seasonal-writes · 1 year
I was feeling stressed so I binge read all of your works on AO3. They calmed me down somewhat. One day (when I don't have an exam literally today D: ) I will write a specific comment for each of them but for now I just wanted to say thank you for these beautiful fics :}
(also it turned out that I already read most of them ;D)
;-; oh my goodness, that is SO sweet of you! i'm so glad they were able to help you calm down a little bit, really!! that means so much to hear. :) no worries about leaving comments, buddy! even just knowing you went and re-read means so much. thank you! <33
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serveandfolly · 3 years
28 Days of Grimm - Day Two (Favorite episode)
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S1 E6: The Three Bad Wolves
This is SO hard, but my heart has to go with S1 E6: The Three Bad Wolves. While I love the sophistication of the later episodes, I have a fondness for the early days of Nick learning this whole new world. I also love a Monroe-centric episode, and his early time with Hap is hilarious. But Angelina (Jaime Ray Newman) is Grimm at its best, giving women its smartest, most powerful roles. 
Runners up: I mean, omg, all of them (except for The Thing with Feathers, Kiss of the Muse and Bad Moon Rising)? But if I have to choose, maybe:
S2 E2: The Kiss - Kelly kills Katherine (another spectacular older female character) in spectacular fashion 
S2 E22: Goodnight, Sweet Grimm - Oh, love me some Papa Ghede!
S1 E22: Woman in Black - the introduction of Kelly Burkhardt!
S1 E3: Beeware - the culture of the Mellifers was fascinating
S1 E21: Big Feet - for Monroe’s “Larry?”
S1 E5: Danse Macabre - I love Roddy!
S3 E19: Nobody Knows the Trubel I’ve Seen - introduction of Trubel!
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seasonal-writes · 1 year
Can I just say that, with the stress that comes with finishing school, your story about two little block man always gives me enough energy to power through the next weeks. Your talent to make people feel emotions through your writing is something you should be immensely proud of.
This chapter was amazing, as always, and I can't wait to see what happens next. (for now I'm just gonna pretend that Pearls future prediction never happened :D I live in denial)
;-; what if- what if i cried that's SO GENUINELY SWEET WhAT THE HECK? THANK YOU oh my GOD. it makes me so happy to hear that my writing (and the blorbos) does that for you, WHAT A COMPLIMENT. WOW. as i am also a struggling lil student trying to get through the last few weeks of school, we're in solidarity! you can make it, man!! i believe in you! thank you, again, really. <3 so happy you're liking the story! i hope the upcoming parts meet the expectation, i personally think they're gonna be pretty fun! also hahahaha what do you meaaaan everything's gonna be fiiiiine,, <3333
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seasonal-writes · 1 year
I found you hehehehe
(also "fairly amateur fic writer"?? Excuse me >:0? There is nothing even slightly amateur about your fics nor your writing style! ACCEPT MY ANGRY COMPLIMENTS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ;})
you found me!! :D sdkjfs i- well!! i mean!! i'd never really written fic before so TECHNICALLY i am an amateur. it's only been a few months! but you are !!! SO KIND. you were so sweet in your comment too i'm ;-; thank you thank you thank you. <3 i'm accEPTING THEM I AM I PROMISE AA-
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