horanghater · 2 years
tumblr year end review
tagged by @lavienjin, @ressjeon, @missgeniality & @jjksblackgf!
tagging: anyone who wants to do it (if they haven’t already - I’m just late lol)
rules ; post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released this year (not necessarily your most popular), your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year, your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favorite line you've written this year!
session number six - it’s very short and sweet~ and while it may not be the greatest fic in the universe, it was my first after not writing for years. so to me it’s special just because it marked a return to a beloved hobby :)
bullhonkey bullrider - this was easy to conceptualize and tough to write because I was worried by characterization or seokjin would be too...goofy? but I surprised myself and like how he turned out! 
selfless, selfish - it’s not done yet (trying to finish it all at once and then will space the parts later), but I’m obsessed with this concept. just a perfect storm for shenanigans.
croquembouche - this is my best-performing work to-date and I’m pleasantly surprised!! I didn’t think that it’d be well-received because of the....all of it? when it comes to smut, I generally try to write what I’m most familiar with, but I know very little about food fetishes so this was a risky one. but it looks like I did something right and I’m very grateful for the support :) 
overture - it’s simple, it’s nasty. it’s extremely self-indulgent and I have 0 regrets putting this into the universe. 
4 current WIPS i’m excited to release (also in no order):
ocean view - it’s turning out to be more serious than originally intended, but I think it will be really good if I can pull it off!
untitled sope - don’t ask me what I’m doing yet because idk either, but it’s gonna be good
part 2 of a previous oneshot! I would really like to continue bullhonkey, say less, or expectations. just not sure which. (if anyone has a vote, I’d be glad to count it!)
undecided - do you see a theme? lol I actually tend to not start a wip until I at least have a loose plot figured out. my prompt list is ridiculous though. I’d like to take one of those and combine it with a kink I haven’t written on this blog yet, but there are so many options out there! open to suggestions for that too! if I don’t get any, though, it’ll just come down to whatever catches my interest 😈 
3 biggest improvements
just coming back to writing is an improvement! I genuinely did miss it.
definitely my humor. I wasn’t really one to insert much of it into fics before, but I concentrated on changing that to help make things more engaging.
characterization. once I choose how I want a character to act in a piece, I fully commit to it - even when it makes that character unlikable. it’s really easy to stop things at chaotic good, but I think they’re more believable when they’re flawed and kinda shitty. 
2 ways i wish to improve my writing
length. my fics are starting to get longer and I think it’s just because I’m slowly getting back into things. and that’s nice and length doesn’t actually matter, but I want to challenge myself by writing at least 1 fic that’s like 10k words or more.
I want to nail down my writer voice! still working on finding it and that makes me itchy. seems like it might be something that just....comes to me over time? hoping that time is this year!
1 favorite line i wrote last year
just this 1 little line from selfless, selfish that I think sets the tone for that universe’s Tae so well. and in context with the rest of the dialogue, it jut gives me a giggle 😄
“Funny you ask. This is also a guy.”
THANK YOU to everyone that has read any of my fics, sent kind messages, or put up with me on discord!! fanfiction is something that I firstly write for myself, but I stick around and keep going because of the community and support 💜💜 every reblog, comment, and like warms my heart. I’m excited to see what the new year has in store!!!
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1adyluck · 2 years
bambi bam.B i î ï íí
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