#baby learning how much his da-ge tried to keep him safe and protected even from worrying about the sabre spirit... gonna eat my keyboard
qinghe-s · 2 years
As a Fatal Journey lover, I object to criticisms of its cgi. Yes it was still pretty crunchy but grading it on a curve? At least it didn’t have the Wen dungeon dog puppet. Besides, I’m willing to forgive a lot of its shortcomings since it gave us such a tight story about the depth and causes of the brothers’ devotion and why Huisang was willing to go to such lengths.
(referring to the tags on this post)
hey, it's one of my favourite films, but that won't stop me from pretending like the cringey boss battle simply never happened ♥ it also divorces itself pretty heavily from the novel, as does cql, so i don't look at it with characterisation or motivations in mind since none of it is canon. i do what the people behind it clearly did and go "¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk, vibes!" whenever i watch.
i think it's a great time, i absolutely adore it, 12/10 have to watch certain scenes every couple of months or i go insane. i think ji li & wyz did an incredible job. the visuals are, in general, wonderful. do i think it's a good film though? ehhhh
but hey, opinions are subjective!
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