist
[248] Black Thursday/Power Game
[249] The Kamelion Empire
The Marc Arc
These stories follow the Doctor, Tegan, Nyssa, and an original companion Marc - a man from ancient Greece. It is set sometime between the end of Arc of Infinity and Mawdryn Undead.
[256] Tartarus*
[257] Interstitial/Feast of Fear
[258] Warzone/Conversion*
[266]Ghost Station/The Bridge Master/What Lurks Down Under/The Dancing Plague
[267]Thin Time/Madquake*
Sixth Doctor:
The Evelyn Arc
One of my favourite arcs with some great stories, and maybe where things get a little confusing. This arc features the Sixth Doctor and an original companion, Evelyn - an historian from modern-day England. Set sometime before the Sixth Doctor meets Mel I think.
This arc set up some story aspects which are explored further with the Seventh Doctor’s stories - specifically, the Forge trilogy. There are a few ways you could listen to these but to keep it simple I would also recommend listening to the Seventh Doctor story the Harvest before you listen to Thicker Than Water, and then A Death in the Family once you’ve listened to all the Evelyn stories AND the Forty-Five anthology. This could also be listened to concurrently in release order with the Hex storyline which I’ll outline a bit later.
[6] The Marian Conspiracy*
[9] The Spectre of Lanyan Moor
[11] The Apocalypse Element
[22] Bloodtide
[23] Project: Twilight*
[37] The Sandman
[40] Jubilee
[43] Doctor Who and the Pirates
[45] Project: Lazarus*
[57] Arrangements for War*
[58] The Harvest (7th Doctor)*
[60] Medicinal Purposes
[73] Thicker Than Water*
[100] 100 BC/My Own Private Wolfgang/Bedtime Story/The 100 Days of the Doctor*
[143] The Crimes of Thomas Brewster
[144] The Feast of Axos
[145] Industrial Evolution
[115] Forty-Five anthology (7th Doctor)*
[140] A Death in the Family (7th Doctor)*
You can theoretically listen to the following before or after Thicker Than Water if you want - they are sort of standalone stories with the Doctor and Evelyn:
[78] Pier Pressure
[84] The Nowhere Place
[108] Assassin in the Limelight
The Charley Arc 2.0
This is best listened to once you’ve listened to the Charley Arc with the Eighth Doctor. Featuring the Sixth Doctor and Charley.
[105] The Condemned*
[111] The Doomwood Curse
[114] Brotherhood of the Daleks
[116] The Raincloud Man
[124] Patient Zero
[125] Paper Cuts
[126] Blue Forgotten Planet*
The Flip and Constance Arc
Featuring the Sixth Doctor and two original companions, Flip - a girl from modern-day England - and Constance - a woman from World War II. Set sometime before the Doctor meets Mel.
[143] The Crimes of Thomas Brewster*
[156] The Curse of Davros
[157] The Fourth Wall
[158] Wirrn Isle
[182] Antidote to Oblivion
[183] The Brood of Erys
[225] Vortex Ice/Cortex Fire
[184] Scavenger*
[204] Criss-Cross*
[205] Planet of the Rani
[206] Shield of the Jotunn
[218] Order of the Daleks
[219] Absolute Power
[273] Colony of Fear
[220] Quicksilver*
[231] The Behemoth
[232] The Middle
[233] Static
[263] Cry of the Vultriss
[264] Scorched Earth
[265] The Lovecraft Invasion
The Older Peri trilogy
Featuring the Doctor and Peri from after she marries King Yrcanos.
[192] The Widow’s Assassin*
[193] Masters of Earth
[194] The Rani Elite
Seventh Doctor:
The Hex Arc
A great arc that sort of starts with Evelyn’s arc. I would not recommend starting this until after you’ve listened to Project: Lazarus, but maybe at least listen to The Harvest before Thicker Than Water (no stress if you don’t want to juggle listening to arcs concurrently). Features the Seventh Doctor, Ace, and an original companion from 2020s London - Hex. Set after the end of Classic Who.
