#ben stone law and order
dearlizziebennet · 2 years
Michael Moriarty & Robert De Niro in
Bang the Drum Slowly [1973]
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No, I didn't think of EADA Ben Stone when I watched it *cough*
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boomboxfic · 2 years
Another Unintended snippet; comfort drabble
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(just imagine he's comforting Mike)
Mike woke up and found himself in his childhood bed, it was dark, cold, and wet. He looked over and saw the doors and windows were wide open and slats of rain came pouring in, soaking everything in its path. Worried that his mother would be angry over the wet floors and furniture, Mike jumped out of bed to shut the windows.
The dream took a turn into the peculiar as Mike noticed that the view from his childhood room, which was usually a playground, had shifted into a dark, rainy alley. A dead end. As he moved to shut his windows, his ears perked up to the sound of shouting followed by the pop of fireworks.
When he blinked, he was in the alleyway staring at the body of his dead father and the smoking gun was in his hand.
“NOOOO!” Mike screamed as he shot up in bed, drenched in sweat. He was panicked, inconsolable.
Awoken by Mike’s nightmare, Ben cautiously moved next to him, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Mike? Michael, are you alright?”
Unable to speak, Mike just shook his head, wrapping his arms about himself.
“I’m going to get you some water, okay?” Ben said as he gently squeezed Mike’s thigh. As he moved, he was surprised when those strong arms quickly pulled Ben closer, kissing him desperately, needing the connection.
“I just needed to know you’re here,” Mike said, softly, as they separated.
“I am.” Ben pressed their foreheads together. He leaned in and kissed Mike on the top of his head., putting on discarded dress shirt and his boxers. “I’ll be right back.”
Ben exited Mike’s bedroom to the kitchen and nearly had a fright when Saoirse jumped out from her hiding spot. “Oh, sorry! I thought you were Mike.”
Stilling his surprised heart, hand on his chest, Ben chuckled. “It’s fine.”
“Did my brother have a nightmare?”
“Uh, yes. Just getting him a glass of water.” In an attempt to break the slight awkwardness, Ben raised an eyebrow. “Thought you had your earplugs in.”
Saoirse crossed her arms, but couldn’t stop the smirk from forming. “Thought it was safe. Anyway - they fell out when I was sleeping. Don’t worry - they’ll go back in.”
“I better go check on him,” Ben offered, “Sleep well, Saoirse.” Glass of water in hand, Ben began to head off to Mike’s room.
“I’m glad you're here.”
“Thanks, Saoirse. Me too.”
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mikelogan · 4 months
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Ben Stone + Subtle Smiles
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spockvarietyhour · 23 days
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Law & Order "Out of the Half Light"
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tinkerbelldetective · 3 months
Paul Robinette was infuriatingly observant sometimes. A quiet thinker. But he had no qualms about teasing you.
Ben's glasses are perched on his nose, white sleeves undone, and rolled up his forearm. The blue suit jacket hung neatly over the back of his chair. Your eyes keep sliding up his arms, his voice becoming a lull in your ears. You keep having to break away.
Paul sends you a knowing glance and an amused smirk, calling your name in faux concern.
"Are you alright?"
Ben's blues turn up to face you, doing a once over.
Oh, you'll get him for this.
"I'll be back in a minute," Ben says, pocketing his glasses, hand squeezing your shoulder on the way out, your lungs screaming for air as he does.
Paul chuckles, and you point your finger at him.
"Is this the thanks I get for helping you go through this city's address book?"
"Depends on Ben's answer when you ask him to dinner."
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introvert-insiders · 7 months
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Law & Order - ‘ The Originals’
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"with what? Your boyish charm?"
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utterlyrandom123 · 1 year
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Ben Stone and Shambala Green Flirting in 1x09
For @volvaaslaug my unhinged partner in crime
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Stone you were insane for this
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matttheratkingart · 1 year
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Commission for @adventurouswallflower of their Law and Order boys! This was a lotta fun
(Commissions are still open)
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EADA Benjamin ‘Ben’ Stone Law & Order (Season 2, Episode 16)
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albatrossisland · 3 months
Left a comment on a fic that was written 25 years ago. Incredible feeling, hope it made the author happy too.
Here's the fic: Blast From the Past
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boomboxfic · 2 years
Assurance (Mike Logan/Ben Stone); drabble
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I have two WIPs in mind regarding OG L&O Season 3x21 "Manhood" about the cops who left hung one of their own out to dry because he was gay.
One's an AU where Ben is a detective that hops on with Mike after Phil gets shot; the other is this comfort drabble. It will be expanded into a longer one-shot.
