#barnaby ross
iklees · 1 year
Het X-Mysterie / Barnaby Ross
Drury Lane #1
"Ik begrijp u niet goed, Mr. Brooks," prevelde Lane. "In de gegeven omstandigheden ben ik vaster dan ooit besloten om de safe te openen. U weet natuurlijk, dat ik de daarvoor nodige macht bezit. Zou u de combinatie aan de district-attorney mededelen?" Hij glimlachte, maar zijn ogen zagen heel goed hoe de kaakspieren van de advocaat zich samentrokken. "Als u het testament wilt zien," begon Brooks flauwtjes, "dat is werkelijk een volkomen officiële kwestie..." "Maar het gaat niet om het testament, Mr. Brooks. Tussen twee haakjes, weet u wat er in de safe zit? Er moet iets zeer gewichtigs in zijn, anders begrijp ik al die geheimzinnigheid niet." "O nee, nee! Ik heb altijd vermoed, dat er iets bijzonders in zat, maar ik ben natuurlijk nooit zo brutaal geweest er de Witt naar te vragen." "Ik geloof, Mr. Brooks," zei Lane op een heel andere toon, "dat het het beste is, dat u mij de combinatie geeft." Brooks aarzelde, wendde zijn blik af... Dan haalde hij zijn schouders op en prevelde een aantal cijfers. Lane keek ernstig naar zijn lippen, knikte, ging zonder verder iets te zeggen in de bibliotheek terug en sloot de deur voor Brooks' neus. De oude acteur liep vlug naar de safe. Hij manipuleerde met de wijzerplaat. Toen de zware kleine deur openzwaaide, bleef hij vol verwachting even staan en bekeek het binnenste ervan, zonder iets aan te raken... Een kwartier later sloeg Mr. Drury Lane de deur dicht, draaide de wijzerplaat rond en ging naar de lessenaar terug. In zijn hand had hij een kleine enveloppe.
Drury Lane, een zeer vermogend acteur die zich heeft teruggetrokken van het toneel toen hij doof werd, wordt door de politie om advies gevraagd bij de moord op een aandelenmakelaar. Het blijft niet bij die ene moord, en de politie zit met de handen in het haar. Gelukkig kan Drury Lane zo goed liplezen, dat zijn doofheid op geen enkele manier zijn onderzoek bemoeilijkt en weet hij bewijzen boven water te krijgen -- maar niet te delen met de politie of openbaar aanklager! -- die hem uiteindelijk in staat stellen om te laten zien hoe slim hij is.
Er zijn vier Drury Lane boeken geschreven door Daniel Nathan en Manford Lepofsky, die meer bekendheid hebben vergaard onder hun andere pseudonym, Ellery Queen.
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thebowieconstricker · 15 days
If anyone on here likes both Tally Hall AND Welcome Home, I have an idea:
Welcome Home AU where the town of Home is a band called “Tally Home”
Wally Darling as Rob Cantor
Sally Starlet as Joe Hawley
Poppy Partridge as Ross Federman
Frank Frankly as Andrew Horowitz
Julie Joyful as Zubin Sedghi
Barnaby B Beagle as Bora Karaca
Howdy Pillar as Casey Shea
Eddie can be a supportive fan and boyfriend to Frank
Also the van is now Home but in the form of a van
Idk why I did this I just got excited
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onenakedfarmer · 1 month
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Currently Watching [101 Shorts Edition]
30. DISSONANCE Till Nowak Germany, 2015
29. HORSES ON MARS Eric Anderson USA, 2000
28. HOW TO BE ALONE Kate Trefry USA, 2019
27. WHEN DEMONS DIE Daniel Rübesam Germany, 2016
26. PORTAL TO HELL Vivieno Caldinelli USA, 2015
25. FILE UNDER MISCELLANEOUS Jeff Barnaby Canada, 2010
24. AN IRISH GOODBYE Tom Berkeley and Ross White Northern Ireland, 2022
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thedoctorwhocompanion · 7 months
Coming Soon: Children of the Circus, a Sequel to Doctor Who's The Greatest Show in the Galaxy!
Coming Soon: Children of the Circus, a Sequel to #DoctorWho's The Greatest Show in the Galaxy!
