#because of MONEY. Like everything is so focused on money [coughing at the art industry] why can't it just be .
twilightarcade · 4 months
i still can't believe she said that shit to me
#wordstag#she KNOWS I can't get behind that stuff ! She's met me yeah ?#tthen she has the audacity to say it's not that deep. Like yeah; saying that all of humanity is inherently evil and wouldn't#accomplish anything if it weren't for their lives hanging over their heads isn't that deep. Average Tuesday type conversation.#'if you were an apple farmer wouldn't you want to hoard your apples?' BUT FOR WHAT?? WHERE DOES THAT GREED GET YOU. WHY IS THE AVERAGE#PERSON IN YOUR MIND INHERENTLY GREEDY. Like ohhh if everything was free nothing would get done because people need motivation#like shit isn't getting done as it is now. You want to be a music teacher. You can't because of money. Why isn't this an obvious solution#like . I know you can't just go welp everything is free now; have fun. I know you can't destroy all of modern economics like that.#but why is a hypothetical magical world where we do that bad. What did the human race do before capitalism? Just roll over and die?#there was still art. There's always art. There's always going to be someone who wants to do something with their life that can't#because of MONEY. Like everything is so focused on money [coughing at the art industry] why can't it just be .#^^^^ anyway context I was talking 2 someone (that I know . Like really well ) and proposed just#getting rid of money forever . Because fhey wanted to be a teacher but couldn't bc money#and this was like . The most preposterous thing to them. Why would people do anything if not for money etcetc#even went as far as 'humans are inherently evil' which wooooaaaaah slow down there buddy .#you're letting your christian show. Or whateevr. Idk just not an idea I can personally get behind#then she goes 'it'snotbthat deep' like she didn't just imply something about the entirety of the human population. Or something.#like if humans are so evil jsut kill us now or something .
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story-scribbler · 3 years
(un)welcome back: chapter two
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Rhysand continued to watch me, the corner of his mouth tilting upwards in amusement at my obvious surprise. That fucking smirk.
Memories came flooding back, breaking through from the depths of my mind where I’d banished them three years ago.
Rhysand laughing, the deep baritone of his voice ringing out, filling my soul with warmth.
Rhysand dancing with me in my apartment, grinning at me, bright and unrestrained.
Rhysand leaning in, his lips quirking up in that fucking smirk, brushing them gently against mine.
Rhysand touching me, his hands skimming my bare chest, drawing patterns only he could see upon my skin.
Rhysand leaving.
Rhysand ignoring my calls.
Rhysand walking out of my life, and never turning back.
Tarquin nudged me gently, shaking me out of the grasp of my memories. “Are you good?” His eyes shone with concern, brows furrowed slightly.
I swallowed past the lump in my throat. “Yeah, um.” I wrenched my eyes away from Rhysand’s figure, focusing on Tarquin. “Just saw someone that I…. who I haven’t seen in a long time.”
I breathed deep. Get it together, Feyre. Yes, Rhysand was here. Yes, I was fucking confused and surprised and hurt.
But I had a job to do. And I’d be damned if I didn’t do it well.
I forced myself to smile at Tarquin, gesturing for him to take us to our table. I could feel Rhysand’s gaze burning into my skin as we crossed the ballroom, and I sighed in relief as we finally made it to our seats. Our two-seat table was tucked into the corner of the ballroom, hiding us away yet giving us a perfect view of the entire hall. No doubt the credit for our isolated, yet strategically placed table was due to Alis and her many, many, many connections in the art industry.
Now, it was time to make use of those connections and earn the gallery some money. I scanned the program at my place, Tarquin doing the same next to me. The orchestra was slotted to play for the next hour, and I could hear the faint strains of the ensemble tuning from where they were seated on the opposite side of the hall. Typically, the wait staff passed out hors d'oeuvres and champagne during these types of performances, making it a good time for us to go out and mingle. Alcohol always loosened tongues. And wallets.
“Once the guests at the front tables start moving around, then we can go,” Tarquin said. “I can take the back tables, and you can go try talking to Helion.”
I smirked at him, mustering up the bravado that had come so easily to me before. “Just you wait. I’ll have Helion in our pockets by the end of the evening.”
He smiled softly at me. “I have no doubt of that.”
His words sent a rush of warmth through me, and I returned his grin, although not as easily as I did before. Rhysand’s presence still weighed heavily on my mind. And on my heart.
We sat for a few minutes, just long enough for me to get antsy. I drummed my fingers on my silk-covered thighs, tapped my heels against the marble floor. Sitting still made my mind wander, wander over to thoughts of violet eyes and black hair and sensual smirks and fiery kisses. To empty apartments and unanswered calls and ignored texts. To the three years ago, when my life felt like it was just beginning. To three years and three months later, when it all went to shit.
The orchestra began to play, sliding into the strains of a gentle melody that perfectly matched the ambiance of the room, yet didn’t overpower it. Tarquin nodded to me before pushing his chair back and gracefully striding across the ballroom. I did the same, heading in the opposite direction as he did.
I wove my way through the ballroom, between the veritable maze of tables and chairs, nodding to the guests I recognized. Emerie, a friend of Nesta’s, was seated in the middle of the ballroom, chatting animatedly to a red-haired woman. She waved to me as I passed her table, and I returned the gesture, not wanting to interrupt, before continuing on, recognizing the head of auburn hair standing in front of me.
I snuck up behind Lucien, grabbing his shoulders from behind. He startled, whipping around as I relished in the look of surprise on his face.
“Jesus, Feyre.” He shook his head at me in mock annoyance, auburn hair swishing with the movement. “A simple ‘hello’ would’ve been fine, you know,” he snarked.
I bit my lip to restrain my cackling. It wasn’t often that I could sneak up on Lucien, and I was enjoying my victory. “Hey Lucien.”
My relationship with Lucien was strained, after …. everything, but he had reached out a few months before, asking to meet for coffee. We had been friends since our freshman year of college, when I had met him and Tamlin. After almost eight years of friendship, I missed him, and from what he said, he missed me, and our friendship. We weren’t necessarily friends again yet, but hopefully, we were getting there.
“You look nice,” he said, before asking bluntly, “You know that Rhysand is here, right?”
I winced. “Thanks for the reminder.”
Lucien was somewhat aware of the Rhysand situation, having asking after all my friends at our coffee date. He didn’t know all the details, but he knew that it was an ugly situation. Despite the rather unpleasant reminder, I was grateful that Lucien thought to warn me.
He looked at me sympathetically. “Good luck with that. He’s sitting with Helion too.”
“Yup,” I said tightly. Apparently, my tone told Lucien all he needed to know.
“Let me guess, that’s your target for the night.” It wasn’t a question.
I grimaced.
“Well. Good luck with that,” he said, clapping me on the shoulder. “It’s time for me to go rub elbows of my own.”
I waved my fingers at him as he walked away, shooting me finger-guns as he went. Lucien was a curator at the Velaris National Museum of History, which meant that he too needed to go squeeze donations out of the wealthy guests.
Speaking of, I really needed to go talk to Helion before someone else monopolized his attention. I snatched up a glass of champagne from a passing waiter, forcing myself to not chug the entire thing in one go, lest I look like an unsophisticated heathen in the midst of all this finery. Regardless of the fact that I would most certainly need something to get me through this night.
Because I was about to go talk to Helion. Who was at the same table as Rhysand. Who I hadn’t heard from in Three. Fucking. Years.
Steeling myself, I maneuvered myself over to where Helion was now standing, chatting with Kallias and Viviane, Kallias’s hand resting gently on Viviane’s back. A rush of relief sank through my body upon seeing his company. Rhysand was nowhere to be found, and Viviane was a friend of Mor’s, which meant that starting this conversation wouldn’t be awkward.
