#barquiel l'envers
white-queen-lacus · 7 years
Chibi charas from Kushiel’s Legacy!
So in the end I finally did some of them! :3 I’ll add more one day! XD 
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Comtesse Phèdre nó Delaunay de Montrève
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Joscelin Verreuil
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Lady Mélisande Shahrizai
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Anafiel Delaunay (former Count Anafiel de Montrève)
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Alcuin nó Delaunay
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Queen Ysandre de la Courcel
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Cruarch of Alba Drustan mab Nechtana
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Prince of Travelers, Hyacinthe
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Duc Barquiel L’Envers
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Nicola L’Envers y Aragon
Characters from Imriel’s saga:
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Prince Imriel nó Montrève de la Courcel
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Dauphine of Terre d’Ange Princess Sidonie de la Courcel
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Princess Alais de la Courcel
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Prince of Dalriada Eamonn mac Grainne
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Maslin de Lombelon
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Lord Mavros Shahrizai
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Claudia Fulvia
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Lucius Tadius da Lucca
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neuxue · 4 years
So, I think I've caught references by to Jacqueline Carey's "Only Series Anyone Cares About" (although The Sundering was good, too) aka Kushiel books. I am fairly certain where you stand on Melisandre, and I've read what you've written about Galad, so I can infer your view of Jocelin, I thiink... but what do you think of Imriel? Also, Barquiel L'Envers? And what's your opinion on the Morwen trilogy? Good followup, or going back to the well too often?
I have indeed mentioned the Kushiel books a few times; you are probably not wrong in terms of where I stand on Melisandre (she’s brilliant and terrible and I love her), and I hadn’t thought to compare Joscelin and Galad but... again, not wrong. Alright fine, Phedre, I suppose I can’t really say you could do better but you could certainly do less boring.
Your intuition is probably again correct regarding Barquiel L’Envers: I definitely have a soft spot for him and his way of getting mixed up in but also giving the appearance of standing ever-so-slightly apart from the tangles of the story. As for Imriel, I can’t speak to him because I haven’t actually read his series, so instead I’ll give you Isidore as another one I loved from the first trilogy, as a bonus (but probably not a surprise). 
I will probably eventually read the Imriel books (and maybe Morwen?) but...hm. The thing is, in so many ways even the first trilogy is not my kind of thing; it’s just that all the ways in which it is make up for that. So I’ve never been quite sure if I want any more, or if I’d rather leave it there? If that makes any sense at all. But I’m a completionist at heart so I probably will. 
I do absolutely plan to read The Sundering, though! It’s been recommended to me a few times and sounds potentially very much up my alley.
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dangermousie · 5 years
'Imriel, of all the women in the world, why Sidonie?' I thought about it. "You know, I remember Eamonn telling me that Brigitta made him feel he wanted to be a better man. And you, you told me you began to fall in love with Phedre when you were enslaved in Scaldia, when he courage put you to shame." Joscelin nodded. "I understand." "No, you don't," I smiled wryly. "I feel that way all the time, Joscelin. I feel that way about Dorelei, about Phedre - I feel that way about you. Eamonn, Drustan, Grainne ... Name of Elua, I spend far too much of my life feeling that way, and when I don't, it's because I feel like I'd like to kill someone, like Barquiel L'Envers. With Sidonie..." I shrugged. "O don't. I just feel like myself, truly myself. And that it's a fine thing to be. And I think she feels the same way. I don't know why; truly, I don't. I only know it's true." He looked at me for a long moment. "I think I begin to understand." "Good," I said. "Mayhap you can explain it to me one day."
Jacqueline Carey, Kushiel’s Justice.
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somegdchoices · 7 years
Get to know me...
I was tagged by both @everlastingchoices and @choicesapp on my main (@antumbral).
Rules: Tag 20 people who you’d like to get to know better.
Name: Anna (Ania, Anja, or Anya, but never An-na)
Nickname: Badger, Sudoku
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Height: 5′9″
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Favorite fruit: Granny Smith Apples
Favorite season: Fall
Favorite book series: Kushiel’s Legacy by Jacqueline Carey
Favorite fictional characters:
Choices: Leo, Liam, Jake, Estela, Quinn, Chris, Zig, Mark, Ben, Andi, Murder King, Bertrand, Madison, Olivia, Amara.
