#behaviourally anchored rating scales
jobsbuster · 2 months
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Decoding the Stock Market: The Importance of Trading Programs in Changing Current Investment Landscape
In the current scenario of finance, the stock market stands strong as one of the most impressive and profitable areas. It’s a
In the vast landscape of finance, the stock market stands tall as one of the most dynamic and complex arenas. It's a place where fortunes are made and lost, where economic indicators clash with human psychology, and where the right tools can make all the difference. Among these tools, trading programs have emerged as a powerful force, reshaping how individuals and institutions engage with the market. In this blog, we'll delve into the intricacies of the stock market and explore the pivotal role that trading programs play in navigating its tumultuous waters.
Understanding the Stock Market
At its core, the stock market is a platform where buyers and sellers come together to trade shares of publicly listed companies. It serves as a barometer of economic health, reflecting the collective wisdom (and sometimes irrationality) of investors worldwide. Stocks, bonds, options, and other financial instruments are traded in various exchanges, with each transaction influencing prices and driving market movements.
Key Factors Influencing Stock Prices
A myriad of factors influences stock prices, ranging from macroeconomic trends to company-specific developments. Economic indicators such as GDP growth, inflation rates, and unemployment figures provide a broader context for market performance. Meanwhile, corporate earnings reports, product launches, regulatory changes, and geopolitical events can cause individual stocks to soar or plummet in value.
The Human Element: Emotions and Biases
Despite the prevalence of data and analysis, the stock market is fundamentally driven by human emotions and biases. Fear and greed, two powerful forces, often dictate investor behaviour, leading to market booms and busts. Behavioural economics sheds light on cognitive biases such as confirmation bias, anchoring, and herd mentality, which can cloud judgment and fuel irrational decision-making.
The Rise of Trading Programs
In this volatile environment, trading programs have emerged as invaluable tools for investors seeking an edge. These programs, also known as algorithmic trading or automated trading systems, leverage advanced algorithms to execute trades at lightning speed and scale. What sets them apart is their ability to process vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and execute predefined strategies with precision and discipline.
Types of Trading Programs
Trading programs come in various forms, catering to different trading styles and objectives. High-frequency trading (HFT) algorithms capitalize on minuscule price discrepancies, executing trades in fractions of a second to exploit fleeting opportunities. Momentum-based strategies aim to ride the wave of market trends, while mean-reversion algorithms bet on the reversion of asset prices to their historical averages.
Benefits of Trading Programs
The allure of trading programs lies in their ability to remove emotion from the equation and execute trades based on predefined parameters. By automating the trading process, investors can overcome cognitive biases and stick to their strategies with discipline. Moreover, trading programs operate around the clock, enabling global access to markets and seizing opportunities across time zones.
Challenges and Risks
Despite their promise, trading programs are not without risks. The lightning-fast pace of algorithmic trading can exacerbate market volatility and amplify price fluctuations. Moreover, the reliance on complex algorithms leaves room for technical glitches and system failures, as evidenced by past flash crashes and trading disruptions. Regulatory scrutiny and concerns about market fairness also loom large in the debate surrounding algorithmic trading.
The Human-Machine Partnership
In the age of automation, the human touch remains indispensable in navigating the stock market. While trading programs excel at processing data and executing trades with speed and precision, human judgment and intuition play a crucial role in strategy formulation and risk management. Successful investors understand the complementary nature of humans and machines, blending technological prowess with human insight to achieve optimal results.
The stock market is a dynamic ecosystem shaped by a multitude of factors, where fortunes are made and lost in the blink of an eye. In this landscape, trading programs have emerged as powerful tools, harnessing the power of algorithms to navigate the complexities of the market. While they offer undeniable benefits in terms of speed, efficiency, and scale, trading programs also pose risks and challenges that demand careful consideration. Ultimately, success in the stock market lies at the intersection of human judgment and technological innovation, where the symbiotic relationship between humans and machines paves the way for sustainable growth and prosperity.
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portfolioeduarda · 5 years
Team Charter
Performance goals and individual member’s goals for personal growth
Make a list of all the team assignments that your team has to complete this term (adapt and add to in semester 2 before submitting to the final portfolio)
Due date: 15/10
Course name: Talent and Management Develoment 1
Team assignment name: Team Charter
Marks value (% of overall course involved – see ECTS file): 16
Team performance goals (target team mark % score): 13
Project  manager for this team assignment (rotate): Eduarda, Eline, Jasper and Mathis
1. Make a list of your individual team members’ goals for personal growth. Identify what team members want to learn and/or contribute in these projects (adapt and add to in semester 2 before submitting to the final portfolio)
Team member’s name: Eduarda
Personal growth goal: Being able to take a step back and let other people  take the lead
How will we (I) know that the goal has been met? (visible outcomes): When I stop getting worried about things that do not  concern me. Some of the outcomes for this would be: me getting less stressed,  doing only my work and getting more hour of sleep. This result might be  achieved in 6 months or so, if I work on it.
Team member’s name: Eline
Personal growth goal: I would like to improve my knowledge and skills  concerning new cultures and respectively their habits and values.
How will we (I) know that the goal has been met? (visible outcomes): The class environment where I’m currently in,  supports this for sure. Having contact with others from class by doing team  works together, hanging or going out will enhance this skill. Pasting a  relevant time indication on these processes is not easy, but I can say with  certainty that this competence will develop in a positive way as the academic  year progresses.
Team member’s name: Jasper
Personal growth goal: I want to find ways of working efficiently together  in a team, as this will be especially important when working with people from  different cultures where physically meeting each other is not always an  option. Communication is key, that is why I would like to improve my skills  in effective and clear online communicating with a team.
How will we (I) know that the goal has been met? (visible outcomes): We are currently discussing most subjects in a group  chat. This will require clear and to-the-point messages from each team  member, as it is easy to be lost in a chat full of small messages jumping  from one subject to another. We will try to meet up when the team feels that  there is a larger subject to be discussed. I personally find this important  to really understand each other’s views and keeping the team members on the  same wavelength when discussing important matter.
  Team member’s name: Mathis
Personal growth goal: I'd like to improve my communication skills and my  self-awareness, IBM is a good option for me to do so because of the mixed  cultures in our class and how we need to adapt to each other in order to able  to communicate.
How will we (I) know that the goal has been met? (visible outcomes): -
 2. Team critical success factors
Based on your team’s self-assessments in the first modules of TMD1, your team members’ individual circumstances and taking into account the team consequences, identify and briefly describe any challenges your team may face that might hinder team success. State what the team will do in a practical way to avoid/overcome these challenges. Include 6-8 possible challenges.
Challenges potentially facing the team:
Lack of time
Lack of commitment
Different backgrounds
Different cultures
Solutions/Responses to the challenges
Getting together and comparing schedules
Establishing rules that all members agree on
Understanding and being open to how one acts the way  he/she does
Researching and being interested in learning each  other’s culture
 3. Expected norms
Identify the key areas for which your team wishes to establish norms that will guide your actions within the team. For each you should (under 6) be able to describe the behaviour expected of team members. Areas for which you may wish to establish written rules include but are not limited to:
o   How the team will communicate; method (email, telephone, facebook, ALWAYS also Arteveldemail); who is responsible, frequency, how will everyone participate
o   Expectations of each other regarding team meetings
o   Distribution of tasks among team members and participation
o   Scheduling and establishing deadlines
o   Decision making and problem solving
o   Handling disagreements and conflicts
o   Respect for team members and their cultural values
o   Quality of work
o   Accountability
o   …
Team Norms:
Always check the     Facebook group chat;
If you can’t make     to a meeting, give a reason why and offer yourself to do some work another     time;
Never leave work     to the last minute;
Conflicts must be     solved between the parties that are in it: no interception of thirds;
When there’s a     finished assignment, all members must review it and check if there’s     anything missing or that they might want to add;
Respect each     other and never go behind another person’s back
If we have to     spend money for any assignment, everyone must pay the same amount.
4. Performance management
4.1. Areas of expertise
For each team member, list the expertise that they bring into the team taking into account the different team projects for this term (adapt in semester 2 before submitting to the final portfolio) – then reflect on the roles they will take up (based on growth goals as well as existing expertise)
Team member’s name: Eduarda  
Area of expertise: Leadership
Possible roles within the project teams: The Chair
Team member’s name: Eline
Area of expertise: Helpful: task-oriented thinking
Possible roles within the project teams: Participant
Team member’s name: Jasper
Area of expertise: Personal interaction: process oriented
Possible roles within the project teams: Participant
Team member’s name: Mathis
Area of expertise: Observator
Possible roles within the project teams: The Note Taker
 Deviation from team norms : the following five steps must be copied into your team charter as is – your signature testifies that you have read this and will agree with the consequences
In case of deviation from the team charter norms :
1.     Meeting with the complete group face-to-face to establish the area of concern. The purpose of the meeting is to determine which of the BARS factors is resulting in poor performance and to address the underlying issue
2.     The project manager writes down a verbal reminder of the requirements of the team charter and a clear statement of which requirement is not being met. All team members will receive this writing by arteveldemail and team members will remedy their behaviour accordingly. The project manager saves this mail as documentation. If any team members were illegally absent during the meeting they need to respond to the writing by arteveldemail within 2 working days
3.     If the issue is not remedied : written notice by arteveldemail to the individual(s), including the statement of which team charter is not being met with copies mailed to the TMD coach and other appropriate lecturers (according to the team work involved) + to all other team members
4.     Last chance agreement : mailing + stating which specific requirements still have not been met by the team member(s). Copies sent to TMD coach and lecturer
5.     Written recommendation for dismissal of the team member(s) if the last chance agreement is not adhered to : sent to the lecturer
6.     The lecturer will confirm a zero score for the project for these team members.
5. Commitment
Include a separate last page with each member’s typed name and signature and date of the charter confirming they have read the charter and are committed to it.
 6. Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS)
Performance criterion 1: Taking initiative and division of workload
Description: Team member take initiative when  expected and does his part of the work that has been decides in the task  division by the team.
Exceeds expectations = 5 
1. Comes up with new ideas to    solve problems.
2. Communicates clearly when    dividing the workload which parts he/she prefers to do and can make    compromises with other team members.
3. Tries to help team members    when they have questions or can use some help
4. Is able to keep the bigger    picture in mind when working on an assignment.
5. Makes sure his/her part is    finished well on time, so that the team is able to revise.
Meets expectations = 3
1. Does exactly what is expected    frim him/her
2. Is not afraid to ask opinions    of team members when not totally sure of something.
3. Tries to always be present in    courses and meetings.
4. Can debate in a friendly    manner about the distribution of the work load.
5. Is an active member in    discussions regarding assignments
Below expectations = 1
1. Does not do what has been    asked of him/her.
2. Is not open for opinions of    other team members
3. Is often absent from courses,    meetings without valid reason.
4. Needs a lot of motivation and    reminders from other team members
5. Does never have or share    his/her opinion in meetings.
Performance criterion 2: Clear  communication
Description:  Team member is able to clearly convey his/her opinion in meeting and in  messages, with respect and patience for other team members.
Exceeds expectations = 5
1.  Takes initiative to plan a meeting when there seems to be an issue, or a  bigger subject needs to be discussed.
2.  Messages are always to-the-point and have no room for interpretation.
3.  Stays perfectly calm and respectful when team members seem to not agree.
4.  Comes up with clear problem-solving solutions.
5.  Is open minded when discussion with team members.
Meets expectations = 3
1.  Is active in conversations with clear opinions.
2.  Does not spam the group chat with unnecessary messages.
3.  Is respectful to other team members in conversations.
4.  Shares his/her opinion when expected.
5.  Messages are clear.
Below expectations = 1
1.  Does not respond to messages and does not share his/her opinion.
2.  Is harsh and disrespectful in conversations.
3.  sends a lot of useless messages.
4.  Messages are not clear.
5.  Does not listen to what other have to say.
 Performance criterion 3: General behavior
Description: The way the team members behaves in the  team. Willingness to participate and general characteristics.
Exceeds expectations = 5
1. Is always very polite and respectful to  everybody.
2. Is eager to learn.
3. Participates with a positive mindset.
4. Is always helpful to other team members.
5. Tries to make the best of every meeting and  assignment.
Meets expectations = 3
1. Has respect for other team members.
2. Does his/her part of the job.
3. Is not easily dejected when things do not work  out immediately.
4. Tries to be helpful when other are in need of  help.
5. Is present in most classes and meetings.
Below expectations = 1
1. Does not always respect fellow students.
2. Often not finishes his/her part of the job
3. Has a negative mindset.
4. Is not helpful towards other team members.
5. Is often absent in classes or meetings.
Group picture
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1IBM_08 group 3 :  team Caras
From left to right: Eline Dumortier, Eduarda Sales, Mathis De Meersman & Jasper Piers
Confirmation of having read the charter and being committed to it.
Name Jasper Pier
Date (read and committed to team charter)13/10/2018
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Name Eline
Date (read and committed to team charter) 13/10/2018
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Name Eduarda
Date (read and committed to team charter) 13/10/2018
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Name Mathis
Date (read and committed to team charter) 13/10/2018
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batomarbo · 4 years
Local food, local money
From local markets to direct farmer-to-consumer relationships, regenerative agriculture is bonded with place-based economies.
To support local food and other relocalisation initiatives, many communities have turned to homegrown currencies. In the rural Pohangina Valley and in Ashhurst village (where I live), volunteers are developing a multi-business voucher currency called Loaves (Local Origin Ashhurst Voluntary Exchange System).
Developing Loaves is a slow and small-step process, inspired by the successes of more established initiatives in other New Zealand communities. Even at these early stages, Loaves is serving as a tool for awareness-raising and small behaviour changes. For my part, as a Loaves volunteer, I hope to see Loaves serve as a subtle catalyst, stimulating the innate power of community and developing our connectedness to one another and to nature.
The problem with bank money
Local currencies support the development of healthy, small-scale systems. In a well-designed local economy, goods and services cycle in trading patterns that counteract the extraction-oriented economy promoted by the global monetary system.
I often hear that money is neutral and that all that needs fixing is our individual attitudes and spending habits, but the reality is that bank money (such as New Zealand dollars), has built-in flaws. Money is created by banks as interest-bearing debt. As a result, while individual uses of money may be positive, on a collective level money circulates in ways that harm people, harm the planet, and exacerbate inequality.
Exponential growth on a chessboard
This problem is often explained by reference to an ancient Chinese fable in which an inventor develops chess and gives the game to the emperor. (There are other versions of this fable in India, Persia and elsewhere.) Delighted, the emperor offers the inventor a gift: name your price.
The inventor, appearing modest, asks for one grain of rice for the first square of the chess board, two for the second, four for the third, and so on. This quickly adds up, because it is a doubling pattern, a type of exponential growth, analogous to rapid, exponential population growth. There are sixty-four squares on a chessboard, or (2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + … + 2), equal to (2 – 1). That’s eighteen-and-a-half quintillion grains of rice—more than the empire could provide. Incensed, the emperor orders the inventor’s execution.
Let’s translate this to a contemporary bank money example. When someone mortgages their house, they agree to a modest interest rate. Over the life of the mortgage, they usually pay the bank about twice the value of their original loan. This is doubling, and it requires extracting extra money from the economy. That extra money enters the economy as somebody else’s debt, so that, for example, new mortgages pay for old ones.
For debtors to remain solvent, and to prevent financial uncertainties that might contribute to a run on the bank, more and more money needs to be pumped into the economy. Until the bubble bursts, this causes exponential growth of the collective private debt burden, price inflation, and pressure to create real wealth—goods and services—to back up the ever-increasing money supply.
