#based on a design by Tara Jenkins
askashapeshifter · 1 year
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Finally an updated Metamorphosis ref sheet, albeit missing some angles that are still in progress. Really. Truly. I also need to fiddle with the two gradients on his wing, I think I might have angled them incorrectly. 
Based on a previous design by @tarajenkins, 2015. 
May 9 2024: special thanks to @askcaffeinehazard for help and input to make the “chrome” gradients look better. (As of May 9, 2024, I have done nothing but teleport gradients for three days.) 
May 20 2024: revised shell coloration after nearly a decade. 
May 21 2024: ...those shell colors are starting to look an awful lot like Chrysalis’ colors. Ah well. It was bound to happen eventually.
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
How Btvs characters would spend Halloween with their s/o:
A/N: This is based on the assumption that the reader really enjoys Halloween 🖤🦇
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Buffy summers:
Buffy really likes Halloween
Often her one night off
But she loved it from being a kid
Having fond memories of trick or treating and then squabbling over candy with Dawn
Being allowed to stay up late to watch movies
When she told you her fond memories you were determined to create more fond memories for her on Halloween
Will absolutely love the idea of a couples costume
But won’t want you to tease her about it
Once you get the hints she’s dropping you would totally pick the cheesiest outfits to compliment each other
You spend all day making Halloween treats with Dawn and not allowing Buffy in the kitchen
And you share them with her before you go to a Scooby gathering/party
you dress up and Dawn hypes you both up (she loves you together)
the party is fun
you laugh along with your friends and even bob some apples
(Xander’s idea)
You rent a bunch of movies to watch for when you get in
you want to recreate something that feels like home for her
She cuddles up to you and kisses you softly thanking you silently
she really loves you and now she loves Halloween more
Xander Harris:
big Halloween fan
he really enjoys it
Won’t shut up about it as soon as October first hits
It’ll be infectious and he’ll love it if you’re as enthusiastic as him
Will have horror movies all lined up for the whole month
you’ll settle in, dim the lights and cuddle up
On the 31st he will have saved the best line up until last
Will want to spend as much time with you as possible
So movies will be his ideal
You’ll both for sure be dressing up even if you’re not going out in the evening
he’d do a couples costume but may actually prefer surprising each other with your respective costumes
Bonus points if you dress kinda sexy he won’t be able to keep his hands off you
Will have so many films lined up you’ll have to stay up basically all night to finish
He’ll have the classics and some more modern ones too to mix it up
He’ll know a whole bunch of facts about the filming too
You bring the snacks and just enjoy your night together
It’s perfect cos it’s the two of you
Willow Rosenberg:
Will be as enthusiastic as you
Will have planned out a costume way in advance
(one made not bought just in case and will insist to make yours too)
It’ll be all part of the
Lots of time for kissing and snuggles in between making the costumes
Plenty of time together through October
you make your costumes and finally they are perfected
the best part has been spending so much time with her though
Halloween night finally came and you spent the entire day eating candy and adding the finishing touches to the costume
you were both giddy with excitement
At the Halloween party you will be the coolest and most historically accurate
you enjoy yourselves, not caring what anyone else thinks of you or your costumes
you have each other, that’s the best part
you meet up with the Scoobies and have a great time
she’s so comfortable with you she can actually let loose
you leave really late, stumbling home together
Willow loves the way you bring her confidence out
you get home and curl up in bed together
you wished the day would never end, you had so much fun 
Rupert Giles:
Enjoys the holiday
Didn’t celebrate so much in England
But has fully embraced Halloween since moving to Sunnydale
He’ll dress up, he used to wear the same costume every year but now switches it up a little
his favourite is the trusty wizard costume
He does prefer to stay at home but would go out if you asked
but you don’t, you’re content to just be with him
he has his nose in a book as you make Halloween treats
you entice him to join you 
(promising it means he gets as many as he wants)
He came over and immediately helped with weighing everything
He’s actually a good cook so he could have taken over
but loves sharing the responsibility
you put some Halloween themed music on and dance around the kitchen
he adores seeing you so happy
makes him melt more than the caramel for the candy apples
you laugh together and just generally enjoy the time you share making sweet treats
he loves every moment
you decorate them and share them when they’re done
you ask him to tell you ghost stories
and he does. Although they’re all true and from his Ripper days
it makes it even more interesting (and he loves sharing his past with you)
Loves it
everyone knows he (not so) secretly loves Halloween
will have stolen any and all candy left outside people’s homes
will split it with you if you ask nicely
may tease you and ask for his treat first
but will definitely share the candy cos he’s fond of you
may take some convincing to get him to leave the crypt after dark
but if you do, by some miracle, manage it
you will find him warming up to it
wont dress up himself but won’t mind that you do
might even teasingly offer to help get you into your costume
you go to some bar or the Bronze
had the impression that dressing up was some kind of insult
but figures eventually that you all must just think he (as a vampire) is very cool
makes him very full of himself 
(more so than usual)
Won’t dress up at all but will mutter under his breath his thoughts and a primitive rating system on everyone else’s costume
this will make you laugh
a lot
 he’ll enjoy making you laugh and continue until someone overhears and it gets him in trouble
You’ll end up being kicked out of the bar but neither of you will mind
Halloween is so much better when you were together
Angel doesn’t like Halloween so much
But when he sees your love of the holiday he will change his tune
he just likes to see you happy
it’s not selfless really, to see you happy gives him so much joy
so he sets off on his October-long mission
Will find every Halloween themed activity you can attend
Sunnydale unsurprisingly has a lot to offer
Haunted houses, pumpkin carving, the works
You name it he’s looked into it
by the time the week of Halloween arrives, you’ve done everything on offer
you tell him one evening that you want to go ghost hunting
he looks at you and frowns
it sounds dangerous
and he would rather you didn’t die (especially not on Halloween)
but you manage to convince him to go ghost hunting
on Halloween
You said it was your Halloween wish. only for you would he do this.
you go to a graveyard and look around with a torch
you were one step away from dressing as a ghost buster
but decided it would probably be disrespectful
You turned and there was a ghost! A real one
you slipped your hand into Angel’s as you communicated with the ghost
Angel planned this. He knew as soon as you saw one you would want to leave and do normal Halloween stuff again
would admit to it eventually, but the most important thing was your face when you met a real (and friendly) ghost
Anya Jenkins:
Anya loves it. She loves making money
She loves dressing up. And she loves you
A winning combination. She also loves learning about everything
Does try her best to get used to being human (and doesn’t get enough credit)
You and Anya will spend the entire day in the Halloween department of the store
Not kidding, you get there early and are there well into the afternoon
You can’t decide what to buy
there’s so much candy so little time
and the decorations! You squabble over what’s worth buying
eventually you manage to convince her you need everything you’ve chosen no matter the cost
she smiles at some of the items and shrugs
she’s new to Halloween, she finds it very cute though
not at all scary
when everything’s decorated and candy is left out, you can relax
(she will have definitely checked on the Magic box while you were in town to make sure it’s going okay)
she can stomach the worst, most gruesome horror movies without so much as batting an eyelid
She’s seen and done worse. will protect you if you struggle to watch
Tara Maclay:
Tara used to get a bit weird around the holiday
You found out later it was because she thought she was a demon
And just decided to sit Halloween out
You had always missed her and offered to stay in but she wanted you to go out and have a good time
Finally this year you knew everything about her past
And so did she
Surprise: she’s no demon
So you make sure she has the best Halloween ever
Cos she’s missed out on so much
you start with pumpkin carving
a staple
you plan out your designs and spend time perfecting them
they look super cute lit up later that night
she smiles a lot
its the first time in a while she’s just done fun things for Halloween
without something in the back of her head telling her she’s wrong
you decorate the dorm you share and play spooky music
You watch Halloween specials and family friendly movies through the entire afternoon
you dress up and hand out a whole bunch of candy
she really likes it, finding herself able to relax
the Scoobies come over and you have a little party
nothing too outrageous just you all hanging out
some of you are in costume, some not
but you have a really great time
and Tara has plenty of plans for celebrating next year
Oz doesn’t hate halloween
He isn’t enthusiastic either
Kinda hard to pinpoint his feelings on the occasion
Either way? He’s a sucker for you
he’s usually booked at some gig for Halloween
But this year, he tells the guys he isn’t doing it
knows how much you love the spooky day
so he’s going to spend it solely with you
took him ages to figure out what to do
he will help you decorate 
eventually says he needs to go out to the store
when he was out he found a lot of Halloween goodies for you
Decided to use the Halloween themed treats and decided to hide them around the (well decorated) home
its like a little treasure trail. You get clues and you get a treat and another clue until the end
he loves to buy gifts for a s/o and Halloween is no exception
you love Halloween and he loves you so he wanted to make it special