Other: Pam Poovey (Archer, tv), Phèdre nó Delaunay de Montrève (Kushiel’s Legacy, books), Barquiel L'Envers (Kushiel’s Legacy, books), Sansa Stark (A Song of Ice and Fire, books; Game of Thrones, tv), Arya Stark (A Song of Ice and Fire, books; Game of Thrones, tv).
Favorite flower: Lilacs
Favorite scents: Lilac, mint, hyacinth
Favorite color: Teal
Favorite animal: BADGERS
Favorite band: Eve 6
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Tea
Average hours of sleep: 7-10
Number of blankets: 1-2, depending on the season.
Dream trip: Right now, Scotland and Iceland.
Last thing I googled: How old Sansa Stark was in season 1 of Game of Thrones (tv - the answer is 13, though she is 11 when the books start).
Number of blogs I follow: 1,068 (yikes - time to do some trimming)
Number of followers: 19 on somegdchoices
What I usually post about: Choices & reblogs here. Game of Thrones, feminism, politics, the fat experience, mental illness, etc. on my main.
Do I get asks regularly: Sometimes. Never, really, on my Choices blog.
I’m tagging @izzycheeese, @jakesmckenzies, @everythingchoices, @oh-boy-a-montoya, @superwholock-diaries, @endlessflame, @alis16universe, @larosecontent-official, @minty-shoelaces, @karapowell, @blazerina, @ohmysnarkydrake, @secretnerdharmony, @countesstlanth, @shirinalshabra, @chris-powell, @hellomynameisdeviblaire, @odysseys-and-oddities
If you’ve already done it then you can disregard this!
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nanshe-of-nina · 6 years
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Kushiel’s Legacy || Members of House L’Envers
Barquiel “Anafiel Delaunay,” the Duc drawled, taking his seat and unwinding the long scarf of his burnouse. He had the white-blond hair, too, and pale skin, though it was sun-darkened around his eyes and his hair was cropped shorter than I’d ever seen a nobleman’s. “Well, well. So you’ve come to apologize for your sins against my House?”
Isabel “Isabel L’Envers is dead, Anafiel.” She spoke softly, the way one does to a child who fears the darkness. “Do you truly think her grudge lives beyond the grave?” “It lives in those who obeyed her,” he said grimly. “Isabel L’Envers de la Courcel was my enemy, but we knew where we stood with one another. We might even have become allies, when Rolande’s daughter was old enough to take the throne. Now, all is changed.”
Nicola The bronze-haired young woman I had seen earlier turned, giving him the kiss of greeting as if it had been days, and not minutes, since she had seen him. Scarce taller than I, she was some five years older and very beautiful. “Cousin Barquiel,” she said in a naturally sultry voice, linking her arm with his and looking at me with interest. “Who have you brought me?” Barquiel L’Envers favored me with his white smile, gazing down at me with those lovely violet eyes; like the Queen’s, like the woman whose fingers wrapped familiarly around his arm. “Phèdre nó Delaunay de Montrève,” he said, sounding amused. “Nicola L’Envers y Aragon.”
Valère Valère looked away. “My House,” she said bitterly, “headed by my beloved father, who sold me into marriage to further his ambitions. You think I will honor its strictures?” “I don't know.” I kept my voice honest and level. “Will you?” It was a long moment before she nodded, and she did it without returning my gaze. “I am D’Angeline, still,” Valère whispered. “And I consented to this union. Very well; I will ask Sinaddan. And I tell you.” She did look back at me then, tense and angry. “His answer will be the same. You have forced my hand to no avail, Comtesse, and I do not like it overmuch.”
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sharry-arry-odd · 8 years
"We are pleased." Ysandre inclined her head. "Remember it well, and welcome him into your hearts, as we welcome him to ours. And," she added, "let it also be known: A crime against Prince Imriel will be considered a crime against House Courcel." "So don't assassinate the little bugger," Barquiel L'Envers murmured. Someone gasped. Someone loosed a hysterical laugh.
