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Better Business Bureau Customer Service
Better Business Bureau Customer Service Consumer Debt Counselors specializes in helping people with debt- and credit-related issues, including Medical Bills Professional Counseling Credit Card Debt Wage Garnishment Bankruptcy Personal Loans, And More! Debt- and credit-related issues can be overwhelming, but Consumer Debt Counselors is here to help. We understand that your financial life is never simple, and our team of experienced consultants will help you get back on track. Just fill out the form below and one of our Debt Counselors will contact you shortly.
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Everything advertised on social media is overpriced junk
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In “Behavioral Advertising and Consumer Welfare: An Empirical Investigation,” a trio of business researchers from Carnegie Mellon and Pamplin College investigate the difference between the goods purchased through highly targeted online ads and just plain web-searches, and conclude social media ads push overpriced junk:
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
Specifically, stuff that’s pushed to you via targeted ads costs an average of 10 percent more, and it significantly more likely to come from a vendor with a poor rating from the Better Business Bureau. This may seem trivial and obvious, but it’s got profound implications for media, commercial surveillance, and the future of the internet.
Writing in the New York Times, Julia Angwin — a legendary, muckraking data journalist — breaks down those implications. Angwin builds a case study around Jeremy’s Razors, a business that advertises itself as a “woke-free” shaving solution for manly men:
Jeremy’s Razors spends a fucking fortune on ads. According to Facebook’s Ad Library, the company spent $800,000 on FB ads in March, targeting fathers of school-age kids who like Hershey’s, ultimate fighting, hunting or Johnny Cash:
Anti-woke razors are an objectively, hilariously stupid idea, but that’s not the point here. The point is that Jeremy’s has to spend $800K/month to reach its customers, which means that it either has to accept $800K less in profits, or make it up by charging more and/or skimping on quality.
Targeted advertising is incredibly expensive, and incredibly lucrative — for the ad-tech platforms that sit between creative workers and media companies on one side, and audiences on the other. In order to target ads, ad-tech companies have to collect deep, nonconsensual dossiers on every internet user, full of personal, sensitive and potentially compromising information.
The switch to targeted ads was part of the enshittification cycle, whereby companies like Facebook and Google lured in end-users by offering high-quality services — Facebook showed you the things the people you asked to hear from posted, and Google returned the best search results it could find.
Eventually, those users became locked in. Once all our friends were on Facebook, we held each other hostage, each unable to leave because the others were there. Google used its access to the capital markets to snuff out any rival search companies, spending tens of billions every year to be the default on Apple devices, for example.
Once we were locked in, the tech giants made life worse for us in order to make life better for media companies and advertisers. Facebook violated its promise to be the privacy-centric alternative to Myspace, where our data would never be harvested; it switched on mass surveillance and created cheap, accurate ad-targeting:
Google fulfilled the prophecy in its founding technical document, the Pagerank paper: “advertising funded search engines will be inherently biased towards the advertisers and away from the needs of the consumers.” They, too, offered cheap, highly targeted ads:
Facebook and Google weren’t just kind to advertisers — they also gave media companies and creative workers a great deal, funneling vast quantities of traffic to both. Facebook did this by cramming media content into the feeds of people who hadn’t asked to see it, displacing the friends’ posts they had asked to see. Google did it by upranking media posts in search results.
Then we came to the final stage of the enshittification cycle: having hooked both end-users and business customers, Facebook and Google withdrew the surpluses from both groups and handed them to their own shareholders. Advertising costs went up. The share of ad income paid to media companies went down. Users got more ads in their feeds and search results.
Facebook and Google illegally colluded to rig the ad-market with a program called Jedi Blue that let the companies steal from both advertisers and media companies:
Apple blocked Facebook’s surveillance on its mobile devices, but increased its own surveillance of Iphone and Ipad users in order to target ads to them, even when those users explicitly opted out of spying:
Today, we live in the enshittification end-times, red of tooth and claw, where media companies’ revenues are dwindling and advertisers’ costs are soaring, and the tech giants are raking in hundreds of billions, firing hundreds of thousands of workers, and pissing away tens of billions on stock buybacks:
As Angwin points out, in the era before behavioral advertising, Jeremy’s might have bought an ad in Deer & Deer Hunting or another magazine that caters to he-man types who don’t want woke razors; the same is true for all products and publications. Before mass, non-consensual surveillance, ads were based on content and context, not on the reader’s prior behavior.
There’s no reason that ads today couldn’t return to that regime. Contextual ads operate without surveillance, using the same “real-time bidding” mechanism to place ads based on the content of the article and some basic parameters about the user (rough location based on IP address, time of day, device type):
Context ads perform about as well as behavioral ads — but they have a radically different power-structure. No media company will ever know as much about a given user as an ad-tech giant practicing dragnet surveillance and buying purchase, location and finance data from data-brokers. But no ad-tech giant knows as much about the context and content of an article as the media company that published it.
Context ads are, by definition, centered on the media company or creative worker whose work they appear alongside of. They are much harder for tech giants to enshittify, because enshittification requires lock-in and it’s hard to lock in a publication who knows better than anyone what they’re publishing and what it means.
We should ban surveillance advertising. Period. Companies should not be allowed to collect our data without our meaningful opt-in consent, and if that was the standard, there would be no data-collection:
Remember when Apple created an opt out button for tracking, more than 94 percent of users clicked it (the people who clicked “yes” to “can Facebook spy on you?” were either Facebook employees, or confused):
Ad-targeting enables a host of evils, like paid political disinformation. It also leads to more expensive, lower-quality goods. “A Raw Deal For Consumers,” Sumit Sharma’s new Consumer Reports paper, catalogs the many other costs imposed on Americans due to the lack of tech regulation:
Sharma describes the benefits that Europeans will shortly enjoy thanks to the EU’s Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act, from lower prices to more privacy to more choice, from cloud gaming on mobile devices to competing app stores.
However, both the EU and the US — as well as Canada and Australia — have focused their news industry legislating on misguided “link taxes,” where tech giants are required to pay license fees to link to and excerpt the news. This is an approach grounded in the mistaken idea that tech giants are stealing media companies’ content — when really, tech giants are stealing their money:
Creating a new pseudocopyright to control who can discuss the news is a terrible idea, one that will make the media companies beholden to the tech giants at a time when we desperately need deep, critical reporting on the tech sector. In Canada, where Bill C-18 is the latest link tax proposal in the running to become law, we’re already seeing that conflict of interest come into play.
As Jesse Brown and Paula Simons — a veteran reporter turned senator — discuss on the latest Canadaland podcast, the Toronto Star’s sharp and well-reported critical series on the tech giants died a swift and unexplained death immediately after the Star began receiving license fees for tech users’ links and excerpts from its reporting:
Meanwhile, in Australia, the proposed “news bargaining code” stampeded the tech giants into agreeing to enter into “voluntary” negotiations with the media companies, allowing Rupert Murdoch’s Newscorp to claim the lion’s share of the money, and then conduct layoffs across its newsrooms.
While in France, the link tax depends on publishers integrating with Google Showcase, a product that makes Google more money from news content and makes news publishers more dependent on Google:
A link tax only pays for so long as the tech giants remain dominant and continue to extract the massive profits that make them capable of paying the tax. But legislative action to fix the ad-tech markets, like Senator Mike Lee’s ad-tech breakup bill (cosponsored by both Ted Cruz and Elizabeth Warren!) would shift power to publishers, and with it, money:
With ad-tech intermediaries scooping up 50% or more of every advertising dollar, there is plenty of potential to save news without the need for a link tax. If unrigging the ad-tech market drops the platforms’ share of advertising dollars to a more reasonable 10%, then the advertisers and publishers could split the remainder, with advertisers spending 20% less and publishers netting 20% more.