you will come to the end of the trail and gush about how much you love it
he’ll shrug but that smile’s there
he’s pleased
as the night draws in you cuddle up and every time the door goes you insist you both go
so you can see the cool outfits and hand out candy together
wouldn’t celebrate Halloween unless you wanted to
Might not be aware of how big the holiday is
Would humour you if you wanted to celebrate though
Might find it cute the way you love it
Would want you happy so would make sure there were Halloween decorations everywhere in whichever lair you were in
Decorations would stay up all year round
It kinda blends with the rest of the place
If you’re really into Halloween would hold a ball/party in your honour on the 31st
She would be very proud of it
Would invite every demon she knew but most probably wouldn’t show
demons don’t party. Not on Halloween
Even if it was just both of you attending the party, she would dance with you slowly in the middle of the room
Even with no music
Will pepper your face in such loving kisses
May offer to sire you as she knows you love the date so much
But is happy to wait if you refuse
you are her favourite so Halloween is her favourite of it’s yours
you show her the cuter side of Halloween
Will hum to you softly
maybe a tune like the Addam’s family but will hum it very seriously
Faith always thought Halloween was lame
until she met you
she likes to pretend she doesn’t care
and she’s too cool for all that stuff
but melts into a puddle when she sees your enthusiasm for the holiday
Will basically do anything you ask so long as she gets to see you happy
But what you really want is her and you tell her this
you make a plan to go for a ‘spooky walk’ before coming back to get cosy and watch Halloween tv
on your walk, you point out all of the spooky decorations and lights
she thinks its cute but won’t admit it
you end up dusting a few vamps that didn’t get the memo 
but you convince her it was perfect, very Halloween-y so she doesn’t get so mad at them for interrupting your evening after that
She will stop and kiss you every few streets
loves stolen kisses, especially like this
you enjoy looking at the cool costumes but eventually walk back home
her favourite part of the night, however was when you turned the motel room you now shared into a cosy fort
blankets everywhere and candles 
very romantic and to you it had the right amount of spooky too
You hide under the blankets and start to tell outrageous ghost stories into the night
she held you close and insisted it was now her favourite holiday
Cordelia chase:
Cordy loves Halloween
Especially the excuse to dress up however she wants
Would 100% want to dress you up
Wouldn’t ask, would tell you it’s happening
And you ofc would agree
(Or else)
She’s a sweetheart really and wants a lot of input on what you’re comfortable wearing
Will use her dads credit card to buy anything she thinks you’ll need
You will probably be wearing something worth more than your entire wardrobe for the night
She will dress you up, maybe do your spooky makeup if you’re into that
She would make sure to get you both invites to the coolest party going
I’m talking the coolest
anyone who’s anyone is going
Will walk you in as if you’re both on the red carpet
Will not let anyone compliment one of you without demanding they compliment the other
You will have the best time
Dancing and laughing the entire night
Probably wouldn’t enjoy Halloween so much
He sees enough demons on a normal week day
Might want a night off but won’t be too into going out
But If he sees you all excited he’ll start to change his mind
He’ll do some activities if you ask and smile as he watches your enthusiasm
When he sees you dressed up he may rethink
Wants you to have a good time so he asks what you wanna do
your choice all day
you wanna go and make dumb decorations? He’ll get the craft glue
you wanna eat your weight in candy? He’s down to share
will take you to a party if you ask
(and maybe even join in with any activities on offer if he’s in a good mood)
will enjoy himself, especially with you on his arm
but you will leave early
He will make an excuse to go home with you
weirdly his job hasn’t called him in tonight
maybe the demons have time off or something?
you go back to his place and are able to spend a whole uninterrupted night together
you have Halloween themed movies on in the background but mostly you’re spending it together in bed
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sserpicko · 5 years
Announcing Winners WGA Awards 2019: ‘Can You Ever Forgive Me?,’ ‘Eighth Grade’
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In a pair of upsets, “Can You Ever Forgive Me?” has won the Writers Guild of America’s adapted screenplay award for Nicole Holofcener and Jeff Whitty and Bo Burnham has won the original screenplay award for “Eighth Grade.”
The major television trophies went to “The Americans,” “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel,” “Homeland” and “Barry” for the 71st Writers Guild Awards, held at dual ceremonies at the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, Calif., and the Edison Ballroom in New York City. It was the last major awards show before the Feb. 24 Academy Awards.
“Can You Ever Forgive Me?,” based on the memoir of the late Lee Israel, topped the screenplays for “Black Panther,” “If Beale Street Could Talk” “A Star Is Born”; and “BlacKkKlansman.” Though the script for the comedy-drama — the story of how Israel discovered her talent for forgery — has received an Oscar nomination, “Beale Street” and “BlacKkKlansman” were regarded as the front-runners. It appears that the tale of the travails and redemption of a professional writer clearly resonated with Hollywood writers.
“I want to thank Lee,” Holofcener said in her acceptance. “She’d probably be sitting in the room judging all of us. She though she was the smartest person in the room and she probably was.”
A stunned Burnham credited star Elsie Fisher for his winning the WGA award. Burnham won over Alfonso Cuaron’s “Roma”; Adam McKay’s “Vice”; Bryan Woods, Scott Beck, and John Krasinski’s “A Quiet Place”; and Peter Farrelly, Nick Vallelonga, and Brian Currie’s “Green Book.” “Roma,” “Vice” and “Green Book” are all nominated for Academy Awards along with “The Favourite” and “First Reformed” while “Eight Grade” did not receive an Oscar nod.
“Eighth Grade,” which stars Fisher as an awkward teen dealing with the final week of eighth grade, also won the first-time Directors Guild of America Award for Burnham on Feb. 2. The film is also up for four Spirit Awards on Feb. 23.
“To the other nominees in the category — Have fun at the Oscars, losers!” Burnham joked in his acceptance. “No, I prepared nothing. This all belongs to Elsie Fisher who performed the script. No one would care about the script if she hadn’t done it.”
“Eighth Grade” is the first film to win the WGA Original Screenplay award without being nominated for an Academy since Michael Moore’s “Bowling for Columbine” in 2003.
“The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” won the comedy series award for Kate Fodor, Noah Gardenswartz, Jen Kirkman, Sheila Lawrence, Daniel Palladino and Amy Sherman Palladino. Starring Rachel Brosnahan, “Mrs. Maisel” won the Emmy for best comedy series last year.
The final season of “The Americans” took the drama series award for Peter Ackerman, Hilary Bettis, Joshua Brand, Joel Fields, Sarah Nolen, Stephen Schiff, Justin Weinberger, Joe Weisberg and Tracey Scott Wilson.
Bill Hader and Alec Berg won the episodic comedy award for the opening segment of HBO’s “Barry,” “Chapter One: Make Your Mark” (“Barry”). They also won the new series award.
Stephanie Gillis won the animated award for the “Bart’s Not Dead” episode of “The Simpsons” — which was just renewed for its 31st and 32nd seasons by Fox — and showrunner Alex Gansa took the episodic drama award for the “Paean To The People” segment of “Homeland.” “Bathtubs Over Broadway” took the documentary award and “God of War” won the videogame trophy.
Hulu’s “Castle Rock” won the long-form original award and “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” took the adapted long-form trophy. “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” won the comedy-variety series cagtegory.
Chelsea Peretti hosted the West Coast ceremonies while Roy Wood Jr. was the emcee in New York. “All the glitz and glamor of the Oscars without the pressure of public interest,” Peretti said in her intro.
Jordan Peele’s horror-comedy “Get Out” won the WGA Award for original screenplay and James Ivory’s coming-of-age drama “Call Me by Your Name” won for adapted screenplay last year. Both went on to win the Oscar.
The WGA awards are mixed indicator of Oscar sentiment. Six of the last 10 WGA winners have gone on to win Academy awards over the past five years. The awards are decided in voting by the 17,000 members of the WGA.
The West Coast ceremonies included plenty of political commentary. Adam McKay, on receiving the WGA’s Paul Selvin Award for “Vice,” asked for a “beat of silence” for the million people who died during the invasion of Iraq.
Jenji Kohan, recipient of the Paddy Chayefsky Award, was unable to attend due to having to shoot the final episode of “Orange Is the New Black.” She said in a taped message: “I’ve been incredibly lucky to work with enormously funny and kind people. I love the people I work with. Life is too short to work with a******s, by the way. That’s my Public Service Announcement.”
Here are the nominees with the winners in boldface:
“Eighth Grade,” Written by Bo Burnham; A24  (WINNER)
“Green Book,” Written by Nick Vallelonga & Brian Currie & Peter Farrelly; Universal Pictures
“A Quiet Place,” Screenplay by Bryan Woods & Scott Beck and John Krasinski, Story by Bryan Woods & Scott Beck; Paramount Pictures
“Roma,” Written by Alfonso Cuarón; Netflix
“Vice,” Written by Adam McKay; Annapurna Pictures
“BlacKkKlansman,” Written by Charlie Wachtel & David Rabinowitz and Kevin Willmott & Spike Lee, Based on the book by Ron Stallworth; Focus Features
“Black Panther,” Written by Ryan Coogler & Joe Robert Cole, Based on the Marvel Comics by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby; Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
“Can You Ever Forgive Me?,” Screenplay by Nicole Holofcener and Jeff Whitty, Based on the book by Lee Israel; Fox Searchlight  (WINNER)
“If Beale Street Could Talk,” Screenplay by Barry Jenkins, Based on the novel by James Baldwin; Annapurna Pictures
“A Star is Born,” Screenplay by Eric Roth and Bradley Cooper & Will Fetters, Based on the 1954 screenplay by Moss Hart and the 1976 screenplay by John Gregory Dunne & Joan Didion and Frank Pierson, Based on a story by William Wellman and Robert Carson; Warner Bros.