Kushiel’s Avatar, by Jacqueline Carey
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jesatria · 8 years
Barquiel for the headcanon meme! :D
Excellent! I’ve got tons of headcanon for him :)
He became enamored of Tiberian culture while studying there w/ Rolande & company. It was then that he cut his hair short for the first time–he liked the Tiberian style because it was different & he was sick of being mistaken for his L’Envers cousins.
He’s a cat person & has several Persians, which were given to him as gifts in Khebbel-im-Akkad.
For his first visit to the NC, he chose Jasmine House.
He met his wife, Apolline, at his 17th birthday fete & was instantly attracted to her. However, he went to Tiberium shortly after so they didn’t actually hook up until later.
He considers Ysandre to be his 2nd daughter.
After finding out about Delaunay’s Isabel poem, Barquiel challenged him to a duel & won.
He translates Akkadian literature into D’Angeline as a hobby.
He’s one of the patrons of Valerian House who’s allowed to use flechettes.
He & Thelesis de Mornay have been lovers in the past. She does seem to know him well in canon. He’s the sort of person who can see beyond looks. It’s her voice & talent that’s the attraction.
He was born in the middle of a raging summer thunderstorm. This is the origin of his name, as it means “Lightning of God.” (That’s actually true–I looked it up on an angel names website.)
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elan-morin-tedronai · 10 years
Barquiel for the character meme!
Why I like them:Because he’s frankly one of the best characters in the series. He’s all of the badass and snark and ruthlessness combined with fierce loyalty to those he considers his own. Plus he’s hot.Why I don’t:That stunt he pulled with the random dude he set on Imriel’s ass at the Midwinter Masque in Mercy was kind of dumb. Favorite episode (scene if movie/book):The rescue mission at Troyes-le-Mont is probably my favourite on-screen scene, but off-screen I loved how he seized and held the City of Elua against Somerville in Chosen.Favorite season/movie/book:He barely has any screen time in any of the books. But again counting his off-screen actions, Chosen and Mercy.Favorite line:"So don’t assassinate the little bugger."Favorite outfit:I don’t have any terribly clear visual images to go with here, sorry.OTP:Apolline, thanks to you jesatria. My status on Barquiel/Phèdre is more of the “would have liked to see that happen” sort than what I’d call an OTP.Favorite Friendship:How about a familial relationship? Ysandre.Headcanon:None that I can call my own, several tentatively adopted from jesatria again.Unpopular opinion:I don’t think I have any. A wish:Anything! Just… more of him.An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen:Turning out to actually be an asshole. Thankfully, didn’t happen.5 words to best describe them:Classy, badass, efficient, dangerous…. hipster? lolMy nickname for them:I don’t have one.
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So don't assassinate the little bugger
Barquiel L'Envers murmered...
Yup...tall, blonde, and snarky.
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kushielsheadcanon · 11 years
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white-queen-lacus · 7 years
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Just finished sketch… Well, very rough sketch… I’ve been thinking of making several drawings about Imriel’s relationships throughout the series… I noticed that his trilogy does not have enough visibility and works… Anyway, I tried, at least (hopefully I will try to make other aesthetic boards for my purpose) to draw Imriel and Maslin. Ooook I am quite in love with both: JC said once that they are two faces of the same coin. Maslin, the bastard son of Isidore d'Aiglemort, Imriel, the lawful son of Melisande Shahrizai. Both share the legacy of their parents, as well as the love for Sidonie. During their first meeting, in Scion, a post-Darsanga Imriel was sincerely impressed by the confidence of Maslin, who worked as a gardener in the Lombelon estate (property of Imri). Maslin, from his point of view, sincerely hated Imriel, considering him a spineless, spoiled prince with undeserved privileges. The scene of Maslin pointing his scythe at Imriel’s chest was the most impressing ever. Later in the story, their relationship changes from both povs, because of the mutual contempt and hatred. While Maslin is able to achieve a title by his talent (he is a skilled swordsman), becoming not only Barquiel’s protégé but also the vice captain of the Dauphine’s guard, Imriel is able to demonstrate that he is not Melisande’s pawn, but he is a loyal servant of Queen Ysandre and Terre D'Ange as well as a fierce and determined young man able to overcome all the horror he went through (I still remember his sentence “I’m tired of having a terrified ten-year-old boy lurking inside me. And I need to deal with my own blood-guilt and …other things. You told me I’d find a way, my own way.“) and using even his dark lineage gift for good purposes. The turning point in their relationship is in Kushiel’s Justice, during Imriel’s revenge mission in Vralia. ” A dark angel and a bright angel come for Berlik’s soul”. While Imriel is utterly driven by his desire of revenge toward the wizard who had killed Dorelei and their unborn child, making him a dark angel, Maslin was sent by Sidonie to rescue Imriel (well, actually he accepted to show her that he was better for her), so he was the bright angel. By that moment, the two of them got to honestly understand one each other (Imriel also told Maslin part of his story after this saw his branded mark on his back) and eventually they got a resolution, starting being friends and allies. At the end, Maslin participated to Imriel and Sidonie’s wedding, free from their ancient rivalry.