Passing a federal privacy law would end surveillance advertising at the stroke of a pen, shifting the market to context ads that let publishers, not platforms, call the shots. As an added bonus, the law would stop Tiktok from spying on Americans, and also end Google, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft’s spying to boot:
Mandating competition in app stores — as the Europeans are poised to do — would kill Google and Apple’s 30% “app store tax” — the percentage they rake off of every transaction from every app on Android and Ios. Drop that down to the 2–5% that the credit cards charge, and every media outlet’s revenue-per-subscriber would jump by 25%.
Add to that an end-to-end rule for tech giants requiring them to deliver updates from willing receivers to willing senders, so every newsletter you subscribed to would stay out of your spam folder and every post by every media company or creator you followed would show up in your feed:
That would make it impossible for tech giants to use the sleazy enshittification gambit of forcing creative workers and media companies to pay to “boost” their content (or pay $8/month for a blue tick) just to get it in front of the people who asked to see it:
The point of enshittification is that it’s bad for everyone except the shareholders of tech monopolists. Jeremy’s Razors are bad, winning a 2.7 star rating out of five:
The company charges more for these substandard razors, and you are more likely to find out about them, because of targeted, behavioral ads. These ads starve media companies and creative workers and make social media and search results terrible.
A link tax is predicated on the idea that we need Big Tech to stay big, and to dribble a few crumbs for media companies, compromising their ability to report on their deep-pocketed beneficiaries, in a way that advantages the biggest media companies and leaves small, local and independent press in the cold.
By contrast, a privacy law, ad-tech breakups, app-store competition and end-to-end delivery would shatter the power of Big Tech and shift power to users, creative workers and media companies. These are solutions that don’t just keep working if Big Tech goes away — they actually hasten that demise! What’s more, they work just as well for big companies as they do for independents.
Whether you’re the New York Times or you’re an ex-Times reporter who’s quit your job and now crowdfunds to cover your local school board and town council meetings, shifting control and the share of income is will benefit you, whether or not Big Tech is still in the picture.
Have you ever wanted to say thank you for these posts? Here’s how you can: I’m kickstarting the audiobook for my next novel, a post-cyberpunk anti-finance finance thriller about Silicon Valley scams called Red Team Blues. Amazon’s Audible refuses to carry my audiobooks because they’re DRM free, but crowdfunding makes them possible.
Image: freeimageslive.co.uk (modified) http://www.freeimageslive.co.uk/free_stock_image/using-mobile-phone-jpg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
[Image ID: A man's hand holds a mobile phone. Its screen displays an Instagram ad. The ad has been replaced with a slice of a vintage comic book 'small ads' page.]
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mariacallous · 5 months
Lobbyists for cable companies and advertisers yesterday expressed their displeasure with a proposed “click-to-cancel” regulation that aims to make it easier for consumers to cancel services.
Federal Trade Commission chair Lina Khan has said that changes are needed because “some businesses too often trick consumers into paying for subscriptions they no longer want or didn't sign up for in the first place.” The FTC proposed the new set of rules in March 2023, and comments from industry groups were taken this week in a hearing presided over by an administrative law judge.
NCTA – The Internet & Television Association, the primary trade group for cable companies like Comcast and Charter, said the rule would make it harder to offer deals to customers who are trying to cancel.
“The proposed simple click-to-cancel mechanism may not be so simple when such practices are involved. A consumer may easily misunderstand the consequences of canceling, and it may be imperative that they learn about better options,” NCTA CEO Michael Powell said at the hearing. For example, a customer “may face difficulty and unintended consequences if they want to cancel only one service in the package,” as “canceling part of a discounted bundle may increase the price for remaining services.”
Powell said that cable company reps can usually talk customers out of canceling. “Out of millions of cancellations, complaints received by NCTA members amount to only a tiny fraction of 1 percent,” he said. “Three out of four of the cable and broadband customers who called to cancel end up retaining some or all service after speaking with an agent.”
Powell worries that retaining customers will become tougher because, he said, the FTC “proposal prevents almost any communication without first obtaining a consumer's unambiguous, affirmative consent. That could disrupt the continuity of important services, choke off helpful information, and forgo potential savings. It certainly raises First Amendment issues.”
Powell also said the cost of complying—including retraining employees and maintaining records for longer than current practice—could force cable companies to raise prices. He claimed that the FTC's estimate of compliance costs is too low.
FTC: Sellers Must Take “No” for an Answer
The FTC said one of its proposed rules “would require businesses to make it at least as easy to cancel a subscription as it was to start it. For example, if you can sign up online, you must be able to cancel on the same website, in the same number of steps.”
Sellers would also have to obtain customer consent before they “pitch additional offers or modifications when a consumer tries to cancel their enrollment,” the FTC said. Before making those pitches, sellers would have to “ask consumers whether they want to hear them. In other words, a seller must take ‘no’ for an answer, and upon hearing ‘no’ must immediately implement the cancellation process.”
The FTC also proposes that sellers be required to “provide an annual reminder to consumers enrolled in negative option programs involving anything other than physical goods, before they are automatically renewed.”
At yesterday's hearing, the FTC also heard from the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), a lobby group for the online advertising industry. “The proposed rule would disrupt the current regime by adding specific requirements dictating what auto-renewal disclosures must say and how they must be presented,” said Lartease Tiffith, the IAB's executive VP for public policy.
Tiffith argued that the rule will burden businesses “and restrict innovation without any corresponding benefit. And as the technology develops, these prescriptive requirements will constrain companies from being able to adapt their offerings to the needs of their customers.”
Tiffith defended auto-renewals generally, saying the practice of automatically renewing services brings “significant benefits to both businesses and consumers in the form of cost savings, convenience, and heightened value.”
Cable Lobby Complains About Cost
Powell claims that complying with the rules would require “rebuilding” cable company systems and that the cost “could easily exceed $100 million for initial implementation by our industry alone.” These costs “would likely lead to higher prices for consumers,” he said.
An FTC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking offered a much different take on the costs, estimating that the “annual labor cost for disclosures for all entities is $4,695,800.” That's based on “an estimated hourly wage rate for sales personnel of $22.15” and an “estimate of 212,000 hours for compliance with the Rule's disclosure requirements.”
The FTC said that non-labor costs for complying with record-keeping and disclosure rules, “such as equipment and office supplies, would be costs borne by sellers in the normal course of business.”
Powell argued that the proposal shouldn't be applied to the cable industry. “The ominously labeled ‘negative option’ feature is merely a plan that continues until the customer cancels,” Powell said. "Most such plans present few concerns … In many industries like ours, automatic renewals are the only model that makes any sense. Consumers expect their internet service to flow reliably and without interruption."
The cable lobbyist contended that consumers are happy with cable company cancellation practices, and that adding the rules to “established processes that are well understood by subscribers will create more confusion, not less.”
“Tens of millions of consumers use our services. They know they are paying for continuing service … and they know how to cancel, rarely complaining about the process,” he said. “The FTC's highly prescriptive proposal requiring numerous disclosures, multiple consents, and specific cancellation mechanisms is a particularly poor fit for our industry.”
Referring to the requirement to obtain consent before offering new deals to customers who are trying to cancel service, Powell said that “placing speed bumps on conversations between consumers and providers will deny them a rightful chance at a better deal and providers a fair opportunity to retain a good customer.”
