#baby cheeks aegon the cutest
ammmyturtle · 9 months
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Our lord and savior Aegon III with our sunshine lady Daenaera 🥺🥺🥺🥺
And grown up baby Aegon in the background XD
(which will steal many ones’ hearts)
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sweetestpopcorn · 4 months
I love everything you write (even Criston and Aemond POVs) but what do you enjoy writing the most? Except Daemyra moments, ofc.
Hi there 😙
Awww ❤️ thank you!
Hum... definitely Daemon and Rhaenyra's moments with their children, especially with Aegon, Daemon's long awaited son and Rhaenyra's perfect and especial little boy 🐣 that made her a mama. It's a tie between Aegon and Daemon moments and Aegon and Rhaenyra moments because I can't pick 😭
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fan-goddess · 11 months
Sugar daddy!aegon x reader au?
Authors note: Yeah sure I’ll definitely try! I kinda adjusted it so it’s still technically sugar daddy!Aegon but with a sort of relationship with it as well… it’s complicated. Also the plot is kinda similar to my onset patience, but we’ll just ignore that…
Taglist: @lovelykhaleesiii, @arcielee, @blue-serendipity,
Warnings: Sugar daddy stuff, allusions to smut, some angsty stuff, some fluffy stuff
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The sound of your phones notifications made your heart pick up, and when you read them your face just instantly brightened.
You’d met Aegon on an official sugar baby app a few months ago. He was a little older yes, but he was honestly the nicest person when you’d begun to talk to him, and it helped he was somehow both the cutest and the hottest guy you’ve ever seen.
You hadn’t done anything like being a sugar baby before in your life, but the recent increase in the economy meant your life had gotten ten times harder, in every way that was possible. Soon, the pay you got at your simple job wasn’t cutting it, and the bills were piling up, as well as the worry of paying for your schooling.
One of your coworkers, a darling woman only a few years older who you’d confessed your money issues to, had recommended the app. Claiming she’d used it during her own schooling years and it payed well. All you needed to do was know who was a creep and who was actually a sweetheart.
When you had downloaded it, at first the app had just stayed unopened for weeks. Merely sitting there in your home screen, practically mocking you whenever you went past it. The bright pink colour of the icon effortlessly drawing your attention to it every time. You only opened it by accident, only after you went to go into your camera app to take some random picture, and yet when you realised you were looking at the log in screen for the app, you just couldn’t find yourself closing the app. Instead, you took a deep breath while staring at the screen, and filled out the necessary information with nervous breaths.
It’d been a couple days before you received your very first message. An ordinary looking guy at first glance, who according to his profile was in his forties and worked in a high position in a kind of security firm. Though when you opened the message, you found no helloes no asking how your day was. Instead, his first message was him just wanting to know if you would be interested in sending him some feet pics. To be honest, you don’t think you’ve ever blocked anyone faster than what you did then. Still, you didn’t get any more notifications from the app for a while, and even though you didn’t necessarily want the app in the first place, you must admit that your self esteem certainly went a little down hill.
However, a couple more weeks had passed when you woke up with a message request saying someone was interested, and when you looked at his profile, you honestly felt your cheeks become deep red with blush. He had a silvery-blonde hair colour that you’d never seen on anyone before, and his eyes were a gorgeous shade of purple that made them look almost lavender. When you finally stopped gawking at the profile and looked at what he’d sent you, silently praying that it wouldn’t be like the first time, you’d been so relieved to have been greeted with just a simple hello with a matching emoji. It was so simple, and yet you found it so easily adorable as well.
You couldn’t deny that he was attractive, and it wasn’t long till you found yourself answering to him and actually talking to him. Again, you were nervous he’d try and sneak in questions on feet, but the relief hit you hard when no conversations like that even happened. In all honesty, it didn’t even feel like you were talking to a sugar daddy. If felt like you were taking to a friend.
Though that friend bubble needed to be broken, and soon the topic of why the both of you were on the app came up. You’d confessed how you were in money troubles, and Aegon told you about his desire to treat someone with a kind of kindness that he never really received. He said that he liked to feel like he was wanted, even if it was for money, which is all honestly made you quite sad for him, and when you told him your concerns about that he just brushed it off quickly, as if he was used to it.
