belindatanto · 9 months
Pelajaran Hidup Dari Igor
Igor adalah seekor ikan louhan piaraan sepupu gw. Warnanya merah, kepalanya jendol banget. Lucu deh. Dia hadir di rumah setelah dewasa, tapi dia bisa bersosialisasi cukup baik dengan orang rumah. Karena sifatnya yang friendly, maka kami suka kasih makan. Kami sayang Igor.
Sepupu saya sangat telaten dalam mengurus Igor. Waktu Igor stress karena dipindahkan ke tank besar dan hidup bersama dengan ikan lain, ia segera pindahkan kembali ke tank kecil lain dan menutup tank tersebut agar Igor tidak cemas karena harus bertemu dengan ikan lain dan dapat menikmati waktunya sendiri, hingga Igor sembuh. Beberapa hari lalu, Igor stress lagi. Tank sudah ditutup, tapi Igor belum membaik. Kemarin pagi, tante gw menemukan Igor berenang terbalik, lalu menolong Igor dengan membuatkan sandaran, sehingga Igor bisa berenang dengan normal.
Gw merasa agak bersalah, karena tanpa ilmu yang jelas dan lengkap, gw hanya memberi info bahwa jika ikan Louhan berenang terbalik, ikan dipuasakan dan diurut. Tapiii.. Igor malah menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya pagi ini setelah diurut. Pembelajaran hidup yang gw dapat:
Apapun yang berlebihan itu tidak baik. Kami sayang Igor, tapi karena terlalu sayang, kami memberi makan terlalu banyak, sehingga membuat Igor tidak baik-baik saja. Harus mulai belajar mengenal dan mengetahui kata cukup dalam segala hal.
Tidak semua berjalan dengan rencana, harus memperhatikan kondisi. Mungkin berita mengenai mempuasakan dan mengurut ikan itu benar dan manjur dalam banyak kasus, tapi itu bukan berarti pasti manjur dalam setiap kasus. Harus lebih hati2 dan memperhatikan kondisi yang dihadapi.
Jangan takut mencoba. Igor meninggal mungkin memang sudah jalannya. Tidak perlu disesali. Gw cukup sedih sih. Cuman ya gimana lagi. It is what it is. Jangan takut untuk piara ikan lagi. Jangan takut untuk mencoba hal baru, mungkin usaha untuk menyembuhkan Igor ternyata tidak berhasil, tapi bukan berarti itu menjadikan gw seorang yang gagal. Dalam kehidupan, pasti ada gagal dan berhasil. Jangan terlalu menyalahkan diri sendiri atas keputusan yang telah diambil. Harus menerima resiko yang akan terjadi dari hasil keputusan tersebut.
Okeh, sudah cukup panjang ngetiknya. Sekarang waktunya melanjutkan hidup dengan bekerja sebaik mungkin. Semoga kita semua selalu dibimbing dan diberkati Tuhan. Amin.
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belindatanto · 10 months
Belajar dari tanaman
Bulan ini, gw mulai mencoba memanfaatkan jar bekas cokelat, selai, sambal, dll untuk dijadikan tempat tanaman yang bisa tumbuh dengan media air. Walaupun bisa dibilang baru banget dalam dunia tanam menanam, tapi sudah banyak pelajaran yang bisa gw ambil.
Pelajaran pertama, ga semua jenis tanaman yang bisa hidup di air dapat diperlakukan sama rata. Awal mulanya semua tanaman gw taro dalam jar dan hanya diisi dengan air aja. Lalu karena melihat orang lain menggunakan hydrogel untuk tanaman mereka, jadilah gw ikutan dan beli. Semua jar gw isiin hydrogel, dan ternyata 2 jar lidah mertua dan 3 jar sirih gading gw busuk. Padahal tanaman yang sama di jar yang lain hidup-hidup aja tuh. Dari sini gw belajar, kalo ternyata ga semua perawatan tanaman bisa dipukul rata, walaupun jenis tanamannya sama, tapi bentuk dan besarnya jar juga ternyata ngaruh untuk tumbuh kembang tanaman itu sendiri. Jar yang bentuknya pendek, itu gapapa banget kalo ditambahin hydrogel. Lain halnya dengan jar yang tinggi [well, sebenarnya bisa dibilang gelas besar kali ya], itu ga bisa dipakein hydrogel. Entah kenapa, semua jar yang tinggi, tanemannya busuk semua setelah dimasukin hydrogel.
