#bg3 Atavia Tav
agent-oo-z · 1 month
Alright gaymers time for more BG3 companion headcanons! This time featuring my beloved Atavia!
Potential spoilers below, you’ve been warned!
Still no Minthara, I failed to rescue her during Atavia’s run
Ultimate nature nerd buddies. Atavia and Halsin love just going full autism mode and discussing the nuances of plant identification/creature behavior/etc for hours on end.
Once Atavia and Halsin become a “thing” they are almost annoyingly in love. Constant pet names, lots of physical contact, getting distracted by each other. Astarion teases them about it relentlessly, not out of jealousy though. He’s not immune to envy but he trusts his partners to be open and honest and does his best to do the same.
Halsin and Astarion are less stereotypically lovey dovey with each other but only because Astarion shows his love by being a menace. He teases and makes jokes and gets all sarcastic. Halsin usually responds with sincerity, not because he doesn’t get it but because he enjoys the challenge of getting Astarion flustered. It doesn’t take long for the pair to develop a sixth sense about what’s going too far.
Turns out having two(eventually three!) people who are willing to dedicate themselves to you heart and soul can be overwhelming, even when you want it more than anything. Astarion develops a “non sexual safe word” for moments when he needs to be left alone/given space. He usually only needs a moment to recenter.
Astarion ends up working with the society of brilliance and the Gur to study vampirism and search for a cure. Some of the spawn in the underdark volunteer to help test theories and potential cures. This involves everything from finding out what types of fabric/materials can be used to prevent sunlight from damaging their skin to studying potential non blood food sources. Astarion mostly works with his partners to search for artifacts like sunwalker rings and magical/alchemical cures.
Astarion is good with kids. Once he has time to rest and begin healing from his two centuries of trauma he finds that children don’t annoy/upset him as much anymore. Yenna lives with Halsin at moonrise and is especially fond of him, the pair often play together when he’s visiting.
Quickest way to his heart is to compliment his cooking. And not just “wow this is good!” compliments. The type that shows you actually noticed things like the unique seasonings or the plating.
Because he doesn’t divulge much about his personal life to his students and fellow professors he accidentally ends up the center of a minor scandal. Astarion makes a surprise appearance on campus during a stormy day to deliver Gale’s lunch(which he left at home) and kisses him in front of his morning class. Atavia had done the same on multiple occasions but was out of town at the time, so the students thought Gale was having an affair. Eventually another professor confronted Gale when Atavia surprised him at work(she had gotten home from her trip early) and Tavi just burst out laughing while Gale desperately tried to explain the situation. The next day Astarion and Tavi deliver his lunch together to put the rumors to bed.
Gale develops a whole host of modified and new spells after becoming a professor. This includes spells that allow for the indefinite storage and preservation of food(including blood), spells that allow individuals with sunlight sensitivity to go outside for up to 4 hours at a time during the day, and enchantments that can be applied to collars and armor that allow animals to speak with people. He also publishes certain spells anonymously, not exactly out of embarrassment but because he’s uncertain how it might impact his career. Basically all of them are modified spells for sexual encounters.
After deciding to break his pact with Mizora, Wyll procures the prosthetic eye Volo has. He continues to use the sending stone eye up until he and Karlach enter the hells after the death of the netherbrain. Given he is no longer working for the cambion he “swaps” eyes and tosses the sending stone eye as far as he can.
He waits to propose to Karlach until about a month after her engine is stabilized. They’d been dating for a while at that point, but he didn’t want her to feel like she had to agree because he had helped with her engine. He also wanted time to prepare a proper elaborate fancy proposal because she deserves it. She says yes before he can even finish asking, he’s not even fully on one knee before she practically throws herself at him in a massive embrace.
When Tavi complements his skills as a ranger at the reunion party he almost explodes with joy. She’s one of the best ranger he’s worked with(the other being THE Minsc) so it truly means a lot.
One of the few people that Tavi isn’t romantically involved with who is allowed to be super physical with her. Tavi isn’t opposed to friendly hugs and the like, but doesn’t do well with extended touch from those she’s not with. Karlach is just such a giant cuddly teddy bear that somehow Tavi doesn’t mind. She doesn’t even fully understand it herself. If Halsin or Astarion weren’t wrapped around her at camp it was Karlach in their place.
Once she’s able to permanently return to the material plane, Karlach becomes a legendary hero in her own right. She often joins her former companions when they go out on grand quests.
