#Atavia head canons
agent-oo-z · 4 months
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Atavia head canon time. I love her I’m obsessed with her and I’m going to make it everyone’s problem
Atavia is afraid of traveling at sea. Krakens, sea storms, whirlpools, all of it horrifies her. She’s fine with boats as long as they stay in rivers and lakes.
After becoming “the saviors of Baldur’s Gate” Atavia basically goes into hiding. She doesn’t know how to handle all the attention and recognition, and is extremely grateful that Astarion’s condition means they can only really go out at night. It’s far easier to get up to thievery in the dark after all! (She doesn’t need to steal but she’s a petty creature so when she encounters assholes she picks their pockets for fun)
Atavia is completely oblivious to the fact she’s been blessed with The Raven Queen’s favor for the longest time. It’s not until Halsin asks her what she had done to earn the blessing that she realizes. She and Astarion split their “down time” between Halsin at the growing settlement in Moonrise and Gale at his tower in Waterdeep, but spend most their time searching for a vampirism cure. In between chasing down leads they spend their time with Halsin. During one such home visit Halsin notices a raven that seems to watch Tavi from a distance. He asks her is her “feathered friend” is shy or afraid of people only to learn Tavi has no idea what he’s talking about. The approach the bird together to make sure it’s not a threat(a familiar being used to spy in them, a Druid in wild shape preparing to attack, etc) and discover it’s an emissary of The Raven Queen that had been sent to watch her on her travels. After this Tavi has her own raven familiar with her at all times. His name is Omen.
Atavia got her face scars while learning to live off the land in her young adulthood. She was attempting to climb a tree to get at sound particularly tempting fruit and put her weight on a branch that couldn’t support her. She nicked her face against the branch as she fell and without any magic or potions the wounds healed naturally and scarred.
She’ll never admit it but she is beyond jealous of Minsc. She fully believes everything he says about Boo and is devastated that no matter what she tries, she cannot understand the little creature. Atavia has always preferred the company and conversation of animals to that of people.
She hates roses. The flowers are over rated in her opinion.
Atavia doesn’t really like eating proper meals. She prefers to eat lots of little snacky things throughout the day
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agent-oo-z · 3 months
Recently imagined what would happen if my BG3 player characters met each other. So have some goofy head canons!
I wish I could include Ta’mis my dragon born but like. I still don’t really have a solid grasp on them as a character. I’ve barely started act 1 with them so it’s gonna be a bit before I figure them out.
Aliah and Atavia would see Arista and her fucked up Durge Trauama™️ and be like “oh you poor thing” and just instantly pack bond. They’d both see someone who was trying to overcome their nature/past and do better despite not being sure if they even deserve a second chance and they’d be like “you’re doing great sweetie!”
They’d all do the “same hat” bit but with romancing Astarion. Just standing in a circle like the Spider-Man pointing meme and going “SAME BOYFRIEND!”
When Ali and Ari learned about the Tavi-Cule they’d be like “woah Atavia! How come the Player lets you have 3 boyfriends?!” Aliah would mostly just be surprised about Gale, and Arista would just be confused in general. Poor kid is so convinced she’s a monster that the idea of multiple people choosing to be with her seems impossible.
They woukd all Gush about their bears together. So much animal companion/familiar chatting. Giant bear cuddle pile. Just rangers being rangers
Aliah is the youngest and it quickly becomes clear they have a bit of a thing about being so young. They feel the need to be perfect and an over achiever. Arista would just kinda try and convince them to not try to single handedly fix the world, whereas Atavia would pull Aliah’s Astarion aside and be like “here’s a list of tactics you can use to trick them into taking breaks and not beating themselves up if they aren’t always perfect”
The three Astarions compare notes on their chaos rangers. Atavia’s Astarion is super grateful that he has Halsin and Gale to help him with Atavia. She is nowhere near as traumatized/damaged as the other two but is very hard headed. Aliah’s Astarion is a bit shocked that all three rangers pursued him first. It’s a bit of an ego boost. Arista’s Astarion is happy to see his Durge ranger making friends.
Atavia would absolutely adopt the other two into her “collection of strays.” She just wants to help everyone always. Basically creates her own version of The Guild but it’s all her various companions/people she befriended on her journey. She’s got the teiflings and the deep gnomes and the druids and the Harper’s and so on. What’s two more?
The Tripple A’s(that’s their group name I’ve decided) are just generally “gal pals” (gender neutral) and get along super well. They’re silly and friendly and love sharing stories. If they could meet up often they would. In general I think they’d all just support each other and do goofy ranger things together.
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agent-oo-z · 4 months
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We did it gang! Tavi officially beat the game! I think I may try to re do the final fight tho, it was all kinds of fucky and weird plus the patch dropped like. Just after I finished her playthrough lol. Tavi managed to fully dominate the brain(with the use of all her inspiration of course) and it felt so fuckin good. Anyways expect some cute epilogue screenshots of my beloved robin-hood girl boss murder queen ranger babe.