On-farm pressure to create real wealth
On the farm, what does the exponential increase of interest-based debt money look like? Too many farmers worldwide carry debts they can barely manage. Even those who don’t are pressured by a global market structured by inflationary costs. Consequences include farmer stress, chemical and fossil fuel inputs for short-term production gains, cash crop monocultures, forest-to-farm conversions, carbon released from poorly managed soil, and other practices that degrade people and the earth. Indebted farmers are under pressure to play the wrong game, trying to feed bank profits instead of people.
In short, the exponential growth of the interest-oriented money supply drives the intensification of agriculture. The efforts of regenerative farmers are all the more heroic because there is so much stacked against them.
A different game
Let’s return to the emperor. That execution is horrid—but what if the emperor had tried to deliver? How many farmers would have worked too hard? How many would have exhausted their rice paddies? How many families would have starved to redistribute rice to the games-man?
Violence isn’t the answer, but neither is giving away power. I prefer to imagine the emperor replying in good humour: “You outsmarted me, so take back your competitive chessboard. I refuse a gift exchange that harms my land, harms my people, and concentrates wealth while others go hungry. Go design a cooperative game, one grounded in farming rather than battle strategy.”
A cooperative economy would start with the soil and people that produce our food, because this is the most basic aspect of our livelihood. Growth would be linked not to exponentially increasing debts but instead to whatever real wealth could be sustainably produced. Trading tools would make equitable mutual support more straightforward. Just by keeping things more local, for example, a cooperative economy would increase face-to-face accountability, reduce transport footprints, and provide a barrier to how the global concentration of dollars systematically increases the gap between rich and poor.
An evolving Loaves model
Our society is not yet ready to release its reliance on bank money. The Loaves local currency accommodates this with a transitional design.
For now, Loaves are issued by a not-for-profit organisation, LEAP (Society for the Local Economy of Ashhurst and Pohangina, leap.org.nz). New Zealand dollars (NZD), used to purchase Loaves, are kept in the bank and listed as a liability in LEAP’s accounts, in case a business needs to redeem Loaves. This strong NZD link makes Loaves more manageable, but it also leaves it vulnerable to the same dynamics as bank money. For now, Loaves’ focus is on buy-local awareness raising and on creating a direct experience of how a community can invent its own solutions.
Recently, LEAP has taken another small step towards local self-reliance. In the current ‘Loaves 2.0’ approach, only three businesses redeem Loaves for NZD. These businesses all have a rural base and a track record of community support. All are well established in the local economy, and therefore risk over-accumulating the currency, which is designed for spending, not saving. Two of them resonate strongly with the values of the organic community, but, like most other local currencies, Loaves’ focus is on the general system conditions for regenerative economy, without additional criteria for business participation. Loaves is not a money-maker for businesses that already have strong demand, so the generous participation of these three helps develop – and anchor – the following community benefits.
Nature is the foundation of wealth
Wealth begins with nature and human co-creativity. Loaves’ ‘anchor’ businesses are a cheesery (Cartwheel Creamery), a specialist fruit and nut tree nursery (Edible Garden), and a roadside fruit and veg shop (Riverside Orchard). Rural supply to the local economy grounds all other Loaves exchanges; that is, all others participate in Loaves because they can spend with one another and at these shops.
In the long run, an even more robust model would be to have regenerative rural businesses issue Loaves as a promise to provide future goods or services, such as sustainably grown food boxes. This approach would be similar to a CSA (community-supported agriculture) fruit and veg box subscription, but it would also involve multi-party voucher circulation backed by the recognised value of those boxes.
Local currencies strengthen communities
Friendship, business loyalty, and community accountability are all enhanced by the face-to-face connections that physical voucher spending requires. Local currencies are also proven to increase the identification of people with place. Additionally, increased local purchasing is a positive correction to an overemphasis on global corporate trading.
Local currencies make small and start-up businesses more visible. Evidence indicates that any ‘buy local’ campaign—from posters to currencies—raises awareness and increases support for small- and medium-sized private businesses.
Local self-reliance requires a local economy
For a community to be resilient to outside shocks requires collective capacity to meet needs closer to home. There’s a chicken-and-egg issue, with local production and local distribution networks needing one another to keep developing. Local procurement policies, local currencies, and other local economic tools create the conditions for regenerative economy.
Reconnecting with nature and community
In their truest form, economic trading tools help people cooperate to meet their needs and wants. Like other small currencies, Loaves shifts the focus away from money accumulation and back to the basics—back to the deep value of human connection, back to nature as the deep foundation of our collective wealth.
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ashishpathak-blog1 · 4 years
Pneumatic Fenders Market to Rear Excessive Growth During 2019
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The market research report on the Global Pneumatic Fenders Market has been curated through standard and customized research approaches and predictions. The annual forecast and estimations for the years 2019 to 2026 have been covered by the report, after an extensive historical analysis for all market segments and sub-segments. The market data derived from reliable and authentic resources and backed by industry experts is intended to help readers make well-informed executive decisions. It also evaluates the market by assessing market dynamics, including drivers, restraints, opportunities, threats, challenges, growth prospects, and other market elements.
Request for FREE sample report @ https://www.marketexpertz.com/sample-enquiry-form/51070
In market segmentation by manufacturers, the report covers the following companies-
Trelleborg,Yokohama,Palfinger,ShibataFenderTeam,Sumitomo Rubber,Anchor Marine,Shandong Nanhai Airbag,JIER Marine,Evergreen,Qingdao Tiandun,Hiview Marine Supplies,Jiangyin Hengsheng,Others
The report evaluates updated financial information sourced through both primary and secondary sources of data collection to offer accurate market insights. It also assesses critical market trends that are expected to have a favorable impact on the market in the coming years, including a detailed examination of the market segments on both regional and global scales. The report also offers a holistic overview of the market share along with strategic recommendations, emphasizing the nascent market segments.
The report assesses the current competitive scenario, highlighting the activities undertaken by key participants in the market. Commercial activities like product launches, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, collaborations, and other deals have also been scrutinized in the report. Furthermore, the report segments the market based on product type, applications, end-users, business verticals, and geographical regions. It also offers an in-depth analysis of the major drivers, restraints, opportunities, challenges, and prospects affecting the overall market along with the market estimates and forecasts of the revenue.
Product Landscape
Extensive analysis of the key product offerings and their rate of consumption by different market segments
Product mix matrix, which conducts a comparative analysis of the product range of each leading company at both regional and global levels
End-user adoption rate analysis of dominant product segments in the product portfolio.
!!! Limited Time DISCOUNT Available!!! Get Your Copy at Discounted Price@ https://www.marketexpertz.com/discount-enquiry-form/51070
Knowing the trends influencing the industry performance
Stakeholders, marketing executives and business owners planning to refer a market research report can use this study to design their offerings and understand how competitors attract their potential customers and manage their supply and distribution channels. When tracking the trends researchers have made a conscious effort to analyze and interpret the consumer behaviour. Besides, the research helps product owners to understand the changes in culture, target market as well as brands so they can draw the attention of the potential customers more effectively.
In market segmentation by types of Pneumatic Fenders, the report covers-
Rubber Mat-wire Net Tire-Chain Net Fiber Net Others
In market segmentation by applications of the Pneumatic Fenders, the report covers the following uses-
In ports with extreme tidal variations Ship-to-ship lightering operations Oil & Gas (typically FSRU) Temporary berthing Others
Scope of the Report:
The all-encompassing research weighs up on various aspects including but not limited to important industry definition, product applications, and product types. The pro-active approach towards analysis of investment feasibility, significant return on investment, supply chain management, import and export status, consumption volume and end-use offers more value to the overall statistics on the Pneumatic Fenders market. All factors that help business owners identify the next leg for growth are presented through self-explanatory resources such as charts, tables, and graphic images.
Key offerings of this report:
Accurate market predictions for the Global Pneumatic Fenders Market for each segment, based on type and application, underlining the major commercial resources and participants
Determine the growth prospects existing in the global market after conducting a thorough investigation of the market trends and progress
Product range analysis in an excel sheet with all the major industry players
Other vital market data, including valuable information through vendor landscape and raw material sourcing strategy, to give the reader a more holistic view of the Global Pneumatic Fenders Market
The Global Pneumatic Fenders Market report also offers the regional segmentation, emphasizing on the expected growth of each geographical region, taking into account the growth rate, micro- and macro-economic indicators, upstream and downstream industries, regulatory framework, growth trends, shift in consumer preferences, and the demand and supply dynamics.
Connect with an expert for customization of Report @ https://www.marketexpertz.com/customization-form/51070
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ryadel · 5 years
The Fake Guest Posting spam cancer - what it is and how to get rid of it
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Today we inaugurate our brand-new Spam and Scam Alert category with an informative advice against one of the most common forms of spam that website owners receive daily: the "fraudulent guest post request" that everyone receives through their e-mail address(es) as soon as he launches an informative website. We all know what a guest post is (if you don't, then read here): in a nutshell, we're basically talking about a modern digital marketing technique (a bad thing) mutuated from a legitimate behaviour that was used on the web since the '90 that consisted in professional experts asking to write decent articles on websites and blogs to gain reputation (which was a good thing). However, let's see how it works in more precise details.
What it is
Originally (from the '90s to the rise of the social marketing) guest postings were used mainly in the form of expert articles: experts published guest articles related to their field of expertise on other websites, primarily to strengthen their own reputation and draw attention to themselves. Over time, guest postings were also increasingly used for the purpose of drawing attention to websites. Guest articles turned into an important tool of search engine optimization. Needless to say, the modern digital marketing approach took the bad stuff from the original guest posting concept - a foreign post published on other websites to increase the blogger/expert popularity - while filtering out the good stuff - the actual decency of the article itself. That's basically what "modern" guest posts are all about: crappy and uninspired content stuffed with external links - almost always written in the form of link schemas - to fraudulently boost the SEO rating of their clients' websites. This technique is often the foundation of gigantic marketing campaigns where these "SEO hunters" are actually paid to find editors naive enough to have these crappy contents (fraudulently depicted as "guest posts") published on their websites. We called such techniques Fake Guest Posting to emphasize the difference between the "genuine", legitimate guest posting approach of most "old school" bloggers/experts used to had in the past: it's worth noting that there still are some around, but they are an extreme minority nowadays - especially if we compare them to the massive swarms of fake scammers knocking on our e-mail gates!
How does it work
They will try to persuade you into publishing that thrash by offering you small amounts of money, usually 5$ to 150$ per post, depending on how much traffic your website generates: it goes without saying that them and their customers will cash out much more, because the indirect earnings of these link schemas (in terms of received traffic, clicks & SEO advantages) will be much more valuable than the one-time fee they'll pay you in the unlucky chance you accept their request.
Why you should avoid that
Link schemas is a bad thing, and hosting some on your website is definitely something you'll want to avoid. Google released a clear statement about this, explaining why websites should avoid them and how such technique will eventually have a negative impact in a site's ranking in SERP. Any links intended to manipulate PageRank or a site's ranking in Google search results may be considered part of a link scheme and a violation of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. This includes any behavior that manipulates links to your site or outgoing links from your site.   The following are examples of link schemes which can negatively impact a site's ranking in search results: Buying or selling links that pass PageRank. This includes exchanging money for links, or posts that contain links; exchanging goods or services for links; or sending someone a “free” product in exchange for them writing about it and including a link Excessive link exchanges ("Link to me and I'll link to you") or partner pages exclusively for the sake of cross-linking Large-scale article marketing or guest posting campaigns with keyword-rich anchor text links Using automated programs or services to create links to your site Requiring a link as part of a Terms of Service, contract, or similar arrangement without allowing a third-party content owner the choice of using nofollow or other method of blocking PageRank, should they wish. Pay attention to the text in bold: that's the exact scenario of the "guest posts requests" you will get. No matter how good they will make it sound like, at the end of the day they are still just offering you few bucks to publish their link schemas. And they need you because they need a website that is willing to lower its ranking to boost theirs. Regarding such fraudulent technique, Google also said the following: Additionally, creating links that weren’t editorially placed or vouched for by the site’s owner on a page, otherwise known as unnatural links, can be considered a violation of our guidelines. Here are a few common examples of unnatural links that may violate our guidelines: Text advertisements that pass PageRank Advertorials or native advertising where payment is received for articles that include links that pass PageRank Links with optimized anchor text in articles or press releases distributed on other sites. For example:There are many wedding rings on the market. If you want to have a wedding, you will have to pick the best ring. You will also need to buy flowers and a wedding dress. Low-quality directory or bookmark site links Keyword-rich, hidden or low-quality links embedded in widgets that are distributed across various sites, for example: "Visitors to this page: 1,472" or "car insurance". Widely distributed links in the footers or templates of various sites Forum comments with optimized links in the post or signature, for example: "Thanks, that’s great info! - Paul paul’s pizza san diego pizza best pizza san diego" Again, look at the sentences in bold: that's precisely what you will want to avoid if you don't want to risk a serious SEO derank from Google. No matter how much they would pay you, if you care about your website traffic and reputation you should never accept these bottom-end strategies that exclusively rely upon pushing garbage content on your post feed.
Some "Guest Posting" campaigns to blame
As of today (April 2019) we do receive no less than 50 e-mail per week of people asking for "guest posting", 99% of them being of the aforementioned type. Here's a list of some of the most ertentaining ones. As you will see, conversely from most spam-like e-mail attempts, the sender is almost always a real person that will answer you if you reply to their cut-pasted first contact: that's funny in its own way, since that allowed us to play around with them sometimes and see how much we can squeeze and/or make fun of them. Joshua Kurtzman of Veridin Systems - [email protected]
That's it, at least for now: we do sincerely hope to have shed some light upon this fraudulent marketing technique and warned the unaware webmasters again such unfair strategy which will seriously risk to cripple the SEO ratings of their beloved websites and jeopardize their solid work.   Read the full article
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Chowderheads, glaikit chowderheads one and all.
Am I saying the same thing over and over again?
I do that a lot.  Say things over and over again.  Pretty much the same things.
My goodness gracious, I’ve been saying pretty much the same thing over and over since 2010.  Recently, when I moved my website and was moving essays over, there was an essay from 2010, same things.
Childress (2010) Negative Parental Influence and Spousal Conflict
“Within an alienation dynamic, the personality disorder with the alienating parent, and the re-enactment processes produced by the personality disorder, result in the development of encapsulated, persecutory, non-bizarre delusional processes regarding the abusive-inadequate nature of the targeted parent…” (Childress, 2010)
See that, “encapsulated, persecutory, non-bizarre delsusional processes”.. since 2010. Ten years, I’ve been telling everyone for… ten… years.  Exactly the same thing.  Truth is truth, knowledge is knowledge.  it hasn’t changed in 10 years, it’s not going to change in another 10 years.
“It is the child’s diagnosis of a Shared Psychotic Disorder that is the key feature of making the clinical diagnosis of a Parental Alienation Dynamic.” (Childress, 2010)
Why do I say the same things over and over again? I don’t know, you tell me. Why do I HAVE to say the same things – the same knowledge – DSM-5 – ICD-10 – for years?  Here is the definition from the American Psychiatric Association f(notice the date for this citation, 20 years ago, this is not new knowledge).
From the American Psychiatric Association: “Persecutory Type: delusions that the person (or someone to whom the person is close) is being malevolently treated in some way.” (APA, 2000).