Though soon, an agreement was made between the two of you. He’d take you out for all these nice things, get to parade you proudly at family events and in return, he’d pay you for your time generously and get to treat you every so often.
One of the guidelines of the app when you first signed up included answering whether you’d be interested in having sexual relations with your sugar daddy, and you’d ticked yes with the image of this gorgeous older man in mind. You were almost tempted to change it after the feet guy, but you were glad you didn’t. Aegon had made it clear he’d never force you to have sex with him, a fact you were grateful of. Yet even so, there was this sort of line between the both of you that every so often kept getting smudged and blurred.
If you could’ve, you probably would’ve blamed Aegon and his stupidly pretty face. The first time it happened, he’d taken you to some high class bar, and of course as Aegon did he bought some very expensive wine. You were never good handling your drink, and Aegons flirtatious words that you usually would just slyly answer back with a smile, became too much for tipsy you as your face began to go warm and flush a deep red as you began to heavily flirt back with a hand on his arm. Sober you the next morning, while you laid in bed naked under the sheets with your legs numb after cumming around five times, couldn’t help but feel an immense pride as the image of Aegons flustered smiles came to memory.
Though soon that line got crossed over again, then again, then again. Until nearly every time Aegon took you out for a meal with his family or some kind of business type of situation, it ended in him driving you home, then fucking you stupid either in the car or in your or his bed.
It was a similar type of deal today, as tonight was a family dinner that Alicent claimed was arranged months ago. However, unbeknownst to her it was also the year anniversary of when you agreed to be Aegons sugar baby, and if the both of you had been able to have your way then there’s no doubt of mind the evening would’ve been spent by ordering food in and putting on a random movie the two of you could make fun of.
After Alicent had called him to remind him, Aegon had made sure to let you know that he wasn’t forcing you to go to this, and that he could most likely handle the evening by himself. But to his surprise, you’d persisted and actually said it’ll be nice to see his relatives. “I swear I’ll pay you like, five times I usually do darling! Fuck I am so lucky to have you!” He exclaimed pecking at your forehead with small kisses in gratitude. You can’t deny the slight twinge in you guy that you felt at the reminder of him paying you, but it didn’t matter to you at that moment. Only Aegon currently mattered.
The piece currently laying on your bed in front of you was something Aegon had suggested. A little thing he joked would help get the both of you through the no doubt soul sucking dinner with his family. It was a basic piece, just a red lace set of a matching bra and panties. Yet when you showed him what they looked like on you in the store, you could see it in his eyes that he was on the very edge of being brought on his knees from the sight alone.
When you put it on and posed with it in front of the mirror just now, you could’ve help but feel slightly excited for what’ll possibly happen later. You pare the piece with a deep blue dress that Aegon always compliments you in, and when you get the text to let you know that he’s waiting for you downstairs, you can’t help the smile and the slight blush from appearing.
As you step out of your building and look around, it’s not hard to spot the near comical looking gold painted car that Aegon had affectionately nicknamed Sunfyre. It’s a ridiculous looking thing to see you have to admit, but it’s such an Aegon car that you can’t help but secretly adore it.
When you get in, Aegon gives a small teasing whistle while he looks you up and down in appreciation. “Fuck baby… gonna make me wanna stay in and have you for dinner…” he grins. “Did you wear the piece?” You choose to not directly answer, and instead you simply pull the sleeve of your dress down slightly to reveal the contrasting red fabric with a cheeky smile. “Good girl” He smiles before placing a possessive hand on your thigh and starting the car before driving in the direction of the restaurant.
When you get two eventually get there, you’re both greeted with Alicents smiling face. It’s sort of funny that Alicent doesn’t know how you and Aegon really met, or the real contact of the two of yous relationship. If she ever did find out how you met, she’d probably lose her mind.