Pelajaran kedua, kadang perpisahan adalah sebuah pertemuan baru. Masih lanjutan dari pelajaran poin pertama, pas masih agak sedih karena sebagian tanamannya busuk, ternyata sebagian yang masih hidup malah mempunyai tunas dan akar baru. Hal kecil yang sangat menyenangkan. Tapi, kesedihan juga terjadi lagi, karena ternyata yang awalnya tanaman itu baik-baik saya, survive dari balada hydrogel, ternyata mulai menguning dan kemudian mengering. Well, kesedihan itu ga berlangsung lama karena ternyata disebelah daun yang menguning itu, ternyata sudah tumbuh tunas baru [1 jar itu isinya 1 daun, jadi kalo kuning tuh rasanya gimana gitu, Mengingat jar tersebut akan kosong kalo itu daun kering/busuk] dan jar itu ga jadi kosong. Senangnya!
Pelajaran ketiga, sesuatu yang pergi, akan digantikan oleh yang lain, dan bumi akan terus berputar. Setiap kepergian dan kedatangan selalu membuat emosi, entah itu sedih, kecewa, harapan, bahagia, dan emosi-emosi lainnya. Belajar dari tanaman, mungkin awalnya seneng banget liat tunas dan akar yang baru tumbuh. Kemudian digantikan dengan kesedihan karena tanaman itu busuk atau kering. Setelah beberapa kali terjadi, perasaan itu tetap hadir, namun kali ini gw mulai ngerti bahwa itulah fase kehidupan. Dunia akan tetap berputar, apapun yang terjadi di sekitar lu. Jadi ya dinikmati saja emosi itu. Semuanya akan berlalu, semuanya akan selesai pada waktunya. Dan lu tetap akan hidup dan beradaptasi dengan perubahan-perubahan itu.
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belindatanto · 10 months
Jika bisa lompat satu tahun kedepan, apa yang ingin kamu capai dalam satu tahun terakhir?
Tulisan ini mungkin agak kaku, karena ternyata sudah lama sejak terakhir saya nulis. Oke, langsung aja.
Pencapaian yang ingin saya capai dalam satu tahun terakhir adalah konsisten berolahraga. dan bangun jam 5 pagi setiap harinya.
Alasannya ingin konsisten berolahraga adalah karena saya mulai merasakan manfaat dari olahraga itu sendiri. Memang setiap mau pergi berolahraga atau mau mulai berolahraga itu lumayan sulit. Ga bisa dipungkiri kalo rasa malas berolahraga itu hadir setiap hari, tapi ketika sudah mulai berolahraga, malah jadi ketagihan dan ingin menyelesaikannya dengan tuntas. Target saya adalah ikut kelas muaythai 3x seminggu.
Sebenarnya akhir-akhir ini saya sudah bangun sekitar jam 7. Dan ini merupakan suatu pencapaian juga, karena ternyata saya bisa bangun lagi dan disiplin untuk bangun disekitaran jam yang sama setiap harinya. Dan karena itu, saya mulai menyadari bahwa mood saya jauh lebih baik ketika saya bangun pagi. Simple, karena ternyata dengan bangun pagi, saya punya spare waktu luang lebih banyak sebelum saya bersiap-siap untuk ke kantor. Dan kenapa sekarang targetnya malah bangun jam 5 pagi, karena saya ingin menjadi produktif di pagi hari. Alasannya terbesarnya ada 2. Pertama, karena di jam 5 pagi, akan lebih sedikit distraksi, sehingga bisa mengerjakan sesuatu tanpa harus waswas dan bisa lebih santai tapi serius. Kedua, seperti ditulis diawal paragraf ini, karena ketika saya punya waktu lebih untuk bersiap-siap, mood saya lebih baik, saya tidak diburu-buru waktu. Ya, intinya akan lebih nyaman bagi saya untuk melanjutkan hari apabila rutinitas pagi saya sudah terlaksana dengan baik dan terkontrol.