[58] The Harvest*
[67] Dreamtime
[74] LIVE 34
[79] Night Thoughts
[82] The Settling
[89] No Man’s Land
[92] Nocturne
[106] The Dark Husband
[115] False Gods/Order of Simplicity/Casualties of War/The Word Lord*
[120] The Magic Mousetrap
[121] Enemy of the Daleks
[122] The Angel of Scutari*
[139] Project: Destiny*
[140] A Death in the Family*
[141] Lurkers at Sunlight’s Edge
[149] Robophobia (side note: this is our introduction to Liv Chenka who is one of the Eighth Doctor’s main companions from Dark Eyes onwards).
[151] The Doomsday Quatrain
[152] House of Blue Fire*
[162] Protect and Survive*
[163] Black and White*
[164] Gods and Monsters*
[181] Afterlife*
[189] Revenge of the Swarm
[190] Mask of Tragedy
[191] Signs and Wonders
Also at some point before or after the Angel of Scutari you can listen to the following as they are standalone stories:
[226] Shadow Planet/World Apart
[245] Muse of Fire
[268] The Flying Dutchman/Displaced
The Klein Arc
An Arc featuring The Seventh Doctor and an original character, Klein - a woman from 1940s Germany. Set after the end of Classic Who.
[25] Colditz*
[130] A Thousand Tiny Wings
[131] Klein’s Story/Survival of the Fittest
[132] The Architects of History
[175] Persuasion
[176] Starlight Robbery
[177] Daleks Among Us
Klein is also involved in the final story of the Daniel trilogy which spans the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Doctors.
Eighth Doctor:
The Charley Arc 1.0
The best Main Range arc in my opinion. If you listen to anything, listen to this. Featuring the Eighth Doctor and original companion Charley, with another original companion C’rizz in Part 2 of the arc.
Part 1:
[16] Storm Warning*
[17] Sword of Orion
[18] The Stones of Venice
[19] Minuet in Hell
[28] Invaders from Mars
[29] The Chimes of Midnight
[30] Seasons of Fear
[31] Embrace the Darkness
[32] The Time of the Daleks
[33] Neverland*
[50] Zagreus*
Part 2:
[52] Scherzo*
[53] The Creed of the Kromon* (TW for sexual assault in the Creed of the Kromon. Feel free to stop listening after episode one or just read the Tardis Wiki page for relevant plot info)
[54] The Natural History of Fear
[55] The Twilight Kingdom
[61] Faith Stealer
[62] The Last
[63] Caerdroia
[64] The Next Life*
[72] Terror Firma
[75] Scaredy Cat
[77] Other Lives
[80] Time Works
[83] Something Inside
[88] Memory Lane
[101] Absolution*
[103] The Girl Who Never Was*
The Mary Shelley arc
A short arc featuring the Eighth Doctor and Mary Shelley! Yes, that Mary Shelley.
[123d] Mary’s Story*
[153] The Silver Turk
[154] The Witch from the Well
[155] Army of Death
Multi-doctor arcs:
These are mostly trilogies featuring stories which Big Finish probably mostly intended to be listened to together.
The Forge trilogy
Relevant to the Evelyn and Hex arcs - best listened to in conjunction with the rest of their stories.
[23] Project: Twilight (Sixth Doctor)
[45] Project: Lazarus (Sixth Doctor/Seventh Doctor)
[139] Project: Destiny (Seventh Doctor)
The Villains Trilogy
[47] Omega (Fifth Doctor)
[48] Davros (Sixth Doctor)
[49] Master (Seventh Doctor)
The Harvest/TheReaping/The Gathering trilogy
^^^ I’m naming it that because the other name I’d give it would be a big spoiler lol (if you saw me forget the Harvest out of this no you didn’t)
[58] The Harvest (Seventh Doctor)
[86] The Reaping (Sixth Doctor)
[87] The Gathering (Fifth Doctor)
The Brewster Arc
Thomas Brewster is also vaguely relevant to the events of Stranded with the Eighth Doctor but it’s not really important.