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Navigating Relocation: Tips for Selecting a Reliable Home Moving Company
Relocating to a new home is a significant event that requires careful planning and organization. One of the most critical decisions you’ll make during this process is selecting a reliable home moving company.
The right movers can make the transition smooth and stress-free, while the wrong choice can lead to delays, damages, and added costs. Here are some essential tips for selecting a reliable home moving company to ensure your relocation goes as smoothly as possible.
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Start with Research and Recommendations
Begin your search by gathering recommendations from friends, family, and colleagues who have recently moved. Personal experiences can provide valuable insights into the reliability and professionalism of different moving companies.
Additionally, conduct online research to find companies in your area. Websites like Yelp, customer Reviews, and the Better Business Bureau (BBB) offer customer reviews and ratings that can help you assess a company's reputation.
Verify Credentials and Licensing
Ensure that the moving company you are considering is properly licensed and insured. In the United States, interstate movers are required to register with the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and obtain a unique DOT number.
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You can verify a mover’s licensing status and check for any complaints on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) website. For local moves, check with your state’s regulatory body to confirm the company’s credentials.
Obtain Multiple Quotes
Contact at least three moving companies to request detailed, written estimates. Be cautious of estimates given over the phone or online without an in-person assessment of your belongings.
A reputable moving company will conduct an on-site evaluation or a video survey to provide a more accurate quote. Compare the estimates, looking for transparency in pricing and a clear breakdown of services and fees.
Understand the Services Offered
Different moving companies offer varying levels of service. Determine your needs and ensure the company can meet them. Services may include packing and unpacking, loading and unloading, bulk storage solutions, and specialized handling for fragile or valuable items. Clarify what is included in the estimate and ask about any additional costs for extra services.
Check for Insurance and Liability Coverage
Ask about the company’s insurance policies and liability coverage. While most moving companies offer basic coverage, it may not fully protect your belongings. Consider purchasing additional insurance for valuable or irreplaceable items. Ensure you understand the terms of coverage, including how to file a claim in case of loss or damage.
Look for Red Flags
Be aware of warning signs that may indicate a less reputable moving company. These can include:
Requests for large deposits or full payment upfront.
Lack of a physical address or company branding.
Incomplete or vague contract terms.
Poor communication or unprofessional behavior.
Overly low estimates that seem too good to be true.
Read the Contract Carefully
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Before signing any agreement, thoroughly read the contract and ensure you understand all terms and conditions. The contract should include:
The company’s contact information.
A detailed list of services and their costs.
The pickup and delivery dates.
Insurance and liability coverage details.
The process for filing claims.
Plan Ahead and Book Early
Reliable moving companies are often booked well in advance, especially during peak moving seasons (spring and summer). Once you have chosen a mover, book their services as early as possible to secure your desired moving date. Early booking also allows for better planning and preparation.
Communicate Clearly
Maintain open and clear communication with your chosen moving company throughout the process. Provide detailed instructions and any special requirements, such as the handling of fragile items or access restrictions at your new home. Clear communication helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures a smoother move.
Selecting a reliable home moving company is crucial for a successful relocation. By conducting thorough research, verifying credentials, obtaining detailed quotes, and understanding the services offered, you can make an informed decision. Careful planning and clear communication with your chosen movers will help ensure a seamless and stress-free transition to your new home. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate your relocation with confidence.
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arrcontractors · 2 months
ARR Contractors: Your Trusted General Contractor in Plano, Texas
ARR Contractors, a reputable general contractor in Plano, Texas, has been serving Anna, Garland, and surrounding regions since 2017. Having been accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) since May 25, 2020, the company has been recognized for its commitment to quality general contracting, insurance claim processing, and exterior storm restoration services.
Their restoration services help businesses and homeowners recover from storm damage on their property.
They offer quality roofing services to their customers with the help of experienced, licensed, and insured roofers. They provide an additional layer of security, peace of mind, and protection for homeowners and businesses, ensuring their properties are restored to their original condition or better.
General contractors, ARR Contractors offer a wide range of services, including roof installation and repair, siding installation, gutter installation, and windows installation. They provide detailed cost estimates and construction schedules to keep their customers updated throughout the project.
They specialize in turning the ideas and visions of their residential, commercial, and agricultural construction customers into reality.
The BBB certification is a testament to ARR Contractors' commitment to ethics and customer service. ARR Contractors has been recognized by satisfied customers and has received a BBB rating of A+.
ARR Contractors is a trusted general contractor company that has been serving the community of Plano, Texas, since 2017. They specialize in helping businesses and homeowners with restoration services when their property has been damaged by a storm. With their team of experienced, licensed, and insured roofers, their customers' properties are restored to their original state or better, thanks to their quality roofing services. The company's BBB accreditation and positive reviews from satisfied customers attest to their commitment to ethical business practices and customer satisfaction.
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sellgoldncr · 3 months
How To Sell Gold For Cash: A Comprehensive Guide
Assessing Your Gold
Before selling your gold for cash, it's essential to assess its value accurately. Determine the purity of your gold items by checking for hallmarks or conducting a purity test. Weigh your gold using a scale to calculate its total weight. Understanding the purity and weight of your gold will help you determine its market value.
When preparing to Sell Gold for cash, the first step is to assess the value of your gold items accurately. This involves determining the purity and weight of your gold, as these factors play a crucial role in determining its market value.
One way to assess the purity of your gold is to look for hallmarks or stamps on your gold jewelry or coins. These markings indicate the karatage or purity of the gold, with common hallmarks including 24K, 18K, 14K, and 10K. If your gold items are not stamped with a hallmark, you can use a gold testing kit to determine their purity accurately.
In addition to assessing purity, it's essential to weigh your gold items using a digital scale. Gold is typically measured in troy ounces, grams, or pennyweights, so amake sure your scale is calibrated to the appropriate unit of measurement. Once you have determined the weight of your gold, you can calculate its total value based on the current market price of gold.
Researching Current Market Prices
Before selling your gold, research current market prices to ensure you get a fair deal. Gold prices fluctuate daily based on supply and demand dynamics, economic conditions, and geopolitical factors. Use reliable sources such as financial news websites or precious metal market indices to track gold prices in real-time.
One of the most crucial steps in selling gold for cash is researching current market prices to ensure you receive a fair offer. Gold prices fluctuate constantly due to various factors, including changes in supply and demand, economic indicators, and geopolitical events. Therefore, it's essential to stay informed about the latest developments in the gold market before selling your gold items.
There are several ways to research current gold prices. One option is to use online resources such as financial news websites, precious metal market indices, or mobile apps that provide real-time updates on gold prices. These platforms offer valuable insights into gold price trends and allow you to track price movements over time.
Another option is to consult with reputable gold dealers or pawnshops in your area to inquire about current buying prices. While local dealers may offer slightly lower prices compared to online buyers, they can provide personalized service and immediate cash payment for your gold items.
By researching current market prices through multiple sources, you can gain a better understanding of the fair value of your gold and negotiate confidently with Gold Buyer when selling your gold for cash.
Choosing A Reputable Gold Buyer
When selling gold for cash, it's crucial to choose a reputable buyer to ensure a smooth and fair transaction. Look for buyers who are licensed, experienced, and transparent about their pricing policies. Avoid dealing with buyers who pressure you to sell or offer prices significantly below market value.