A brand new audio play which returns to the world of Seventh Doctor adventure The Greatest Show in the Galaxy is set for release next month. Children of the Circus is written by Kenton Hall, with songs by Christopher Guard, based on an idea by Barnaby Eaton-Jones (a friend of the DWC’s), and follows up Stephen Wyatt’s Season 25 story. The new release is produced by AUK Studios and reunites many…
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marcogiovenale · 10 months
issue #70 of 'otoliths' is now live [and, sadly, it's the *last* issue]
Issue seventy, the southern winter, 2023, of Otoliths is now live. This last issue is immense & ranges from the dunes of Oceano across to the battlefields of Ukraine, from Scandinavia down to the unceded lands of South Australia. It contains reviews, memoirs, collages, photographs, paintings, vispo, text poems, short stories, videos, combinations of the preceding plus a few other things. Included…
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eccedente · 7 months
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Just some random sims from my saves.
Left to right: Barnaby, Jeffrey, Gor & Ross
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brosif40 · 1 year
Ok since ive been thinking abt here's my KB voice claims babeyy >:3
Party KB
Barnaby from Billie Bust Up!
(Also his song :3)
Sunshine KB
Ross from Bee and Puppycat
Dark Moon KB
Scout's voice for King Boo from the Snapscube Luigi's Mansion videos hehe (go to 22:10, 27:23, for it)
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ethan42069666 · 5 months
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i made this barnaby with ross yesterday night and i can't stop thinking about it
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sagewhite · 1 year
Alright, alright, alright I take it back! I put some more thought into that silly Welcome Home stoner AU
This is for fun! For sillies!
Wally: Is a pothead. Think smoking with Bob Ross, he is chill and a good listener. On occasion he does too much and goes a little too far and he is a panicked overthinker. 10/10 on a good day.
Prefers a bong. Once made a hollowed out apple into a bong.
Julie: Will narc on you. Don't let her know anything. Don't even offer it to her. Sober as the day she sewn.
Eddie: I see Eddie as the big brother type. He def gets high, but is very chill about it. He has to be lol.
Prefers joints. Uses it to replace cigarettes as Frank dislikes it, he was a chain smoker.
Frank: Anxious stoner. Eddie is his only smoking body.
Prefers joints as well. Enjoys it with his coffee or tea.
Sally: She a social smoke doesn't really smoke in private. Even so will only do a few puffs. Likes to sit with the smoke circle though!
Prefers mushrooms tbh.
Poppy: Mama bakes. She loves working with Barnaby because she gets a big cut from each sale they make on her baked goods. They work well together.
Prefers to not smoke much, likes her cookies.
Barnaby: The Plug. FAT BLUNTS THE SIZE OF YOUR FINGER!!! Where does he even get backwoods wrappers??? Dude is high 24/7. His pipe be loud.
Prefers anything and everything. Smokes with Wally usually.
Howdy: The seemingly innocent bodega owner is Barnabys supplier. As growing would cause too much attention on Barnaby he buys from Howdy who gets shipments from his family in an undisclosed location. You name it, they've got it.
Y/N: Handles the delivery and payment process for Barnaby. Is known around the neighborhood for being Barnabys second best friend, but really Barnaby and Howdy keep a close eye on you. They trust you, of course they do, but don't try running off with their money. They'll find you. Poppy keeps them off your back and friendly towards you.
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y2kbugs-moved · 1 year
I like how the characters are inspired by existing ones, so expies like how I have Animelee. Barnaby (Rowlf/Fozzie/Big Bird) and Wally (Kermit/Mr. Rogers/Bob Ross) are most obvious though but there's others for sure!
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
88. The main cast of Cabalibu
Barnaby Sullivan. Main character. High school freshman. Natural born half mage. Fancast is Winslow Fegley
Anastasia “Stacie” Romanov V. Barnaby’s dorm mate. High school sophomore. Natural born half mage. Second in line to the Imperial Russian throne. Fancast is Ever Anderson.
Ryan North. Barnaby’s designated buddy and dorm mate. High school junior. Natural born full mage. Fancast is McKenna Grace.