Does the child present as being “malevolently treated in some way” by the targeted parent?  Yes.
Is it a persecutory delusion?  Use the BPRS to anchor the symptom rating.  This is the description of the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale from Wikipedia:
From Wikipedia: “The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) is a rating scale which a clinician or researcher may use to measure psychiatric symptoms such as depression, anxiety, hallucinations and unusual behaviour. Each symptom is rated 1-7 and depending on the version between a total of 18-24 symptoms are scored. The scale is one of the oldest, most widely used scales to measure psychotic symptoms and was first published in 1962.
“One of the oldest, most widely used scales” – “since 1962” – “which a clinician or researcher may use to measure psychiatric symptons” – this is not new knowledge.
The rating of a delusion turns on the issue of “full conviction.”  The instructions for rating delusions (Item 11 Unusual Thought Content) direct the rater to “Consider the individual to have full conviction if he/she has acted as though the delusional belief was true.”
Has the child acted as though the false persecutory belief in supposed victimization – in being “malevolently treated in some way” – was true?
Yes.  Then the child has “full conviction” in the persecutory delusion.
The anchor point for rating of 3 (non-delusional) states, “Content may be typical of delusions (even bizarre), but without full conviction.”
“Without full conviction” – the child has acted as if the persecutory belief is true, i.e., “full conviction,” the BPRS rating for the child’s pesecutory belief is higher than a 3.
The anchor point for a rating of 4 on the BPRS states, “Delusion present but no preoccupation or functional impairment.”
Does the child’s persecutory delusion create “functional impairment”?  Yes, to the child’s family relationships and bonding.  Then the child’s symptom rating on the BPRS is higher than a 4.
The anchor point for a rating of 5 Moderately Severe states, “Full delusion(s) present with some preoccupation OR some areas of functioning are disrupted by delusional thinking.”
“OR some areas of functioning are disrupted by delusional thinking” – this appears to adequately capture the functional impairment of the child. The child’s rating on the BPRS is a 5 Moderately Severe persecutory delusion… at least.  Higher levels of preoccupation or functional impairment would elevate the rating.
The BPRS is from the 1960s, it is “one of the oldest, most widely used scales to measure psychotic symptoms.”  I should not have to be educating mental health professioals about the BPRS and the rating of delusional symptoms in order to have a professional-level discussion with them about their patients.
This is all – all – information they should ALREADY know, and that they should ALREADY be applying – at least – at least for the past 10 years (I told everyone in 2010, and again and again and again since then, even now, right now), and STILL they REFUSE to apply the DSM-5, the ICD-10, and the BPRS, “one of the oldest, most widely used scales to measure psychotic symptoms.
Am I that smart, or are they that stupid?  Is it me?  Am I some sort of brilliant human of superior intelligence?  Or are they simply stone-cold stupid? Ten years, at least, and even still today, right now. They continue to be… stone-cold ingorant.
Google the word “ignorant” here’s what you get:
adjective: ignorant
1)  lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated.
2)  lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about a particular thing.
By definition, they are ignorant. They are “lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about a particular thing.” They are ignorant.
Here are some of the synonym choices the google definition of ignorant gives me to select from in my description of these mental health people.
uneducated, unknowledgeable, untaught, unschooled, untutored, untrained, unlearned, unread, uninformed, unenlightened, unscholarly, unqualified, benighted, backward, inexperienced, unsophisticated, unintelligent, stupid, simple, empty-headed, mindless, pig-ignorant, thick, airheaded, (as) thick as two short planks, dense, dumb, dim, dopey, wet behind the ears, slow on the uptake, dead from the neck up, a brick short of a load, dozy, divvy, daft, not the full shilling, glaikit, chowderheaded, dumb-ass, dotish, dof
Glaikit (pronounced glay-kit; also spelt glaiket) is an adjective used to describe a stupid, foolish and thoughtless person or action. It is mainly used in Scotland and Northern England, like in: “Don’t just stand there looking glaikit, do something!”
So those are my choices to describe these mental health people.  All of them. If they are not applying and have not applied the DSM-5 and ICD-10… these are the descriptive terms Google says apply.
I like uneducated.  They are stone-cold ignorant.  How did they ever get out of school being this ignorant of knowledge and training.  I’d hold their graduate program accountable. Get their vitae, write their graduate program a letter saying what a lousy job they did educating this person, because they are simply pig-ignorant.
Unqualified most definitely applies.  Completely and totally unqualified to be doing what they’re doing, because they are so entirely pig-ignorant.  Yep, that one too.  I think that one is pretty spot-on.
Stupid.  That’s an option.  Ignorance is lacking knowledge, but ten years of lazy sloth, with the requirement of Standard 2.03 of the APA ethics code:
2.03 Maintaining Competence Psychologists undertake ongoing efforts to develop and maintain their competence.
That’s more than ignorance.  I think by this point, stupid applies. These mental health people are just stone-cold stupid. That’s descriptive.  I’m simply using the English language as the words of the language are defined.
Glaikit, what the hell is that?  Oh, yeah, that one too.  Don’t just stand there looking glaikit, get to work and diagnose the pathology. Stop being so pig-ignorant. What are you, stupid or something?
I guess so.
Or am I that brilliant?  Am I ten years more advanced, at least, than the average psychologist?  Am I some sort of Leonardo da Vinci making helicopters while the rest of the world is using swords and sticks?  Is it me? Am I that brilliant?
I’m going to go with them being that stupid. Just pig-ignorant chowderheads.  Seriously, if those are my choices for descriptive labels, they are a bunch of pig-ignorant cowderheads.
Why do I have to say the same things over and over again? Sloth and apathy. The persecutory delusion has always been there. Look, on the Diagnostic Checklist, it’s Diagnostic Indicator 3 – a persecutory delusion.
That’s from 2015. So I’ve been telling everyone about the persecutory delusion since 2015. Five years I’ve been saying – “This pathology is a persecutory delusion.”
Apathy and sloth.
Standard 2.03 of the APA Ethics Code:
2.03 Maintaining Competence Psychologists undertake ongoing efforts to develop and maintain their competence.
Apathy, sloth, and pure professional laziness. I shouldn’t even have to educate them.
The DSM-5 of the American Psychiatric Association and persecutory delusions are something they should ALREADY know.
Parents ask me, “How do I get a trauma-informed assessment?”  Honestly, with this crop of pig-ignorant chowderhead mental health people around you, I honestly don’t know.
How about family systems therapy – hmm, working with family conflict, you might want to know and apply family systems therapy. What do you think? Do you think that might be helpful?
Here… here is a diagram from Salvador Minuchin for exactly – exactly – this pathology.  It’s from 1993 – over 25 years ago – not new – 25 years ago – standard and established family systems therapy… for the past 25 years.
Do you see that “triangle” pattern?  Here’s what the Bowen Center website says about the Triangle:
From the Bowen Center: “A triangle is a three-person relationship system. It is considered the building block or “molecule” of larger emotional systems because a triangle is the smallest stable relationship system. A two-person system is unstable because it tolerates little tension before involving a third person.”
Do you see in Minuchin’s diagram how the child is being “triangulated” into the spousal conflict?  Do you see how the child has formed a “cross-generational” coalition with the father that elevates the child in the family hierarchy above the mother, to a position where the child judges the parent as if the parent were the child, and the child the parent?  That’s called an “inverted hierarchy,” a characteristic symptom of the “cross-generational coalition.”
Do you see those broken lines between the mother and father and mother and son? That’s called an “emotional cutoff.”  The emotional cutoff between the spouses, the mother and father, is the divorce.  The cutoff between the child and mother is the pathology created by the child’s cross-generational coalition with the father, in which the father is using a loyalty alliance formed with the child to require the child to similarly cutoff the mother.
See that, triangulation, cross-generational coalition, inverted hierarchy, emotional cutoff. all that in Minuchin’s 1993 Structural diagram for this type of family pathology?  See that?
Family systems therapy, one of the four primary schools of psychotherapy and the only one that deals with fixing family relationships, has been fully developed since the 1970s. Do you think the established knowledge of family systems therapy would use useful to apply in resolving family conflict?  Whaddya think?
Wait, is 1993 not current enough for you?  Do you want something more current?  How about this description from Cloe Madones of the cross-generational coalition in her 2018 book, Changing Relationships: Strategies for Therapists and Coaches.
From Madanes: “ Sometimes cross-generational coalitions are overt.  A wife might confide her marital problems to her child and in this way antagonize the child against the father.  Parents may criticize a grandparent and create a conflict in the child who loves both the grandparent and the parents.  This child may feel conflicted as a result, suffering because his or her loyalties are divided.
So have they ever applied family systems therapy to resolving the family conflict surrounding ongoing, high-conflict, court-involved child custody litigation?  No.
Why not?
Dead from the neck up?  Stupid?  Pig-ignorant?  Just standing around looking all glaikit while families are destroyed, while the lives of children are destroyed?  I don’t know, you tell me why no one has applied the knowledge of family systems therapy to the solution for the past 25 years, and why EVEN NOW, they are STILL not applying the knowledge of family systems therapy to solving family conflict.
Nor… nor… are they applying the established knowledge of the DSM-5 and ICD-10.  Nothing, they are applying no knowledge whatsoever, nothing.  Ten years of lazy, slothful, pig-ignorant, practice destroyting the lives of children, destroying the lives of parents because these unqualified mental health people insist – insist – on remaining stone-cold stupid.  Completely ignorant chowderheads one and all.
Family Systems Therapy – DSM-5 & ICD-10.
Let’s talk for just a moment about the APA ethics code – required – mandatory for all psychologists – sancitions to license and potential malpractice for violating the APA ethics code.  There are no “optional” Standards in the APA ethics code for psychologists.
Standard 2.04 of the APA ethics code:
2.04 Bases for Scientific and Professional Judgments Psychologists’ work is based upon established scientific and professional knowledge of the discipline.
That seems pretty clear to me.  Does that seem clear to you?  It seems pretty clear to me.
The DSM-5 and ICD-10 ARE the “established scientific and professional knowledge of the discipline.”  And, when assessing, diagnosing, and treating family conflict, family systems therapy IS the “established scientific and professional knowledge of the discipline.”
That’s not really in any rational dispute. That is reality.
And yet… none of them have ever applied the DSM-5 and ICD-10, and they STILL, to this very day, are not… and none of them have ever applied the constructs of family systems therapy to their “work” with family conflict, and they STILL, to this very day, they are not.
They’re still not applying the knowledge, not “new knowledge,” the “established scientific and professional knowledge of the discipline,” what they should have been doing ALREADY for the past 25 years, at least, and they are STILL not applying knowledge.
Why do I have to say things over, and over, and over again?  I don’t know, why don’t you tell me.
Why do they stand by glaikit while families are destroyed, the lives of children are destroyed, the lives of parents are irreparably destroyed by their… pick your word… ignorance – uneducated incompetence – stupidity and sloth.  Pick your descriptive words for it.
Am I that brilliant?  Or are they that stupid?
Absolute chowderheads, dead from the neck up.  Stone-cold stupid.  Pick your term.
I think unqualified is very apt.
I can tell them exactly what the diagnosis is, exactly the symptom features to look for – my goodness gracious, I even make it a simply 3-item checklist of symptoms for them, check, check, check – and that’s still to complicated for them.  Just stone-cold stupid, ignorant, and entirely unqualified and incompetent.  Choose your words for it:
adjective: ignorant
1)  lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated.
2)  lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about a particular thing.
uneducated, unknowledgeable, untaught, unschooled, untutored, untrained, unlearned, unread, uninformed, unenlightened, unscholarly, unqualified, benighted, backward, inexperienced, unsophisticated, unintelligent, stupid, simple, empty-headed, mindless, pig-ignorant, thick, airheaded, (as) thick as two short planks, dense, dumb, dim, dopey, wet behind the ears, slow on the uptake, dead from the neck up, a brick short of a load, dozy, divvy, daft, not the full shilling, glaikit, chowderheaded, dumb-ass, dotish, dof
Glaikit (pronounced glay-kit; also spelt glaiket) is an adjective used to describe a stupid, foolish and thoughtless person or action. It is mainly used in Scotland and Northern England, like in: “Don’t just stand there looking glaikit, do something!”
In Foundations I describe every little detail of the pathology – down to words and sentences that are used.
How much simpler can I make it?  I can’t make it any simpler for them… and… still, nothing, not a lightbulb on in the attic, dense, dumb, dim, and dopey, I can’t make it any easier, and still… nothing.  No movement whatsoever north of the shoulders.  Pig-ignorant chowderheads.  Pick your term.
Unqualifed is apt.  So is incompetent.
When parents ask them, “Is a persecutory delusion present?” they’re told… “I’m not going to tell you.” That’s what they’re told, “I’m not going to answer that.”
Holy cow.  That is absolute stone-rock professional lazy and a complete abdication of prefessional responsibilities.  They absolutely refuse – refuse – to apply knowledge. “Is there a persecutory delusion present?” – I’m not going to tell you.
All the Gardnerian folk have been pig-ignorant for years and years.  They’ve known about the diagnosis from my work since 2012-2013, and it is also information they should ALREADY know. The DSM-IV was not a secret, a Shared Psychotic Disorder and persecutory delusions were not secrets.
I told them. Did they do anything?  Did they apply knowledge?  No.  We still have people like Karen Woodall who think they’re “discovering” new pathology, coming up with new names for things she thinks she’s “discovering.”
Does she give an ICD-10 diagnosis of F24 Shared Psychotic Disorder and a DSM-5 diagnosis of V995.51 Child Psychological Abuse?
No. Why not? That’s the diagnosis.
I honestly don’t know. She just refuses to apply knowledge. The ICD-10 and DSM-5 – nope, not going to do it.
Since 2013 – 2015 – 2018 – years and years, I’ve been saying exactly the same thing.  Do they listen?  No.  They just stand around glaikit, doing nothing while familes are destroyed, chldren and parents are abused, their lives destroyed irrevocably.
Do they tell us why they don’t apply knowledge – like the ICD-10 and DSM-5?  No.
They just… don’t.
Listen, no one is ever-ever going to say, “Hey, maybe we should give this Gardner PAS thing another look-see.”  That has been fully and completely reviewed – most recently in 2013 (7 years ago – seven years ago) by the American Psychiatric Association, and they said “No.”  Years ago, time to move on from that failed construct.
The American Psychiatric Association said no, there is no such thing as “parental alienation.” So, did any of the Gardner people, Bill Bernet, Amy Baker, Demosthenes Lorandos, did any of them start to apply the ICD-10 and DSM-5?
No.  They’re still telling people about Gardner’s PAS from the 1980s.  Just incredible.  Like rocks.  Just absolute rocks.
What about the other half, the forensic psychology people, all the “evaluators” and “reunfication therapists” who surround your families, what about them?
Same. They’re the ones telling parents, “No, I’m not going to even assess for a persecutory delusion in the child.”
Uhhh, okay.  Shall we ask the plumber to diagnose pathology then?  If not you, who should we go to for a diagnosis of pathology?
Seriously, that’s their job – that’s what the license means, they are “licensed” by the state to diagnose pathology – does the child have a pesecutory delusion?  I’m not going to tell you.  Just incredible.
Then you’re pretty worthless aren’t you.  I guess we’ll have to find someone who does diagnose pathology because we need to know if this child and parent are psychotic.
Makes my head explode.  Blatant ongoing violations to Standards 2.04, 2.01a, 2.03, 9.01a, and 3.04 of the APA ethics code.  Do they care?  No.  Complete disregard for the Standards of the APA ethics code.