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belindatanto · 1 year
Why should we choose to write a short academic essay?
Essay is the most common form of prerequisite for proposing something. So, to conquer these requirements, we need to become academic essay masters. There are 3 reasons why we should write a short academic essay: short and concise, contains important information and is easy to digest.
According to UNESCO data, Indonesian people's interest in reading is only 0.001%. Based on these data, extra effort is needed to attract the reader's attention, so the essay must be short and concise.
On the other hand, too much information creates new problems. To minimize it, we must be good at sorting the news. Therefore, academic essays must contain important information. Not only important, its guarantee the correctness of the information because it is the academic essence of a variety of valid data. This can be proven by including a bibliography.
Books and journals are usually in the form of long essays, which explain in every detail the issues discussed. Often the language used in discussions in books and journals uses scientific language that is less familiar to ordinary readers (or even too segmented). Therefore, academic essays have a character that is easier to read because the choice of words is easier to digest.
In conclusion, academic essays can be a great way to express your thoughts and share ideas. Besides being simpler than books and journals, academic essays can still meet the needs of writers to write quality essays, because they are short and concise, contain important information and are easy to digest.
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belindatanto · 1 year
2023 essays
. . Pelajaran Hidup Dari Igor . Belajar dari tanaman . Why should we choose to write a short academic essay?
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belindatanto · 2 years
Working Mom and Mother Wound
Did you know that the lack of a mother's love for her child can have an impact into their adulthood? Due to economic demands, many young mothers have to work to help their husbands to provide the needs of family life. The working moms have to leave their children at home while carrying out her profession. So, they cannot give full love and affection to their children, which can lead to serious consequences like a mother’s wounds. However, to reduce that effect, there are three ways that are worth trying, namely evaluating work hours, work days, and workplaces for working moms, so that can be done to minimize the effect of mother’s wounds.
The first way is by reducing work hours and having one extra work day per week. On a normal basis, working hours start from 8am to 4pm or 9am to 5pm, which is around 8 hours per day. In my opinion, it would be better if the company cut about one hour per day for female workers who have a baby or a toddler. For the consequences, they can add one extra workday. For example, workers work from Monday to Saturday at 8am until 3pm or 9am until 4pm. So, even though they have to work until Saturday, they would have one extra hour per day to spend quality time with their children.
Next, mother’s wounds can be minimized by reducing work days and having extra one work hours per day. Most companies have five work days per week, which is Monday to Friday with 8 work hours per day. In this method, working hours can be added an hour per day, but the working day consists of four days per week, which is Monday to Thursday. So, workers work about 9 hours per day, for example from 8am to 5pm or 9am to 6pm. So, even though the working days are reduced, the accumulated hours worked per week are not reduced. In addition, the workers, especially working moms, can have an extra day off for taking care, loving, and providing for their children’s physical and emotional needs.
Last but not the least, the third way to reduce mother’s wounds is to make a policy for working mothers to be able to work from home. If the working mothers work from home, they can work while spending time with their children. So, the children can still be monitored and they could support their children’s needs. Technically, the company might be able to make an online attendance list with a shared location, so that they don't misinterpreted work from home for an unproductive workday and can still work efficiently even though they are working from home.
Cutting the work hours, reducing the work days, and replacing the workplace for working moms might be some solutions that can be done to minimize the effect of mother’s wounds. Mother’s wounds are not only caused by mothers neglecting their children's emotional and physical needs, but also by circumstances that put the mothers to work and enable it to happen. The company and the society could help to reduce it by evaluating work hours, work days and work places.
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belindatanto · 2 years
Kebiasaan apa yang paling ingin kamu hentikan? Dan kebiasaan apa yang paling ingin kamu mulai?
Kebiasaan yang paling ingin dihentikan: OVERTHINKING. Setelah sekian lama menganggap being stubborn is my worst habit, ternyata kebiasaan yang paling urgent untuk dihentikan adalah overthinking. Being overthinker leads me depression. Karena terlalu sering memendam, makanya jadi overthinking. Solusinya, ya jangan terlalu dipikirikan dan menyadari bahwa saya adalah manusia yang memang ga pernah lepas dari salah, error, ngeblank, dll. Ya saya harus bisa terima itu. Abis menerima perasaan tersebut, ya go ahead saja. Saya ga segitu pentingnya untuk menjadi center of the universe, tapi ya ga segitu ga pentingnya sampe harus jadi people pleaser. Jadi ya, belajar untuk berpikir secukupnya aja.
