#bakuhoethotski queen
celestie0 · 1 month
Ellie Bear! Hiiiii..I hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself. You know getting rest and drinking lots of water. Oook so I'll try to keep this as short as possible. Since the very first time I read your work I was hooked. You truly have a way with words. Even your random unhinged posts make me laugh anddddd sometimes fill me with concern. Yeaaa I've seen some of those Gojo posts 🤨. Anyway when you posted that you had lost the saved work for Kickoff I completely understood your frustration but I knew it would be just fine because you're an amazing writer. You really are super talented. Your recent posts about this chapter feels like you're stressing a bit about it. It might not mean much coming from me but there's no need to stress. I would bet everything in my wallet...the whole .75 cents that it's gonna be another phenomenal chapter. You know why?? Because you're writing it! We're ok with waiting...anyone acting like they can't wait doesn't matter. Don't let anyone stress you about your work. Work at a pace that's comfortable to you and drop the chapter when you're ready. You've talked about asking for updates already and I'm pretty sure it's in your rules not to ask anyway. If the chapter comes out today, great! And if it doesn't that just means you're taking a little more time to make the chapter what you want it to be and that's great too. Thank you for even giving us this story in the first place. So no more stressing ok. You've got this! *pats your head aggressively but lovingly*❤❤❤
bakuhoethotski queeeeennnn u have no idea how much this ask means to meee rn 😭🥺💕 im literally sitting at my desk cryinf SJSLKDFH (but happily and with love)
tysm 😭😭 yes i think i have been so stressed ab kickoff recentyl,, i think ever since losing my notes, i just felt really discouraged and it didn’t really help me move forward,, but your words make me so happy bc u make me feel i can conquer anything i want for the story with or without my original notes n thats so encouraging for me im literally gonna reread this ask whenever i need to feel proud of myself omg u say it might not mean much coming from u but in reality it means the MOST,, im so lucky to have you as a lovely reader of my works 😭😭
and tysm for the comment ab taking extra time w the work :”) that really helped me reframe my thoughts ab the chapter. kickoff is such a passion project for me n something really close to my heart, i think that’s why i’ve been really particular w the chapters n i don’t think thats a bad thing…i just have to figure out a system that works so that i can write for myself, but also share w others
I LOVE U SO MUCHHH OMG I WISH I COULD HUG YOU BUT I HUG YOU THROUGH MY SCREEN <333 also thanks for being concerned ab my gojo posts ☺️💕 concern meaning u like them right ??? right???? ahhahahhahh (joking)
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celestie0 · 7 days
Sooo you're gonna judge me for this and I contemplated sending this anonymously buttttt I was thinking about that I would be like to have you write my life. Ok hear me out. You always put such great detail into your stories so sometimes I get clear visuals of what's happening in my mind and it makes the story that much better for me. Soooo I think that if I could give someone the ability to write my life story for me it would be you. Well some of it anyway, you write angst a little too well and I'm afraid whatever you write might just be my 13th reason 😅💀. Butttt I'm sure I would be fine in your hands. I know this is weird af and random but I've seen your inner thoughts on here soooo it's only fair I reciprocate 🙃🤣
OMGGG BAKUEHOETHOTSKI QUEEEENN <333 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 this is soooooo cute n SWEET <333 i'm so happy those little details shine through and make the stories feel real!! i am so honored that you would choose me to write the story of your life!! HAHAH im deaddd not the angst xD tbh i be givin myself the 13th reason bc i project a lil too much in some of my writing im like damn bitch relax this isn't therapy skdjfhdsk
NO THIS ISNT WEIRD ASF THIS IS LIKE ONE OF THE BEST COMPLIMENTS I HAVE EVER RECIEVED like are u kiddinggg. i would totally ghost write your memoir LOL. and yes true 😔😔😔 it's only fair after my intrusive thoughts i be posting
love youu <33
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celestie0 · 3 months
ELLIE! Sigh ok I'll try not to make this too long. I've gone back and forth with for quite some time and because of your writing I feel as though I'm slowly becoming a Gojo girl. Now I want to state that there's nothing wrong with that at all! I get the hype. I completely understand but I've never looked at him that way. Suguru has always been it for me when it comes to JJK men. You've ruined me with Kickoff and the retail au story 😭😭😭. What did it do deserve this is?! How could you just come into my life with your wonderful, beautifully written lengthy masterpieces disguised as stories and make me start feeling this way?! I've thought about blocking you (that's a bold face lie BTW. I've never even considered it) to escape these feelings. I had to make you aware because this is completely your fault😮‍💨🥲. Pray for me Ellie...its the least you can do😩
“i’m slowly becoming a gojo girl. now i want to state that there’s nothing wrong with that at all!”
