#belos redemption gang where we at
chabelarson · 1 year
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So I want to live in a wooden house Where making more friends would be easy I want to live where the sun comes out
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tbh i always thought amity should have been the one to give hunter a haircut. aside from being snippy/standing next to each other they haven’t really had time to interact after eclipse lake. and like, that episode was phenominal in building up their dynamic and picking at both their characters. even after the rest of season 2 and thanks to them i feel like although they haven’t interacted much, theyre definitely one of the pairs out of the gang that has the most potential to be super close.
but they don’t talk post eclipse lake, so the most we’ll probably get is a short exchange in the finale where they’re like “we cool?” “we are” “sick” *epic battle sounds* and that’s disappointing! they probably would have planned more with these two in a longer season 3 but man it would have been so cool to have amity see hunter freaking out over how much he looks like belos and help him with it. amity furthered her reconciliation with willow by helping her with her hair. it would be a nice parallel to see her reconcile with hunter by helping him with his hair as well. love is stored in amity’s hairdressing and whatnot.
like all season 1 she was under the influence of her mother and her green hair symbolized that. and in season 2, she changed her hair with the help of her siblings to symbolize how she isn’t under her mother’s control anymore and how she’s ready to grow for the better. hunter struggling with belos’s control over him parallels her. and amity would recognize herself in hunter’s desire to stop looking like belos by changing his hair. by thanks to them, she already resolved most of her baggage with her family, so she could help hunter resolve his baggage as a sort of “passing of the torch,” doing for him what her siblings did for her.
hunter went through a similar arc to amity where he realized the way he’s been taught to treat people isn’t good, and the kindness from his new friends taught him to change for the better. it’s not exactly like amity’s arc since his actions were more forced by dangerous situations while amity had more choice in befriending the gang, but theyre still similar. but anyway by eclipse lake, hunter was going through something similar to amity, but he was like 4 or 5 plot points behind her in character development. so when amity offers to be friends with him during a time of crisis, he doesn’t take her help and instead doubles down on helping belos. but by thanks to them, hunter has basically completed his “redemption” arc and is fully on the gang’s side. so at this point, when amity offers to cut his hair, he would be comfortable enough to accept her help. it would be a peace offering from hunter as well, accepting amity’s help when he attacked her for it before.
if they had a full season 3 they might have spent an entire b-plot of an episode on just the hair cutting scene. and if amity was the one cutting hunter’s hair, it might even be important enough to their character arcs to be an a-plot, with a few related scenes added. but alas, there are so many other prioritized arcs in the shortened season 3 so we probably won’t get a lot with amity and hunter becoming friends. i certainly wouldn’t want them to focus a whole subplot on it if there’s so much else to tie up. ah well. the hunter-amity reconciliation arc is canon in my heart. and in my ao3 account.
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robbyrobinson · 2 years
Predictions for Owl House season 3 Specials
Belos dies. Kind of a no-brainer since he somehow managed to survive being decked by the Collector. But how I see him dying...it will be ironic. Since humans cannot perform magic on Earth, all those glyphs he tattooed on his body would bite him in the ass. The moment he tries to use them for a function like teleportation, the glyphs decorating his body would start eating him from the inside out. Literally, millions of explosions going on inside of him until he literally blows up in a powerful blast of pure, unadulterated magic. A gruesome end he could have avoided had he remained in the Isles, but he deserves every bit of pain.
That being said, I do not see Belos or Odalia and the like getting redemptions, especially the latter. Belos is forced to acknowledge that society had changed and his views are outdated with there being no place for someone as xenophobic as him. Not a real redemption that I doubt would really develop him as a character as I still see him being insistent on being right. The only one I see as viable for redemption is the Collector.
As for Odalia, she gets arrested because betraying your own kind and selling them off to be slaughtered by a genocidal madman would do that for you. She could perhaps "try" to ask forgiveness from Alador and the others, but I strongly doubt it'd be genuine. Instead of it being "holy cow I have been such an awful wife and mother," she would try to get into their good graces to perhaps lessen her sentence or muster up sympathy. But of course, the Blight family sees through her BS and she is left to rot in prison.