Selecting a reputable buyer is essential when selling gold for cash to ensure a fair and secure transaction. With numerous buyers available, it's crucial to conduct thorough research and choose a buyer who is licensed, experienced, and trustworthy.
One way to identify reputable Gold Buyers is to check for certifications or accreditations from recognized industry organizations. Look for buyers who are members of associations such as the Jewelers of America or the Better Business Bureau, as these organizations uphold strict standards of ethical conduct and customer service.
Additionally, consider reading online reviews and testimonials from past customers to gauge the reputation of potential buyers. Positive reviews and high ratings are indicators of a buyer's reliability and professionalism, while negative reviews may signal red flags such as hidden fees or poor customer service.
Transparency is another essential factor to consider when choosing a gold buyer to get high Cash For Gold. Look for buyers who provide clear and detailed information about their pricing policies, including how they calculate gold prices based on purity and weight. Avoid buyers who are vague or evasive about their pricing methods, as this may indicate dishonesty or unethical practices.
Furthermore, it's essential to compare offers from multiple buyers to ensure you receive a competitive price for your gold items. Obtain quotes from different buyers and carefully evaluate each offer based on factors such as price, reputation, and convenience. Keep in mind that the highest offer may not always be the best option if it comes from an untrustworthy buyer.
By choosing a reputable buyer who offers fair prices and transparent policies, you can sell your gold for cash with confidence and peace of mind.
Preparing Your Gold For Sale
Before selling your gold for cash, take steps to prepare your gold items for inspection and evaluation. Clean your gold jewelry or coins using a mild soap and water solution to remove dirt and debris. Store your gold items securely in a protective case or pouch to prevent damage during transportation.
Preparing your gold for sale is an essential step in the selling process that can help you maximize the value of your gold items and ensure a smooth transaction. Before presenting your gold items to potential buyers, take the time to clean and organize them to make a positive impression and facilitate the evaluation process.
Start by cleaning your gold jewelry or coins using a mild soap and water solution. Gently scrub the surface of your gold items with a soft-bristled brush to remove any dirt, oil, or tarnish that may have accumulated over time. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as these can damage the finish of your gold and diminish its value.
Once your gold items are clean and dry, inspect them carefully for any signs of damage or wear. Look for scratches, dents, or missing stones that may affect the overall value of your gold. If necessary, consider having your gold items professionally repaired or restored to enhance their appearance and marketability.
After cleaning and inspecting your gold items, store them securely in a protective case or pouch to prevent damage during transportation. Avoid mixing your gold items with other jewelry or valuables, as this can increase the risk of loss or damage. Instead, keep your gold items separate and label them accordingly to ensure they remain safe and secure until they are ready to be sold.
By taking the time to prepare your gold for sale, you can present your items in the best possible condition and increase their appeal to potential buyers. Additionally, thorough preparation demonstrates your commitment to transparency and professionalism, which can help build trust and confidence with buyers during the selling process.
Negotiating The Sale
When selling your Gold For Cash, don't be afraid to negotiate with buyers to get the best possible price for your items. Be prepared to walk away if you're not satisfied with the offer and consider seeking quotes from other buyers to leverage your bargaining position.
Negotiating the sale of your gold is an essential aspect of the selling process that can significantly impact the outcome of the transaction. By approaching negotiations strategically and confidently, you can maximize the value of your gold items and secure a fair price for your investment.
One key strategy in negotiating the sale of your gold is to be well-informed about current market prices and the value of your gold items. Conduct thorough research and obtain quotes from multiple buyers to establish a baseline for comparison and gauge the competitiveness of each offer. Armed with this information, you can negotiate from a position of strength and confidently assert the value of your gold to potential buyers.
When negotiating with Jewelry Buyers, be prepared to advocate for your interests and articulate the reasons why your gold is worth a certain price. Highlight any unique features or attributes of your gold items that may increase their value, such as rare designs, historical significance, or exceptional craftsmanship. By showcasing the inherent value of your gold, you can justify your asking price and persuade buyers to offer a higher price for your items.
Additionally, don't be afraid to walk away from a negotiation if you're not satisfied with the offer. Remember that you have the right to sell your gold on your own terms and shouldn't feel pressured to accept an offer that doesn't meet your expectations. Consider seeking quotes from other buyers to leverage your bargaining position and explore alternative selling options if necessary.
Throughout the negotiation process, maintain professionalism and courtesy when interacting with buyers, even if negotiations become challenging or contentious. By fostering a positive and constructive dialogue, you can increase the likelihood of reaching a mutually beneficial agreement and completing the sale successfully.
In conclusion, negotiating the sale of your gold requires careful preparation, strategic planning, and assertive communication. By following these tips and approaching negotiations with confidence and professionalism, you can optimize the value of your gold items and secure a favorable outcome for your investment.
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laresearchette · 4 months
Saturday, February 10, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHERE CAN I FIND THOSE PREMIERES?: DICKS: THE MUSICAL (Paramount+ Canada) LOVE & JANE (W Network) 8:00pm NINJA KAMUI (adult swim) 12:00am
NHL HOCKEY (SNOntario/SNEast/SNWest) 1:00pm: Flames vs. Islanders (SNPacific) 1:00pm: Canucks vs. Red Wings (TSN2) 1:00pm: Stars vs. Habs (SN/SN1) 3:30pm: Capitals vs. Bruins (SNWest/CityTV) 7:00pm: Penguins vs. Jets (CBC/SN) 7:00pm: Leafs vs. Sens (CBC/SN) 10:00pm: Oilers vs. Kings
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN4) 3:00pm: Thunder vs. Mavericks (TSN/TSN3/TSN4/TSN5) 7:30pm: Cavaliers vs. Raptors (SN Now) 7:30pm: Pacers vs. Knicks
TORONTO MARLIES HOCKEY (TSN2) 4:00pm: Laval vs. Toronto
W5 (CTV) 7:00pm: Customer (dis) Service: A look at businesses with poor response records to Better Business Bureau complaints.
MARRIED BY MISTAKE (CTV) 8:00pm: After losing her dream job, Riley gets drunk with Nate, and the next morning they find themselves married. With no job prospects on the horizon, Riley takes Nate up on his offer to move back to his hometown to help rescue his family's business.
SECRETS IN THE MARRIAGE (Lifetime Canada) 8:00pm: Framed for murder by her cheating husband, a newlywed must find a way to absolve herself of a crime she didn't commit while exposing her spouse before it's too late.
THE WEDDING IN THE HAMPTONS (Super Channel Heart & Home) 8:00pm: Jenna is a fashion designer who works for her friend's boutique, and their failing business was saved by an influencer. When Jenna comes to a Hamptons wedding, she is mistaken for that influencer, but she decides to go along to save the business.
761ST TANK BATTALION: THE ORIGINAL BLACK PANTHERS (History Canada) 9:00pm: The powerful story of the first all-Black tank unit to serve in combat in U.S. military history; under Gen. George Patten's command, the 761st battalion fought heroically throughout WWII.
LICORICE PIZZA (Crave) 9:00pm: Alana Kane and Gary Valentine grow up, run around and fall in love in California's San Fernando Valley in the 1970s.
THE LEGEND OF MOLLY JOHNSON (Super Channel Fuse) 9:00pm: On a remote homestead in the Snowy Mountains, a lonely bushwoman tries to run the family farm and raise her children while her husband is away.
A STAR IS BORN (2018) (CTV) 12:35am: Hard-drinking country music star Jackson Maine discovers -- and falls in love with -- a struggling but talented singer named Ally. As her career quickly takes off, Jackson starts to realize that his best days may be behind him.