Completely and entirely unethical professional practices.  In 2018, we directly told the American Psychological Association in a Petition to the APA signed by 20,000 parents describing the multiple ethical code violations rampant throughout forensic psychology.
What’s been the response of the APA in two full years?  Nothing.  Complete and total silence.  They didn’t even deign to give these parents a reply.  Nothing.  Complete and total silence.
I shouldn’t even have to educate them.  Just rocks.
Why?  Why are they such completely pig-ignorant, unqualified, chowerheads?  I know why.  These are my people, psychologists.
Why are they not applying knowledge?  Because they are exploiting parents, financially raping parents, then discarding them when their money runs out.
They solve nothing. They fix nothing. They just run through these families, one after the other, moving them down a path of family destruction.  They don’t care. They are making their money, they don’t care.
And.. they are collaborating in the pathology.  They are actually part of the abuse pathology… a shared delusion.  If you do not see the persecutory delusion, if you also believe the persecutory delusion, then you are PART of the… first word… Shared Psychotic Disorder – the shared delusional disorder.
Oh my god, do you have any idea how bad that is?  When the mental health person is PART of a shared psychosis with the patient?
That’s bad.  That is seriously incompetent – beyond incomptent.  They are part of the pathology that is abusing the parent.  Abusing… the.. parent – they are collaborating in the abuse of their patient.  The mental health person is assisting – assisting – in the emotional abuse of the parent – their client.
That’s bad, soooo bad.  Oh my god, my head… it just explodes.
Does the APA care?  No.  Does the AFCC care?  No.
I went directly to the AFCC national convention in 2017, told them all about it.  My slides from that talk with Dorcy at the National Convention of the AFCC are up on my website (AFCC Childress & Pruter Powerpoint; 2017).  I told them, the AFCC, at their National Convention two years ago, explained everything.
Did they do anything?  No.  Are they STILL – PART – of the pathology, are they STILL collaborating and participating in the savage and brutal emotional abuse of their clients?  Yes.
Years.  Not months, years.  Thousands and thousands of emotionally abused and traumatized parents, thousands upon thousands of children abandoned to the pathology of their parent, left in a Shared Psychotic Disorder with a deeply pathological parent.
Misdiagnosis, rampant incompetence, abject ignorance, complete sloth and professional indolence, lazy, slothful, ignorance… for years.
They should already know everything.  I did, back in 2010 I posted an essay that describes it (Parental Alienation as Child Abuse; Childress, 2010).  In 2015 I published a book, Foundations, that describes the pathology in every detail. In 2017 I went and told the AFCC directly at their National Convention. In 2018 I went and told the APA directly in the Petition to the APA.
So… the question is… why am I saying the same thing over-and-over again?  Because of their… pick your word, I like pig-ignorant stupidity.  I think that’s apt.
My question to you is, why do I HAVE to say the same things over and over again.  This is not new, it is the ICD-10 diagnostic system of the World Health Organization – the standard diagnostic system used everywhere – and the DSM-5 diagnostic system of the American Psychiatric Association.
The “established scientific and professional knowledge of the discipline” (Standard 2.04)
And they refuse, for years and years and years.
Even now.  Even now, today… ask the involved mental health professional, “Does the child have a persecutory delusion?” – go ahead, ask them.
Instead, parents ask me, “Where can I find someone to apply the ICD-10 and DSM-5? Honestly, over here, I haven’t got a clue.
In 2020-2022 I’ll begin my training seminars. I don’t know how much I can do if they don’t care to be ethical, all of them, if they don’t care to apply knowledge, if they are rock-solid ignorant chimps.
I should NOT have to educate a mental health professional about the pathology in order to have a professional-level discussion about that pathology – they should ALREADY know.  Do you know what it’s called if I have to educate you in order to have a professional-level discussion with you about your patient?  Unqualified.  You are unqualified to be treating your patient.
First learn what you are doing, and THEN start treating patients, not the other way around.  Oh my god, that I would even need to say that is insane professional indolence and pure professonal sloth.  You figure you’ll just come here to these families, take their money, solve nothing, leave destroyed families, childhoods, and the devastated lives of parents, and you don’t even care.
I have made it as easy as I possibly can for them, spoon feeding simple basic stuff.  Still, they do not lift a finger on their own to learn and apply knowledge.
2.03 Maintaining Competence Psychologists undertake ongoing efforts to develop and maintain their competence.
Do they care?  Not a whit, not a one of them.
Pick your term.  Unethical, unqualified, pig-ignorant, works for me.
Chowderheads, glaikit chowderheads one and all.
Craig Childress, Psy.D. Clinical Psychologist, PSY 18857
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TÜV SÜD launches Advanced Multiphase Facility
TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory has launched its £16 million Advanced Multiphase Facility (AMF), which will help global oil and gas operators to ensure that production remains economically viable.
  The AMF’s test range (of operating pressures, temperatures, flowrates and metrology) is beyond the capability of any other laboratory in the world. Operating at pressures up to 140 bar, the AMF doubles previous test facility capabilities to meet industry’s current and future measurement challenges. With a working envelope at least 20 times larger than any multiphase or wet gas facility in the world, the AMF also has the highest flow rate in the world (for both gas and liquid) within one multiphase facility.   Spanning 1,600 m2, the AMF contains a £1.45 million full production scale separator with an operating weight of 270 tonnes and is also the only facility in the world to offer an integrated subsea choke, as well as be capable of testing the complete range of flow meters. 2D, three-phase, x-ray tomography and sensors deliver high definition images of complex flows to expand industry’s understanding of fluid behaviours and their impact on measurement.   Construction of the AMF began in September 2017 and it was officially opened by Derek Mackay, the Scottish Government’s Cabinet Secretary for Finance. The AMF will focus predominantly on the £50 billion-per-annum global subsea sector and wet gas business, facilitating company-led industrial projects and product development, hands-on industry training and academic research. Creating at least 17 new jobs, the centre will futureproof the delivery of innovative technical services to the oil and gas production market for the next 25 years.   Dr Brian Millington, Managing Director of TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory, said: “The AMF’s world-leading research facilities will support the global oil & gas industry with both current and future measurement challenges, from well optimisation to fiscal accounting. While significant production opportunities exist in extreme environments, higher operating pressures and temperatures can impact the performance of multiphase flow measurement devices. The AMF will increase the viability of well exploitation by helping operators to more accurately measure multiphase flow and better understand the performance of production operations in these challenging but potentially profitable environments.”   Scottish Enterprise has supported the development of the AMF with £4.9 million of research and development funding. Alongside the grant from Scottish Enterprise, TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory’s parent company, TÜV SÜD AG, also invested £11.1 million.   Professor Axel Stepken, Chairman of Board of Management of TÜV SÜD AG said: “Measurement of multiphase flows is a key factor in understanding the performance of production operations and production optimisation. Together, we have created the conditions necessary for ensuring that Scotland, and with it the TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory, will continue to set the pace of progress in flow measurement in the future.”   Derek Mackay, Cabinet Secretary for Finance, commented: “TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory’s £16m investment into this facility is great news for Scotland. The Scottish Government is working hard to establish stronger trading links between Scotland and Germany and this news is testament to Scotland’s ability to attract inward investment in spite of the continuing uncertainty around Brexit.”   David Smith, Director of National Opportunities for Scottish Enterprise, said: “It’s fantastic to see the centre open and ready for business. Our £4.9m R&D grant was the catalyst for TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory to secure over £11m of funding from its German parent company. Doing this  means we can anchor the skills and expertise in the East Kilbride facility for the long term and create more economic opportunity for the families and communities in the area.”  
Oil & Gas
Source: engineerlive.com
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prasanththampi · 5 years
IIBM ongoing exam answer sheets provided whatsapp 91 9924764558
DR. PRASANTH BE BBA MBA PH.D. MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.casestudyandprojectreports.com
Human Resource Development & Training Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 marks)  This section consists of Multiple Choi  ces and Short Notes Type Questions.   Answer all the questions.   Part one carries 1 mark each & Part Two carries 5 marks each.  Part One: Multiple choices: 1. HRD is the process of helping people to acquire________ a. Competition b. Completeness c. Competencies d. None of the above 2. Techniques of human resource development are also called_______ a. HRD Methods b. HRD Instruments c. HRD Mechanism d. All of above 3. In India HRD began only in______ a. 1970s b. 1980s c. 1910s d. 1990s 4. BARS Stand for______ a. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale b. Behaviorally Anchoring Rating Scale c. Behaviorally Appraisal Rating Scale d. None of the above 5. Levels of evaluations of Training programme are: a. 7 b. 6 c. 5 d. 10 6. Performance appraisal in a _________process of identifying, planning, developing employee Performance. a. Multi-Stages b. Single-Stages 1 IIBM Institute of Business Management Examination Paper of Human Resource Management c. Dual-Stages d. All of the above 7. Halo effect is the tendency to the judge all aspects of a________ a. Person’s behaviour b. Perspective behaviour c. Performance appraisal d. All of the above 8. QWL Stand for_______ a. Quality of work life b. Quality of worker life c. Quantity of work life d. None of the above 9. 360- degree feedback can be used s a tool for performance_______ a. Appraisal b. Analyze c. Assessment d. None of the above 10. Career planning is a _______that constitute what a person does for a living. a. Sequence of career b. Sequence of jobs c. Sequence of sum d. None of the above Part Two: 1. Discuss the various methods of Appraisal? 2. Briefly explain ‘On the job and Off the job’ methods of Training and Development. 3. Explain the objectives of ‘Performance Appraisal’. 4. Differentiate between HRM and HRD concept. END OF SECTION A Section B: Case lets (40 marks)  This section consists of caselets.   Answer all the questions.   Each Caselets carries 20 marks.   Detailed information should from the part of your answer ( Word limit 150 to 200 words.)  Case let 1 2 IIBM Institute of Business Management Examination Paper of Human Resource Management Introduction to the Organization: XYZ Company was established 20 years ago, to manufacture gearbox components for diesel engines. It employs around 250 people, having a head office, which employs a wide range of personnel who are generally well educated and enthusiastic about their work, and a factory, which employs semiskilled local people who are generally disinterested in the products of the company and who have an instrumental attitude to work, seeing salary as the only reward. Brief Description of the Problem: The performance of the company has not been good and the records revealed the following facts:   Wastage within the factory was costing the company approximately Rs.100,000 a month.    There was wide spread differences in individual work standards.    Processes were non-standardized resulting in repeated problems.   Management made all decisions and cascaded the results down to employees.    The top management become concerned about the performance of the factory and they hired. Mr. Tanmoy Deb, an OD consultant to study the problem and suggest specific changes to  relationship and tasks with the following objectives:    To review and improve communication systems.    To restructure the organization and to review teamwork and quality practices.   To review leadership issues across all levels.   Mr. Tanmoy Deb carried out discussions, interviews and surveys and made the following  observation:    There’ and ‘us’ attitude was widely prevalent between head office and factory personnel.    Production personnel lacked technical skills.    Factory employees felt alienated from sharing the Company’s success.    Production systems were adhoc and defective because of frequent variation in standards set.    Many times raw material was found to be of inferior quality.   Rigidly defined job descriptions.  Questions: 1. What in your view are the central human resource issues involved in this case? 2. What Strategy should Mr. Tanmoy Deb develop and implement for improving the present system? Case let 2 Introduction to the Organization: XYZ Company is an existing profit making FMCG Company. The company has 600 personnel and has branches all other the country. It has a separate training department with a Training Manager, Mr. A.P. Mohan as its head who is supported by two qualified training officers. Mr. Mohan has been in the company for the last 8 years and is very efficient. Brief Description of the problem: Mr. Mohan wants to have the organization. He is fed up with organization politics. He is dissatisfied and in fact frustrated. There are several reasons attachment to it. First and foremost is that he is not paid adequately despite the fact that he has brought 12% growth in revenue to the company. Second reason is that he is not consulted and constantly neglected while making decision on training aspects. Lastly, he considers himself to be a victim of politics played in the organization. Production Manager 3 IIBM Institute of Business Management Examination Paper of Human Resource Management is constantly hurting him and interferes with the work. Dr. Ashok Sarao, boss of Mr. A.P. Mohan does not want him to leave the organization, as he known that the effectively will come down if he leaves Dr. Ashok tries to convince Mohan that he should adjust himself with the environment and also talk of how Mohan is constantly neglected. He talks of how politics is played in the organization and strengths and weaknesses of Mohan but does nothing to convince Mohan. Rather he says that they have to adjust, as they are part of family run business. In this setting, personal equation rather than merit works. Mohan is not convinced and says he is leaving. Questions: 1. Why a high performer like Mr. Mohan decided to leave the organization he has been long part of? 2. Do you think Mr. A.P. Mohan took the right decision to leave the organization? What would you have done if you were in his shoes? END OF SECTION B Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)  This section consists of Applied Theory Questions.   Answer all the questions.   Each questions carry 15 marks.   Detailed information should from the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words).   1. What do you mean by Quality of Work Life? Discuss the various techniques for improving the Quality of work life with the principles of QWL? 2. Discuss the basic concepts of management development. What is the important of management development in the changing business? END OF SECTION C 4 IIBM Institute of Business Management Examination Paper of Human Resource Management IIBM Institute of Business Management Examination Paper MM.100 Industrial Relations & Labour Laws Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 marks)  This section consists of Multiple choices a  nd Short Notes type questions.   Answer all the questions.   Part one carries 1 mark each & Part Two carries 5 marks each.  Part One: Multiple choices: 1. Workers participation in management decision-making is a highly________ concept. a. Duplex b. Complex c. Simplex d. None of the above 2. The origin of industrial relations in India can be traced in to the: a. Second world war b. First world war c. Third world war d. British rule 3. Under the payment of wages act, 1936, no wages period shall exceed for one. a. Four month b. Two month c. One month d. None of the above 4. Collective bargaining is the process of bargaining between________ a. employees & employer b. workers & workers c. employees & employees d. None of the above 5. Layoff can also cause a ________ a. Retirement b. Grievance c. Conflict d. None of the above 6. As per payment of bonus act, accounting year for a company is ________ a. One year b. Period for which balance sheet is prepared c. Period for which cash flow is prepared 5 IIBM Institute of Business Management Examination Paper of Human Resource Management d. Period for which profit and loss account is prepared 7. WPM stands for_________ a. Workers’ Participation in Management b. Workers’ Payment of Management c. Well fare Payment of Management d. None of the above 8. Causes of Industrial disputes are_________ a. Economic causes b. Political causes c. Technological causes d. All of the above 9. Trade unions of workers in an organization formed by workers to protect their________ a. Working condition b. Interest c. Both a & b d. None of the above 10. A grievance causes in any organization are_________ a. Work environment b. Supervision c. Work group d. All of the above Part two: 1. What are the steps of Grievances handling Process? Explain it. 2. What are the objectives of ‘Industrial Relations’? 3. Briefly explain the term ‘evolution of Trade unions in India’. 4. Explain the ‘workers’ participation in management’. END OF SECTION A Section B: Case lets (40 marks)  This section consists of Caselets.   Answer all the questions.   Each Caselet carries 20 marks.   Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words).  