The Collector won't be resealed. Really sealing him away in the first place was kind of what started the whole mess. What the Collector truly needs is to be taught how to best use his godly powers and perhaps a lesson on how "forcing people to play an apocalyptic game with you is not a good idea." I can see King being the one who starts to mold the Collector since King was kind of like him: King was at first egotistical and wanted to be worshiped, but once he truly started to examine himself, he felt squeamish about it.
Hunter and Willow get together because why not?
Flapjack is killed. It is kind of a no-brainer. The bird had several death flags on his back. It would permanently sever Belos from his brother as, if Caleb did carve Flapjack, that would be the final shred that needs to be destroyed to complete Belos' fall. And it would further push Hunter to completely sever ties with his uncle.
The gang will return to the Boiling Isles, but as for the ending...much resolved, but as for whether Amity and Luz split up I kind of doubt it.
I don't think we will obviously get the Star vs. ending where both worlds are merged, but I do think there can be some elaborate way for the worlds to be symbolically connected. After all, since King is a Titan, he could provide blood. I mean not to the point where he is just skin and bones, but just a pint in a key and Luz could return to the Demon Realm if she wanted to.
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purplequay · 1 year
hmmmm thoughts on the collector in the recent episode?
the fucking moment where they go at belos "you just need some kindness and forgiveness huh?" was SO fucking silly and cute 😭 unironically my favorite moment both because of the comedic effect and collie's just genuine act of kindness
otherwise auuuughhh man idk . with how they had to speedrun their redemption i think they did quite well and i prefer the ending of them "returning to the stars" rather than staying with the gang it was a much better option but
just generally because i have a bittersweet aftertaste from all of this it feels like so much is missing from what we could hear him say . more about the archivists , about belos , about king and stuff .
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
Hey, I have a writing request that I doubt is interesting enough so feel free to ignore. I always see people act like if Hunter took Amitys hand he wouldve started his redemption then and there and wouldve gone to live with the owl gang or they wouldve taken him in, but that seems rlly unrealistic and Ive yet to read anything where Hunter doesnt see the key, takes her hand, but then doesn't go to toh. Like would he just leave straight away or would there be more to it. And what about afterwards.
“You know, you were right. We do have a lot in common. I grew up thinking everything was… an opportunity to justify existing, but there are people out there who won't make you feel worthless, you just... have to let yourself meet them.”
Amity held out a hand to Hunter, and he stared at it for a moment.
Make you feel worthless.
He hadn’t really thought—
She’d put… something into words that he’d never been able to verbalize.
That was how he felt sometimes, after bad conversations with his Uncle.
That only happens because you fail, and you know it.
You do have worth, you just have to prove it.
But… not according to Amity.
Hunter slowly reached out, taking her hand, and letting her pull him up. “But, I—I can’t go back. Not without the blood.”
“So don’t go back,” Amity said simply, “If you’ll get hurt, or—or treated badly because you couldn’t come back successful, then don’t go back.”
Don’t go back.
It was never that simple, he’d always gone back.
Even when he knew he’d be punished for coming back empty-handed.
Not going back had never been an option.
“Where would I go? You heard your girlfriend, I don’t have any magical powers, I—”
“Neither did Luz, and she managed.” Amity held out her hand as a perch for his palisman, pushing the bird towards him. “You don’t get to be head of the emperor’s coven by being helpless. I think you’re probably more capable than you know. And this little guy will help you. They want to help you. Just… think about it.”
Hunter heard a crow of laughter, and the Owl Lady swept in. “Alrighty, I’m ready to go! Where’s the ner—okay, now I’m confused.”
Amity held her hand palm-out towards Eda. “There’s no blood here. He’s not going to fight us.” She turned back to Hunter, self-doubt creasing her forehead. “Are you?”