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kkatiehere · 6 months
 Flycurvy.Com Legit Or Scam?
🔥Introduction to Flycurvy
Flycurvy stands as a global online haven for plus-size women, offering a blend of comfortable and avant-garde fashion. The brand aims to provide today’s curvaceous women with a diverse selection of clothing options, ensuring a unique and stylish look that instills confidence. FlyCurvy distinguishes itself by offering the latest plus-size fashions at affordable prices, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of curvy women.
Pros Fashion Diversity: FlyCurvy prides itself on offering a wide variety of styles, ensuring that customers can find unique and trendy clothing options. Affordability: The brand focuses on providing fashionable clothing at prices that are accessible to a broad audience. Inclusivity: FlyCurvy’s size range, from L to 5XL (equivalent to US size 10–28), showcases a commitment to inclusivity in catering to various body types. Cons Limited Product Imagery: Some customers have expressed a desire for more detailed pictures of products to better assess their look and feel. Size Consistency: While generally praised for accurate sizing, there have been reports of size inconsistency across different products, requiring customers to carefully check product measurements.
🌺Legitimacy of Flycurvy
Yes, FlyCurvy is a legitimate fashion brand. The company is committed to delivering orders that align with the advertised product images, reflecting a dedication to authenticity and transparency. Despite some challenges in the return and refund process, FlyCurvy maintains a legitimate status in the fashion industry.
🌺Website Ratings
On Trustpilot, FlyCurvy has received a positive rating, 3.0 out of 5 from 670 reviews, indicating a satisfactory level of customer satisfaction. While not accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB), the brand’s Trustpilot rating is a testament to its commitment to meeting customer expectations.
🌺Flycurvy Quality Review
The brand consistently maintains high-quality materials, ensuring that the colors remain vibrant even after repeated washing. This underscores the brand’s dedication to the durability of its products. Nevertheless, a notable drawback is the brand’s limited provision of detailed images for its merchandise. This deficiency may deter online shoppers who heavily depend on visuals to gauge the appearance and texture of products.
🌺Flycurvy Sizing Review
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🌺Flycurvy Price Review
FlyCurvy offers a range of prices to cater to different budget preferences:
Tops: $10–40 Dresses: $20–60 Bottoms: $30–60 Outwear: $40–60 Jumpsuits & Rompers: $30–70
The brand balances affordability and style, making it accessible to a wide audience. Additionally, frequent sales and discounts contribute to customer satisfaction.
🌺Flycurvy Shipping info
FlyCurvy ships your order to USA, Canada, Australia, UK, and Europe, with delivery times ranging from 10–20 business days for regular items and up to 20 days for pre-ordered merchandise. While some customers find the shipping times slightly longer than average, the brand provides order tracking to keep customers informed about delivery status.
🌺Flycurvy Returns & Refunds
FlyCurvy’s return and refund policy have received mixed reviews. The 30-day return period is standard, but the return process, including photographing the item and arranging for return shipping, may be perceived as cumbersome. The brand accepts refund requests for issues like lack of items, broken packages, and quality concerns, but not for simple change of mind or sizing errors without quality problems.
🌺Flycurvy Customer Service
FlyCurvy’s customer service is generally commended for its swift responses and proactive approach. However, some customers express frustration with the return and refund process, highlighting an area for potential improvement.
🌺Flycurvy bestseller reviews
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“Absolutely stunning! This dress far surpassed my expectations with how nice the fabric is. It hangs beautifully and is lined. Just make sure you measure the midsection to make sure it will fit around your waist because the material does not stretch in the middle. Highly recommend” — — a reviewer from FlyCurvy
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“I love the way this dress fits and I love the way it looks in the front and the back. It looks much more expensive than it actually is and the material is high quality. This dress is extremely figure flattering and will cover up any imperfections you might have. I found the perfect shoes to go with it as well. I highly recommend that you purchased this dress” — — a reviewer from Flycurvy
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“It was perfect for the formal wear night on our recent vacation. Everyone was absolutely stunned by the dress and I got some beautiful pictures with it. Fit great too. The material is comfy. Highly recommend.” — — a reviewer from Flycurvy
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“Love the color of this shirt. It is light and flowey. It hangs loose on me so I will be belting it around the waist so that it’s not completely hiding my shape. It will need to be de-wrinkled but the fabric is comfortable and breathable.” — — a reviewer from FlyCurvy
🌺Customer Feedback
Flycurvy has received more than 656 reviews on Trustpilot, with an average rating of 3.0 stars, which means most customers are satisfied with their purchases. Customer reviews on Trustpilot indicate an overall positive experience with Flycurvy. Customers appreciate the high quality, unique designs, and affordable prices. While some mention sizing and colours inconsistencies and shipping times, the brand’s commitment to customer service and inclusivity is evident.
🌺Flycurvy Alternatives
Xpluswear: XplusWear addresses the often-neglected fashion needs of plus-sized women, offering them a chance to showcase their unique style without limitations. Representing a progressive approach to inclusive fashion, XplusWear caters to the contemporary and stylish woman, emphasizing that one’s size should not define their fashion choices, but rather their individual style.
BloomChic: BloomChic is an online fast fashion retailer for modern women sizes 10–30. The brand provides a variety of fashionable and cute clothes for mid and plus sized women, from dresses to swimwear. Their prices range from $20 to $40.
CurveDream: CurveDream is an internet-based women’s clothing label that provides a diverse range of products such as dresses, tops, suits, and bottoms. The brand offers sizes extending up to 5XL at affordable prices, typically falling between $20 and $50.
🌺Flycurvy Promotions & Discounts
Flycurvy offers various promotions and discounts that can be used to save money on purchases.
Coupon Codes: Flycurvyoffers a variety of coupon codes that can be used to get discounts on purchases. Buy More and Save More: Flycurvy occasionally offers discounts for buying multiple items, as the brand occasionally provides discounts for bulk orders. For example, one current offer is “Clearence Sale From $9.9.” “5 for $19.9”
🌺Contact Flycurvy
Flycurvy offers email/FB Messenger customer service only. If you have any questions or issues, please send a mail [email protected] or drop a DM via FB they will reply within 48 business Hrs.
Flycurvy emerges as a legitimate and customer-oriented fashion brand for plus-size women. With its commitment to diversity, affordability, and customer satisfaction, Flycurvy provides a valuable option for curvaceous women seeking trendy and comfortable clothing. While areas for improvement exist, the brand’s positive ratings and customer testimonials affirm its status as a reliable destination for plus-size fashion.
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Finding the Perfect Sign Shop near Me: How to Satisfy Your Signage Needs
When it comes to creating effective signage for your business, finding the right sign shop near me is essential. Sign shops are more than just places that design and produce signs; they are your partners in making your brand visible and memorable to your customers. In this article, we'll discuss the significance of sign shops and provide you with a guide on how to search for the perfect signage partner in your locality.
The Role of Sign Shops
Sign shops are businesses specializing in the creation, design, production, and installation of various types of signs. Whether it's a storefront sign, a vehicle wrap, promotional banners, or event signage, sign shops play a crucial role in helping businesses enhance their visibility, attract customers, and establish a strong brand presence. Here's why sign shops are significant:
Branding: Signs are a primary means of conveying your brand identity to your target audience. A well-designed sign from a professional sign shop can represent your brand's personality, values, and professionalism.
Visibility: Your business's visibility depends on the effectiveness of your signs. A well-crafted sign can grab the attention of passer-by, directing them to your location.