“Bathtubs Over Broadway,” Written by Ozzy Inguanzo & Dava Whisenant; Focus Features  (WINNER)
“Fahrenheit 11/9,” Written by Michael Moore; Briarcliff Entertainment
“Generation Wealth,” Written by Lauren Greenfield; Amazon Studios
“In Search of Greatness,” Written by Gabe Polsky; Art of Sport
“Assassin’s Creed Odyssey,” Associate Narrative Directors Matthew Zagurak, Joel Janisse, James Richard Mittag; Narrative Director Melissa MacCoubrey; Story by Jonathan Dumont, Melissa MacCoubrey, Hugo Giard; Scriptwriters Madeleine Hart, Betty Robertson, Jesse Scoble, Diana Sherman, Kelly Bender, Jojo Chia, Ian Fun, Zachary M. Parris, Ken Williamson, Daniel Bingham, Jordan Lemos, Simon Mackenzie, Katelyn MacMullin, Susan Patrick, Alissa Ralph, Stephen Rhodes; Team Lead Writer Sam Gill; AI Writers Jonathan Flieger, Kimberly Ann Sparks; Ubisoft Quebec
“Batman: The Enemy Within,” Episode 5-Same Stitch, Lead Writer James Windeler; Written by Meghan Thornton, Ross Beeley, Lauren Mee; Story by Meghan Thornton, Michael Kirkbride; Telltale Games
“God of War,” Written by Matt Sophos, Richard Zangrande Gaubert, Cory Barlog; Story and Narrative Design Lead Matt Sophos; Story and Narrative Design Richard Zangrande Gaubert; Narrative Design Orion Walker, Adam Dolin; Sony Interactive Entertainment  (WINNER)
“Marvel’s Spider-Man,” Story Lead Jon Paquette; Writers Benjamin Arfmann, Kelsey Beachum; Co-Written by Christos Gage; Additional Story Contributions by Dan Slott; Insomniac Games & Sony Interactive Entertainment
“Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire,” Narrative Designers Alex Scokel, Eric Fenstermaker, Kate Dollarhyde, Megan Starks, Olivia Veras, Paul Kirsch; Additional Writing Tony Evans, John Schmautz, Casey Hollingshead, Nitai Poddar; Narrative Design Leads Carrie Patel, Josh Sawyer; Obsidian Entertainment
DRAMA SERIES “The Americans,” Written by Peter Ackerman, Hilary Bettis, Joshua Brand, Joel Fields, Sarah Nolen, Stephen Schiff, Justin Weinberger, Joe Weisberg, Tracey Scott Wilson; FX Networks  (WINNER)
“Better Call Saul,” Written by Ann Cherkis, Vince Gilligan, Peter Gould, Gennifer Hutchison, Heather Marion, Bob Odenkirk, Thomas Schnauz, Gordon Smith, Alison Tatlock; AMC
“The Crown,” Written by Tom Edge, Amy Jenkins, Peter Morgan; Netflix
“The Handmaid’s Tale,” Written by Yahlin Chang, Nina Fiore, Dorothy Fortenberry, John Herrera, Lynn Renee Maxcy, Bruce Miller, Kira Snyder, Eric Tuchman; Hulu
“Succession,” Written by Jesse Armstrong, Simon Blackwell, Jon Brown, Jonathan Glatzer, Anna Jordan, Lucy Prebble, Georgia Pritchett, Tony Roche, Susan Soon He Stanton, Daniel Zelman; HBO
COMEDY SERIES “Atlanta,” Written by Ibra Ake, Donald Glover, Stephen Glover, Taofik Kolade, Jamal Olori, Stefani Robinson, Paul Simms; FX Networks
“Barry,” Written by Alec Berg, Duffy Boudreau, Bill Hader, Emily Heller, Liz Sarnoff, Ben Smith, Sarah Solemani; HBO
“GLOW,” Written by Liz Flahive, Tara Herrmann, Nick Jones, Jenji Kohan, Carly Mensch, Marquita Robinson, Kim Rosenstock, Sascha Rothchild, Rachel Shukert; Netflix
“The Good Place,” Written by Megan Amram, Christopher Encell, Kate Gersten, Cord Jefferson, Andrew Law, Joe Mande, Kassia Miller, Dylan Morgan, Matt Murray, Rae Sanni, Daniel Schofield, Michael Schur, Josh Siegal, Jen Statsky, Tyler Staessle; NBC
“The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel,” Written by Kate Fodor, Noah Gardenswartz, Jen Kirkman, Sheila Lawrence, Daniel Palladino, Amy Sherman Palladino; Prime Video  (WINNER)
NEW SERIES “Barry,” Written by Alec Berg, Duffy Boudreau, Bill Hader, Emily Heller, Liz Sarnoff, Ben Smith, Sarah Solemani; HBO  (WINNER)
“The Haunting of Hill House,” Written by Meredith Averill, Charise Castro Smith, Mike Flanagan, Jeff Howard, Rebecca Leigh Klingel, Scott Kosar, Liz Phang; Netflix
“Homecoming,” Written by Micah Bloomberg, Cami Delavigne, Eli Horowitz, Shannon Houston, Eric Simonson, David Wiener; Prime Video
“Pose,” Written by Steven Canals, Brad Falchuk, Todd Kubrak, Janet Mock, Ryan Murphy, Our Lady J; FX Networks
“Succession,” Written by Jesse Armstrong, Simon Blackwell, Jon Brown, Jonathan Glatzer, Anna Jordan, Lucy Prebble, Georgia Pritchett, Tony Roche, Susan Soon He Stanton, Daniel Zelman; HBO
LONG FORM ORIGINAL “Castle Rock,” Writers: Marc Bernardin, Scott Brown, Lila Byock, Mark Lafferty, Sam Shaw, Dustin Thomason, Gina Welch, Vinnie Wilhelm; Hulu   (WINNER)
“My Dinner with Hervé,” Teleplay by Sacha Gervasi, Story by Sacha Gervasi & Sean Macaulay; HBO
“Paterno,” Written by Debora Cahn and John C. Richards; HBO
LONG FORM ADAPTED “The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story,” Writers: Maggie Cohn, Tom Rob Smith, Based on the book Vulgar Favors by Maureen Orth; FX Networks  (WINNER)
“The Looming Tower,” Writers: Bash Doran, Dan Futterman, Alex Gibney, Shannon Houston, Adam Rapp, Ali Selim, Lawrence Wright, Based on the book The Looming Tower by Lawrence Wright; Hulu
“Maniac,” Writers: Nick Cuse, Cary Joji Fukunaga, Amelia Gray, Danielle Henderson, Mauricio Katz, Patrick Somerville, Caroline Williams, Based on the Norwegian television series Maniac by Espen PA Lervaag, Håakon Bast Mossige, Kjetil Indregard and Ole Marius Araldsen; Netflix
“Sharp Objects,” Writers: Ariella Blejer, Scott Brown, Vince Calandra, Gillian Flynn, Dawn Kamoche, Alex Metcalf, Marti Noxon, Based upon the book written by Gillian Flynn; HBO
SHORT FORM NEW MEDIA ORIGINAL “After Forever,” Written by Michael Slade & Kevin Spirtas; Vimeo.com
“Class of Lies,” Written by Tessa Leigh Williams; Snapchat    (WINNER)
“Love Daily,” Written by: Lauren Ciaravalli, Andrew Eisen, Aaron Eisenberg, Will Eisenberg, Alexis Jacknow, Nathaniel Katzman, Yulin Kuang, Nathan Larkin-Connolly, Alexis Roblan, Bennet D. Silverman, Ryan Wood; Go90.com
“West 40s,” Written by Mark Sam Rosenthal & Brian Sloan; West40s.com
SHORT FORM NEW MEDIA ADAPTED “The Walking Dead: Red Machete,” Written by Nick Bernardone; AMC.com
ANIMATION “Bart’s Not Dead” (The Simpsons), Written by Stephanie Gillis; Fox  (WINNER)
“Boywatch” (Bob’s Burgers), Written by Rich Rinaldi; Fox
“Just One of the Boyz 4 Now for Now” (Bob’s Burgers), Written by Lizzie Molyneux & Wendy Molyneux; Fox
“Krusty the Clown” (The Simpsons), Written by Ryan Koh; Fox
“Mo Mommy Mo Problems” (Bob’s Burgers), Written by Steven Davis; Fox
“Send in Stewie, Please” (Family Guy), Written by Gary Janetti; Fox
EPISODIC DRAMA “Camelot” (“Narcos: Mexico”), Written by Eric Newman & Clayton Trussell; Netflix
“The Car” (“This Is Us”), Written by Isaac Aptaker & Elizabeth Berger; NBC
“Episode 407” (“The Affair”), Teleplay by Lydia Diamond and Sarah Sutherland, Story by Jaquen Tee Castellanos and Sarah Sutherland; Showtime
“First Blood” (“The Handmaid’s Tale”), Written by Eric Tuchman; Hulu
“Paean To The People” (“Homeland”), Written by Alex Gansa; Showtime  (WINNER)
“The Precious Blood of Jesus” (“Ozark”), Written by David Manson; Netflix
EPISODIC COMEDY “Another Place” (“Forever”), Teleplay by Alan Yang and Matt Hubbard, Story by Aniz Adam Ansari; Prime Video
“Chapter One: Make Your Mark” (“Barry”), Written by Alec Berg & Bill Hader; HBO   (WINNER)
“Halibut!” (“Santa Clarita Diet”), Written by Victor Fresco; Netflix
“Kimmy and the Beest!” (“Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt”), Written by Robert Carlock; Netflix
“Pilot” (“The Kids Are Alright”), Written by Tim Doyle; ABC
“Who Knows Better Than I” (“Orange Is the New Black”), Written by Jenji Kohan; Netflix
COMEDY/VARIETY TALK SERIES “Full Frontal With Samantha Bee,” Writers: Kristen Bartlett, Samantha Bee, Ashley Nicole Black, Pat Cassels, Mike Drucker, Eric Drysdale, Mathan Erhardt, Joe Grossman, Miles Kahn, Nicole Silverberg, Melinda Taub; TBS