For the rest of the night, you play the part of the loving and doting girlfriend to perfection. You make sure to talk to Helaena about her current affairs, and when Alicent attempts to inquire more about your and Aegons early relationship before he introduced you to them all, you make these stories sound so real that there’s even an almost wistful tone in your voice. You can even see Aegon looking at you out of the corner of your eyes with an almost saddened look, yet still you choose to ignore it and continue on with the night.
By the end, Alicent makes sure to let you know that she loves you, and talks all about how much she looks forward to making you an official daughter of hers. As much as the idea makes your stomach twist, you have to awkwardly laugh it off and move backwards towards the car while Aegon makes quick work of distracting her while she begs for some more grandchildren. When you get in, you turn the radio on to some random station and wait for Aegon to get in and start the car.
“I’ve transferred you the money, you wanna stay at mine or stay at yours?” He asks as he starts the car and drives off.
“I got an early class tomorrow, so mine please Aeg.” You smile, turning to him to speak before looking back out of the window to the scenery.
The rest of the car ride is filled only with the sound of some cheesy pop song playing on the radio, while you attempt to pass the time by variating between looking out the window and scrolling aimlessly on Instagram. You can still see Aegon peeking over at you every so often, and still you just pretend like you don’t see it.
Though when Aegon places a hand on your upper thigh, you can’t deny the warm feeling you feel in your lower belly, and in turn like a reflex you place your own hand on his, and lazily stroke a finger on the warm skin.
It’s late that night, when you find sleep eluding you can’t help yourself from tossing and turning in your bed. A couple times you even find yourself reaching out for Aegons warmth, and feel even more miserable every time when your hand makes contact with the cool sheets.
It’s around half eleven though when there’s a strange knock on the door, and when you answer it in your silk nightgown, you can’t even hide surprise on your face when your eyes make contact with Aegons.
“What are you doing here?” The breathless tone you speak in surprises even you.
“I couldn’t sleep…” Aegon mutters. He’s dressed in casual clothing, but he obviously didn’t dress himself with style as an intention, cause if you weren’t as tired as you were you’d joke he looked like Valyrian Adam Sandler. His eyes are drawn to the floor, and when you look down too you can’t hide the amusement when you realise he’s actually looking at the skin of your legs. “Needed to see you, as I missed you…” You can’t deny the warm feeling in your chest and the small smile you can’t resist when you hear Aegons confession, cause it’s just what you were feeling half an hour ago yourself.
You can’t deny it for both for him and yourself as you step aside and motion for him to come in. Aegon trails in as you shut the door and lock it behind him, and yet he does’t take much time to drag himself to your bed and strip himself down to his underwear and get under the covers.
When you walk back to your bedroom to join him, it’s almost as if it’s automatic when he opens his arms to welcome you in a cuddle, and when you do give in and let his arms surround you in a hug, you can’t help but smile in the comforts of his chest as his body heat seems to completely surround you, and you just get this feeling of safety rushing over you.
When you signed up to the sugar baby app, you never thought you’d meet a guy like Aegon, and as you feel yourself become sleepy with the mixed sound of his light snores and his heartbeat, you honestly don’t think you’d change or willingly drop this agreement for anyone else.
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alicentdeservesbetter · 6 months
Daily Headcanons
Alicent presenting her babes to court + misc
with ~ @theladyalicent
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She always has one of them on her hip while the others run around. Like Helaena and Aegon fussing when it's time for Aemond to be presented to the court but by that time Viserys does not care.
Aegon is such an attention whore, even as a baby, he is jealous when it comes to Aemond's time to be presented. "Mom. Mom. Mom!" He pouts when she doesn't give in.
She tries to stroke his hair as she speaks with a random lady at court but its not enough. Aegon holding tight to her skirts. It's only when Aemond falls asleep that she is picking him up, even though the maesters said he was too big now.
Helaena is happy to wander around and Criston has to follow her all day.
Also, because criston is a familiar face from the very beginning, aemond always trails after him or hangs around him. He's not exactly shy, but he doesn't always love the attention or to have his cheeks pinched by ladies of the court.
Aegon does not go to criston as often, they don't have the same history, but sometimes he eyes the way aemond and him interact. i think Aegon is still trying somehow trying to get viserys' affection and over the years it happens less and less until not at all when he's 10/11.
