buffpidgey · 3 years
d'you think you'll ever continue AYSTIAGI? i was wondering why it was on hiatus
Mostly there's just been A Lot Of Shit Happening that's made it very hard for me to write. Between literally everything that happened in 2020, job hunting, and my own personal curse of Not Being Able To Live In One Place For More Than 11 Months, it's just been A Lot.
I still have my notes and outlines but as of right now I am, once again, in the middle of moving so all my shit is in boxes. Maybe when shit is No Longer In Boxes we might be getting somewhere.
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ms-aryastark-blog · 11 years
Are you sure this is a good Idea? || Liam and Arya
Arya hummed to herself as she brushed her hair into a high ponytail and wrapped a sweater around herself. She smiled and shook her head, still thinking of why she had agreed to go watch a scary movie with Liam. But she was sure of not going to regret it, it would be funny actually, watch him freak out. She shut the door of her room as she stepped into the still unfamiliar hotel hallway and made her way towards a door that was a only a couple of other doors away. She paused in front of it before her knuckles reached the wood frame and knocked twice, "Liam, it's me, Arya."
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buffpidgey · 4 years
We begin the end folks
here’s a proper link to chapter 20
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buffpidgey · 4 years
If it's not spoilers, which scene in aystiyafhkhfsgi is The One that made you say "okay, gotta write this immediately?"
Hmmm not so much a specific scene as the realization that if Ed HATED how the mining town was being treated, he’d be similarly unhappy with what umbridge was doing to Hogwarts.
Then realizing that there’s been a lot of crossovers where a protag will come in like a wrecking ball and leave rubble, but there aren’t as many that set up sabotage that builds until things explode from the inside made me want to see if I could pull it off
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buffpidgey · 4 years
hey past me why did u leave all those comment replies? we have to do ALL OF THEM now????
anyway chapter 20 of AYSTIAGI up NOW
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buffpidgey · 4 years
It’s my birthday week so in very hobbitish fashion, have a chapter!
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buffpidgey · 4 years
tonight’s writing AYSTIAGI writing mood: Srs Talks with Friendship Antics(tm) sprinkled on top
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buffpidgey · 4 years
-claws my way out of the dusty library-
holy fuck AYSTIAGI was started July 1 three years ago
fuck me i’m gonna finish it before it turns 3
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buffpidgey · 5 years
some people might be wondering where the next chapter of AYSTIAGI is
the fact of the matter is that fe3h has eaten my Entire Soul and I haven’t written a damn thing for weeks because i’ve been stealing my roommate’s switch in order to blast through as much of the game as possible before she takes it back when the new pokemon hits
good news to anyone here who likes fe3h though, there’s so much Good Shit in that vidja gam that there are dang high odds i WILL write something for it
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buffpidgey · 5 years
Chapter Seventeen AO3
Chapter Seventeen FF.net
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buffpidgey · 5 years
Some notes on AYSTIAGI
snape: why are u here, elric. u think i'm gonna hurt potter? ed: idk, if you're not, why r u being so pissy about it? snape: ... i finally hate someone more than the 15 year old boy who is the son of my rival
snape, sensing hes got another child to verbally jab at only this one is even MORE likely to punch right tf back: Oh Worm?
ed: -puts boots up on a bench- snape: i will kill u in real life
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buffpidgey · 5 years
Are You Sure This Is A Good Idea Chapter 16:
Here on AO3 come and get it!
Here on ff.net come and get it!
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buffpidgey · 5 years
⭐star⭐ (for the fanfic meme)
Director’s cut, from chapter 6 when they’re getting ready to leave on the train, and everyone is saying goodbye:
Mustang dragged him off to the side for last second orders.
"Make sure you send in a report at least once a week," he said, in Amestrian.
"Yeah, I know the deal. I report on time, and you make sure my letters get to Al."
Mustang continued as if Ed hadn't said anything. "It's unlikely that you'll face any actual physical danger in the school, aside from what's already there, but the political situation will be uncertain. Don't alienate anyone you don't have to. Political allies are going to be important to you for the duration. While you're doing your research, make sure that you don't forget to attend meals and class-"
"And blend in and play nice with all the other kids, and make sure Harry doesn't get any scrapes, I get it," Ed said, throwing a hand up in impatience.
Mustang shook himself, obviously ruffled at being interrupted. "And, of course, make sure Potter is safe." He shoved his hands into the pockets of his coat.
"I get it, bastard Colonel. I'll be a good little d- soldier. I'll do my reports. You'd better make sure my letters get to Al."
"I'll hold up my end of the deal," Mustang said. "Make sure you hold up yours. And make sure they are actual reports, Fullmetal, like I know you can write." With his hands shoved deep in the pockets of his coat, he looked hunched over, as if a cold wind was blowing through the station, instead of the few muffled gusts that had managed to wend their way through the crowds.
Ed flapped a dismissive hand. "Yeah, yeah. I know what to do."
In this scene the unreliable narrator REALLY comes into play. Here, Ed sees Mustang just listing off orders, and getting annoyed at being interrupted and maybe cold or something. But... sure Mustang has a job to do, but he certainly has some reservations about Ed’s status in the military (see: his convo with Armstrong about how Ed’s getting closer to the age where he can be on the battlefield) and now he’s sending Ed thousands of miles away with no ready backup...