Information and Direction: Signs provide essential information about your business, such as your name, operating hours, contact information, and promotions. They also guide customers to your location and convey your message effectively.
Customization: Sign shops offer the flexibility to create customized signs tailored to your specific business needs, style, and budget. They work closely with you to bring your vision to life.
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How to Search for the Perfect Sign Shop near Me
Finding the right sign shop near me can be a crucial decision for your business. Here's a guide on how to conduct an effective search:
Local Reputation: Start by asking for recommendations from other local businesses. Word-of-mouth referrals can lead you to sign shops with a strong local reputation.
Online Search: Utilize popular search engines like Google to search for sign shops in your area. Use keywords like "sign shop near me" or "sign company in [your location]" for relevant results.
Online Reviews: Explore online review platforms such as Google Reviews, Yelp, or the Better Business Bureau to find customer feedback about sign shops near you. These reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality of service and workmanship.
Portfolio: Most sign shops maintain a portfolio of their work on their websites. Review their portfolio to assess the quality and variety of their sign projects. Look for examples that align with your signage needs.
Design Capabilities: Consider the design capabilities of the sign shop. A company with in-house designers can help you create visually appealing and effective signage.
Experience and Expertise: Experience in the sign industry matters. Look for sign shops with a track record of successfully delivering a wide range of signage projects.
Materials and Technology: Ask about the materials and technology used by the sign shop. High-quality materials and modern technology can lead to durable and visually appealing signs.
Turnaround Time: Consider the sign shop's turnaround time. Depending on your signage needs, you may require signs quickly, so make sure they can meet your deadlines.
Cost: Obtain quotes from multiple sign shops and compare their pricing. While cost is a factor, remember that quality and effectiveness are equally important.
Types of Signs and Services Offered
Different sign shops may specialize in various types of signs and services. Common types of signs and services offered by sign shops include:
Storefront Signs: These signs include channel letters, illuminated signs, awnings, and more.
Vehicle Wraps and Graphics: Transform your company vehicles into mobile advertisements with vehicle wraps and graphics.
Banners and Flags: Banners and flags are versatile promotional tools for special events, sales, and temporary advertising.
Trade Show and Event Signs: Sign shops can create trade show displays, event signage, and exhibition graphics.
Interior Signs: Interior signs include office signs, wayfinding signs, wall graphics, and more.
Monument Signs: Monument signs are large, permanent structures typically located at the entrance to a business or community.
Sign Installation and Maintenance: Many sign shops offer installation and maintenance services to ensure your signs are properly installed and well-maintained.
The search for the perfect sign shop near meis a critical decision for your business's visibility and branding. Sign shops are not just sign producers; they are your partners in conveying your brand's personality and values to your target audience. By considering factors like reputation, portfolio, design capabilities, and types of signs offered, you can find a sign shop that aligns with your needs, helps you make a strong first impression, and establishes a lasting brand presence in your community.
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dulcimergecko · 1 year
Me vs. Atlanta Airport Marriott
I got double-charged for my room stay at 221b Con. I paid cash, (and got a receipt) but Atlanta Airport Marriott then made an unauthorized charge to my bank account for the exact same sum and has refused to refund my money. I've tried contacting the hotel directly. I've tried contacting their customer service website. I've posted negative reviews. I've tried filing a police report. I've reported the fraudulent charge to my bank. I'm currently waiting on a response from the Better Business Bureau.
Anybody else have a similar experience at Atlanta Airport Marriott?
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The Best Debt Counseling Company in the USA
If you are struggling with debt, Consumer Debt Counselors can help. We are the best debt counseling company in the USA, and we have helped thousands of people get back on track. 
Call us today for a free consultation!
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An interoperability rule for your money
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This is the final weekend to back the Kickstarter campaign for the audiobook of my next novel, The Lost Cause. These kickstarters are how I pay my bills, which lets me publish my free essays nearly every day. If you enjoy my work, please consider backing!
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"If you don't like it, why don't you take your business elsewhere?" It's the motto of the corporate apologist, someone so Hayek-pilled that they see every purchase as a ballot cast in the only election that matters – the one where you vote with your wallet.
Voting with your wallet is a pretty undignified way to go through life. For one thing, the people with the thickest wallets get the most votes, and for another, no matter who you vote for in that election, the Monopoly Party always wins, because that's the part of the thick-wallet set.
Contrary to the just-so fantasies of Milton-Friedman-poisoned bootlickers, there are plenty of reasons that one might stick with a business that one dislikes – even one that actively harms you.
The biggest reason for staying with a bad company is if they've figured out a way to punish you for leaving. Businesses are keenly attuned to ways to impose switching costs on disloyal customers. "Switching costs" are all the things you have to give up when you take your business elsewhere.
Businesses love high switching costs – think of your gym forcing you to pay to cancel your subscription or Apple turning off your groupchat checkmark when you switch to Android. The more it costs you to move to a rival vendor, the worse your existing vendor can treat you without worrying about losing your business.
Capitalists genuinely hate capitalism. As the FBI informant Peter Thiel says, "competition is for losers." The ideal 21st century "market" is something like Amazon, a platform that gets 45-51 cents out of every dollar earned by its sellers. Sure, those sellers all compete with one another, but no matter who wins, Amazon gets a cut:
Think of how Facebook keeps users glued to its platform by making the price of leaving cutting of contact with your friends, family, communities and customers. Facebook tells its customers – advertisers – that people who hate the platform stick around because Facebook is so good at manipulating its users (this is a good sales pitch for a company that sells ads!). But there's a far simpler explanation for peoples' continued willingness to let Mark Zuckerberg spy on them: they hate Zuck, but they love their friends, so they stay:
One of the most important ways that regulators can help the public is by reducing switching costs. The easier it is for you to leave a company, the more likely it is they'll treat you well, and if they don't, you can walk away from them. That's just what the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau wants to do with its new Personal Financial Data Rights rule:
The new rule is aimed at banks, some of the rottenest businesses around. Remember when Wells Fargo ripped off millions of its customers by ordering its tellers to open fake accounts in their name, firing and blacklisting tellers who refused to break the law?
While there are alternatives to banks – local credit unions are great – a lot of us end up with a bank by default and then struggle to switch, even though the banks give us progressively worse service, collectively rip us off for billions in junk fees, and even defraud us. But because the banks keep our data locked up, it can be hard to shop for better alternatives. And if we do go elsewhere, we're stuck with hours of tedious clerical work to replicate all our account data, payees, digital wallets, etc.
That's where the new CFPB order comes in: the Bureau will force banks to "share data at the person’s direction with other companies offering better products." So if you tell your bank to give your data to a competitor – or a comparison shopping site – it will have to do so…or else.
Banks often claim that they block account migration and comparison shopping sites because they want to protect their customers from ripoff artists. There are certainly plenty of ripoff artists (notwithstanding that some of them run banks). But banks have an irreconcilable conflict of interest here: they might want to stop (other) con-artists from robbing you, but they also want to make leaving as painful as possible.
Instead of letting shareholder-accountable bank execs in back rooms decide what the people you share your financial data are allowed to do with it, the CFPB is shouldering that responsibility, shifting those deliberations to the public activities of a democratically accountable agency. Under the new rule, the businesses you connect to your account data will be "prohibited from misusing or wrongfully monetizing the sensitive personal financial data."