Case let 1 6 IIBM Institute of Business Management Examination Paper of Human Resource Management Star Automobiles Ltd. Pimpary is in the field of manufacturing of two wheelers. They manufacture and market mopeds. These are available in the brand names ‘arrow’ and ‘double arrow’ where ‘arrow’ is their traditional product and ‘double arrow’ is the improved version. The company was started about 20 yrs ago. Their product ‘arrow’ enjoys a reasonably good reputation and they were comfortable in the market. However, with the entry of the new generation of fuel-efficient mopeds the company started loosing its market. They immediately started developing the improved ‘double arrow’ but by the time they came out with this new model the competitors had already strengthened their position in the market. The arrow model was still acceptable by a segment of the market as it was cheapest vehicle. ‘Double arrow’ is new generation vehicle. It was costlier than Jet but its performance was much superior. It is compared favorably with the competitors’ products; however it was yet to gain a foot hold in the market. The company had to refurbish the marketing activities in order to get back their market share. They employed young sales engineer to launch a strong sales drive. Mr. Ramesh Tiwari, Btech and a diploma holder in marketing got selected and was put on the job. Mr. Ramesh Tiwari started well in his new job. He was given a territory to contact the prospective customers’ and to book the orders. The company had introduced a new financial assistance scheme. Under this scheme, buyers were given easy loans. It was particularly advantageous for group booking by employees working in an organization. Mr. Ramesh Tiwari was able to contact people in different organization, arrange for group bookings and facilitate the loans. His performance was good in the first year and in the second year of his service. The company had its own system of rewarding those whose performance happened to be good. They usually arranged a paid holiday trip for the good performer along with his wife. Mr. Ramesh Tiwari was accordingly informed by the marketing manager to go to Chennai with his wife on company expenses. Mr. Ramesh Tiwari asked him as to how much it would cost to the company. The marketing manager calculated and told him that it would cost about 8000/-. He quickly asked him whether he could get that 8000/- in cash instead of the trip as he had better plans. The marketing manager countered this saying that it might not be possible to doso. It was not the trading of the company, however he would check with the personnel manager. After a couple of days, Mr. Tiwari was informed that it would not be possible to give him a cash reward. Mr. Tiwari grudgingly went for the trip and returned. On his return, he was heard complaining to one of his colleagues his little daughter was also along with him. The marketing manager and the personnel manager thought he was a bit too fusy about the money and some of his colleagues also thought so. During the subsequent days Mr. Ramesh Tiwari’s performance was not all that satisfactory this showed his lukewarm attitude towards his job and the subordinates. Questions: 1. Did the personnel manager handle the issue properly? 2. What is your recommendation to avoid such situations in future? Case let 2 In 1950, with the enactment of the Insurance Act, Government of India decided to bring all the insurance companies under one umbrella of the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC). Despite the monopoly of LIC, the insurance sector was not doing well. Till 1995, only 12% of the country’s people had insurance cover. The need for exploring the insurance market was felt and consequently the Government of India set up the Malhotra Committee. On the basis of their recommendation, Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority (IRDA) Act was passed in parliament in 2000. This moved allowed the private insurers in the market with the strong foreign partners with 74:26% stakes. XYZMoon life was one of the first three private players getting the license to operate in India in the year 7 IIBM Institute of Business Management Examination Paper of Human Resource Management 2000. XYZ Moon life Insurance was a joint venture between the XYZ Group and Moon Inc. of US. XYZ started off its operations in 1965, providing finance for industrial development and since then it had diversified in to housing finance, consumer finance, mutual funds and now its latest venture was Life Insurance. Its foreign partner Moon Inc. had its presence in Asia since the past 75 years catering to over 1 million customers across 11Asian countries. Within a span of two years, twelve private players obtained the license from IRDA.IRDA had provided certain base policies like, Endowment Policies, Money back Policies, Retirement Policies, Team Policies, Whole Life Policies, and Health Policies. They were free to customize their products by adding on the riders. In the year 2003, the company becomes one of the market leaders amongst the private players. Till 2003, total market share of private insurers was about 4%, but Moon Life was performing well and had the market share of about 30% of the private insurance business. In June 2002, XYZ Moon Life started its operations at Nagpur with one Sales Manager(SM) and ten Development Officers (DO). The role of a DO was to recruit the agents and sell a career to those who have an inclination towards insurance and could work either on part time or full time basis. They were very specific in recruiting the agents, because their contribution directly reflected their performance. All DOs faced three challenges such as Case Rate (number of policies), case size (amount of premium), and recruitment of advisors by natural market, personal observations, nominators, and centre of influence. Incentive of offered by the company to development officers and agents were based on their performance, which resulted in to internal competition and finally converted into rivalry. In August 2002, a branch manager joined along with one more sales manager and ten development officers. Initially, the branch was performing well and was able to build their image in the local market. As the industry was dynamic in nature, there were frequent opportunities bubbling in the market. In order to capitalize the outside opportunities, one sales manager left the organization in January 2003. As the sales manager was a real performer, he was able to convince all the good performers at XYZ Moon Life Insurance to join the new company. In april 2004, the company faceda grave problem, when the Branch Manager left the organization for greener pastures. To fill the position, in May 2004, the company appointed a new branch manager, Shashank Malik, and a sales manager, Rohit pandey. The branch manager in his early mthirties had an experience of sales and training of about 12 years and was looking after two branches i.e., Nagpur and Nasik. Malik was given one Assistant Manager and 25 Development Officers. Out of that, ten were reporting to him. He was given the responsibility of handling all the operations and the authority to make all the decisions, while informing the Branch Manager. Malik opined that the insurance industry is a sunrise industry where manpower plays an important role as the business is based on relationship. He wanted to encourage one-to-one interaction, transparency and discipline in his organization. While managing his team, he wanted his co-workers to analyze themselves i.e., to understand their own strengths and weaknesses. He wanted them to be result-oriented and was willing to extend his full support. Finally, he wanted to introduce weekly analysis in his game plan along with inflow of new blood in his organization. Using his vast experience, he began informal interactions among the employees, by organizing outings and parties, to inculcate the feelings of friendliness and belonging. He wanted to increase the commitment level and integrity of his young dynamic team by facilitating proper channelization of their energy. He believed that proper training could give his team a proper understanding of the business and the dynamics of insurance industry. Questions: 1. If you were Malik, what strategies would you adopt to solve the problem? 2. With high employee turnover in insurance industry, how can the company retain a person like Malik? END F SECTION B 8 IIBM Institute of Business Management Examination Paper of Human Resource Management Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks)  This section consists o  f Applied Theory Questions.   Answer all the questions.   Each question carries 15 marks.   Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words).    1. What is the Collective Bargaining? Explain the Characteristics and types of Collective Bargaining and write down the different levels of Collective Bargaining? 2. Discuss the wage policy in India with reference to detailed evaluation of the act. END F SECTION C S-2-300813 9 IIBM Institute of Business Management
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Is It True Exclusively Half Your Friends Actually Like You?
It is clear that your friends is in agreement they are your friends. But recent findings published in the gazette PLOS ONE announcement this into question.
At least thats the content you are able to take if you departed with popular media coverage of the findings and conclusions. Headlines such as Only half your best friend actually like you, analyse exposes may see you wonder about the holes in your social network.
Friendships contribute to our mental and physical health; our well-being accepts without them. So is it true only half your best friend looks just like you?
The research in question does not, in fact, speak to that. But it does shed light on the subtleties of how friendship is recognized. Liking someone is not the same as electing them as a sidekick: we are to be able think of a friend we dont like very much, cant we?
Nor did the research aim to find out whether friends liked one another. Rather, the authors set out to explore how friendship reciprocity mattered when implementing broader social involvements, such as facilitating someone to quit smoking.
The research addressed two questions. First, what ratio of friendships are reciprocal? That is, how many of a persons friends likewise charge such person or persons as their pal? Second, to what degree does reciprocity in affections matter when it comes to how peers influence one another?
The first question
To answer the first issue, 84 students in a Middle-Eastern, undergraduate business-management class were asked to proportion the other 83 students on a proportion from zero to five. In this reciprocity examine, zero represented I do not know this person and five was one of our friend. The midpoint anchored at acquaintance. Students were also asked to indicate how the other 83 would charge them.
The benefits of this approach was that researchers had access to full cross-overs of data in a closed system. This enabled sophisticated statistical network analysis, which couldnt be afforded by looking at an open parish in which all members cannot be identified or accessed.
Researchers coded the data such that a score of threeor higher was considered a love. From the 6,972 ratings provided by the 84 students in the business class, 1,353 weighed as friendships.
In 94% of these seen relationships, students expected them to be reciprocal. So if John rated Jack as his friend, he expected Jack to rate him as a pal also. But this was so in only 53% of cases; less than half of the students had their friendship creeds about others reciprocated.
What does this mean ?
From this data it seems that, in social networks, there is low agreed to by saw love. The studys generators float one ground for this: we carry an rosy belief of friendships with higher-status mortals. That is, we project friendship with people who have more social clout than us in the perhaps naive hope they will reciprocate.
But because the reciprocity survey cant speak directly to this possibility, it remains for future experiment to measure this logic.
Can we really extrapolate to humanity based on 84 students in colleges and universities classroom? Felipe Bastos/ Flickr, CC BY
Its also important to ask whether we were able to extrapolate to humanity based on 84 students in a university classroom. Between the relatively small sample size, the constrained situation of an undergraduate classroom and cultural constraints in the test, you are able to reason no extrapolation should take place.
Another thing to keep in mind is the scoring approach: carve the line for love at threeor above on a five-point magnitude is a subjective announce. One can question whether friendships should be treated categorically or whether there is a more valid approach to quantifying relationships in all their complexity.
The second question
For the second question, investigates deployed a fitness intervention on a separate test of participants who lived in the same residential community and had all completed friendship ratings as in the reciprocity survey.
Participants had software installed on their mobile invention that tracked their physical work and allocated fiscal reinforces for their fitness advance. In two versions of the application, tenants were taken together with two cronies who could see one anothers progress and potentially be reinforced for the others progress.
The critical exam for the research wonder, with regards to peer affect, stemmed from analysing participants’ fitness changes as a function of the type of friendships they held with their buddies.
Once again, the approach of sampling from a residential community passed health researchers access to full data regarding a closed network, enabling nuanced analysis of the social dynamics at romp. But, once again, the sample size was tiny and different contexts has similar limitations when it is necessary to broader extrapolation.
What were the results ?
It would be logical to reckon acquaintances who concur they are friends( reciprocal sidekicks) affect one another, in a preferably positive mode. The acquires demonstrated this: when nearby residents fitness friends were reciprocal pals, those buddies helped promote positive outcomes in the form of more activity.
When nearby residents fitness sidekicks were reciprocal acquaintances, those cronies facilitated facilitate positive outcomes in the form of more activity. from shutterstock.com
But when it comes to non-reciprocal buddy-to-resident love, it is crucial to be addressed by the direction of each affection. An incoming friendship represents a sidekick rated the resident as a sidekick, but the resident did not frequency the friend as a pal. An outgoing relationship signifies a resident rated the chum as a friend, but the sidekick did not do the same.
The study found outgoing affections from occupants to buddies had no influence on residents’ physical act. If Max contemplated Jack was his friend but Jack didnt agree, and the pair were chums, Jack had no influence( either positive or negative) on Maxs fitness outcomes.
But the affect when it came to residents’ incoming relationships from their chums was positive. Max would have positively influenced Jacks upshots, even though Jack didnt agree that Max was his friend. And the force was even more positive when it came to reciprocal friendships.
What does it signify ?
A popular approaching in public health interventions is electing a sidekick to assistance person in their efforts for behavioural change.
The reciprocity survey testifies parties are inaccurate in predicting who considers them a acquaintance and that many friendships are in fact outgoing rather than reciprocal.
A favourite approaching in public health interventions is nominating a sidekick to subscribe person in their efforts for behavioural change. California National Guard/ Flickr, CC BY
These conclusions have practical significance in that they demo the popular buddy-nomination approach is likely less effective than we would want. Instead, we need to identify reciprocal relationships, since these are most effective. Next beneficial would be incoming affections, rather than the outgoing ones.
What else should we take into account ?
It important to highlight that the researchers showed the reciprocity questionnaire detects in five more samples.
First, the reciprocal relationship charge among the fitness residents was 45% even lower than the 53% in the business class.
Second, investigates carried out the analysis on various other data sets they had worked on in the past. Reciprocal relationship calculates derived from these were similar, wandering from 34% to 53%. Replication heightens the extent to which we can generalize broader social procedures based on the dynamics established in this particular study.
But again, all this talk of whether our friends like us misses the item. When it comes to social affect in particular, the kind of positive peer influence we try to seek when fully participate in behaviour change reciprocal friendships are of key import.
When we cant access reciprocal pals, we need to seek reinforce from people who elect us as friends , not the other way around. Lisa A. Williams
Peer Review
This article has identified key fatigues in this papers analyze layouts as well as the challenges of the the scale used to evaluate friends’ affections towards each other.
My biggest problem with this paper, though, is the sensationalised interpreting of the results. The consider abstract claims beings are generally good at recognizing the direction of their friendship ties, and media reports state that only half of your best friend like you.
But the data subscribe a humbler, and perhaps happier, legend. In detail, when participants claimed person as a sidekick, the other person reciprocated 70% of the time. So while its true-life around half of the friendships in such studies were reciprocal, it still seen close to three-quarters of your friends like you.
For instance, Bill says Sally is his friend and she concurs. Jim says Bob is his friend, but Bob doesnt identify Jim as a friend in return. We now have two friendships and exclusively one( 50%) is mutual. But of the three people who claimed a sidekick, two( Bill and Sally) were right( 66% ). It takes twice as many parties to make a reciprocal friendship, which is why those two numerals differ.
Its worth noting we do have a tendency to slightly overestimate our friends closeness, but my take-home letter from this paper is that were actually better at adjudicating how close our friends experience to us than just about anything else about them. Sean Murphy
Lisa A Williams, Senior Lecturer, School of Psychology, UNSW Australia
This article was originally published on The Conversation. Speak the original essay.
The post Is It True Exclusively Half Your Friends Actually Like You? appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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progressessays · 7 years
Feedback and Developmental Goals report
Feedback and Developmental Goals report
Feedback and Developmental Goals report This is Feedback and Developmental Goals report. write similar with sample file base on inside the file detail that name is fill in files. • Review of the first year’s DC performance, based on competencies and applying Behaviour anchored rating scale (BARS); structured to include three areas of strengths and three areas to develop. • Make suggestions of…
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Peer Review
I agree with peer review.  If someone wants to peer-review my work, peer-review Foundations.  If you want the research support, here it is:
AB-PA Reference List
Nothing about an attachment-based description of this pathology is new, go argue with Bowlby, Minuchin, and Beck.  It is all standard and established knowledge applied to a set of child and family symptoms.
Solution is the DSM-5
The core line to solution though, is through the DSM-5.  All the rest is foundation, the central issue for solution is the application of the DSM-5.  That is the solution in its entirety.  This pathology is a persecutory delusion, a shared persecutory delusion with the allied parent who is the “primary case” of the persecutory delusion.
Presenting Problem
The child presents as being “victimized” by a parent.  That’s called the “presenting problem.” 
Differential Diagnosis
The first question for diagnosis is, is the child’s belief in “victimization” by a parent true or false?
If it’s true, then that is a DSM-5 diagnosis of child abuse.  Make the diagnosis and protect the child.  There are four diagnoses of child abuse in the Child Maltreatment section of the DSM-5:
V995.54 Child Physical Abuse V995.53 Child Sexual Abuse V995.52 Child Neglect V995.51 Child Psychological Abuse
If the child is being “victimized” by a parent, diagnose child abuse and protect the child.