Kebiasaan yang paling ingin dimulai: mencoba hal baru. Hampir setiap ada kegiatan baru yang out of my comfort zone, saya selalu menolak karena berbagai macam hal, terutama takut tidak nyaman. Well, kalo ga dicoba dulu, ya mana tau cocok apa engga, nyaman apa engga. Coba aja dulu. Kalo ga cocok, ya buat pembelajaran. Kalo cocok, ya bisa dilanjutkan. Setidaknya uda pernah mencoba dan membuka kesempatan untuk hal-hal baru.
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belindatanto · 2 years
The Impact of Unhealed Trauma
Traumatic events can happen to everyone.. When you experience a traumatic event, your body creates stress responses, which can make you feel a variety of physical symptoms, behave differently, and experience more intense emotions. For example, nice and polite men or women suddenly turn to be active or passive aggressive when they see, hear, smell, or think of something that reminds them of a past traumatic event in some way (Raypole, 2019). That kind of reaction is one example of unhealed trauma. The consequence of an unhealed trauma is behavioral changes such as avoidance, possessiveness, and uncontrollable anger -- all of which are understood to be a self-defense when we are facing past traumatic events.
First of all, one of the symptoms is avoidance. Avoidance behaviour is any act or series of actions that enables an individual to avoid or anticipate unpleasant or painful situations or events (American Psychological Association, 2021). In short, people that have unhealed trauma will tend not to try new things, especially activities that have risks. Some of these symptoms of this behavior can manifest in difficulties of trusting others, being hypersensitive, avoiding activities that involve other people, reducing interactions with others, and so on. By reducing their encounters and interactions with other people, unhealed trauma's people think they will feel more secure because there are fewer factors that might hurt them or remind them of past traumas. Having this symptom makes it difficult for people to get along with others, so most of them have a few friends, which may lead to possessiveness.
As mentioned , the second symptom is possessiveness. Possessiveness is an abnormal tendency to control or dominate others, generally involving the restriction of their social relationships (American Psychological Association, 2021). This abnormal behavior occurs because of insecurity and jealousy, which can also lead to acts of crossing boundaries and disrespecting each other's independence. Because of possessiveness, someone can take disrespectful actions such as checking their partner's cell phone, following their partner wherever they go, interrogating their partner, and so on. At a more severe level, possessiveness can hurt both themselves and their partners for no good reason. This action is a form of coping so that they can calm their own emotions (Firestone, 2020). The pain of being betrayed in a previous relationship will make a person traumatized and more careful with the relationship he/she is in now which sometimes turns into a possessive behaviour as a shield so as not to be hurt again or recall his/her traumas.
Last but not the least, another symptom of an unhealed trauma can be uncontrollable anger. Anger, which is emotional release characterized by tension arising from frustration, real or imagined injury by others, or perceived injustice, can manifest itself in behaviors designed to remove the object of the anger or to express the emotion (American Psychological Association, 2021). On the other hand, anger can be categorized as uncontrollable if it has had a damaging effect on others, resulting in physical damage to property and other people. An example of this would be destructive actions such as fighting, hitting, throwing, breaking things, etc. As an outcome of unhealed trauma, uncontrollable anger is our subconscious defense against pain and hurt feelings. It might be a momentary defense against hurt feelings, but it cannot solve neither the problem nor heal the trauma.
Behavioral changes as a result of unhealed trauma can be caused by a variety of things and manifest in avoidance, possessiveness, and uncontrollable anger. In case we notice and experience the symptoms that are affecting our day to day life, it may be a sign that we have an unhealed trauma. Trauma is a mental illness that is just as important to heal as any other physical illness; and having trauma is not a taboo thing that should be hidden. No need to worry about seeking professional help before it has a major impact on your life.