Karlach is called “Auntie Karlach” by the various offspring of the Tavi-cule. She’s the favorite of all the companions when it comes to baby sitting(at least for the children.) She loves kids of all ages, but especially enjoys spending time with those between the approximate ages of 7 to 10.
Lae’zel eventually introduces her companions to Xan, the hatchling rescued from the crèche in the ruined monastery. Xan is just as fascinated by the material plane as his adopted mother was, and is delighted to interact with Tavi’s familiars and companion animals.
After the defeat of Vlaakith Lae’zel and Xan move in with Shadowheart. It was originally supposed to be just until Lae’zel could find her own place but turns out Shadowheart and Lae’zel are in fact very much in love still. Xan now has two moms.
Tavi helps Lae’zel learn about the courting practices of the sword coast so she can make her intentions clear to Shadowheart(and not at all because Lae’zel doesn’t want to fight her because the idea of causing her harm is deeply distressing) Lae’zel and Shadowheart do end up romantically sparring eventually, but it’s far less intense than standard Gith fighting.
Before Lae’zel moves in, Shadowheart is a bit of a hermit. She makes time to visit her companions but otherwise spends her days tending to her animals and her gardens in relative solitude.
During her first visit to Waterdeep she joins the Tavi-cule for dinner. She ends up staying over because of how late into the night the conversation goes. The next morning she learns about Gale’s Modified Silence spell when joking that based on how disheveled Tavi looks she’s surprised she didn’t hear them. She asks Gale to make her some scrolls to take home, and encourages him to consider publishing them under a pseudonym.
Shadowheart and Astarion love to gossip. During the absolute adventure they would sneak away and chat in elvish to avoid being heard, and post adventure they keep up a correspondence. When they get together in person they can spend hours talking about the latest gossip while enjoying some good wine and snacks.
When Atavia is pregnant with her first child, Jaheira visits to give her advice and guidance. Most of it consists of “here’s how to not kill a baby” and “here are safe ways to manage your symptoms during and after pregnancy”. She helps Atavia and her partners set up a nursery in Gale’s tower because Tavi is worried about it looking nice while still being safe. She serves as a sort of safety auditor. Jaheira is also the “god mother” of all of the Tavi-cule children. She accepts on the condition she is never called anything like “granny.”
Jaheira often joins Tavi and Astarion(and whoever else is with them) when they go out searching for artifacts. She’s with them when they get their hands on a real sunwalker ring, the first time they find evidence of a cure for vampirism, and when they finally get their hands on the last thing needed for said cure. They start to jokingly call her a good luck charm.
She continues to work with the Harpers on and off. Geraldus is one of the few Harpers she genuinely enjoys working with and the two become good friends over time.
Minsc is eventually able to communicate half decent information about the vampire cures Boo supposedly knows of. It’s one of those cures in particular that the Tavi-cule is able to find evidence of and actually create. And it works! Astarion complains about being indebted to a hamster, but privately thanks Minsc and Boo. Tavi is beside herself with pride for managing to pull it off despite the language barrier.
Minsc will randomly appear on the doorsteps of the various party members with no warning. He usually only stays for a day and rarely spends the night, but he always comes with unbelievable tales of his most recents adventures. He always makes an effort to visit after any of the party members have major life events to offer his support/congratulations/etc.
Atavia keeps a stash of Boo’s favorite treats on her person at all times. You never know when you’ll run into Minsc and she never wants to be caught unprepared.
BONUS: The Creatures
Scratch goes to live with Alfira and Larkissa after the death of the netherbrain. Atavia makes an effort to stop by and say hello whenever she’s visiting the gate.
Owlbear Cub
Once the owlbear cub moves to the grove Atavia makes sure to bring some fancy smoked meats when she and Astarion visit to spend time with Halsin. She loves to curl up and nap with him under the sun.
Taking the form of a cat in the eyes of all but the former adventuring party and their loved ones, Us ends up living at Gale’s tower. Tara and Morena eventually allow it to join their tea parties. It doesn’t drink any tea of course.
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agent-oo-z · 5 days
Ok more Tad-fools and Tavi-cule thoughts
Yada yada spoilers potential blah blah you know the drill
Atavia loves all her companions on a soul deep level. Maybe not all romantically and/or sexually but her platonic and familial love is just as intense and all encompassing. Everyone stays in touch in no small part because Tavi is always on top of who’s where and what they’re doing. She’s always down to lend a hand if need be. Animal sitting, baby sitting, house sitting, sure of course. But also! Need help on a quest? Want backup for a fancy schmancy political event? Need someone to do some sneakin and spyin? She’s your gal! Maybe not quite a grand hero adventurer any more but she’s certainly not “retired”
But that got me thinking about the others. How they interact with each other with or without Atavia being involved. So here we are! This post is about Astarion and the others.