And then there's daeron, who doesn't care, who is coddled by everyone except dad but eh doesn't care because everyone else coddles him. Especially since its been a minute since the court had a baby around to coddle.
Alicent keeps him in her arms the longest, well when she can pry him from Aegon and Aemond that is. Helaena plays with his hair in braids and such.
He has really pale purple eyes and the cutest cheeks and they get red when he zooms around the halls because he has so much energy. alicent has to wonder how does THIS baby have the most energy out of all.
They always find him in the kitchens, munching on the lemon cakes but he always makes sure to save some for his family thank you .
Also he sneaks baby tessarion with him everywhere and i just had this image of baby tessarion running after him but still being well, a baby, and tripping on its own feet just to keep up but she doesn't even mind bc she's like one of these baby chicks who imprints on you and wiill go everywhere you go except daeron also imprinted on her so they're TWO baby chicks running after each other
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unohanabbygirl · 2 months
I always picture a scene in FMN where The whole entire family has a movie night, Aemond and Luke are spooning on the couch and Aemond keeps laying kisses on Luke’s head and shoulders and cheeks. Well let’s say they are very touch feels, with Luke holding Aemond’s hand in his and kissing his knuckles, and giggling cause Aemond is cuddling and tickling him at every chance. And the whole family is overtly uncomfortable cause it’s turning into more than pg-13 and those two love birds are oblivious. Daemon and Corlys are at the point of getting up and dragging Aemond away. Rhaenyra wants to burst out crying cause her baby is grown up and yet still her baby. Jace wants to combust. The twins are covering each others eyes. Helena is taking snap shots cause she thinks it’s the cutest thing ever. Alicent is consoling Rhaenyra. All the while Aemond and Luke are clueless like always. Young Aegon later tells them… “I think you guys should stay in your room next time.”
Lmaooo. FMN Lucemond already have such a big problem with limiting PDA at the most inappropriate times that this scenario is basically a canon event just waiting to happen. The best part is that Daemon getting upset only makes him the biggest hypocrite in Westeros considering all the shit he’s done with Rhaenyra and Laena (and Harwin) without a care in the world of who was watching.
Currently imagining these two still fooling around even after the entire family dispersed early cause things were getting a lil too graphic and neither notice until Egg throws a bunch of pillow at them. Now Luke is lowkey embarrassed and Aemond refuses to believe they’re that bad and the fam is just overreacting.
Safe to say movie nights now have assigned seating.
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bucknastysbabe · 1 year
aegon for the edge play kink bingo space? 👀 you write him so well, i love how cute and pathetic he is in ur fics <3
He is the cutest and pathetic-ess, thanks for requesting & compliments
Kink Bingo - Edge Play
Rating: Explicit
A/N: Remember folks, do not press on the windpipe, just the veins and meat around it and watch for signs of asphyxiation:)
Tags: Breathplay, edge play, Frottage, bdsm stuff, Aegon is a baby, lots of man tears, dom!reader, Aegon brings lessons from the whorehouse back to the bedroom of course, aftercare, bit of sub-drop
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Aegon wanted to try something different. Of course he had informed you, his lady wife, that he had the most mind blowing experience in this brothel on the Street of Silk. The idiot was perched on the bed, pantomiming the whole scene with excitement.
You swirled your Arbor Red and stared at him blankly.
Aegon’s wide eyes bore into you as doubt shadowed over his expression. You sighed when his trembling lips whined out, “What? Is it that displeasing to you?” You pursed your lips and mulled over his proposal. It sounded somewhat dangerous but Aegon had explained it well.
You put down your goblet and asked softly, “You want me to constrict your windpipe for sexual gratification?”
He scoffed, “You always make sex sound so boring when you put it like that,” he gestured to his strained cock, “Come on, I don’t want to wilt! You’re being a prude.”
Insolent brat. You were simply asking a question.