“Last Week Tonight with John Oliver;” Writers: Tim Carvell, Raquel D’Apice, Josh Gondelman, Dan Gurewitch, Jeff Maurer, Daniel O’Brien, John Oliver, Brian Parise, Owen Parsons, Ben Silva, Will Tracy, Jill Twiss, Seena Vali, Juli Weiner; HBO   (WINNER)
“Late Night with Seth Meyers;” Supervising Writers: Sal Gentile, Seth Reiss; Writers: Jermaine Affonso, Alex Baze, Bryan Donaldson, Matt Goldich, Dina Gusovsky, Jenny Hagel, Allison Hord, Mike Karnell, John Lutz, Seth Meyers, Ian Morgan, Amber Ruffin, Mike Shoemaker; NBC Universal
“The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” Head Writers: Jay Katsir, Opus Moreschi; Writers: Emmy Blotnick, Michael Brumm, Aaron Cohen, Stephen T. Colbert, Cullen Crawford, Paul Dinello, Ariel Dumas, Glenn Eichler, Django Gold, Gabe Gronli, Greg Iwinski, Barry Julien, Daniel Kibblesmith, Matt Lappin, Michael Pielocik, Kate Sidley, Jen Spyra, Brian Stack, John Thibodeaux; CBS
COMEDY/VARIETY SKETCH SERIES “At Home with Amy Sedaris,” Writers: Cindy Caponera, Paul Dinello, Jodi Lennon, Meredith Scardino, Amy Sedaris; truTV
“I Love You, America,” Head Writer: Dave Ferguson; Writers: Glenn Boozan, Leann Bowen, Raj Desai, Kyle Dunnigan, John Haskell, Tim Kalpakis, Opeyemi Olagbaju, Gavin Purcell, Diona Reasonover, Jocelyn Richard, Christopher J. Romano, Sarah Silverman, Beth Stelling, Dan Sterling, Nick Wiger; Hulu
“Nathan For You,” Writers: Leo Allen, Nathan Fielder, Carrie Kemper, Michael Koman, Adam Locke-Norton, Eric Notarnicola; Comedy Central  (WINNER)
“Portlandia,” Writers: Fred Armisen, Carrie Brownstein, Jonathan Krisel, Karey Dornetto, Megan Neuringer, Phoebe Robinson, Graham Wagner; IFC
“Saturday Night Live,” Head Writers: Michael Che, Colin Jost, Kent Sublette, Bryan Tucker; Supervising Writers: Fran Gillespie, Sudi Green, Streeter Seidell; Writers: James Anderson, Kristen Bartlett, Megan Callahan, Steven Castillo, Andrew Dismukes, Anna Drezen, Claire Friedman, Alison Gates, Steve Higgins, Sam Jay, Erik Kenward, Rob Klein, Nick Kocher, Michael Koman, Alan Linic, Eli Coyote Mandel, Erik Marino, Dave McCary, Brian McElhaney, Dennis McNicholas, Lorne Michaels, Nimesh Patel, Josh Patten, Katie Rich, Simon Rich, Gary Richardson, Marika Sawyer, Pete Schultz, Mitch Silpa, Will Stephen, Julio Torres, Bowen Yang; NBC Universal
COMEDY/VARIETY SPECIALS 2018 Rose Parade Hosted by Cord & Tish, Written by Will Ferrell, Jake Fogelnest, Andrew Steele; Prime Video
Drew Michael Stand-Up Special, Written by Drew Michael; HBO
The Fake News with Ted Nelms, Written by John Aboud, Andrew Blitz, Michael Colton, Ed Helms, Elliott Kalan, Joseph Randazzo, Sara Schaefer; Comedy Central  (WINNER)
The Oscars 2018, Written by Dave Boone, Carol Leifer, Jon Macks; Special Material Written by Megan Amram, Tony Barbieri, Jonathan Bines, Joelle Boucai, Gonzalo Cordova, Adam Carolla, Devin Field, Gary Greenberg, Josh Halloway, Sal Iacono, Eric Immerman, Jesse Joyce, Bess Kalb, Jimmy Kimmel, Molly McNearney, Danny Ricker, Joe Strazzullo; ABC
QUIZ AND AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION “Hollywood Game Night,” Head Writers: Ann Slichter, Grant Taylor; Writers: Michael Agbabian, Alexandra Kokesh, Dwight D. Smith; NBC
“Jeopardy!,” Written by Matthew Caruso, John Duarte, Harry Friedman, Mark Gaberman, Deborah Griffin, Michele Loud, Robert McClenaghan, Jim Rhine, Steve D. Tamerius, Billy Wisse; ABC
“Paid Off with Michael Torpey,” Head Writer: Ethan Berlin; Writers: John Chaneski, Rosemarie DiSalvo, Leigh Hampton, Katie Hartman, Amanda Melson, Larry Owens, Jennie Sutton, Michael Torpey, Jeremy Weiner; truTV
“Who Wants To Be A Millionaire,” Head Writer: Stephen A. Melcher, Jr.; Writers: Kyle Beakley, Tom Cohen, Patricia A. Cotter, Ryan Hopak, Gary Lucy, James Rowley, Ann Slichter, Dylan Snowden; Disney/ABC Syndication  (WINNER)
DAYTIME DRAMA “Days of Our Lives,” Head Writer: Ron Carlivati; Writers: Sheri Anderson, Lorraine Broderick, David Cherrill, Joanna Cohen, Lisa Connor, Carolyn Culliton, Richard Culliton, Rick Draughon,  Cydney Kelley, David Kreizman, David A. Levinson, Rebecca McCarty, Ryan Quan, Dave Ryan, Katherine Schock, Elizabeth Snyder, Tyler Topits; NBC
“General Hospital,” Head Writers: Shelly Altman, Christopher Van Etten; Writers: Barbara Bloom, Anna Theresa Cascio, Suzanne Flynn, Charlotte Gibson, Lucky Gold, Kate Hall, Elizabeth Korte, Daniel James O’Connor, Donny Sheldon, Scott Sickles; ABC  (WINNER)
CHILDREN’S EPISODIC AND SPECIALS “Carnivorous Carnival: Part One” (A Series of Unfortunate Events), Teleplay by Joe Tracz; Netflix
“The Ersatz Elevator: Part One” (A Series of Unfortunate Events), Teleplay by Daniel Handler; Netflix  (WINNER)
“For The Last Time” (Andi Mack), Written by Jonathan S. Hurwitz; Disney Channel
“Picture Day” (Alexa & Katie), Written by Ray Lancon; Netflix
“Warehouse Towel Fight” fka “Emil Strikes Back” (Prince of Peoria), Written by Marty Donovan; Netflix
DOCUMENTARY SCRIPT – CURRENT EVENTS “Black Hole Apocalypse” (Nova), Written by Rushmore DeNooyer; PBS
“Blackout in Puerto Rico” (Frontline), Written by Rick Young; PBS
“The Gang Crackdown” (Frontline), Written by Marcela Gaviria; PBS
“Trump’s Takeover” (Frontline), Written by Michael Kirk & Mike Wiser; PBS   (WINNER)
DOCUMENTARY SCRIPT – OTHER THAN CURRENT EVENTS “Bitter Rivals: Iran and Saudi Arabia – Part 1” (Frontline), Written by David Fanning & Linda Hirsch & Martin Smith; PBS
“The Circus, Part One” (American Experience), Written by Sharon Grimberg; PBS
“The Eugenics Crusade” (American Experience), Written by Michelle Ferrari; PBS  (WINNER)
“Into The Amazon” (American Experience), Written by John Maggio; PBS
NEWS SCRIPT – REGULARLY SCHEDULED, BULLETIN, OR BREAKING REPORT “Catastrophe” (60 Minutes), Written by Scott Pelley, Katie Kerbstat, Nicole Young; CBS News
“Las Vegas Massacre” (CBS Evening News with Anthony Mason), Written by Jerry Cipriano and Joe Clines; CBS News
“The Spotted Pig” (60 Minutes), Written by Anderson Cooper and Oriana Zill de Granados; CBS News
NEWS SCRIPT – ANALYSIS, FEATURE, OR COMMENTARY “100,000 Women” (60 Minutes), Written by Scott Pelley and Oriana Zill de Granados; CBS News
“On Broadway: Rodgers and Hammerstein” (CBS Sunday Morning), Written by Mo Rocca and Kay M. Lim; CBS News
“War Crime” (60 Minutes), Written by Scott Pelley, Katie Kerbstat, Nicole Young; CBS News
“Wounds of War” (60 Minutes), Written by Scott Pelley, Katie Kerbstat, Nicole Young; CBS News
DIGITAL NEWS “D.C.’s Biggest Homeless Shelter Is About to Close. Will Amazon Take Its Place?,” Written by Emma Roller; Splinter
“How To Not Die In America,” Written by Molly Osberg; Splinter
“Inside The Culture Of Sexism At Riot Games,” Written by Cecilia D’Anastasio; Kotaku.com  (WINNER)
RADIO/AUDIO DOCUMENTARY “2017 Year in Review,” Written by Gail Lee; CBS News Radio
“RFK: 50 Years After Shots Rang Out at The Ambassador Hotel,” Written by Andrew Evans; ABC News Radio   (WINNER)
“ABC News 6p Hourly 9-27-2018,” Written by Stephanie Pawlowski; ABC News Radio
“Remembering The Good, The Bad and the Brilliant,” Written by Gail Lee; CBS News Radio  (WINNER)
“World News This Week 9-21-2018,” Written by Joan B. Harris; ABC News Radio
RADIO/AUDIO NEWS SCRIPT – ANALYSIS, FEATURE, OR COMMENTARY “John McCain: A Life of Service,” Written by Gail Lee; CBS News Radio  (WINNER)
“A Tribute to Le Grand Orange,” Written by Thomas A. Sabella; CBS Radio News
ON-AIR PROMOTION (RADIO OR TELEVISION) “FBI 2018 Promo Reel,” Written by Ralph Buado; CBS
“Tribute to Star Trek for the 2019 Creative Arts Emmys,” Written by Sean Brogan; CBS  (WINNER)
“Westworld: Season 2 Promo (Super Bowl spot),” Written by Jonathan Nolan; HBO
Source: variety
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jeremystrele · 3 years
Announcing The FINALISTS For The TDF + Laminex Design Awards 2021!