Astarion and Shadowheart continue their “tea time” (cough wine cough) gossip get togethers of course. But they also just enjoy spending time together. Whenever Shadowheart is in town form Sèlunite things they make sure to have a night out on the town together.
When Astarion is eventually cured of vampirism, Shadowheart helps teach him how to swim. She’s on the “help Astarion adjust to being not un-dead anymore” committee and helps him go through various foods to make sure he doesn’t have any allergies.
When something pisses Astarion off like. A WHOLE LOT. He writes to Shadowheart about it and then they meet up so he can get full on angry screaming ranty. His partners all struggle when he’s upset like that because they want to fix the reason he’s upset, but sometimes that’s just not an option. So Shadowheart steps in to be there for him while he just gets the anger and frustration out of his system. She’ll also call him out if he’s being the unreasonable one.
As another part of the “help Astarion adjust to being not un-dead anymore” committee, Lae’zel’s main job is helping him get used to fighting again. His senses are all different, his body far more vulnerable to damage, etc. so she spars with him while he gets used to being alive again.
He also uses her for stealth practice. He’s abysmal at sneaking up on her for the first month or so but every time he fails she tells him exactly what gave him away. It’s very helpful.
When Lae’zel is working on adjusting to living in Faerun, Astarion helps her bridge the gap from “hyper practical survival focused analysis” mode to “social etiquette and interaction” mode. Because he knows how to view social interaction in the survival mode and knows how to view survival in the social interaction mode. This helps Lae’zel start to pick up on things on her own without having to be explicitly told about them.
Once her engine is fixed all the way, Astarion helps Karlach cope with being used by Mizora and Zariel. Same with him and Wyll. They get together and talk about being used against their will by horrible beings. Astarion and Karlach talk about the physical effects of it, the lingering pains and phantom hands, the ways that having your body torn apart so often can impact you mentally. They do lots of “I’m in charge of my own body” activities together. Getting piercings, tattoos, etc.
Karlach is very physically affectionate. She’s just about the only person aside from his partners who have standing permission to just hug him and hold him and cuddle him at all times(unless he says otherwise). It also helps that he’s cool and she’s hot so they can help sort of even each other’s temperatures out through physical contact.
When Astarion starts to get twitchy because things have been “normal” for too long Karlach takes him out to a seedy bar and they indulge. Sometimes they get in fights, sometimes they just get intoxicated, they just generally fuck around for a little while. A bit of controlled chaos.
Wyll and Astarion end up really close friends after Karlach’s engine is fixed. Astarion spends a lot of his free time studying modern law. He’s not a proper legal professional but he could be if he put his mind to it. Mostly he just uses his knowledge to help Wyll navigate high society political dealings and all that. Astarion becomes the unofficial Ravenguard legal counsel. Having an intimidating legal counsel who will take no shit on his or your own behalf proves very useful. And Wyll works with the Gur and the spawn in the underdark to help study vampirism and its potential cures/treatments. His connections and influence help them all get hold of rare materials and powerful allies.
As mentioned with Karlach they talk about the struggles of losing your bodily autonomy, especially in regard to your physical appearance, together. I personally head canon that when Astarion is “cured” he still retains a lot of the physical changes of vampirism. Sharp canines, red eyes, the bite scar, and running cooler than most. Which at first is really upsetting and frustrating for him. But talking with Wyll helps him process that looking like his “old” self would be equally weird and unfamiliar.
Astarion LOVES being invited to fancy upper class affairs. Parties, galas, dinners, all of it. Atavia doesn’t often attend(social anxiety Babey) and Gale and Halsin are both usually too busy with their own work. So Astarion and Wyll end up spending most events together just the two of them. He loves to be an absolute menace and flirt with everyone in sight. Wyll pretends to be super upset but secretly enjoys it.
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agent-oo-z · 25 days
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Here we go again gaymers. More writing weeeee!
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agent-oo-z · 2 months
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Whelp. It’s official. I’m writing a proper fic about Atavia and her story. I don’t really know what else to say or how to “promote” it so I’ll just leave the link and say that I’m enjoying writing about my girl and her interactions with Astarion(canon and non canon).
