#because i am having Thoughts and none of them are pure 🥴
sunflower-emoji · 4 months
hi kaye. i’m here to tell you that i’m rotting on pro/dilf shoto. 😔 mostly about how pretty he is all the ways he’d change and grow as he heals into his own person as he ages. imagining him with subtle playfulness, wicked grins, bright eyes and laugh lines because he deserves it. 🫠
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YES the man is THRIVING as he deserves
Rei's genes mean he's aging like the finest wine, with soft wrinkles and a jawline you could cut yourself on
People are constantly making legolas jokes now that he's grown his hair out and for good reason tbh. I'm talking beautiful intricate braids for galas or messy buns on his days off. And the kids in his life (nieces/nephews, godkids, his own, pick ur fav headcanon) love giving him makeovers/styling it with silly hair clips
He never shakes the princely aura and from far away he still looks icy and untouchable, but his eyes are all softness and warmth and his little smile comes so easily now
(He's got plenty of big smiles too, but those are more private, reserved for the ones he loves most)
Still not the most expressive, but his quiet kindness puts people at ease instantly and assures them they're safe in his care
Kirishima got him into crocs. It's the best and worst thing to ever happen
His sense of humor is extremely impish and dry. Infamous for making sharp quips during boring meetings/interviews/etc and getting whoever is sitting next to him in trouble
Chaotic evil on social media: his feed is weird jokes, sassy clapbacks, and blurry photos. Also retweets thirst tweets about himself and his friends
And some spicier thoughts:
Shoto hasn't had a whole lot of partners but he's a dedicated lover and very fast learner; at this point he knows both what you want and how to give it to you
Old age has made him bold, relishing the moments when he can surprise you or catch you off guard. He's fucked you in the shower, rented cars, public bathrooms, Midoriya's hall closet-nowhere is safe
Loves having his hair pulled and goes a little feral when you do; the low groan he makes is divine
Obsessed with your boobs. His hands (and mouth lets be real) always find a way to your chest no matter what position, and nothing comforts him more than resting his face in them mommy kink ahoy
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