#bc usually every choice is intentional 👀
lovelyisadora ¡ 3 years
Marcia and sarah being friends is EVERYTHING to me do u have any thoughts 👀👀
I also hc them as becoming friends? Friendly? Not long after fyre and marcia starts spending a lot of time in sarahs garden bc it's Quiet and no one thinks to look for her there and also it's nice to just. Talk to someone who's not alther or septimus
this has been in my inbox forever im so sorry here you go. i have so many thoughts and marcia absolutely needs someone to talk to who isnt dead or a literal child.
· they hesitate to call themselves friends. it’s not that they dislike each other. they just don’t have common interests and they have different parenting styles. sarah is a coddler and marcia is—well, she’s not a coddler. they didn’t know each other well as young women either, nor did they at the time respect the other’s choices to have a either a career or children. but now they co-parent a traumatized little boy, and while there are snags the first few months, they get used to each other soon enough. most importantly, they do not undermine the other’s decisions where septimus is concerned. they know he needs both of them.
· sally apologizes to sarah at one point for ever thinking silas was stepping out on her with marcia and sarah cannot stop laughing because the thought is ridiculous. whatever the fuck is up with her husband and marcia, it is not romantic and never will be. words don’t begin to describe their relationship, but sarah respects it.
· sarah takes one look at marcia in the aftermath of dungeon number one and says, you know, I don’t think this woman is okay. she’s never really interacted with her before now. everything she knows about her comes from silas and while she loves her husband dearly, he has a tendency to overreact and overexaggerate where marcia is concerned. but she knows he trusts her, knows he loves her, and sarah cannot be anything but thankful that marcia sacrificed so much to keep her children safe. so, when they are all at aunt zelda’s, sarah observes. marcia puts on a brave face but she is very much not okay and it’s clear. she knows she isn’t likely to talk to her if she asks, so instead she brews marcia a sleeping draught to keep any nightmares at bay and presses it into her cold hands. “don’t abuse this,” she warns, and that is that.
· the more marcia attends heap family dinners the more she tolerates the boys’ antics, usually amused by them. but if she’s ever not amused, sarah steps in at once to direct the boys’ attention elsewhere and get them to bother someone else. marcia always quietly thanks her.
· sarah doesn’t question her son’s attachment to marcia. it does hurt sometimes, but she is just happy that he has someone, because for so long he didn’t. she tries not to get so cross with her when septimus doesn’t have days off because she knows marcia is struggling with a lot right now, but sometimes she just can’t help it. to make up for it, every time she visits the tower to steal her son away for family time she brings marcia something to eat, under the guise that it’s for septimus because she doesn’t trust her to feed him properly. it isn’t true of course—the only person sarah does not trust her to take care of is herself
· they decidedly do not speak about simon with each other. sarah knows that silas has spoken about their son with her, but she can’t do it. she doesn’t know where to begin. she faults herself for all of it. but years later, after simon has been forgiven and is himself again, sarah tries to approach her about it only to have marcia dismiss it as if her son trying to murder her is nothing. it isn’t nothing, and sarah had started this with the intention of apologizing on simon’s behalf (which is not necessary, because he’s already apologized himself), but she ends it by scolding marcia about caring so little for her own well-being until she has marcia promising to be better
· in the vein of apologies, after the darke domain is dispelled marcia wordlessly sits sarah down to check that she is okay, that there isn’t anything darke clinging to her, similar to how sarah had sat her down just months ago to make sure the jinnee set on slicing her throat hadn’t nicked her. once she’s certain sarah is in the clear, marcia apologizes for not explaining the extent of the situation earlier. she had not meant to come across as she did. sarah is quiet for a long moment. she knows marcia isn’t one to ever apologize for anything, but the misunderstanding wasn’t entirely her fault. she tells marcia that she perhaps did not need to jump to conclusions as quickly as she did, and they leave it at that.
· sarah works very slowly, subtly, and patiently to get marcia to trust her, to the point where marcia just ends up in the palace gardens one day, lost amongst the forget-me-nots. marcia is clearly bewildered to be here, as if she doesn’t know why she’s here, but sarah knew this would happen eventually. she wordlessly hands her a cup of calming tea and sits across from her.
· sarah is absolutely the reason why marcia finally gets therapy, and while she’s still reluctant to see a doctor for how poorly she’s healed from dungeon number one, she is willing to try sarah’s home remedies since the sleeping draught works so well.
· no one is expecting them to be friendlier to each other. silas only plays at being horrified. secretly he’s very happy they’re getting along. septimus is happy too. he didn’t even realize it was a fear of his that his mothers wouldn’t get a long, but that dissipates the second he’s in trouble with both of them, because now they’re more on the same page than ever.
· as septimus gets older and older, they stop hesitating to call themselves friends. they are friends, full stop, and they have frequent teas together in the palace gardens. they still don’t have anything other than septimus in common, but they always have something to talk about and it isn’t always jenna or the boys.
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get-out-me-grimoire ¡ 6 years
Witchy DIYs/Life Hacks
Here on get-out-me-grimoire we focus on cheap and easy so if you’re expecting beautiful hand crafted intricate diys, sorry to let you down... enjoy! 😉❤️
🥄Put sigils on kitchen utensils you can do this by using a wood burner (you can find them pretty cheap) or food safe woodstain
🌊 Use river rocks or seashells from my cheap supplies masterpost and paint or use a marker for cheao easy runes
☕️Tea bags are cheap little bags of herbal goodness, create a spell using the herbs from your tea
🍃Don’t want to invest in a whole bunch of fancy jars to hold herbs? Get yourself one of these big bad bois
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These are also great for sorting small crystals!
🚗Want to have some herbs,oils,crystal chips, etc with you but you’re a strong witch on the go? Pick up one of these
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You can get yourself one of these handy pals at your local dollar Tree
🖐🏻Get yourself a hand mannequin/model you can get these at beauty stores and a bendable wooden variety at art shops usually for under $10.00, slap some sharpie on it and you have a palmistry guide to study!
👀Make your own DIY black mirror for deity work/spirit work/scrying
🕯Soak candles in a contested salt solution for a few hours and dry them for DRIP-PROOF CANDLES
🐚I’ve seen these everywhere
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and they made me think of sea witches. I’m sure someone has done a diy on it by now but here’s my version
1.You’ll need to scoop the wax out of 1 or 2 tea lights depending on the size of your shell KEEP THE WICK
2.melt that wax mixing in any dyes, herbs, glitters, or whatever else your little heart desires
3.Glue the wick in your shell
4.Pour in the wax
🎂Need a candle to burn the whole way down for a spell but you don’t have time for that Bc you’re busy hustling and making bank being all independent and shit... or maybe you’re just impatient I don’t judge? Use a birthday candle, they’re cheap and come in every color (I saw this somewhere but I can’t remember where if any of you guys know hmu Bc is really like to credit them)
🛁Fill some cheesecloth (or any breathable material) with dried herbs of your choice tie it and plop it in your bath, have fun sitting in a giant cup of tea!
✒️Use magic ink (basically something naturally pigmented that matches you intention mixed with alcohol) to give your sigils a lil boost
🍯Crush herbs and mix with honey until you get a thick paste, form into cones, let dry for around a week and you got yourself homemade incense!
So that’s all I have for this little post! Hope you guys can use the info, let me know what you would like to see next from me!! ❤️❤️
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