“There’s no point,” he sighed, “Just… get out of here. I’ll forget I ever saw you.”
The Owl Lady eyed him suspiciously. “That’s awfully generous of you. What’s the catch?”
He waved a hand. “No catch. Go.”
Eda scooped up her rat thing, still eying him, and then flew off, Amity following on her staff. The bird palisman landed on Hunter’s shoulder, chirping, and Hunter rubbed his eyes. “What are you still sticking around for, huh?”
It fluttered down, turning into a staff, and Hunter caught it with a small smile. “Thanks. You’re not so bad.”
I can’t go back.
Hunter flew out of the lake, turning in the air.
To the keep?
Or not?
Belos doesn’t know I came, I could pretend it never happened.
Who was he kidding? Belos knew everything that happened in the keep walls, he knew Hunter was gone. There wasn’t any going back, not without titan’s blood.
Hunter pulled off the scout cloak, tossing it down into the lake pit. He’d have to find a change of clothes—the nice thing about wearing a mask all the time, was that no one knew what he looked like, except for Belos.
He could start over.
Start over.
It wasn’t like he had options, he told himself, this was the only possibility. Leaving. And never ever going back, because then Belos would give him that look, and—
Well, maybe Belos would miss him if he was gone. Maybe Belos would realize that he needed—or wanted—Hunter around.
Yeah, fat chance.
Hunter touched down in a small town, probably too small for Belos to check, skidding to a halt in front of the bounty board.
Okay. Get some money, a change of clothes, maybe find a place to stay—
Let’s see what I can do on my own.
Never have a future.
Ha. I’m managing quite well on my own, thanks very much.
Hunter swung his legs back and forth, sitting on the edge of a roof. “Let’s see…” he counted up the coin total from the latest batch of bounties. “Okay, okay, we have enough for this month’s rent, that’s good.” He nudged the remaining pile of coins. “What do you think, another week or two of groceries?”
His palisman chirped that they could stretch it to two.
“Message board is cleared out, though—I guess when you start catching so many demons, the others figure out not to come nearby. We’ll see, there’s always a job somewhere.” He flopped backwards on the roof, staring up at the sky. “Do you think they looked for me?” One of the virtues of coming here was that Belos didn’t have much influence, but that also meant he didn’t get a lot of news. He’d never gone looking to find out—something always stopped him.
Maybe it was Amity’s proclamation—months ago, now—that he should find people who wouldn’t make him feel worthless.
Hunter watched a shadowy figure approach the message board, pinning up a page, and then scurrying away.
“Looks like there’s another job! Told you!” Hunter tucked his money back away, sliding back down the drainpipe on the side of the building and hopping back into his small apartment. He tucked the money away, hidden under a floorboard, and hopped back out the window, catching his palisman in its staff form as he fell and soaring over to the board.
“Another demon hunt—good. Looks like a nasty one, huh? But those always have the best bounties, anway.”
Hunter read the description, then flew off. Nearby abandoned building, nasty demon trying to eat people—easy. Probably a beast type. Hunter touched down at the building, lighting up the tip of his staff to see inside. He peered in a window. “Huh, looks like it’s not—”
The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, and he whirled around, throwing up a shield just in time to block a fireball headed his way. A witch stepped out from behind an old wagon, drawing spell circle after spell circle. Hunter blocked every attack, then went on the offensive, warping above the witch and swinging his staff down towards them. They dodged, retaliating with creating a dozen small abomination hands that grew out of the earth, grasping for his legs. Hunter skipped backwards.
He felt something loom behind him, and he warped to the side as another witch swung a stick at him.
A trap.
There was never a real bounty.
There’s only two, I can take—
Something swung down from the trees, kicking him right in the chest. Hunter went flying backwards, barely managing to create a shield before he slammed into a tree. He dropped down to his feet, but the tree behind him moved, growing around him and pinning him in place. One part squeezed his wrist, making him drop his staff with a yelp.