If, however, the child’s belief in “victimization” is false, then that is called a “persecutory” belief.  The diagnostic question then becomes, is it a perecutory delusion? A delusion is a fixed and false belief that is maintained despite contrary evidence.
This diagnostic question can be answered through the application of the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) to the symptom.  The BPRS is one of the oldest, most widely used scales to measure psychotic symptoms for both clinicians and researchers.
From Wikipedia:  “The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) is a rating scale which a clinician or researcher may use to measure psychiatric symptoms such as depression, anxiety, hallucinations and unusual behaviour. Each symptom is rated 1-7 and depending on the version between a total of 18-24 symptoms are scored. The scale is one of the oldest, most widely used scales to measure psychotic symptoms and was first published in 1962.”
BPRS Item 11 is the rating for delusional beliefs.  The diagnostic consideration separating an “idea of persecution” from a “delusion of persecution” is whether there is “full conviction” in the false belief.  The BPRS instructs  the rater to “Consider the individual to have full conviction if he or she has acted as though the delusional belief were true.”
Has the child acted as though the false belief in supposed “victimization” by the normal-range parent is true? 
Yes, the child is refusing contact and involvement with the targeted parent based on the false belief that the child is being “victimized” by this parent. The child displays “full conviction” in the false belief.
The anchor description for a BPRS rating of 3 says that the belief is held “without full conviction.” 
The child in this case has full conviction as evidenced by acting on the false belief.  The BPRS rating for the child’s persecutory belief is, at least, above a 3 Mild score.
A BPRS rating of 4 is the cutoff rating for the difference between a persecutory idea (2 and 3) and a persecutory delusion (4 and above).  The anchor point for a rating of 4 Moderate specifies that it might be an “encapsulated delusion” (limited scope), and states that there is no preoccupation or no functional impairment.
Is there impairment in the child’s functioning caused by the persecutory delusion? 
Yes, in the child’s family relationships.  The false belief in “victimization” is creating a cutoff in family bonding to a normal-range parent, it is impairing the child’s functioning in the family.
There is functional impairment, the BPRS rating for the child’s false belief is therefore higher than a 4, 
The anchor point for a BPRS rating of 5 Moderately Severe states that “more areas of functioning are disrupted.”  This captures the child’s symptom severity.  The BPRS rating for the child’s perscutory belief is at least a 5 Moderately Severe.
The anchor description for a 6 Severe delusion states that there is “much preoccupation OR many areas of functioning are disrupted.”  If either of these criteria are met, then the BPRS rating is a 6 Severe. 
If there is “almost total preoccupation OR most areas of functioning are disrupted,” then the BPRS rating is 7 Extremely Severe.
This is not something from Dr. Childress.  This is the American Psychiatric Association and the BPRS, “one of the oldest, most widely used scales to measure psychotic symptoms.”
Shared Psychotic Disorder
The child displays a Moderately Severe persecutory delusion toward a normal-parent.  How does a child acquire a persecutory delusion toward a normal-range parent?  From the influence and psychological control of the allied parent, it is the parent who is the origin for the persecutory delusion; the “primary case” (APA, 2000).
The “primary case of the persecutory delusion” is the allied parent, who then “imposes the delusional system” on the child.
Here is the description of a shared delusional disorder from the American Psychiatric Association:
From the APA: “Usually the primary case in Shared Psychotic Disorder is dominant in the relationship and gradually imposes the delusional system on the more passive and initially healthy second person…  Although most commonly seen in relationships of only two people, Shared Psychotic Disorder can occur in larger number of individuals, especially in family situations in which the parent is the primary case and the children, sometimes to varying degrees, adopt the parent’s delusional beliefs.” (American Psychiatric Association, 2000, p. 333).
The American Psychiatric Association even offers guidance on the treatment of a shared delusional disorder,
From the APA: If the relationship with the primary case is interrupted, the delusional beliefs of the other individual usually diminish or disappear.” (American Psychiatric Association, 2000, p. 333).
From the APA:  “Course Without intervention, the course is usually chronic, because this disorder most commonly occurs in relationships that are long-standing and resistant to change.  With separation from the primary case, the individual’s delusional beliefs disappear, sometimes quickly and sometimes quite slowly.” (American Psychiatric Association, 2000, p. 333).
Here is the description of a persecutory delusion from the American Psychiatric Association,
From the APA: “Persecutory Type: delusions that the person (or someone to whom the person is close) is being malevolently treated in some way.”(American Psychiatric Association, 2000)
Does the allied parent share the false belief that the child (i.e., someone to whom the parent is close) is being “malevolently treated in some way” by the other parent? 
The diagnosis is a Shared Psychotic Disorder.  In the ICD-10 diagnostic system, the formal diagnosis is F24 Shared Psychotic Disorder.  The DSM-5 diagnosis is V995.51 Child Psychological Abuse.
Pathogenic parenting that is creating delusional-psychotic pathology in the child is a DSM-5 diagnosis of V995.51 Child Psychological Abuse.  Creating delusional-psychotic pathology in the child through aberrant and distorted parenting practices is child psychological abuse.
That is the truth.
None of that is an opinion of Dr. Childress, it is all entirely the American Psychiatric Association, the DSM-5, and the BPRS, “one of the oldest, most widely used scales to measure psychotic symptoms.”  Go argue with the APA and the DSM-5.
Peer Review
There are a lot of mental health people holding themselves out as “experts” and who are offering interventions that they have crafted for this pathology.
I am going to want to see the protocols for their interventions.  Consider it peer review of your work.  I want to see your protocols.
I understand that Linda Gottlieb is offering something, some short-term intervention workshop model she’s created.  I’m extremely concerned about that.  Models of psychotherapy don’t work in intensive application situations.  Intense for psychotherapy models is two hour a week, the most intense is four or five hours of week of psychoanalysis.
Psychotherapy is not made for high-doseage intensity, it can do bad things if offered in too high an intensity.
There is no model of psychotherapy for what she’s doing, so she is stepping outside of any established model of known psychotherapy for what she’s doing – psychotherapy is NOT supposed to be delivered in that sort of intensive format, psychotherapy doesn’t work in intensity, and it can even be destructive at high-levels of intense application.
I’ll want to see Linda Gottlieb’s protocol to review it.
There’s also apparently a group in Arizona, I think, Overcoming Barriers I think it’s called.  Another short-term intensive intervention model.  I’ll want to see their protocol.
Cafcass, I’ll want to see what their doing.  Anyone who is holding themselves out as.an expert, bring your vitae, anyone doing intervention, I’ll want to review their protocol – consider it peer review.  I’ll start formally requesting protocols for review as a licensed. clinical psychologist somewhere around May or June of 2020, just putting out a heads up.
They won’t want to show me their protocols, and I strongly suspect it’s because what they are doing is seriously flawed and doesn’t work.  If they refuse to provide me with professional review of their protocol, I may  to get access to their protocols through other avenues, such as when I’m a consultant on a case where they’ve been the treatment provider.  The moment that happens, I’ll request their treatment records for continuity of patient care.  It’s a mandatory release under Standard 3.09 of the APA ethics code.
Standard 3.09 Cooperation with Other Professionals When indicated and professionally appropriate, psychologists cooperate with other professionals in order to serve their clients/patients effectively and appropriately.
If I’m on a case as a clinical psychologist consultant and they were a prior treatment provider, then I’ll request their treatment records pursuant to Standard 3.09 ‘of the APA ethics code in order “to serve the clients/patients effectively and appropriately.”  It’s called “continuity of care.”
If I have to go that direction in order to review their treatment protocols, i.e., through my personal involvement as a licensed clinical psychologist with a client who has been treated by them, it won’t be simply a request for their protocols, I’ll want to see their treatment notes, intakes, treatment plans, outcome measures for that particular client.  I’ll want to see their individual treatment record and the protocol at that point.
Outcome measures too.  All interventions should be collecting outcome data.  That’s mandatory professional standard of practice with all pathology, ADHD, eating disorders, autism symptoms, depression and anxiety treatment.  Standard of practice; outcome measures.  What are the treatment outcome measures being used by Gottlieb and Overcoming Barriers, and any other intervention out there?
One of the primary things I will focus on in my peer review will be what their DSM-5 diagnosis is.  Diagnosis guides treatment.  They’re doing treatment, what’s their DSM-5 diagnosis.  What pathology do they think they’re treating.
A question will be, did they miss the diagnosis of a shared delusional disorder?  That would be a major problem, if they have no idea what the pathology is that they are even treating, yet they are developing treatment interventions for it, something – whatever it is they think their treating.  So I’ll want to see what their DSM-5 diagnosis is.
Consider it peer review.  I will be formally requesting their protocols for review at some point.  They’ll probably say no, probably ignore my request.  I’ll post my letter of request.  I’ll discuss their programs anyway, with whatever information I have available.   The exploitation of these parents ends.
I want to see your protocols.  If you’re offering some sort of treatment intervention for this pathology, I’ll want to review your protocol.  Consider it peer review.
If you want to peer review my work, great.  It’s the DSM-5 and the American Psychiatric Association – shared delusion – ICD-10 F24 Shared Psychotic Disorder (persecutory delusion) – DSM-5 diagnosis of V995.51 Child Psychological Abuse.
Peer review that.
None of this is Dr. Childress.  It’s the American Psychatric Association and the DSM-5. It’s Bowlby, Minuchin, Beck, van der Kolk, Tronick.  It is the application of established knowledge to a set of symptoms – that’s called diagnosis.
So to all my professional colleagues, what’s your diagnosis, and why?  Let’s see your support for your diagnosis.  That’s Standard 9.01a of the APA ethics code,
Standard 9.01 Bases for Assessments (a) Psychologists base the opinions contained in their recommendations, reports, and diagnostic or evaluative statements, including forensic testimony, on information and techniques sufficient to substantiate their findings.
Your “opinions and recommendations” contained in your reports, including your “diagnostic or evaluative statements” and “forensic testimony,” needs to be based on an assessment that is “sufficient to substantiate their findings.”
So… let’s see it.  Let’s see your “information and techniques sufficient to substantiate” your findings that there is NO spousal IPV emotional abuse of the ex-spouse/targeted parent using the child as the weapon; that there is NO cross-generational coalition and emotional cutoff in the family caused by unresolved multi-generational trauma in the parent; that there is NO encapsulated persecutory delusion in the child, and shared persecutory delusion with the allied parent.
Let’s see your documentation from your assessment that rules-out these potential diagnoses.  Dr. Chlidress is going to be doing peer review, used to do it all the time with interns and post-docs.  Your turn.
I’ve reviewed Dorcy’s protocols, all of them, for the High Road workshop, the Higher Purpose Parenting course curriculum, the CRM data tagging protocols.  I know exactly how they work, I am fully comfortable with them as a clinical psychologist, I can explain them all at a professional level.  She collects outcome data on all her workshop recoveries, documented success with each case, she has lock-solid single-case ABA data demonstrating effectiveness of the High Road workshop.
So… mental health people.  Let’s see your protocols, let’s see your outcome data.  Have I protected propriatary intellectual property rights with Dorcy?  Absolutely.  No worries on your intellectual property rights.  It’s called peer review.
The rampant ignorance and incompetence ends.  The violations to the APA ethics code and professional standards of practice surrounding these families, ends. The exploitation of these families, ends.  From equine therapy to magical workshops, Dr. Childress wants to review your protocol, starting with what you’re using as an outcome measure.
Craig Childress, Psy.D. Clinical Psychologist, PSY 18857
The post Peer Review appeared first on Family Court Corruption.
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Dr. Childress: Professional Background
My professional background is perfectly suited to what I’m doing with this court involved pathology. I want to point out some specific things.
1. Master’s Degree in Community/Clinical Psychology
In addition to my Psy.D. doctorate which I will discuss shortly, I also have a B.A. in Psychology from UCLA and a Master’s degree in Community/Clinical Psychology. I have three degrees in Psychology.
I have a Master’s degree in Community/Clinical Psychology.  Clinical psychology is the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of pathology. What is the Community Psychology component of that advanced post-graduate training?
Community Psychology is solving pathology by altering community systems, such as solving pathological family conflict by altering how the community systems (such as the family courts and forensic psychology) respond to the pathology.
I am specifically trained to do exactly what I am doing.  I am trained to alter systems within the community, such as the family courts and forensic psychology, to solve pathology.  Do you know what that means?  That’ means I know exactly what I’m doing, because I am trained to do exactly this thing, affect pathology by changing community systems.
The Community component also included a focus on Organization Development, a field of psychology providing consultation to businesses to improve their functioning and operation.  For example, an Organization Development psychologist might be hired by Apple or Nike (or community agencies, such as the family courts) to improve functioning in a particular division of their organization.
If you look into my work with juvenile firesetting behavior for FEMA and the Department of Justice (Firesetting Child Interview; Firesetting Reinforcement Summary) you will see three psychologists listed, Dr. Fineman (the content expert on juvenile firesetting behavior), Dr. Childress as the Clinical Director for the project, and Dr. Patterson as the Organizational Development Psychologist working with the fire agencies.  Dr. Patterson was a post-doc at the time, I supervised his work in Organizational Development because I’m trained to do that.
I am trained in the specific professional skills needed to change and alter systems and organizations (such as the family courts and forensic psychology) to address and solve pathology. In my work with this court-involved pathology, I am following a set of procedures for system change in community organizations. I can explain it all if anyone is interested.
But in lieu of an explanation, I will simply offer this question… how is it that Dr. Childress, a single lone clinical psychologist, working without any help or support, is changing the very fabric of how professional psychology and the family courts respond to pathological family conflict?
The answer is because I am specifically trained through my Master’s program to do specifically that, to solve pathology by altering community structures. I know exactly what I am doing. I can explain it all if anyone is interested.
2. Twelve Years of Rating Psychotic Symptoms
During my Master’s degree I worked full-time in adolescent psychiatric hospitals to work my way through school and pay for my education.  I have experience working with that spectrum of child and adolescent pathology; psychiatric hospitalization for severe emotional and behavioral problems.
Once I obtained my degree, I wanted to take a break from school AND work, and simply enjoy the fruits of my academic labors before returning once again to graduate school for my doctoral degree.  I secured a position as a Staff Research Associate on a schizophrenia clinical research project at UCLA.  My responsibilities on this project were to manage all aspects of data collection, data processing, and data organization.  I managed the research side of a 16-hour two day test battery which occurred at patient intake, remission, exacerbation or relapse points, and additional time-points, such as 1-year and 3-year treatment points, integrating multiple researchers at multiple sites into the data collection and data processing.
I have a strong research background (despite having a non-research Psy.D.) This background in managing a major longitudinal research project at UCLA has allowed me to structure AB-PA to be research friendly.  There are ports-of-entry built into AB-PA to accept and anchor research. Once university research adopts an AB-PA model for the pathology, they will find conveniences in organizing their research projects.
During my twelve years spent at this UCLA research project on schizophrenia we were trained to clinical reliability every year by UCLA and the Brentwood VA Diagnostic Unit on rating psychotic symptoms (and all symptoms; 24 different symptoms of pathology) using the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS).
The BRPS is considered the professional “gold standard” in symptom rating for all clinical research. Wikipedia describes the BPRS as “one of the oldest, most widely used scales to measure psychotic symptoms.”
From Wikipedia: “The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) is a rating scale which a clinician or researcher may use to measure psychiatric symptoms such as depression, anxiety, hallucinations and unusual behaviour. Each symptom is rated 1-7 and depending on the version between a total of 18-24 symptoms are scored. The scale is one of the oldest, most widely used scales to measure psychotic symptoms and was first published in 1962.”