Luckily, Viviane spotted me as I approached them.
“Feyre,” she called out, gesturing for me to join them. She smiled mischievously at me. As a friend of Mor’s, she knew that I was a curator, and that my entire purpose for tonight was to get donations and sell gallery pieces. She was also well-aware that Helion was extremely, extremely, extremely wealthy. And being the smart woman that she was, she likely connected the dots between me coming up to their group, and Helion’s presence there.
I sidled up to their group, accepting Viviane’s hug of welcome.
“Viviane, Kallias,” I smiled warmly at the couple. “It’s good to see you both.”
Kallias inclined his head in return. “Likewise, Feyre. Have you seen Rhys—”
I stifled a laugh as Viviane not-so-subtly elbowed him in the stomach. He took the hint immediately, wincing apologetically in my direction. I smiled gratefully at Viviane for her intervention. As a friend of Mor’s, Viviane was also aware of what had happened with Rhysand, but apparently, Kallias hadn’t remembered.
Beside me, Helion took in our awkward expressions with curiosity before smirking down at me.
Viviane jumped to attention. “Helion, have you met—”
“Feyre Archeron,” he drawled, taking me by surprise. I didn’t think he would remember my name, but apparently, I was wrong.
He extended his left hand, the other being occupied by a wine glass, and I shook it firmly.
“Helion Dayes,” I purred back, matching his tone.
Amused delight shone in his eyes. “Let me guess, you’re here to swindle me out of my money.”
“So what if I am?” I smirked at him. “It worked out so well for me before.”
Indeed, the last time we had met, I managed to get a sizable donation of a few thousand. As well as convinced him to buy a few of the more expensive pieces from the gallery. In total, I got about $80,000 from him. Alis had gifted me some very expensive wine in gratitude, which Azriel and I had enjoyed immensely as we spent the night getting drunk off our asses.
Despite the fact that Helion himself had been drunk off his ass when he made the donations, it appeared that he still remembered opening his wallet that night.
Helion sighed exaggeratedly. “I’ll spare you the posturing, although I know you’re good at it. Will a twenty-thousand donation suffice for my lady?”
Well, that was easy.
Not letting my surprise shine through, I shrugged nonchalantly. Twenty-thousand was more than enough, but if Helion was in a particularly generous mood…. Well, I might as well take advantage of it. Beside us, Viviane and Kallias watched with amusement.
Helion clicked his tongue, amusement twinkling in his eyes. “You drive a hard bargain, Feyre.”
“What can I say?” I said, meeting his gaze. “I’m very good at my job.”
“I bet that’s not the only job--”
Kallias coughed loudly next to me, shooting a warning glare at Helion. Viviane was practically shaking with restrained laughter, lips quivering as she fought to keep them shut.
I simply quirked an eyebrow up at Helion. If that was intended to fluster me, well, Cassian and I had certainly traded lewder insults than that.
“Fine,” he said, shaking his head at Kallias, before turning his attention back to me. “Do you have any gallery pieces that I’d be interested in?”
“Depends on what you’re interested in,” I said lazily, sipping my champagne.
“A Feyre Archeron original, perhaps?” he said as he fixed me with that piercing gaze of his.
“Excuse me?”
What the fuck.
“Well, it’s just that I’ve heard, from a very good friend of mine, mind you, that you’re an extremely talented artist.” His eyes danced with amusement as he took a long drag of his wine. He knew, then.
Fucking Rhysand.
Rhysand was one of the few, apart from my other friends, who knew about my painting. Helion knew then, knew about Rhysand and I. Whether it be through the rumor mill, or from Rhysand himself, he knew.
I forced myself not to squirm, even as I could feel Helion’s hidden amusement. “It appears that your source is mistaken. After all, other than Viviane and Kallias here, I don’t believe we have any mutual friends.”
Helion cocked his head to the side, opening his mouth. He cut himself off, however, eyes flicking up to look behind me. He smirked. “Give him hell for me, why don’t you,” he said, sauntering away.
And a voice that I hadn’t heard in three years sounded from behind me.
“Hello, Feyre darling.”
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Lost and Found (Six)
*cue dramatic music in the later half of the chapter*
“Good morning, Tony.” Pepper dropped a kiss on Tony’s cheek and a stack of papers on his desk then turned to smile at James. “Good morning, James. You two are up bright and early.” 
“Never really went to bed.” Tony had a 3D rendered image of James’s left shoulder on his desk and was painstakingly fitting the end pieces with new wiring and connectors. He knew from plenty of unfortunate fire-extinguisher experience that Dum-E would come running if there was so much as a spark as wires and parts went together, so he wanted to practice several times and run through any potential issues before trying it on James. “Been up all night working on this.” 
“You’ve both been up all night?” Pepper asked casually, just as casually as she possibly could while also being simultaneously nosy. “Usually JARVIS warns me if Tony doesn’t go to bed.” 
“I told him to take the night off.” Tony felt around behind him for another wire and Pepper’s eyebrows shot up when James handed the right one over without even hesitating. 
Spending enough time together to be that in sync? My oh my. 
“I don’t think JARVIS knows the meaning of the words ‘night off’.” she commented instead of everything else she’d wanted to comment since finding them asleep together a few nights previous. “What were you two up to that the almighty eye in the sky didn’t need to witness?” 
“You flatter me, Ms. Potts.” JARVIS came online after a quiet click and brief hesitation. “But I can assure after numerous near-catastrophes due to sleep deprivation, I am always watching the lab even if I am quiet.”
“Of course you are.” Pepper was watching both James and Tony closely to see if either reacted to the thinly veiled insinuation that they’d been up to no good, but neither brunette even blinked. “Anyway, Tony we need to talk about exactly what happened with the Boy Scouts the other day.” 
“C’mon Pep, you say it like that and it sounds terrible.” Tony snapped his fingers a few times, then muttered a thank you when James handed him a small tool. “Don’t say it like that. James, how do you feel about purple wire? I'm thinking purple wires.” 
“What happened with the Boy Scouts?” James wanted to know, and then to Tony, “I like red.” 
“Well you’re getting purple.” Tony twisted a few pieces and attached them carefully. “Deal with it.” 
“Sure, Tony.” James’s smile was damn near soft, and Pepper had a hard time looking away from it. “Ms. Potts, what happened with the Boy Scouts?” 
“What happened with the Boy Scouts?” she repeated, finally tearing away from the way those two looked at each other and idly wondering if either had any clue. “What happened is that Tony donated our entire collection of modern art to them to auction off as a fundraiser.” 
“Pretty sure it’s my collection, Pep.” Tony put on a pair of high-magnifying glasses so he could see better. “Which means I get to do whatever I want with it, right?” 
“I dedicated half my soul and at least a dozen gray hairs towards acquiring that collection.” Pepper put a hand to her perfectly styled, perfectly colored hair. “I think I should have at least a brief say in what happens to it.” 
“Your ‘brief say’ can be congratulating me on a several million dollar tax write off.” Tony blinked owlishly large eyes up at her. “You should be proud of me Pep. Donating junk and getting tax write offs is good behavior!” 
“Junk.” Pepper put a hand to her forehead. “Junk?! Tony--!” 
“Feel like I don’t really understand modern art.” James offered, thinking back to the displays that went up in downtown D.C. on the first Friday’s of the summer months. “Seem’s like a bunch of colors thrown together that don’t make any sense except to the artist and the people with a bunch of money to pay for it.” 
“That’s exactly what it is.” Tony agreed at the same time Pepper loudly disagreed, “No, that’s not it at all! James, our collection--” 
“--my collection--” 
“--was so much more than that, it represents ten years of hard work on my part!” Pepper narrowed green eyes at Tony when he only hunched further over his project. “Tony, you’re making that ‘I’m bored’ face, don’t do that when I’m talking to you.” 