You stood up and glared at your pretty fucktoy, albeit a wild one. Extending an accusatory finger you demanded, “Fine then. On your back, take the underclothes off.” He made a yippy elated noise, yanking down his small clothes and prostrating himself with legs wide open. His pink cock was stiff against his flat white belly.
You were already in a state on undress, untying your stays, shimmying off your chemise. Aegon made a low groan at the sight of your tits, they hadn’t returned to a normal size since you popped out Jaeron a year ago. You padded to his side of the bed, hiking a leg over slim hips and seating yourself into his lap.
Aegon breathlessly mewled, “Do it, gods, sweetness, please!”
You wrapped a slim hand around his neck, not digging in yet. Aegon’s pretty eyes rolled around and he bucked underneath your frame. You leaned over him to press the weight of your breasts onto him. In a biting tone you said, “Calling me a prude doesn’t get you my cunt. I’ll play your little game and expect you to cum,” you dug your fingers and thumbs against his pulse, “And you’ll lap my wet cunt up like a thirsty kennel hound. Got it?”
A broken keen was your answer.
“Good boy,” you purred.
Leaning back up you reasserted your grip and position. Fingers on his pulse points, pussy snug atop his meager cock. Aegon drooled as you rolled your hips and denied him a full breath. The blonde squirmed and rutted in time with your hips, garbled cries exiting his pretty lips. You let go and captured Aegon’s mouth while he sucked in wet gasps, crying into your tongue.
Back again you went to squeezing his perfect throat, your other hand sliding around Aegon’s sensitive chest. His face was reddened and blotchy, lips bloated and red. Tears streaked those scarlet cheeks. You rutted harder, vastly turned on by all of this. Easing up a little, just to keep the blood flowing you hissed, “This what you like? Getting choked like a two-stag whore?”
He wailed, “Yes! Yes fucking seven hells yes!”
Poor thing coughed from the strain, so you just rested your hand on his mottling column. The slick noises of your pussy filled the air, intertwining with Aegon’s feminine blubbering. He cried, “Thank you, thank you!” His cock was leaking copiously, gliding in with your own slick.
You teased, “Glad your perverted desires get me off, not like that cock of yours does a damn thing.” Before Aegon could rebuttal you tightened your hold back, effectively shutting him up. Verbally at the least. You rasped, “That’s right, precious prince is a deviant with a cocklet,” you smooched his cheeks, “Gods I love you.”
Aegon was frantic now, squirming and spluttering. His prick twitched and stiffened. You ordered, “When I let go, you better cum all over my pussy.” He nodded minutely, heaving and struggling, violet eyes bobbing. You counted down, 3-2-1, and let go. Aegon wailed loud enough the whole castle could hear, sobbing and crying and shaking. His spend spread between your thighs, you rubbing his chest to calm the Prince down.
You plastered yourself to his shaking frame, cooing, “Was that good? Pretty as a painting you are. Oh Aegon, my love, just splendid.” He curled into you, still sobbing from the intense release. You comforted the blonde until he stammered, “M-May I clean your cunt now.” You couldn’t say no to that precious face.
“Go ahead sweetling.”
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year
Three headed dragon
Aellora with kisses little Aegon and Viserys on cheek every time multiple times. Like a kiss attack thing. She holds them like they’re her own and always insists on holding them
Bless! Love that!
Shes just so cosy and sweet to people she adores and those babies are the cutest
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sweetestpopcorn · 11 months
Ser Otto must hate the fact that Daemon’s sons are so much better than his mediocre grandchildren. He did not realize that trash makes trash.
Theory time: When they asked to have Aegon III and Viserys II as hostages this was actually a ploy by Otto to eventually replace Aegon II and Aemond with them 😂
Otto *being led away*: I only ever wanted what was best for Westeros!
