#bc they're just as mentally ill as the rest of us but hide it really well on purpose and pretend it's all good
etherylelixyr · 23 days
I'm up. Exhausted for no reason.
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many-gay-magpies · 2 years
i think i ran out of popcorn around the point of vampire homoeroticism but MAN did i enjoy the ride ! no wait bc that thing abt pregnant mothers makes so much sense to me and HOLD ON HOLD ON. WHAT IF. OKAY IM JUST MAKING SHIT UP BUT IT MAKES SENSE TO ME. WHAT IF THE TARGET OF THE EXPERIMENTS ON THE MOTHERS WAS TO PRODUCE SUPERPOWERED CHILDREN. LIKE THE SUPERPOWER GENE WAS WHAT THEY WERE TRYING TO GET. AND THE ONLY BABIES THAT SURVIVED TO TERM WERE THE BOYS AND SOOHA. THEY COULD HAVE THAT BACKSTORY OF PLAYING TOGETHER AS A PRINCESS AND KNIGHTS (which is Adorable btw i love it), BUT THEN WHEN THE ORGANIZATION COMES TO KIDNAP THE CHILDREN SOOHA'S MOM WAS ABLE TO PROTECT HER. in the orphanage, they're trying to observe the effects of these powers on human bodies— let's say that most humans cant survive with those powers for long, and they want a way to make the gene last in the boys' bodies for as long as possible. so they give them the pills shown in given-taken to make them vampires, immortally superpowered and therefore eternal test subjects. i really like the idea of them having to consume vampire blood to be turned— that is actually a requirement in some vampire stories. i feel like those scenes of them taking pills, getting sick/convulsing/checking their mouths with flashlights imply that they weren't Like That before. this is new, and they dont know what's going on. and once the boys realize that they've been turned into LITERAL MONSTERS by the orphanage that claimed to "protect them," the freak the FUCK OUT and decide. this place is going Down. they may be new vampires but jino's been pyrokinetic his whole damn life and he will Use it. okay i will address the rest of your response in a separate ask because my brain RAN with this
-vrvr anon
im glad you enjoyed it! i dont have any more new or unsaid ideas to tell you about so i doubt ill get THAT long again (but its me so you never know), but it was very fun to dump all of that out!!
:O DUDE YEAH THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE-- the pregnant mothers were experimented on, then they were set LOOSE to go have their babies in "peace", or at least the organization claimed... but they were always watching from afar... and then when the kids got to be old enough, the organization came to collect them, telling the mothers that they'd discovered the experiments had harmful effects and they needed to continue their research. and maybe sooha's mom protected her by pretending that the powers had ALREADY KILLED her daughter, getting sooha and the other boys to play along with it—maybe she pretends to be all mad at the organization because "your stupid experiments KILLED MY BABY i want nothing to do with you" when in reality she could sense the orphanage coming and sent sooha to hide out a few towns over with her sister or something.
AND THEN THE ORGANIZATION MAKING THE BOYS VAMPIRES SO THAT THEIR BODIES COULD NEVER BE KILLED BY THE POWERS I. OMG YES. HOLY SHIT. and god now im just thinking about the effects the superpowered genes might have on NORMAL bodies... the superstrength, even though it's the most MINOR power, tearing up a user's bones and muscles and making their bodies age and get weak so faster... the pyrpokinesis liTERALLY BURNING THEM FROM THE INSIDE OUT... anti-gravity messing with their balance and brain functions and the way they perceive the world... superspeed just scrambling ALL sorts of shit... telepathy screwing with brain function/causing brain damage/mental health issues... the organization's experiments worked, the superpower gene was a success, but the human body was never made to contain such unimaginable power. the solution? make them inhuman. and OH SHIT maybe whatever solon's power is was so goddamn powerful and harmful to his body that they had to double it and turn him into a werewolf too—but in the process they also accidentally locked away or repressed whatever that power WAS.
(with that in mind though, how would sooha go her whole life with the power and be perfectly fine? maybe she falls ill a lot, or maybe the side-effects set in much later, or maybe girls are just built different and the organization experimented on mostly male fetuses because sexism. kind of like how landscaping companies only plant male trees and end up causing a shitton of allergies because of their stupid fucking tree sexism. idk, ill work on that one.)
and now im also thinking about how the whole amnesia storyline would go... the boys don't remember anything from before they came to the orphanage, right? well maybe, to avoid past attachments interfering with their work, the organization wiped their memories of anything pre-orphanage—names, families, EVERYTHING. they pick new names to replace the ones they never knew they had. as far as the boys know, theyre just a bunch of orphans taken in by the kind-hearted orphanage. and, well, maybe, the superpowered genes have OTHER physical side-effects too that set in slowly as they age... like bright, colorful hair and unnaturally colored eyes... and those side effects hadn't appeared yet or were only just beginning to manifest before the orphanage took them. not to mention, sooha was so YOUNG when they got taken away, her memories of them would be muddied and unclear anyway—throw different names and perfectly normal hair and eye colors into the mix and its easy to believe she wouldnt have a clue who they are when she meets them again.
no that would make so much sense tho—the boys have had these powers all their lives, they're used to them, even if they dont REMEMBER having them before the orphanage necessarily their bodies still have the muscle memory. so when they figure out that the orphanage turned them into LITERAL BLOOD-SUCKING VAMPIRES just to have eternal test subjects/superpowered soldiers... they go "nah fuck this im out" and burn that fucker down. i realize i sort of just parroted your entire last point back to you in your own words but i want to emphasize that i strongly agree
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naughtybunnies · 2 years
I'm not really open about my "whump"??? side of this stuff but like. ive always used it in my stories. when i was younger i was SUPER into it, and i used to roleplay and talk about characters with my friend, it turned into a whole story. For my character the whump has always been there, bc they're pretty damn weak in comparison to his strong af wife. in like multiple ways
anyway ive snuck in so much of my whump and character suffering that the character canonically dies from an illness. it used to be actual sickness (a sneaky way for me to get *this* kink in there) but a friend of hers, whos probably also into whump with writing, made up a different idea. originally i hated it but he made it so the illness he suffers from lasts much longer. making it a slow burning thing where he just gets weaker and weaker over time. and i can play with how he is and how much caretaking he has to go through.
its really fun when i think about it and start drawing out the scenarios in my head. just him being taken care of or hiding things going wrong so his family doesnt worry so much. the characters are king and queen as well, so i make it so that even when very much ill, he will go out of his way to try and help his wife. she is the true queen of the kingdom but thanks to the time period and good ol gender, there are some who don't respect her enough, so he helps. or he will be there to support her and give her what little strength he has left.
him forcing himself to help her and ignoring however he feels is my favorite bit. i love when a character, no matter how shitty they feel, tries their best to help (at least in a physical sense, when its mental that's just too much) and either they fail/push too hard and have to be cared for. or even if they succeed the person their trying to help is like "okay thanks but you fool, you should be resting" and thus they go take care of them. the latter is usually the best
ive even had dreams about the thing happening. specifically when his illness first starts, i had a dream about how it went down and made a small comic of it. it was so perfect and im so glad i had the dream.
OH AND IVE EVEN HAD IT WITH OTHER THINGS I LIKE. whump dreams are fucking amazing.
*when it comes to "kinks", whump is the only thing im actually comfortable drawing and thinking up of when its humans. fun fact also i say "kinks" bc i think whump is just a very interesting style of writing a character. it doesnt feel thaaaat kinky to me persay, just really enjoyable depending on the person. i just like to make ppl feel the pain
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