#bc he throws stuff into the bins we have in the apt
harryseyebrows · 2 years
im GENUINELY about to have a stroke rn. i was in the living room, sitting on the couch, bc i was waiting for the floor that i just washed to dry. my roommate comes home. i go into the bathroom to check the floor and some of the pads that i use for my floor mop that i had HAND fucking washed, and in a matter of FIVE fucking seconds he goes in the living room with his doordash and now he’s eating in the clean living room that i vacuumed and wiped the coffee table of earlier, and watching tv. i got up for two fucking secondssss. TWO. did not ask. just went and sat. this is just further proof to me that all the bullshit he fed me in the beginning about it being my apartment too, my space, etc etc was allllll fucking bullshit. it would have been more subtle if he lifted his leg and pissed all over the couch to mark is as his territory. also as i was at the sink washing the dishes for BOTH cats and cleaning out their water fountain that i bought, he shoves in behind me to get a paper towel from the roll that IIIIIII AM THE ONLY ONE THAT FUCKING BUYS. he’s making it very clear that this is HIS apartment and im not wanted or welcome. like……idk what to do anymore. im afraid to talk and make noise when he’s home. i stay in my room. i just continue to do the household tasks i usually do bc stopping them would make me miserable bc i can’t stand when things are dirty, he it wouldn’t even prove a point bc he doesn’t care. this is fucking miserable like i HATE being here and around him. it’s constant. my anxiety is through the fucking roof to the point where im legitimately concerned i have an ulcer??? hhehehhehhe love that for meeee
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