#bad thumbnail but that's ok whateva
hyunsoolgc · 9 months
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in which hyunsoo shows off his gaming consoles
The third episode of Hyunsoo's show is when he finally seems to find his footing. After hours of editing his own videos for submission, he finds joy in knowing each one has been approved. Perhaps he is overzealous attempting to do this all himself but the end result is always satisfying. He reads the comments ( well, most ot them — his mental fortitude is not quite there yet ) in search of suggestions and questions that he could address in the next episode.
As an intermission of sorts, Hyunsoo decides to shoot a ten minute episode detailing his game consoles that aren't his beloved PC.
He pulls out each one to set on his coffee table, arranging the camera on a stand to point down at his hands, and another positioned to capture his face. He intends to cut between the two shots to give the video some visual variety. With a small lapel mic clipped to his shirt, he is ready to begin his video.
"Hello again! It's Lee Hyunsoo," He needs to think of a better introduction. "Today, we're going to be looking at my consoles. Surprisingly, I happen to have a few that I switch back and forth between depending on the game I want to play." He holds up his Nintendo Switch and Steamdeck. Unfortunately, the brand labels have to be covered by a thin layer of tape and censorship during editing.
"These are the portable ones that I play on the most... The Stemdeck probably more than my PC, even, if you can believe that... I just enjoy laying down and pulling it up. Or, I can just take it with me to play on between my classes and scenes, since it can be a long wait. I can play all my PC on it, but... it doesn't compare without my 4K monitor. So... My favorite games to play on it are mostly top-downs or hack and slash ones like Hades or RPGs like Persona 5..." On the side of the screen is a display of all of his games in Steam.
He clears his throat. "On the Switch, it's mostly for ..." then he laughs. "Uh, Animal Crossing. I play it with my friends, especially who aren't super into the games I am. But it is nice and calming!"
Hyunsoo drums the table before presenting his PS5. "Somehow... I managed to get one of these. I stayed up all night to get one! It's the first actual... standalone not portable console I have had. I mostly got it to play the new Final Fantasy 7 remake that will be coming out... and Spiderman. I'll try to play a lot of the games I've listed for you all. Let me know in the comments what you'd like to see."
After sitting for a while, he finally stands with a grunt, nearly falling forward as he waves goodbye to the camera.
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