I think the big clue is how in Mustang’s final recitation of “orders” he only says stuff that pertains to Ed’s safety. It’s only after Ed reminds him ‘yeah yeah I’m on the job” that Mustang realizes how much he’s slipping, how much he’s fussing. That and the “obviously ruffled at being interrupted” is... no, Ed, he’s trying to recover from that slipup of showing that he cares.
Ed can’t see it because he’s so deep in his view of Mustang’s cultivated image that it’s almost physically impossible for him to imagine Mustang as actually giving a shit. Also, Ed has several other things on his mind and is is, y’know, like 15. He’s smart, but a theme of this fic is that he is SO BAD at emotions and interpersonal relationships.
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buffpidgey · 5 years
It’s interesting how so often people on ff.net get big mad about how the HP characters get
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buffpidgey · 5 years
i know ginny's just very brash and forward but man i didnt feel too great about her grabbing her friends to look at ed's missing limbs LIKE i know, it's fine but just my brain is like wanting to put my hands on everyones shoulders and be like KIDS PLEASE disabled people dont owe you their story. but geez im glad its finally all out in the open. youre great at really consistent character writing!!
Hm yeah. That entire scene I was trying to channel Ginny from later on in the scene which might have been... not the best tone
(I.e. Ginny freaked out when she’s confronted with yet another posessed object after what happened to her when she was 11)
There is also the fact that Ed is still supposed to be Harry’s bodyguard, PLuS he’s been keeping tons of freaking secrets from the wizarding set.
This chapter was supposed to be a way of balancing the scales in that sense. Cuz true not every person owes everybody their backstories, but also Ed had literal files on everyone in that house prepared.
These kids got jack shit on him, and then boom: missing arm and weird muggle tech plus also armor brother? ???
Part of what I’ve been playing with, or trying to, is a sense of interpersonal dynamics that aren’t going smoothly, especially since Ed, as I’m writing him, is really bad at relationships with people his age. Then throw in culture clash. Then throw in a language barrier. Then throw in Ed being without Al.
Then he’s thrown into this tightly knit group and forced into a position of importance if not authority, when suddenly something happens and these kids are getting a lot of information about him all at once.
I guess... like. There’s context behind this... maybe what those writers call “symbolism” in that Ed is having his secrets literally bared to the world blah blah blah i’m not an english major.
Anyway. Thank you! It fills me with glee every time someone says that. Especially /consistant/ characterization. Damn. That’s the goal right there.
Freakin sweet.
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buffpidgey · 5 years
Do you have any theories on why it is that people on ffn tend to get salty about these things more often than the ao3 crowd? (Also, I think it would be very funny if Winry and Moody ended up in a room together, I feel like his wooden prosthetic would offend her professional automail mechanic self.)
I think there are a few factors, the largest is probably that the ff.net crowd, i would guess, skews younger.
Younger people haven’t learned the “etiquette” of ‘don’t like don’t say anything’ (which, in itself is a very interesting conversation that I’m not going to have with myself at almost 1am) so they’re more likely to tell me they don’t like something or don’t understand something.
Honestly, I’m old enough and seasoned enough and comfortable enough that these people who accuse me of something that may or may not be “Ed bashing” are more of a curiosity than anything. So people who may be like, 14 telling me they don’t like Ed giving up any ground doesn’t phase me.
Since working with middle schoolers this year, I’ve remembered how blunt being young is. No filter for ANYTHING. (Which is a blessing and a curse. Imagine feeling Sheer Joy- but also taking things so so personally. My perspective and poise has a price...)
My pet theory is twofold:
1: In the mumbleteen years since Harry Potter fandom has Happened In A Big Way, the characterization has... warped. There’s a post floating around this site about “this is a very well-written OC, with depth and a compelling arc. Pity he’s not Harry Potter” and really, just. THAT, but with every damn character.
Hell, I still see fics under a year old tagged with ‘[character] bashing’. A certain level of... abstraction and aggression seems inherent in HP fandom
2: In ff.net fandom there’s a very real trend in crossovers where one side of the crossover is The Most Right or The Most Powerful and that side holds all the cards. Normally in a HP crossover this side is NOT the HP side (see point 1). So... I don’t want to bad talk fic, but, I think there’s something... novel about the idea where a crossover has parity between the fandoms.
Ed, this macho dude* being wrong? Acting to rectify his mistakes? Giving Ground?!?!???!?!?? Completely unheard of! I must hate Ed to want to make him give up things to the wizards!
(Never mind that Ed’s entire world philosophy at this point in the canon is ‘equal exchange’ so...)
So this results in an audience primed to see every confrontation as one where the HP side is usually on the wrong. When this doesn’t happen it’s... confusing. It’s like biting into a red candy expecting strawberry and getting cherry. Or, getting a blue candy and having it taste of strawberry. It’s so unexpected it Feels Wrong.
*on the very very top surface. The thin bubble-skin top surface layer
Like I said, pet theories at almost 1am. I’d have to go back and do some textual analysis on my comments to double check if that’s what I think is going on. I’d probably have to read some of the commenters’ fave stories as well as other current HP/FMA fic to get a full context.
... grad school has ruined me for now all I want to do is Proper Research on fan stuff.
And yeaaaahh. I bet Mad-Eye’s leg isn’t even very well made. He visibly limps, a lot!
We’ve seen in canon Winry working with prosthetics that aren’t automail, so just that, the fact that she can see Mad-Eye’s entire gait being thrown off, probably offends her as someone who tries to make good medical equipment.
These darn over dramatic men. This dude is just ruining his spine (probably) for the #aesthetic!!!!
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