#basically they’re sooooooooo so annoying and lip is being so brave about it
ian and mickey getting bored at some family shit and somehow adopting calling each other daddy to be annoying. because they HAVE to be the most obnoxious people in the room at all times and they HAVE to make it everyone else’s problem.
it’s for real inconsequential shit too like “oh hey daddy” and “pass those pringles over here, wouldya daddy?” and “come tell daddy what the thermostat’s at - it’s hot as balls in here.”
after much pushback, they say they’re gonna stop because they got what they wanted (enclosure enrichment) but the reactions are just so fucking good and they LOVE to be a problem. so of course they can’t resist temptation.
but they don’t overdo it - just sprinkle it in every once in a while to keep it as potent as possible. no dilution. when it hits it hits.
and the gallaghers are so -_- but lip fucking h a t e s it especially. which is why they both usually wait for him to be within earshot before dropping it, this time specifically as ian and lip come in from the back porch and mickey hits ‘em with a “where ya been daddy?” and ian’s like “just outside havin a smoke, babydoll. why, you miss me?” and lip has fucking had it! he’s suffered enough!
so he drags ian back outside and gets him by the shoulders and is like “ian seriously. i’m fucking begging here - you gotta keep that daddy shit in the bedroom” and ian is just looking at him with his pinched, confused brows because “we don’t say that shit in the bedroom” and he’s telling the truth. they don’t.
until they do, of course.
but that’s something else.
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