This is an approach that my EFF colleague Bennett Cyphers and I first laid our in our 2021 paper, "Privacy Without Monopoly," where we describe how and why we should shift determinations about who is and isn't allowed to get your data from giant, monopolistic tech companies to democratic institutions, based on privacy law, not corporate whim:
The new CFPB rule is aimed squarely at reducing switching costs. As CFPB Director Rohit Chopra says, "Today, we are proposing a rule to give consumers the power to walk away from bad service and choose the financial institutions that offer the best products and prices."
The rule bans banks from charging their customers junk fees to access their data, and bans businesses you give that data to from "collecting, using, or retaining data to advance their own commercial interests through actions like targeted or behavioral advertising." It also guarantees you the unrestricted right to revoke access to your data.
The rule is intended to replace the current state-of-the-art for data sharing, which is giving your banking password to third parties who go and scrape that data on your behalf. This is a tactic that comparison sites and financial dashboards have used since 2006, when Mint pioneered it:
A lot's happened since 2006. It's past time for American bank customers to have the right to access and share their data, so they can leave rotten banks and go to better ones.
The new rule is made possible by Section 1033 of the Consumer Financial Protection Act, which was passed in 2010. Chopra is one of the many Biden administrative appointees who have acquainted themselves with all the powers they already have, and then used those powers to help the American people:
It's pretty wild that the first digital interoperability mandate is going to come from the CFPB, but it's also really cool. As Tim Wu demonstrated in 2021 when he wrote Biden's Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy, the administrative agencies have sweeping, grossly underutilized powers that can make a huge difference to everyday Americans' lives:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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My next novel is The Lost Cause, a hopeful novel of the climate emergency. Amazon won't sell the audiobook, so I made my own and I'm pre-selling it on Kickstarter!
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Image: Steve Morgan (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:U.S._National_Bank_Building_-_Portland,_Oregon.jpg
Stefan Kühn (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Abrissbirne.jpg
CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
Rhys A. (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/rhysasplundh/5201859761/in/photostream/
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
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Commercial Fleet Financing: Your Trusted Partner in Commercial Truck and Equipment Financing
As a business owner in the United States, finding the right financing solution for your commercial trucks and equipment can be a daunting task. That's where Commercial Fleet Financing (CFF) comes in. With a proven track record and a customer-first approach, CFF is a leading commercial truck and equipment financing company that can help you grow your business.
Who We are?
Founded in 1995, Commercial Fleet Financing has established itself as a trusted name in the industry. Over the years, the company has funded over $1 billion dollars to more than 10,000 clients and continues to maintain an impressive annual funding of over $150 million. CFF's commitment to customer satisfaction has earned them an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and prestigious accolades such as the Inc. 500/5000 fastest growing companies in America and the Dallas 100 Fastest Growing Companies in Texas.
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At Commercial Fleet Financing, we specialize in financing a wide range of industries, providing customized solutions to meet their unique needs. From transportation and logistics to construction and beyond, we understand the diverse requirements of different industries and offer tailored financing options to support their growth and success.
Whether you're in the trucking industry, operating a construction business, managing a delivery service, or involved in any other industry that relies on commercial fleet vehicles, we have the expertise to help you acquire the equipment you need. Our financing solutions cover a variety of vehicles, including semi-trucks Finance, trailers, box trucks, and construction equipment, among
Comprehensive Financing Solutions
At CFF, we understand that every business is unique, and that's why we offer a wide range of financing options tailored to your specific needs. Whether you're looking to purchase a new commercial truck, finance your equipment through leasing, or require private-party seller financing, we have you covered.
Our flexible loan options provide you with the capital you need to acquire the commercial trucks and equipment necessary for your business operations. With competitive rates and a fast and easy financing process, CFF ensures that you can secure the funds you need without unnecessary delays.
Leasing offers an attractive alternative to traditional financing, allowing you to conserve your working capital while still accessing the latest commercial trucks and equipment. With CFF's lease financing solutions, you can enjoy the benefits of modern technology and maintain a competitive edge in your industry.
Private-Party Seller Financing
In some cases, you may find the perfect commercial truck or equipment through a private seller. CFF understands this unique scenario and offers private-party seller financing options to facilitate your purchase. Our experienced professionals will guide you through the process, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience.
Protecting Your Assets with American Fleet Insurance
As a business owner, safeguarding your assets and employees is crucial. That's why Commercial Fleet Financing also offers American Fleet Insurance. This comprehensive insurance coverage provides you with peace of mind, knowing that your investments are protected against potential risks. Whether it's physical damage, liability coverage, or workers' compensation, our insurance solutions can be tailored to meet your specific requirements.
The CFF Advantage
When you choose Commercial Fleet Financing as your financing partner, you benefit from a range of advantages that set us apart from the competition:
Fast and Easy Financing Process
We understand that time is of the essence when it comes to growing your business. That's why our financing process is designed to be fast, efficient, and hassle-free. Our experienced professionals will guide you through each step, ensuring a smooth experience from application to funding.
Competitive Rates
We believe in providing our customers with the best possible rates to support their business growth. With our competitive rates, you can secure financing that aligns with your budget and maximizes your profitability.
Wide Range of Financing Options
No matter your specific requirements, CFF offers a diverse range of financing solutions to accommodate your needs. From loans to leases and private-party seller financing, we have the expertise and resources to find the right fit for your business.
Dedicated Team of Experienced Professionals
At CFF, we pride ourselves on our team of dedicated professionals who bring years of industry experience to the table. Our knowledgeable staff will work closely with you, understanding your unique needs and providing personalized service to help you achieve your business goals.
If you're looking for commercial truck or equipment financing, contact Commercial Fleet Financing today. You can apply online or call 469-281-2962.
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calumincolor · 1 year
Trusted Roof Replacement Cotractor in Toronto
Are you tired of dealing with leaky roofs, shoddy workmanship, and contractor scams? Look no further! We've got you covered with the most trusted roof replacement contractor in Toronto. With decades of experience and a commitment to quality, our team will ensure that your home is protected from top to bottom. Say goodbye to stress and hello to peace of mind - let us handle all your roofing needs today!
Company overview
When it comes to roofing, no two homes are the same. Depending on the age of your home, the type of roof you have, and the severity of the damage, your roof replacement project will vary. That’s why it’s important to find a trusted roof replacement contractor in Toronto who can provide you with a comprehensive quote and help you choose the best option for your home. With over 25 years of experience in the roofing industry, our team at AM Roofing Solutions has the knowledge and expertise to handle any roof replacement project. We offer a wide range of roofing materials and styles to choose from, so you can be sure to find an option that fits your budget and needs. We also offer a warranty on all our work, so you can rest assured knowing that your new roof is covered. If you’re in need of a roof replacement or repair in Toronto, contact AM Roofing Solutions today for a free consultation. We’ll work with you to find the best solution for your home and ensure that your new roof is installed properly and up to code.
When it comes to finding a trusted roof replacement contractor in Toronto, you want to make sure that you find a company that has a good reputation and is able to provide you with the services that you need. There are a few things that you can do in order to find the right contractor for your needs. The first thing that you want to do is to ask around. Talk to your friends, family, and neighbors and see if they have any recommendations for contractors in the area. You can also check online review sites to see what other people have said about different contractors. This will give you a good idea of who is reputable and who you should avoid. Once you have a few potential contractors in mind, you want to set up consultations with them. This will allow you to get an idea of their prices and what they would be able to do for your home. Make sure that you ask plenty of questions so that you can get all of the information that you need before making your final decision. If you follow these tips, then you should be able to find a trusted roof replacement contractor in Toronto without any problems. Just make sure that you take your time and do your research so that you can find the best possible option for your needs.