pls why did that send me to the fkn moon 😭😭as if the gojo girlies need to seek help or sumn 🤣🤣🤣 and you’re trying to abolish a debilitating stigma PLSSKDJDJFH (valid tho). reminds me of that meme "im not upset w yall bc i know ur mentally ill. which is why im gonna open up a hospital-"
omggg perhaps to convert u to a gojo girlie has been my mischievous plan all along 😏 🙈 just join ussss we r so fun i promise n satoru is our sexy slutty softie man 🫶🏼💕
thank u dear for the compliments i rly dont know how to say how much it means to me 😭💕 to call my silly little intrusive thoughts in the form of proper grammar as MASTEPRIECES is something my brain can simply melt for
omg pls dont block me🧍🏻‍♀️i get sm serotonin sayin ur name out loud from my notifs
okieee i’ll pray for u but i will not stop my evil plan 🙏🏼 ✨
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celestie0 · 11 days
ELLIE BEAR!!! 🐻🐻🐻I just wanna hug you, pick you up and swing you around like they do in those movies. I love how domestic this chapter was. The visual that came to mind when Satoru appeared at her door with the flowers he picked from the park had me laughing and shaking my head. And when he arrived with the kitten I was sent to infinity and beyond 🤣💀. I love the slow burn of their relationship. I really enjoy seeing the effort that he's putting into winning her over. Some of it is so silly and ridiculous but you can feel how genuine he is. He's simple...and as mentioned in this chapter simple is what she needs. I know I say it every time but you really are amazing! And if ever you the multi talented queen decides to pursue a career as a writer just know that you'll have a lifelong supporter with me. I remember you saying that you were really stressing out about this chapter and I completely get that butttttt I knew that you'd be able to come through with another great update. I'm so proud of you Ellie like seriously. Thank you for the tag. Thank you for chapter 10 of Kickoff. And thank you for sharing your stories with us. 💖💖💖
BAKUHOETHOTSKI QUEEEEEENN OH YM GOSH I LOVE YOU SO MUCHH!!! yes pls swing me around in the movies i’ll ditch all my fictional men just for u
HAHAH im so happyy u liked the lil flower n kitten parts i was kinda debating on if i should just do simple recall scenes there or actually write the scenes out but im happy i did the short paragraphs bc i think it became more humorous that way xD like those two days were just a typical weekday for him or sumn JSLDJFH
ahh yes im so glad his efforts are being seen 🥺💕 i tbink he is definitely not very conventional w his expression of affection but he really does care :””) and yes you’re so right!! there is sm beauty in simplicity n i definitely think thats what kickoff reader needs
AW IM SO HAPPY TO KNOW IF I STARTED A WRITING CAREER YOUD BE THERE FOR MEEEE haha i seriously doubt i ever will but knowing that makes me feel so supported n loved 🥺💕
omg words cannot express how much i adore u bakuhothotski queen. u are n angel sent to me by the fanfiction gods n im the luckiest ever. thanks u sm for all the sweet n kind words while i was having a hard time :”)) it really helped me push forwards w my silly lil fic i call kickoff. LOVE U SO MUCCHHHH <333
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