“Then don’t be boring when you’re talking to me.” Tony sassed, and James coughed to cover a snort of laughter. 
He felt bad that Pepper was so frustrated, but the last few days had been so fun with Tony, James had a hard time finding fault with anything the genius did, even if it was purposefully frazzling Ms. Potts. 
Ever since their Howard the Duck movie night, Tony had been busy and distracted during the day --arguing on the phone with whatever a Honeybear was, answering and then disconnecting video calls with what sounded like reporters, working in the lab behind darkened windows and distinctly explosive noises. James ended up spending the hours wandering through the house or the surrounding grounds, even calling Happy to just drive him around the city so he could see it all from behind the anxiety reducing tinted windows. The days were long, but the nights made up for it when Tony appeared from his lab usually exhausted and messy haired but always with a ready smile for the soldier. 
It was an odd sort of normal, to be dragged into the living room for hour after hour of arguably terrible movies, delivered pizza and Happy-delivered cheeseburgers, and usually falling asleep before the movie was over. 
It was an odd sort of normal but it was a normal that meant no more endless stretches of time James couldn’t quite keep track of, no more meals in the soup kitchen or nights outside in the cold when the paranoia got bad and James couldn’t sleep at the shelter. Tony watched him, but it wasn’t the stares of morbid curiosity from pedestrians on the street, they spent time in the lab poking at his arm but never anything that made James choke up with fear like that chair had done the first time around, nothing that made him feel like a project and an experiment and a weapon like-- like something else in his murky memories did. 
No, normal with Tony made James’s heart beat a little faster and maybe even made his breath catch when Tony smiled the way he was smiling up at Pepper right now-- teasing and knowing and daring her to do something about it. 
James was never brave enough to do anything about it, nor was he confident enough to think he was reading that smile exactly right, so he never bothered taking the chance….
… Pepper had no such qualms. 
“I am not finished being upset about the art collection.” the redhead warned. “But I’ve got eight thousand and eleven other things to talk to you about so we’ll put a pin in it for now. I’m assuming since you aren’t making any effort to attend the Senate meetings, you also aren’t feeling up to making your speech at the Expo tomorrow night?” 
“I don’t care half a flying fuck about the Senate meetings--
“--but the Expo is the most important thing in my life. All my energy is there. Legacy and history and uh-- ah shit, James, I need you.” Tony frayed a wire beyond repair and held out his hand for another one the soldier promptly handed him. “Thank you. As I was saying, Pep. The Expo is legacy, a chance to continue my Dad’s work and leave something for everyone to remember me by just in case I end up doing something drastic and amazing and die in a blaze of glory.” 
“Do not joke about you dying.” Pepper’s voice shook then, and James frowned when Tony closed his eyes and muttered a quiet sorry. “That will never be funny, Tony Stark and you know it.” 
“Yeah Pep. I-- I know it.” 
“And while we’re on the topic?” she flicked at his ear and Tony jumped, scowled at her. “I’ve seen the plans for the new tower in New York. No one will ever have trouble remembering you, Tony. You’re planning to literally add your name in neon lights to the New York City skyline.” 
“It will be the most recognizable building outside the Empire and the Statue of Liberty!” Tony said cheerfully, and Pepper only rolled her eyes. 
“Seriously though Tony, about the changes in your stock--” 
“Nope, I’m not talking about it.” Tony pushed away from the desk and stretched to pop his back. “JARVIS, give me that initial prototype from the 3D printer and let’s get it online and connected to the mold print of James’s shoulder, I’d like to see the pieces together.” 
“No, JARVIS, please wait to bring out any prototypes until I’m finished talking!” Pepper spoke over Tony. “Stark Industries is in total disarray. You’ve signed off on grants for everyone from the wind farm people to whatever the hell a plastic plantation is and despite the board’s warning, you keep saying yes! But then they say no and now we have a list of people waiting for money that may or may not be coming! What am I supposed to do about that, Tony?” 
“You’re boring me again.” Tony pursed his lips and clenched his jaw. He wasn’t bored he was stressed and he needed Pepper to see that. He didn’t care about talking through work things in front of James, he cared that his limited time with James was being interrupted for work things and he needed Pepper to see that. He was handing out money because he needed someone to remember him when he was gone in less than three months and he needed Pepper to see that, damn it. 
“You’re boring me again.” he repeated, and held up a hand when Pepper tried to interrupt. “Nope. I don’t care, Pep. I don’t care about any of this. Give everybody the money, give nobody the money. I don’t care. You do it.” 
“I’m trying to do it!” Pepper’s legendary self control snapped just a little bit, bent and broke and she smacked a hand down on the table and raised her voice to argue for what might have been the first time ever. “I’m trying to do it, Tony! Trying to get you focused enough for the most basic tasks to run this company and you aren’t giving me anything!” 
“....I’m giving you everything.” Tony said then, soft and weary, darting a quick glance towards James and feeling bolstered when he saw the soldier looking right back. “Pep, I’m giving you everything. I’ve been trying to find the perfect time to tell you and you know, right now is as good as any. You can have it. All of it.” 
“All of what, Tony?” Pepper looked just as exhausted as Tony felt, exhausted and maybe even near frustrated tears. “You don’t make any sense any more!” 
“The company.” He answered simply, and Pepper blinked a few times before her mouth fell open. 
“It’s yours.” Tony rustled around in a desk drawer until he found a business card, inked through the Tony Stark, CEO line and wrote in ‘Virginia Potts’. “There, see? It’s official. You do it. Do all of it. You’re better than me, so you do it.” 
“No.” Pepper sounded thunderstruck. “No, Tony. First of all, that is not how you sign a company over. Second of all, I am no where near qualified--” 
“Sure you are.” Tony cut in. “You ran the company for three months in crisis mode while I was gone. You’ve been running it for the seven months since I’ve been home because I can’t focus longer than a few minutes on that sort of stuff. That’s almost a year at this point, you’ve been running Stark Industries for almost a year and still getting paid a secretary’s salary and that’s not right.”
He spread his hands in a ‘here you go’ gesture. “Now it’s yours. Take it. You deserve it. Congratulations.” 
“You’ve been drinking.” Pepper stated. “James, has he been drinking?” 
“Just green stuff.” James replied, and Tony corrected, “Chlorophyll. Lots of it. I’m basically one with Mother Nature now.” 
“Chlorophyll spiked with something?” 
“Chia seeds.” Tony tried to hand her the altered business card again. “I need a yes or no from you, Pep. Are you going to take over running this thing or do I have to call the temp agency and find someone else?” 
“Well you--you certainly won’t be finding somebody at the temp agency.” Pepper took the card with trembling fingers. “But Tony, I can’t-- you shouldn’t--” 
“I know you think I’m rushing into this but I’m not.” Tony took both of Pepper’s hands and squeezed lightly. “I’ve put a lot of thought into it and have been considering it since before Afghanistan if I’m being honest. Before all that happened I was already thinking about this, but after everything, I’ve thought about it every day. Every damn day.”
“It’s you, Pep.” he murmured, and James looked away from the overwhelming intimacy of the moment. “It’s always been you. You take care of me and take care of all of this, everything I never cared that much about and all the things that are the only things I care about it.” 
He pressed at her palms meaningfully before letting go. “It’s always been you, so step up and take the seat at the head of the table. You deserve it.” 
“I um--” Pepper cleared her throat and tried for a watery smile. “I suppose it would be nice not to deal with another boss. The current one buys me such nice things for my birthday.” 
“Oh yeah?” Tony raised his eyebrows. “What did I buy you this year?” 
“A very beautiful tennis bracelet and two new pair of Jimmy Choo’s.” 