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belindatanto · 2 years
The Wisely Interpreted Generation Gap Builds a Solid Relationship Between Parents and Children
In doing activities, we have to interact with other people from different generations; each generation has its own characteristics that may differ from one another. These interactions create their own conflict, especially the conflict that escalates because of the interaction between Baby Boomers Generation and Generation Z. The characteristics’ differences of the baby boomers generation and generation Z are influenced by the circumstances when they were born, the characteristics that are influenced by their socioeconomic background and their way of thinking to solve problems are influenced by their characteristics.
First of all, the difference between Baby Boomers and Generation Z is the socioeconomic circumstances at birth affect the way a person survives. Baby boomers born after World War II were raised in difficult socioeconomic conditions, which forced them to work harder to survive. They must try to survive with minimal facilities and infrastructure, this makes them grow into strong, independent, tenacious and resourceful individuals. On the other hand, Generation Z's were born in the mid-to-late 1990s until the early 2010s, facing their own difficulty to survive in life. Competition in various fields that is getting tougher makes Generation Z, also known as "the generation that has never been offline," have to think smartly to get a chance to survive. Socioeconomic conditions that are starting to improve also make Generation Z's have to try to be as creative as possible to get what they need. These socioeconomic differences affect the characteristics of each generation, which turns out to form distinctive and different characteristics between generations.
With different socioeconomic backgrounds, Baby Boomers Generation and Generation Z have distinctive characteristics. Growing up in difficult socioeconomic conditions makes the characteristics of Baby Boomers Generation to be someone who is confident, independent, and self-reliant. Along with it, they are not afraid of confrontation and will not hesitate to challenge established practices. In the case of work ethic, Baby Boomers are not afraid to work hard all day and dedicate a lot of time and effort to their careers. Unlike the former generation, Generation Z, who are living in better socioeconomic backgrounds, make them flexible, competitive, goal centric and individualist. Their living situation undoubtedly required them to be free-thinking and open-minded. As they think they feel they have a lot of information and resources, they want to be heard, especially in the workplace. Generation Z isn't afraid to say what's on their mind, which can lead to disagreements in some interactions with others or across generations. These characteristics of them contribute to the way they solve problems.
As previously mentioned, last but not least, the third difference between Baby Boomers and Generation Z is their way of thinking to solve their problems which is influenced by their characteristics that determine them to make decisions. The conventional characteristics of Baby Boomers Generation, which is the nation’s largest living generation, has many years of experience in life. They have learned there is no unfixable problem. Difficulty in their life experiences makes them come back stronger to live life. They also have alternate viewpoints to discussions, which can be helpful for brainstorming or problem solving; another advantage, they can see the long term view. Otherwise, Generation Z seek creative solutions mostly on the internet and improve their abilities with desire and talent; furthermore, they will instinctively look it up rather than ask for assistance. They may not have much life experience, but they speak their minds and have strong opinions. In the same way, they value and open up opportunities for new ideas, which can be good insights for making decisions.
Each generation can have its own preferences and expectations in terms of performing activities or completing work responsibilities that cause misunderstanding and mislead across generations; This difference in preferences and expectations creates a generation gap, in this case a generation gap within the family, namely the gap between Generation Baby Boomers and Generation Z. Growing up in different circumstances makes these two generations have different characteristics and ways of thinking. However, it is not an obstacle to establishing a solid relationship between parents and children. If it’s interpreted wisely, the gap makes us open minded and grow to be better people.
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belindatanto · 2 years
Reaction Essay of "Why Is Academic Writing So Academic?" by Joshua Rothman
Living from a job that requires me to write most of the time, writing itself doesn't frighten me. But, when it comes to academic writing, well, it is still on another level. Just like Joshua Rothman said in his "Why Is Academic Writing So Academic?" essay: "And yet a successful piece of academic prose is rarely judged so by “ordinary” standards" (2014), to write an academic writing essay, we have to prepare to get specific deep non-ordinary questions asked from the master in their discipline. For me personally, academic writing becomes so academic because it has a very small audience of hyper-knowledgeable, requires a strong basic knowledge of the topic, has a very specific point of view and has to be reliable resources.