[107] The Haunting of Thomas Brewster (Fifth Doctor)
[113] Time Reef/A Perfect World (Fifth Doctor)
[143] The Crimes of Thomas Brewster (Sixth Doctor)
[144] The Feast of Axos (Sixth Doctor)
[145] Industrial Evolution (Sixth Doctor)
The Sorsha trilogy
[165] The Burning Prince (Fifth Doctor)
[166] The Acheron Pulse (Sixth Doctor)
[167] The Shadow Heart (Seventh Doctor)
The 1963 trilogy
These don’t really have an overarching plot as far as I can remember, they were just released as part of the 50th anniversary.
[178] 1963: Fanfare for the Common Men (Fifth Doctor)
[179] 1963: The Space Race (Sixth Doctor)
[180] 1963: The Assassination Games (Seventh Doctor)
The Companions Trilogy
[198] The Defectors (Seventh Doctor)
[199] Last of the Cybermen (Sixth Doctor)
[200] The Secret History (Fifth Doctor)
The Master trilogy
[211] And You Will Obey Me (Fifth Doctor)
[212] Vampire of the Mind (Sixth Doctor)
[213] The Two Masters (Seventh Doctor)
The Daniel trilogy
[237] The Helliax Rift (Fifth Doctor)
[240] Hour of the Cybermen (Sixth Doctor)
[244] Warlock’s Cross (Seventh Doctor) (Klein is in this one if you want to listen to her arc beforehand)
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georgiacooked · 2 months
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Throwing a spotlight on my favourite Doctor Who/Big Finish character(s) today, with my newest sticker sheet!
Featuring the renegade Time Lord, the Eleven (and Two, and Eight, and Nine, and Twelve, and The Union...) These guys are the reason I fell in love with BF, so it only felt fair to give them a sheet.
Only drawing the regenerations we've met so far, because I'm not that flush with time.
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aq2003 · 7 months
ten is like oohhhh i will always have to come to terms with how everyone that i love will leave me behind (bc i'm a near immortal alien) and how they will always find someone else more important than me (bc i'm a near immortal alien) and i have trouble holding onto my connections with them bc the way i love them isn't enough/isn't the right kind of love for them (bc i'm a near immortal alien) and then he dies in 6 years so his storyline is like a metaphor for being aroace instead
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thetrinitytest · 3 months
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huge shoutout to Big Finish and GDL for tearing my heart out through my throat and wringing it out like a towel
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"By and large, most buildings, they don't hate me. They're practically ambivalent towards me... Except the post office."
-The Office of Never Was
Ianto was so delightfully unhinged in this. Poor guy just wanted to go home and watch The Apprentice but instead he must face The Horrors.
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giddyaunt425 · 2 months
I am once again asking for your help, Big Finish fans.
What are you favorite Sylvester McCoy audio dramas?
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shiveringfrogspawn · 3 months
i haven’t even listened to the big finish dramas yet (any tips on where to get them free? they’re so expensive) but the trailer for Christopher Eccleston’s return to audio is something i watch religiously…i cry nearly every time, his doctor has me in a choke hold.
anyway. if you too would like to cry, here is the link. it’s free therapy. you’re welcome.
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mixhaelheere · 14 days
Just listened to The House Of The Dead (Torchwood - The Lost Files)
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Sometimes I think I haven't been too long in or searched much about the Master lore's, right? Until it's 11pm and I am writing a random one-shot that came up in my head and I have to stop and ponder if the drums are in the Master's head because the Doctor rocked someone and Rassilon decided to put a signal his head but he refused thus it was implanted on the Master OR in the last sanction Rassilon needed a signal thing-y to come back so he sent an order back through miss Jade-Death in time so the Doctor rocked a man to install said signall.
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thefiresofpompeii · 5 months
the chimes of midnight part 1-3: fun exciting timey wimey christmas murder mystery
the chimes of midnight part 4:
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