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sweetestpopcorn · 1 year
aegon 3 gives me so much Rhaegar vibes. Both are sad, handsome, targaryen princes with their own childhood trauma - summerhall of RHaegar and dragonstone of Aegon. Also both have a heart of gold for smallfolk
Hi there Anon, and happy new year 🤗
Totally agree. Also both have dark eyes and were skilled with a sword though they did not like it. We we could even make a note of how much Jon admired Daeron, Aegon's son 😬
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sweetestpopcorn · 1 year
Now you mention that Rhaenyra's favorite child probablly Jace or Aegon, did no one notice Rhaenyra and Aegon in the Dance (at the redkeep) reminds me of Viserys with young Rhaenyra? (Rhaenyra was described seldom seen without Viserys, she always by his side, he name her as his cupbearer, and Rhaenyra name Aegon as her cupbearer so he would always be close to her 🥺), "Viserys little girl" and "her small pale shadow"?? 🥺 George really did good job at this, she loved all her kids but i believe Aegon is her favorite, i dont blame her Aegon is an angel.
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Rhaenyra and Aegon are the best mother-son duo of Fire and Blood and their relationship is obscenely overlooked by this fandom. But people aren't ready for that convo since we are still having dumb debates like: did Rhaenyra and Daemon married for love?
They are also not ready to have the convo of: he was the son Daemon wanted for so long.
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
I love Baby Aegon and Daenaera in the Blacks & the Greens. They are so cute and act like the future king and queen.
Everyone else is cancelled!
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sweetestpopcorn · 1 year
Do you have fancast for baby Aegon? How about Bjorn Andersen?
Hi there! 🤗
*Googling who TF this is (again)*
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I have no idea how he turned up when he grew up but as a young baby Aegon I can DEFINITELY see it! A somewhat androgynous look, definitely a boy I would call beautiful and total #sadboy vibes. We approve!
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sweetestpopcorn · 1 year
Okay but how much do we think rhaenyra melted at the sight of daemon holding aegon iii -the son >>she<< gave him- for the first time?
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I can't deal with this beautiful image! I am not strong enough! *ugly crying*
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sweetestpopcorn · 1 year
No because honestly, what the hell was in George's mind when he wrote the year 120? 😭 As much as I adore Daemyra, if you read that objectively it's just... a mess? Like George really killed 3 people in a timeline of 2 months, then had those two have a baby and all because he wanted all that done with. He was so lazy it's actually funny 😭
Dear Anon,
No. Just no.
The year of our Lord Baby Cheeks Aegon the Cutest was the best thing George wrote in Fire and Blood. We do not accept any criticism and all I have to say to Laenor, Laena, and Harwin is RIP, Y'all are dead, Daemyra are married and having their first baby. The universe's order has been restored and all in less than three months 🤗 I call that efficiency on George's part.
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You had to die so that our sweet baby angel Aegon could live and that is a sacrifice we would all make again 😊 bye! See you three never!
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sweetestpopcorn · 1 year
I’m an avid daemyra fanfic reader and the author of one of the fanfic i’ve read kept saying that Daemon and Laena had a loving marriage. I think they got along but to call their marriage loving seems abit far fetched to me. What are yout thoughts on this?
Hi there!
Before I begin I just want to make it clear that everything I am about to say is regarding the asoiaf canon, not the show canon.
My thoughts are that there are so little details of what Daemon and Laena's marriage looked like that there is a lot of room for people to imagine/make of it what they want.
Suggesting that it was ab___se or that they hated each other, or couldn't stand each other has no ground to stand on, and indeed it does not seem to be the case at all. In fact, I would argue that it goes against the facts we are told in Fire and Blood.
The two of them married, travelled together for months, became parents fairly quickly, and would have become parents again 3 years after the twins were born. Laena was said to have an adventurous spirit, and indeed Daemon seemed adventurous himself, so they did share some commonalities. Furthermore, Laena was beautiful, had typical Valyrian traits just as other women Daemon had affairs with, namely Mysaria of Lys and Rhaenyra (the latter he also married), and was a dragonrider like him. What was more, she rode his father's dragon, Vhagar, which I am sure would have impressed Daemon a lot, and she did since she was quite young, around 11 I believe. Plus, she was the woman who made him a father.
Like I have said before, and my thoughts haven't changed since, I do believe Daemon's opinion/affection of women came in a sort of "brownie-point system" -> You're beautiful, you get a point; you gave me children another point; child was a boy, extra points... You get where this is going. And on this regard I think Laena would have a lot of points.