“Wow.” Tony’s eyes widened in faux shock. “I am generous.” 
“Very much so.” Pepper hesitated, turned the card over in her hands a few times. “I should… call someone to draw up the necessary paperwork?” 
“Whenever you’re ready.” Tony stepped away again and winked. “You’re the boss.” 
“I’m the boss.” she repeated, still shell shocked. “And I need a drink. Right now.” 
“I have chlorophyll.” Tony answered promptly and Pepper pushed at him gently. “No? You don’t want any?”
“Not even a little bit.” Pepper glanced over at James, then leaned in and kissed Tony on the cheek. “I love you very much, do you know?” 
“And I’d be lost with you.” Tony kissed her right back. “Are you going to complain about anything else?” 
“No.” Pepper flushed in gratitude. “Did you need anything else from me, Mr. Stark?” 
“That will be all, Ms. Potts.” 
The lab doors closed silently behind Pepper and Tony flopped down at the table again, slumping in the chair and running his fingers through his hair. “Okay, where were we?” 
“You really just handed over everything to her?” James asked, and Tony nodded. “Why?” 
“Because the only thing that will change for me is less board meetings.” Tony flipped his goggles down again and went back to work. “Pepper’s done everything for going on ten years now, no reason why she shouldn’t have what she’s worked so hard to take care of.” 
“You don’t care?” 
“I have everything I could ever want in life.” Tony lied explained, and ignored the ache in his heart, the one that felt like cold and loneliness buried far deeper than the palladium poisoning. “And it’s still my name on the company. Still my legacy. Just with someone better than me at the helm.” 
“Huh.” James nodded like any of those reasons made valid excuses to sign over what he imagined was a wildly successful tech con--con-- what was the word he’d heard on a news segment the other day? Conglomerate?-- to an Executive Assistant, even one as wonderfully put together as Ms. Potts. “So you have a speech at the Expo tomorrow?” 
“Don’t worry.” Tony got back up to grab the lightweight arm prototype from one of the cabinets so he could connect it to the model of James’s shoulder and see how it all went together. “I’ll be there and back again before we miss out on movie time. Just have to wear the monkey suit and perform for the masses. No big deal.” 
“Monkey suit?” 
“You know, the uh--” Tony paused, cocked his head as he realized he’d never actually told James about the Iron Man suit. They’d talked about the arc reactor and he didn’t hide the blue glow beneath heavy shirts anymore but he still hadn’t come right out and said ‘Also, I’m Iron Man.’ 
Part of him had assumed James would put two and two together and maybe was just being polite and discreet about bringing it up. 
The other part of him hoped he never had a reason to tell James because he’d like those baby blues to keep looking at him as Tony and not as Tony Stark Iron Man, or Tony Stark billionaire or Tony Stark any list of any other adjectives people had called him over the years. 
For all the reasons Tony had stuffed deep in the closet at just seventeen, and for all the reasons that had recently began weighing on his heart and soul, when James looked at him and smiled Tony would very much like to just be Tony. 
“...the monkey suit.” he finally finished. “Like a tuxedo, right? Get dressed up and put on a show for the folks?” 
“You’re part of the show?” James asked in confusion. “I thought you ran it.” 
Tony chuckled at him. “No, not part of the show. I’m the reason for the show which means I have to stand up there and say a few words every few days. It’s not a big deal. I’ll be back in time to watch The Princess Bride with you and explain exactly why every line of that movie is undeniably hilarious.” 
“So if I wear that monkey suit you had bought for me, can I go?” James questioned, eyes cautious and tone hesitant. “Or is that not okay?” 
“You want to go?” Tony snapped a piece clear off the prototype and James looked down in alarm. “No, don’t worry about that, that’s why we have practice pieces. You want to go to the Expo? Are you sure?” 
“Because you can go.” He was quick to assure James. “But there is thousands of people around, lots of noise, lots of lights and it’s science-y stuff so explosions happen or at least various flash bangs. I don’t want you to get there and then get triggered or panic or that. I mean, it’s a lot for me half the time, I do my few minutes on stage and usually need a few minutes in the bathroom afterwards to calm down and I’d hate to see you-- I mean--” 
Tony was rambling, tripping over his words as he tried to find the right thing to say to tell James it was okay not to go if he didn’t want to, that it could be frightening because sometimes it was frightening for Tony, that he understood the potential triggers and wasn’t going to judge for James reacting in a panic. 
“--I just don’t want you to hate it!” he blurted. “This is a big deal for me, for my family history and I know that doesn’t mean anything to you but I’d hate for you to hate it, that would make me feel bad. Not that it would be your fault or anything but--” 
“Tony.” James rapped his knuckles on the table, effectively stopping the ramble mid sentence. “Tony, I know it will probably be noisy and maybe a little stressful but I want to go.” 
And then with a deep breath and a little bit of the lazier tilt his words got whenever he tried to be sweet with Tony-- why did that happen? Why did he start talking like he was from New York when he tried to flirt and why did he think in Russian when he was stressed?-- James wet his lips and clarified, “I wanna go with you, Tony. S’that okay?” 
“You--” Tony blinked. “You want to go with me. With me? Like with me?” 
“Yeah.” James was suddenly practically parched and he wet his lips again. “Could be fun. Maybe we could--” see a flying car. Eat popcorn. Dance. Do I dance? “-- maybe we could walk around it together after your speech? Pretty sure I like carnivals and that sorta thing.” 
“I’d love that.” Tony tried and failed to squash the sudden flare of hope in his chest and the surge of interest somewhere further south. Down boy, it’s only a walk through a very crowded place with the hottest guy you’ve ever seen. “I’ll make my speech short and semi sweet and we can spend the rest of the evening together. Yes. Definitely. Sounds great, sounds like fun, right?” 
“Oh sure thing.” James’s pale eyes lit with the same sort of light Tony was sure was reflected in his own and good Christ did he hope he wasn’t reading it wrong. “Sounds real fun.” 
“Tony! The notary is here!” Pepper wrinkled her nose when she walked into what had once been the formal dining room of the Malibu house and now was an in-home gym complete with practice sized boxing ring and the stink of sweat. “Tony? Quit letting Happy kick your ass and come sign, please!” 
“I resent that.” Tony stepped back from one of Happy’s jabs and wiped at his face. “I was holding my own today, wasn’t I James?” 
“Sure, Tony.” James said immediately, teasingly, from his seat down below and Happy snorted, “Of course James agrees with you. I’d agree with the rich crazy guy too if he smiled at me like that.” 
“Calm down, Hap. I smile at you like that too.” Tony grinned just to prove his point, but the tips of his ears turned red when he heard James laughing quietly behind him. “Pepper what do you--” 
He stopped, raised his eyebrows when he saw his favorite redhead accompanied by another redhead that was somehow just as stunning as Pepper in all sorts of different ways. “Uh. Hey.” 
“Don’t.” Pepper warned, and the other woman smiled only barely before motioning to her tablet and telling Tony, “I need you to sign a few things, check a few boxes. Nothing fancy. Should be the only time you’re asked to sign over your company, right? Hopefully?” 
“What’s your name?” Tony tore the cap off one of the shakes and took a long drink, neither missing nor commenting on the way the newcomer and James seemed to zero in on each other. “Ma’am? Your name?” 
“Rushman.” Ms. Rushman watched James closely for another minute before shifting her attention back to Tony with another barely there smile that was little more than a twist of her full lips. “Natalie Rushman.” 
“Natalie Rushman.” Tony repeated. “You know how to box?” 
“Tony, no.” Pepper cut in, at the same time Natalie’s smile grew a tiny bit and she countered, “Oh, it’s fine. I don’t mind trying something new.” 