I was resistant to writing academic essays because there is so much preparation needed to write it. Just like Rothman said academic writing designed for a narrowed audience of hyper-knowledgeable specialists in their discipline. Having "that kind" of audience leads to having a lot of space for criticizing and questioning our essay. Yet, their feedback is just like another guidance for improving our essay because their responses are "swift, severe, accurate and thoughtful." It helps us survive in "a tightly-packed, super-competitive jungle" called academia. My next reason that leads me to agree with Rothman is I don't think I could write an essay that is fractious, humorless, self-serious, and defensively nerdy. It would be easier for me to write "ordinary writing that you read for fun or seeks to delight." Academic writing may be “knotty and strange, remote and insular, technical and specialized, forbidding and clannish,” but I believe it does not rule out making it more modern and easy to read. As stated in Rothman's essay, "If academic writing is to become expansive again, academia will probably have to expand." If we can become academics ourselves, we can create new rules that help us write academic writings that are "not so academic" so that we can have more audiences.
In conclusion, I agree with Rothman that academic writing is so academic. Academic writing is not only having a small hyper-knowledgeable reader, but also it requires us as a writer to have a strong basic knowledge of the topic, has a very specific point of view and has to be reliable resources. If I met him in person, I would ask him about how to make academic writings acceptable to more audiences without leaving their academic characteristics. Finally, "Why Is Academic Writing So Academic?" by Joshua Rothman is a good choice to enlighten you, at least me, to know why academic writing is so academic.
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belindatanto · 3 years
2021.06.10 pukul 03.06
terkadang, bukan karena Tuhan ataupun semesta yang tidak adil, tapi perilaku kitalah yang menutup aliran rahmat dan rejeki kita sendiri.
bukan karena orang lain jahat, mungkin saja karena lisan kita yang menyakitkan mereka.
kita juga harus berkaca, berinstropeksi dengan kacamata orang ketiga;
bagaimana reaksi kita bila kita menerima apa yang telah kita ucapkan kepada orang lain.
dengan begitu, mungkin kita akan belajar menghargai orang lain.
menyadari bahwa orang lain sama berharganya dengan kita.
mereka juga ingin dihargai sebagaimana kita ingin dihargai.
jaga perilaku kita;
tidak ada orang yang mau hidup susah.
tapi hidup memang suatu perjalanan,
yang akan sangat membosankan bila terlalu lurus; dan bisa membuat gila bila terlalu terjal.
hidup harus dinikmati, karena dengan begitu, kita akan melihat hidup lebih indah.
tantangan dan rintangan akan selalu silih berganti;
begitu pula dengan rahmat dan berkat, yang tidak pernah habis setiap harinya.
mengapa harus marah bila kita memang salah?
mengapa harus malu bila kita memang tidak mampu?
berdirilah di kaki sendiri, sehingga tidak akan ada seorangpun yang bisa mendorongmu dengan mudah;
hiduplah dengan damai; dengan santai.
karena hidup, memang harusnya seperti itu. dinikmati.
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belindatanto · 3 years
Siapa yang paling membuatmu terinspirasi? Kenapa?
Park Jisung NCT Dream
Jisung merupakan idol korea yang tergabung dalam grup NCT Dream dari SM Entertainment. Dia mengajari saya tentang arti: - Kerja keras keras - Pantang menyerah - Berani melebarkan zona nyaman - Berani mengambil keputusan - Tanggung jawab - Kesabaran - Mandiri Kehidupan sebagai trainee tidaklah mudah, bahkan jika dimulai sejak usai yang sangat muda. Berhasil debut menjadi idol pun tidak kalah menantangnya. Jisung membuat saya mengerti bahwa dengan kemauan dan usaha, segala impian dapat menjadi nyata.
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belindatanto · 3 years
Apa yang ingin kamu lakukan selagi muda?
Sekarang juga saya merasa masih muda. Saya sudah 30 tahun dan merasa satu tahun belakangan ini saya sangat tidak produktif. Resolusi saya yang harus saya mulai lakukan adalah belajar jujur dengan diri saya sendiri, sehingga saya tahu apa yang saya mau, apa potensi saya, bagaimana teknis merealisasikan apa keinginan saya dengan memaksimalkan potensi saya. Lalu hal yang ingin dan harus saya lakukan segera adalah mengurangi idleness dengan membuat time-table and stick into it. Hal yang ingin saya lakukan adalah berolahraga dan membaca 10-30 menit per harinya. So far, sudah 19 hari ni sudah mulai sering membaca. Untuk olahraganya masih jadi pr ni.