It was unforgivably early when Ben felt himself coming awake. He’d gone to sleep alone; he had called Mike’s apartment to check on him before he went to sleep, and it went straight to voicemail. Mike sometimes stayed at Lennie’s if they were working overtime on a case, and Ben went to sleep off that assumption. Cracking one eye open, Ben saw that it was 3 in the morning, and grunted. At least it wasn’t time to get ready for work yet. 
“Hey, sorry for waking you,” Mike apologized, exhaustion hanging on every word, “I know it’s late.” 
“It’s okay,” Ben replied, voice rough with sleep. He rolled over to face Mike, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, pulling off his undershirt. Ben sat up and shifted closer, and Mike felt his presence as Ben pressed a kiss to his shoulder and held him from behind. Words didn’t need to be said; Ben understood the burden on Mike’s shoulders, how the cop shooting affected him. 
Ben thought about Max Greevey, gunned down outside his own home. It was roughly a year into Mike and Ben’s then off-and-on relationship, and Mike’s reckless actions nearly tore them apart again; two men trying their best to bring a cop-killer to justice. They’d weathered that storm.
Then Phil Ceretta, being shot during an UC bust. Ben remembered Mike’s rage; he couldn’t believe that Ben was willing to deal with a guy who nearly killed Phil. Phil gave his blessing, but that case ended with horrible implications. Ben and Mike weathered that storm as well. 
Max and Phil were cops shot by criminals, but this Newhouse case consisted of implications beyond that of typical criminal activity. 
The Officer Newhouse shooting was beginning to show shades of the unthinkable. Yes, Newhouse was killed by a drug dealer, and had taken that dealer’s life in trade before succumbing to his injuries. What was now coming out of Mike and Lennie’s investigation revealed the ultimate betrayal; cops hanging another cop out to dry. 
Because he was different. 
Because that cop was gay. 
Like Mike. 
Ben shook the thought out of his head, forcing himself to focus on the real, breathing human being in front of him. “I’m glad you’re here, Mike. I was worried about you.” 
That got a half-hearted chuckle out of Mike, but he understood. He held Ben’s hands in his and squeezed, a silent gesture of assurance. He shifted again, and Ben released him sliding back to his side of the bed as Mike moved to lay beside him. Neither man said a word as they lay on their sides facing one another, eyes locked on one another, convincing themselves that this nightmare of a case had not defeated them, not yet. 
Mike watched Ben's expressions, knowing that his partner was thinking. He watched as Ben’s hand cautiously caressed his shoulder and slid over to rest over Mike’s heart, feeling his heartbeat. Mike knew that he could have been Newhouse. That, by some inconceivable chance, Briscoe could have been dispatched elsewhere, and Mike would be in his worst nightmare, pinned down from both sides.
Then Ben’s worst nightmare - having to prosecute Mike’s killer. 
Mike reacted as Ben’s eyes squeezed shut, those blue eyes trying to shut out his darkest nightmare. Mike held Ben in his arms, protecting him, his low voice telling Ben that he was not Newhouse, comforting him with his words, his presence. 
“Ben. I’m right here,” Mike squeezed Ben’s hand, still pressed over his heart. In truth, he had the same fear. He kissed Ben’s temple, and held him closer, assuring himself with the same words he was using to comfort Ben, “I’m still here.” 
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mikelogan · 10 months
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The EADAs and their files (there are two types of people) requested by @adventurouswallflower
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The rise and fall of his chest, the rhythmic beat of his heart, the feeling of his arms wrapped around you. Home. Ben Stone was home to you in the same way as any walls were.
His thumb softly rubbed circles onto the arm laying haphazardly over his torso as you laid against his chest. With his free hand, he removed his glasses, placing them on the nightstand, and turned out the light. 
You mumbled into his pajamas.
“Would you like to repeat that for the record?”
You let out a huff, which would have been a laugh if you hadn’t been dozing, and repeated yourself, your voice deep with oncoming sleep, 
“You want me to move?” You picked your head up and allowed him to comfortably lay flat before immediately resuming your position, feeling his chest vibrate as he chuckled. Your hand sought out his, interlacing your fingers with a slight squeeze.
Right as you were falling asleep, you felt Ben bring your interlaced hand to his lips, a kiss which rippled right down to your heart
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"I think we deserve a soft epilogue, my love.
we are good people
and we've suffered enough."
Nikka Ursula
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"this is not a case of the ends justifying the means"
“Of course it is and you know it. You know it because you do the exact same thing every day of the week. You threaten to send them away or whisper their dirty little secrets to their wives or their bosses. You threaten to screw up their lives. Just so you can get a little information from them.”
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