James’s lip curled in maybe suspicion, maybe irritation when Natalie got up into the ring, bent over at the waist so she was staring up at Tony through thick lashes as she ducked under the ropes. 
Nope. Don’t trust her. 
“Happy.” Tony looked Natalie over once, twice, then told Happy, “Give her a lesson while I talk to Pepper.” 
“Sure thing boss.” Happy turned his nicest, most unintentionally condescending smile towards Ms. Rushman. “Have you ever boxed before? Ever worn a pair of gloves?” 
Whatever Natalie said faded into the background as Tony crossed by James and patted at his shoulder, then dropped onto the bench seat next to Pepper. “Hi.” 
“No, Tony.” 
“I need one.” 
“Absolutely not.” Pepper was quickly signing as she went through the different screens on the tablet. “That is the world’s most expensive sexual harassment suit just waiting to happen. You want a pretty assistant, hire James.” 
“I just might.” Tony wrinkled his nose towards James who only smirked and shifted back to watching the ring. “Seriously, where did you find her?” 
“Tony.” Pepper handed him the tablet. “Yes, I’ve hired her as my assistant. Yes, she has every credential I had when you hired me, plus several I didn’t realize would be needed for this job but I now know are invaluable and no, I don’t even want you talking to her if you’re going to get up to your usual shenanigans.” 
“Don’t worry.” Tony nudged her lightly. “I’m done with my usual shenanigans. She seems like trouble though. Are you sure you’re alright with having an assistant who rivals Ms. Marilyn Monroe in both looks and shape?” 
“I am neither that insecure nor that jealous.” 
“Aw.” Tony nudged Pepper’s side again. “You can tell me the truth.” 
“Ugh fine, yes Tony. Don’t you know I chose her specifically for her eye candy attributes? You got to look at my beautiful face and great rack all these years, I feel like I should get the same out of my personal assistant.” Pepper was clearly teasing, but Tony’s jaw still about hit the ground. “I’ll be requiring her to wear those high waisted pants and ruffled blouses every day too, that will certainly guarantee her a Christmas bonus.” 
“My god, Ms. Potts.” Tony managed over a shout of laughter. “One day a CEO and already lecherous and slightly corrupt!” 
“Yes, I’m terrible.” Pepper laughed too and tapped at the screen. “Now sign! And please don’t repeat anything I just said, you know I was only kidding but the last thing we need is the tabloids thinking the newly minted CEO is not only lesbian but also apparently sleeping with her assistant.” 
“I have no issues with either of those things.” Tony objected, and Pepper agreed in a softer tone and pointed look towards James, “Well, neither do I.” 
“Uh Pep.” Contracts momentarily forgotten, Tony scratched at his chin self consciously. “Listen. About that-- I mean, about James--” 
“WHOA!” In the ring, Happy yelped in surprise and a good dose of fear and they looked up in time to see Natalie all but climb Happy’s frame and hook both legs around his neck, taking the big driver down with a wrench of her thighs and mat shaking thud. 
“Holy--!” Pepper covered her mouth with both hands and the tablet dropped right from Tony’s lax hands in shock. “What--?!” 
“Mr. Stark.” Natalie slipped out of the ring calm as anything, stepped back into her stilettos and smoothed a non existent wrinkle from her blouse. “If you’d finish signing, I’ll need your finger print and we can begin the transfer over.” 
“Uh...yep. I will definitely never be arguing with you. Nuh-uh.” 
Too stunned by the show of athleticism and general bad-assery, and still sort of laughing at Happy wheezing on the mat, Tony went back to signing and Pepper went back to watching closely to be sure he did exactly as told. 
Natalie however kept her chin up and eyes trained on James, who spared only the briefest glance at Happy and then met the notary’s gaze head on. 
There was something about Natalie Rushman, something too sharp in her eyes and too purposeful in her casual posture and too aware in every word she spoke and it made James’s skin crawl. He couldn’t push through the nagging almost-memory of knowing her from somewhere, the not quite certainty of having stared at that same barely there smirk before but with the uncomfortable overlay of cross hairs over her face. 
It was bitter in the back of James’s throat, knowing that somehow Natalie knew…. something. She knew something James desperately needed to know and he almost choked from the certainty of danger in the room. 
She was dangerous, but James couldn’t say anything until he knew for sure. 
She was dangerous and judging by the way she kept staring, Natalie planned to be dangerous to him very soon. 
So James leaned forward in his chair, squared his shoulders and tipped his chin up and glared daggers right at her, daring the redhead to do something stupid, promising to tear her apart if she so much as breathed wrong towards either Ms. Potts or Tony. 
But Natalie only twisted her lips and turned back to the signing with a professionally fake tone of voice and an uncomfortable knowing in her smile. 
Shit, she was dangerous.
James just had to figure out why. 
“Secured line?” 
“Of course.” 
“Romanoff. What do you have to report?” 
“No issues with either Stark or Potts but there has been an unexpected development with another person living at the house.” 
“He goes by James. Just James.” 
“So what’s the problem?” 
“Remember Odessa? The nuclear engineer I was smuggling out of Iran and the unfortunate encounter in the mountains?” 
“The bullet that ruined your bikini plans. Yes, I remember your complaints vividly.” 
“Remember who I swore shot me?” 
“... … …” 
“Fury, are you still there?” 
“.... Are you sure?” 
“Positive. Does this change my orders?” 
“No. Stay on the Stark situation.” 
“Yes sir.” 
“I’ll keep my eye on James.” 
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gibsonmusicart · 4 years
Thoughts For the Aspiring Musician
by Christopher Knab
I have been watching, studying, and analyzing why some musicians ‘make it’ and others don’t for a long time, and I have given up trying to come up with some magic formula that every up and coming musician can follow on some imaginary road to success. It doesn’t work out that way. Today more than ever there are countless advisors like myself who offer tips to developing acts and ‘struggling musicians’, and all too often we try to inflict some ‘step by step’ process on musicians that will help them become tomorrow’s superstar. In fact, I think as Americans in general, we are addicted to self-help books and formulas for success. What is missing in our day-to-day lives that demands such lofty goals from us? Is there a difference between the attitude of successful, well known acts and the attitude of upcoming acts? Why do some musicians make it big, while other equally talented people songwriters and musicians never get their music heard by the masses? What specific skills and/or inherent talents do the successful artists embody that so many ‘wannabees’ do not? Is it charisma? That special something that many artists seem to exude the minute they walk into a room? I think that is part of it, but many successful acts have as much charisma as a pitcher of milk, and yet do quite well for themselves. How about a lot of money? Yeah that seems to be the one sure thing behind every star. There are always major labels with deep pockets who know how to spend the money to push their acts into the hearts and minds of the public, right?…well lets talk about that for a moment. Money can only push something out to the public for their acceptance or rejection…that’s all it can do. Nobody reaches into their wallets and purses and spends their hard earned money on anything….unless there is some real value in what is being offered to them. Think about it. Today there is a lot of what some observers call ‘shallow and immature’ lyrics and disposable pop music out there on the charts….and yet, no one who bought that music would cop to that criticism. The people who buy the latest sounds on the pop charts bought that music because it gave them some kind of pleasure. It meant something to them. I think we should look at what sells and what is successful from this standpoint; music fulfills the needs, wants, and desires of any group of fans because they identify with it. And they like a song because they can hum it in the shower. The ONE thing that all successful acts have in common when they cross over to mass appeal is great songs! This is true as well for the more edgy artists who seem to eek out a living from smaller fanbases, they still write compelling songs that touch the hearts and minds of their fans. Whether or not you personally ‘like’ hit songs or not has nothing to do with it. Enough somebodys coughed up $15 each to prove your tastes are not always the most accurate barometer for what other people may enjoy. What other thing is it that successful artists and bands have that separates them from those who struggle. My answer is business savvy. Yup…that’s it. Somebody somewhere in every successful acts history had enough business savvy people behind them to make them the stars that they are or were. NOW….listen up! It isn’t as simple as you think. Historically that business savvy may have been solely the talents and skills of a weasel-like manager, or record label executive. It may have been the unscrupulous business practices of shady