#baden wuerttemberg
markus-h · 7 months
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October mood
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A strange statue in the city of Freiburg, Germany.
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stompin · 1 year
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zootoo · 6 months
Knight anole or Chipojo
Knight anole or Chipojo by Oliver Schoenberg Via Flickr: lat. Anolis equestris Native from Cuba and also introduced in Florida.
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iko66 · 2 years
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Saalenberg chapel in spring, Hexental, Black Forest, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany,
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umseb · 1 year
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sebastian vettel presents the team of the year award to peter fischer, baden-wuerttemberg, germany - december 18, 2022 📷 uwe anspach / agefotostock.com
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ifreakingloveroyals · 11 months
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20 July 2017 | Britain's Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and his wife Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, listen to Heidelberg Mayor Eckart Wuerzner, as Baden-Wuerttemberg State Premier Winfried Kretschmann and his wife Gerlinde Kretschmann during their visit of the market place in the historic center of southern German town of Heidelberg. The British royal couple is on a three-day visit in Germany. (c) Thomas Kienzle/AFP via Getty Images
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schwarzwaldcr · 2 years
The Crossroads Tavern was an anomaly to foreigners to the region.
In the wide exclusion zone around the outside of the security walls, it remained as the only civilian structure allowed to function as it was intended. The area surrounding it was pocked by military installations, a few scientific institutions just within the border of the ring, but nothing that did not have a sanctioned purpose.
The tavern sat right on the border of that exclusion zone, unmistakably German in architecture made from black oak and pine with the delicately-carved and intricate embellishments seen in many structures of Baden-Wuerttemberg set along eaves and supports, around windows and doors. Different altogether from the stark concrete and industrially uniform buildings of the other installations. It brought an old world charm, dredging up the memories of tales once told in the area, sometimes likened to a witch’s cottage with its wrought iron accents and aesthetic lamps with their flickering lightbulbs for effect. Surrounded by trees and high hedges, it acted as a sort of oasis in a place where anything living had been razed to the ground to afford any military detail an unobstructed view of the ring from wall to border.
Frankly, it came as no surprise to anyone that it still stood, as it gave service to much of the military at the cordons around them. Construction crews also found their way there, a convenient rest stop before heading on their way home to Stuttgart or one of the other nearby towns. But it was one particular group who regularly slunk in to wait when the signs turned to ‘Closed’ and the outdoor landscaping lights were flicked off to conduct their business in private.
Sitting within an hour’s walk of the security wall in the distance, it wasn’t hard to hear the creaking wooden Voice of their mother Zone, and on some nights when the wind was right, the sound of the vibrating razorwire topping the wall played a morbid accompaniment to it. A challenge to all who would dare try to enter, or leave. The pull and tug of the influence of the Zone on all who knew it well enough, and all those worn-down secretive Schwarzwalder stalkers knew it like they knew their heartbeat, their very breath in their lungs.
To them, being so legally close to Schwarzwald was good enough before they packed in, packed up, and made a break to be within her embrace once again. A vicious cycle, indeed, especially with the state agents posted on the main barfloor during the day.
The way their eyes swept occasionally over those parties seated across the bar floor, the way they listened. Hoping to catch someone slip up in their drunken haze, so near to the state-sanctioned boundaries of the nearby Zone. Someone was bound to.
Wulf, of course, knew that they knew what the main patronage at Crossroads was. It wasn’t hard to guess and certainly didn’t take a genius to figure it out. She had always wondered on whether or not they were looking more for definitive proof. Something they could use, which she thought was unusually generous of them; every instance of the state getting involved she’d born any form of witness to, they simply stormed in and destroyed lives. Caused damage without a care. They certainly didn’t wait for proof to happen. The Crossroads quartet certainly had their hands tied by something that prevented them from acting and she would admit, it made her curious as to who or what was their mysterious benefactor. She figured it was some military official or another in their region who enjoyed having them within walking distance of their barracks.
She was home for a little while now, recovering from her last trip into the nearby looming Schwarzwald. Sore muscles, a low headache, irregular heartbeat, insomnia. Nothing too unusual for spending the better part of three months traversing through her native Zone. She could be back on her feet and making the return in two months, at least, if she was playing it safe. Which left her to help run the tavern.
It wasn’t a terrible lot in life, a routine she had already fallen into despite her absence from it. Something familiar, something comfortable, something to help re-anchor the rules of reality around her. And this was a day that had gone by just as normally as she had expected, straight into the early evening hours.
The usual group by the radio, a few around the television in one corner. A couple parties at their own tables, a couple loners at the bar. And of course, the quartet of state agents watching the main doors. Jaeger was asleep under the stairs to the second floor and Papa had taken the big freighter to pick up a shipment from several local breweries and wineries.
And that left the local treewoman in charge of the tavern machinations for a few hours, with the tiniest prayer to whatever would listen that the rest of the evening would go as routine as it always did. Pouring a new glass of water for Fleet in his corner of the bar and refilling one of her loner’s tankards with a local brew on tap, she had no doubt in her mind that it would stay the same.
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markus-h · 7 months
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Birch path - on a foggy and dark morning
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Korruption, allgegenwärtig!!!
Derjenige Richter, der nicht korrupt ist, darf sich hier gerne melden. Dann soll er bei der Gelegenheit noch sagen für wen er lobbyiert oder nicht lobbyiert.😣😖😡🤬😠😤🤔🫣🤢🤮😈👹💩👎🫰🤏👌🫳👋🤙🦵🦿👁🕵️‍♀️👩‍🏫👩‍💼👩‍⚖️🦹‍♀️🦹🦹‍♂️🧌🧛‍♂️🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♂️ https://www.kas.de/de/web/auslandsinformationen/artikel/detail/-/content/korrupte-richter-bedrohung-fuer-den-rechtsstaat, https://www.swr.de/swraktuell/baden-wuerttemberg/karlsruhe/richter-bestechlichkeit-prozess-100.html,https://www.20min.ch/story/korrupte-richter-schickten-fuer-geld-hunderte-kinder-in-den-jugendknast-447078478917, https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/baden-wuerttemberg-ehemaliger-richter-muss-wegen-diverser-vorwuerfe-vor-gericht-a-0de37d0b-23b2-4bf3-adb7-6c89152341ef,  https://www.beobachter.ch/stichworte/k/korruption.
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stompin · 1 year
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diyarbakirhaberleri · 16 days
TCG Bandırma ile FGS Baden Wuerttemberg, geçiş eğitimi yaptı
ICYMI: https://www.haberidiyarbakir.com/tcg-bandirma-ile-fgs-baden-wuerttemberg-gecis-egitimi-yapti/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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atheistmediablog · 19 days
Wolfgang Grupp: „Gott bestimmt, wann ich sterbe“ – Sicherheitsgurt im Helikopter? Nein, danke!
Wolfgang Grupp, der ehemalige Trigema-Boss, fliegt ohne Sicherheitsgurt in seinem Helikopter. Er glaubt, sein Todestag sei bereits vorbestimmt. weiterlesen: [https://www.merkur.de/deutschland/baden-wuerttemberg/trigema-wolfgang-grupp-helikopter-hubschrauber-tod-religon-gott-zr-92995348.html
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