I see the whole carrying her back to bed as less of a proof of a great love because honestly, I would do that for a stranger if I had to, so I don't see it as a big proof of love. However, we could say that for someone like Daemon - who is not a romantic hero of any kind - that this is a big gesture. That for him this is major, and since George did made a point to add this in, I see some merit in the argument.
Of course that then we have other things to consider when it comes to Laena and Daemon.
For once, his feelings about her that are a deep infatuation/love according to the singers - who Tyrion says should not be trusted and I agree - or a desire to check his own descent and achieve power, are stated, hers for him are not. In fact, the relationship we do hear more about is the friendship between Laena and Rhaenyra, and adding to this, I find it quite strange how willing Laena was to become bff's with her husband's former lover and woman he wanted to marry and openly courted... that is if she loved him all that much. Of course that if it was truly over between Rhaenyra and Daemon one could argue that they were all adults so it wouldn't matter... however the year of our Lord Baby Cheeks Aegon the Cutest of 120 AC tells us it was not that over 😐 and that the minute Laena dropped dead other things started dropping as well (clothes). So, clearly... it was not truly over. Adding to this, we have this said about Laena:
""Her ladyship shows far more interest in flying than in boys," the master at High Tide wrote to the Citadel." (Fire and Blood, pg. 361)
Do we remember the last woman in Fire and Blood who wasn't very interested in boys and preferred her dragon?
Furthermore, on her deathbed, the one Laena sought after was not Daemon. It was Vhagar. This again speaks volumes to me about her feelings towards him.
Am I saying they hated each other or disliked each other? No, of course I am not. I think they were fond of each other, liked some of the same things, shared children together. Do I think they were each other's great love? That they had a passionate marriage? No, I don't. Their closeness with Rhaenyra, plus everything mentioned before, plus what Daemon did the second Laena dropped dead would directly contradict that notion.
HOWEVER, do I think other people can have a different view? I do, and that's fine.
Under the bounds of logic and facts, I think Fire and Blood is written in a such a way that people can have very different views and they are all valid -> not you redacted. If that writer sees their marriage as loving it's her prerogative and it's absolutely fine. I also don't see that notion has directly going against the facts or being so insulting to them it must be a lie.
We have different views and interpret things differently. And I am the first to admit my biases and say I do not think Laena Velaryon is an interesting character. I don't think she adds much, and I don't think she has anything that Rhaenyra doesn't, which is why I think Mysaria is a much more interesting partner to Daemon. Because she is different, she adds something, and has her own personality. And yes, I am a crazy Daemyra shipper who has written more about them than... anyone I think since at least until recently I had the fourth longest asoiaf fic (word count wise) 🤷🏽‍♀️, and I do ship Daemon with Mysaria. I love their dynamic and their story even the toxic aspects of it.
I think the most interesting thing about Laena is actually her friendship with Rhaenyra, and I am much more curious about this than her marriage to Daemon, which I am not interested in and I don't find compelling. Maybe if Rhaenyra didn't exist there could be something because Laena would be a more unique character, but with Rhaenyra there she very much just seems like 2nd option to me 🤷🏽‍♀️ I mean no hate, this is my opinion and I absolutely get that people might think differently. Nonetheless, in my space, answering my asks, I am going to say what I think.
So this is it from me, Anon. Not sure how much I have added to the conversation. Bottom line, lets respect other people's views. They have theirs, we have their own. Maybe we can judge their merit by how many facts and opinions they inject, and how willing they are to admit their biases, but regardless, they are free to think as they like. Lets focus on what we like, and lets ship and let ship 😊
All the best to you!
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
not a question but "the blacks & the greens" made me forget that the strong boys canonically exist and that rhaenyra and laenor marries along with daemon and laena
Hi there! 🤗
Are you also rogesdelight on ao3? 😊
Haha XD I get that sometimes! Not my fault I changed the AU for the better by just saving everyone some time and energy by getting the OTP together (again) sooner 😌 and by making out one true saviour Baby Cheeks Aegon the Cutest the heir from the get go.
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