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belindatanto · 3 years
Seperti apa hari idealmu?
Sebenarnya saya kurang paham mengenai konsep ‘hari ideal’ dan tidak juga mendapatkan pengertian mengenai hari ideal di google. Menurut saya, semua hari adalah sama baiknya. Setiap hari saya menikmati 24 jam dengan berbagai emosi dan moment.
Mungkin saya dapat bilang bahwa hari yang ideal bagi saya adalah ketika saya bisa menikmati setiap moment yang terjadi setiap harinya. Tidak harus moment menyenangkan tapi juga moment penuh pembelajaran, karena pada akhirnya dengan saya menikmati dan mensyukuri setiap moment yang ada, saya bisa memetik satu nilai kehidupan baru.
Bisa saya simpulkan, hari ideal menurut saya adalah ketika saya bisa menikmati moment yang terjadi setiap harinya dan belajar nilai serta pengetahuan tentang kehidupan baru yang membuat saya menjadi sedikit lebih dewasa setiap harinya.
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belindatanto · 3 years
23 Pertanyaan Untuk Mengenali Diri
1. Seperti apa hari idealmu?
2. Apa yang ingin kamu lakukan selagi muda?
3. Siapa yang paling membuatmu terinspirasi? Kenapa?
4. Adakah seseorang yang ingin kamu temui? Kalau ketemu, apa yang akan kamu tanyakan?
5. Kebiasaan apa yang paling ingin kamu hentikan? Dan kebiasaan apa yang paling ingin kamu mulai?
6. Sebutkan sifat menarik dan yang kamu kagum sama idola?
7. Bagaimana caramu bersantai?
8. Kapan terakhir kali kamu berani melakukan sesuatu yang sebenarnya kamu takutkan?
9. Hal apa yang paling kamu banggakan?
10. Jika kehidupan berhenti hari ini, apa yang akan kamu sesali?
11. Jika bisa memilih, mantan mana yang akan kamu sesali?
12. Sifat apa yang kamu kagumi dari diri orang lain?
13. Keterampilan apa yang kamu harapkan bisa kamu kuasai?
14. Bayangkan kamu berada di tahun 90-an. Kenangan apa yang ingin kamu miliki? Kisah apa yang ingin kamu sampaikan?
15. Sebutkan buku/film/lagu favouritmu? Mengapa?
16. Jika kamu bisa membuat satu perubahan di dunia, apa yang akan kamu lakukan?
17. Apa yang suka kamu lakukan atau berikan kepada orang lain?
18. Apa yang membuat kamu semangat?
19. Sering merasa tidak cukup baik, jika ada kesempatan, apa yang ingin kamu lakukan lebih dari apa yang kamu lakukan sekarang?
20. Situasi apa dalam hidupmu saat ini, yang membuatmu merasa jadi yang terbaik? Serta situasi apa yang membuatmu merasa menjadi yang terburuk? Mengapa?
21. Jika bisa lompat satu tahun kedepan, apa yang ingin kamu capai dalam satu tahun terakhir?
22. Nasihat apa yang akan kamu berikan kepada diri sendiri saat berusia 5 tahun, 16 tahun, 21 tahun dan saat ini?
23. Bagaimana kamu ingin dikenang orang lain?
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belindatanto · 3 years
What makes you feel alive? And when was the last time you felt that way?
Beberapa hari yang lalu, ketika ada seorang Direktur dari sebuah PT menelepon dah meminta saya untuk membuatkan draft akta perubahan data PT tersebut.
Setiap pembuatan draft berita acara rapat dan pernyataan keputusan rapat, saya seakan-akan mendapat stress (in a good way) yang membuat saya merasa hidup, berguna dan bahagia.
Saya menikmati setiap tantangan untuk menyelesaikan suatu challenge dengan baik dan sempurna sebelum deadline.
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