Announcing The FINALISTS For The TDF + Laminex Design Awards 2021!
TDF Design Awards
by Lucy Feagins, Editor
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Archier’s Corner House – shortlisted in the Residential Architecture category. Photo – Rory Gardiner.
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LEFT: Rob Kennon Architects, Elwood Bungalow. Photo – Derek Swalwell RIGHT: Edition Office, Kyneton House, both shortlisted in the Residential Architecture category. Photo – Ben Hosking
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LEFT: Rosanna Ceravolo Design, South Yarra Apartment. Photo – Sean Fennessy RIGHT: Esoteriko, Bunker In The Treetops. Photo – Dave Wheeler
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LEFT: Peachy Green, Sharp Street. Photo – Sarah Pannell RIGHT: Phillip Withers, The Toorak Garden. Photo – Amelia Stanwix
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LEFT: Adam Cornish, MAKI Chair. Photo – Mattia Balsamini RIGHT: Johnny Nargoodah and Trent Jansen, Ngumu Janka Warnti Collection. Photo – Romello Pereira
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LEFT: Articolo Lighting, Loopi Wall Sconce. Photo – Sharyn Cairns RIGHT: Dean Norton, Daylight. Photo – Dean Norton
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LEFT: Liam Fleming, Post-Production. Photo –Grant Hancock RIGHT: Rona Rubuntja of Hermannsburg Potters. Photo – Courtesy Hermannsburg Potters
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LEFT: Oat Studio, Capital Collection. Photo – Jenny Wu RIGHT: Ikuntji Artists + Publisher Textiles. Photo – Christian Koch (Ikuntji Artists)
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LEFT: CASTLE + Gorman PlaygroundRachel Castle For Gorman Playground. Photo – Courtesy of Gorman. RIGHT: TWOOBS + Cungelella Art. Photo – Renee Johnstone.
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LEFT: Jordy + Julia Kay of Great Wrap,  The only Australian made compostable cling wrap. Photo – Cubed Studios. RIGHT: Other Matter, Algae bioplastic vessels. Photo – Pier Carthew
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LEFT: Ben Shields, Architecture and Interior Design. Photo – Rory Gardiner. RIGHT: Tsai Design, Architect. Photo – Tess Kelly
Another year, another AMAZING collection of entries in the TDF + Laminex Design Awards!
To be honest, after the difficult 18 months we’ve all had, we weren’t entirely sure what to expect from this year’s program. But we were absolutely blown away by the quality of entries we received. The standard was ESPECIALLY high this year, so we’d like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who entered, and of course, a massive congratulations to the finalists.
The images in this post represent just a small taste of the shortlisted projects in this year’s awards program. Over the next couple of months we’ll be sharing an in-depth look at each category shortlist more closely!
Residential Architecture
This category seeks to award one standout Australian residential architecture Project. Ground-up builds, renovations and additions are all eligible within this category.
Judges : Aaron Peters (Vokes & Peters), Tristan Wong (SJB) and Kerstin Thompson (Kerstin Thompson Architects).
The Residential Architecture award is presented by COLORBOND® steel.
Archer Office – Hamilton Courtyard Archier – Corner House Architects EAT – Bellows House Austin Maynard Architects – Garden House Benn & Penna Architects – Henley Clays Blair Smith Architecture – Brunswick Lean To Curious Practice – Lambton House Edition Office – Kyneton House FMD Architects – Coopworth Fox Johnston – SRG House Furminger – River House Nic Brunsdon – East Fremantle House Nielsen Jenkins – Mt Coot-Tha House Ron Kennon Architects – Elwood Bungalow Studio Bright – 8 Yard House Studio Prineas – Bona Vista Wiesebrock Architecture – Bellbrae House Wowowa – PONY
Interior Design
This category seeks to award one distinctive Australian residential interior design Project created by an individual or studio.
Judges : Pascale Gomes McNabb (Pascale Gomes McNabb Design), Sue Carr (Carr Architecture and Interior Design) and Mardi Doherty (Doherty Design Studio). 
The Interior Design award is presented by Miele.
Adam Kane Architects – Barwon Heads House Architects EAT – Carpenter’s Square House Edition Design – Melburnian Apartment Esoteriko – Bunker In The Treetops Fox Johnston – SRG House Hugh-Jones Mackintosh – The Weave House Lauren Egan Design – Victoria St Maria Danos Architecture – Henry Street Townhouse Rosanna Ceravolo Design – South Yarra Apartment YSG Studio – Dream Weaver YSG Studio – Soft Serve Studio Esteta – Mornington Peninsula House
Landscape Design
This category seeks to award one standout Australian Landscape Design project, completed in the last three years. Residential, public and community gardens are all eligible within this category.
Judges : Paul Bangay (Paul Bangay Garden Design), Amanda Oliver (Amanda Oliver Gardens) and Myles Baldwin (Myles Baldwin Design).
The Landscape Design category is presented by Eco Outdoor.
Bethany Williamson Landscape Architecture – Prospect Hill Dan Young Landscape Architect – Y3 Garden Fig Landscapes – Coolamon House Fig Landscapes – The Plot Ian Barker Gardens – Blairgowrie Mud Office – Essendon Outdoor Establishments – Kenthurst Gardens Peachy Green – Sharp Street Philip Withers – Lara Philip Withers – The Toorak Garden Rush Wright Associates – Victorian Emergency Services Memorial Studio Bright – 8 Yard House
Furniture Design
This category seeks to award one distinctive Australian furniture design project. Individual products and/or product ranges developed within Australia, bespoke pieces, fixed and freestanding furniture designs will be considered in this category.
Judges : Nick Rennie (Nick Rennie Studio), Khai Liew (Khai Liew Design).
The Furniture Design category is presented by Jardan.
Adam Cornish Design – MAKI Chair Real Non-Real – Formosa Coat Stand Biasol Studio – Strato Collezione Marmi BroadGrove Architects – Stool Dolly James Howe – J5 Credenza Like Butter – Kitta Parts Johnny Nargoodah and Trent Jansen – Ngumu Janka Warnti Collection Jordan Leeflang – Kilter Koala – Cork Sofa Marino Made – Round Desk René Linssen – Union Rosanna Ceravolo – By Product Ross Gardam – Breeze Collection Eva – Hideaway Table Collection
Lighting Design
This category seeks to award one distinctive Australian lighting design project. Individual products or product ranges developed within Australia, bespoke designs, one-off lighting projects and installations will be considered in this category.
Judges : Christopher Boots (Christopher Boots) and Celina Clarke (ISM Objects).
Alex Earl Lighting – Alex Earl Takeawei – Stack Lamp Dean Norton – Daylight Dean Toepfer – Solute Chandelier Edward Linacre – Sun Ivana Taylor – Wrapped Gestures Light South Dawn – Globosus Pendant svikis. – Layers Figgoscope – STARDUST Lamp Articolo Lighting – Loopi Wall Sconce Ross Gardam – Arbour Linear Pendant
Textile Design
This category seeks to award one distinctive Australian textile design project. One-off textile designs, textile collections and textile-based fashion or homewares products will be considered in this category.
Judges :  Luciana Wallis (Warwick Fabrics) and Sophie Matson (Kobn)
Caro Pattle – Woven Vase & Cup Instyle Interior Finishes – Native Kuwaii – Chronicle for Spring/Summer ’20 Takeawei – Glaze Test Woollen Blanket Curio Practice – Australian Woollen Blankets Nobody Denim x GEORGE – Woven Bag GH Commercial – Oceanic Commercial Carpet Collection Inkuntji Artists + Publisher Textiles – Inkuntji Artists + Publisher Textiles Paire – The Launch Of Paire – The World’s Comfiest Socks Badaam – The Meeting Place Oat Studio – Capital Collection Tara Whalley – New York Fashion Week Collection Pampa – Eclipse Amber Days – Wanala Collection
This category seeks to award one outstanding Australian handcrafted project, completed by either an individual, group or organisation. A single handcrafted functional, decorative or wearable item, or a handcrafted product range will be considered in this category. Practitioners of any handcrafted discipline are eligible to enter.
