allthingshetalia · 5 years
How to make the hetalians feel loved?
💕I love this💕
Kiss him (anywhere)
Run your finger through his hair
He likes it when you rub his ears......
Surprise him with McDonald’s/fav foods
Wear one of his hoodies( he just love seeing you in his clothes)
Just ask him how he is
Surprise him with vodka
Kiss his cheeks/forehead
His favorite thing is when you two are out somewhere and you mouth “I love you”
Scratch his back
Play with his hands
Kiss his shoulders
Surprise him with his favorite chocolates/beer
If you ever like surprised him with Lingerie, bath or something romantic
Call him awesome
Scratch up and down his chest or over his arms
Let him lay on your stomach/chest
Make him food
Be the one to initiate physical contact
Kiss his cheek
Grab his hand
But him a new dress shirt/clothes
Get him ingredients for food. He loves cooking he just hates waiting in line at the grocery stores or markets
Massage his neck
Buy him flower seeds
Make dinner
Kiss/bite his neck
Buy him a new pipe
Just come over and sit on his lap
Play with his hair
Scratch her scalp
Buy her a bow/clothes
Wear her clothes/give her your clothes
Buy her some new knife
Just pull her into a makeout session
Just sit on her lap
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Who in hetalia would take their friends/crush virginity due to her wanting to lose it to someone she trusts? Headcanons if possible please. Thank you and have a great day 💜❤️
💕You too💕
Headcons- I feel like most of them would do it for the same reason so I’m just going to do a few people on the list:
Would do it and make sure you still wanted to during the entire thing
Would be very gentle
Would kinda want to become friends with benefits
He would probably develope a slight crush
(Cause I don’t think I’ve ever done him)
Would make it very romantic
It would honestly be really good
Would still want to be friends with benefits
Would probably be one of the only ones that didn’t develope feelings
France & Russia
Would only do it if you weren’t super duper close
They wouldn’t want to ruin the friendship
Russia would 100% develop feelings because he’s a lonely teddy bear
And France probably wouldn’t catch feelings but he doesn’t want to constantly just think of you as a sex partner
Would be obsessed with you after
You are now under her care and protective eye until you die
She would 1000% catch feelings
She would agree to it in hopes that if she makes you feel amazing you would love her
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