In future the fic will include the canon throuple(Astarion, Atavia, and Halsin) but at the moment it’s mostly just Astarion and Atavia with background appearances by Gale and Shadowheart. I’m debating wether I’ll include the post game stuff in this fic or make a separate one but eventually the complete Tavi-Cule(Astarion, Atavia, Halsin, and Gale) will end up in a fic. Just might not be this one.
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agent-oo-z · 10 days
The thing about my characters in BG3 is most of them have been body type three. I tend to prefer picking bigger feminine body types when given the chance. Aliah and Arista were both body type three. Atavia is the outlier. She’s small and short and scrawny because of her history(growing up a street orphan means you don’t get enough nourishment) and it’s weird because like. I keep forgetting she’s short. Like she goes to kiss Astarion and he has to angle his head down and I’m like “fuck she’s small that’s right”
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agent-oo-z · 12 days
Just thinking about Atavia again. Standard “potential spoilers below” warning applies.
Atavia who is so convinced that she’s only worth her ability to be useful. Who would lay down her life to save just one other person in a heart beat. Who would always trade places with someone who was suffering because if she’s the one in pain it’s all ok. Not because she thinks she’s stronger or better or can handle it but because she thinks she isn’t innocent enough to matter. Her life is only well used if it’s spent saving everyone and everything she comes across who deserves it.
Atavia who meets Astarion who she silently pledges to help no matter what. She’d gladly give her life if it would guarantee his freedom and safety. He gripes and whines when they save people but she can tell he’s angry that no one saved him, it was a mere happenstance. And she blames herself for that. She should have saved him. The entire time she lived in the gate he was there, trapped and enslaved and suffering. Maybe she even met him or one of the other spawn before she went off into the wilds. So she owes him. Her life is his because(in her mind) she’s already failed and betrayed him, even unintentionally, and she has to make up for it.
So she feeds him every day. Uses the amulet she found in the grove to restore herself in the morning not because she deserves it, but because she has to be on top of her game to be a good leader and to ensure her companions don’t die as a result of her weakness. She always worries about herself last. She’ll give all her potions away while insisting she’s fine, waiting for the chance to crawl off to her own meager tent to “lick her wounds” in secret. She only even has a tent because the others questioned her about it the first night they all camped together. It’s some simple poles and an old piece of fabric she found on the road as they travelled. Her bedroll is ratty and shows evidence of years of meager mending. She doesn’t need anything more, after all. Just enough to survive. She wears threadbare practical clothes but brings him fancy and luxurious ones whenever she comes across them. Insisting she’d just ruin them if she had any of her own to wear. She eats the smallest portion at the camp meals, often giving a decent portion to Scratch and the owlbear cub.
But Astarion charms her. He praises her for the simplest things, teases and banters with her, makes her laugh and smile every chance he gets. He constantly pesters her to be more selfish. At first out of annoyance. The goody two shoes ranger is wasting precious time. But they keep gaining allies and rewards for her good deeds, and she never waivers in her commitment to aiding him in killing his master.
He starts slipping treats and trinkets into her pack and pockets. Starts insisting she rest longer and eat more and accept healing when injured. He tells her that it makes him happy(and it truly does) to “spoil” her, even tho he’s really just ensuring she receives the same level of care she shows to others. He convinces her that keeping her safe and healthy makes him stronger. Feeding from healthy stock is best after all. Her happiness is his, seeing her experience joy ‘brings his dead heart back to life’, showering her in love and affection is a reminder he’s free from Cazador. It’s all true. Even if he’s saying it to get her to prioritize her own well-being more.
After all.
What else is love, if not caring for someone else so much you desperately need them to care for themselves as much as you do?
TLDR These two idiots love each other so much. Atavia is gently picking up the pieces of his mask as it cracks and breaks and handing them back to him without comment, letting him discard them or put them back in place. Astarion is breaking the pieces off his mask and leaving them around in the hopes she might see them and take them for herself so she can be safer.
He’s only manipulating her to love herself as much as he loves her because he needs her strong and healthy to help him and not because he wants her to love him in return
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agent-oo-z · 4 months
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Behold! Atavia and her Boys™️ at the end of the game! I shared these screenshots, or some of them at least, earlier but I wanted to highlight the Tavi-cule(previously the Tav-cule but I’m making it more obvious it’s about my specific Tav now) because I’m just so happy with the hugs. They’re all so cute and tender and I love it. I also love Astarion watching her in the bed, he’s such a sweet heart if you’re willing to support him while he heals and works on himself.