Jonathan “Jj” Dyson Junior. Barnaby’s dorm mate. High school senior. Natural born full mage. Ryan’s crush. Fancast is Isaac Ryan Brown.
Lauren Ortiz. Barnaby’s dorm mate. College freshman. Human. Burgeoning scientist. Fancast is Dafne Keen.
Beckett Palmer. Barnaby’s dorm mate. College sophomore. Air Elf. Fancast is Jaeden Martell.
Trevor Monsoon. Barnaby’s dorm mate. College junior. Aquaphobic merman who insists on staying in human form. Fancast is Louis Hynes.
Naomi Morris. Barnaby’s dorm mate. College senior. Sun fae. Lauren’s crush. Fantasy is Dara Renee
Rhoda North. The Diocese of Cabal. Rory and Ryan’s mother. Natural born full mage. Runs Cabalibu. Fancast is Cobie Smulders.
Richard North. The Deacon of Cabal. Rory and Ryan’s stepfather. Natural born full mage. Runs Cabalibu. Fancast is Michael B Jordan.
Rory North. The music teacher. Barnaby’s residency advisor. Ryan’s older brother. Rhoda’s son. Full born mage. Loves Elton John. Fancast is Ross Lynch.
Baby New Year. Part of the syndicate of childhood figures. The sex education teacher. Desperately clinging to his youth. Fancast is Dylan Sprouse.
Robert North. Rhoda’s father. Former principal of the academy. Secondary antagonist. Natural born full mage. Fancast is Tom Hanks
Rhiannon North. Rhoda’s stepmother and former dorm mate. Wants to turn the academy into a “proper school”. Primary antagonist. Fancast is Phillipa Soo.
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silvermoon-scrolls · 1 year
Sunrise Under the Vines, Gus x Griff, 1500 words
Movie Night Brokenwood Mysteries, Barnaby, 100 word drabble
Before Love Comes When Love Comes, Mark x Stephen, 190 words
Bed Tied Anders Johnson x John Mitchell, Explicit, 3000 words
No improving on perfection Anders Johnson x John Mitchell, Teen, 1200 words
Catsitting Anders Johnson x John Mitchell, 800 words
Bloody Harvest Fili x Kili (AU), Spooky season, 600 words
DarkHawk - a Star Trek AU Jim Hawkins x Ross Poldark, sexual innuendo, 800 words
Snacker Bar kid Wholesome slice of life. Based on a commercial staring Dean O'Gorman, 700 words
I mostly write for (Young/) Hercules, and those stories can be found here.
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blairsanne · 2 years
DFP Actors August: Emmett Skilton
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NZ actors tend to end up in a lot of the same shows over the years it seems. I have a lot of fun spotting familiar faces, so I thought this would be a fun and silly little project, seeing which actors have repeatedly been in things that Deano was also in (not necessarily alongside). Just a bit of trivia. Enjoy!
Shortland Street (1996/2019)
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They did not appear in this show together, but Dean was on this long-running soap opera back in 1996 as "Nurse Harry Martin".
Emmett has worked/works behind the scenes on Shortland Street (directing episodes from 2019-2022), as well as being credited as playing "Ross Douglas" in 13 episodes in 2019. If you follow Emmett on instagram, he posts behind the scenes stuff sometimes, especially earlier this year around the show's 30th anniversary!
The Almighty Johnsons (2011-2013)
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Dean and Emmett star alongside each other for the length of the show. Dean plays Anders Johnson, one of the older brothers of Axl Johnson who is played by Emmett. This is one of my favourite shows! If you want more TAJ content hit up my sideblog @jprgirl.
Anders is a very sexual PR man who possesses the spirit of the god of poetry, Bragi; he uses his powers mostly to get his way with women, but also just in general. Axl is a less-sexually-successful college student who has a lot on his plate as he becomes Odin; his powers mostly just show up as needed, usually while trying to protect someone important to him. They are both my precious blorbos.
Auckward Love (2015/2017)
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Dean plays Dan very briefly in S1E1 "So, This Is Us" and S1E5 "Hunger Games". He's the ex of the main character, Alice.