The witches—and the demon who’d kicked him—approached. One of the witches was drawing a green circle—probably what was holding him in place. They drew another circle, and the tree around his wrist squeezed harder. Hunter hissed in.
No weakness.
No fear.
“What’s your problem?” he growled.
“Our problem is that you’re taking all the bounties,” the plant witch snarled, “No one can get any work!”
The tree squeezed harder, and Hunter felt something in his wrist go crack. He forced himself to breathe normally, forced his face to stay neutral, like it didn’t hurt at all. They weren’t coven-trained, they didn’t know who he was—they were just bounty hunters, angry that he was better than them at their job.
“Back off, kid. Only warning.”
Hunter’s palisman sprang to life, pecking the plant witch. They yelped, losing their concentration and releasing Hunter. He held out his left hand for his palisman and warped the instant the wooden staff hit his palm. He went right back to his apartment, throwing the few changes of clothes he had into a bag and pulling up his hidden stash of coins.
“Time to get moving. Find somewhere else.”
His palisman chirped that he needed to see a healing coven member first, and get his wrist looked at.
Hunter pulled out a scarf from his bag, wrapping his wrist with a hiss of pain and tying a knot with his teeth. “Good enough for now, I’ll pick up a couple of pain patches next town we land in.”
There are people out there who won't make you feel worthless, you just... have to let yourself meet them.
He was starting to wonder if that was true—not that he’d exactly made an effort to make friends so far.
I’ll find them. Someday.
Hunter slung his bag over his shoulder, hopping out the window on his staff.
Not today, though.
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Watching the owl house season 2 episode 1 separate tides, I already like the owl spy/the golden guard. I think he's going to end up being a fan favorite if he isn't already.
So far he's a little different then I thought he'd be. He's younger, I've heard that Dana said he was 16. He definitely acts like a teenager. He acts a bit goofy. And honestly I think he acts like Eda a little bit. (He likes to play around, the way he says bye like she does, and he also annoys and frustrates Lilith too.)
We saw him interacting with the main three, I'm excited to see him interacting with the rest of the owl house gang. Lilith I think it'll be fun to see what their relationship was like. We know what Lilith thinks of him, but how does he feel about her? Does he dislike her? Enjoy annoying and messing with her? Or something completely different. And someone pointed out what about him and Gus? They already have some things in common. Lilith described him as being a prodigy, and Gus skipped two grades and is the youngest of the main kids.
I've seen some theories about him being Belos's son, or that he's related to the clawthornes. He has an owl mask which according to Dana, birds are a Clawthorne thing. (Its interesting to note that birds also seem to be an emperor thing as well.) He also has the same hair color as Belos. Uses the same kind of staff, And again he kinda acts like Eda. None of that really means anything. But nonetheless those are interesting theories, But I think its a little early to say if any will be true.
I've also people saying he might be redeemed. Which again I think is too early too tell. Keep in mind he did threaten to drown King. Not only that but he also threaten to give Luz and Eda third degree burns. (The boiling sea). He did keep his word about not arresting all of them. And when he left he did say "Try to stay out of trouble." Still doesn't excuse the fact that he threatened to hurt all of them though.
He is still a teenager, (He does act a bit like the twins). So there's always a chance he'll get a redemption arc like Lilith. But there's also a chance he'll be an anti hero or an antagonist like Belos and won't get redeemed at all.
One thing I hope we get is see what is life in the coven is like. It sounded like he was Lilith's replacement. I believe he was also the one drawn in the live stream that said "I'm tired." Maybe he has too many responsibilities, and maybe at a job where's he's expected to grow up, probably too fast. Does he have any friends his age? Or is he by himself most of the time. Does he still talk to or is close to any of his family? And how did he cut his ear and get the scar on his arm. From the drawings Dana has posted, I'm also excited to see him and Kikimora interact in the show.
There's a lot of things the show can do with him. He's definitely a brat and will most likely be an antagonist for most of the season if not the rest of the show. But I'm interested in seeing what the show ends up doing with him. Especially since Dana and others who work on the show say they really like the character.
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