#because we subconsciously think of things categorically instead of as a giant katamari ball
symbologic · 6 months
As someone who studied journalism and has also worked in toxic environments that fed off of information hoarding, I used to believe that information sharing was inherently "good". Because it promotes transparency! And transparency challenges unspoken norms and combats white supremacy culture, which are both things that are very important to me
But the more time I spend on social media, the more I realize that the concept of a digital town square was a mistake. We as humans need smaller communities organized around common interests and shared causes, rather than a single place for everything to exist all at once
Nowadays, I'm starting to think "intentionality" is the real MVP in navigating online and life in general. Not because it's inherently good or bad, but because it means we're 100% aware of what we're doing, who we're saying stuff to, and why we're doing it.
It would be so much more productive and manageable than everyone hurling a million + 1 jarringly disparate things at each other simply because we're in an online ecosystem that actively rewards it
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