I have over a decade of direct experience rating psychotic symptoms on the 1-7 scale of the BRPS, from not present to extremely severe and each gradation in-between.  I was trained annually for over 12 years by UCLA in the assessment and diagnosis of psychotic symptoms. Vitae entry:
9/85 – 9/98 Research Associate UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute Principle Investigator: Keith Nuechterlein, Ph.D. Area: Longitudinal study of initial-onset schizophrenia
The pathology with this court-involved, high-litigation, high-intensity family conflict surrounding divorce involves the child pathology of an encapsulated persecutory delusion toward a normal-range parent (a likely BPRS rating of 5 Moderately Severe because the child evidences “full conviction” in a false persecutory belief). This is the definition from the American Psychiatric Association for a persecutory delusion:
From the APA: “Persecutory Type: delusions that the person (or someone to whom the person is close) is being malevolently treatment in some way.”
The child’s encapsulated persecutory belief is part of an extended sub-system to the pathology with the allied parent, who also holds a persecutory delusion and who represents the “primary case” of a shared delusion created in the child (an ICD-10 diagnosis of F24 Shared Psychotic Disorder). Here is the description by the American Psychiatric Association of a shared delusion:
From the APA: From the APA: “Although most commonly seen in relationships of only two people, Shared Psychotic Disorder can occur in larger number of individuals, especially in family situations in which the parent is the primary case and the children, sometimes to varying degrees, adopt the parent’s delusional beliefs.” (APA, 2000, p. 333)
From the APA: “Usually the primary case in Shared Psychotic Disorder is dominant in the relationship and gradually imposes the delusional system on the more passive and initially healthy second person.  Individuals who come to share delusional beliefs are often related by blood or marriage and have lived together for a long time, sometimes in relative isolation.” (APA, 2000, p. 332
The American Psychiatric Association also provide guidance on treatment for a shared delusional belief
From the APA: “If the relationship with the primary case is interrupted, the delusional beliefs of the other individual usually diminish or disappear.” (APA, 2000, p. 333)
From the APA: “Course: Without intervention, the course is usually chronic, because this disorder most commonly occurs in relationships that are long-standing and resistant to change… With separation from the primary case, the individual’s delusional beliefs disappear, sometimes quickly and sometimes quite slowly.” (APA, 2000, p. 333)
Of all the most-expert professionals on the planet who are skilled, trained, and experienced in the assessment of delusional-psychotic pathology, I’m one of them.
Twelve years of annual training by UCLA and the Diagnostic Unit at the Brentwood VA in the assessment of psychotic symptoms.
3. Child Abuse & Trauma
The pathology asserts that the targeted-rejected parent is abusive of the child, which is supposedly thereby creating the child’s attachment pathology toward this parent (i.e., rejecting the parent; attachment bond rejection by the child).
I have direct child abuse and trauma background.  I served as the Clinical Director for a three-university collaborative assessment and treatment center for children in the foster care system.  In that capacity, I supervised and directed the clinical assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of child abuse and complex trauma.
I have exactly the professional background and expertise to address the potential child abuse and child maltreatment concerns of the allied parent (and the court).  I know exactly what child abuse looks like in the symptom patterns of the child.
The child in this court-involved family conflict is presenting as being “victimized” by a parent.  If true, this is a likely DSM-5 diagnosis of child abuse.  There are four DSM-5 diagnoses of child abuse in the Child Maltreatment section of the DSM-5;
V995.54 Child Physical Abuse,
V995.53 Child Sexual Abuse,
V995.52 Child Neglect,
V995.51 Child Psychological Abuse.
If a parent is “victimizing” a child, it is hard to imagine a scenario where that would not also be child abuse.
If, however, the belief in “victimization is false, how false? A false belief if “victimization” is a persecutory belief, is it a persecutory delusion? Use the BPRS to anchor symptom rating.
I am experienced in the assessment and diagnosis of authentic child abuse from my professional background leading a three-university collaborative assessment and treatment center for children in the foster care system. I am also experience assessing and diagnosing delusional psychotic pathology.
I have exactly the relevant background, training, and experience needed to assess and diagnose both sides of the differential diagnosis, if the belief in “victimization” is true (child abuse), and if it is false (a persecutory delusion).
4.  Attachment Pathology
A child rejecting a parent is an attachment pathology. The attachment system is the brain system governing all aspects of the love and bonding throughout the lifespan, including grief and loss. A child rejecting a parent is a problem in the love-and-bonding system of the brain; the attachment system.
The attachment system forms its basic wiring during early childhood (the period from zero-to-five years old), yet we use the attachment system throughout our lives to guide and mediate our approach to love-and-bonding with other people. The domain of professional psychology most directly involved in assessing, diagnosing, and treating attachment pathology is early childhood, especially child abuse (attachment trauma) in early childhood, which is exactly my background.
This is exactly the pathology I worked with as Clinical Director for an early childhood assessment and treatment center (ages zero-to-five) working with children in the foster care system (attachment trauma). I have a high-level of professional training, background, and experience in assessing, diagnosing and treating attachment pathology.
I have been trained in two additional diagnostic systems for early childhood and attachment pathology, the DC:0-3 and the ICDM diagnostic system, I have been trained in two standard evidenced-based attachment therapies, Watch-Wait-Wonder and Circle of Security, and I have additional Certification training in Infant psychology, which is a whole additional domain of complexity created by the rapidly changing neuro-development of the infant’s first year.
Of all the most expert professionals on the planet regarding attachment bonding pathology, I’m one of them.
5.  PsyD versus PhD
A PhD is a Doctorate in Philosophy, combining psychology and research coursework, a PsyD is a doctorate in clinical Psychology, no research.
A PhD in clinical psychology (there are other PhD categories in psychology that are entirely research-focused) is trained in both clinical psychology (the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of pathology) and in research methodology and research statistics. It’s called the “scientist-practitioner” model and it allows these psychologists to both treat pathology and to be a university researcher as well.
The PsyD, on the other hand is an advanced specialization focusing solely on clinical psychology and the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of pathology.  PsyD doctors sacrifice the research side of the vitae (meaning any university professorships) in order to obtain additional specialized training in pathology and its assessment, diagnosis, and treatment.  A PsyD doctorate is the most advanced degree possible in clinical psychology, more advanced than a PhD.
Our advanced training in clinical psychology has cascading implications.  Let me explain.
Pathology teaches.  Coursework prepares the psychologist to learn, but it is direct experience with the pathology that teaches.  Following doctoral coursework, clinical psychologists must complete two full years of supervised training, one pre-doctoral (the “pre-doctoral internship;” some are APA accredited, some are not), and one post-doctoral (the “post-doctoral fellowship”).  I did both my pre-doctoral and post-doctoral training at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles (APA accredited predoctoral internship), with medical rotations in spina bifida (pre-doctoral internship) and pediatric cancer (post-doctoral fellowship), and a mental health specialty of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
The pathology teaches. We learn the features of the pathology from our assessment of it, we learn its core from treating it.  That’s why we have two full year of supervised training, the clinical supervisor guides the intern and post-doc in their learning directly from the pathology.
Our coursework prepares us to learn, the pathology (whatever the pathology is we’re working with) teaches us.
The PsyD has additional coursework in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of pathology in place of the research coursework of the PhD psychologist.  Because we sacrificed coursework in research for this additional training in pathology and its treatment, that means we enter our internships better prepared to learn from the pathology than a PhD trained clinical psychologist.  This has implicatons.
Our better preparation means that after the first year of pre-doctoral supervised training, the PsyD clinical psychologist has learned more than the PhD clinical psychologist, because we are better prepared to learn from the pathology, we know,more going in.
That means when we begin our second year of supervised post-doctoral training, we are even more advanced in our preparation because of our more enriched learning during the internship supervised training, so we learn even more from the pathology than the PhD during our second, post-doctoral training year.
That means when we enter independent licensed practice, we’re even more advanced over the PhD than when our supervised training began.  The PsyD doctorate provides better preparation to learn during the two years of supervised training, so we learn more during these two training years than the PhD.
That’s why we sacrifice the research side of our vitaes.  You will never see a PsyD as a professor at a university.
Except me.  I’ve taught graduate level courses in Assessment & Diagnosis – Models of Psychotherapy – Psychometrics of Assessment – Cultural Psychology – Law and Ethics – Research Methodology – Theories of Personality – and Child Development.  In order to teach a graduate-level course in a subject, the professor needs to first know the subject.  I know everything in each of those content areas because I taught those content areas at the graduate level.  I enjoy teaching and mentoring students, so I found a way to stay active and do that.
The PsyD doctorate is a more advanced degree in clinical psychology, in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of pathology – significantly more advanced – than the PhD.  A PsyD doctorate degree (Doctor in Psychology) is the top there is in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of pathology, there is none better.
I have a B.A. degree in Psychology from UCLA. an M.A. degree in Community/Clinical Psychology from California State University, Northridge, and a Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology from Pepperdine University.
In the doctoral program at Pepperdine, we selected two of the four primary schools of psychotherapy as our specialty training focus. I chose Family Systems Therapy and Humanistic-Existential psychology (personal growth and self-actualization; I am trained as a Gestalt therapist from my Master’s training years).
My specialty in psychotherapy as a PsyD advanced-level clinical psychologist is… family systems therapy.
This court-involved high-intensity family conflict is…. a family conflict .
Family therapy is THE appropriate school of psychotherapy to apply to solving family conflict, and I am an advanced-level Psy.D. family systems therapist… with a background in diagnosing delusional-psychotic pathology, with a background in assessing, diagnosing, and treating complex trauma and child abuse, with a background in assessing, diagnosing and treating attachment pathology.
And I have been specifically trained through my M.A. in Community/Clinical Psychology to solve pathology by creating change in community systems and organizations, like the family courts and forensic psychology.
I have exactly the proper professional background to do exactly what it is I’m doing.
6.  AB-PA is True and Accurate
An attachment-based description of this court-involved family conflict pathology (Foundations; AB-PA) is 100% accurate.  Foundations and its description of AB-PA is a comprehensive, true and accurate description of the pathology, that is a fact.
You will find three symptoms, three disparate and impossible symptoms, with this pathology, (each of these symptoms is impossible, yet nevertheless present),
1)  Attachment: attachment bond suppression toward a normal-range parent (an impossible symptom),
2) Narcisistic: five specific narcissistic personality traits in the child’s symptom display (an impossible symptom), 
3) Delusional: an encapsulated persecutory delusion toward a normal-range parent (an impossible symptom).
All three symptoms are impossible.  The prevalence rate for any of those symptoms in the general population is zero.  We should never see those three symptoms because they are each impossible.  Yet AB-PA (Foundations) predicts the presence of all three impossible symptoms in the child’s symptom display.
Diagnostically, Foundations and AP-PA are analobous to a batter calling the home run to left field before the pitch, designating the Section, Row, Seat, and in the cupholder… and then doing it, putting it right in the cupholder of Seat 23, Row E, Section 104.
Foundations and an attachment-based model for this court-involved family conflict pathology is 100% a true and accurate description of the pathology.  That is a fact.
I know exactly what I am doing, and I can explain it to anyone who is interested. The solution is a done-deal, it on its way.  That too, is a fact.  It has been for several years now.  It’s not a matter of if, it is only a matter of when, and when the paradigm shifts to an attachment-based diagnostic model, the field of professional psychology will shift quickly.
The solution is available immediately – today.  It simply requires we apply the established knowledge of professional psychology.  If we apply knowledge, we solve pathology.  Ignorance solves nothing.  There are standards of practice in clinical psychology, codified by the APA ethics code. The APA ethics code is mandatory – required.  It is NOT optional.
Standard 2.04 requires the application of the scientifically established knowledge of professional psychology – that would be Bowlby (attachment), Minuchin (family systems therapy), Beck (personality disorders), van der Kolk (complex trauma), Tronick (neuro-development of the brain), and the DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association). Standard 2.01a requires this information for professional competence – mandatory, not optional.
Standard 9.01a requires that psychologists’ assessments and diagnostic statement, including forensic testimony, be based on information “sufficient to substantiate their findings” – that would be the application of Bowlby (attachment), Minuchin (family systems therapy), Beck (personality disorders), van der Kolk (complex trauma), Tronick (neuro-development of the brain), and the DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association).
Standard 3.04 requires that psychologists harm no one – no one – not even parents, not even if the forensic psychologist thinks the parent “deserves” to be harmed.  No one.  Not even terrorists (3.04b).  No one.
To limit or restrict a parent’s time an involvement with their child hurts the parent, and the child.  That is not allowed under Standard 3.04.  The ONLY appropriate custody recommendation from professional psychology is that each parent should have a much time and involvement with the child as possible.
The only professionally justifiable reason for restricting a parent’s time and involvement with their child is child abuse – a child protection justification.
If there is no child abuse… then parents have the right to parent according to their cultural values, personal values, and religious values. 
If there is no child abuse or child protection concerns, then the ONLY allowable recommendation for a child custody schedule from professional psychology pursuant to the requirement of Standard 3.04 of the APA ethics code to Avoid Harm – mandatory, not optional – is that each parent should have as much time and involvement as possible.
Furthermore, Principle D: Justice of the APA ethics code requires – not optional, requires – that all clients have the right to equal access to professional services.  The excessive $20,000 to $40,000 cost of a child custody evaluation denies equal access to lower SES parents, and provides a higher-quality of service to more affluent clients, in violation of Principle D: Justice.
Principle D: Justice of the APA ethics code also requires that all clients receive equal quality in professional services. Required – not optional.  The absence of inter-rater reliability for child custody evaluations, and professionals who just “dabble” in professional psychology leading to a “wide range of variability in services” violates this fundamental Principle of Justice and professional ethics.
From Stahl & Simon: “The American Board of Forensic Psychology is a subspecialty board of the ABPP. In the fall of 2011, there were approximately 250-300 ABPP board certified forensic psychologists in the United States and an unknown number of psychologists who specialize in forensic work but are not board certified. On top of that, there are many psychologists who dabble in forensic practice, occasionally performing child custody or other types of forensic evaluations, and who find themselves called to testify in court on occasion. While we recognize that there is a range of quality in their work, it is clear that forensic psychology is a growing area of specialization.” (Stahl & Simons, 2013, p. 9)
Stahl, P.M. and Simon, R.A. (2013). Forensic Psychology Consultation in Child Custody Litigation: A Handbook for Work Product Review, Case Preparation, and Expert Testimony, Chicago, IL: Section of Family Law of the American Bar Association.
Stahl & Simon openly acknowledge there to be “many psychologists” who merely “dabble in forensic practice” and they openly acknowledge that “there is a range of quality in their work.”  This, then, would represent a violation of Principle D: Justice, that requires “equal quality” in the psychological services provided to all clients.
7.  Duty to Protect
When a parent creates a persecutory delusion in the child that destroys the child’s attachment bond to the other parent (in spousally motivated revenge and retaliation for the failed marriage and divorce), that is a DSM-5 diagnosis of V995.51 Child Psychological Abuse.  Creating significant psychopathology in the child through aberrant and distorted parenting is called “pathogenic” parenting (patho=pathology; genic=genesis, creation).  Creating delusional-psychotic pathology in the child through deviant, distorted, and pathogenic parenting practices is Child Psychological Abuse (DSM-5 V995.51).
Failure to diagnose child abuse and protect the child when it is warranted by the child’s symptoms represents a failure in the professional’s “duty to protect” the child.