lawyers and booking agents, as well as greedy club owners, or money hungry publishers. My point is that no matter what the behavior of a particular music business gatekeeper may have been…they got a certain part of the job done…they broke on through to the other side of the competition, and got their act’s song into the ears of the thousands of music fans. And to do that, I can assure you they had a plan. There are no short cuts to success, and there just isn’t enough room at the top for everyone who makes music to make a living from their music. But there is a balance that can be obtained in ones life. With the tools available on the Internet, and the technology of downloadable music now an every day reality, no musician who writes great songs should have that much problem realizing modest successes with their music. Be careful of the "10 Steps To Musical Success" and the " What every A&R Rep Is Looking For" articles and books. I have written some articles with such titles, only because they are my way of getting the attention of an ever growing group of music star ‘wannabees’. Once I get their attention, I try to give them proven tactics and strategy tips that are time-tested ways that record labels and industry professionals work. In reality, there are no 10 steps to anything! There is the conscious involvement, and commitment to your music and the business of music. That, and relentless dedication to the art of making music. Remember that the world of commercial music is a world of dollars and cents, whether you like it or not. But that does not mean that Art and Commerce cannot walk hand in hand…they must do that. I teach a history of popular music course, and it never ceases to amaze me how often history repeats itself when it comes to the question of artistic achievement and music business savvy. Most ‘artists’ in the truest sense of the world are narrowly focused people who never take no for an answer. No matter what challenge comes their way, they have no recourse but to turn to their creative side and get lost in their music as a way of staying alive, in the truest sense of the term. Then, along comes a business person who either is or is not ethical, but knows the music business inside out, and hears the magic in their music, and does what it takes to get that music heard. More and more as the decades unravel however, those people are becoming the artists themselves. We live in a capitalist, consumer driven society. The successful musicians of tomorrow will be those people who either attract dedicated, knowledgeable business men and women to do the marketing and promotion for them, or take that responsibility on themselves and realize that no artist has to sell hundreds of thousands of copies of their music to make some money with their music. Being a musician/business person means you have to be able to write and perform great songs, and then produce them with a contemporary sound, AND you have to take the time to read Billboard and other music business trades and tipsheets, AND also find time to call club bookers (over and over), read bad and good music reviews, stay in touch with your fans on a regular basis, AND still put on a great show when you're exhausted or sick. Do you know what being a professional musician is really all about?…entertaining people. Entertaining the public as a life commitment involves getting yourself into a deep sense of personal commitment to your art. It seems to me that artists who are able to that have come to grips with the notion that success is more an internal experience, and not necessarily one that will be satisfied by a money-hungry music industry that defines success only in dollars and cents calculations. Looking at the work habits of most big stars, I think they all have an ‘Entertainer’ inside them. That's what allows them to succeed in all areas of the business. That is what keeps them going during the fifth press interview of the day, and all the other crap that has nothing to do with music and everything to do with the business of music marketing. When an upcoming artist finally ‘makes it’, the pressure to keep producing sellable music is huge. So the ‘artist’ has to be healthy and ready to create on demand. You may be asked to hit the road for nine straight months, then make a world-class album immediately following the grueling tour. What it all boils down to is that stars have to be on top of their game, both artistically and business-wise. It is essential to create a balance between music and business early on. First make sure your psyche is in the right place. You know, screw your head on right! Be honest with yourself regarding what things you are and aren't willing to do to be successful with your music. Then, make a plan. Map out how you will improve your skills in both business and art. Put it on paper. Try living the 50% business - 50% music rule. Make sure you honor your business commitments and always act professionally. Make sure you keep your artist side healthy and creative. Take days off, take walks in nature, take time to noodle around that song idea that just popped into your head. Such activities will help keep the artist inside you healthy and able to nourish your creative juices. Being a famous musician is not a "normal" life. To survive and thrive requires a special set of skills. The good news is those skills can be learned and developed. Every bit you learn now will benefit your career plan down the road. Believe in yourself, and never stop improving. Your hard work will pay off, if not at the cash register, at least with a sense of personal satisfaction for having done the best work creatively and business-wise, that you could.
Source: Music-Articles.com
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fanficparker · 5 years
Faking, Falling > Part 6
Harrison Osterfield x Reader (Fake dating! Unrequited love switcheroo!)
Word count: ~2.5k words
Warning: Angst but dude there's some happy humour & the thing you'll were waiting for in the end! Also, Y/n being rude af.
Summary: What a hilarious act of fate...
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"Wow. Great. I have pure bad luck."
His face fell. There was suddenly a small lump resting at the back of his throat. His heart crumbled painfully not at the sharpness of you voice but the choice of words.  Bad luck... Was this his reputation in your books now?
"This day is really weird. Won't you make any snarky comment on me?... Oh. Get it. You ran out of your battery jokes? Aww." You sniffed at your own words. Harrison picked up the other box that was lying with his sunglasses cover. He opened it, took out a pair of spectacles and wears them. You shrank your eyes, perplexed. But he didn't utter a word. Whatever.
"Where are you going?" He finally spoke up when you were almost ready to leave.
"Doesn't matter now." You rolled your eyes, hands folded to your chest. He sighed heavily.
"Can we not make it personal, please. I can help. I heard your taxi has an issue and its mid-highway. No phone and already it's near to sunset. You will definitely like to travel with me than any stranger. So, let me help." He explained as if you were a small child. And you were really tired too... You looked at your luggage and at the orange sky.
"I will pay for my ride. I don't want to owe you anything. Yeah except for allowing me to share your taxi, so thank you for that." You rambled.
"Yeah, yeah. You're welcome." He nodded his head sideways, almost rolling his eyes. You opened the door keeping your handbag in between the seat and then inserted your suitcase in the trunk along with Harrison's.
Bastard didn't get up to help. Shutting the trunk, you sat on the seat with Harrison and yeah, your little handbag served as a wall. You shared your map location to the driver and the driver ignited the engine.
"I would have helped you with the luggage but your 'not owing to me thing' didn't allow."
Smartass. Nah. Fucking wicked! You looked out of the window trying to ignore his presence.
"So, you're on vacation?"
You didn't reply.
"Umm... So, friends, family?"
Still silent.
"Okay then, where are you staying?"
No response.
"How is everything going on with you and Simon?"
You wished your phone wasn't dead, at least you could have pluck in your earphones and not listen to him.
"When will you be returning to London? I saw your bags and---"
"SHUT UP HARRISON! OKAY?! JUST SHUT UP!" You finally snapped, facing him, but not too loud so that it didn't catch the driver's attention.
He froze for a second.
"Sorry, I was just trying to be nice." He pursed his lips in a tight smile.
"I very well know what you do after 'trying to be nice'. I am here to spend my time with my parents and I definitely don't want you to spoil my mood. I know all your tricks, Osterfield. You can't fool me anymore."
"Yeah, right." He didn't argue, just turned to gaze out of his window diverting his mind to the trees planted along the edge of the road and then stared at everything in the city. It was better if he could hide in his house. Sigh.
The car finally stopped and Harrison slightly turned his head to glance at you. You dragged your handbag from the seat, not even giving Harrison 'a look'. You quickly paid to the driver and rushed towards the house and the next minute the taxi was moving again.
Suddenly Harrison yelled, "WAIT!" 
The driver pressed the brakes hard.
"Did she open the trunk to get her suitcase?"