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agent-oo-z · 4 months
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Atavia head canon time. I love her I’m obsessed with her and I’m going to make it everyone’s problem
Atavia is afraid of traveling at sea. Krakens, sea storms, whirlpools, all of it horrifies her. She’s fine with boats as long as they stay in rivers and lakes.
After becoming “the saviors of Baldur’s Gate” Atavia basically goes into hiding. She doesn’t know how to handle all the attention and recognition, and is extremely grateful that Astarion’s condition means they can only really go out at night. It’s far easier to get up to thievery in the dark after all! (She doesn’t need to steal but she’s a petty creature so when she encounters assholes she picks their pockets for fun)
Atavia is completely oblivious to the fact she’s been blessed with The Raven Queen’s favor for the longest time. It’s not until Halsin asks her what she had done to earn the blessing that she realizes. She and Astarion split their “down time” between Halsin at the growing settlement in Moonrise and Gale at his tower in Waterdeep, but spend most their time searching for a vampirism cure. In between chasing down leads they spend their time with Halsin. During one such home visit Halsin notices a raven that seems to watch Tavi from a distance. He asks her is her “feathered friend” is shy or afraid of people only to learn Tavi has no idea what he’s talking about. The approach the bird together to make sure it’s not a threat(a familiar being used to spy in them, a Druid in wild shape preparing to attack, etc) and discover it’s an emissary of The Raven Queen that had been sent to watch her on her travels. After this Tavi has her own raven familiar with her at all times. His name is Omen.
Atavia got her face scars while learning to live off the land in her young adulthood. She was attempting to climb a tree to get at sound particularly tempting fruit and put her weight on a branch that couldn’t support her. She nicked her face against the branch as she fell and without any magic or potions the wounds healed naturally and scarred.
She’ll never admit it but she is beyond jealous of Minsc. She fully believes everything he says about Boo and is devastated that no matter what she tries, she cannot understand the little creature. Atavia has always preferred the company and conversation of animals to that of people.
She hates roses. The flowers are over rated in her opinion.
Atavia doesn’t really like eating proper meals. She prefers to eat lots of little snacky things throughout the day
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agent-oo-z · 1 month
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Well gamers I’ve done it again. Thank you to everyone who has checked in out so far, and extra special thanks to those who have left kudos or bookmarked it!
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agent-oo-z · 4 months
Shorter version of my BG3 player character post for those who don’t want to read all the lore but want to know who’s who
First is Aliah(they/them) a half elven ranger. Aliah romanced Astarion and currently has what I consider a “non canon” ending as they were my first ever play through.
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Second is Arista(she/they) my first Durge! Arista is also a half elven ranger(I like what I like and find too much change to be intimidating. Sue me) She romanced Astarion and resisted her urge
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Next is Ta’amis(they/them) my least completed campaign. Ta’amis is a Dragonborn ranger who is going to romance Karlach. Ta’amis is my character in the multiplayer campaign my partner and I have together and we’ve only just barely started act 1 lol.
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Finally(for now) is Atavia(she/her) my elven ranger. Atavia has almost reached the end of her campaign. She is romancing Halsin and Astarion. She has the most lore and is the least like me of all my characters so far.
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Edit: if anyone ever wants to draw any of My Girls(gender neutral) please feel free!
As long as you aren’t drawing them like. Being murdered/tortured/assaulted/etc😅
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agent-oo-z · 8 days
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They aren’t gonna get together until post game so hang in there Galemancers but I swear to you it’s coming.
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agent-oo-z · 15 days
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Am I gonna run out of applicable Hoziwr lyrics before I finish this fic? Probably! But I’m still making it work for now! Anyways new chapter you know the deal
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agent-oo-z · 22 days
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My first attempt at writing combat. I think the fic is going to have a lot more of the in game events and stories from here on out
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agent-oo-z · 29 days
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That’s right it’s new chapter time already!
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agent-oo-z · 1 month
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That’s right it’s another chapter! These two are consuming me and I can’t even pretend to be upset. Starting to approach the confession so this chapter begins to examine Astarion’s feelings for Atavia in a bit more depth.
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agent-oo-z · 1 month
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So uh. Had a bit of a wild time with this chapter. Kinda feels like my entire writing style evolved? Or like I found a way to get all the pieces put together properly? Anyways this is the longest chapter so far I’m pretty sure. Enjoy!
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