Why choose us?
If you are in need of a roof replacement in Toronto, you want to be sure that you hire a trusted and reliable contractor. There are many roofing contractors to choose from in the Greater Toronto Area, so how do you know which one to trust with your roofing project? Here are a few reasons why you should choose us for your roof replacement: 1. We have over 25 years of experience in the roofing industry. 2. We are a fully licensed and insured company. 3. We use only the highest quality materials for our roofing projects. 4. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all of our work. 5. We offer free estimates for all potential customers. 6. We have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.
Customer testimonials
Customer testimonials are one of the best ways to find out if a roofing contractor is reputable and trustworthy. At Trusted Roof Replacement Contractor in Toronto, we are proud to have many satisfied customers who have given us rave reviews. Here are just a few of our recent customer testimonials: "I am so glad I chose Trusted Roof Replacement Contractor in Toronto to replace my roof. They did a great job and the price was very reasonable. I would highly recommend them to anyone." "Trusted Roof Replacement Contractor in Toronto did an excellent job on my roof replacement. They were very professional and did a great job clean up afterwards. I would definitely use them again and recommend them to others." "I am very happy with the work done by Trusted Roof Replacement Contractor in Toronto. They replaced my entire roof and it looks fantastic. They were also very reasonably priced. I would definitely recommend them to anyone needing a roof replacement." https://therooftechnician.ca/our-services/roof-replacement/
Contact us
If you are in need of a reliable and trusted roof replacement contractor in Toronto, then please do not hesitate to contact us today. We would be more than happy to provide you with a free consultation and estimate for your roof replacement project. We understand the importance of choosing the right roofing contractor for your home or business, and we are confident that we can provide you with the best possible service. Thank you for considering us as your roofing contractor of choice!
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myelectricaura · 1 year
Professional Flat Roofing Services
Welcome to our blog post on professional flat roofing services! If you're a homeowner or business owner, then you know how important it is to have a sturdy and reliable roof over your head. And when it comes to flat roofs, the stakes are even higher. That's why we've put together this comprehensive guide to help you find the best flat roofing services for your needs. Whether you need repairs, maintenance, or a total replacement, we've got all the information you need right here in one place. So sit back, relax, and let us help you protect your property with confidence!
What is a professional flat roofing service?
Professional flat roofing service is a company that specializes in the installation and repair of flat roofs. These services usually have a team of experienced roofers who are familiar with the different types of flat roofs and can provide you with the best possible solution for your roof. When it comes to choosing a professional flat roofing service, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, you need to make sure that the company you choose has a good reputation and is reliable. Second, you need to make sure that the company offers a warranty on their work. And finally, you need to make sure that the company is insured and bonded. There are many benefits to using a professional flat roofing service. For one, they can save you time and money by doing the job right the first time. They can also help you avoid potential problems with your roof by performing regular maintenance and repairs. And if something does go wrong, they can usually fix it without having to replace your entire roof.
What are the benefits of using a professional flat roofing service?
There are many benefits to using a professional flat roofing service, including: 1. extended life of your roof - with proper installation and maintenance, a professionally installed flat roof can last 20-30 years or more. 2. increased energy efficiency - a well-insulated and sealed flat roof can help keep your home or office cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, leading to lower energy bills. 3. better protection against the elements - a professionally installed flat roof will provide better protection against wind, rain, snow, and ice than a DIY job. 4. peace of mind - knowing that your roof is in good hands can give you peace of mind and allow you to focus on other aspects of your home or business.
How to find a reputable professional flat roofing service
When your flat roof starts leaking, it's time to find a reputable professional flat roofing service. Here are some tips on how to find a qualified roofer: 1. Get recommendations from friends, family, and neighbors who have used a professional roofing service in the past. 2. Contact your local Better Business Bureau or Chamber of Commerce to get information about local roofing services that have been accredited by these organizations. 3. Ask the roofing service for references from past customers, and call those references to ask about their experience with the company. 4. Make sure the roofing service has adequate liability insurance and workers' compensation insurance to protect you in case of an accident during the job. 5. Get a written estimate from the roofing service before work begins, and make sure the estimate includes all materials, labor, and cleanup costs.
How to get the most out of your professional flat roofing service
1. When you are searching for a professional flat roofing service, make sure to ask around and get quotes from multiple companies. This will help ensure that you are getting the best possible price for the services you need. 2. Once you have found a company that you feel comfortable with, be sure to communicate your expectations clearly. This will help the roofing professionals understand exactly what you need and want from their services. 3. Be sure to ask questions! If you are unsure about anything, don't hesitate to ask the roofing company for clarification. This will help ensure that you are getting exactly what you expect from the service. 4. Finally, once the work is completed, be sure to inspect it thoroughly. This way, you can be confident that the job was done correctly and that your new roof is in good condition. https://therooftechnician.ca/our-services/flat-roofing/
Professional flat roofing services are essential for keeping your home safe and secure. They provide high-quality workmanship that can be trusted, plus experienced contractors who know exactly what needs to be done to make sure the job is done right. Whether you need a repair or installation of a new roof, these professionals will get the job done quickly and efficiently so your roof remains in excellent condition for years to come. Don't take risks with cheaper alternatives; invest in quality professional flat roofing services today!
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What is a Credit Repair Service?
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Having a good credit score is crucial for many aspects of life, from securing loans and credit cards to renting an apartment or getting a job. However, if you have a low credit score, it can be challenging to know where to start when it comes to repairing your credit. That's where Credit Repair Service come in. In this blog post, we will explore the best credit repair services and what to look for when choosing a credit repair company.
What is a credit repair service?
A credit repair service is a company that helps consumers improve their credit score by disputing inaccurate or incomplete information on their credit report. These companies work on behalf of their clients to remove negative items from their Credit Reports, such as late payments, collections, or bankruptcies. By removing negative items, credit repair services can help improve a client's credit score.
What should I look for in a credit repair service?
When choosing a credit repair service, it's essential to do your research to find a reputable company that meets your needs. Here are some things to consider when evaluating credit repair services:
Reputation: Look for a company with a good reputation and positive reviews from previous clients.
Pricing: Credit repair services can be costly, so make sure to choose a company with transparent pricing and no hidden fees.
Services: Check the services offered by the company and make sure they align with your needs.
Customer support: Choose a company with excellent customer support and communication to ensure you stay informed throughout the process.
The best credit repair services
Here are some of the best credit repair services available:
Lexington Law: Lexington Law is a reputable credit repair service that has helped thousands of clients improve their credit scores. They offer a free consultation and have three different service packages to choose from, depending on your needs.
Credit Saint: Credit Saint offers a personalised approach to credit repair with customised solutions for each client. They have three different service levels and offer a 90-day money-back guarantee.
Sky Blue Credit Repair: Sky Blue Credit Repair offers affordable credit repair services with a focus on transparency and excellent customer support. They offer a 90-day money-back guarantee and have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.
Choosing the best Credit Repair Service for your needs can be a challenging task, but it's worth the effort to improve your credit score and financial well-being. When evaluating credit repair services, consider factors such as reputation, pricing, services, and customer support. Lexington Law, Credit Saint, and Sky Blue Credit Repair are among the best credit repair services available, offering personalized solutions and excellent customer support. Remember to do your research and choose a reputable company to ensure you get the best results. SOURCE URL: https://medium.com/@socialcreditrepairs777/what-is-a-credit-repair-service-c08952ec611c
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