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harperbrennan · 11 years
"Tell Barquiel that by the burning river, I adjure him to hold the city against them all."
I swear every time I re-read a Jacqueline Carey novel I accidentally fall a little in love with Barquiel L'Envers.
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nanshe-of-nina · 10 years
if by any chance you take requests for your lovely kushiel graphics, could you do one for joscelin? he's my favorite. ouo if you don't, sorry to bother you!
I really want to make Joscelin and Barquiel L’Envers graphics, but I can’t think of any actors or models to use for them. :| I’m open for suggestions, though!
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jesatria · 10 years
"With the exception of barb-tongued Barquiel L'Envers, Rolande's companions regarded our relationship well enough..."
I love how it's canon that Barquiel made snarky background comments about Delaunay/Rolande.
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elan-morin-tedronai · 10 years
Look, Barquiel, I love you to pieces but that thing with Le Blanc was kind of... silly. Like, are you 60 or 16?
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white-queen-lacus · 7 years
Being sassy, Courcel edition XD
Ysandre in Kushiel’s Avatar:
Barquiel L'Envers laughed out loud; after that, it was quiet.
In the silence, Ysandre breathed slowly and deeply, struggling to control her temper. When she spoke, her voice was even. "House Montrève, if I am not mistaken, consists of one highly priced Servant of Naamah, a defrocked Cassiline Brother and a handful of eccentric retainers. Even if you were not— " her tone rose sharply " —in danger of being accused of treason for having abducted a member of my household, a Prince of the Blood, against my explicit wishes and exposing him to untold danger, what possible merit would there be for House Courcel, inheritors of the D'Angeline throne, kindred by marriage to the Cruarch of Alba and the Khalif of Khebbel-im-Akkad, in accepting your offer?" She drew near, frowning with genuine perplexity. "Have you gone mad in your travels? What possible honor can there be in such an exchange? Phèdre, what on earth makes you think I would ever agree to this?"
  Sidonie in Kushiel’s Mercy: 
I followed his gaze and saw Barquiel L’Envers grinning. He caught my eye and gave me a mocking salute. “Oh, Elua and his Companions have mercy on me!” I said in disgust. “Is this what you’ve been reduced to, L’Envers?”
“He said . . .” Le Blanc swayed. “His advocate said . . .”
“Listen to me, you thrice-cursed idiot.” I grabbed a handful of his white robe and shook him. “He put you up to this, didn’t he? Pushing your suit after it had been settled fairly. Lending you his advocate. Why?” I tightened my grip. “More of my damned mother’s legacy?”
Le Blanc had turned pale, but he found a measure of his dignity. “It’s not old history. Not to some of us. I fought at Troyes-le-Mont, but I couldn’t protect my own family.” His mouth worked. “My wife . . . my wife was rap*d. Many times. She killed herself.”
I let go of him. “I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re not!” he said in anguish. “Dancing and laughing and kissing—”
“And rutting,” Sidonie murmured.
... And Barquiel is always the culprit XD
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