Failure to diagnose and protect the targeted parent from IPV spousal abuse (Intimate Partner Violence; “domestic violence”), i.e., the brutal emotional abuse of the ex-spouse/targeted parent using the child as the weapon, would also represent a failure in the professional’s “duty to protect” the targeted parent from IPV spousal abuse, using the child as the weapon.
From my professional background as noted above, forensic psychology is in clear and ongoing violation of Standards 2.04, 2.01a, 9.01a, 3.04, Principle D: Justice, and the duty to protect on two separate and independent counts, failure to protect the child from DSM-5 Child Psychological Abuse, and failure to protect the ex-spouse/targeted parent from IPV spousal abuse by the allied parent, using the child as the weapon.
Craig Childress, Psy.D. Clinical Psychologist, PSY 18857
The post Dr. Childress: Professional Background appeared first on Family Court Corruption.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Is It True Exclusively Half Your Friends Actually Like You?
It is clear that your friends is in agreement they are your friends. But recent findings published in the gazette PLOS ONE announcement this into question.
At least thats the content you are able to take if you departed with popular media coverage of the findings and conclusions. Headlines such as Only half your best friend actually like you, analyse exposes may see you wonder about the holes in your social network.
Friendships contribute to our mental and physical health; our well-being accepts without them. So is it true only half your best friend looks just like you?
The research in question does not, in fact, speak to that. But it does shed light on the subtleties of how friendship is recognized. Liking someone is not the same as electing them as a sidekick: we are to be able think of a friend we dont like very much, cant we?
Nor did the research aim to find out whether friends liked one another. Rather, the authors set out to explore how friendship reciprocity mattered when implementing broader social involvements, such as facilitating someone to quit smoking.
The research addressed two questions. First, what ratio of friendships are reciprocal? That is, how many of a persons friends likewise charge such person or persons as their pal? Second, to what degree does reciprocity in affections matter when it comes to how peers influence one another?
The first question
To answer the first issue, 84 students in a Middle-Eastern, undergraduate business-management class were asked to proportion the other 83 students on a proportion from zero to five. In this reciprocity examine, zero represented I do not know this person and five was one of our friend. The midpoint anchored at acquaintance. Students were also asked to indicate how the other 83 would charge them.
The benefits of this approach was that researchers had access to full cross-overs of data in a closed system. This enabled sophisticated statistical network analysis, which couldnt be afforded by looking at an open parish in which all members cannot be identified or accessed.
Researchers coded the data such that a score of threeor higher was considered a love. From the 6,972 ratings provided by the 84 students in the business class, 1,353 weighed as friendships.
In 94% of these seen relationships, students expected them to be reciprocal. So if John rated Jack as his friend, he expected Jack to rate him as a pal also. But this was so in only 53% of cases; less than half of the students had their friendship creeds about others reciprocated.
What does this mean ?
From this data it seems that, in social networks, there is low agreed to by saw love. The studys generators float one ground for this: we carry an rosy belief of friendships with higher-status mortals. That is, we project friendship with people who have more social clout than us in the perhaps naive hope they will reciprocate.
But because the reciprocity survey cant speak directly to this possibility, it remains for future experiment to measure this logic.
Can we really extrapolate to humanity based on 84 students in colleges and universities classroom? Felipe Bastos/ Flickr, CC BY
Its also important to ask whether we were able to extrapolate to humanity based on 84 students in a university classroom. Between the relatively small sample size, the constrained situation of an undergraduate classroom and cultural constraints in the test, you are able to reason no extrapolation should take place.
Another thing to keep in mind is the scoring approach: carve the line for love at threeor above on a five-point magnitude is a subjective announce. One can question whether friendships should be treated categorically or whether there is a more valid approach to quantifying relationships in all their complexity.
The second question
For the second question, investigates deployed a fitness intervention on a separate test of participants who lived in the same residential community and had all completed friendship ratings as in the reciprocity survey.
Participants had software installed on their mobile invention that tracked their physical work and allocated fiscal reinforces for their fitness advance. In two versions of the application, tenants were taken together with two cronies who could see one anothers progress and potentially be reinforced for the others progress.
The critical exam for the research wonder, with regards to peer affect, stemmed from analysing participants’ fitness changes as a function of the type of friendships they held with their buddies.
Once again, the approach of sampling from a residential community passed health researchers access to full data regarding a closed network, enabling nuanced analysis of the social dynamics at romp. But, once again, the sample size was tiny and different contexts has similar limitations when it is necessary to broader extrapolation.
What were the results ?
It would be logical to reckon acquaintances who concur they are friends( reciprocal sidekicks) affect one another, in a preferably positive mode. The acquires demonstrated this: when nearby residents fitness friends were reciprocal pals, those buddies helped promote positive outcomes in the form of more activity.
When nearby residents fitness sidekicks were reciprocal acquaintances, those cronies facilitated facilitate positive outcomes in the form of more activity. from shutterstock.com
But when it comes to non-reciprocal buddy-to-resident love, it is crucial to be addressed by the direction of each affection. An incoming friendship represents a sidekick rated the resident as a sidekick, but the resident did not frequency the friend as a pal. An outgoing relationship signifies a resident rated the chum as a friend, but the sidekick did not do the same.
The study found outgoing affections from occupants to buddies had no influence on residents’ physical act. If Max contemplated Jack was his friend but Jack didnt agree, and the pair were chums, Jack had no influence( either positive or negative) on Maxs fitness outcomes.
But the affect when it came to residents’ incoming relationships from their chums was positive. Max would have positively influenced Jacks upshots, even though Jack didnt agree that Max was his friend. And the force was even more positive when it came to reciprocal friendships.
What does it signify ?
A popular approaching in public health interventions is electing a sidekick to assistance person in their efforts for behavioural change.
The reciprocity survey testifies parties are inaccurate in predicting who considers them a acquaintance and that many friendships are in fact outgoing rather than reciprocal.
A favourite approaching in public health interventions is nominating a sidekick to subscribe person in their efforts for behavioural change. California National Guard/ Flickr, CC BY
These conclusions have practical significance in that they demo the popular buddy-nomination approach is likely less effective than we would want. Instead, we need to identify reciprocal relationships, since these are most effective. Next beneficial would be incoming affections, rather than the outgoing ones.
What else should we take into account ?
It important to highlight that the researchers showed the reciprocity questionnaire detects in five more samples.
First, the reciprocal relationship charge among the fitness residents was 45% even lower than the 53% in the business class.
Second, investigates carried out the analysis on various other data sets they had worked on in the past. Reciprocal relationship calculates derived from these were similar, wandering from 34% to 53%. Replication heightens the extent to which we can generalize broader social procedures based on the dynamics established in this particular study.
But again, all this talk of whether our friends like us misses the item. When it comes to social affect in particular, the kind of positive peer influence we try to seek when fully participate in behaviour change reciprocal friendships are of key import.
When we cant access reciprocal pals, we need to seek reinforce from people who elect us as friends , not the other way around. Lisa A. Williams
Peer Review
This article has identified key fatigues in this papers analyze layouts as well as the challenges of the the scale used to evaluate friends’ affections towards each other.
My biggest problem with this paper, though, is the sensationalised interpreting of the results. The consider abstract claims beings are generally good at recognizing the direction of their friendship ties, and media reports state that only half of your best friend like you.
But the data subscribe a humbler, and perhaps happier, legend. In detail, when participants claimed person as a sidekick, the other person reciprocated 70% of the time. So while its true-life around half of the friendships in such studies were reciprocal, it still seen close to three-quarters of your friends like you.
For instance, Bill says Sally is his friend and she concurs. Jim says Bob is his friend, but Bob doesnt identify Jim as a friend in return. We now have two friendships and exclusively one( 50%) is mutual. But of the three people who claimed a sidekick, two( Bill and Sally) were right( 66% ). It takes twice as many parties to make a reciprocal friendship, which is why those two numerals differ.
Its worth noting we do have a tendency to slightly overestimate our friends closeness, but my take-home letter from this paper is that were actually better at adjudicating how close our friends experience to us than just about anything else about them. Sean Murphy
Lisa A Williams, Senior Lecturer, School of Psychology, UNSW Australia
This article was originally published on The Conversation. Speak the original essay.
The post Is It True Exclusively Half Your Friends Actually Like You? appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Is It True Exclusively Half Your Friends Actually Like You?
It is clear that your friends is in agreement they are your friends. But recent findings published in the gazette PLOS ONE announcement this into question.
At least thats the content you are able to take if you departed with popular media coverage of the findings and conclusions. Headlines such as Only half your best friend actually like you, analyse exposes may see you wonder about the holes in your social network.
Friendships contribute to our mental and physical health; our well-being accepts without them. So is it true only half your best friend looks just like you?
The research in question does not, in fact, speak to that. But it does shed light on the subtleties of how friendship is recognized. Liking someone is not the same as electing them as a sidekick: we are to be able think of a friend we dont like very much, cant we?
Nor did the research aim to find out whether friends liked one another. Rather, the authors set out to explore how friendship reciprocity mattered when implementing broader social involvements, such as facilitating someone to quit smoking.
The research addressed two questions. First, what ratio of friendships are reciprocal? That is, how many of a persons friends likewise charge such person or persons as their pal? Second, to what degree does reciprocity in affections matter when it comes to how peers influence one another?
The first question
To answer the first issue, 84 students in a Middle-Eastern, undergraduate business-management class were asked to proportion the other 83 students on a proportion from zero to five. In this reciprocity examine, zero represented I do not know this person and five was one of our friend. The midpoint anchored at acquaintance. Students were also asked to indicate how the other 83 would charge them.
The benefits of this approach was that researchers had access to full cross-overs of data in a closed system. This enabled sophisticated statistical network analysis, which couldnt be afforded by looking at an open parish in which all members cannot be identified or accessed.
Researchers coded the data such that a score of threeor higher was considered a love. From the 6,972 ratings provided by the 84 students in the business class, 1,353 weighed as friendships.
In 94% of these seen relationships, students expected them to be reciprocal. So if John rated Jack as his friend, he expected Jack to rate him as a pal also. But this was so in only 53% of cases; less than half of the students had their friendship creeds about others reciprocated.
What does this mean ?
From this data it seems that, in social networks, there is low agreed to by saw love. The studys generators float one ground for this: we carry an rosy belief of friendships with higher-status mortals. That is, we project friendship with people who have more social clout than us in the perhaps naive hope they will reciprocate.
But because the reciprocity survey cant speak directly to this possibility, it remains for future experiment to measure this logic.
Can we really extrapolate to humanity based on 84 students in colleges and universities classroom? Felipe Bastos/ Flickr, CC BY
Its also important to ask whether we were able to extrapolate to humanity based on 84 students in a university classroom. Between the relatively small sample size, the constrained situation of an undergraduate classroom and cultural constraints in the test, you are able to reason no extrapolation should take place.
Another thing to keep in mind is the scoring approach: carve the line for love at threeor above on a five-point magnitude is a subjective announce. One can question whether friendships should be treated categorically or whether there is a more valid approach to quantifying relationships in all their complexity.
The second question
For the second question, investigates deployed a fitness intervention on a separate test of participants who lived in the same residential community and had all completed friendship ratings as in the reciprocity survey.
Participants had software installed on their mobile invention that tracked their physical work and allocated fiscal reinforces for their fitness advance. In two versions of the application, tenants were taken together with two cronies who could see one anothers progress and potentially be reinforced for the others progress.
The critical exam for the research wonder, with regards to peer affect, stemmed from analysing participants’ fitness changes as a function of the type of friendships they held with their buddies.
Once again, the approach of sampling from a residential community passed health researchers access to full data regarding a closed network, enabling nuanced analysis of the social dynamics at romp. But, once again, the sample size was tiny and different contexts has similar limitations when it is necessary to broader extrapolation.
What were the results ?
It would be logical to reckon acquaintances who concur they are friends( reciprocal sidekicks) affect one another, in a preferably positive mode. The acquires demonstrated this: when nearby residents fitness friends were reciprocal pals, those buddies helped promote positive outcomes in the form of more activity.
When nearby residents fitness sidekicks were reciprocal acquaintances, those cronies facilitated facilitate positive outcomes in the form of more activity. from shutterstock.com
But when it comes to non-reciprocal buddy-to-resident love, it is crucial to be addressed by the direction of each affection. An incoming friendship represents a sidekick rated the resident as a sidekick, but the resident did not frequency the friend as a pal. An outgoing relationship signifies a resident rated the chum as a friend, but the sidekick did not do the same.
The study found outgoing affections from occupants to buddies had no influence on residents’ physical act. If Max contemplated Jack was his friend but Jack didnt agree, and the pair were chums, Jack had no influence( either positive or negative) on Maxs fitness outcomes.
But the affect when it came to residents’ incoming relationships from their chums was positive. Max would have positively influenced Jacks upshots, even though Jack didnt agree that Max was his friend. And the force was even more positive when it came to reciprocal friendships.
What does it signify ?
A popular approaching in public health interventions is electing a sidekick to assistance person in their efforts for behavioural change.
The reciprocity survey testifies parties are inaccurate in predicting who considers them a acquaintance and that many friendships are in fact outgoing rather than reciprocal.
A favourite approaching in public health interventions is nominating a sidekick to subscribe person in their efforts for behavioural change. California National Guard/ Flickr, CC BY
These conclusions have practical significance in that they demo the popular buddy-nomination approach is likely less effective than we would want. Instead, we need to identify reciprocal relationships, since these are most effective. Next beneficial would be incoming affections, rather than the outgoing ones.
What else should we take into account ?
It important to highlight that the researchers showed the reciprocity questionnaire detects in five more samples.
First, the reciprocal relationship charge among the fitness residents was 45% even lower than the 53% in the business class.
Second, investigates carried out the analysis on various other data sets they had worked on in the past. Reciprocal relationship calculates derived from these were similar, wandering from 34% to 53%. Replication heightens the extent to which we can generalize broader social procedures based on the dynamics established in this particular study.
But again, all this talk of whether our friends like us misses the item. When it comes to social affect in particular, the kind of positive peer influence we try to seek when fully participate in behaviour change reciprocal friendships are of key import.
When we cant access reciprocal pals, we need to seek reinforce from people who elect us as friends , not the other way around. Lisa A. Williams
Peer Review
This article has identified key fatigues in this papers analyze layouts as well as the challenges of the the scale used to evaluate friends’ affections towards each other.
My biggest problem with this paper, though, is the sensationalised interpreting of the results. The consider abstract claims beings are generally good at recognizing the direction of their friendship ties, and media reports state that only half of your best friend like you.
But the data subscribe a humbler, and perhaps happier, legend. In detail, when participants claimed person as a sidekick, the other person reciprocated 70% of the time. So while its true-life around half of the friendships in such studies were reciprocal, it still seen close to three-quarters of your friends like you.
For instance, Bill says Sally is his friend and she concurs. Jim says Bob is his friend, but Bob doesnt identify Jim as a friend in return. We now have two friendships and exclusively one( 50%) is mutual. But of the three people who claimed a sidekick, two( Bill and Sally) were right( 66% ). It takes twice as many parties to make a reciprocal friendship, which is why those two numerals differ.
Its worth noting we do have a tendency to slightly overestimate our friends closeness, but my take-home letter from this paper is that were actually better at adjudicating how close our friends experience to us than just about anything else about them. Sean Murphy
Lisa A Williams, Senior Lecturer, School of Psychology, UNSW Australia
This article was originally published on The Conversation. Speak the original essay.
The post Is It True Exclusively Half Your Friends Actually Like You? appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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