#baodc tags
devilscreekballad · 2 years
Warnings and Taglist.
historical bigotry (nothing explicit but present, alluded to and mentioned)
Alcohol and alcoholism
Mild Gore
Injury (general and eye-specific)
Mentions of abuse
Mentions of miscarriage
swearing and suggestive language
(Note me if there are other things that need a mention. See below for Warnings concerning the RO in detail)
#The Ballad of Devil’s Creek (general tag for things game related)
#baodc (general tag for all things game related)
#baodc development (status updates and insight into the work being done)
#baodc spoilers (spoilers)
#baodc ros (posts concerning any of the ROs)
#baodc (name) (leads to posts specifically about the character (replace name with the name you want))
#not baodc (everything not directly game related)
#baodc askbox (the majority of answered asks)
#baodc ramble (rambles and generally more negative stuff)
#baodc stream (for stream announcements. Writing and Let’sPlay Streams)
#unrelated yet relevant (vaguely game related nonsense)
Most of the ROs come with some baggage that might not be everyone’s tea:
Charlie: outlaw, gambler, medium, missing an eye, conman. The story of how he lost his eye will be retold ingame.
Seán: Grifter, notorious liar (bad at it outside of cons), cleptomaniac tendencies
Tommy: pyromanic. arsonist and explosive expert, loves blowing things up. likely to lash out verbally at others when pissed off, sometimes physically. short fused.
Meadows: Snarky, cold, and cutting. often condescending and too judgemental.
Lynwood: Ex-confed (didn’t subscribe to the views, forced into service), pinkerton, stubborn, little self-care priorities, low self-esteem, alcohol abuse.
Josie: poisoner, sex-worker, bar owner, promiscuous.
Isaac: former pinkerton, history of drug abuse, depression.
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devilscreekballad · 2 months
HAIII! I just finished replaying the demo for maybe the 30th time and was wondering if the IF was on hiatus? Or is an update on the day? I'm sorry for the bothering ask, I know you probably get this a lot but tumblr's search feature confuses me..
There technically is an update on the way, but mainly the development is on hiatus due to IRL problems that need to be sorted out as they are affecting my health and thus ability to write.
I'm sorry.
There are sneakpeeks and stuff if you check the 'baodc spoiler' and 'baodc development' tags, but I worry till things are sorted out I will only proceed very slowly. (Like, I try to work on things every day, but usually only get about 2-5 passages in twine done at best. which.... isn't much ._. )
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devilscreekballad · 1 year
CallOut and PSA post: (negative posts are marked with 'baodc ramble' if you want to mute the tag, don't wanna stress anyone out)
I'd kindly ask you all the report and block geldar13. (who might or might not have gotten shadowbanned already?)
I know, I know, I should have blocked him earlier already, given his reputation in the community.
Long story short:
Geldar is notorious for badmouthing and slandering IF authors, especially those that don't bend over backwards for him. He's condescending, and generally the 'why is everyone but me stupid? why can't they be like me and think like me then we'd not have any problems!' (note, he's also the person who strikes you as someone who'd use a much nastier word than 'Stupid' to describe others if he'd think he could get away with it)
He finally blocked me over simply asking followers to have an icon so identifying bots at a quick glance is easier. (or he coincidentally got shadowbanned at the same time)
Which (the getting an icon) according to geldar was a waste of time because 'bots are not that sophisticated, so everything that people ask of their followers (sending asks, leaving comments etc (y'know, things akin remotely to the turing test?)) are a stupid waste of time'
So, yeah, not a nice person to have around, unwilling to learn, and generally exhausting to have
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devilscreekballad · 2 years
Blog Changes Announcement
After the recent events, we decided to overhaul things a bit.
The Askbox is back OPEN, but I will only respond to asks twice or three times a week, all in one go. Urgent asks and flowers are the exception, of course.
The Introduction Post has been updated.
Grady's backstory will be changed to make him a former associate of Tommy's from Tommy’s time before O’Reilly. Lynwood keeps his backstory, and you get to punch some of his former associates, too.
FollowerCount will be posted for Milestones.
Once every other week I'll be posting a life update, including writing progress (baodc, cucu and fanfics), general situation, and some slice of life stuff (like new clothes when I get any, or cooking stuff).
Will try to have a stream every Friday or and Saturday at 12 am or 12:30 am CET. (Announcements will come on Wednesday under the ‘baodc stream’ tag)
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devilscreekballad · 2 years
Hi there! I am loving this game a lot and can't wait for the rest. I know this is mentioned in game, but do you have a post here that describes what each character is good at (like their top 'stats'?
Somewhere (check the baodc ros tag). I should really add that to the bio posts :3
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devilscreekballad · 3 years
If it ok to ask you to tag your crypto stuffs? it's ok if you don't want to, that's totally cool just thought I'd ask anyway lol
Everything ranty and rambling (so that stuff included) is tagged 'baodc angry' (or at least it should be. let me know if it ain’t)
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