Judges : Nicolette Johnson, Amanda Dziedzic and Elisa Carmichael.
Alison Frith – Ceramic Plinth Alison Jackson & Dan Lorimer – Flow Form Vases Alycia Marrday of Marrawuddi Arts & Culture – Baladjdji (Backpack) Erin.k jewellery + Koorie Tales – Source of Life + Essence at Dusk Georgina Proud – Flotsam//Jetsam Oh Hey Grace – A Place To Call Home Hamish Munro – The Joan Series Jan Vogelpoel Ceramics – Future Curve, Space Cadet and Curve Jenna M Lee – Body Language Eun Ceramics – Curved Other Matter – Algae Bioplastic Vessels Studio Kyoko Hashimoto – Kyoko Hashimoto Rings Liam Fleming – Post-Production Lucy Tolan – Seams Rona Rubuntja of Hermannsburg Potters – Selected works by Rona Rubuntja Sarah Rayner and Sophie Carnell– Florilegium … traversing the poetry of plants
Sustainable Design or Initiative
This category seeks to award one outstanding Australian sustainable designed product, concept, idea or initiative, developed by either an individual, group or organisation in the last three years. Any project which is exemplary of sustainable innovation is eligible, including functional products, furniture and lighting, as well as concepts, ideas and community initiatives with positive environmental outcomes.
Judges : Ross Harding (Finding Infinity), Nik Robinson (Good Citizens).
The Sustainable Design award is presented by Country Road.
The Better Uniforms Co. –Sustainable Better Uniforms Convolo Design – H_Station Ettitude – CleanBamboo Nobody Denim and GEORGE – Woven Bag Other Matter – Algae Bioplastic Vessels Jordy + Julia Kay of Great Wrap – Great Wrap, the only Australian made compostable cling wrap Single Use Ain’t Sexy – Dissolvable Hand Soap Tablet & Reusable Glass Soap Bottle ROCC Naturals – Rocc Naturals brand launch Cultivated (by Cult Design) – Cultivated Revival Projects – Zero Footprint Repurposing Initiative at Ferrars Street Pleasant State + Pop & Pac – Pleasant State – Drop into the Revolution Use Daily – Various Origins
Emerging Designer
This category seeks to award one outstanding designer, architect, independent creative or studio, working in any creative discipline, who has/have launched their current professional practice within the last five years.
Judges : Adriana Hanna (Kennedy Nolan), Danielle Brustman.
The Emerging Designer Award is supported by Phoenix Tapware. Ben Shields Charlie White Curious Practice Ulo Australia Brothers Fearon Fabrication Tsai Design Other Matter Lauren Haynes Nicole Lawrence Studio Wisebrock Architecture
This category seeks to award one collaborative design project, where two or more separate creative practitioners, businesses or entities have come together to create one collaborative product, product range, installation, built structure or other creative project.
The Collaboration Award is supported by Thames & Hudson. 
Judges : Jirra Lulla (Kalinya), Tyrone Wright (Rone) and Amanda Henderson (Gloss Creative).
Ikuntji Artists & Publisher Textiles – Ikuntji Artists & Publisher Textiles John Wardle Architects + Ash Keating Studio – Solar Pavilion Mud Australia + APY Art Centre Collective – Mud x APY Trent Jansen Studio + Johnny Nargoodah – Ngumu Janka Warnti Collection Please Please Please + Bergman & Co – Poodle CASTLE + Gorman Playground – Rachel Castle for Gorman Playground SKEEHAN Studio + ROU House – ROU House TWOOBS + Cungelella Art – Cungellela Art x TWOOBS Amber Days + Arkie Barton – Wanala Collection
Winners will be announced in an awards ceremony at Deakin Edge, Federation Square in Melbourne on Thursday, September 30th 2021.
A huge thank you to our Judges, who are now undertaking the immense task of selecting just one winner in each category, along with a handful of commendations!  Thanks too to our presenting partner Laminex and category sponsors – COLORBOND® steel, Miele, Eco Outdoor, Jardan, Thames & Hudson, Country Road and Phoenix Tapware!– for supporting the TDF +Laminex Design Awards 2021.
You can explore photographs of all the shortlisted projects over on the TDF Awards website. And, stay tuned for in-depth coverage of each category shortlist over the coming weeks – starting with a closer look at the Residential Architecture shortlist next Monday!
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sportsjankari · 5 years
Figure Skating History, Rules and How to Play Figure Skating Game?
Figure skating, sport in which ice skaters, singly or in pairs, perform freestyle movements of jumps, spins, lifts, and footwork in a graceful manner. Its title derives from the patterns (or figures) skaters make on the ice, an element that was a major part of the game until recently. There are various kinds of figure skating, including freestyle, pairs, ice dance, and synchronized team skating. The fashion of competition, in addition to the moves and techniques of the skaters, varies for each kind of skating. Figure skating has grown into among the most well-known sports of the Winter Olympics.
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Figure Skating history
Pioneers of the game
A Treatise on Skating (1772) by Robert Jones, an Englishman, is apparently the very first consideration of figure skating game. The game had a cramped and formal style until American Jackson Haines introduced his free and expressive techniques based on dancing motion in the mid-1860s. Though popular in Europe, Haines's design (known as the International style) did not catch on in the USA until long after he had died at age 35.
In the early 20th century, Americans Irving Brokaw and George H. Browne helped formalize the design made by Haines by demonstrating to American audiences. Brokaw, the first American to represent the country at international competitions, engaged in the 1908 Olympics, where he finished sixth. Browne, who organized the first U.S. championships in 1914 for men, girls, and pairs, wrote two major books on skating and has been involved in the institution of a national skating business.
Canadian Louis Rubenstein, a former student of Jackson Haines, was also instrumental in the development of figure skating. He led the effort to formalize contests and evaluations by establishing governing bodies for ice hockey in the United States and Canada. He helped organize the Amateur Skating Association of Canada (now called Skate Canada) and the National Amateur Skating Association of the United States. The latter organization as well as the International Skating Union of America (founded in 1914), that had Canadian and American members, were the predecessors of the United States Figure Skating Association (USFSA), founded in 1921. Launched with just seven skating clubs across the nation, by the 21st century it oversaw over 400 clubs with some 100,000 members.
The International Skating Union (ISU), founded in the Netherlands in 1892, was created to oversee skating globally. It sanctions speed skating in addition to figure skating and patrons the world championships held yearly since 1896. With more than 50 member countries, the ISU establishes rules regarding the behavior of skating and skating contests.
Also notable for their important contributions to the game of figure skating are Axel Paulsen, Ulrich Salchow, and Alois Lutz. Each man produced a leap that is currently named after him. Paulsen, a Norwegian both expert in speed and figure skating, introduced his leap in Vienna in 1882 at what's generally regarded as the first international championship. Salchow of Sweden first performed his trademark jump (the"salchow") in competition in 1909. In London in 1908 he won the first Olympic gold medal awarded for figure skating. Lutz, an Austrian, devised his jump (the"lutz") in 1913.
Though the English diarist Samuel Pepys claimed to have danced on the ice during London's hard winter of 1662, modern ice dancing most likely created from the Vienna Skating Club's version of the waltz from the 1880s. The game grew quickly in popularity during and after the 1930s. Although the first U.S. national championship for ice dance was held in 1914, it did not become an Olympic sport until 1976.
20th-century winners
Figure skating now contains more female than male participants, but that hasn't always been the situation. In the first world championships, held in St. Petersburg in 1896, just a men's event was skated. Pairs were not introduced before 1908 and ice dance not till 1952. Because the rules didn't define the gender of participants, Syers entered the world championships held in London, and she finished second just to Salchow, who provided her his gold medal because he believed she should have won the event. The next year the ISU rules were altered to define that women could not enter the event, but another women's group, that Syers won for its first two years, was finally created three years after.
Twenty-one decades after Sonja Henie emerged as the first important female hockey star. Winning her first world title at the age of 14, she was the youngest winner until Tara Lipinski won the entire tournament in 1997 at an age two weeks younger than Henie. Lipinski also dethroned Henie as the youngest female Olympic champion by winning the gold medal in 1998 when she was 15. Canadian Barbara Ann Scott, the first non-European to win a championship, became an expert skater, as did Henie and Lipinski, after she won an Olympic gold medal in 1948.
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Dick Button was the first great American male star of the 20th century. Button also finished a double axel in the 1948 Winter Olympics in St. Moritz, Switzerland, the first skater to land such a jump in competition. While Button's success paved the way for the development of more multirevolution jumps in figure skating, other man skaters developed different elements of the sport. Karl Schäfer, for instance, introduced new elements into rotation by creating a"blur spin," or scrape spin, where the skater immediately spins on one foot at an upright position.