Some bonus little head canons below the cut 🖤
Karlach’s engine gives out before Astarion starts to burn. I refuse to believe Tavi doesn’t run after her beloved and set up an emergency shade shelter for him. She puts her ranger skills to use! She has her bears guard the entrance and stays inside with Astarion. Checks to see if the burns need treatment, and if they don’t just focused on trying to keep him from panicking. She blames herself because she should have prepared for this before hand.
Although she spends the night with Astarion, she gives him a moment alone to process his own feelings and takes the time to speak with Halsin. She’s mostly planning on telling Halsin that she still deeply loves him but she needs to stay with Astarion and try to find a cure/way for him to walk in the sun for now. Then Halsin is all like “I have so many orphaned kids to take care of and I need to go basically build a new community at moonrise” so it just kinda. Works out? Eventually she and Halsin head back to her room and explain everything to Astarion and are like “we’re not ending anything but we are acknowledging that things are gonna be weird and we’re going to be separate physically”
Atavia sleeps basically 24 hours straight after everything. I’m a firm believer in the “elves don’t need to sleep but they can if they’re super fucking exhausted or if they choose to” so I imagine she just. Conks out. Astarion is kinda stressed at first and panics and wakes her up. Once he realizes she’s just very tired he chills out. They end up properly “sleeping together” for the first time since they met. Astarion makes so many jokes about it.
Tavi talks to Gale about her and Astarion maybe staying with him in Waterdeep until they can get a lead on something to help Astarion and offers to help him search for the crown. Gale is like “of course you can stay, but I must find the crown on my own” and has Tara welcome them in and help them get settled. When Gale finds the crown and is freed of the orb he surprises the two by arriving and preparing a massive feast. Tavi is so happy for him she starts crying and kisses him and then the whole Tav-cule officially begins.
Atavia feels the need to fix all the problems/save all her fiends and so takes all the various infernal metals they collected(stole) on their journey to Damon so he can study them and work towards a solution. She eventually gets a way to get in contact with Wyll and Karlach so they know what progress is being made outside of the hells
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agent-oo-z · 2 months
Time for more BG3 Tav talk
Standard spoiler warnings apply, as this is more post game head canons for my girl Atavia and her collection of strays friends
Ok so notes for how some side quests resolved for Tavi. Biggest one is that I saved all the gondians! And I mean ALL of them! Even the ones in the basement of the forge who have a tendency to stand right next to the watchers right as they explode. Barcus is now head of the ironhands and they are working with the gondians. Saved Valeria and as many of the Bhaal targets as possible. Got rid of the abusive postal service kennel master. Saved the spawn and sent them to the under dark. Cal and Lia moved in with Rolan post Lorokan. Saved lady Janeth and her husband, also freed the zombies by killing the mummy lord whose name I’ve forgotten. Saved all possible hag victims(including the little girl) and killed ethyl. Saved the people at the fish market from the saughines(spelling?)
Basically. Just about everyone in the lower city either was saved/helped by Atavia or knows someone who was. So when she eventually turns back up in the city for whatever reason, she’s super confused as to why everything seems so cheap. Because the people of the gate know she values her privacy(she bribed just about everyone possible to ensure no statues/monuments/paintings/murals/etc went up that depicted her appearance until after she was dead) they all just treat her like any random traveler but secretly give her insane discounts. When she realizes what’s going on she starts leaving “gifts” and “tips” to counteract the discounts because she doesn’t need the money and doesn’t want it either. Astarion whines about it but also leaves tips and gifts of his own because he’s always been a softy at heart.
Whenever Tavi makes appearances as “the hero” she intentionally changes her appearance without casting disguise self. Learned how to make convincing fake scars and tattoos, she has a wig, she wears makeup, has a specific “hero wardrobe” of clothes she’d never wear that have padding to slightly change her silhouette, the whole nine yards. This is mostly so that any nobles/government people she meets won’t be able to identify her in plain clothes/her adventuring gear. If she used a spell it would be obvious, enough information about her appearance is common knowledge that she can’t disguise self as a different race, but she can altar things like her hair length/color or her number of scars etc. so she does. This also serves the double purpose of allowing her to take down/steal from corrupt nobles/officials without being implicated because the only nobles/officials who know what she really looks like are the Ravenguards, Florick, and a handful of Flaming Fists.
Animals. Tavi makes so many animal friends throughout the game, and I assume basically every where she goes she does the same. Tara is one of the only creatures that doesn’t instantly bond with Tavi. Tressyms aren’t exactly standard animals tho so it’s not entirely surprising. Tavi and Shadowheart swap animal stories every time they get together. I also choose to believe that scratch went to live with Shadowheart post game because they should live together.
The Harpers often get “anonymous tips” about various goings on from Tavi. She doesn’t ever officially join their ranks but she knows how to spot them and also knows that they’ll back her up in a fight if she needs them to. Jaheira teases her about it constantly.
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