And Harrison somehow managed to make the driver return to the previous stop. The taxi once again stopped in front of the same house. This time Harrison rushed out of the taxi, opening the trunk and getting your suitcase out. He walked towards the house dragging the suitcase only to see you sitting on the bench near the main door, lost in thoughts. Your handbag was kept to your side, your chin rested on your palm, your eyes focused on your shoes, shoulders slugged. 
Harrison's footsteps shifted your attention to him. Before you could speak or ask anything or maybe rather 'object his presence,' he pointed his finger to your suitcase and you produced a silent 'oh' gesture returning to your earlier thinking trance.
"Will you stop staring at me and say something?" You spoke making Harrison hum.
"Didn't feel like you like my voice. You know in the car---"
"Okay sorry, I shouldn't have snapped. I shouldn't have made things personal. Thank you for allowing me to share the ride and for bringing my suitcase." You spoke, looking at him. He nodded his head.
"So, isn't anyone home?" He asked.
"Mmh. I don't wanna go inside. They'll think I'm a fraud." You said slowly.
"Fraud?" Harrison's brows bumped together in a scowl.
Harrison's brain fought whether to ask for details or not. But you were listening and replying. Maybe, you were one of those people who 'just' wanted someone to listen when you're sad. Like him.
"My parents are doing pretty good in their fields." You spoke up and Harrison just listened carefully.
"And they thought I will join them. But I said I want to do fashion designing and they said there's too much competition and my future plans are all unreliable... So, I made all promises like when the next time I will meet them I would be having my own brand and all the stuff. And look it's been five years and I haven't achieved even one percent of what I bragged about."
He hummed and nodded his head again.
"Can I say something? Just you know professional advice, nothing personal."
"Look Harrison I don't want to be judged right now." You screwed up your face.
"I promise I won't."
You thought for a while.
"Fine." You pursed your lips tight.
"Can I sit here?" He pointed at the vacant space near you. You shifted yourself more to the side, keeping your handbag on your lap. Your nail polish was badly chirped but you were still picking on it. Harrison sat beside you and you turned your gaze to rest on him, although you didn't maintain any eye contact.
He stated, "It's maybe a bit long but I promise it isn't boring." You just nodded your head.
"So, almost everyone in my family was an A-grade student. Even my younger sister is an A-grade student. But I wasn't. I hardly got any A's in my school. But I joined the theatre and fell in love with acting. When I told my family about I wanting to pursue it as my career, they weren't very happy. You know unreliable stuff, et cetera."
You listened more carefully, your ears were on him.
"So, just like you, I also promised big things to my family. My grandpa even said, 'I was going into big trouble'. I told him, he'll very soon see me as the protagonist on the big screen, I would be working under a director no less than Steven Spielberg, may even get so much fame and money that I will be producing my own movies and all. I literally bragged much more than you did!"
"Then?" You asked, your eyes meeting him. He felt good getting a little attention from your side. A little smile engraved on his lips as he continued.
"Then what? I was fucking afraid! I still haven't even got a major role in any major movie, just this year in May, Catch-22 TV series was released, my first ever big work, though I was just in one episode---"
"You were a show stopper there... I-I mean you were amazing." You rolled the little curl falling on your face between your fingers, your gaze shifting to your feet.
"Tha-thanks." A little blush crept Harrison's cheek and you couldn't ignore the little thumping in your heart.
"So, yeah, where was I?" He coughed and regained his composure, continuing, "I mean I was afraid, like you, thinking my family will see me as a loser or 'fraud', especially grandpa who mean the most to me. But surprisingly they were happy. They were even happy for all my short movies, even cameo characters and said they were proud of me. My grandpa was so happy with my role in Catch-22 that he literally threw a party."
You looked at him again.
"So, the thing is. Believe me Y/n, your parents will be more than joyed with what you have achieved till now. Art needs time, this industry demands for time and they know it. They were just worried because they love you. And as I said your designs are personally my favourite, I wasn't lying when I said that. You were an absolute favourite of the director on set. And that project was no less than a big achievement. Your parents will welcome you with open arms, trust me."
"Yes, they would."
You swear your heart was almost in your mouth upon hearing the third voice. You almost jumped on Harrison, clinging to his body. And he wrapped his right arm around your waist safely.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Your mum said, coming out of the door.
"You were eves-dropping, MOM!" You exclaimed keeping your hand on your heart.
"Ah sorry but he--- umm?" Your mom stopped, looking at Harrison and that's when you noticed how tightly you were hugging his body that your skin felt that it was on fire from embarrassment. You quickly separated from him, shifting to the extreme side of the bench.
"Harrison. My name is Harrison. Nice to meet you by the way." He passed a polite smile to your mom which she cheerfully returned while you just sat there trying to kill all the embarrassment.
It was just professional talk. Nothing to be embarrassed about. People don't shy away with physical contacts with their enemies. Calm down Y/n. Calm down. You repeated the dialogue in your head.
"Yeah, Harrison is right Y/n." Your mom said smiling at you and then back at him and then at you both together.
"Now come in, it's already dark!" Your mum said, walking inside the house.
"Shit! Taxi!" He cursed, remembering that his taxi was still there, waiting for him. He turned to run towards the taxi but you grabbed him by his wrist.
"Where the hell are you going?" You said keeping an intense gaze on him.
"Umm... To my hotel? My taxi is waiting." He said, quirking his eyebrow and tilted his head slightly to the side. You looked back at the open door of your house and dropped his hand.
"You practically impressed my mom, you can't leave at this point. She'll bombard me with questions!" You whispered-yelled at him.
"Just stay here for half-an-hour and pretend we are friends. That's it. I will book you a new taxi and then you can leave. Just a matter of thirty minutes." You looked at him with pleading eyes while his dancing eyes missed nothing in the surroundings.
"Fine then." He shrugged.
"Oh god, thanks." You smiled relieved and ran inside your house dragging your suitcase while Harrison practically paid three times of what he should have paid (for wasting the driver's time).
He carried his bags inside taking a look at the house. It was decent in size but well-furnished. He kept his luggage aside and sat on the sofa, his palms clasped together, his fingers fidgeting. He heard the chattering voice of you and your mom from the kitchen that he could see from the corner of his eyes. Your mom was hugging you with a big smile on her face while you were practically giggling. The scene made him remember his mum hugging him the day he was crying like a baby and the next moment his face got decorated with an ear-to-ear smile.
He tried to reduce the size of his grin seeing you and your mom walking towards him. Your mom kept a glass of water on the table kept in front of him and made her way on the adjacent sofa while you sat beside him, leaving a comfortable distance between.
"Oh god, you know Harrison thank you so much. I don't know if you wouldn't have explained all that to her, she would have literally flown back to London!" Your mom said almost chuckling. Harrison didn't know how to properly reply to this, so he just nodded.
"So... Where do you guys meet. Y/n never told me about you." She asked him but gave you the infamous 'mom glare'.
Why would Y/n tell her mom about one of his cast-crew members? Harrison thought.
"Umm... We were working on the same project..." Harrison slightly tilted his head, still confused at the question in the first place.
"Oh. Interesting." Your mom said, dramatically.
You looked at Harrison and he looked at you. That was definitely a weird response.
"So how long are you two been together?"
"Uh, ma'am I think, umm... There's a little misunder--- ouch!" Harrison was interrupted in between his 'clarification' by your foot crushing his. That ouch... You slid closer to him.
"Not been long. Just a while. Two months. Two months, right Harrison?" You spoke up quickly. Harrison looked at you, eyes knitted, jaws dropped but you gave him a deadly stare.
"Yeah?!" His response was more like a question but enough to satisfactorily answer your mom's previous question.
"What happened to you suddenly? You seem confused." Your mom said looking at Harrison. He opened his mouth to speak but you answered for him.