The U.S. figure skating game community has been devastated in 1961 by a plane crash which killed the total U.S. team. The group was on its way to Prague to the world championships once the airplane crashed on approach to Brussels. The championships were canceled. Fleming followed in the footsteps of these great American Olympic champions as Tenley Albright (1956) and Carol Heiss (1960). Janet Lynn, an Olympic bronze medalist in 1972 in Sapporo, Japan, and Dorothy Hamill, an Olympic gold medalist in 1976 at Innsbruck, Austria, were part of the ascension of women's skating in the United States. New coaches who went into the United States included Carlo Fassi, an Italian singles champion in the 1940s and'50s. He coached Americans Fleming and Hamill in Addition to British Olympic champions John Curry and Robin Cousins.
American Scott Hamilton (see Sidebar: Scott Hamilton: Training for Olympic Gold) won four world championships (1981--84) in addition to an Olympic gold medal in 1984. Before, American brothers Hayes and David Jenkins had won consecutive Olympic gold medals at the 1956 and 1960 Games.
Even though the United States continued to produce singles champions, the Soviet Union was the master of pairs. French pairs skaters Andrée and Pierre Brunet won Olympic gold medals in both 1928 and 1932, but the dominance of the Soviet Union became apparent in the 1960s and lasted to the 21st century. This dominance continued into the 1980s when Yelena Valova and Oleg Vassilyev won the gold in 1984 (Sarajevo). The 2002 Olympic gold medal was shared with two pairs due to a judging controversy--Yelena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze of Russia and Jamie Salé and David Pelletier of Canada.
Ice dance was introduced as an Olympic event in 1976, and Soviet teams dominated the sport.
Theories vary on the Reason Behind the dominance of the former Soviet Union. 1 school of thought says the cultural and political forces from the country emphasized group achievements over individual achievement. The cultural emphasis on dancing and ballet may also have been a factor, as well as the inclination of pairs and dance clubs to stay together, because athletes were rewarded under the Soviet regime. What's more, the top singles coaches resided not in Russia but also in western Europe and the USA. With the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, however, lots of Russian trainers and their skaters moved into the United States to benefit from its exceptional training centers. American and european currencies and dance teams profited from Russian instruction, and the difference between Russia and the rest of the world started to close. At the exact same time, the Russians began to produce better singles skaters, partially because of access to American centers and coaching and partially because they employed different training techniques, which set them apart.
Recent trends and changes
During the Cold War (1947--89), judges tended to vote at East-West blocs, a clinic that influenced the outcomes of some close competitions. Even the Soviet Union, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Austria often voted as a unit, while the United States of America, Canada, Japan, Great Britain, and Italy frequently showed support for athletes in their own countries. However, not all of the judging that has been alleged to have been politically motivated was always so; some preferences were merely a matter of preference. For example, judges in the eastern bloc countries have long displayed a taste for classical music along with balletic choreography over music and dance that comprised more pop-cultural themes. Though this scenario has moderated since the early 1990s, some votes along cultural and political lines proceeds.
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The development of increasingly difficult jumps continues to be a hallmark of the sport. Triple jumps, by way of example, became significant for women and men from the 1980s, and quadruple jumps became increasingly more important for men in the 1990s. The triple axel, the most difficult triple jump, was initially landed in contest by Canadian Vern Taylor at the 1978 World Championships in Ottawa. Eleven years later, at the world championships in Paris, Midori Ito of Japan became the first woman to complete the jump. Canadian Kurt Browning, the first person to complete a quadruple leap, landed a quad toe loop at the 1988 World Championships in Budapest. Elvis Stojko, plus a Canadian, holds two records with respect to the quad; he was the first to land a quad in combination with a double toe loop (in the 1991 World Championships in Munich) and using a triple toe loop (at the 1997 Champions Series final in Munich). Timothy Goebel, an American, finished the initial quad salchow in 1998 at the Junior Grand Prix finals. He also was the first to land three quads in one program, two quad salchows and one quad toe loop in the 2001 U.S. Figure Skating Championships in Boston.
The 1990s were a tumultuous decade for figure skating. The elimination of mandatory figures from competition in 1991 gave an advantage to the athletic freestyle skaters. Until the late 1980s, skaters who had been good at figures could win competitions with no strong freestyle-skating techniques, because compulsory figures were the most significant part the sport. They constituted 60 percent of their total score in national and global championships held at the 1960s but was reduced to 50 percent by 1968. The brief program was introduced in 1973, and at that time figures were decreased to 40% of their score. On the next 17 decades, the ISU continued to reduce the burden of figures before they were eliminated completely from international competitions following the 1990 World Championships in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Proponents of figures stated they developed fine edge control, balance, and footwork, while critics believed them dull and dull, compared with all the athleticism and attractiveness of freestyle skating.
Another fiddle gone occurred in the 1990s gone the rules dividing professionals and amateurs. Since along with the ISU has allowed amateurs, even at the demean levels of novice and junior, to earn keep from endorsements and in ISU-sanctioned behavior. The ISU created an additional system of eligibility: skaters who were eligible for ISU-sanctioned comings and goings, including worlds and the Olympics, and those who were not (ineligible). Ineligible skaters, buoyed by high television ratings, entered professional competitions taking into account prize child support and starred in their own professional ice shows.
Television became utterly significant for skating. Nowhere was that more evident than in 1994 behind skater Nancy Kerrigan was clubbed upon the kneecap by an spacious-minded of Kerrigans competitor Tonya Harding at the U.S. nationals in Detroit. International merger in the issue translated into high television ratings at the 1994 Winter Olympics in Lillehammer, Norway. The womens unexpected program was watched by millions of listeners as Harding competed adjacent-door to Kerrigan, the eventual Olympic silver-medal winner.
As figure skating entered the 21st century, the level of athleticism continued to rise, bearing in mind more men performing arts quad jumps in both the quick and long programs. Increasingly, the world-level womens champions were usual to have triple-triple hop combinations (two consecutive triple jumps) in their long programs. However, the summit skaters achieved execution unaccompanied by combining hard jumps taking into account artistic and elegant skating.
Some agreement to that, following the growing emphasis upon jumps, pleasing skating is declining. Compulsory figures provided excellent training in edge do its stuff and put in, and the agonized of figures made it cutting edge for skaters to confrontation occurring speedily through the levels of skating. Today, totally few skaters practice figures; a typical eligible skater can make public awkward compared as well as the best ineligible performers, even while he or she may have fused jumping skills.
Although there have always been teenager competitors, the believe to be changes encouraged younger females to concern taking place the ranks faster, since tiny girls can achieve triples unexpectedly, thanks to their narrow hips and lightweight bodies. Lipinski, the youngest ever to win an Olympic gold medal, was by yourself the start of this trend, which 16-year-pass American Sarah Hughes continued by winning the Olympic gold medal at the 2002 Winter Games in Salt Lake City. Although American Michelle Kwan moved happening to the senior level at age 12, she did not win her first world championship until 1996, considering she was 16. Older skaters such as Kwan and Maria Butyrskaya (who at age 27 won a gold medal at the 1999 World Championships in Helsinki) now compete adjoining younger skaters because the immense equalizer, compulsory figures, is amid. Wider hips and heavier bodies are harder to rule in the flavor, but what the older women may nonappearance in athleticism they can often make going on in elegance and overall skating and competitive experience.
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officialotakudome · 7 years
New Post has been published on Otaku Dome | The Latest News In Anime, Manga, Gaming, And More
New Post has been published on http://otakudome.com/comrade-detective-niko-and-the-sword-of-light-dated/
Comrade Detective & Niko and the Sword of Light Dated
Amazon has dated exclusive Comrade Detective:
SEATTLE–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Jun. 29, 2017– (NASDAQ: AMZN)–Amazon Studios today announced Comrade Detective, a new half-hour live action series that will premiere August 4 exclusively on Amazon Prime Video in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. A co-production with A24, Comrade Detective comes from creators and executive producers Brian Gatewood (The Sitter) and Alex Tanaka (The Sitter) with Rhys Thomas (Documentary Now!) directing and executive producing. Free Association’s Tatum, Reid Carolin (Logan Lucky), Peter Kiernan (Mad Love) and Andrew Schneider are executive producers along with A24’s Ravi Nandan (The Carmichael Show) and John Hodges (Safety Not Guaranteed).
Comrade Detective is a one-of-a-kind cop show and comedy set in 1980’s Romania. True to its nostalgic inspiration, the series is presented in Romanian and dubbed in English–as a Romanian show of that time would have been. Channing Tatum (Logan Lucky) and Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Looper) provide voice over dubbing performances for the series’ two leading roles, Detectives Gregor Anghel and Iosef Baciu–both characters played on screen by leading Romanian actors, Florin Piersic Jr. (Killing Time) and Corneliu Ulici (The Devil Inside).
In addition to Tatum and Gordon-Levitt, the illustrious roster of talent dubbing other roles includes Jenny Slate (Obvious Child), Chloë Sevigny (Bloodline), Jake Johnson (New Girl), Jason Mantzoukas (The House), Nick Offerman (Parks and Recreation), Fred Armisen (Documentary Now!), Kim Basinger (LA Confidential), Mahershala Ali (Moonlight), Tracey Letts(The Lovers), Bobby Cannavale (Boardwalk Empire), Richard Jenkins (The Visitor), Debra Winger (The Lovers), Mark Duplass (Safety Not Guaranteed), Katie Aselton Duplass(Legion), Jerrod Carmichael (The Carmichael Show), Bo Burnham (The Big Sick) and John Early (Search Party).