Emmett directed and wrote for the show, as well as playing Curtis - someone Alice accidentally injures - in S1E7 "Good Job" and Daniel Actionbutter in S3E7 "What exactly did you do, Vicky?". [I watched S3E7 sped up but near as I can tell he's just a voice on the movie they're watching?]
The Brokenwood Mysteries (2018/2016)
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Dean and Emmett don't appear in the same episode of this show.
Emmett is in S3E1 "The Black Widower" as Dr. Byron Cotter.
Dean is in S5E4 "The Dark Angel" as Barnaby Buchanan. His character is eating paper in the second pic; it caught me off guard when I was scrubbing for stills and made me laugh so I had to include it.
ALSO: Both of their episodes were written by Tim Balme (who also wrote for and starred on Almighty Johnsons with them)!
That's all for now! Do you know of anything I missed?
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Ross Elliott as Jim the telephone repairman disconnects and reconnects Dan Duryea's land line in Chicago Calling (1951). Ross was born in The Bronx and had a whopping 267 acting credits from 1943 to 1986. His entry among my best 1,001 movies is Gun Crazy. His other honorable mentions are Storm Warning, The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms and The Towering Inferno.
His other notable credits include two episodes of I Married Joan, Ma and Pa Kettle at Home, Dragnet, Women's Prison, four episodes of I Love Lucy (as Ricky's publicity agent in Hollywood), Tarantula, seven episodes of The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show, Perry Mason, The Donna Reed Show, One Step Beyond (2 episodes), Leave It to Beaver (2), The Untouchables, Peter Gunn, Sea Hunt (6), Dr Kildare, The Twilight Zone (2), The Alfred Hitchcock Hour, The Jack Benny Program (11), Gomer Pyle: USMC, Petticoat Junction, Hazel, The Dick Dan Dyke Show (2), Mister Ed, The Andy Griffith Show (2), General Hospital (19), The Lucy Show, Lassie (4), The Doris Day Show (2), The Virginian (61), Ironside (3), Mission: Impossible, The FBI (7), Bonanza (3), Kung Fu, Mod Squad (6), Marcus Welby MD, Here's Lucy, Columbo, Emergency (4), Barnaby Jones (4), The Bionic Woman, Phyllis, The Six Million Dollar Man (2), Wonder Woman, The Waltons, The Dukes of Hazzard, Dallas, Little House on the Prairie, The A Team, and the 1985 reboot pilot for Alfred Hitchcock Presents.
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nakedwagga-blog · 3 months
My Daily Advertiser Op Ed column for Wednesday 6 March 2024
Taxing fossil fuels is the way to go In a welcome contrast to the disinformation spread by Barnaby Joyce, Matt Canavan & Co, Professor Rod Sims and Professor Ross Garnaut have unveiled a plan to raise $100 billion annually to help deal with the costs of climate change.  “Everyone’s a winner, except the fossil fuel industry.” “That’s the nexus of an ambitious pitch by former consumer watchdog…
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digiships · 1 year
💫 I don’t know much about WH, so tell me about Wally plssss 🔥🔥
omgomgomg. i literally have a whole shrine for him on my neocities page (right here if u want more stuff abt him) BUT ill deliver you the cliffnotes version !!!! :)
SO. wally is a little puppet guy. within the lore of the series hes the main character of the lost childrens program "welcome home"!! hes the character who directly addresses the audience the most, and hes kind of the clueless protagonist where everyone else is teaching him brand new things! each character has their own segments for teaching the viewer something or just skits of their characters, and his dedicated segments are him painting with the viewer :) so hes also a bit of a bob ross so i would like to listen to him paint while i fal l asleep thank you.
CURRENTLY in the lore of the series, his main interactions with us, the viewers, are through the guestbook! its the only place where when he talks to us, we can respond! and he love love loves to talk to us and listen to us :) there are theories that hes the one masterminding the preservation program too, and that hes the one sending all the materials to them to archive and to be restored!!
a fun fact is that he really likes eye contact !! he does it to show you that hes listening! and also he doesnt know how to sleep, and had to be taught how to laugh! when he "sleeps" he just closes his eyes and says "i'm sleeping" over and over, and his laugh is kind of "flat" and stilted because barnaby had to teach him how to do it!
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