"Nothing mom. He's just tired. Jet lag. You know jet lag? Really tiring! I think he should sleep. Let me take him to my room." You said, grabbing Harrison's arm and when he stood up, you almost dragged him towards your room.
"Okay. Rest, but don't skip the dinner!" Your mom yelled from the living room.
You responded by yelling back, "Yeah!"
As soon as the door was shut, you dropped his hand.
You threw your hands in front and as calm as you could be, spoke— "Let me explain. Believe me, when I say— it will all be professional. Nothing personal."
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deepakjayakar · 7 years
2017 Design & Renovation Trends
2017 Design and Renovation Trends:
Our Shelter – Home or Work Space -  is our immediate environment, has profound influence on our health, wealth and our psychic and spiritual well-being. Shapes and forms, light and colour, relationship to landscape, ecological sympathy, energy efficiency, Harmony and Balance are contributing elements to our shelter(space) which aspires to be nurturing rather than draining. We resonate at both cellular and consciousness levels with our environment i.e. feel of the space. By creating an interior around us that is supportive to both our inner and our outer senses, we can enhance rather than alienate our human links with nature. Interior Design, when employed as a means of embodying principles of universal harmony can sustain us rather than drain us, so that our homes become our heavens, and our work places support our creativity and productivity.
In last few years the unprecedented growth in the field of science and technology has brought dramatic change, and the way we live and function is strongly influenced and so the design trends to accommodate our new needs of the life. On top of that Economy, Climate and Technology is playing significant role in shaping the new trends in Architecture and Interior Design.
As property prices and living cost have gone up drastically in many urban cities; the homes have become smaller, fancier and smarter. Families are more opting for designs and finishes that need less time and recurring cost to maintain yet look fashionable, graceful and time enduring. As economic pressure causing both the spouses work in extended hours and having less time at home; new design trends are more inclined towards smart living with holistic approach and more focused on well-being aspect of life.
2017 Colors (paints) – as universally known color element – interior or exterior - dominates the design industry. Praising it for its “vitality of nature and new beginnings,” Pantone, world leader in Color Technology and Industry, announced Greenery as its color of the year for 2017. “The more submerged people are in modern life, the greater their innate craving to immerse themselves in the physical beauty and inherent unity of the natural world,” the brand said. 
 Calming shades of green, purple, and taupe have topped almost every major paint brand’s color forecast for 2017. Reflecting the rapidly growing wellness industry, these soft, desaturated tones are backed up by themes of sustainability, simplistic living, spirituality, and self-improvement.
Plants in fashion again. People are much less stressed in greener environments. Scientific study shows, plants reduce the level of fatigue, coughing, headache and irritated eyes by up to 30%. Plants in interior, is the natural way to enhance the general work or living space environment and image. It improves the sense of well-being. Plants in the workplace not only enhance your corporate image but improve productivity and reduce absenteeism too.
Apart from these; interior plants increase the humidity level, dampens the sound level, reduces the stress level and thus lifts the general mood of the occupants. These benefits are important in achieving a good and healthy indoor climate of the workplace as well as the home.
Lighting Trends 2017 – Environment is major contributing factor to bring innovation in lighting system in new homes. Global warming has caused more rain, cloudy days and shorten summer. Lack of day light has negative influence on people’s emotional health. People are more depressed and have more mood problems. The new innovation of LED lighting bulbs with 5K CRI (Color rendering index) value are more preferred by designers because of their ability to deliver daylight effect in your home and office; additionally, they save energy and money. The light fixtures that have flexibility of generating different set-ups, such as: Ambient lighting, Task Lighting and Accent Lighting will be the new trend of smart living where same light fixtures is used to create different moods and atmosphere to support function. Remember, well-chosen and appropriate lighting bring value to the interior design and enhances the beauty of the space.
The new style of Vintage bulbs and pendant lights invite a diversity of interpretation and blend well with smart home designs, create complementary focal point in small space as well as in the broad expanse of large space. 2017 design trends will be more focused on ceiling and wall fixtures rather than floor or table top fixture as they make horizontal surface area crowded and busier.
Wall Trends: During 2017, more smooth finishes will be taking over textures. Modern life families are more emotionally comfortable with smooth stone, tiles or wood finishes and less dependent on bricks and rough stones, as in urbanized and busy pace living smooth finishes are more eye friendly as they look clean, softer and less heavy. However, wall papers are much in demand for their convenient application, cost effectiveness, beauty and interest they add in any given area; also they are available in may design styles: heritage to modern.
Trending Smart Reno – New Generation Kitchens:  
The hottest trend in kitchen design adds fun—and function—to the art of the meal.
Recently, we've seen a resurgence of interest in the kitchen and all matters culinary, including a new appreciation for the value of great food and the social aspects of cooking.
 People are spending more time in the kitchen. They're entertaining more, they're cooking more and they require kitchens that perform to a professional level. Demand for professional-style kitchens has caused manufacturers to rethink kitchen design and offer consumers products that have the efficiency. While each home cook's needs will be slightly different, the best professional-style consumer kitchens include many of the following features such as: durable material, multiple sinks, high function faucets, integrated energy star appliances, convection cook-top, large prep area, easy clean-up and efficient work triangle.
 As cooking, has taken its rightful place as a social activity, home cooks are inviting friends and family members to pitch in and help prepare a meal. Having well-planed, well-designed and functional kitchen makes these culinary collaborations more convenient—and productive--for everyone, from your college roommate to Uncle Bob.
If you really want to add a chef amenity to your kitchen, consider a pot filler faucet. No more lugging around heavy, water-filled pots and pans. Pot fillers serve as extendible faucets, and can be installed next to your stovetop or prep sink for easy water access; further feature addition of instant hot water faucet makes so much in time saving. New generation sensor sink faucets really add glamour, convenience and hygienic sense.  Sinks with lower divider between sink basins, make it easier to clean large, bulky items. Usually kitchen renos add more value to your property and pay you back. Industry statistic says, “Homes with the renovated kitchen sells faster and for desired price”.
Moreover, you can apply Feng Shui aspect to the Kitchen planning where great design ideas infused with feng shui principles can promote better health, family harmony, abundance and Joy.
Energy Smart Home Trend: Passive Homes: its about caring the Planet. The home that produces more energy than it consumes. As growing awareness in homeowners about the concept of “Healthy Homes” and agenda of many major Cities to protect the planet; more families going for eco-friendly renovation and upgrades. New energy star windows and water sense technology will be the hottest trend in new home designs and renovations. It deals with the Mechanical aspect and new Construction Technology of the home mainly includes: tight windows, insulation, enveloping, ventilation, heating and cooling. This new concept strongly supports Healthy Living and Healthy Planet.
Stay Connected: WI-FI – Wireless Technology ruling the life and so the new design trends - introduction of Bluetooth-enabled home appliances that allow users to tailor every aspect of their morning routine. From the strength of their coffee to the color of their toast, everything is controlled via a simple smartphone app. Voice-controlled smart speakers are bringing the sci-fi fantasy of a virtual personal assistant to life. Helping users to schedule their day, these digital companions advise on traffic and weather conditions while happily making up a shopping list. Moreover, at the basic level with home automation / security system with features like remote control cameras and video door bells; you will remain connected with your home from any part of the world. We will continue to see connectivity integrate into interior design in 2017.
As world continue to make advancements in the areas of science and technology; the new design solutions will be developed in response to new needs to ensure that new modernized facilities and features meet the demands of new generations. The goal is to provide every individual to live and operate with functional, healthy, efficient and inspiring space in which focus is more on physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
The new designs and renovation trends should breathe new life. It’s more than just transforming your space, it’s about transforming your Life!
 Deepak Jayakar
Chief Designer & Feng Shui Master
DJ Design Einstein Inc.
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