“In a world of global television it was inevitable that the best comedy of the year would come from Romania. Well that day has come,” said Joe Lewis, Head of Comedy, Drama and VR at Amazon Studios. “Comrade Detective is unbelievably compelling, visually brilliant, and Gregor and Iosef are the heroes we need. Thanks to A24, Channing Tatum, Rhys Thomas, Brian Gatewood, Alex Tanaka, as well as the incredibly creative team behind this wild new series.”
“As passionate fans of cinema and television, we have long heard about this genre defining show and are thrilled to work with Free Association and Amazon to bring it to audiences,” said A24.
About Comrade Detective
In the thick of 1980’s Cold War hysteria, the Romanian government created the country’s most popular and longest-running series, Comrade Detective, a sleek and gritty police show that not only entertained its citizens but also promoted Communist ideals and inspired a deep nationalism. The action-packed and blood-soaked first season finds Detectives Gregor Anghel (played by Piersic) and Iosef Baciu (played by Ulici) investigating the murder of fellow officer Nikita Ionesco and, in the process, unraveling a subversive plot to destroy their country that is fueled by–what else–but the greatest enemy: Capitalism. Though the beloved show was sadly forgotten about after the fall of the Berlin Wall, it has been rediscovered and digitally remastered now with its main heroes voiced by Tatum and Gordon-Levitt. Comrade Detective is a true portal into a time and place and a powerful reminder of what art can be–and it is now ready to be seen by the modern world on a larger scale than ever before.
Amazon today announced its original animated series for kids ages 6-11, Niko and the Sword of Light, is scheduled to premiere on July 21 on Prime Video. The new fantasy adventure series–the first Amazon Original to win an Emmy Award for the pilot before the series launch-features the voice talent of Tom Kenny (SpongeBob SquarePants), Andre Robinson (Doc McStuffins), Steve Blum (Star Wars: Rebels), Kevin Michael Richardson (The Penguins of Madagascar), Jim Cummings (Shrek), and Kari Wahlgren (Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness). The pilot is now available to stream exclusively for Prime members via the Amazon Prime Video app for TVs; connected devices, including Fire TV, mobile devices; and online–Prime members can also download the pilot to mobile devices for offline viewing at no additional cost to their membership.
“We’re excited for kids and families to enter into Niko’s unique, rich world and meaningfully connect with the series characters as they tag along on epic adventures together,” said Tara Sorensen, Head of Kids Programming at Amazon Studios. “The series pilot was extremely popular among viewers, who were won over by the show’s quirky engaging storylines and humor, and we can’t wait to present them with many more exhilarating escapades in Season 1.”
Niko and the Sword of Light follows 10-year-old Niko, the last of his kind in a strange, fantastical world, as he embarks on an epic quest to defeat the darkness and bring the light back to his land. Armed with his magic sword, brave Niko journeys to the Cursed Volcano, making new friends and powerful foes along the way, all while uncovering secrets about his mysterious past. Based on the motion graphic comic by Imaginism Studios, Inc., the studio behind character and concept designs for Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland and Men in Black 3, and Studio NX (The Carrot and Rabbit Show, Tree Fu Tom), Niko and the Sword of Light is animated by Titmouse (Motorcity, Metalocalpyse, Turbo FAST, Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja) and executive produced by Rob Hoegee (Generator Rex, League of Super Evil, Storm Hawks, Teen Titans) who also serves as showrunner.
Below are what customers have said about Niko and the Sword of Light:
“Best new animated kids show in a long time.”
“This show is amazing!! It provides a rare place where both my son loves it and I love it for him to watch.”
“Watched this with my 4.5 year old daughter and we both LOVED it. She immediately asked to watch the next episode. I love the characters designs and motivations.”
“Great characters and animation featuring young children of color. We are thirsty for this!”
“Wonderful, imaginative, uplifting.”
The Niko and the Sword of Light pilot is currently available to stream and enjoy using the Amazon Prime Video app for TVs; connected devices, including Amazon Fire TV and mobile devices; and online at www.amazon.com/originals. Customers who are not already a Prime member can sign up for a free trial at www.amazon.com/prime. For a list of all Amazon Video compatible devices, visit www.amazon.com/howtostream. Niko and the Sword of Light is also available as part of Amazon FreeTime Unlimited, the all-you-can-eat subscription service designed from the ground up for kids. FreeTime Unlimited is available exclusively on Amazon devices, including Amazon Fire TV and Fire tablets, and a year-long subscription is included with every Fire Kids Edition.
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xpresslearn · 7 years
80% off #Java Persistence: Hibernate and JPA Fundamentals – $10
A simple-to-follow and easy-to-understand training course on Java Persistence with JPA by Example
All Levels,  –   Video: 5.5 hours Other: 19 mins,  64 lectures 
Average rating 4.5/5 (4.5)
Course requirements:
Basic understanding of Java Prior exposure to SQL can be helpful, but its not a pre-requisite for the course
Course description:
If you’re a Java programmer who wants to learn the fundamentals and some of the advanced topics of Java persistence with Hibernate, then you’re the one this course is designed for.
We’ll be working with Hibernate 4.3.5.Final (and applicable updates for Hibernate 5.0), and using Hibernate as a JPA provider for the most part of this course. You’ll be learning the fundamentals and some of the advanced JPA features for object/relational mapping, querying, caching, performance and concurrency.
Everything important that you’re going to experience when you’re persisting Java objects with Hibernate is covered during the lectures itself, with the help of animations and stepping through the code. It will allow you to focus more on the concept and the events happening at runtime at the very same time when you’re learning a concept, rather than waiting for me go through lengths of coding first before I could show you the same result. And then you practice the same concept with all the source code provided to you after each session that has a lab exercise.
Having said that, I will be first taking you to the level where you feel comfortable enough to start programming with Hibernate. We’ll be starting everything from scratch, do the required installations, set up the development environment and learn how to configure logging, for you to be able to see and understand the events taking place at runtime. We’ll also learn how to step through our code at runtime, for you to be able to see the behind-the-scene story of Java persistence with Hibernate. And only after that I’ll ask you to start coding yourself. So don’t you worry even if you know absolutely nothing about persisting Java objects with Hibernate.
If you’re asking that what does persisting objects really mean? Don’t you worry, we’re going to cover even that. So, all you need to learn, enjoy and have a good experience with this course is the basic understanding of Java. That’s it, I promise.
So, whether you’re a beginner or already have some experience with Hibernate, we’re going to cover all the grounds for you to be a confident and competent Hibernate programmer by the end of this course.
Everything we’re going to learn in this course, we’ll be doing it with examples. And we’ll also be discussing the best practices to keep in mind when you’re working on real world projects.
And if you’re already good at Hibernate and JPA, you’ll probably find this course to be useful for filling the gaps in your Hibernate and JPA knowledge.
Please drop me a message, in case you need me for anything to get the best out of this course for you.
And I might add more lectures to this course to make this course even better for you. So I’ll appreciate your feedback, on how to improve this course for you.
And yes, to get the best out of this course, especially if you’re a beginner, please don’t jump through the lectures and complete the Lab Exercise of the previous lecture, before moving on to the next one.
And all the video lectures/sessions are in 16:9 HD, so please watch them in HD.
Full details By the end of this course, you’ll be having a strong foundation on Java persistence with Hibernate You’ll learn the fundamentals and some of the advanced JPA features for object/relational mapping, querying, caching and performance You’ll learn how to use Hibernat as a JPA provider You’ll get a working experience on Hibernate and JPA project You’ll get a working experience on Eclipse IDE, MySQL and HeidiSQL You’ll be introduced to JBOSS Logging with Log4j You’ll be introduced to Apache Commons Lang You’ll learn some of the best practices of Hibernate
Full details Java students who want to learn Java persistence with Hibernate Students who want to learn Java Persistence API (JPA) Working professionals on Java/JavaEE Java/JavaEE trainers Java greenhorns interested in having JPA with Hibernate in their armory
Full details
“Definitions of class objects and relational database model clearly defined .” (Alberto Perri)
“Great work done by instructor. Clear, engaging and to the point.” (Tara Sardana)
“Sometimes it’s difficult to understand what is being explained by the instructor.” (Bhawani Panda)
    About Instructor:
Deshraj Singh Kiran
I am a Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) with around 9 years of application development experience (as of April, 2016). I have been developing applications of various complexities using Java-based technologies and frameworks such as Java/JavaEE, Spring, Spring MVC, Spring WebFlow, Spring Security, Portlet, Spring Portlet MVC, Struts, Hibernate, DWR, Lucene, Android, MEAN stack and Hadoop. Besides being a trainer at MavenEdge, I am also a working Software Consultant. I’ve also been a corporate trainer on Java technologies and frameworks. I’ve worked on Tomcat, Glassfish, Liferay Portal, Jenkins for application development, deployment and release management. I’ve worked more on Maven than Ant. And in the world of relational database management systems, I’ve worked mostly on MySQL. For test driving my code I’ve used JUnit, EasyMock, Mockito frameworks. Besides working on the server-end, I’ve also explored the front-end world of JavaScript, jQuery, Backbone and Require JS. I’ve worked on projects on Android and MEAN stack. I’ve also been the Architect for some of the projects I’ve worked on. Currently, I am working on Hadoop projects.
Instructor Other Courses:
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